
ScottKyofel: I just uploaded your -workspace changes to Natty.  Thank you.00:33
DarkwingDuckScottK: thought you would like this... http://goo.gl/e49wT00:34
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1203016 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (5 files) Add an application launcher/installation-complete-notification dialog05:22
ScottKJontheEchidna and yofel_: Thanks again for testing the de-halification stuff.  It's all uploaded and should be default for new installs starting with tomorrow's daily.05:26
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
karhello. someone used pykde.akonadi before?10:05
bulldog98Riddell: hi. Have you looked for my kdepim packaging?11:14
Riddellbulldog98: no still on the rest of kde 4.6 beta for now11:16
kubotueither you read or you think we're doing for 4.6 beta11:17
Riddellbut with any luck that'll be ok this time round and we can publish then move onto other things like kdepim 11:17
bulldog98Riddell: so publishing has to wait for the rest of 4.6 beta11:18
Riddellbulldog98: well I can only do one thing at once generally speaking :)11:20
Riddellbut really it's going to work this time, so I can get onto kdepim shortly11:21
ScottKRiddell: dehalification is complete, so now it's just a matter of making sure problems get reported upstream.11:41
apacheloggerqtcreator for maemo is just lovely11:58
Riddellawesomeness, upgrade to 4.5.80 on maverick worked without a single overwrite error12:06
RiddellI'll copy it to kubuntu-ppa/beta and announce12:06
MamarokRiddell: yay, /me waiting in the starting blocks :)12:12
RiddellMamarok: sorry for the delay, we kept finding problems12:13
Mamarokno problem, I can wait :)12:13
MamarokI downloaded 4.5.4 in the meantime12:14
RiddellMamarok: any problems?12:14
Mamaroknot so far12:18
ScottKRiddell: (See #ubuntu-devel for details) - Apparently doko uploaded a gcc fix for our Qt problems on armel last week, but didn't bother to mention it.  I just retried it.12:27
ScottKThe relevant debian/changelog entry was "  * Revert Linaro issue #1259."12:27
RiddellScottK: fingers crossed12:28
eMyllerhey all.12:34
eMyllerthere was a package conflict yesterday (hupnp and libhupnp0); was it resolved?12:35
RiddelleMyller: you will have to remove hupnp12:44
Riddellthat hupnp has never been in a public archive so there's no replaces/conflicts12:44
eMyllerRiddell: yea, i removed it yesterday in order to install libhupnp0; but i wonder from where i got that12:45
Riddellfrom an old package in staging or ninjas12:45
* apachelogger notes that jt's qapt-worker is much more reliable than maemo's12:54
apachelogger62mib of archives, that is not too shabby for a mobile pim suite :O12:55
Riddellapachelogger: what are you looking at?13:02
RiddellMamarok: publishing done for 4.5.80, want to be the first to test?13:03
Riddellsudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta; sudo apt-get update; sudo dist-upgrade13:04
Riddellsudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:04
Riddellapachelogger: where is that?13:04
ScottKRiddell: Now I'm on to bugging doko about the per arch symbols files (that we shouldn't need).13:14
RiddellScottK: presumably we have no idea why that happens13:14
ScottKNo.  It's gcc-4.5 madness of some kind.13:15
ScottKPerhaps we need to rename the "Upload toolchain" milestone in the development schedule to "Upload usable toolchain" for clarity.13:15
ScottKafiestas: We took the plunge yesterday and switched from hal to upower/udisks for the development release (with the 4.6 beta).13:16
apacheloggerlooks pretty good that mobile foo13:26
MamarokRiddell: testing now13:26
Riddellapachelogger: I'm just compiling it now13:26
apacheloggerrbelem: I fear getting a class 10 microsd is going to be difficult13:27
Riddellsteveire: do you know if any decision has been made on kontact mobile vs kontact touch?13:27
* apachelogger finds kontact itself a rather silly name TBH13:27
Riddellapachelogger: it is but it's better than KDE PIM13:27
apacheloggerthat for sure13:28
Riddellwhich shouldn't be used for user communication (similar to KDE SC)13:28
steveireRiddell: The latest on the mailing list indicates concensus forming around kontact ouch13:29
steveiretouch* 13:29
Riddellfreudian slip there? :)13:29
* apachelogger schedules a visit to the shopping mall for tomorrow13:29
steveireSeems so :)13:29
apacheloggerrbelem: out of interest, why can one not install kubuntu on the internal storage?13:30
apacheloggerit is like flipping large13:30
apacheloggerwhat pointless application could I write for maemo13:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: suggestions?13:36
dantti_workapachelogger: I'm moving things to git in case you want to commit something to print-manager..13:37
apacheloggerI shall commit more then ^^13:37
Riddellapachelogger: why do people still talk about maemo?  isn't maemo dead?  isn't meego the way to go?13:38
apacheloggerRiddell: as if that would matter with Qt? :D13:38
apachelogger<3 Qt13:38
dantti_workhehe :) libdebconf-kde is there already now I'm asking for a repo for apper and print-manager13:38
Riddellapachelogger: infact should you be talking about what application you could write for KDE Mobile?13:38
apacheloggerfor that I first need to get a KDE stack13:39
ScottKapachelogger: Allegedly gcc is fixed, so arm stuff should start appearing in a few days.13:40
* Riddell wonders if apachelogger has gained an N90013:44
* Riddell gets lost in a twisty maze of dusty gpg packages13:47
apacheloggerRiddell: Nightrose sent me hers, so I can take part in the mobile hype ^^13:54
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Riddellapachelogger: that was kind of her13:56
Riddellhi yofel, 4.6 beta 1 is in the beta PPA, Mamrok was testing but has disappeared, I wonder if we should be worried13:57
yofelI'll upgrade in a VM and see what happens13:58
jussiScottK: you may want to join the LP efika groups (see the efika channel)13:59
RiddellMamarok: any luck?14:01
MamarokRiddell: serious problem: kded crashes on start, impossible to restart it14:01
MamarokI had to use usb tethering on my phone as I can't use wireless anymore14:01
RiddellMamarok: what happens if you start kded4 manually?14:02
Mamarokcrashes immediately again14:02
Mamarokeverytime I try14:02
Mamarokseems to be solid related, at least that's what the backtrace says14:02
Mamarokand I can't report the bug through Dr. Konqi either, as it needs kded to get a login on bugzilla14:03
RiddellMamarok: are you on amd64?14:03
Mamarokwell, intel, but 64 bit14:04
Riddellyofel: done any testing on amd64?14:05
Mamarokhere comes the backtrace: http://paste.ubuntu.com/53940214:05
Riddellhmm, problem in the wacom tablet module?14:06
RiddellMamarok: you don't have a wacom tablet module do you?14:06
yofelnope, well, yes.. in natty, but I only have one non-natty pc left, so I'll test in a VM now, but natty works fine14:06
Mamarokno, not at all14:06
Riddellhmm, I don't think we have a package with that file /usr/lib/kde4/kded_tablet.so14:07
RiddellMamarok: what's the output of  dpkg -S /usr/lib/kde4/kded_tablet.so  ?14:07
Mamarokthe console output says this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/53940514:07
Mamarokit says: dpkg -S /usr/lib/kde4/kded_tablet.so14:08
Mamarokerm, moment, it says this: kde-config-tablet: /usr/lib/kde4/kded_tablet.so14:08
yofelI don't have that installed here if that helps ^14:08
RiddellMamarok: try apt-get remove kde-config-tablet14:08
Riddellthe starting  kded414:08
cpatrick2008does anybody know when kde 4.6 beta 1 will be backported to maverick14:09
MamarokRiddell: that worked14:09
Mamarokbut where does it get that tablet stuff from? I never had a tablet here14:10
alleeuhmm, natty amd64 alpha1 installer crashes after I add the user and press 'forward' :(14:10
Riddellcpatrick2008: it's available now but we're doing some more testing because problems keep cropping up, do you want to help test?14:10
yofelcpatrick2008: it's ready to be tested, ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta14:10
Riddellallee: with a backtrace?14:10
cpatrick2008how would i help test14:10
Riddellcpatrick2008: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:11
cpatrick2008ok i will report any bugs i find14:11
alleeNo.  it start's X server again I assume because I see the login progress dialog ...14:11
* allee start 'try kubuntu' again14:11
Mamarok_still no wireless, only tethering works automagically14:12
alleeAh that's natty in a maverick virtualbox host14:12
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
RiddellMamarok: but you can log into a full session now?14:13
Mamaroklet me try again, moment14:13
MamarokRiddell: yes, this time it worked14:16
Mamarokstill no way to connect to my wireless14:16
Mamarokwich usually works out of the box14:17
RiddellMamarok: what happens when you try?14:17
Mamarokit shows the connection, but it doesn't connect14:17
Mamarokwhen I click on it14:17
Mamaroklet me try making a new connection14:17
alleeRiddell: in a kde session only installaters crashes but no backtrace.   jockey-backend still running14:18
Mamaroknope, still no way to connect14:19
* allee start ubiquity with --debug14:19
RiddellMamarok: hmm, no such problems here14:23
RiddellMamarok: you can try logging out, rm ~/.kde/share/config/networkmanagementrc  then see if it works14:23
* yofel remembered that he has a maverick pc he could test this with and updates14:24
MamarokI will try later, right now I am in a discussion :)14:24
Riddellallee: if it still crashes report with  ubuntu-bug ubiquity14:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: you mean Meego .... right?14:26
Riddellhe gained an n900 and is running maemo14:27
shadeslayeryeah i know, but... meego is the future!14:28
apacheloggerprimarily Qt is the future and that runs on both14:28
* yofel agrees with apachelogger14:29
shadeslayeryeah, but maemo is .... well.... obsolete14:29
yofeland maemo isn't that bad, I don't like the music player though14:29
shadeslayeryou wanted a suggestion ...14:29
* shadeslayer thinks14:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: so i heard theres alot of snow over there in europe :D14:30
apacheloggergraz is drowning in snow!14:30
* ScottK thought plasma mobile was the future.14:30
apacheloggertooke me one hour to get home yesterday14:30
apacheloggertoday I got home with wet feet14:30
shadeslayerthey shut down gatwick airport a couple of days ago ...14:30
apacheloggerScottK: and what technology is plasma made with? :P14:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: have you seen the HTC Sense UI where the cloud floats in when its cloudy etc14:31
ScottKQt, but not anything that starts with M.14:31
jjessea co-worker of mine does14:31
jjesseits pretty cool14:31
jjesseit snows when snowing14:31
apacheloggerScottK: well, Qt is at its best if it has platform integration :P14:31
apacheloggerrbelem: ping14:32
althunderstorm is the best animation on sense ;)14:32
alfirst time i saw it i thought the display was dying14:33
Mamarokal: not the right season now, but the screen freezing is nifty too14:33
alyea, it's nice14:33
Mamarokapachelogger: how much snow do you have? must be about half a meter here14:34
apacheloggerlike 20cm14:34
apacheloggerthat 15 more than it should be14:34
* ScottK thought Austrians were required to love snow?14:35
* apachelogger is not much of an austrian14:35
yofelapachelogger: come to Stuttgart, we only have like 10cm here :P14:35
apacheloggernah, I like to have usable trainstations :P14:36
Riddellreminds me14:36
RiddellScottK: I may have to leave earlyish to get to canoeing session through the snow, are you at the release team meeting?14:37
* apachelogger grabs his magic's microsd to see how meego works with that14:37
apacheloggerfor some reason it does not have the class written on it14:37
ScottKRiddell: Sure.14:37
jjessewe have 12.7 cm in michigan today14:37
ScottKWell if the trainstation people in Austria haven't learned to anticipate and deal with the fact that there will be snow in Austria, I think that's hardly the snow's fault.14:37
althe trainstation issue in stuttgart (which is in germany, not austria) has nothing to do with weather but politics though ;)14:38
yofelScottK: he meant http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuttgart_2114:39
RiddellScottK: here's my notes http://paste.ubuntu.com/539420/14:41
ScottKRiddell: Got it.  Have a nice canoe.14:41
Riddellcpatrick2008: any luck?14:43
ScottKal: Our local controversy is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercounty_Connector14:43
shadeslayerthey took down wikileaks ... not good ....14:43
Riddellshadeslayer: who's they?14:43
ScottKshadeslayer: You're in favor of allowing copyright violations?14:43
shadeslayerRiddell: they == DNS hosting service ..14:43
alScottK, seems it's been less violent so far ;)14:44
ScottKYes, but it's taken at least as long.14:44
* apachelogger boots meego14:44
shadeslayerScottK: copyright violations? are you talking about amazon ? i just liked wikileaks because id get my daily dose of political leaks from there14:44
alleeRiddell: rekonq crashes when started via ubuntu-bug14:44
* shadeslayer runs14:44
ScottKIIRC they started planning it in 1975.14:44
Riddellshadeslayer: good thing there are 50 other domains pointing at it (e.g. http://wikileaks.eu/)14:44
cpatrick2008@Ridell got it installed but when i try to install the extras package in rekonq the QApt Batch Installer says it is wating for authorization but wont put up anything for me to put my password in14:44
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah ... they got a new domain now.. in Switzerland ..14:45
Riddellshadeslayer: they've always had loads http://wikileaks.info/14:45
shadeslayercouldnt open it from my phone tho14:45
apacheloggermeego time is off ^^14:46
Riddellcpatrick2008: ok I've had that problem too, haven't worked out where to report it yet14:46
Riddellcpatrick2008: any other issues?14:46
jjessewikileaks.info lists the alternate sites14:46
cpatrick2008none so far14:46
shadeslayerallee: can you pastebin the backtrace?14:46
Riddellcpatrick2008: able to connect to wireless ok?14:46
Riddellcpatrick2008: great, thanks for testing14:47
cpatrick2008no problem14:47
* shadeslayer needs to write a Desk Clock for android14:47
shadeslayerthe default one sucks14:47
alleeshadeslayer: rekonq or ubiquity?14:47
apacheloggerbrrr, this micosd feels like class 214:48
shadeslayerallee: rekonq14:48
afiestasScottK: I know, I read kubuntu-devel14:49
ScottKafiestas: Ah.  Cool.14:49
afiestaswe just implemented video support for it (webcams and v4l2 devices)14:49
ScottKafiestas: In any case, thanks for that.14:49
afiestastomorrow I will probably implement dvb if nobody else does14:49
apacheloggerRiddell, shadeslayer: meego is not much of a target platform right now14:50
apacheloggervery alphaish14:50
alleeshadeslayer: run: rekonq -> window pop up and crashes immediately: http://pastebin.ca/200961914:52
afiestasScottK: pinotree just told me that dvb is alreay done :)14:52
alleeups wrong 'selection'14:54
shadeslayerallee: thats all you get in the backtrace?14:54
alleeshadeslayer: I should have installed paste plasmoid in virtualbox.  Redoing ...14:55
cpatrick2008Riddel: when i try to run Nepomuk Backup i get the following error message  the Nepomuk Backup service does not seem to be running . Backups cannot  be handled without it14:57
alleeshadeslayer: much better: http://paste.ubuntu.com/53942914:57
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ari-tczewQuintasan: o/14:58
yofelcool, upgrade to 4.6 maverick beta worked fine on my eeePC :D14:58
ari-tczewQuintasan: I left gnome for kde yesterday :P gnome in natty sucks14:58
Quintasancpatrick2008: Did you try restarting nepomuk? It crashed at startup for me14:58
cpatrick2008how do i restart it14:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: help with backtrace here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/539429/ :: looks like a webkit issue right?14:59
apacheloggerdo I have a suggestion yet?14:59
yofeland wireless works fine14:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: i told you .. a weather app of sorts14:59
Quintasancpatrick2008: System settings -> Desktop search14:59
shadeslayerlike HTC have on their sense ui14:59
yofelhey Quintasan14:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: there are weather apps!15:00
QuintasanRe-check Enable Nepomuk option15:00
apacheloggersomething innovative would be good15:00
Quintasanyofel: \o15:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: not *any* weather app15:00
shadeslayerhold on15:00
* apachelogger does not like wasting time on things that already exist anyway15:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUCP_ixDCNo15:00
Quintasancpatrick2008: Re-check Enable Nepomuk optio15:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: that requires changes to teh platform15:01
apachelogger+ it already exists15:01
shadeslayerit does... hmm15:02
cpatrick2008did that stll cannot use it15:02
apacheloggerfullscreen app would be doable without changes to that15:02
apacheloggerbut the effort with such a app lies in the graphics creation15:02
apacheloggernot the technical part15:02
shadeslayerSput: quassel crash : http://pastebin.ca/200963015:03
* yofel wonders why they only left 3 power profiles. Ok, it's enough, but at least the presentation one made sense15:03
apacheloggermeego was a great waste of time15:03
* Riddell still says power profiles shouldn't be needed15:03
* apachelogger tries to get kubuntu going on that crappy card of his15:03
yofelRiddell: what would you use instead?15:04
shadeslayeroh oh15:04
Quintasan*!@#$!@ flash15:04
alshadeslayer, afaics quassel doesn't even show up in that stacktrace15:04
Quintasandoesn't work on firefox wtf15:04
also it's not to blame :>15:04
shadeslayerrbelem: how much time will it take to port plasma mobile to a HTC Desire ? :D15:04
cpatrick2008Quintasan: checked it and applyed it and stll get same error message15:05
Quintasantons probably15:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: the question should be how much time will it take to port kubuntu mobile15:05
Quintasancpatrick2008: did you try restarting your PC?15:05
shadeslayeral: idk ... quassel just crashed and Dr. Konqi says quassel irc crashed ... etc15:05
apacheloggerplasma mobile will not work on android since it still depends on QWidgets here and there15:05
apacheloggerand Qt lighthouse for android can only draw a graphicsscene IIRC15:05
cpatrick2008i will do that then let you know if it works15:05
shadeslayeral: looks like a QGraphicsView crash15:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: why do you have so incredibly incomplete straces?15:06
Quintasanshadeslayer: It's just me or rekonq crashes on almost every page?15:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: *shrug*15:06
* apachelogger notes that we do not see the problem15:06
shadeslayerQuintasan: its just you :P15:06
apacheloggerthe stack trace contains an assert15:06
apacheloggerhowever the part where the assert is raised is not known15:06
apacheloggerbecause shadeslayer posts useless stacktraces :P15:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: also possibly because i dont have enough debug symbols15:07
shadeslayerhold on15:07
shadeslayerwhich stacktrace are you talking about?15:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: the quassel one15:07
apacheloggerthe other one is completely too 15:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: the other one isnt mine ...15:07
* apachelogger wonders why he only gets 100kbps for the mobile image15:08
apacheloggermy flat mates are watching pr0n again!!!15:08
* shadeslayer would love to get 100KBps for anything15:08
* apachelogger was already wondering why it was so silent15:08
apacheloggerif android started any slower....15:11
shadeslayerwhut! ... starts up in 10 seconds here ...15:11
MamarokRiddell: thanks, that did work :)15:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: you haz obsolete phone ...15:12
rbelemshadeslayer, hum... do you know the hardware spec?15:12
shadeslayerrbelem: yeah! i have the hardware :P15:12
rbelemapachelogger, did you buy that microsd?15:12
apacheloggerrbelem: no15:12
rbelemshadeslayer, nice15:12
* apachelogger needs to drive like an hour to get to a store that potentially offers class 1015:13
apacheloggeralso I wanted to go shopping tomorrow anyway...15:13
shadeslayerrbelem: so you can boot a custom meego image on the device, idk how, but its on the meego wiki15:13
rbelemshadeslayer, is it an armv7?15:13
apacheloggerrbelem: I tried meego with the 2gb card though15:13
apacheloggerutter crap :D15:13
apacheloggerrbelem: what kubuntu mobile image do I download though? omap3 or 4?15:13
rbelemapachelogger, too slow?15:13
shadeslayerrbelem: http://www.gsmarena.com/htc_desire-3077.php15:13
cpatrick2008Quintasn: restarting my computer did the trick 15:13
apacheloggerrbelem: no, meego itself is just completely unfinished and stuff15:14
rbelemapachelogger, omap315:14
apacheloggerplatform support is also not finished15:14
apacheloggere.g. it did not detect the battery or simcard15:14
RiddellMamarok: ok good, although a mystery since network-manager won't have been upgraded15:14
apacheloggerwidgets are sometimes a bit misrendered15:14
apacheloggerstrings are prefixed with !!...15:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: dummy plasmoids .... no *real* plasmoids as such15:15
shadeslayerdoes it make calls :P15:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: plasma mobile doesnt have dummy plasmoids15:15
apacheloggeralso I was talking about meego15:15
shadeslayeruh .. yes it does15:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: like what?15:16
shadeslayerbut plasma-mobile does have dummy plasmoidds15:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: like the contacts plasmoid 15:16
shadeslayeror whatever its called15:16
rbelemplasma-mobile has a plasmoid which manages to make calls15:17
apacheloggerand that is all that counts15:17
rbelemshadeslayer, Qualcomm Snapdragon QSD825015:18
rbelemit is an armv7 :-)15:18
shadeslayerkewl :D15:18
shadeslayeris that a good thing or a bad thing :P15:18
rbelemgood thing :-)15:19
shadeslayerok... how do we proceed then ^_^15:19
rbelemneed to check how to hack the boot loader15:19
rbelemand get the kernel drivers15:19
shadeslayerrbelem: theres something called unrevoked15:19
shadeslayerbut they only have the binary file available for download15:20
shadeslayerQuintasan: ^^ time to jump in15:20
apacheloggerrbelem: so, I was scrolling through startkde yesterday, and I am afraid that there is not terribly much we can improve it with15:20
apacheloggerpossibly implementing it in c++ would help15:20
apacheloggerelimintaing all the helper apps startkde requires15:21
Riddellgnome people keep talking about using upstart for gnome-session15:21
apacheloggerbut startkde really does not do much anyway, the heavy lifting is done in ksmserver :S15:21
apacheloggerRiddell: how would that work?15:22
rbelemshadeslayer, is it used to hack the bootloader?15:22
rbelemapachelogger, :-(15:22
shadeslayerrbelem: yeah, its used to boot custom android ROM's15:22
Riddellapachelogger: upstart would start the various things needed by the gnome session15:22
shadeslayerso i suppose i can be used to boot other stuff15:22
Riddellrevu needed! http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/libassuan2[B[B[B15:22
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah, but what is the point of that?15:22
Riddellapachelogger: dunno15:23
rbelemapachelogger, plasma-mobile is taking too long to start too15:23
apacheloggerrbelem: well15:23
apacheloggerit is plasma15:23
apacheloggerplasma also takes longest to start on a desktop15:23
apacheloggerlike 90% of the time ksplash is shown plasma is actually building itself15:24
apachelogger(on that note: did anyone notice that login takes super long if autoconnection to a wifi is on)15:24
apacheloggerseems plasma blocks until the connection is established (or not)15:24
rbelemapachelogger, i think we need to profile ksmserver, plasma-desktop and others to check where is the bottleneck 15:27
yofelif you make it faster I'll get you a beer, here it takes almost a minute from kdm to working desktop :/ http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/bootchart/yofel-t510-natty-20101202-1.png15:28
apacheloggerrbelem: plasma-desktop15:28
apacheloggerits main limitation is actually known15:29
apacheloggerits startup depends on plasmoids15:29
apacheloggeri.e. plasmoids do not get lazy initialized or even delayed initialized alltogether15:29
apachelogger(like the battery plasmoid could really be started once everything else is up15:30
rbelemshadeslayer, maybe talking with the unrevoked guys http://unrevoked.com/rootwiki/doku.php/public/unrevoked315:30
rbelemshadeslayer, they could point us how to use the hacked bootloaded15:31
rbelemand build the kernel with the right patches15:31
rbelemapachelogger, :-(15:32
shadeslayerrbelem: yeah .... theres a vid of meego running on the desire, so imo, it shouldnt be *very* hard to do it15:32
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - More friendly than Frosty | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo
rbelemapachelogger, we could work to solve this problem. Is there already a possible solution?15:32
shadeslayerwill take time tho15:32
apacheloggerrbelem: not that I know about15:33
rbelemapachelogger, plasma-mobile is taking soo, sooo long to start :-(15:34
apacheloggerplasma is rather fat15:35
rbelemi dont know how much time it will take in microsd class1015:35
rbelemi was using class 2 :-P15:35
apacheloggerrbelem: I would expect that most stuff is really hogging the CPU and not the card15:35
apacheloggerneeds checking though15:36
apacheloggercachegrind, callgrind and massif to the resuce ^^15:36
rbelemthey are working on arm now :-)15:37
apacheloggerstill I wouldnt want to use them there :P15:37
Riddellsteveire: "Note that you have to enable KDEPIM_MOBILE_UI if you want to run these applications on a mobile device."  what's the difference?15:37
* apachelogger ponders doing his PoC implementation of a phonon graphicsscene video player on maemo15:38
apacheloggercertainly takes away the resizable-window use case15:38
steveireRiddell: Some widgets are different in their .ui files etc for maemo colors/styles and aspect ratio iirc.15:39
steveireAnd you get an event editor suitable for touch screens, rather than the regular korg one etc15:39
Riddellsteveire: why is notes-mobile not knotes-mobile?15:41
steveireWe introduced inconsistency to keep you on your toes.15:42
steveireThat was brought up recently actually. I guess we should change it.15:42
steveireI'll look into it later.15:42
Riddellsteveire: are they also likely to be renamed to e.g. kmail-touch ?15:43
steveireThat remains to be seen I think. The discussion around these things is ongoing on the pim and mobile mailing listts.15:43
Quintasanlol debian magic15:44
rbelemshadeslayer, where android lives.. we can live there too. if it is arm v6 or v7 :-)15:44
QuintasanI installed it and after reboot I get grub_xputs error15:44
steveireHopefully it will all be sorted out by next week.15:44
Riddellsteveire: ok I'll keep the packaging as -mobile for now, it's only going in a PPA so not that important15:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: also we can actually be fast :P15:44
steveireWhen will that be? I'll point people to it for testing.15:45
steveireIs it natty only?15:45
Riddellsteveire: we'll do maverick too15:46
steveireUse the most recent Qt you can btw. Some fixes are only in Qt 4.7.215:48
ScottKIs that released?15:50
steveireJust use Qt 4.7.1 I guess15:51
steveireI don't think there's even betas of 4.7.2 yet.15:51
ScottKWe've got 4.7.1 + patches in Natty now.15:52
cpatrick2008is the qt4.7.1available in maverick15:54
Riddellcpatrick2008: no15:54
cpatrick2008ok thanks15:54
Riddellyofel: kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.6-beta-115:59
shadeslayerrbelem: kewl :D15:59
shadeslayerrbelem: it would be supreme if we can cover as many devices as possible16:00
Riddell4.6 beta 2 tars are due yesterday by the way :)16:00
yofelRiddell: :D16:00
yofelnot much of a break ^^16:00
rbelemshadeslayer, the major problem are kernel drivers and bootloader16:04
ScottKRiddell: You're hanging around for the release time meeting?16:05
RiddellScottK: I'm here for another 55 mins16:06
shadeslayerrbelem: hmm... ill contact unrevoked :)16:06
Riddellso depends where we are on the schedule16:06
ScottKRiddell: I think Bug #684703 is worth mentioning.16:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 684703 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu Natty) "Generated symbols different on different archs with gcc-4.5" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68470316:07
ScottKGetting that fixed will make it a lot easier to get all archs built.16:07
rbelemshadeslayer, cool :-)16:07
ScottKIt affect C++, so I doubt anyone else will care.16:07
Riddellbulldog98: this is for kdepim if you are able to do a review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/libassuan216:09
=== dbarth is now known as davidbarth
shadeslayerRiddell: cant we just rebuild the beta packages against kde 4.6 for now?16:14
shadeslayeror are there build failiures 16:14
Riddellshadeslayer: what if people aren't using 4.6?16:14
shadeslayererm.. so how will you handle 2 KDE PIM beta packages for maverick? one in the experimental PPA and the other  in ....16:15
shadeslayer( built against 2 different KDE versions )16:16
apacheloggerrbelem: does there need so much stuff on the mobile image?16:16
Riddellshadeslayer: good question16:18
shadeslayeroh my oh my.... i have to write about Qt for my magazine ...16:19
Riddellyour magazine?16:19
rbelemapachelogger, we need to split the packages, kdebase-workspace-bin is one of them16:19
apacheloggerI mean other than that16:19
shadeslayerRiddell: im the editor of my departmental magazine16:19
apacheloggerthere is like plenty of kdegames16:19
apacheloggerand kdeedu16:19
apacheloggerand stuff16:19
shadeslayerwhich has a total of .... 10 readers :P16:19
Riddellkalgebra needs split16:20
Riddellthere's a kalgebramobile now16:20
KukuNutzsync is not updating the plymouth splash..still showing kubuntu 10.10?16:20
Riddellalthough it didn't know the answer to 2-2.01 when I tried16:20
RiddellKukuNut: what does zsync have to do with plymouth?16:21
apacheloggerthat is a tricky one anyway16:21
shadeslayerKukuNut: uh .. what 16:21
KukuNutRiddell: I use zsync to get the alpha iso and still shows 10.1016:21
RiddellKukuNut: so it's the daily iso which hasn't been updated16:22
RiddellKukuNut: indeed I don't think anyone has changed that16:22
* apachelogger is wondering why a splash needs to show that anyway16:22
Riddellapachelogger: I think it's in the text only theme16:23
Riddellwe could remove it I suppose16:23
KukuNuti don't care much about plymouth..just letting you know  :)16:23
* rbelem needs to figure out what files plasma-mobile really needs16:23
Riddell"just finished uploading the first set of KDE 4.6  Beta2 tarballs."16:24
shadeslayerRiddell: they didnt give MD5 sums16:24
shadeslayeror do they give those only on re-uploads?16:24
Riddellshadeslayer: they're also a day late.  want to propose yourself as new KDE release dude?16:24
shadeslayerlol ....16:25
shadeslayerno thanks :P16:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: ...suggetions...16:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: for a app?16:25
shadeslayerdoes maemo have a ubuntu one app :P16:25
shadeslayerbecause android does16:25
apacheloggerRiddell: if dirk allowed me to make him a release script this would all be way more efficient...16:26
shadeslayerso does windows apparently16:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: innovation!!!!16:26
* apachelogger beings to think that shadeslayer is not very creative16:26
* rbelem goes to lunch16:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: hmm ... i dont have access to the maemo market or whatever its called, so i cant really tell whats available and whats not16:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: if it is on one platform it is not innovative!16:27
shadeslayerwhats on one platform ?16:28
apacheloggerany platform16:28
apacheloggeris one platform16:28
shadeslayeryou mean you want a app that no other platform has?16:29
* yofel found u1sdtool amusing, tried to connect my kubuntu machine, got to the point where it said to check mail for verification code... never got a mail16:29
apacheloggerprimarily I want something new16:29
apacheloggeryofel: probably ended up in spam, where it belongs16:29
yofelapachelogger: I checked every folder, well, maybe u1 recognised itself as spam and never sent the mail XD16:30
apacheloggerit is not smart enough16:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: can you make a remote control app that controls your media player such as amarok ?16:31
shadeslayeron your PC16:32
shadeslayer( not the TV )16:32
shadeslayerlike Dell usually have remotes etc with their laptop16:32
shadeslayersort of replicate that functionality ...16:33
apacheloggersounds interesting16:33
shadeslayerdont have a video16:33
shadeslayerbut basically, turn your phone into a remote16:33
shadeslayerto control your pc, via the infrared port16:33
apacheloggerinfrared is very 1990's ^^16:34
apacheloggerbluetooth is the new star16:34
shadeslayerwell... either that or bluetooth 16:34
apacheloggeroh oh oh16:35
RiddellUmbrello Mobile!16:35
apacheloggera remote for presentations16:35
apacheloggerRiddell: dream on :P16:35
apacheloggerit does not even work on a desktop... :P16:35
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - More friendly than Frosty | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Let's package beta 2! https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging
shadeslayerapachelogger: android has something for controlling your mouse etc16:36
shadeslayerbut nothing to control media playback16:37
apacheloggersilly android16:37
shadeslayersince it has no IR port, and no one thought about doing it over BT16:37
apacheloggerone needs an app with plugin capability16:37
shadeslayereither way, i think it would be pretty kool if you can integrate the media player on your mobile device with amaro16:38
apacheloggerbetter yet16:38
apacheloggeramarok on your mobile phone :P16:38
shadeslayerso you get the song playing on amarok onto your phone and you hit pause and the song on your PC gets paused16:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: even if it was free i wouldnt buy such a app16:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: there is an amarok plugin for that actually16:38
shadeslayerbecause amarok is awesome for PC's16:38
apacheloggerworks over the websss16:39
shadeslayerits called MPD right?16:39
shadeslayeror something like that16:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh btw what needs fixing in the kubuntu-web-shortcuts package16:41
shadeslayerapart from the URL thingy16:41
shadeslayeri uploaded a transitional package in the ppa16:41
apacheloggernothing I think16:42
apacheloggerif the transition is well that is16:42
* apachelogger is wondering why madde doesnt have qt4716:42
shadeslayereh .. whats that?16:43
apacheloggermaemo app something envrionment16:43
shadeslayerdidnt thiago say they released qt 4.7 for maemo recently16:44
shadeslayerwith a update or something16:44
apacheloggerI have that16:44
apacheloggerbut for some reason the madde doesnt list a 4.7 target16:44
apacheloggernokia qt sdk also wants to install the 4.6 toolchain16:48
apacheloggeroh oh oh16:53
ScottKRiddell: Have a nice canoe.17:02
Riddellthanks ScottK, I may need to caboggan my way to get there17:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: ooh nice17:07
yofelRiddell: could you upload kdeartwork to natty btw? the other things should already be there I think17:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: dont you think they would have recieved the first 50 entries?17:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: I can still get 2k?17:10
apacheloggerthat will get me 10 SSDs17:10
shadeslayerah 17:10
shadeslayer2000 USD ... zomg17:10
yofelRiddell: actually kdebase is missing too17:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: gsoc is hard work compared with this...17:12
* shadeslayer plans to do a GSoC project in 201117:12
JontheEchidnagrr, wifi is crappy here17:13
apacheloggerubuntuone for kde?17:13
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: lucky you, I do not even have wifi17:13
shadeslayer^^ likewise here17:13
* apachelogger shall buy a new device tomorrow17:13
JontheEchidnaI'd take a wired connection honestly. This wifi connection keeps dropping frequently17:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: new device?17:14
shadeslayerwhat new device now17:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: possibly bookmark sharing in konqueror with myowncloud17:15
shadeslayerusing libattica17:15
shadeslayerzomg .. i said konqueror17:15
* JontheEchidna found an ethernet cable17:15
* apachelogger huggles JontheEchidna17:18
* apachelogger huggles kronos17:18
* apachelogger huggles shadeslayer17:18
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: btw, did your GSOC project include some generic Qt-UbuntuSSO bits?17:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: depends on what you mean by generic?17:19
cpatrick2008i upgraded to natty and my taskbar is funny here is a screen shot of my taskbar http://tinypic.com/r/vp9195/717:19
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: like, could Muon use it for login if it wanted to allow users to buy things from canonical's software store?17:19
apacheloggerin the ultimate hardcore hacking week I did past gsoc I implemented a kde (or was it Qt?) ui for the new ubuntuss17:20
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: technically17:20
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ubuntu-sso has a sort-of ui/backend seperation right now17:20
JontheEchidnacpatrick2008: looks like a video driver issue. intel?17:20
apacheloggerso all you need is to stack a kdeui module into the backend17:20
JontheEchidnacpatrick2008: I'm having some of the same corruption. (I've had to turn off desktop effects)17:20
apacheloggerfor technical reasons I did not come to know whether my ui actually works17:20
cpatrick2008ok thanks17:20
apacheloggerit is c++ and exported as pyth0rn module using SIP17:21
* apachelogger is wondering why routing the n900 does not work properly17:21
cpatrick2008turned off desktop effects going to restart to see if it works brb17:22
JontheEchidnaI am thinking that for my GSoC I could maybe pick up on the SSO stuff where you left off, and then implement canonical's "For purchase" channel in to the Muon Software Center17:22
apacheloggeror rather, it is routing it but somehow the nslookups fail17:22
rbelemapachelogger, check the /etc/resolv.conf17:22
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: sounds like a reasonable plan17:22
apacheloggerrbelem: well it is empty17:22
apacheloggerthen again17:23
* apachelogger connects to 3g17:23
* shadeslayer huggles apachelogger17:23
apacheloggerrbelem: doesnt really change with 3g either17:23
rbelemapachelogger, copy the resolv.conf from your pc? are you connected via usb?17:23
apacheloggerrbelem: well, I want something that is easy to use :P17:23
apacheloggerbtw, there is the mad developer package which makes upping usb0 one touch17:24
cpatrick2008that fixed it17:24
rbelemapachelogger, you need to set nameserver in resolv.conf17:24
rbelemapachelogger, maemo5 uses dnsmasq17:25
cpatrick2008on my desktop the KDEuBolg says Your accound information is incomplete17:25
apacheloggerrbelem: no tracepath around it seems?17:26
* apachelogger is not sure what connection gets used ^^17:26
rbelemapachelogger, run route -n17:26
rbelemapachelogger, probably it has two default gateways17:27
apacheloggerwell, yes, my pc is listed before 00000017:27
apacheloggerif my pc fails to route it would use 0000000017:27
apacheloggerso... ;)17:27
* apachelogger installs wireshark17:27
JontheEchidnahttp://imagebin.ca/view/jfVxr0EW.html <- lots of testing last night, apparently :P17:28
rbelemapachelogger, just remove one of default gws `route del default <gw ip>`17:28
yofelJontheEchidna: is that muon history or apt history?17:28
JontheEchidnayofel: apt17:29
yofelcool :D17:29
apacheloggerrbelem: that is not good enough :P17:29
apacheloggerit sends a dns request 17:30
apacheloggerand apaprently I get a query response17:30
apacheloggeryet the maemo browser does not get the response17:30
rbelemapachelogger, maemo5 connection manager was not meant to handle multiple connections :-(17:30
apacheloggerso either my pc is not routing it to the n900 or something else is wrong17:30
rbelemapachelogger, try ping your dns server17:30
rbelemapachelogger, do you use firewall?17:31
apacheloggerrbelem: my dns server is 00000 ;)17:31
apacheloggern900 -> dns server 0 -> routes to pc -> pc routes to router -> router conducts lookup17:31
cpatrick2008on my desktop the KDEuBolg says Your accound information is incomplete17:31
yofelcpatrick2008: hm, let me try (as soon as I find the plasmoid..)17:32
apacheloggerand I see a dns query response in wireshark17:32
rbelemapachelogger, never saw something like that before17:32
apacheloggerit is most strange17:32
apacheloggerrbelem: only few can have this level of fancyness ;)17:33
yofelcpatrick2008: works for me after inputting my data (identi.ca)17:33
yofel4.6 natty17:33
cpatrick2008your login data is what you imputed17:33
apacheloggerrbelem: ok, I think the problem is routing of name  from my pc to the phone17:34
yofelyep, I clicked on configure and entered my login data, that was all17:34
apacheloggerpinging the actual address works though17:34
apacheloggervery strange17:34
rbelemapachelogger, ping your router ip addr from n90017:34
apacheloggerthe routing itself is not the problem, it is the name resolution routing, for whatever reason that gets handled differently17:35
cpatrick2008is there a way to get it like it was in maerick where it showed updates like the ones the kubuntu.org website17:36
rbelemapachelogger, maemo5 is probably screwed 17:36
apacheloggerentirely possible17:36
apacheloggerkubuntu mobile ftw!17:36
* rbelem hates maemo17:37
rbelemit is not a good distro17:37
yofelcpatrick2008: I don't see a difference between 4.5 and 4.6 here, maybe something isnt's set up right? I'm not sure what that would be since it seems to work here17:37
rbelemapachelogger, i always say to may colleagues  that if nokia decided to base maemo on ubuntu and hired canonical17:39
apacheloggeroh god, not canonical :P17:39
rbelemthe current scenario would be totally different today17:39
yofelrbelem: you want unity on your n900 ??17:40
apacheloggerhire the kubuntu crew, have ScottK do his consultant thing and everyone is happy17:40
cpatrick2008here is a pic of my settings http://tinypic.com/r/3485xrc/717:40
apacheloggerrbelem: one cant get much better package management than JontheEchidna's17:41
rbelemyofel, it would probably run something in qt17:41
yofelcpatrick2008: where's your username/pw ?17:41
* apachelogger hints to yofel that apachelogger has a poc Qt implementation of unity17:41
* yofel wonders how that looks like...17:42
apacheloggeron some stick17:42
apacheloggerwonder which one though17:42
rbelemapachelogger, have ScottK would be awesome too17:42
rbelembut ScottK with super cow power inside nokia17:42
yofelcpatrick2008: ah wait, you meant those kubuntu.org entries? not sure what happened to them, probably the patch needs to be refreshed17:42
* ScottK would be interested in that.17:42
cpatrick2008yes that is what i ment17:43
cpatrick2008oh ok know when it will be refreshed17:43
apacheloggerthe meego shell also starts incredibly slow17:43
apacheloggerbut it does lazy initialization of its widget17:44
apacheloggereven without priority handling it seems17:44
yofelcpatrick2008: nope, file a bug so it's not forgotten (kdeplasma-addons package)17:45
cpatrick2008ok will do17:45
shadeslayernatter: \o17:45
rbelemapachelogger, did you notice io on microsd?17:46
shadeslayernatter: whats the name of the patch?17:46
shadeslayeroh nvm17:46
natterlangauage differentiator oatch 8517:46
apacheloggerrbelem: since it was maemo, no17:46
shadeslayernatter: right, this one http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdebase-runtime/ubuntu/annotate/head:/debian/patches/kubuntu_85_language_selector.diff17:47
natterits in kdebase runtime17:47
nattershadeslayer: yes17:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: this language selector patch looks trivial .. i can actually understand what it does :P17:47
apacheloggernot mine17:47
shadeslayernote ... it *looks* trivial17:47
* apachelogger would not edit ui files17:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: seems to be your doing in the intial import17:48
apacheloggerbreaks way to easily17:48
nattershadeslayer: its for 4.4.80 files.. not for 4.5.80.. so how can i continue further?17:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: so we're re-doing the patch, recommendations?17:48
apacheloggerand given appropriate surrounding one can achieve the same effect by insertWidget() on layouts17:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: yes, redo from cratch and incroporate it into the kcm and whatnot17:49
apachelogger...what I have been whining about before maverick...17:49
shadeslayerlol @ cratch17:49
shadeslayernatter: ^^17:49
apacheloggerat the very least get rid of the ui file changes17:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: you do love KCM modules dont you :P17:49
apacheloggerI guess the patch now breaks in the ui17:49
apacheloggerthey are hot and sexy17:50
shadeslayerim just looking through it17:50
apacheloggerand the locale one is one with bad code design IIRC17:50
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1203352 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/HistoryView/HistoryView.cpp Use KLocale::formatTime() on our QDateTime so that we can get "Today"/"Yesterday"/ weekday names in the history categories17:50
shadeslayerapachelogger:  *proc << "/usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu";        like .... that can certainly be made better ...17:52
cpatrick2008ok reported bug 17:52
apacheloggershadeslayer: how is that?17:52
shadeslayerpossibly with KProcess::start ?17:52
apacheloggeryou need a heap object because yo uneed to attach a slot to it17:53
shadeslayernatter: read up on Qt Signals and slots from Qt docs site17:54
nattershadeslayer: have read them. i have basic idea of using and implementing them.,17:55
shadeslayerohk kewl17:55
nattershadeslayer: do i need to start from the scratch then?17:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: seems nokia only made a new sysroot for qt4.7 for meego, not for maemo17:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: comes back to my previous point about meego being the future17:56
shadeslayerpossibly nag thiago ? :P17:57
* apachelogger nags thiago too much already :P17:57
ScottKNot for maemo I don't think.17:57
nattershadeslayer: then i need more documentation of language selector. from where can i get it then?17:57
* apachelogger wouldnt really want to use meego right now17:57
shadeslayernatter: uh.. if youve read signals and slots, i think you can quite easily understand whats happening in the patch17:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: oh, on second thought maybe one should also rewrite language selector while at it ;)17:58
apacheloggerto better suite integrational needs in the kcm and what not17:58
shadeslayerlanguage selector?17:58
apacheloggeralso possibly rewrite in not-pyth0rn17:58
apacheloggersince the python stuff is unmaintained17:58
apacheloggerkeep the backend and gui seperated17:58
apacheloggerthen send the backend to canonical and tell them to use it for the gtk version17:59
shadeslayerwhats qt-language-selector ... never seen it before17:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^ is that what your talking about?17:59
nattershadeslayer: i am getting it but what would be the GUI then?? should i decide myself?18:00
shadeslayerok... because i just got a python backtrace when i ran it18:00
shadeslayerbecause Quintasan broke SIP18:00
apacheloggerthank you Quintasan18:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: if it were ported to c++ it would right now not backtrace away18:01
shadeslayernatter: GUI should be the same as the current one .... imo ...18:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: *nod*18:01
* apachelogger notes that current gui is utter design fail18:01
apacheloggerif you keep it I will ask the canonical design team to come after you...18:01
apacheloggerwith a gigantic orange head that looks like it is giving a bj or something... :P18:02
natterthen new gui need to designed to make it successful?18:02
shadeslayernatter: ok new GUI then18:02
yofelKDE 4.5.85 open on ktown18:02
shadeslayerbecause i dont want the design team after me18:02
apachelogger[click here if your browser does not automatically redirect you]18:03
shadeslayer( rekonq crashes at this point )18:03
* apachelogger wonders why one gets put somewhere from where one needs to be redirect again if it does not work in every browser18:03
shadeslayer[ you mail backtrace to b.k.o where it never gets looked at ]18:03
nattershadeslayer: so what modifications need to be done in new gui??18:03
yofelScottK: can you upload kdeartwork and kdebase from bzr to natty? Riddell seems away18:03
ScottKAh.  There is it.18:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: natter posibly for the new language selector, give the user a list of all languages we offer, and a search box at the top and multiple tickboxes to install lang packs?18:05
shadeslayernatter: lets read the ubuntu design guidelines before apachelogger sends the design team after us18:06
apacheloggerI was born with the wrong sign18:06
apacheloggerint he wrong house18:06
apacheloggerwith the wron ascendancy18:06
natteryes.. we need to18:06
apacheloggeri took the wrong road18:06
yofelbtw, can anyone with gcc knowledge maybe tell me wth goes wrong here? I blame gcc 4.5 so far http://launchpadlibrarian.net/60010070/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-amd64.scribus-trunk_1.5.0svn201012022355-12~natty1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:06
apacheloggerthat led to the wrong tendencies18:06
shadeslayernatter: http://design.canonical.com/18:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: that sounds like a decent enough starting point18:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: also consider how you want to *integrate* it into the KCM18:06
apacheloggerright now it is not integrated, it is buttoned in...18:07
nattershadeslayer: ok.. whai will i gather from this link?18:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: would it fit under locale?18:07
apacheloggerwhere is that?18:08
apacheloggeryou mean the languages box?18:08
shadeslayerthe language selector box18:08
apacheloggerthat is also something to consider quite frankly18:08
apacheloggerthe box there has scope to the user, and language-selector to the system18:08
apacheloggerso one should somehow make a visual distinction18:08
apacheloggerwhich would possibly be in favor of having the language-selector stuff on an own tab18:09
shadeslayerand the first thing it says is : Country/Region & Language18:09
apacheloggeror even own cateogry and not integrated in this particular KCM at all18:09
shadeslayerthats what i was thinking18:09
apachelogger(i.e. an KCM of its own  - "System Locale")18:09
shadeslayerwell ... i rather think, it would go better under locale18:09
apacheloggeryou make the choice, I will then poke you :P18:10
ScottKyofel: You have to fix the missing link.  See http://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/DSOLinking18:10
shadeslayernatter: see under toolkit18:10
yofelScottK: thanks18:10
nattershadeslayer:which option under it?18:10
ScottKI see we have -bindings for beta2.  That'll be fun.18:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: theres no guideline for apps as such there18:10
shadeslayerScottK: if theyve fixed bindings do let us know18:11
shadeslayerus as in me, yofel or Quintasan18:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: I know18:11
ScottKThe tarball is there for packaging.18:11
shadeslayerScottK: yes, but does it build etc18:11
yofelshadeslayer: I tried bindings trunk yesterday, didn't end well18:11
shadeslayersee :P18:11
ScottKI'd have to package it to know that, wouldn't I.18:11
shadeslayeryeah ... :D18:12
apacheloggerbindings is dead until rc18:12
shadeslayerQuintasan: ^^18:12
shadeslayergreat, no ktorrent till then 18:12
* apachelogger had a chat with rdale about this some time ago, seems that most of bindings development only goes on past library whatever freeze18:12
apacheloggerup until then you have to be happy if it compiles18:12
apacheloggerlet alone works18:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: what do we do then? for app design guide lines18:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: follow KDE HIG18:13
shadeslayernatter: also look at http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Usability/HIG18:13
shadeslayeralready looking at those18:13
nattershadeslayer: yep..18:13
* apachelogger thinks that shadeslayer is throwing a bit much at natter ^^18:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: im in this with him :P18:13
shadeslayerso its a bit over my head too .... but yeah we'll learn together18:14
apacheloggermad man18:14
natterapachelogger: ;)...18:14
shadeslayergood thing my next exam is on monday :D18:14
apacheloggertuesday here18:15
shadeslayeranyone on natty?18:15
yofelshadeslayer: yep18:15
shadeslayeryofel: https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental?field.series_filter=natty << can you check if you transition from kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts to kubuntu-web-shortcuts18:16
shadeslayerfor some reason ppa2 isnt there18:16
apacheloggerrdieter: are you sure that kde-autostart-after does not wait for the apps to return? but rather that the apps return very early?18:16
shadeslayerand theres a spelling mistake in the changelog :P18:16
rdieterapachelogger: my minimal test case was ordered autostarted shell scripts that did nothing but 'sleep 2', and they all had a simultaneous timestamp18:18
yofelshadeslayer: ping me when you updated it then18:18
ScottKyofel: kdebase uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu.18:18
yofelScottK: thanks for uploading18:18
ScottKYou're welcome.18:18
shadeslayeryofel: well .. its a trivial change really, just tell me if it updates ^_^18:19
shadeslayerdistro is maverick in changelog18:19
ScottKGet:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main kdeartwork 4:4.5.80-0ubuntu3 (tar) [111MB]18:19
rdieterapachelogger: scripts all were, sleep 2; echo "$(date) >> $(HOME}/autostart.log ; sleep 218:19
yofelshadeslayer: do I need to install both or just -web-shortcuts?18:20
nattershadeslayer; its just few rules given on http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Usability/HIG..18:20
shadeslayeryofel: it should work on a upgrade18:20
shadeslayernothing else18:20
rdieterScottK: lolz, yeah18:20
shadeslayersince kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts is a transitional package18:21
nattershadeslayer: so let we start desgining using kde4 guidelines...?????18:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: kubuntu-web-shortcuts should NOT provide kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts right?18:21
shadeslayernatter: yes18:22
shadeslayernatter: you read all of http://developer.kde.org/documentation/design/ui/18:22
shadeslayerim not even past the first page yet :P18:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: aye18:23
natterwil read it.. 18:23
yofelshadeslayer: well, -web-shortcuts removes -konqueror-shortcuts18:23
shadeslayeryofel: ok thats good18:24
* apachelogger wished kubuntu had a kolab testing server :(18:24
* shadeslayer wishes kubuntu had more clones of apachelogger18:25
* rbelem wants to be like apachelogger 18:28
shadeslayerrbelem: you mean a apachelogger_clone18:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: lol @ superficial tech blah blah blah18:37
ScottKyofel: artwork uploaded too.  Thanks again.18:38
* ScottK is saddened his de-halification work didn't make it to the might-eat-bunnies level.18:45
* apachelogger grows ever so amazed from reading comments18:46
shadeslayerUse splash screens on startup, and other tricks to reduce perceived latency (for example, save an image of the app at last use and display this as it starts up).     :: KDE pulls this off18:52
* yofel leaves kdelibs to someone else, bbl18:53
_Groo_hi/2 all18:55
_Groo_could any kind soul fix kdelibs5-dev which is missing a ~ in the control file for libkwebkit-dev (<< 0.9svn1123738) ence not allowing libkwebkit-dev to be installed properly?18:57
apacheloggershadeslayer: what is that?18:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: KSplash18:57
shadeslayeror whatever its called18:57
_Groo_apachelogger: can you do it apache?18:59
_Groo_apachelogger: for maverick18:59
apacheloggerwhat version where when how omg19:00
* apachelogger has a nervous break down and points towards shadeslayer19:00
_Groo_apachelogger: kdelibs5-dev in maverick19:00
_Groo_the last line in the control file19:00
_Groo_has libkwebkit-dev (<< 0.9svn1123738) and it should be libkwebkit-dev (<< 0.9~svn1123738)19:00
shadeslayer_Groo_: where? what?19:01
apacheloggerthat sounds wrong19:01
* yofel is back after all19:01
yofel_Groo_: where the hell do you have libqtwebkit-dev 0.9?19:01
_Groo_yofel: standard maverick packages, and its libKwebit not qt19:01
apacheloggerwhy does that have << anyway19:01
yofelerk sorry19:01
apacheloggerhold on there fellas19:02
apacheloggerlibkwebkit is coming from kdelibs is it not?19:02
_Groo_try to install libkwebkit-dev in maverick and youll see what i mean19:02
yofelhe's right19:02
_Groo_apachelogger: its a reverse dependency of kdelibs5-dev19:02
* apachelogger scratches head19:03
_Groo_if you install kdelibs5-dev it works, you try to install libkwebkit-dev and it breaks, cause the control file of kdelibs is broken, missing a ~19:03
yofel_Groo_: wait, kdelibs5-dev REPLACES libkwebkit-dev (<<0.9svn1123738), so you're not supposed to have libkwebkit installed19:04
_Groo_and since libkwebit needs kdelibs... classic dependencie lock19:04
* apachelogger is with yofel19:04
apacheloggerlibkwebkit was merged into kdelibs as libkdewebkit IIRC19:04
apacheloggerthat said we probably should have removed the binaries from maverick19:04
_Groo_apachelogger: its part of kdelibs BUT its a separate package19:05
apacheloggerthat does not make sense at all19:05
yofelhm, something odd here, libkwebkit comes from webkitkde19:06
apacheloggerthis needs investigation19:06
JontheEchidnalibkwebkit-dev is for building things against the kpart19:06
_Groo_apachelogger: kdelibs calls libkwebkit1 (that one is ok) but libkwebit-dev is broken cause kdelibs is missing a ~19:06
apacheloggerkdewebkit creates kpart and libkwebkit*19:06
_Groo_am i talking cantonese here?19:06
JontheEchidnait's not the actual webkit integration libraries19:06
apacheloggerkdelibs creates libkdewebkit, which replaces libkwebkit19:06
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: then why does kdeflips-dev break it19:06
JontheEchidnabecause it used to have libkdewebkit shizz in it too19:06
yofelwe didn't backport webkitkde19:06
_Groo_libkwebkit-dbg - KDE bindings for WebKit, Development files libkwebkit-dev - KDE bindings for WebKit, Development files libkwebkit1 - KDE bindings for WebKit libkdewebkit5 - the KDE WebKit Library19:07
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: nah that does not make sense19:07
ScottKIn any case the version in is rong.19:07
ScottKI'm fixing it in Natty19:07
_Groo_in maverick the dev packages are the libkwebit ones19:07
* apachelogger goes blaming, for someone is clearly in need of a refresh on proper package relations19:07
yofelnatty has  0.9.6 which installs fine19:07
_Groo_its just a stupid typing bug!19:08
_Groo_just add a ~ in the control file19:08
apacheloggerno no no19:08
apacheloggerthe bug is that it should not have a breaks relation19:08
apachelogger*at all*19:08
_Groo_apachelogger: even better :)19:08
_Groo_The following packages have unmet dependencies:  libkwebkit-dev : Depends: kdelibs5-dev but it is not going to be installed19:09
apacheloggersilly things19:09
apacheloggeralso I am drunk19:09
apacheloggermust be firday19:09
yofelwell, ScottK is right, it needs the version fixed, should work then19:09
ScottKSomeone else do Maverick PPA19:09
yofelScottK: I will19:09
Quintasanbindings are dead until RC? :/19:09
* _Groo_ is right then?19:09
* _Groo_ was right all along?19:10
yofel_Groo_: seems so19:10
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: it does need it, because all the includes for all the libraries that webkitkde used to ship were thrown into that -dev package19:10
Quintasanapachelogger: gimmie some beer19:10
yofel_Groo_: a bit confusing19:10
JontheEchidnasome were moved to kdelibs19:10
ScottKQuintasan: tarball is there for beta 2.  No idea if it works.19:10
* _Groo_ wants cookie for bug hunting!19:10
JontheEchidnakdelibs5-dev really does have files that used to be in libkwebkit-dev19:10
QuintasanScottK: I bet it will not but let me try it19:10
yofelapachelogger: get kubotu back, Riddell kicked him and order cookies for _Groo_19:10
_Groo_JontheEchidna: exactly19:10
_Groo_JontheEchidna: also the problem with this -dev is that a ~ is missing in the file version, so he thinks the file isnt there19:11
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: yes, it doesn't make sense. the files were thrown in libkwebkit-dev improperly by debian. But the fact is that they were in libkwebkit-dev and now are in kdelibs5-dev19:11
JontheEchidnathe lack of a ~ makes it look for a version higher that 0.9~svn19:11
_Groo_JontheEchidna: kdelibs5-dev : Breaks: libkwebkit-dev (< 0.9svn1123738) but 0.9~svn1127626-0ubuntu2 is to be installed19:12
JontheEchidnasince 0.9svn is a higher version that 0.9~svn19:12
JontheEchidna~ is a special character that is the alphabetical-lowest in debain versioning19:12
_Groo_JontheEchidna: exactly.. what i was saying all along.. add the damn ~ in the kdelibs-dev control fine and it should work19:12
_Groo_JontheEchidna: i know :D19:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: this is all a pile of phonon right there19:12
apacheloggeryofel: no19:12
apacheloggerit is futile19:12
* apachelogger will not bring kubotu back19:13
apacheloggerlet it rot19:13
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: for the longest time I had to put up a "DO NOT MERGE PL0X" warning on merges.ubuntu.com to avoid insanity...19:13
_Groo_poor bot19:13
* apachelogger is not going to start that stupid thing daily19:13
* Quintasan hits apachelogger with an empty mug19:13
_Groo_i wouldnt be pestering you guys, but some packages need those files, like choqok support of webkit19:14
* apachelogger throws his keybord across the channel hoping it to land on Quintasan's foot19:14
Quintasanapachelogger: you kind missed19:14
_Groo_and i cant add it to a ppa, cause it will break the build since the oficial package is broken19:14
Quintasanapachelogger: kind of*19:14
apacheloggerand luke19:14
apacheloggerand brian19:14
apacheloggerwhat the flying nimbus19:14
apacheloggerwhy does showkoq depend on libkwebkit?19:15
ScottK_Groo_: Fixed in Natty.  Thanks for letting us know.19:15
yofel_Groo_: which version or libs are you talking about btw?19:15
apacheloggerand why is it called libkwebkit anyway19:15
apacheloggerand why does it exist19:15
_Groo_ScottK: pls do maverick too, and i want my cookie!19:15
Quintasanwhich phonon backend we "support" now?19:15
yofel_Groo_: (I'm assuming 80)19:15
CIA-24[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20101203191540-pg7pxpjcikh4p506 * debian/ (changelog control) Fix breaks version for libkwebkit-dev19:15
* apachelogger goes mad over all this silly stuff and continues reading comments19:15
ScottK_Groo_: I'm not set up for uploading to the PPA and it's more to do than I have time.  Hopefully yofel will do it.19:15
_Groo_yofel: version of what libs?19:15
_Groo_ScottK: k, tks19:16
yofel_Groo_: ask apachelogger for cookies, my box is empty. And I meant kdelibs, 4.5.80 right?19:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/Android/device.png19:16
_Groo_ScottK: but its not the ppa, its broken in all maverick, including the kde shipped19:16
apacheloggerdamn them cookies19:16
apacheloggerno cookies19:16
_Groo_yofel: no, 4.5.419:16
apacheloggerno bot -> no cookies -> no xmas19:16
yofel_Groo_: ok, then it was broken in 4.5.4 and 4.5.8019:17
yofelScottK: can I fix 4.5.4 too?19:17
_Groo_kdelibs-dev is broken is MAIN maverick and in PPA maverick for version 4.5.x19:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: looks like a spaceship on H19:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: its the compass on a spaceship19:17
yofel_Groo_: if you want 4.5.1 fixed we'll need an SRU19:17
_Groo_yofel: yeah, im reapping my lungs with this bug for 3 months now!19:17
shadeslayerwith a universal GPS lock :>19:17
ScottKyofel: Sure19:17
yofelwill do then19:17
apacheloggeralso your top thing bar is sort of filled up with plunder19:17
_Groo_JontheEchidna said it would be fixed this time.. so i forgot about it19:18
_Groo_and yes, i was lazy not opening a bug report :P19:18
JontheEchidnaI don't think I ever said that...19:18
_Groo_im VERY lazy19:18
apacheloggeralso spacing of the fonts are funny19:18
apacheloggerto sum this up19:18
_Groo_JontheEchidna: yeah you did, but it was like 3 months ago19:18
apacheloggerwhoever designed this app has no sense for good looks at all19:18
_Groo_JontheEchidna: relax, it was a comment, not a oficial statement19:18
apacheloggerprobably is in a relationship with a stone or something19:18
apacheloggerthough there are beautiful stones19:19
apacheloggers/stone/ugly stone/19:19
JontheEchidnaperhaps I said it would be fixed in natty because of the new webkitkde version19:19
* _Groo_ wonders how much of apachelogger work is done while drunk ;)19:19
ScottK_Groo_: For the SRU, we need a bug report with a test case that shows how to test it.19:19
ScottK_Groo_: Get me that and I'll upload the SRU.19:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you need todo management right there19:20
_Groo_ScottK: wtf is a SRU?19:20
apacheloggerphoronix is doing silly reviews of you bun too again19:20
ScottK_Groo_: Stable Release Update.  So we can fix maverick.19:20
apacheloggerIt does not look too different from the Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Edition interface and it is still far from being finished. 19:20
ScottK!sru | _Groo_19:20
ubottu_Groo_: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates19:20
_Groo_ScottK: what would be a testcase in this case?19:20
apacheloggerthat reads like 10.10 was not finished19:20
_Groo_tks ubottu ;) finally some good info19:20
Quintasanapachelogger: where is your kcm for rendering method?19:21
apacheloggerin the kcm nebula in the galaxy of sax19:21
ScottK_Groo_: Something like "Install kdelibs5-dev while foo is installed, see it fail.  Add maverick-proposed and update, try again. See it succeed."19:21
apacheloggeralso on kde-apps19:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: so im here currently :P http://maps.google.com/maps?q=loc:28.47887,77.0483519:21
_Groo_ScottK: but then i need to wait for the fix to go to proposed right?19:22
* apachelogger finds it dangerous to publish such stuff since now some assasin could come and kill you19:22
ScottK_Groo_: Yes.  This is how we fix it for everyone.19:22
Quintasanapachelogger: do we have/want/will have a package?19:22
_Groo_btw to anyone interested, i would STRONGLY advice for natty to have veromix instead of kmix by default!19:22
apacheloggeroh dear19:22
apacheloggertoo many words19:22
* apachelogger forms 3 sentences19:22
ScottKshadeslayer: This is where you pretend to study while avoiding useful work?19:22
_Groo_its very VERY good19:22
apacheloggerdo we will have a package aint does not make no sense!19:23
apacheloggerno sense at all19:23
apacheloggerQuintasan: well, you are the packag0r, you decide19:23
shadeslayerScottK: this is where i study AND do usefull work when im free :)19:23
apacheloggerbut if you package, plz package the git overlord19:23
apacheloggerit has supreme improvements19:23
ScottKSo you say.19:23
shadeslayerScottK: im also reading KDE HIG right now to help natter ... who ran off apparently19:23
_Groo_btw veromix doesnt need a package per se, it can be updated fir GHNS219:23
apacheloggerI told you19:23
Quintasanapachelogger: give me the linkzor cause I'm too lazy19:24
apacheloggeryou threw too much junk at him19:24
apacheloggerQuintasan: GTFLYILB19:24
_Groo_ScottK: k, gonna wait for proposed to show up and then open a SRU19:24
shadeslayerif only kubotu was here19:24
apacheloggerget the fucking link you incredibly lazy bastard19:24
ScottK_Groo_: I need the bug before I can upload it.19:24
apacheloggerwhy do people always ask me to swear in public19:24
ScottK(I need to put the bug number in debian/changelog)19:24
apacheloggerany music recommendations for apachelogger?19:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: i thought you were working on KDE Me Menu :P19:25
Quintasanshadeslayer: apachelogger is not working most of the time :P19:25
ScottKapachelogger: Flirting with the Devil, Van Halen.19:25
Quintasanapachelogger: Korpikaani - Vodka19:25
shadeslayerQuintasan: he just wants us to think he is19:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: I was working on filling my status bar up with plunder19:26
Quintasanapachelogger: or Beer Beer19:26
apacheloggerdidnt work19:26
apacheloggern900 islandscape19:26
Quintasanislandscape? wtf19:26
apacheloggerthat is when you are on an island!19:26
shadeslayerQuintasan: also ... lol... android cant detect adhoc wifi networks19:26
shadeslayerhahaha ^^19:26
apacheloggerandroids are super stupid19:27
apacheloggerI mean19:27
apacheloggeris living in quite a while from now19:27
rgreeningapachelogger: amd64 w/ gstreamer == not working for Amarok on my MP3s19:27
Quintasanapachelogger: stop rambling and go back to work19:27
apacheloggerand even that far in the future androids are not nearly as sophisticated as humans19:27
rgreeningre: your blog19:27
apacheloggerI am listening to flirting with the devil19:27
apacheloggerno time for work when listening to music19:27
apacheloggerrgreening: did you install all the gstreamer plugins?19:28
* Quintasan forgot how to get tags from git19:28
rgreeningall except the win32 which does not seem to exist in the archives and qapt-batch still wants to install it (under amd64)19:28
yofelQuintasan: git tag -l ?19:28
_Groo_rgreening: remove .gstreamer-0.10/ and do a gst-inspect-0.1019:28
apacheloggerQuintasan: thy shall not get tags, but latest revision19:28
_Groo_rgreening: see if that works19:28
Quintasanapachelogger: 1.3-0ubuntu1~git_blame_apachelogger?19:29
_Groo_rgreening: if it does it once again proves gnome guys cant do a backend without *uking it up19:29
* apachelogger takes his android phone and throws that too at Quintasan19:29
_Groo_rgreening: if it doesnt.. well the sentence is still true19:29
Quintasanyofel: it only lists tags, how do I get ceratin tag instead of master?19:30
neversfeldesomeone with a faster machine wants to do kdelibs? Otherwise I am going to start with it19:30
yofelQuintasan: git checkout <tag> I think  (or reset?)19:30
apacheloggerQuintasan: welll19:33
apacheloggervodka is a bit mediocre19:33
apachelogger"a bit"19:33
apacheloggerwell, maybe a bit more19:33
QuintasanI don't give a damn, they have accordian hero19:33
Quintasaninstead of going with typical solo on guitar they go with a solo on accordian @_@19:34
Quintasanapachelogger: think of a long description for this kcm and I will do the rest19:35
rgreening_Groo_: still doesn't play MP3's using gstreamer under AMD6419:35
rgreeningapachelogger: ^^^^^^19:35
_Groo_rgreening: maverick or natty?19:36
_Groo_rgreening: what proggy are you using?19:36
rgreeningphonon backend using gstreamer as per apacheloggers last blog19:36
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1203378 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationModel/ (ApplicationProxyModel.cpp ApplicationProxyModel.h) Add search support in the proxy model. Still needs a GUI though19:36
_Groo_rgreening: yeah it sometimes doesnt do it... its very strange, it comes and goes in maverick, but usually gst-inspect solves it19:36
rgreeningbtw: apachelogger qapt-batch not working correctly as not all packages are existing for amd64 and it hangs qapt-batch19:37
_Groo_apachelogger: btw with latest pulseaudio git with the patches for vlc, phonon-vlc STILL crashes on exit :P sorry19:37
JontheEchidnargreening: maverick or natty?19:37
rgreeningsee above19:37
* JontheEchidna is Mr. QApt19:37
JontheEchidnahmm, if a package does not exist it should pop up a dialog saying so19:37
shadeslayerim sleeping .. night all19:38
rgreeninggstreamer pitfdll not installable and qapt-batch hung waiting for authorization(is wat it said)19:38
JontheEchidnaerm, http://imagebin.ca/view/8ZzmtNoN.html19:38
JontheEchidnargreening: pitfdll isn't on i386 either, but I got the error box19:39
rgreeningnope. not here19:39
rgreeningjust hung indefinately19:39
rgreeningstill hanging now19:40
QuintasanJontheEchidna: http://pastebin.com/45Q30tR1 <-- is this good enough for kcm-qt-graphicssystem? :P19:40
rgreeningi could play the jeopardy theme in amarok, but that isnt working with gstreamer and mp3s either19:40
apachelogger_Groo_: go talk to coling19:40
_Groo_oh btw,m anyone tested openoffice with the kde integration in natty, since you guys are using rest by default now?19:41
apacheloggerthough he is drinking right now I heared19:41
rgreeningand still hung. so, no dialog19:41
_Groo_cause in maverick, openoffice crashes at startup when using kde integration, openofficesomething-kde19:41
_Groo_and raster enabled19:41
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, rgreening: that is going away anyway, dantti_work and I (more him than me) have been working on sophisticated gstreamer codec install magic19:41
* apachelogger just needs to assemble the pieces19:41
* _Groo_ is afraid now :D19:41
rgreeningbut will it make my mp3s work again19:42
rgreeningcause not able to play mp3 with gstreamer+phonon in amarok sux19:43
_Groo_but will in run crysis?19:43
Quintasanapachelogger: which is still broken, QApt waits for authorization for eternity without any password dialog19:43
* _Groo_ ducks...19:43
JontheEchidnaoh, if a password dialog never comes up that's policykit-kde's fault19:43
rgreeningJontheEchidna: no dialog for paSSWORD COMES UP19:43
apacheloggerQuintasan: we use kpackagekit19:43
_Groo_apachelogger: coling runs around here? or another channel?19:43
apacheloggeror phonon19:43
apacheloggeror mandriva19:43
apacheloggeror pulseaudio19:43
JontheEchidnargreening: was talking about- Quintasan's problem19:43
apachelogger(I suppose)19:43
_Groo_apachelogger: k19:44
JontheEchidnargreening: I'll also assume accidental caps :P19:44
rgreeningof course19:44
_Groo_apachelogger: but i see you all over the place in git? why coling when i have the real thing right here19:44
* _Groo_ finds much more amusing to pester apachelogger then coling19:45
rgreeningphonon vlc should be the default19:45
rgreeningleast it works and allows me to play me mp3s19:45
Quintasanapachelogger: we should use Muon now, really19:45
_Groo_rgreening: phonon-vlc crashes on exit with pulseaudio19:45
QuintasanJontheEchidna: and what can I do about it? :<19:45
ScottKapachelogger: Actually it was Running with the Devil, wasn't it?19:45
_Groo_best phonon so far is still xine unfortunaelly19:45
apacheloggerScottK: dunno, closed youtube already19:45
* apachelogger fix0rs likeback19:46
ScottKapachelogger: It also ocurred to me that you might do an extended AC/DC marathon in honor of our Scottish overload (long may his canoe stay upright)19:46
rgreening_Groo_: so does gstreamer19:46
rgreeninggobject issue probably19:47
rgreeningwith ref to threading19:47
_Groo_rgreening: yeah thats about it.. but doesnt ease the pain to know that19:47
_Groo_rgreening: the patches apachelogger pointed me to in pulse where suposed to fix that, but for me at least they didnt19:47
* _Groo_ wonders if the number of cores might influence pulseaudio threads in any way19:48
_Groo_it shouldnt in theory19:48
rgreeningI had similar issues with PyQt porting of a PyGtk app which used gobject. THere are ways to properly make this work, but in the end, I wrote out the gobject stuff.19:48
_Groo_but ive seen stranger things before19:48
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: have you upgraded to kde 4.6? I just remembered that the new libpolkit is binary-incompatible with the old version19:49
JontheEchidnathe qaptworker is probably crashing when it tries to auth19:49
QuintasanJontheEchidna: I think I did, and we have a solution19:49
* ScottK leaves a dismissive comment in apachelogger's blog and gets back to work.19:49
JontheEchidnaI made QApt trunk compile for both libpolkit versions, but I don't think I"ve done a release since that point19:50
* apachelogger turns on moderation19:50
JontheEchidnaI'll make a release this weekend19:50
Quintasanwhat the heck19:50
JontheEchidnaI wanna get a gui for search in the Muon Software Center first before I do a qapt/muon release, though19:51
_Groo_ScottK: natty is still accepting feature requests for kubuntu?19:58
ScottK_Groo_: We are still implementing features.  At this point I think the team knows mostly what they plan to do.  If you want to do the work or can find someone willing, sure, but no guarantees.19:59
_Groo_ScottK: i would like to see if veromix could become the default audio mixer in kubuntu19:59
_Groo_ScottK: i can do the package and upload it to ninja or whatever20:00
_Groo_ScottK: since kubuntu is pulseaudio it would be an awesome feature20:00
apacheloggersilly people -.-20:00
_Groo_ScottK: since it makes us feature parity with the new gnome audio mixer20:00
ScottK_Groo_: Normally we'd want to get it in the archive and give people a chance to experiment with it.  Also, kmix is part of the standard KDE distribution so we don't deviate from that without a significant reason.20:00
ScottKSo the first step would be packaging it and then we can see.20:01
_Groo_ScottK: no no, kmix will be there, veromix its a plasmoid20:01
_Groo_ScottK: we dont lose anything20:01
ScottKI see.20:01
_Groo_ScottK: it would juts show up as default 20:01
ScottKSo it replaces the U/I part of kmix.20:01
ScottKI'd say package it and we'll see.20:01
ScottKThat's the first step anyway.20:01
_Groo_ScottK: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=11667620:01
_Groo_ScottK: it doesnt "replace" in the strict sense of overwriting20:02
_Groo_ScottK: you can have both20:02
_Groo_ScottK: but its much better already20:02
_Groo_ScottK: and since its a python plasmoid its very easy to maintain and update if needed20:02
_Groo_ScottK: version 0.9 even adds nowplaying integration like gnome volume20:03
_Groo_ScottK: im working with the author , clementine as a few bugs with him cause of mpris.20:03
_Groo_ScottK: but it should be in good shape for natty20:03
_Groo_ScottK: anyway play with it, ill try to make a package this weekend20:04
_Groo_and one for clock wallpaper.. but that one could go to backports too, its a awesome plasmoid too20:04
_Groo_ScottK: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Wallpaper+Clock?content=11956320:04
Quintasanapachelogger: https://launchpad.net/~quintasan/+archive/ppa/+packages <--- I published wrong version but this should work20:05
_Groo_k ppl seeya all tomorrow20:05
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1203382 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationModel/ApplicationProxyModel.cpp Preseve Xapian search relevance when filtering search results20:06
apacheloggerQuintasan: is it pr0n?20:06
Quintasanapachelogger:  >https://launchpad.net/~quintasan 20:06
Quintasanporn on my lp, where?20:06
ScottKQuintasan: Probably just apachelogger needing to listen to some Grateful Dead.  Don't mind him.20:07
JontheEchidnathe real troll is that I just used .jpg20:08
ScottKThat could be an online quiz show "The real Troll~"20:11
QuintasanI thinks it's time for a nap20:12
QuintasanThen I can work on something else20:12
* apachelogger dances with Nightrose20:13
JontheEchidnabaww, ksshaskpass isn't  working no more20:13
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1203386 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (2 files in 2 dirs) Only cast the source model to ApplicationModel once here20:15
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1203391 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (ApplicationBackend.cpp ApplicationBackend.h) Debconf support in the Muon Software Center. (It doesn't use the CommitWidget from libmuon)20:25
bulldog98Riddell: I’d like to help with beta 2 packaging20:29
cpatrick2008i did not think  beta 2 came out until wednesday20:31
apacheloggerbulldog98: do you need a tar?20:32
apacheloggercpatrick2008: packagers have exclusive pre-release access20:32
bulldog98apachelogger: yes20:32
apacheloggerbulldog98: which one?20:33
cpatrick2008oh ok20:33
bulldog98apachelogger: https://launchpad.net/~bulldog98/+sshkeys The JonathansRechner one20:33
apacheloggerbulldog98: you are already in there?20:34
apacheloggertwice actually20:34
apacheloggersomeone could not establish order it would seem20:35
bulldog98apachelogger: ssh @ktown.kde.org I don’t know the username for us can you help me out20:36
yofelbulldog98: ^20:36
bulldog98yofel: thank that’ll go into my .ssh/config20:36
* bulldog98 got access20:38
* apachelogger loves jt's way of handling silly bugs ^^20:39
cpatrick2008i was wondering if anybody has used kdepim what they thought of it compaired to the orgional kde20:49
yofelanyone doing kdelibs now?21:11
yofelneversfelde: gave up?21:12
neversfeldeyofel: bzr is not working for unknown reasons21:12
yofelhm, works fine here, then I'll try it after all21:15
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping21:15
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: pong21:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: say you have a widget that only contains a layout and 4 buttons, and you (currently) do not need the buttons after construction, would you hold them in the private object anyway?21:17
apachelogger(all is parented, so cleanup is also handled without having a reference)21:17
JontheEchidnaare you asking if they should be made a private member object?21:18
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: also, do you happen to know a fancy way to prevent multiple connections of one object to another with same signals and slots?21:18
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: no, whether I should hold them at all21:18
* apachelogger is not sure if it is wort the 4 pointers he would need ^^21:19
JontheEchidnaThey do need to be on the stack to survive after the function that constructs them ends, so only if the entire life of the widget happens in that function21:19
JontheEchidna*on the heap21:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: it is more a style question21:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://paste.ubuntu.com/539546/21:20
apacheloggerit is about the 4 buttons, likebutton, dislikebutton, bugbutton and featurebutton21:21
apacheloggerthey get created, hooked up, ditched into the layout and never ever looked at again21:21
JontheEchidnaimo since they aren't ever needed in any other function there's no benefit to keeping the pointers around in the private class21:22
apacheloggerbut what if sometime in the future they are? :)21:22
JontheEchidnathen they'd go in to the private class21:23
apacheloggerthat means one will have to privatize them later on21:24
apacheloggeroh well21:24
apacheloggersuppose it doesnt matter anyway21:24
* apachelogger drops the pointers21:24
JontheEchidnayeah, unless you want to enable/disable the buttons in response to some event I don't think you'll ever need to access the buttons from another function21:25
JontheEchidnaor perhaps change the text/icon21:25
apacheloggerI do not think either will ever be the case21:25
apacheloggeryay for more readable code \o/21:25
* apachelogger hugs JontheEchidna21:25
apacheloggerlikebacks code is so horrible21:26
apacheloggerthere was a function called setVisibleBar(bool)21:27
apacheloggerthe strange naming aside .... what it really did was manipulate the activity of the bar -.-21:27
JontheEchidnam_theBar->hide() ?21:32
JontheEchidnaif you really wanted to control visibility^21:32
JontheEchidnabut if it really didn't do that at all, then damn...21:33
apacheloggerI was like21:33
apacheloggerso I merged that into a overloaded setVisibile(bool)21:33
apacheloggerand ruphy told me the other day that git master now endlesly loops21:33
apacheloggerafter squeezing my brain through the code I realized that the bugger was not meant to manipulate visibility at all21:33
yofelScottK: I'm just doing kdelibs, you added a kubuntu_77_ksambashare.diff to the package in bzr r301, did you intentionally not add that to the quilt series?21:37
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=301&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 301 | Added more developers.21:37
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: where do you think that a package search box should go in this picture? http://imagebin.ca/view/vTQ8Cn.html'21:44
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: most definitely top21:46
* yofel is used at seeing that above the list21:46
JontheEchidnahmm, let me be more specific:21:46
apacheloggerprobably at the right21:46
apacheloggermost definitely not taking up all the width21:47
JontheEchidnashould it go next to the back/foward buttons and the breadcrumbs, or below that but above the application view?21:47
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: next to, unless you have other good things to stick underneath the breadcrumbs21:47
JontheEchidnaok, thanks21:47
JontheEchidnaI agree on the basis of saving space, itjust feels a bit werid putting a search bar in the BreadcrumbWidget, so I thought I'd get a second opinion.21:48
apacheloggerwell, quite honestly it is a compromise21:48
apacheloggeryou cannot really stick it anywhere else21:49
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: how about chopping one breadcrumb entry btw?21:49
apacheloggernamely the last one ;)21:49
apacheloggerseems a bit redundant IMHO21:49
JontheEchidnaoh, I had already navigated to lskat, then went back21:50
JontheEchidnathe lskat crumb would go away if you navigated to a different app21:50
apacheloggerI see21:50
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: still would kick the crumb then21:50
JontheEchidnamore specifically, if you went into "more details" of a different app21:50
apacheloggerwhere you are now it does not make sense anymore21:51
apacheloggeranyhow, what did I want to say21:51
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: maybe you should limit to 2 or 3 breadcrumbs? (I think dolphin does this)21:51
apachelogger... foo -> bar -> foobar21:51
apachelogger[selecting game]: ... bar -> foobar -> game21:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I think that will help with the odd feeling of having search and breadcrumbs in the same widget21:52
apacheloggersince the breadcrumbs do not feel like they are growing towards the search wiget21:53
JontheEchidnaI meant from a programming/source code organization standpoint21:53
apacheloggerah, you programmers :P21:53
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: call it navigationwidget21:53
apacheloggersearch is a kind of navigation21:53
JontheEchidnathis is true21:54
JontheEchidnathat's probably what I'll do21:54
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: btw, from a design POV you probably want to make visual difference between breadcrumb and the sourrunding area21:54
apacheloggerput them in a frame and have that frame lowered or something21:54
JontheEchidnadifferent from e.g. the back/forward buttons?21:55
JontheEchidnaI'll experiment with that21:55
apacheloggerneeds some testing for sure21:55
apacheloggerbut I think that would animate people to use the breadcrumbs21:55
apacheloggeroh, on that thought21:55
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: isnt back and forth a bit of a redundant way of navigating WRT breadcrumbs?21:56
apacheloggeralso usability people liek breadcrumbs better anyway (seele vs. kickoff ;))21:56
* apachelogger just rememberd that maybe we should breadcrumbify it for real ^^21:57
JontheEchidnaI'll have to think on that one21:57
JontheEchidnaOh, on the subject of framing...21:57
JontheEchidnado you think that framing could help in the app details widget? http://imagebin.ca/view/YebrS6.html21:58
JontheEchidna(good game btw)21:58
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I would put the remove button right of the title btw21:59
apacheloggerbottom aligned21:59
apacheloggerput everything other than the title in a frame22:00
apacheloggermaybe also sunken or something22:00
JontheEchidnabtw, I am proud to say that there are no .ui files at play here :)22:00
JontheEchidnatrying to do layouting in designer drives me mad anyways22:00
JontheEchidnaSo I'm thinking that the remove button should go next to the title, bottom-right aligned. A KRatingWidget for the popcon could go right above it, and then put the stuff below it in a frame22:02
apacheloggersounds good22:03
apacheloggerit is going to be a beauty22:04
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you should get hold of sheytan some time and ask him what he thinks about al the magic22:04
ScottKyofel: I added it to bzr because it was in the package.  I assumed it was just a forgotten bzr add.22:29
apacheloggerdantti_work: ping22:34
apacheloggeror maybe dantti22:34
danttiapachelogger: hey :)22:34
* apachelogger thinks dantti needs a quasselcore ^^22:34
apacheloggerdantti: when will packagekit switch to cmake? ;)22:35
danttiwhat's that?22:35
danttidunno, :P22:35
apacheloggerdantti: the server part of quassel ;)22:35
apacheloggerdantti: is it gonna happen though?22:35
danttiwell it might happen when I port all of it22:35
apacheloggermaybe I could help push that a bit forward ^^22:36
* apachelogger tries to sell cmake to zeitgeist22:36
danttiapachelogger: and what does a server part of quassel do? cause I don't like quassel gui22:36
apacheloggerdantti: it acts like an IRC bouncer22:36
apacheloggerthe server holds the IRC connection and the gui/client only connects to the server22:37
* dantti is still confused :P english please22:37
apacheloggerwell, you have one server and can attach multiple clients to it22:37
danttihmm well but I'd need a fixed ip for that no?22:37
apacheloggerdyndns would do22:37
apacheloggerdantti: you could also write another client gui I suppose22:38
danttiwell I'm about to go live abroad so I guess I won't worry for that for now :P22:38
danttiapachelogger: nah, I'm happy with kvirc :P22:38
* apachelogger faints22:38
yofelRiddell: do you know where kubuntu_77_ksambashare.diff came from?22:39
danttiapachelogger: well dunno I guess I can better read the text here, I get lost in konversation and quassel...22:39
apacheloggerwell, as said, one could write another client UI22:40
* apachelogger also finds quassel's default setup a bit heavy22:40
ScottKyofel: I suspect rbelem is to blame.22:40
apacheloggerbzr will know22:41
yofeland I need some help, kdelibs fails to build :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/539567/22:41
danttiapachelogger: well that said, I guess I'll worry about other stuff :P I'll try to commit the cmake stuff to a git branch so you can take a look22:41
yofelthe 4.5.85 upstream tar builds fine unpatched, but the package fails (I removed patches kubuntu 78 and 80 since they were applied upstream)22:43
apacheloggerdantti: ok, cool22:43
danttiapachelogger: let me do that right now otherwise I'll forget again :P22:44
* rbelem wants his patch upstream :'(22:46
yofelrbelem: that patch is supposed to be there?22:46
rbelemyofel, it is not in series, but i think that if upstream take so long to accept we will put there22:47
yofelwhy do we build without FAM / gamin btw.?22:53
danttiapachelogger: done, take a look it builds large part of the code but the ifndefs are not all covered and the hardest part is to build the backends (ximion sent me a .cmake that would do that I can send you that too) http://gitorious.org/packagekit/packagekit/commits/cmake22:53
* dantti is out for food22:54
ximionapachelogger: Not necessarily the best piece of cmake-code, but it works perfectly well ^^22:55
ximionapachelogger: Btw: Do I have to write a request for sync of PackageKit into Natty from Debian Experimental?22:55
apacheloggerthat depends on whether we have a ubuntuN version suffix22:56
apacheloggerbecause then it will probably need a merge to maintain the delta22:56
danttiximion: btw you could package libdebconf-kde which is in extragear at GIT :D22:57
danttiximion: and I added the cmd line option so you can pass the socket path to the cmd line too22:58
ximiondantti: sure22:58
danttiI'm waiting for admins to create a repo for apper now22:58
ximionapachelogger: I already did all the merging stuff in Debian. The package should work out-of-the-box.22:58
ximionapachelogger: The only Ubuntu-specific thing is the vendor patch, I prepared on for Ubuntu here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~packagekit/packagekit/ubuntu/annotate/head%3A/debian/patches/vendor.patch22:59
ximionPackageKit does not show up on merges.ubuntu.com, that's why I ask.23:00
ximion(Cause sharing code between Natty and unstable is easier if both packages have the same basis :P Also, the Debian-version is newer)23:00
apacheloggerI think we are merging from unstable this cycle around23:01
apacheloggernew packagekit is in experimental, is it not?23:01
ximiondantti: You need to provide a tarball of debconf-kde for me to package it...23:01
ximionapachelogger: Yes, it is in experimental23:02
apacheloggerthat is probably why it does not show up23:02
ximionthe APTcc code requires at leas GLib 2.26, sid has 2.24, exp has 2.27, so it is in experimental at time23:02
* yofel thinks he found the failing patch..23:02
ximionapachelogger: there's also a newer version of it in unstable23:02
apacheloggerximion: I'll take a look at over the weekend (hopefully)23:03
ximionapachelogger: See http://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=sourcenames&keywords=packagekit23:03
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, Riddell, ScottK: ^ packagekit needs merging, in case either of you has time23:03
ximionok, thanks! :)23:03
apacheloggerximion: thanks for the heads up23:03
apacheloggerximion: for debconf you could just use the ubuntu tar https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdebconf-kde23:03
ximionapachelogger: Some DD require a debian/watch file, that's why I'm asking for it...23:06
ximionI'll take the Ubuntu package as starting point, maybe there are only a few changes needed for Debian.23:06
apacheloggerwell, since there was no proper release yet, you cannot make one ;)23:06
apacheloggerximion: possibly you will need to create a get-orig-source target though23:06
apacheloggersome odd people require them if a watch file is not possible23:07
apacheloggerapachelogger is one of them I think... ;)23:07
ximionmaybe dantti plans a release soon... if so, I'll finish the implementation in PackageKit (then PackageKit will support Debconf-KDE, which APT does not - strange world :P)23:07
apacheloggerximion: I wouldnt count on it, dantti is release shy ;)23:10
ximionapachelogger: Get-orig-source and debian/watch are both really useful, saves a lot of work. (Especially for people not knowing the application, who just want to upload the package with a small fix)23:10
apacheloggerI am harassing him for a printer manager release for weeks ... no movement there ... ;)23:10
ximionI'm really buisy with some other stuff here too, so I don't know when I'll finish this package... (There's also some code I want to develop for PK this weekend)23:13
ximionbut if I'm ready, I think mvo will upload it23:13
seeleapachelogger: +1 breadcrumbs23:14
ximionapachelogger: I'll make a get-orig-source rule for the KDE Git23:15
ximion(if I found debconf-kde there!)23:15
apacheloggernot sure if it moved yet23:16
ximionapachelogger: It did: git://git.kde.org/libdebconf-kde23:16
apacheloggerso magic23:17
ximionreally nice KDE uses Git now :)23:17
Tm_TKDE SC doesn't use yet23:18
ximionTm_T: But they will ^^ IMO Git is23:19
ximion...the best DVCS for large projects :P23:19
yofelbetter than bazaar at least *sigh*23:19
ximion(But I'm a Git-fan, Mercurial or DARCS people would strongly disagree)23:20
Tm_Tximion: will, thus my "yet"23:20
ximionyofel: Bzr really needs a git-like cherry-pick feature (The thing I miss the most)23:21
ximionTm_T: Yes, I was wrong there, I first thought a lot more KDE SC projects would use Git now, but the "important" parts still is in SVN23:22
yofelit needs some general rework, when I checkout branches I have no idea how long it'll take since the estimate is corrected all the time, and having a bzr process that's using over half a GiB of memory is crazy23:22
yofelI only noticed some of the kdesupport stuff moving to git.kde.org, but even there  not everything23:22
Tm_Teach project do their own move23:23
bulldog98yofel: kdelibs have rules finished for git move23:23
ximionyofel: Python-tool :P Fortunately I only use Bazaar for the PackageKit packaging, since it is the only VCS Launchpad supports and it's easier to collaborate with Ubuntu there.23:23
Quintasanyofel: fooey, we still are unable to do anything :/23:23
bulldog98and they have a repro right now, but it wasn’t synced yet (it’s empty until tomorrow)23:23
yofelyeah... :'(23:24
QuintasanThey'd better move this whole code before we get this bug in recipes fixed23:24
ximionneed to leave now...23:24
QuintasanNight ximion23:25
yofelgn ximion23:25
bulldog98gn ximion23:25
Quintasanwell, it's time for me too, I need some sleep.23:25
bulldog98ng Quintasan23:25
yofelQuintasan: wanna look at policykit for lucid btw.?23:25
yofelI gave up23:25
Quintasanyofel: Ask me tomorrow, I still have at least two tests to prepare for and I'm dead tired now :P23:26
yofelQuintasan: sure, sleep well23:26
QuintasanSee you later, as in 6-7 hours :P23:26
* yofel wants to finish kdelibs first23:27
yofelYES, kdelibs built fine finally...23:33
* bulldog98 hugs yofel23:36
Tm_TI possibly have local KDE build done here23:37
yofelcould anyone explain to me what purpose 23_solid_no_double_build.diff has? That's what made it fail to build23:38
yofelpatch contents: http://paste.ubuntu.com/539580/23:38
Tm_Tthere (were?) some stuff built twice in different places23:39
Tm_TI guess it's possibly not needed anymore23:39
yofelI didn't remove it but disabled it for now23:40
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1203430 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (10 files in 4 dirs) Add a GUI for searching23:40
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1203432 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Hide the search edit if the view type cannot search23:48
JontheEchidnasearch is complete \o/23:48
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1203434 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/CategoryView/CategoryViewWidget.cpp If there already is an existing search view, but we are at a higher place in the heirarchy, switch back to the search view when we search again23:54

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