
thorwilivanka: aww, no worries. especially as i totally failed to take care about the design center thing since uds :)10:37
thorwilivanka, vish: so what to do? extend the artwork team logo submission period until when?10:38
ivankathorwil: thanks - I am hoping to get the survey going today - have to put handwritten notes into electronic format and take it from there10:38
ivankathorwil: vish, I don't know10:39
vishthorwil: first we decide what we want to be, and then we decide how long to extend it..10:39
thorwilvish: i don't think "what do we want to be?" asked to the team will lead to any actionable result10:40
vishthorwil: not asking the team.. i meant wait for the survey results and then..10:41
vishthorwil: afaik, the survey is to give us a clue..10:42
* thorwil sends mail, suggesting new deadline begin of february, for another evaluation10:56
thorwilregarding the BR thing, i'm pretty sure "logo oficial do Time de Arte Ubuntu BR" means official logo for the Ubuntu BR Artwork Team11:02
thorwilreminds me of the sad fact that there is no communication between various regional efforts and us11:03
coz_thorwil, simple enough logo11:11
thorwilcoz_: hmm?11:12
coz_thorwil, the  ubuntu -br logo11:13
vishthorwil: there is nothing BR about it, we can just use it as well... ;)11:17
vishthorwil: but you have a wicked eye!, brush in the face! ;p11:18
coz_good day all17:56
darkmatterello coz_17:56
coz_darkmatter,  hey guy :)17:56
vishthorwil: i think you just made powerful enemies ;p18:04
vishyou extended the logo deadline, now baer will write to you more ;p18:05
thorwilvish: powerful?18:40
vishthorwil: and he'll also trivial edit wiki ;p18:40
thorwilguess what my wiki options say18:41
vishthorwil: i unsubscribed to the projects wiki..18:41
vishi was earlier subscribed to it and then :s18:41
vishthorwil: did you know about the plan for the final selection for the team logo ?18:43
vishhis three options?18:43
thorwilvish: i saw them, but didn't know of any plan18:43
vishthorwil: hmm, this is the first time i heard about them.. very odd making someone else pick your shirt ;p18:44
vishespecially since the team is the artwork team o.018:44
thorwilvish: i just misunderstood you18:45
thorwilhe mentioned the options earlier in private mail18:45
vishi dont see any rationale in three of his options18:46
visheach has its flaws.. first two seem totally wrong, other's can suggest options, but i dont think the final decision must lie on them18:47
thorwilvish: i disagree. first 2 would be sensible in case we could pick few candidates, where each would be acceptable to us18:48
vishthorwil: thats what i meant.. they can suggest the final options from where team chooses the one they want18:49
thorwilthat's backwards from what i meant :)18:49
vishhmm, oh! :D18:49
vishthorwil: yea, and what's with the private mails.. he sent the mails for the logo to all my id's o.018:51
vishmy old mac_v id.. not sure where he found that, maybe in breathe …18:51
thorwilvish: frequency and content of his mails to me have been perfectly acceptable18:51
thorwilvish: well, tell him which single address you prefer ;)18:52
vishthorwil: yea, he has slowed down since last meeting..18:52
thorwilthis whole circus is so damn silly18:52
thorwilvish: on lo-marketing, i saw a whole bunch of people who all misunderstood my proposed vision/mission statement to somehow be about audience-facing communication and went on to propose slogans18:54
vishhehe! :)18:55
thorwilguess how even more valuable it is to see someone who applies my strategies in a meaningful way, thereby implying that he does a bit more than to understand what i'm about18:56
thorwiland then at the same time all these communication and sync hickups18:56
vishthey should have had a separate ML, rather than marketing , i guess thats where the confusion starts..18:57
thorwilthere is a design list18:58
thorwilbut in theory, what i proposed there belongs to marketing, too18:58
thorwiljust that the list seems to be full of people with a marketing->slogan shortcut in their head18:58
thorwiloh, and the definition of marketing that allows one guy to claim marketing would be about serving the customer/user ... delicious19:00
thorwillet's define everything as broad as possible and turn the meaning around 180° for maximal clarity19:00
thorwilmore on topic, wonder what has to happen to see xubuntu wallpaper submissions that are not something blue on blue with a little blue19:01
vishheh, yea.. i hadnt even checked out the guidelines, so i'm not even sure the color i modified was the right blue ;p19:03
hughberthello there anybody around?19:14
hughberti want to know what do you think of my logo for ubuntu ireland:19:15
hughbertits looking like the lights are on but nobodys home....19:19
thorwilugh, one thing i really don't like about the forum is having to be logged in to see attachments19:20
hughbertsorry about that...19:20
hughbertis there any good picture uplaoding site?19:20
thorwil(for temporary things)19:22
hughbertcool thanks19:22
hughbertwait up a sec...19:22
hughbertwell i ment a minute...19:24
hughbertno problem...19:25
thorwilhughbert: the knot idea has huge potential19:26
thorwilhughbert: i think you should leave the heads as circles, becomes too busy, otherwise19:26
hughbertreally i went to my local Lug and they were like its a bit too OTT19:26
hughbertI dont agree though so....19:27
hughbertyou like it anyway....19:27
thorwilwell, i like the knots19:27
hughbertalright will do....19:27
thorwilhughbert: try to render the segments as rope. only19:28
thorwilthat is, not inside another shape19:28
hughbertoo right...19:28
thorwilno, just single shapes, solid fill19:29
hughbertooo i see....19:30
hughbertcould you maybe change it there for me because my wacom is'nt working....19:30
thorwilhughbert: no19:31
hughbertthats fine19:31
thorwilhughbert: there's at least one long thread on the ubuntu forum regarding getting your wacom to work ...19:32
hughbertill be getting a new one anyway soon19:32
hughberti steped on it...19:32
hughbertso its fecked...19:32
thorwilhughbert: but later on, once you are sure about the geometry, the logo should be realized in svg, with inkscape19:32
thorwilah ok, the forum thread can't help with things you stepped on :)19:33
hughbertya that would look good alright i was thinking of doing that alright....19:33
hughbertcan i count on this being half official?19:34
thorwilhughbert: this is not one bit official19:34
hughbertha ha thats grand...19:35
thorwilhughbert: you will have to convince those in charge of the team that shall use it19:35
thorwilhughbert: i don't belong to the canonical design team, but it would make no difference if i did, because that's how it's being handled19:36
thorwilthe teams decide themselves19:36
hughberti see...19:36
hughberti'd say that won't be too hard i got 802 views on ubuntu fourms...19:36
thorwilthe number of views don't mean a thing19:37
hughbertthats grand... flip it anyway....19:37
hughberti know the fella doing up the new site so its grand...19:37
thorwilsure, direct contact to those who do the work is key19:38
hughbertya am where are you from by the by?19:38
hughberto really cool...19:39
thorwilparticularly now, when we got lots of snow19:40
thorwilhughbert: you are from ireland?19:41
hughbertany way i'd better be off im working on a poster for my local LUG19:42
hughbertIf you want to take a look its: www.clarelug.blogspot.com19:42
hughbertya born and bred...19:43
thorwilhughbert: he, take it easy on me, i'm not familiar with that slang :)19:43
thorwilhughbert: nm, now i get it19:44
hughbertin the west coast....19:45
hughbertha ha ....19:45
hughbertsorry about that...19:45
hughbertill try in and talk in good english...19:45
hughbertha ha im still laughing..19:45
hughbertim on the floor...19:45
thorwilhughbert: lol, no actually at i first failed to see it was the answer to my question. so a problem of context, not so much the expression :)19:46
thorwilbut glad to be entertaining :)19:47
hughbertyou shoud come over sometime....19:47
hughbertever been to ireland?19:47
hughbertyou should come over during the spring or summer...19:48
hughbertwe have our own airport and everything....19:49
thorwilmaybe some day ...19:50
hughbertyour snowed in???19:50
hughbertwe have only 3 cm of snow....19:50
hughbertbut in the east they have 60cm its very bad over there....19:51
thorwilonly few cm here too, it's just very early. as always, it gets worse to the south19:51
hughbertoo right....19:51
thorwilit's enough to mess up the traffic19:51
hughbertwe're not used to it....19:51
hughbertits the worst in generations....19:52
hughbertanyway you can pop over anytime, your welcome to....19:53
thorwilthanks :)19:53
hughbertwe might have a LUG meeting....19:53
hughbertStallman came to Clare back in 2001 had a big drinking session....19:54
hughbertthanks for your help... good luck!!!19:56
thorwilnp :)19:56
hughbertGute Nacht!19:57
thorwilhughbert: good night to you, too!19:58

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