
ralphHi Folks, I want to create a webshortcut for konqueror/rekonq, but having problems with variables and charset...00:16
ralphis ist somehow possible to get xy:value1, Value2 into \{1} \{2} ?00:17
Lars_GOk, please tell me someone in here is enjoying kde netbook UI in 10.10, without troubles.00:45
Lars_GI'm thinking on going 4.6 beta, I'm pissed at pages00:46
Lars_Gvery much00:46
Lars_GFirst I have a doble cashew on my search page00:46
Lars_GNow, I added another search page to test, I get a single cashew but it's not the one that contains page activities so I can't delete that page (I'll edit the config files by hand later), and I add a desktop page... it's empty, shows nothing, and if I click on the cashew (on a tab not a corner) and select add graphical elements, nothing comes up....00:47
tilted_mindanyone use xdrp?  Is there a similar prog that is more compatible to kde?00:52
valorieKDE 4.5.4 seems to be running well on 10.10 so far00:53
Lars_GWhat does it do?00:53
valorieknock on wood00:53
Lars_Gvalorie: in netbook mode?00:53
valoriemy netbook is in the shop00:54
Lars_Gmeh it seems I'm the only one using netbook plasma mode00:54
valorielooking forward to testing it out soon00:54
valorieplasma netbook worked fine until my netbook died totally00:54
valoriebattery problems I think00:54
valorieit was brand new, so back it went00:55
RastaManPowerhey all you guys know kget?00:56
RastaManPoweris it a good app?00:56
RastaManPoweri am trying to find a download manager for kde00:56
valoriehmmm, I've always just used wget00:57
Lars_Gtilted_mind: what does it do?00:57
RastaManPowerjsut a simple download manager00:57
RastaManPowerwget you say is better00:57
valorieI wouldn't say that00:57
tilted_mindLars_G: the graphics are pretty messed up.  hard to explain.00:58
valoriehaven't tried kget00:58
=== VenganZ is now known as Cibort
tilted_mindLars_G: In Gnome it works great though00:58
RastaManPoweris wget allredy installed by default00:58
valoriewget is completely cli00:58
valoriekget has a gui front-end00:58
valorieall depends on what you want00:59
RastaManPowerwill it save the progress if i close it or pc crashes00:59
valorieyes, and you can pause00:59
Lars_Gtilted_mind: what does it do? what is it for?00:59
valorierather fancy00:59
* cuznt uses synaptic package manager00:59
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Lars_GRastaManPower: was that shout for me?01:00
tilted_mindLars_G: ahh, sorry.  It is an app that lets you remote desktop from windows to linux using the native windows client01:00
Lars_GRastaManPower: Good, next time before shouting READ and see I was asking tilted_mind.01:00
Lars_Gtilted_mind: Oh, a remote desktop server. Sorry no idea, the closest I can come with is xvnc but it's vnc not remote desktop. sorry01:01
Lars_Gtilted_mind: if you're willing to install custom software client and server side, I'd recommend NX by nomachine, there's a free version and it's incredibly fast over slow networks... only drawback is that every connection opens a new session, not an existing one01:02
Lars_Gtilted_mind: Otherwise I'd try with Xvnc and a windows vnc client. I know the solution is not ideal. sorry01:02
tilted_mindLars_G: thanks for the suggestions, I will keep working at it.01:03
RastaManPowerso basically it will update my previously downloaded iso. and then i will  have to burn it on cd01:09
valoriezsync will, yes01:10
valorieagain, http://linuxgrandma.blogspot.com/2010/10/necessity-mother-of-learning-zsync.html01:10
valorieshould have some links for further reading01:10
RastaManPoweri have read about it01:16
RastaManPowersays i have to specify with -i01:16
RastaManPoweri have to cd to the directory where my old iso is?01:17
valorieyes I think so01:22
valoriegosh, I write about stuff so I don't have to remember it01:22
valoriemy off-board memory modules01:23
RastaManPoweri found a howto.. had to trename my old isoo01:24
valoriecan you comment on my blog post with that link please?01:28
valorieto help other readers out01:28
RastaManPowerwhat link sorry01:28
valoriewith the howto01:28
valorieI would appreciate that01:29
RastaManPowersaved me from downloading 35% of the iso01:30
RastaManPowervalorie i have posted01:36
RastaManPowerreally appreciated your help01:36
=== FireCrotch is now known as nickmoeck
valoriethanks, RastaManPower02:14
valoriesorry for the delay, I was on the phone02:15
RastaManPowerno problem02:15
RastaManPowerthink comment needs   validation tho02:16
francisco_alguein q me pueda orientar en ubuntu02:16
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KUBUNTUHi everyone04:35
KUBUNTUCan I ask a question04:35
GabrielYYZ!ask | KUBUNTU04:36
ubottuKUBUNTU: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:36
KUBUNTUIs there any proplem04:37
KUBUNTUwith it in linux04:37
GabrielYYZi don't think so, MPlayer can play it and VLC too04:37
GabrielYYZsorry, my bad, only VLC according to fileinfo.com04:38
KUBUNTUsome of my friend in arab UBUNTU forums04:38
KUBUNTUfaced some a problem04:38
KUBUNTUfor example04:38
KUBUNTUwhen they watch04:38
KUBUNTUthere are some breaks04:38
GabrielYYZwhat video player does he/they use?04:39
KUBUNTUas i think04:40
KUBUNTUhere http://www.matroska.org/downloads/linux.html04:42
GabrielYYZcheck this ubuntuforums thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8330504:42
KUBUNTUI found that Gstreamer does support for MKV04:43
GabrielYYZthe guy with a problem solved it by changing the video output04:43
GabrielYYZto be honest, i've never played a .mkv file, so my experience with them amounts to knowing they exist :(04:44
KUBUNTUthanks alot04:45
KUBUNTUit was so useful!04:45
GabrielYYZcool, glad it was :)04:46
KUBUNTUanother thing!04:47
KUBUNTUOld 2 Days Ago   #1 Mohammad Munir First Cup of Ubuntu   Join Date: Jul 2010 Beans: 4  How to apply a VLC Patch Hi every one !    VLC is my favorite multimedia player, but when I tray to play any video show with RMVB extension it doesn't work so good04:47
KUBUNTUI mean not as much as if I used any other software ( like for Example: Totem! ) .04:47
KUBUNTUso I've made a search on the internet and found a patch that can solve the problem04:47
KUBUNTU& found this04:48
FloodBotK1KUBUNTU: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:48
FloodBotK2KUBUNTU: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:48
KUBUNTUMy question04:49
KUBUNTUis how to apply this patch04:49
GabrielYYZKUBUNTU: i think you need to compile from source for that, that's out of my league really04:49
KUBUNTUah I see!04:50
GabrielYYZKUBUNTU: you could try #ubuntu and see if someone there knows more about it04:50
KUBUNTUThank u so much04:50
KUBUNTU& sorry to bother U04:50
GabrielYYZKUBUNTU: sure, no problem04:50
GabrielYYZKUBUNTU: don't worry, we're here to help04:51
RoeyRiddell:  good job pushing out KDE 4.5.4 PPA!04:53
Roeymy disappearing-windows problem is gone now04:53
Roeyfucking *finally* :)04:54
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obscurant1sti have installed kubuntu, and i dont see any button fro shutting down the system. only log out, hibernate& suspend/sleep is there09:36
valoriein the Kmenu?09:39
valoriewhen I click Leave, then I have choices to Sleep, Hibernate, Restart, Shut Down09:40
valorieor log out, lock, switch user09:40
valorieare you in 10.10, and did you do a fresh install of Kubuntu, or install ubuntu and then Kubuntu-desktop?09:41
* crack05 is away (Gone)10:01
=== crack05 is now known as CRACK05
valorie!ask | mallik10:07
ubottumallik: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:07
=== srs is now known as Guest70691
gribouilledoes anyone know which package contains the plasmoids ?10:20
valorie!info plasmoids10:28
ubottuPackage plasmoids does not exist in maverick10:28
valorie!info plasma10:28
ubottuPackage plasma does not exist in maverick10:28
gribouille!info plasma-desktop10:29
ubottuplasma-desktop (source: kdebase-workspace): The KDE Plasma workspace for desktop and laptop computers. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu8 (maverick), package size 386 kB, installed size 1808 kB10:29
beerpagesKostenlose mini Homepages für Umfragen, Videos und vielem mehr auf www.beerpages.de - Beispiel: http://www.beerpages.de/view/1P/Magst%20du%20%C3%84pfel%3F10:30
valorieI was going to say, if you search in kpackagekit for plasma, you get a LOT of widgets/plasmoids10:30
valoriethere is much which you can add, if you want10:30
amichairmy netbook wubi installation stopped working - when booting it momentarily flashes something with 'not found' in it and then the screen goes blank for good. pressing escape doesn't do anything. winxp boots ok. How do I fix this?10:56
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ahoxHi, what is the best way to print booklets?11:55
ahoxkde3 used to have it as part of the printing dialog11:55
mdimhi folks11:59
mdimwhere can Kubuntu source code be obtained/downloaded as a CD/DVD?11:59
mdimI'm asking about 10.10 release12:00
deedeeis there a possibility to outsource cpu power ? i mean...can i use the power of my windows system to calculate things on my ubuntu laptop?12:02
ahoxdeedee, you could build a cluster but this will most likely require changing your software12:05
ahoxor use job queus12:06
deedeeany wiki link or sth like that?12:06
ahoxif you can seperate your problem in a lot of little jobs12:06
ahoxfor clusters?12:06
ahoxdepends, what kind of problem do you have?12:07
ahoxthe most known is probably the beowulf cluster12:07
deedeehm, i'll google that12:08
deedeethx so far12:08
dv_hello. does anybody use the cpu and memory usage monitor taskbar widgets? i have a problem with them12:14
dv_they are obscured by icons: http://imgur.com/z9UAa12:14
dv_these icons belong to the widgets, but how can I get rid of them12:14
Mamarokdv_: I don't use it in the panel, but on the desktop12:26
Mamarokwhere it works12:27
Mamaroksome widgets are simply too big for the panel, not all fit there12:27
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dv_what puzzles me is why this icon even exists12:30
dv_there shouldnt be any12:30
dv_just the graph12:30
edwardhi everybody12:49
edwardi having troubles to listen my music12:49
edwardi play a song... after 5 seconds or something like that... stop it y play the next12:50
mdimyou're saying it stops playing after 5 seconds on its own?12:52
edwardno alwyas after 5 seconds12:55
edwardmdim: sometimes after 2 or 6 seconds12:55
mdimwhat music player are you using?12:55
edwardand... that is on amarok... or bangaran... or rhytm12:55
mdimit's the same in each and everyone?12:56
edwardbut yestarday was not so12:56
edwardmdim: on rythm i get a symbol like a x... on each song12:57
mdimI guess it's backend system-related. I use Xine and it works pretty good under Arch distro12:57
edwardil prove it12:58
edwardmdim: i was always having problmes with music on linux... but now it`s terible12:58
mdimsounds familiar, edward ;)12:58
mdimbut for me it works fine these days, most of it12:59
maskahelle, just wondering, is there a way to force a specific plasmoid to stay in front of all the other windows ? (like Ksensor for example)13:01
edwardmdim: wait i got to do something in here13:02
edwardmdim: i cant play music with xine13:05
edwardmdim: ever not with vlc13:06
edwardmdim: the music is in another hdd... i think that is the problem13:06
edwardmdim: yeah... i cant copy anthing from there13:06
edwardill reboot13:07
helpmeathi, i'd need your support to go online with my kubuntu 10.10 via mobile internet connection... i see "Mobile Broadband, Not connected" but i don't see a Connect button or something?13:29
=== CRACK05 is now known as crack05
helpmeatdo you need further details? if yes, which?13:30
matt_hi there! my new kubuntu 10.10 install is driving me nuts - I'm using a Thinkpad T40 in a docking station, and everytime I reboot Kubuntu with the thinkpad docked, it messes up the screen resolution.13:40
matt_of the external monitor I mean. it should be 1680x1050, as even detected as "auto" setting, but it defaults back to 1280x960, regardless of what I set up before the reboot.13:41
matt_any ideas how to resolve that issue? when docked it should disable the internal screen and use VGA:0 with 1680x1050. what is the display setting screen for, if the settings are ignored after each reboot!?13:43
bushwakkohow do I turn off mouse acceleration and set sensitivity ?13:44
darthanubisbushwakko: mouse options13:46
bushwakkodarthanubis: nope. only "pointer acceleration" there, that allows for 0.1 as the lowest and "pointer threshold"13:47
* crack05 is away (Gone)13:48
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helpmeatnoone has an idea??13:58
helpmeati see "Mobile Broadband, Not connected" but i don't see a Connect button or something?13:58
matt_no ideas, anyone?14:05
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frogonwheelsmatt_: run krandtray  might help?14:24
emniyetlephi do u  speak turkish??14:50
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.14:50
ct529hi! I am moving from evolution to kontact .... hwo do you import (1) the address book (2) the configuration ?15:02
pookito_I am having problem with bluedevil I do not know if there is anyone who can help me in this chat?15:14
FlashDeluxehi! i want to install a new kubuntu 10.10 client, can somebody tell me what the fastest fs is? i dont know what to choose best, ext3, ext4 or xfs, what do you think?15:18
=== deedee is now known as iLeak
ffffphello, which package do i need to make amarok be able to read mp3? right now it fails, i'm on kubuntu 10.10 on kde 4.5.415:38
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=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.10 released: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/10.10-release | KDE Platform 4.5.4 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.5.4 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines
Riddelltopicdiff: 4.5.4 out16:01
Riddell4.6 beta 1 packages are also out for those who like beta quality packages16:02
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rockheart90ребят куда меня занесло ?о_О17:19
yuzyukrockheart90 типа в чат по линуксу17:21
yuzyuk <rockheart90> типа в чат по линуксу.17:21
rockheart90да эт я понял...с бубы сижу....проблема тольк каким макаром,ибо я нигде не регался,и вообще с ирц в первый раз столкнулся...эт что-то аля джаббер?17:23
yuzyukподскажите пожалуста есть ли универсальная сборка линукс чтоб под всё старое железо вставала?17:24
rockheart90xfce попробуй и дровишки сам собрать))17:25
yuzyukя в линуксе не шарю недавно перешол17:26
rockheart90xubuntu как вариант,кушает ресурсов мало)про железяки хз,у меня старику уже 8 год пошел,спокойно даже из родных репозиториев все находит17:28
yuzyukпонятно спасибо17:29
yuzyukа есть ли возможность с установочного диска сделать установочную флешку? А то скорость интернета маленькая, а качать весь дистрибутив долго.17:32
FloodBotK1yuzyuk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:32
rockheart90конечно есть,и даже в самой убунте)))17:33
yuzyuk<rockheart90> а это сложно, есть какаято инструкцыя?17:34
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:35
rockheart90я из образа правда записывал,в администрировании -есть пункт создать загрузочную флэшку...а там все просто_17:38
=== denis_ is now known as denicola
HRPufnstufcd /home/randy/Downloadz/bible-discovery17:45
HRPufnstufjava -jar BibleDiscovery.jar17:45
HRPufnstufsorry for caps17:46
James147HRPufnstuf: you can create a script... or a *.desktop file17:47
James147HRPufnstuf: useing kmenuedit to create a .desktop file will be the eaiest17:47
sujithhi all, i have a small query regarding the broadcom driver18:30
sujithI had built kde from the source. After installation, i had changed the .desktop file to point the required startkde18:31
sujithnow my problem is that the broadcom driver doesnt responds to the iwlist18:31
sujithI am using dell inspiron 14r. And the chip is Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)18:32
sujithCan anyone help me how to get it working!!!18:32
Peace-broadcom driver neeed firmware18:36
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:36
sujithPeace-: Hi. Peace it was working with kubuntu 10.10.But after I build it from the source, i deleted the .kde* dirs in the $HOME directory and then restarted the kdm18:38
Peace-sujith: you mean $HOME/.kde ?18:39
sujithPeace-: Sorry instead of restarting kdm i restarted my laptop18:39
sujithPeace-: Yah /home/sujith/.kde18:39
Peace-lsmod | grep bcm18:39
Peace-give me the output18:39
trekkerI am using an HP G62-347NR notebook on which i installed Kubuntu 10.04.  All works well except the onboard speakers.  the headset jack works well and the speakers work in windows.  Any ideas?  Thanks.18:39
Peace-trekker: lspci | grep -i audio18:40
sujithPeace-: no output18:40
Peace-sujith: so  :) the driver is not loaded18:40
Peace-sujith: sudo modprobe bcm4318:40
Peace-sujith: should work if not press TAB and se what the system says18:41
sujithPeace-: I didnt understood the last comment. Can you please explain me once more?18:41
trekker00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)18:41
trekker01:05.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RS880 Audio Device [Radeon HD 4200]18:41
sujithPeace-: when I do modprobe bcm43 it says" FATAL: Module bcm43 not found"18:42
Peace-sujith: read the documentations please i have given you before the driver is called b4318:42
sujithPeace-: ok. I will do that :)18:42
Peace-sujith: your problem is only the driver is not loaded into the kernel ...18:43
Peace-make sure you have firmware too..18:43
Peace-trekker: you have 2 audio cards18:43
Peace-trekker: coluld you  make a screenshot of this : konsole type : alsamixer -V all18:43
Peace-!imagebin | trekker18:45
ubottutrekker: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.18:45
sujithPeace-: I have a question in my mind. I had installed b43-fwcutter. After that I did a modprobe of b43. It got loaded also18:48
sujithand when I do iwlist scanning it says "eth1      Failed to read scan data : Invalid argument"18:48
Peace-sujith: iwconfig in the konsole please18:50
sujithPeace-: when i do iwconfig in the konsole, i get the following output , http://pastebin.com/LkS5V4yn18:54
Peace-sujith: ok the driver is loaded now you  have only to extract the firmware18:55
Peace-trekker: see your photo now18:55
Peace-trekker: so you have 2 audio card ...pressing F6 you could use the intel one18:56
Peace-trekker: i guess18:56
Peace-trekker: your card is a 01:05.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RS880 Audio Device [Radeon HD 4200]18:57
Peace-id 27018:57
trekkerOne of the cards is for the HDMI port, I believe18:58
Peace-trekker: mm anyway i have seen on google a lots with your audio card got problems18:58
Peace-it's a kernel issue18:58
Peace-i mean alsa driver doesn''t work properly18:58
Peace-that is a pain in the ass i know18:58
sujithPeace-:  extracting the firmware is mentioned in the step2 and step3 of the "b43 no internet access" of the link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx right?18:59
Peace-trekker: could try to select with F6 the other one just to try ...19:00
Peace-sujith: i guess yes19:00
trekkerPeace: do you think maybe oss would work better or am I just stuck?19:00
Peace-trekker: before try with alsa....19:00
Peace-then when you are sure doesn't work ....19:00
Peace-try another one19:00
Peace-because i know really well what is a sound issue...19:01
Peace-and i know the best step is always try to get the system work with default drivers19:01
Peace-trekker: i got a lots of issue with my audio card :D19:01
Peace-3 years ago...19:01
trekkerPeace:  Thanks so much19:02
FreeMindedHi all19:02
FreeMindedI just apgraded to KDE 4.6 beta and now I can't login into KDE anymore19:02
FreeMindedI get KDM, login seems to get accepted but then I come back to the login screen19:03
Peace-FreeMinded: well well ...kid19:03
FreeMindeddoes anyone have an idea where I have to look19:03
Peace-you know it's a beta?19:03
Peace-FreeMinded: now ... try to add another user19:04
Peace-sudo adduser noob && sudo adduser noob admin19:04
Peace-try to login with noob nickname19:04
FreeMindedOK, same thing happens19:06
sujithPeace-: I had extracted the firmware19:06
Peace-FreeMinded: well so i guess you got a bad installation19:06
FreeMindedof KDE?19:06
Peace-FreeMinded: yea19:07
sujithPeace-: I may have to restart the machine right?19:07
FreeMindedredo it?19:07
Peace-FreeMinded: beta ppa is not so safe as you could thingk19:07
Peace-FreeMinded: try to reinstall everthing with this link19:07
Peace-FreeMinded: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/11/08/reinstall-kde/19:07
Peace-FreeMinded: if not change...19:08
Peace-FreeMinded: remove the ppa you added19:08
barrapontoFreeMinded: hey19:08
Peace-FreeMinded: remove all kde ... packages19:08
Peace-FreeMinded: reinstall the standard kde...19:08
barrapontoFreeMinded: there is an arrow19:08
barrapontoin kdm19:08
barrapontoit opens a menu19:08
barrapontopick plasma-desktop19:09
barrapontoFreeMinded: if you don't have plasma-desktop19:09
FreeMindedi have normal and secure only19:09
barrapontoFreeMinded: kubuntu 10.10?19:09
FreeMindedyep 10.1019:09
barrapontoFreeMinded: try ctrl+alt+f1 and install plasma-desktop through the command line19:09
barrapontoFreeMinded: install kde-windows-manager as well19:10
barrapontoFreeMinded: or just install kde-full if you have got the time.19:10
barrapontoFreeMinded: works.but make sure plasma-desktop and kde-windows-manager is installed.19:10
FreeMindedI try...19:11
Peace-FreeMinded: reinstalling kubuntu-desktop doesn't make any change19:11
Peace-it's ametapackage19:11
barrapontocan anyone help me compile kdevelop 4.2?19:11
Peace-FreeMinded: please read the stuff i liked before.19:11
Peace-that reinstall alll kde stuff.19:12
Peace-making sure you have all19:12
Peace-then you can think to other things..19:12
FreeMindedok, I cill19:12
Peace-FreeMinded: swizz?19:13
=== david is now known as Guest8583
FreeMindedPeace: yes19:14
=== Guest8583 is now known as thekleine
FreeMindedI guess libweather-ion5 is the problem!19:15
Peace-i don't thik so19:16
barrapontohow do i compile and make a package?19:16
FreeMindedII had a similar issue updating to 4.5.319:16
Peace-barraponto: well if you use cmake you coild use cpack19:16
Peace-FreeMinded: well try again then19:17
FreeMindedwhen I do reinstall kubuntu-desktop it gets removed19:17
Peace-but i guess libweather is only a library for some werid widget plasma i mean19:17
barrapontoPeace-: i have just downloaded the git HEAD19:17
barrapontoi mean, the master branch19:17
Peace-barraponto: when you compile if you use cmake is very easy use cpack and get the deb stuff19:18
Peace-if you don't use cmake it's a pain xD19:18
FreeMindedOK guys, I'm back in business! Thanks a lot!19:18
Peace-FreeMinded: have you reinstalled kde?19:18
Peace-or what?19:18
FreeMinded(re)installing kubuntu-desktop fixed it19:19
Peace-FreeMinded: nice19:19
FreeMindedsomething musst be wrong with the depencies...19:19
Peace-yea,,, it's a ppa kid19:19
barrapontoPeace-: cmake, ok.19:22
Peace-barraponto: so if you use cmake.. read my blog maybe it's not complete but you can get an idea...19:22
Peace-barraponto: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/?s=cpack19:22
FreeMindedadded comment to bug stating the same issue for update to 4.5.x https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/615865/comments/1919:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 615865 in Kubuntu PPA "Blackscreen after login, after update to kde 4.5" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:27
FreeMindedoh well that gets automatically posted here...19:28
barrapontoPeace-: i have used apt-get build-dep to install the packages needed to build kdevelop.19:31
barrapontoPeace-: is there a way to uninstall them after i build kdevelop?19:31
Peace-barraponto: see the log of sudo apt-get build-dep stuff19:32
Peace-sudo apt-get autoremove ?19:32
barrapontoPeace-: found an error while building, undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_timedlock19:34
barrapontoany idea?19:34
Peace-sudo apt-get install apt-file19:34
Peace-then apt-file error19:34
barrapontoPeace-: ?19:35
sujithPeace-: I restarted the laptop19:35
barrapontoPeace-: oh, i pass the error as a parameter?19:36
sujithPeace-: but still the broadcom issue continues ...19:36
Peace-sujith: lsmod | grep bc19:36
Peace-barraponto: you mean with cpack or with make ?19:36
sujithPeace-: its again empty output19:36
barrapontoPeace-: cmake went fine19:37
Peace-barraponto: if you got an error with make apt-file could help you to get what package you are missing19:37
barrapontothen i had to run make, right?19:37
Peace-barraponto:read this i was getting error with make so i used apt-file http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/11/02/recoditnow-screencast-kubuntu-9-10-kde4-series/19:38
barrapontoapt-file find rocks.19:38
Peace-sujith: try to load again the driver ...19:39
Peace-sujith: read my blog about the drivers...19:39
Peace-sujith: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/05/07/kubuntu-904-driver/19:40
sujithPeace-: ok19:40
Peace-sujith: yoiu will understand how to load a driver19:40
Peace-for a session or forever19:40
sujithPeace-: ok19:41
Peace-sujith: kid anyway on the wiki link is explained well... you have only to read it all, calm down and the... try the tutorial19:46
rorkhi guardian19:46
guardianI have a problem19:46
Peace-all here have a prolbem :)19:47
Peace-me too xD19:47
guardianI need to have linux on an old pc19:47
guardian16 mb of RAM19:47
Peace-guess impossibile19:47
sujithPeace-: ok. I am little worried. Anyway will read the previous link. Once again19:48
Peace-maybe tyni core19:48
Peace-guardian: http://www.tinycorelinux.com/19:48
Peace-guardian: maybe19:48
guardianI tried DSL... it seemed to work but I need latex on it...19:48
Peace-guardian: kid go and buy 200 pc decent19:49
Peace-we don't do  miracle :D19:49
Peace-this is kubunut19:49
guardianok sorry19:50
guardianso no kubuntu on it?19:50
drabina@guardian you won't run kubuntu on it19:51
guardianok thanks bye19:51
Peace-kubuntu needs decent pc with 256mb of ram19:52
Peace-at least19:52
rorkguardian: a handfull of other distro's are mentioned here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=833537 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97907619:52
* Peace- worked with debian+kde in a pentium2 350 256mb of rams and matromillennium 8mb or memory video card19:52
drabina@guardian why you need to run latex on so old hardware?19:53
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sujithPeace-: Is it possible to kill the wpa_supplicant that is already running?19:56
Peace-sujith: why you want kill i t?19:56
Peace-do you want kill it19:56
sujithPeace-: just asked19:56
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sujithPeace-: i have a custom script written which kills the wpa_supplicant and then loads the config file for wpa_supplicant19:57
Peace-sujith: sudo pkill nameprocess19:57
sujithPeace-: and one more thing, the wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx, says that if i execute apt-get install b43-fwcutter, package configuration window appears. But for me nothing happens. It just installs and goes off.20:02
sujithPeace-: after installation i can see b43-fcutter executable installed20:03
Peace-sujith: you have installed with konsole or with kpackagekit?20:04
drabinadoes anybody know if kubuntu ppa exists only for specific application? I mean I'd like to enable only ppa for kdevelop 4.1 but kdevelop 4.1 exists only in backports ppa and I don't want to use all backport updates20:04
sujithPeace-: I have installed with konsole20:04
sujithPeace-: I had not tried with kpackagekit20:05
acidHi All.20:05
Peace-sujith: try to load from console the software20:06
Peace-sujith: i guess you have to be root20:06
Peace-sujith: so sudo nameofprogram20:06
sujithPeace-: You mean b43-fcutter?20:08
jschall_i got a new laptop and oh my god, windows takes a LOOOONG time to be ready for use, even when it's *already installed*20:10
sujithPeace-: I am sorry if my queries are stupid :(20:10
jschall_at this rate, i'm going to be ready to wipe it off before it even finishes20:10
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone20:12
phoenix_firebrdwikileaks new website wikileaks.cn is blocked by my isp, i tried using a anonymous proxy, it says my my firewall is blocking, any other way to access the website20:13
rwwphoenix_firebrd: it's .ch, not .cn20:13
phoenix_firebrdrww: ch for swiss?20:14
sujithPeace-: http://pastebin.com/Y9SmsSzf was the output of what i followed from the wiki20:14
phoenix_firebrdrww: how do i know if thats a website form wikileaks ?20:16
Peace-sujith: reading20:16
Peace-sujith: so now?20:17
rwwphoenix_firebrd: because their official twitter account says so. it has some others listed, too: http://twitter.com/wikileaks20:17
phoenix_firebrdrww: oh, thats good. thanks buddy20:18
rwwno problem20:18
sujithPeace-: again the same problem of not giving output for iwlist scanning :(20:19
jschall_my new laptop has 3 partitions: windows, recovery, and a 104MB ntfs partition as the first partition on the drive. any idea what it's for? it's a samsung20:25
Peace-sujith: i have no time kid but keep on it it will work i am sure broadcom can work20:26
Peace-sujith: unluclyu to get your card work you have to read understand well20:26
Peace-linux is this :)20:26
sujithPeace-: :)20:29
sujithPeace-: thank you for the helping hand, will make it work :)20:29
sujithPeace-: its time for me to go to sleep. Its 2 am here20:29
Peace-sujith: good night here it's 9.30 pm20:35
Peace-sujith: where are you from kid?20:35
waernerI'm getting a little bit frustrated. Two problems: My resolution won't reach anything above 1280, and my NIC doesn20:38
waernerdoesn't receive any DHCP information20:38
waernerStarting with the last one: lspci gives me  "Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP61 Ethernet (Rev a2)". Can I suppose that the OS recognizes the NIC then?20:39
gribouillehow is the network configured under maverick ? the file /etc/network/interfaces seems unused20:39
waernerAll LEDs on my Switch are flashing green, and the other computers are working fine20:39
waernerBut this one just refuses to go online. Any ideas?  :(20:40
sujithPeace-: am from India. The problem is i have a laptop r51 where i dont have to worry much about the wireless. Its intel wireless. This is the first time am configuring a wireless.20:41
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Peace-sujith: italy here :)20:43
waernergah, I hate when these things happens :(20:44
gribouillehow do I configure the network under maverick ?20:51
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WalzmynI have tried using the file[1-5] convention in konsole several times without having it work. Is there some reason I'm not having any success?21:19
PurpleYuanHi, question about wallpapers.21:40
PurpleYuanDo the wallpapers not save in their own file?21:40
PurpleYuanEvery time I reboot, I have to put them up again.21:40
PurpleYuanI think that has something to do with the fact that the images themselves are saved on a different drive (ntfs) that doesn't automount.21:41
moetunesthat would make it hard for the system to use the image21:42
PurpleYuanThe thing was that was never a problem in gnome21:43
PurpleYuanWhat I'm trying to understand is the best way to solve the problem21:44
sayakbhi, after todays update from the kubuntu ppa, i notice that i've lost the smooth sliding of plasma tooltips when focussing on different plasma components. is that intended or did i miss out something somewhere?21:44
MeltingKeyboardhey there21:45
MeltingKeyboardI have a question21:45
MeltingKeyboardI am wondering where a high res version of the kubuntu logo is21:45
MeltingKeyboardpreferably svg21:45
MeltingKeyboardi am working on updating the example content for 10.0421:46
sayakbMeltingKeyboard: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kubuntu-logo-lucid.svg21:46
MeltingKeyboardthank you very much21:46
MeltingKeyboardI am updating the example content for 10.04.21:59
MeltingKeyboarddoes this description of Kubuntu sound accurate?21:59
MeltingKeyboardit is what is there right now:21:59
MeltingKeyboardKubuntu is a user friendly operating system based on KDE, the K Desktop Environment. Kubuntu and Ubuntu are not meant to be seen as distinct projects; Kubuntu is part of the Ubuntu project, and they are both part of one development team that contributes to the whole. Kubuntu is Ubuntu with a different default set-up, the Ubuntu CD contains only GNOME as a desktop environment; the Kubuntu CD contains only KDE, this is the primary difference.21:59
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ubuntuãäå ÿ?23:08
ubuntuíå ïîíÿë...23:09
ubuntuïî ðóññêè êòîòî ãîâîðèò?23:09
emniyetdo u speak turkish english??23:10
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList23:11
mdimdoes anyone know where can Kubuntu 10.10 release source code be obtained/downloaded? Where?23:13
Tm_Tmdim: for each package, there's separate source package23:14
Tm_Texcept for binary drivers and alike23:14
mdimcan I download it as a CD/DVD for whole release?23:15
Tm_TIIRC no23:15
mdimwhy is that so?23:16
Tm_Tthere's no need23:17
mdimreally? What about distribution? If I distribute Kubuntu to someone, he can ask me for sources.23:19
mdimI could also ask Kubuntu community/portal for sources, but I don't see one23:19
mdim*don't see source code publicly available23:19
Tm_Tmdim: then you tell that they are available in the same way as are app packages, or, http://packages.ubuntu.com23:19
jschalli can adjust my brightness in the battery applet, but if i press the XF86MonBrightnessUp or XF86MonBrightnessDown keys, the OSD comes up but the brightness doesn't change. any ideas?23:21
mdimjust like it's not enough to provide link to GPL, I suppose it's not enough to point to resource23:21
Tm_Tmdim: it is enough23:21
mdimTm_T: what exactly of those two is enough? If you distribute GPL-ed software, you have to provide license text too, not just a link23:22
Tm_Tmdim: the source doesn't need to be included, just that it need to be available reasonably23:22
mdimOk. So what's the reasonable way for me to obatain Kubuntu source code?23:23
Tm_Tdownload source packages separately, for example: http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/maverick/kdebase-workspace23:24
Tm_Tthere's simply no point to provide a one huge source package to all what Kubuntu/Ubuntu provides, as it's not usable as is23:26
mdimTm_T: wouldn't it fit on a DVD or a few CDs?23:27
Tm_Tmdim: here's list of all source packages: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/allpackages23:28
mdimbut are all of those the ones that are on a CD iso image?23:31
Tm_Tno, that's all what is available23:32
mdimis there a list of release packages?23:32
mdimare there any build scripts?23:32
Tm_Tyes, one moment23:32
Tm_Tmdim: see .manifest files in http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/10.10/23:35
mdimsorry, battery was too low23:37
mdimTm_T, those packages listed at .manifest file are the ones included in the release?23:40
Tm_Tmdim: those are in the image23:40
mdimso, if I wanted to build iso image made of sources for Kubutu release, I'd just need to put those .manifest packages in it and that's it?23:43
mdimis there a build script?23:43
mdimI guess there must be23:44
Tm_TI guess so, so you simply need a script that takes that list and downloads the sourcepackages23:44
Tm_Tmdim: yes, but I haven't ever touched on those so no idea where23:44
mdimthx a lot for your help, Tm_T23:44
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