
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftajdstrand, i'm preparing the maverick & lucid update for chromium, i pruned all the natty stuff out, i just have the translations thingy that i'd like to keep, it's very low risk. what do you think?13:10
ftabug 68450213:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 684502 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "7.0.517.44~r64615 -> 8.0.552.215~r67652 security update (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68450213:11
jdstrandfta: what is the 'translations thingy'?13:11
ftajdstrand, just land some strings collected on launchpad13:12
ftano code change, just strings13:12
jdstrandfta: is this to support the 8.0 change?13:12
jdstrandfta: or at least, 'better support' it?13:13
ftajdstrand, the latter13:14
jdstrandfta: that sounds fine then13:14
jdstrandfta: just ping me when you have the source packages ready. I'm patch piloting atm, so I can look at it immediately if they are ready within the next hour or so13:15
jdstrandfta: can you ping me in #ubuntu-devel though? (to advertise the patch pilot thing)13:15
ftajdstrand, it's the end product of this: http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/Chromium-l10n-announce.html (not the machinery itself, just the results)13:16
ftajdstrand, sure, will do13:16
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micahgchrisccoulson: have you started with Thunderbird 3.1.7 build 2 yet?17:09
chrisccoulsonmicahg - not yet, busy hacking on the global menu stuff ;)17:09
chrisccoulsonfeel free to take that if you want, but i'll do it this evening if you don't17:10
micahgchrisccoulson: cool, can you give me till Monday to verify about the nobinonly stuff?17:10
chrisccoulsonyeah, should be ok. i think jdstrand said he wouldn't get around to testing until next week anyway17:10
micahgchrisccoulson: if it's urgent go ahead with it, but otherwise, I'll verify and upload to natty over the weekend17:11
micahgchrisccoulson: I'm 90% sure it's fine ATM17:11
jdstrandI did say that :)17:22
micahgjdstrand: BTW, is there any chance of adding mountinfo apparmor stuff to the maverick profile since you did it for natty already?  (should I file a bug, there wasn't one in the changelog)18:00
jdstrandmicahg: is it needed? I only ever saw it on natty18:00
micahgjdstrand: I'm getting it on maverick18:00
micahgI have a list of of issues w/FF4 on maverick that I need to file18:00
jdstrandmicahg: feel free to make the change-- ChrisCoulson is reuploading so it would be cool to get those fixes in there as well18:01
jdstrandmicahg: I guess for all the trees going back to karmic18:01
jdstrandmicahg: I can't get to it today. if you need me to do it, file a bug and assign it to me18:02
micahgjdstrand: well, this won't officially affect maverick until we backport FF4.x to it, also I would only worry as far as Lucid18:02
micahgjdstrand: yeah, no rush18:02
micahgidk what it's used for, doesn't seem to impact anything ATM18:02
jdstrandmicahg: ah well, then in the 4.0 branch, feel free to add it to the 10.10 and 10.04 profiles18:02
jdstrandmicahg: then when the backport hits, it will be there18:02
micahgjdstrand: ok, can do, thanks18:02
jdstrandmicahg: can you do the same in trunk?18:03
micahgright, I figured if we can keep the relavent pieces in sync with those 3 profiles it'll make updating easier18:03
jdstrandmicahg: and bugs filed for apparmor/ff/natty are most welcome, but you don't have to rush. I won't get to them til next week18:03
* jdstrand nods18:03
* jdstrand has to step away for a bit18:04
micahgjdstrand: yeah, I'll make the changes in trunk and ff4.head18:04
ftalol, trunk moved to 10.0.601.0 :)18:15
ftajdstrand, ch 8 doesn't build on armel/natty :( http://launchpadlibrarian.net/60055713/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-armel.chromium-browser_8.0.552.215~r67652-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:59
ftajdstrand, sorry, it's not something i can detect preemptively18:59
micahgfta: I have arm hardware now and can test for you if you like19:00
ftamicahg, nice, but i have not idea what's going on, yet. so i'm far from a fix19:01
ftajdstrand, it's seems it's caused by PIE. i disabled it in maverick for arm a while ago, forgot to do it for natty. so you should be fine with the maverick and lucid builds19:50
micahgfta: I can try a rebuild over the weekend and let you know19:52
ftathat's bug 64112619:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 641126 in chromium (and 1 other project) "unresolvable R_ARM_THM_CALL relocation (affects: 1) (heat: 3)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64112619:53
ftamicahg, well, it fails after 16h, i don't want to disturb you with that, the workaround should be the same as for maverick19:55
jdstrandfta: ack20:01
ftaisn't there tag for PIE bugs in lp?20:24
BUGabundoevening dudets!21:19
BUGabundomicahg: [reed] you around21:20
micahgBUGabundo: yep21:20
micahgfor a little while longer21:20
BUGabundotell me something21:21
BUGabundo"You have been nominated to receive one of the limited edition Firefox 4 Beta t-shirts!It's our little way of thanking you for all your contributions and hard work. "21:21
BUGabundois this legit ?21:21
BUGabundoI think its spam21:21
BUGabundobut the entire email looks legit, even the sender server21:21
micahgBUGabundo: right, I was wondering the same thing, would be cool if it's legit21:22
asacchrisccoulson: i still cannot "keep in launcher" for latest minefield21:22
BUGabundoI aint gonna give my personal data21:22
asacthought you said you fixed that in dailies21:22
BUGabundofor something that spammy21:22
BUGabundowith no official page or anything21:23
chrisccoulsonasac - that's working ok here. are you sure you don't have another launcher in ~/.local/share/applications?21:23
asacdoesnt exist21:24
chrisccoulsonasac - this is on unity?21:25
asacchrisccoulson: sure ... keep in launcher doesnt exist in gnome afaik21:26
asaci dont have  ~/.local/share/applications at all21:26
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo, see http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=10183295&sid=9caa09553133d8eb38a2b2257be4b55a21:29
chrisccoulsonasac - hmmm, i'm not sure then. i'll have a think in a bit, but in the meantime, my head hurts ;)21:29
asacchrisccoulson: you should run unity21:30
BUGabundothanks chrisccoulson21:30
chrisccoulsonasac - i did run it for a few minutes, but i also need to get some work done ;)21:30
asachmm ... maverick works quite ok21:30
asaclazy chrisccoulson21:30
* asac goes to #dx and checks whats going on21:31
chrisccoulsonunity is unusable on my setup (dual screen and focus-follows-mouse)21:31
BUGabundowhat the heck21:31
BUGabundolet the shirt get $home21:31
ftahey, asac! long time no see21:34
BUGabundo"We expect to ship shirts out in early December, so expect something in the mail for mid to late December."21:34
ftaBUGabundo, what shirts?21:52
BUGabundono idea21:53
BUGabundosomething mozilla is giving away21:53
BUGabundowith some spammy looking email lol21:53
=== davida is now known as davidascher

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