
wallyworldStevenK: want another code review to do?04:13
StevenKwallyworld: No? :-)04:13
wallyworldStevenK: that's ok. i thought i'd offer it to you first04:13
StevenKActually, let me ask a different question. "Do I have a choice?" :-)04:13
StevenKwallyworld: But yes, I'll take a look04:14
wallyworldStevenK: of course there's a choice :-) . want wasn't sure if you were still needed to do them as part of the metoring04:14
wallyworldStevenK: if you want :-) https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/recipe-find-related-branches/+merge/4209704:14
wallyworldStevenK: feel free to pass if you want. i won't be offended :-)04:15
StevenKwallyworld: You mention a bug in the summary, but you don't link it to the branch? :-)04:17
StevenKwallyworld: I'm only surprised you have to kick the security proxy out of the way so much04:20
wallyworldStevenK: linked now04:27
wallyworldStevenK: what i found was that without removing the proxy, stuff would break when running the tests. can't recall the exact error now04:28
StevenKwallyworld: Perhaps this means the zcml should be tweaked instead of telling zope to get out of your way?04:58
wallyworldStevenK: yes, perhaps. i can take another look04:59
StevenKwallyworld: Anyway, +1'd, but that would be cool04:59
wallyworldStevenK: i guess, given in some places we need to removeSecurityProxy, i'm unsure what the guiding principals are as to when to go naked vs tweak zcml05:00
wallyworldthanks for the review btw05:01
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wgrantadeuring: Can I throw a review your way?11:45
adeuringwgrant: sure; I'm currently reviewing an MP from EdwinGrubbs, but i'm nearly finished11:46
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wgranthttps://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-675621-packages-binary-scaling/+merge/42607 is the MP.11:47
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=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring || Reviewing: wgrant || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
* adeuring needs to remember that C-Y does not paste stuff from the clipboard in most programs12:03
adeuringwgrant: r=me12:22
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wgrantadeuring: Thanks!12:23
wgrantadeuring: Could you please throw it at EC2?12:23
adeuringwgrant: sure12:23
gmbadeuring: Howdy. Can I have a review for a fairly trivial JS branch? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gmb/launchpad/lazr-wizard-linkage/+merge/4261612:42
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adeuringgmb: sure12:58
adeuringgmb: r=me13:15
gmbadeuring: Thanks.13:17
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jtvI was trying to get Stuart to review this, since he told me where to stick my new code, but it seems he's already gone: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/bug-684669/+merge/4262113:32
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bachi adeuring.  much happening today?13:53
adeuringbac: well, three reviews so far13:53
bacadeuring: hopping!13:53
bacjtv: i'll look at it13:57
jtvthanks bac13:57
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bacjtv: are there any tests where you could demonstrate this loggin?14:33
jtvbac: I could probably arrange for one.14:34
jtvWasn't sure it was needed, since this will be exercised all the time anyway.14:34
bachave you shown it being exercised?14:35
jtvbac: hmm… writing a test for this is harder than I thought.  I demonstrated the debug output manually by running a script with -vvv but that'd be a bit of a splurge for testing something so basic.14:54
jtvI don't see any way to inject a fake database connection.  There may be a way to inject a fake logger, but I don't know how.14:55
jtv(But FWIW yes I did see it work and it was just the thing I wished I'd had so many times before)14:56
bacjtv: ok.  i just wanted to ensure it had been exercised at least a little, to ensure the formatting string gets populated correctly, no syntax errors, etc14:59
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jtvbac: a very valid concern—I've had breakage in the past because of silly mistakes in composing exception messages.  Thanks.16:10
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
EdwinGrubbsadeuring: I added another test to the branch you reviewed, and I refactored the tests that you mentioned.17:23
adeuringEdwinGrubbs: cool -- though I think branch was fine before :) I'll have a look17:24
adeuringEdwinGrubbs: still r=me, just one minor nitpick17:31
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=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews

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