
=== Cibort is now known as Crashrayitaabajo
=== Crashrayitaabajo is now known as Cibort
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duanedesignmorning all09:58
ryeduanedesign, morning10:01
duanedesignrye: hello!11:37
duanedesignrye: did it snow in Kiev?11:38
ryeduanedesign, well, yes, it is cold (-10 C), it snows and overall it looks like winter12:42
duanedesignrye: brrr, we are just at -2 C here in Tulsa.12:59
duanedesignrye: i had a user issue I wanted to ask you about when/if you get a minute12:59
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duanedesignhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1634788 <--post 4 is the syncdaemon log. I seem to remember a user coming in the other day with a similar error.13:04
ryeduanedesign, i would try u1sdtool --refresh-volumes13:17
ryeif that command existed in 10.0413:17
ryelet me test that13:17
ryenote to self - next time i use insulating foam I need to wear the protective gloves.13:18
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duanedesignrye: aha, yes now i remember the conversation on that issue13:50
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ryeduanedesign, heh, refresh volumes is available in dbus but does not have any u1sdtool presence in 10.04, crafting dbus-send thing13:55
karniduanedesign: currently -6C here. was -11C in the morning brrr13:55
ryedbus-send --session --dest=com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon --print-reply /folders com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Folders.refresh_volumes13:59
ryei love dbus13:59
nessitaalecu, CardinalFang, dobey, vds, Chipaca, mandel_: whoever is available, stand up?14:00
nessitaok, let's go14:01
nessitaDONE: bug #683760 (still ongoing). Updated bug list attached to blueprint https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-ubuntuone-n-shares-status-udfs14:02
nessitaLight bug triage/review as usual.14:02
nessitaTODO: land fix for the aforementioned bug. Test it. Weekly call. Chase bosses (cparrino, Chipaca) to get some feedback on the control panel spec.14:02
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes, but contorl panel will soon be a blocker if no news on that front14:02
nessitaNEXT: alecu14:02
ubot4`Launchpad bug 683760 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Handle SD timeouts (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68376014:02
alecu\DONE: working on adding file events  (bug #674252). zac gave us a tour on bindwood. fixes for the basic-zg branch, pending re-review and another review: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/add-simple-zeitgeist/+merge/4166714:02
alecuTODO: try to merge SD after foundation+ changes land.14:02
alecuBLOCKED: no14:02
ubot4`Launchpad bug 674252 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to store events into zeitgeist (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67425214:02
CardinalFangsure, me.14:02
alecumandel_, your turn now.14:02
nessitathisfred: sorry! you were going first14:02
mandel_DONE: Stated that COM+ sucks ass and PuseEvent cannot be used in a multy threaded env to boradcast events. Will use Twisted to fix that.14:02
mandel_TODO: Integrate file system watcher with SD14:02
mandel_BLOCKED: no no no14:02
thisfredDONE: desktopcouch bug triage, turned into couchdb natty brokenness findings Bug #682866 TODO: help Chris Coulson find and fix the problem BLOCKED: not really any idea what the problem is exactly14:02
* nessita is ashamed14:02
ubot4`Launchpad bug 682866 in couchdb (Ubuntu Natty) (and 1 other project) "CouchDatabase() call hangs (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68286614:02
* mandel_ loosk at thisfred 14:02
thisfrednessita: np, was not done typing anyway ;)14:02
Chipacathisfred: "make start" fails in natty because of couch, btw14:03
nessitathisfred: I knew it! (not really... :-))14:03
mandel_uh, is thisfred or CardinalFang ?14:03
nessitamandel_: CardinalFang14:03
thisfredChipaca: yeah I imagine it would. So do most of the desktopcouch tests14:03
mandel_ok, CardinalFang your turn, sorry ;)14:03
Chipacathisfred: yipee yay, etc14:03
thisfredChipaca: couchdb in natty is completely broken. Which points to the fact that we need better testing of new builds, which our team committed to helping with at some point and then never did14:04
Chipacathisfred: good thing alpha 1 is still waaay in the future14:04
Chipacathisfred: ... oh wait14:04
thisfredChipaca: 11.11 ftw14:04
mandel_joshuahoover, ping14:04
CardinalFangDONE: merged 1.9 of subsonic SVN to andorid u1-music branch.  Filed bugs to to-do.14:04
CardinalFangTODO: test 1.9 merge.  work on no-metadata playback bug.14:04
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None14:04
joshuahoovermandel_: pong14:04
Chipacathisfred: we're still rooting for Ñoño Ñú14:04
thisfredChipaca: to be fair, it is an alpha14:05
nessitaeom everyone?14:05
Chipacathisfred: I'm not sweating it :)14:05
mandel_joshuahoover, I was wondering if you have ahd any problems with windows people14:05
nessitaChipaca: are you me'ing?14:05
aleculet's remember we have the roadmap review in 55 minutes, right?14:05
thisfredChipaca: hehe, wasn't it already picked? Obstreperous Oryx or sommat?14:05
nessitaalecu: yes14:05
mandel_joshuahoover, also, we could tak about what to ask for wth the CPU issues14:05
CardinalFangObsequious Ocelot?14:05
mandel_joshuahoover, although, as soon SD is down, and u1sync removed, we will not have them14:05
joshuahoovermandel_: just a few and that was mainly .net and wininstaller versions...the cpu issue is the one i still need help with...just need to know how to better gather logs/info14:06
nessitadue to lack of responses, eom then!14:06
nessitathanks everyone14:06
thisfredObese Otter14:06
Chipacanessita: no, not me'ing. Nothing to report wrt desktop+, sorry14:06
nessitaalecu: I think I forgot your review, sorry. Onto that now14:07
nessitaChipaca: any news on the control panel spec?14:07
nessitais not blocking me but it will sonnish14:07
Chipacanessita: other than that I didn't get to it yesterday, no :-/14:07
alecunessita, thanks.14:07
nessitaChipaca: can I help you somehow to get to it?14:07
mandel_CardinalFang, I prefer 'offensive ornitorrinco'14:07
nessitañoño ñandú!14:08
Chipacanessita: you don't want to do what I had to do yesterday instead 8-|14:08
nessitaChipaca: I will not ask. But I meant something like, for exmaple, going thru the spec over mumble14:08
Chipacanessita: ñoño ñú has 2x points for being politically incorrect the free software world for classical values of ñoño14:08
Chipacanessita: also because it makes the spaker feel like a putz :)14:09
nessitaChipaca: I never emailed sabdfl about this14:10
nessitaalecu: changes look great, I'm running tests now14:11
Chipacanessita: clearly you must14:11
Chipacanessita: copy warthogs for extra fun14:11
nessitaChipaca: I might :-)14:12
nessitaalecu: tests won't run14:12
nessita    37:  local variable 'e' is assigned to but never used14:12
alecunessita, how are you running tests? why do you always get different errors than I do?14:13
alecunessita, make test?14:13
nessitaalecu: yes, ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr; make test14:13
nessitaChipaca: I will not convince sabdfl with this def http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%C3%B1o%C3%B1o14:14
Chipacanessita: http://buscon.rae.es/draeI/SrvltGUIBusUsual?LEMA=%C3%B1o%C3%B1o&TIPO_BUS=3 isn't much better tbh14:15
alecuñato ñandú?14:16
Chipacanessita: the advantage of wiktionary is that you can fix it :)14:17
mandel_joshuahoover, take a look at process explorer, that is what you have to tell people to use14:17
mandel_joshuahoover, let me get you a pointer to the bug that gives the info14:18
joshuahoovermandel_: ok...and are there any log files for those who might have problems with syncing?14:18
mandel_joshuahoover, bug -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-windows-installer/+bug/68207314:19
ubot4`Launchpad bug 682073 in ubuntuone-windows-installer (and 1 other project) "Ubuntu One windows client high CPU load (affects: 8) (heat: 36)" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:19
joshuahoovermandel_: thanks14:19
mandel_joshuahoover, the logs are in the app data, you have client.log and u1sync.log, the client is for the ui and u1sync.log is for the syncing :)14:20
alecunessita, I'm fixing the error you've just seen, but now it seems that dbus stuff on trunk has diverged with the foundations+ changes.14:20
joshuahoovermandel_: "in the app data"?14:20
nessitaalecu: oh14:20
alecuI'm getting "from contrib.testing.testcase import DBusTwistedTestCase14:21
alecuImportError: cannot import name DBusTwistedTestCase"14:21
nessitaalecu: I think that has to be taken from ubuntuone.devtools?14:22
nessitadobey: would you know? ^14:22
nessitadobey: also, would you please share your stand up with us?14:22
duanedesignthanks rye14:23
alecunessita, not in this case: foundations+ is moving dbus stuff in syncdaemon as an optional component, so it can be stripped on windows.14:23
alecuand this must be part of it.14:23
mandel_joshuahoover, yes, there is an special folder in Windows called AppData per user, in which you find ubuntu one?14:24
mandel_joshuahoover, that ? is an extra I should have not typed :P14:24
dobeyi don't know; i know the nightlies builds are failing due to broken tests though14:24
mandel_joshuahoover, do you know how many users we have?14:24
joshuahoovermandel_: ok, i thought i looked there before (earlier installs) and couldn't find it14:24
dobeybut not sure if it's due to changes or what14:24
nessitaalecu: if you need that particular class, you can import it from devtools14:24
mandel_joshuahoover, could be, yet it should be there now14:25
joshuahoovermandel_: we've sent invites to 2,500 since yesterday and we'll send another 1,000 or more today14:25
nessitaalecu: despite what syncdaemon guys are doing14:25
dobeynessita: not quite; the devtools test case and the one in u1-client are somewhat different14:25
mandel_joshuahoover, wow O_o14:25
nessitadobey: they are? hum14:25
nessitaalecu: let's ask verterok, who is not here :-/14:26
nessitafacundobatista: ping14:26
dobeynessita: the one in u1-client sets up SyncDaemonMain() and some other stuff that SD needs14:26
facundobatistanessita, pongo14:26
nessitafacundobatista: cuchá, alecu is hacing problems in a u1client branch becasue ImportError: cannot import name DBusTwistedTestCase"14:27
nessitafacundobatista: have you (chicharra guys) removed that?14:27
facundobatistanessita, trunk works14:27
nessitafacundobatista: I never said is not working14:27
dobeyi am kind of surprised that the tests didn't fail in tarmac14:27
nessitafacundobatista: can you please help alecu with a branch of his? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/add-simple-zeitgeist/+merge/41667 he is using from contrib.testing.testcase import DBusTwistedTestCase and seems like that module is not there anymore?14:28
facundobatistanessita, yes, it's not there anymore14:28
nessitafacundobatista: what are you using instead? is there any way to use that helper somehow?14:29
facundobatistanessita, it's in tests/platform/linux/test_dbus.py now14:29
dobeytrunk isn't working, exactly14:29
dobeyfacundobatista: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/538988/14:30
nessitafacundobatista: ok, thanks, I'll pass this info to alecu when he returns14:30
facundobatistadobey, revno?14:30
dobeyfacundobatista: 757; it's from the nightlies, and it's happening on lucid, maverick, and narwhal14:31
facundobatista757 from nightlies? we just commited 757 ten minutes ago14:32
facundobatistadobey, how are you running the tests?14:32
dobeymake check14:33
nessitafacundobatista: I'm not getting errors (yet) but I'm getting tons of http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/538992/14:34
nessitadbus.exceptions.DBusException: Connection is disconnected - unable to make method call14:34
facundobatistanessita, yes, as before14:35
nessitafacundobatista: as before when? yesterday I didn't get those14:35
facundobatistanessita, I think I saw that before14:35
nessitafacundobatista: I haven't...14:35
nessitamaybe you saw it in your branches/reviews from yesterday?14:36
facundobatistanessita, no, those are there from before14:36
nessitaChipaca, dobey: would you know what to install to satisfy  from zeitgeist.client import ZeitgeistClient ?14:36
* verterok too14:36
facundobatistadobey, "make check" pass ok here14:36
Chipacanessita: zeitgeist-core14:37
nessitadobey: btw, zeitgeist will be a new dep for u1client when alecu branch lands14:37
facundobatistadobey, nessita, and if I really run the client from trunk, it works perfectly14:37
verteroknessita: I reverted trunk to revno 753, and get the same "error"14:38
nessitaverterok: and not in 752?14:42
verteroknessita: I can check14:42
verteroknessita: same with 75214:42
nessitaalecu: 2 things:14:43
nessita(11:29:43 AM) facundobatista: nessita, it's in tests/platform/linux/test_dbus.py now14:43
alecuI hear14:43
nessitaand to run tests you need to issue make check, not make test, sorry14:43
alecuoh, ok.14:43
nessitaverterok: so... what changed?14:44
verteroknessita: nothing?14:44
nessitaverterok: these errors weren't here before14:44
verteroknessita: I keep getting the same output to stderr with latest revno and with 75214:44
nessitaverterok: and when this started?14:45
verteroknessita: yes there were...at least since revno 752...14:45
verteroknessita: also getting the same with revno 73014:46
nessitaverterok: hum14:46
verteroknessita: revno 700 too14:46
nessitaverterok: let's look this from other perspective. Why this errors are not making the test fail?14:46
verteroknessita: no idea14:46
nessitais dbus! you're or dbus God14:47
verteroknessita: also, I know nothing about those tests14:47
nessitaverterok: I'm getting the error for test_refresh_volumes, test_rescan_from_scratch14:47
=== teknico_ is now known as teknico
nessitayou do know about those14:47
verteroknessita: looks like something is still queued in dbus and the tests finish before waiting for it14:47
verteroknessita: test_dbus?14:49
nessitaverterok: is that what you asked me?14:49
verteroknessita: looks like something is calling dbus stuff after the tests are done...no idea what or why14:50
nessitaverterok: revno 750 will not complain for me14:50
nessitaverterok: did you remove the pycs when changing revnos to re test?14:50
verteroknessita: I get the same errors from revno 70014:50
nessitaverterok: can you try with a clean tree?14:51
verteroknessita: I need to go back to other stuff (I'm @ sprint)14:51
verteroknessita: ok14:51
verteroknessita: I keep getting "dbus.exceptions.DBusException: Connection is disconnected - unable to make method call" with tests_preferences14:52
verteroknessita: revno 70014:52
nessitaverterok: in a clean tree?14:52
verteroknessita: yes14:52
nessita(want to be sure)14:52
verteroknessita: also did 'find -name \*.pyc | xargs rm' "just in case"14:53
nessitadobey, Chipaca, joshuahoover, mandel_: weekly meeting on mumble14:57
mandel_nessita, agggg14:57
joshuahoovernessita: yes, just finishing up the web/mobile meeting14:57
nessitamandel_: ???14:57
nessitajoshuahoover: great14:57
mandel_nessita, yes, let me restart to an os that can handle mumble14:58
alecuhello mister gnome weatherman: it's not sunny, it's pouring out there. thanks!14:58
nessitamandel_: sure14:58
mandel_nessita, the agg is becaus eI just found how to fix a bug and I do not want to forget ;)14:58
nessitawrite it down!14:58
nessitaChipaca: are you coming to the weekly meeting?15:03
nessitadobey: look, another user reporting the nautilus crashin/going crazy issue: bug #68420415:11
ubot4`Launchpad bug 684204 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu One max CPU with nautilus (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68420415:11
alecunessita, I've merged with u1-client trunk, and fixed the lint error:15:12
nessitaalecu: ack15:12
nessitadobey: that is plain maverick...15:13
dobeynessita: and it has absolutely zero information about the actual problem :(15:13
nessitadobey: well, a regular user don't what that information is valuable15:14
nessitaI don't know what info is good for this case15:14
nessitadobey: could you please do the follow up on that bug, maybe mark it as a dupe of the former, and ask for information you find useful?15:14
dobeyi asked for info in the other and no reply from the reporter yet15:15
nessitaI know, maybe this reporter will answer15:15
joshuahooverCardinalFang: ping15:52
nessitaalecu: approved15:59
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
CardinalFangjoshuahoover, I'm away from IRC a moment.  Must reboot.  Recent natty updates are screwy.16:19
CardinalFangjoshuahoover, okay, better.16:23
joshuahooverCardinalFang: was just bugging you directly...thought i'd try you here in case you were on one but not the other :)16:24
nessitadobey: ping16:42
nessitadobey: can you please help me with the last comment reported to this bug? bug #58401916:45
* nessita -> lunch16:45
ubot4`Launchpad bug 584019 in ubuntuone-client "Ubuntu One does not connect automatically at startup (affects: 32) (dups: 4) (heat: 140)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58401916:45
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
dobeynessita: oh nice, someone finally posted a backtrace on that crash bug that makes some semblance of sense18:21
dobeynessita: and looks like rmcbride commented on the other bug18:23
nessitadobey: let's see18:25
nessitacan I have reviews please? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/handle-sd-timeout/+merge/4254920:42
helois there a good way to use ubuntuone to synchronize various config files?20:44
heloi.e.- stuff not in ~/.ubuntuone/20:44
beunohelo, outside your home dir?20:45
helonope, inside home20:45
helolike ~/.bashrc ~/.vimrc ~/.fluxbox/*20:45
beunohelo, right click on the directory, and tell it to sync with ubuntu one20:46
helois there a command line method?20:46
beunoI'm sure there is20:46
* beuno stares at verterok 20:46
heloright clicking the output of ls isn't working ;)20:46
beunoclick harder!20:47
beunothere's u1sdtools20:47
beunoand what you want is probably subscribe-folder20:47
heloawesome, thanks :D20:50
duanedesignhelo: https://launchpad.net/stipple20:52
duanedesignhelo: i am working on packaging it. You can run it now from the command line 'python main.py' in the base directory20:55
verterokbeuno, helo: probably is --create-folder20:56
duanedesignbeuno: if you have a second could you take a look at this and see if anything comes to mind as to why this might be happening. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162984620:57
* beuno looks20:57
beunoduanedesign, so, the Funambol server is not working for us20:58
beunoit's creating lots of problems20:58
beunowe're evaluating what to do in a higher level20:59
heloso after adding the folder ~/.fluxbox, will any other u1 clients i'm logged with overwrite their ~/.fluxbox with the one i did the --create-folder on?21:00
beunohelo, should do, yes21:02
helothere's a history file in there that is updated each time i run a command... that will cause the history files on every machine to be updated whenever any machine modifies it, right?21:03
heloso i should only subscribe to an entire folder if it won't cause this kind of thrashing... or just subscribe to the particular files inside the folder that i'm interested in?21:03
beunoit's on a folder level21:04
beunoif a file changes on both ends21:04
beunoit'll conflict21:04
beunoand you won't be very happy21:04
heloso i should only subscribe to folders without files like that21:04
helofair enough, thanks21:05
heloso that's why i should look at stipple...21:06
beunoprobably, duanedesign knows best21:07
heloi could create a ~/.sharedconf folder to put my ~/.vimrc ~/.Xdefaults into, and create links there on each of my machines21:07
duanedesignok thanks beuno, ill make a comment on the post21:15
heloduanedesign: thanks ;) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/65843721:19
ubot4`Launchpad bug 658437 in ubuntuone-client "ERROR:ubuntuone-preferences:Got empty result for devices list. (affects: 1) (heat: 15)" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:19
heloi have two entries in my machine list for this host... how do i know which one is legit?21:21
duanedesignyou can compare...21:21
helohow do i find which key is currently being used to connect?21:22
helothey are identical aside from the key21:22
duanedesignSystem > Preferences > Password and Encryption Keys21:22
duanedesignhelo: find the UBuntu One token21:26
duanedesignhelo: right-click > Properties, click the box to show the password. The part after token=......21:26
duanedesignMatch that with what you see here https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines/21:27
helogreat, thanks :)21:32

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