
=== smorar is now known as smorar_
Kilosmorning superfly nuvolari and all of ya03:34
superflyhi Kilos04:27
SymmetriaETR on SEACOM is 2 hours 07:02
nuvolarimornings oom Kilos07:52
superflyafternoon nuvolari07:59
Kiloslo nuvolari 07:59
nuvolariafternoon superfly :P07:59
drubinhey guys08:01
Kiloshi drubin 08:01
superflyit feels like it should already be afternoon :-/08:01
Kiloseish superfly you didnt sleep well?08:01
superflyKilos: I slept OK, just feels like it's been a LONG day already08:02
* drubin has been up and about since 5:4508:06
cocooncrashW: Failed to fetch http://debian.mirror.ac.za/debian-security/dists/lenny/updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch08:10
cocooncrashOh, Symmetria isn't here08:10
Owkkuricocooncrash: isn't seacom down? 08:15
cocooncrashOwkkuri: Possibly, but why should that break mirror.ac.za from .za?08:16
OwkkuriI think they wouldn't be able to sync from europe or where ever they sync from.08:16
cocooncrashSo the mirror might be out of date, but it shouldn't be inconsistent.08:19
Owkkuripartial sync maybe?08:20
cocooncrashIt still shouldn't be inconsistent :P08:27
OwkkuriI suppose using another repo should suffice for now or maybe just wait till it's fixed.08:32
DiabolikHey can someone here please help me with a networking issue , I'm trying to setup a file server using samba , but before that I can't connect to the server with the hostname , only the IP12:08
DiabolikI've tried changing the nsswitch.conf12:09
Diabolikand installing winbind12:09
Diabolikno success12:09
superflyyou'll need to provide more details of how your network is set up before anyone can help you12:11
Diabolikok well , multiple computers using dynamic IP's must connect to the server using the hostname12:20
Diabolikjust trying to get mine to connect properly 1st12:20
Tonberrya proper dns name?12:20
Tonberryor a wins name?12:21
pascal`Tonberry, I believe what he's looking for is a way to enable lookup by hostname on a LAN12:21
pascal`Tonberry, so, it's an Ubuntu server on a mixed OS lan, and the other machines need to resolve the IP address by hostname12:22
Kilosme needs some help from an audacity user pleas. i ticked view and toolbars i think now have two alsa default bars at the top and no where to close or reset16:37
Kilosdoes anyone know some command or something to reset it please16:38
Kilosrebooting doesnt help16:38
superflyKilos: rebooting is a Windows mindset17:03
Tonberrythats what they all say 17:04
Tonberryuntil xorg memory leaks17:04
superflyKilos: what you can always do is delete Audacity's config directory17:04
Kilossorry superfly but i tried everything i could but cant close it anymore17:04
superflywhich I presume is .audacity17:04
Tonberryor your network card driver crashes the kernel17:04
Kilosi try see if i member how to get there17:05
Tonberryor the bluetooth system causes uninteruptable programs that hog whatever device they should be using17:05
Kiloslooks like it17:05
Kilosthe fly knows how17:06
Kilosi go see17:06
Kiloswith ls -la i see .audacity-data17:08
Kilossuperfly, i think i gotta get into the directory but cd to where i dunno17:20
Kilosits not a device17:20
Kilosand cant cd /audacity17:20
Kilosnor cd .audacity17:21
Kilosi in .audacity-data17:22
Kilosme looks further17:22
Kilosbash: cd: .audacity.cfg: No such file or directory17:25
Kilosrem .audacity.cfg17:27
KilosThe program 'rem' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:17:27
Kilossudo apt-get install remind17:27
Kiloslol . i be stuck17:27
Tonberrywhat should rem do?17:28
Kilosi thought it would remove it17:28
Kilosmaybe i need remove17:28
Kilosoh ty17:28
Kilosrm .audacity.cfg17:29
Kilosrm: cannot remove `.audacity.cfg': No such file or directory17:29
Kilosmaybe i gotta sudo it17:29
Tonberrynot if its in your home dir17:29
Tonberrytry tab completing the filename17:30
Kilosbloep bloep bloep17:31
Kilosi gotta go eat17:31
Tonberryare you sure the file actually exists?17:31
Kilostwo thing in -data17:47
Kilosaudacity.cfg  AutoSave  presets17:47
maiatodayhey drubin, should we do an ubuntu hour this saturday? There is no-one around? maybe just coffee at the market?17:48
Kiloshiya maiatoday 17:49
maiatodayhi Kilos 17:50
Kilosaudacity.cfg  AutoSave  presets17:52
Kilosthat surely means that the .cfg file is there17:52
Kilosbut cant rm or cd to it17:53
maiatodayok for anybody who is interested, unanimous decision by me and drubin, no ubuntu hour in stellenbosch on saturday18:07
maiatodaywe will resume again soon18:07
superflyKilos: I just looked around my computer, and I'm afraid I can't find where audacity saves its settings19:00
Kilosty superfly 19:06
Kilosi tried a complete removal and installed again but its same19:06
Kilosno serious though19:07
superflyKilos: sudo aptitude purge19:07
Kilosi did that19:07
Kiloswhen i install again its same19:07
nlsthznhi all19:08
superflyhi nlsthzn19:08
Kiloshi nlsthzn 19:08
Kiloswe not all. others are hiding from you19:08
nlsthznsuperfly, Kilos hi, np... I also lurk alot19:10
Kilosso hows the ubuntu arab doing19:11
Kilosflu gone now19:11
nlsthznKilos: Well... currently I am fully openSUSE and the meds keep the flu symptoms down... going to watch the world superboat champs live in Abu tomorrow (should be sweet)19:12
Kiloseish not ubuntu19:12
Kilosyou just came down some steps19:13
Kilosthose boats fly hey19:13
Kilosvery fast things19:13
nlsthznKilos: Don't know... will be keeping up with Ubuntu somehow... and can't wait to see and hear the boats... today was national day in UAE... cars still honking and going nuts, will upload photos and videos :)19:14
Kilosi have watched them on the idiot box19:15
Kilosthey move19:15
nlsthznWill watch 'em and takes some vids :)19:15
Kilosi just asked for help on #audacity19:23
Kiloshopefully they have seen it before19:24
Kiloslol i know wedwo did the same thing19:24
Kilosand im sure he hasnt founf the solution yet19:25
nlsthznWell, thats my sleepy time now... night all :)19:35
Kilosnight nlsthzn 19:36
Kilossleep tight19:36
Kilos#audacity only has 18 lurkers19:43
Kilosone guy helping20:14
Kilosi hope20:15
nuvolaribleh :/ bedtime20:23
nuvolaricheerz everyone20:23
nuvolarilekker slaap oom Kilos20:23
Kilosnag nuvolari lekker slaap seun20:24
Kilosgot help from olinuxx a frenchman on #audacity20:25
Kilossuperfly, in audacity you just drag that new bar by grabbing it in the top left corner and down to the main window20:40
Kilosin case someone else asks you20:40
Kilosnight all sleep tight20:41
Kilossee ya all morrow20:41
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=== smorar is now known as smorar_

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