
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
micahgdoes reverse-build-depends work for anyone else?01:42
ScottKmicahg: What's your problem?03:33
* ScottK is going to guess it's that the version is hard coded in the script and so you have to edit it if you want a different one.03:34
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hyperairjpds: ping04:33
micahgScottK: I get a message about being unable to find source files05:03
ScottKmicahg: That's the one.  If you go to the line number in the error message, you'll find the edit you need to make is pretty obvious I think.05:03
micahgScottK: got it, I just need to pass --distribution maverick (or enable natty sources)05:09
ScottKI always just edit the file, but yes.05:09
micahgthat's probably easier in case I forget05:10
micahgScottK: thanks05:12
ScottKYou're welcome.05:12
=== Zhenech_ is now known as Zhenech
spaceboy909Are packaging questions ok in here?07:38
dholbachgood morning!08:25
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DavieyHi, would someone be able to sponsor merge bug #683893 please ?10:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 683893 in writer2latex (Ubuntu) "Please merge writer2latex 1.0.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68389310:42
beerpagesErstelle dir deine eigene Umfrage - Beispiel: http://www.beerpages.de/view/2H/Anti-%22Die%20%C3%84rzte%22%20Kampagne10:48
EvaLuaTedoes ubuntu also take packages from PPAs?10:57
EvaLuaTeI mean, do they include packages from PPA's in their own repository? I currently have a RFS open on debian for my package and it seems it'll still gonna take some time until it gets uploaded. I have made a PPA for ubuntu though, and I was curios if those get "scanned" by the ubuntu team automatically or if someone has to explicitely submit such a PPA to be included in the ubuntu repos...11:04
LaneyEvaLuaTe: who did you submit the RFS to? A packaging team or debian-mentors?11:14
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EvaLuaTeLaney, debian-mentors...11:14
Laneyand to answer your question: nobody looks on PPAs — you have to manually request inclusion11:14
LaneyYou may find a dedicated team more responsive and amenable to your request. :)11:15
EvaLuaTewell, since I already submited a RFS to the debian-mentors list, I guess I can't submit another one to also pkg-gnome for example, or would this be acceptable?11:19
EvaLuaTealso, how would I request inclusion of my PPA into ubuntu?11:19
Laneyjust cross-reference them, it should be fine11:19
ubottuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU11:19
EvaLuaTeLaney, sorry but this is my first time "participating" in a mailing list. what exactly do you mean with cross-reference? Do you mean that when I contact the pkg-gnome team, I should tell them that there is also an open RFS for that pcakage on debian-mentors?11:21
Laneyright. :)11:21
Laneyyou could go to #debian-gnome on OFTC11:22
EvaLuaTeoh, thank you very much for the help! :-)11:22
hyperairiulian: ping11:25
hyperairiulian: pidgin-facebookchat stopped working, and there's a new upstream release fixing it. could you update the package?11:26
Laneyis that package necessary now that fb offers xmpp?11:26
cdbsbdrung: there?11:40
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geserlucas: would it be easily possible to add to http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi when the last rebuild happened (on which date it was done)?13:36
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=== sebner_ is now known as sebner
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RainCTHey sebner15:14
sebnerhola  RainCT =)15:17
RainCTsebner: Now you can ask me to sponsor stuff for you again :P15:18
mok0How can you prevent all kind of junk going into debian/patches/debian-changes-* ???15:20
RainCTmok0: Other than fixing your clean rule?15:20
mok0I am think specifically of gnu autotools stuff15:20
mok0RainCT: yeah15:20
sebnerRainCT: Did I miss something? DD already? =)15:21
mok0I am having the problem because I maintain packaging in a bzr branch15:21
mok0and of course the branch does not include autotools files15:22
mok0.... but they are in the tar.gz file15:22
mok0... which is made by doing "make dist"15:22
mok0I can't see any way out of this dilemma15:23
bdrungmok0: remove them on clean15:23
mok0bdrung: I guess15:23
bdrungmok0: removed files shouldn't end up in the diff (or do they?)15:23
mok0bdrung: but it's kludgy15:23
bdrungmok0: then add the files to your branch15:24
mok0bdrung: because we never know when autotools change and decides to put new files in there15:24
mok0bdrung: no, they don15:24
mok0don't belong in the branch15:24
bdrungmok0: you could use helper tools to update the autotools files15:24
bdrungmok0: maybe separate packaging branch?15:25
mok0bdrung: I have that15:25
mok0bdrung: but the auto generated files keep changing and I don't want them in the repo15:25
mok0bdrung: I run autoreconfig at build time15:25
mok0(in principle)15:26
mok0I like best deleting them in the clean target15:26
bdrungmok0: then remove the autogenerated files on clean (maybe some helper tools may help)15:26
RainCTsebner: Yeah!15:26
mok0bdrung: yes :-)15:27
sebnerRainCT: congrats!15:27
RainCTThanks :)15:27
mok0RainCT: nice going15:27
hakermaniahello all, may I ask something? In most of the programs in the Ubuntu Software Center there are pictures (an external picture and a picture shown when you click More Info and usually shows some functions) . What about these pictures? After I finish packaging should I do something to show them if REVU accept my package?15:50
hakermania[did I post here? (if yes, sorry I reconnected): hello all, may I ask something? In most of the programs in the Ubuntu Software Center there are pictures (an external picture and a picture shown when you click More Info and usually shows some functions) . What about these pictures? After I finish packaging should I do something to show them if REVU accept my package?15:52
ScottKThe screen shots are from screenshots.debian.net15:52
ScottKSo get your package in Debian and then submit a screenshot there is, AFAIK, the answer.15:53
hakermania"get your package in Debian" ? My package is designed for ubuntu only!15:55
geserwhy is it Ubuntu only?15:59
superm1it doesnt have to be in debian to get the screenshot submitted16:01
superm1if it's in just ubuntu, it still works if there a screenshot at screenshots.debian.net (which allows uploads for packages not in debian)16:01
hakermaniaok, so, let's say I upload a screenshot to screenshots.debian, how do I declare it in order to be used with my package submitted to REVU?16:13
hakermaniamy package hasn't yet been approved by REVU, so it isn't in the list of screenshots.debian (http://screenshots.debian.net/upload) should i wait my package to be accepted to be able to upload an image?16:18
hakermaniaI'll be back in 1.30 hours. You'let me know then.... :/16:20
=== menesis1 is now known as menesis
hakermaniahello all, I have packaged my application for REVU, but I need to know how exactly the image of the package will be defined. I've heard about debian.screenshots.net but (of course) my package cannot be found in http://screenshots.debian.net/upload because REVU hasn't accepted it yet! What's the process I have to follow?18:17
hyperairthe REVU process brings your package into Ubuntu, not into Debian18:20
hakermaniayes I know but I was told 2 hours ago in this channel that I have to go to sreenshots.debian.net and have my screenshot there for ubuntu too.18:33
hakermaniaanybody to help out there?18:37
hakermania208 people and nobody willing to help me out? --_--'18:46
AnAntHello, is binutils-gold part of the toolchain for Natty ?18:57
micahgAnAnt: I think some of the features are, idk if it is specifically18:58
hyperairhakermania: sorry, it's exam period at the moment for me. you'll just have to wait a while, people don't stare at their irc clients all the time.19:01
hakermaniaI'm half an hour here :/19:02
micahghakermania: and not everyone is familiar with how screenshots.d.o works19:02
hakermaniaone in 207 in the appropriate channel should be :/19:03
micahghakermania: what makes this channel appropriate for such a question?19:04
hakermaniaA lot of people here had their programs uploaded to REVU and know the answer19:04
micahghakermania: REVU has nothing to do with screenshots.d.o19:04
Nafallohakermania: what are you trying to achieve?19:05
AnAntmaybe guys  #debian-mentors @ OFTC can help ?19:05
Nafallo(the full 9 yards plan)19:05
hakermaniaWhat I am trying to do is to know how programs in Ubuntu Software Center have their pics declared and where (has nothing to do with packaging)19:06
AnAnthakermania: I thought you want to upload some screenshots19:07
hakermaniaYes, in debian.screenshots.net as i was told a couple of hours ago.19:07
Nafallohakermania: so first of, it's wouldn't be about programs in REVU, but in Ubuntu itself. second of, I would say #ubuntu-desktop is better for Ubuntu Software Center than this channel.19:07
hakermania--_--' I hate being sent from channel to channel. Anyway, ty19:08
AnAnthakermania: I never tried to upload a screenshot, did you try there ?19:08
hakermaniaAnAnt: I can't upload a screenshot there. The program hasn't yet be accepted and debian.screenshots.net lists only the programs that have been accepted. Anyway, I'm changing channel19:09
Nafallohakermania: well, I believe the question is out of scope for this channel, and being sent to another channel that might be able to give you an answer shouldn't be that far-fetched :-)19:09
AnAnthakermania: I am using elinks to browse http://screenshots.debian.net/upload, I don't see a dropdown list19:09
hakermaniaAnAnt: try to write out a package-name in the Package name: field that doesn't exist plz19:10
hakermanialike: sdfasdfas19:10
AnAntah, so you'll have to wait till it is accepted in Ubuntu19:13
AnAntI don't understand what he wants to achieve19:14
* micahg thinks he wants SC images from a package in a PPA19:15
Nafallonot PPA, REVU from what I understand.19:15
AnAntwhy the rush ?19:15
NafalloI believe the answer is that the package has to land in Debian first.19:16
Nafallobut I don't know that for certain.19:16
AnAntNafallo: I don't think so, I just tried for a package that's in Ubuntu only, and the upload got accepted19:16
AnAntNafallo: but still awaiting review though19:16
Nafalloah. so at least be in a proper archive somewhere then :-)19:16
iulianhyperair: Sure mate.  I'm going to upload it either tonight or tomorrow morning.20:29
maxbHow is pycentral's /var/lib/pycentral/<package>.pkgremove file supposed to be used?20:32
iulianhyperair: I don't know why I'm not getting bug mail.20:33
maxbAs far as I can see, the old package's prerm has run before there's anything a new version of the package could do to create a signal file20:33
iulianOh yea.  I'm co-maintaining it.20:33
iulianLaney_: Not sure about it as I'm not using pidgin-fb myself.  I'm not even on facebook so I cannot say much.  Take a look at http://code.google.com/p/pidgin-facebookchat/wiki/XMPPDifferences.20:47
hyperairiulian: because you're not the Maintainer.21:00
hyperairiulian: you'll need to subscribe at packages.qa.debian.org/pidgin-facebookchat21:00
iulianhyperair: <iulian> Oh yea.  I'm co-maintaining it.21:01
hyperairLaney_: i use pidgin-fbchat because my university's panel of monkeys somehow managed to have a 99% hit rate on cutting unencrypted XMPP connections short halfway.21:02
hyperairLaney_: at least when pidgin attempts it. it succeeds with empathy, but empathy doesn't quite meet my expectations yet, so i don't use it21:02
hyperairiulian: ah right.21:02
hyperairiulian: sorry, i'm sleepy and the red stuff really stands out so that's all i saw. =p21:02
iulianhyperair: It's alright.  I'm gonna upload it in a couple of minutes.  Would you like to co-maintain it as well?21:04
iulianhyperair: Uploaded.  Thanks for bringing it up.21:28
hyperairthanks for uploading =)21:28

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