
=== j1mc is now known as miukumauku
charlie-tcaGood morning14:07
charlie-tcaochosi, thorwil will be getting in touch with you about the themes and wallpaper20:17
vinnlcharlie-tca, can I add the announcement?20:53
charlie-tcayes, but it did not release yet. We are still testing images20:54
vinnlAh OK, then I'll wait a little bit20:54
charlie-tcaIt should be soon though20:54
vinnlGreat :)20:54
charlie-tcavinnl, release is out22:03
vinnlGreat, I'll post a news item :)22:04
charlie-tcathank you22:04
vinnlDone :)22:05
charlie-tcaNatty alpha1 is released! thanks for the great job. 22:05
* charlie-tca is really glad vinnl knows all these links he gets wrong22:05
vinnlcharlie-tca, haha, I really just copy a previous announcement that contains the same links for the previous version :P22:06
vinnlIt's not like it's that much work to do ;-)22:06
charlie-tcaIt's not like I get any of the links right, though :-)22:07

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