
harrysacksWat up homies01:15
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
h00kholy smokes away log.01:20
* LjL h00ks h00k onto the l00gs and g00s to sl00p01:20
h00kLjL: Nighty!01:21
h00kJordan_U: consider banning *@166.186.168.*01:23
Jordan_Uh00k: Would that be /mode #ubuntu +b *@166.186.168.* ?01:25
h00kJordan_U: yeah. I took care of it, banned the .2 they were on, anyway. That'll catch all idents from that range of IPs01:25
h00kJordan_U: what client are you using?01:25
Jordan_Uh00k: irssi01:26
h00kJordan_U: have you been introduced to autobleh?01:26
Jordan_Uh00k: I've seen it mentioned and downloaded it but I haven't looked into it more than that.01:27
h00kJordan_U: I use it, it's quite useful for quick things like that, saves keystrokes01:27
h00kJordan_U: for instance, I did:01:27
h00k/ab RodStiffins01:27
h00kand it opped me, banned them, and deopped me01:28
h00kJordan_U: alternatively, you could set up your own aliases01:29
RodStiffinsI demand you unban me01:30
h00kRodStiffins: I'm not finding your idents appropriate for the channel, or the #ubuntu-*space. In addition, the !attitude isn't quite appropriate01:31
h00kubottu: tell RodStiffins about attitude01:31
ubottuRodStiffins, please see my private message01:31
h00kubottu: tell RodStiffins about coc01:31
RodStiffinsmy name is rod stiffins......01:31
h00kRodStiffins: there were other idents you used previously, also. I'm not stupid.01:32
RodStiffinsSo i am banned because of my real name being rod stiffins?01:32
RodStiffinslike what01:32
h00kRodStiffins: an ident of harrysack. I'm not entertaining the idea of unbanning you at the moment.01:34
RodStiffinsthats my other name01:34
h00kRodStiffins: Please part the channel. Apparently we're not going to get anywhere on this issue.01:34
h00kRodStiffins: please take some time to read the Code of Conduct as I've linked to you01:35
h00kRodStiffins: Please part the channel, this channel isn't for idling01:37
h00kThanks, peer.01:38
rww. !envyng appears to be out of date. the envyng-* packages haven't existed since Karmic. I don't know enough to fix this, though.03:37
* tonyyarusso introduces rww to 'forget'03:40
rwwWorks for me. You'd want to !forget envy too, btw (alias).03:55
rwwI wonder how long the timeout on /at quiets is ;D03:59
rwwah, 10 minutes04:01
johzephineHi.  Can I get someone banned from the ubuntu channels for inappropriate PMs?05:43
johzephineor should I just deal with it myself?05:44
rwwjohzephine: Channel operators can't stop people from PMing you, and generally don't act on them unless someone's PMing everyone in a channel with spam, or something similar.05:44
Captainkrtekhello, anyone know who I can contact about hosting a mirror for ubuntu distros?05:44
CaptainkrtekI have multiple servers05:44
rwwjohzephine: You can ask in #freenode, but if it's just someone with a personal problem with you, they'll likely tell you to just use /ignore05:44
tonyyarussoCaptainkrtek: I can dig up the link - hold on05:44
johzephinerww: I just read that in the other channel, thanks.05:44
Captainkrtekthank you tonyyarusso :)05:44
* rww was just digging up the Mirrors link to post in #ubuntu >.>05:44
Captainkrtekthanks guys :)05:45
tonyyarussoCaptainkrtek: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors05:45
Captainkrtekthanks tony!05:45
Captainkrtekquick question about this part05:47
Captainkrtek382GB of disk space for the Ubuntu package archive.05:47
Captainkrtek39GB for Ubuntu release CD images.05:47
Captainkrtekcan I just host one of the two?05:47
rwwCaptainkrtek: probably better to move back to #ubuntu, we're not really the right channel for this :)05:47
Captainkrtekokay sorry05:48
rwwikonia: fyi (since I think you've talked about this in the past), I've been keeping an eye on the open proxy bans for the last few days, and it doesn't seem like they're growing at a problematic rate. I'll start removing them if they become an issue, though (and am going to talk to LjL about whether he has recommendations for how many days to keep them around)05:48
rwwtonyyarusso: (in reply to something from a while back) the LP project for the ubuntu bots doesn't cover FloodBots, btw. Says so on the bug reporting page.05:57
tonyyarussoo rly?  Well that's silly.05:57
rwwnot really. the floodbots aren't open source, so the number of people who can work on bugs is significantly smaller than the number of people who can work on ubottu etc. bugs.05:58
tonyyarussoWell, fine, then there should be a separate project so we still have somewhere to report issues.05:59
rww*sings* My bugtracker has a nickname, it's L - j - L.06:01
* tonyyarusso files bug - the bugtracker is down06:01
rwwI like to annoy him every day / and if you ask me why I'll say / LjL has a way with b - u - g - s.06:02
rwwtonyyarusso: memoserv!06:02
rwwheads up that DrFrohman's banned from two channels for team trolling, and DevilDragon showed up at the same time as him the last time he was in #ubuntu-offtopic. And they just joined #ubuntu.06:05
rwwor one and I missed him the other time. or something. I don't know, it's late. keep an eye on him if he starts talking ;P06:08
IdleOnerww you called it06:40
rwwEight, incidentally, is part of the same group.07:03
rwwwait, what the heck. since ohaitharbaby was DrFrohman on webchat (on the same hostname), why did FloodBot banexempt him :\07:13
rwwhrm, probably related to it trying to set a ban on his hostname minus the last two letters. bug, I guess.07:16
tonyyarussoAnyone care to update factoids (!alpha, !alpha1, !natty) to reflect the fact that Natty now has an Alpha 1 released?07:22
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !natty =~ s/pre-//07:23
rwwI'd recommend just updating /topic #ubuntu+1 for alpha release announcement. Keeping factoids up to date is harder.07:24
rww(heck, !natty would be better with "not stable" instead of pre-alpha or alpha, imho)07:25
Flannel"you'll poke your eye out on that horn"07:27
rww"Natty is undomesticated and is not intended for production systems."07:28
Flannel"Narwhals are known to be rambunctious and should not be trusted with your important data"07:29
ikoniarww: how are you verifying if they are open proxies ?08:28
ikonialove_robot: what's the smile for ?08:44
love_robotI'm sure you can use simple logic to deduce it.08:45
ikoniaI can't thats why I'm asking08:45
love_robotYou'll live.08:47
ikoniathat makes no sense08:47
ikonialove_robot: come back when you can actually have a conversation or answer questions without cryptic answers08:47
rwwikonia: I'm not. If that's the issue you had with them, I misparsed you :(08:48
ikoniarww: once love_robot's sorted I'll explain, see if we are in line08:48
ikonialove_robot: unless you can answer questions without coded responses, please leave this channel and come back later08:50
love_robotI assume reasoning is weak for some one like you if it is difficult for you to "realize" why I would join back into the channel and type a ":)".08:51
ikonialove_robot: not at all, I'm asking you a question to allow you to explain your self rather than take my perception08:52
ikonialove_robot: if you want me to go with my perception, you can leave the channel now, as my perception is for you to mock your behaviour in #ubuntu-offtopic08:52
rwwlove_robot: You possibly know this already, but you're currently in #ubuntu-ops, because you're banforwarded here from #ubuntu-offtopic.08:52
love_robotrww: Yes, I realized it. It's not serious enough for me to fully explain to ikonia as to why I would find it amusing to be banned for typing "wtf".08:54
love_robotOr rather stating that "you will live".08:54
ikonialove_robot: then the conversation is done, come back when you do have time to explain08:54
rwwlove_robot: Alrighty, just checking, since "join back into the channel" sounded like you didn't know :). *hands back the mic to ikonia*08:54
ikoniaI'm done08:55
ikonialove_robot: please come back later08:55
love_robotrww: Thanks for being more reasonable in the past than the acronym nazi ikonia.08:56
love_robot:) enjoy your Ubuntu08:56
ikoniathe only reason he was banned is I've asked him 2 times to stop using "wtf", and this is the 3rd time, and instead of saying "sure" he comes back with clever responses08:56
ikoniaif he's have not been stupid I'd have removed the ban straight away once he agreed to stop properly08:57
mneptokhe had me at "acronym nazi"08:57
ikonialots of people complain that wtf is acceptable, and if the council change the policy I won't have a problem with it08:58
rwwI'm not really bothered either way on it. The fact that he knows he was breaking the guidelines and was being silly about it is a bigger problem imho.09:00
ikoniagreat, now getting hassle from drmanhatten that the rule is stupid and no-one will follow it09:00
ikoniarww back to the open proxies09:01
ikoniarww: my issue is that the flood bots method of detection doesn't appear to be accureate, I've run scans on a few of the boxes it's banned and they are not open proxies09:01
ikoniathey are on a list listed as once open proxies, but when I try to use them or test them on their open ports, they are blocked/not responding09:01
ikoniamost of what I'm seeing as false positives are dynamic IP's so may have been once a proxy, but are not now09:02
rwwAh. Yeah, that's definitely a concern.09:03
rwwI don't know if this is a deliberate change, but the last open proxy FloodBot detected didn't get banned, so maybe LjL switched it to notification-only.09:03
rwwin which case all of this is moot, I guess. (I only noticed this after I mentioned it originally)09:04
ikoniaI hadn't noticed that change09:04
ikoniadid it get kicked ?09:04
rwwikonia: nope, but it triggered the channel going +r09:05
rwwikonia: misaki, /joined about 2 hours ago09:06
ikoniaDrManhattan is really attempting to be as derogatory as possible09:07
ikoniahe's trying to provoke me so he can kick up a stink (in my opinion)09:09
ikoniaback later09:16
rwwApparently today's IP for large numbers of users on the same connection is Tell your friends!09:45
Myrttido they win any prizes? Packet of coffee, gift certificates or foot massage?09:54
rwwHopefully, if I can figure out how to send bees over CTCP.09:59
ikoniawhat the devil is going on in mahen23, he keeps joining #ubuntu-offtopic making random innuendo family guy gags then parting11:26
jpdsikonia: Must be a cultural reference to how random clips appear in Family Guy.11:36
ikoniawho knows, he just seems to have gone stupid and trying to be an issue of of late11:36
bazhangi5noc feels 'google it' is appropriate support.13:26
ikoniagive him a nudge, no harm in pointing people at google with a hint for basic stuff13:30
Myrttiare they seriously teaching nmap and aircrack now?13:37
jribah i5noc13:40
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
Myrttihe's really swimming upstream14:37
Myrtti[17:40] ~~~S0|ar|s [~OS@89-215-63-238.2072966220.ddns-lan.pl.ekk.bg]  has quit [Quit: Fuck Me I'm Famous!]15:41
topyliMyrtti: i've taken to banforwarding those, or banning and sending a memo if they're registered16:02
IdleOneKB1JWQ: gave me +o in #freenode :) for all of 4 seconds17:30
KB1JWQIdleOne: You need to be faster next time.18:29
IdleOneI turned off my Monitor while sleep for +o application18:30
IdleOneNot to toot my own horn but of all the people you could have mistakenly given +o to last night. You made a good pick :P18:31
KB1JWQI fat fingered "idoru" with tab completion.18:38
KB1JWQWorst case, I'm kline proof.  Are you? :-D18:38
ubottuhisto called the ops in #ubuntu (Mult1tabS)18:41
rwwikonia: I agree he's trying to be an issue. I prefer this to the extended dialogs on his relationship problems, though, so unless he clearly crosses a line, I plan on leaving him be.19:21
rwwtopyli: Did y'all make any progress on finding us newbie ops someone to annoy^W^W^Wmentors?19:37
MyrttiI can always be annoyed.19:38
MyrttiI get great pleasure out of it.19:38
rwwOh, so /that/'s why you rejoined #ubuntu-offtopic.19:39
Myrttiyeah, masochism19:39
* knome pokes Myrtti in the side19:39
MyrttiI also listen to William Shatner and poke toothpicks under my nails for fun19:40
topylirww: yes we have new ops!19:41
topyliyes we have new mentors!19:41
jussirww: you got topyli iirc19:45
mneptokwe need new mentats.19:45
jussimneptok: no, no new tats are needed in this world19:46
topylijussi: yeah i just forgot to contact rww. fixed all that by pm 5 seconds ago .)19:46
topyliadd eyes as appropriate19:46
topyli(to the smiley)19:46
* Myrtti pokes herself in the eye19:46
rwwubottu is the kwisatz haderach19:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:47
jussitopyli: good thing rww knows how to ask in here in anycase :D19:47
* Myrtti sneaks an extra eye from topyli19:47
topyligaaaa blindness19:47
jussilol... look, its topyli!! http://abclocal.go.com/wtvg/story?section=news/bizarre&id=782302319:48
topyliactually, that's bilal :)19:52
topylithat's his last name though19:53
IdleOneI see no good coming from having a cam bolted to the back of your head19:54
IdleOneexcept maybe when playing paintball19:54
IdleOnenice to see that guy who shoots you in the back19:55
topyliit's always lemmy. he said so19:55
topyliactually i don't remember the lyrics, maybe he says it's somebody else who is "always gonna shoot you in the back", not him19:56
topylii have to look this up19:56
topyliit's the rider wearing black. sounds like lemmy alright. http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/Shoot-You-In-The-Back-lyrics-Motorhead/9BEA0106976A127C48256C55000C359219:58
topylii wonder who did that transcription but it's quite terrible19:59
rwwHow long do bantracker session URLs stay valid for?20:19
IdleOnefor ever! "4 eva?" for ever ever and ever20:22
IdleOneI remember seeing something about 45 days but who knows where and what it was about20:23
Picirww: Looks like its a month20:26
Picino.. wait.20:26
Picirww: 3 months.20:26
Picivia: cur.execute("""DELETE FROM sessions WHERE time < %d""", int(time.time()) - 2592000 * 3)20:27
* rww sets /alias btlogin echo http://ubottu.com/etc.20:28
MyrttiI'd feel more comfortable if it were considerably shorter time20:38
rwwPici: does issuing @btlogin give a new session URL and invalidate any old ones from that user?20:40
Tm_TIIRC yes20:40
MyrttiI'd still feel a whole lot more comfortable if the session were say, one month or ... 14 days20:41
tsimpsonMyrtti: how come?20:58
tsimpson(and HI!)20:58
Myrttitsimpson: because it would be safer?21:00
tsimpsonsafer how though?21:00
topylithose urls are pretty hard to guess21:00
MyrttiI guess firesheep wouldn't catch it...21:01
MyrttiOH SNAP!21:01
Myrttiit would.21:01
tsimpsonit's a cookie, when you go to the BT with sess=... it sets the cookie to the content of sess21:02
rwwja, I'd be more concerned about it not using HTTPS, personally ;)21:02
topylimeh, how come we are on irc anyway, jabber is more secure21:03
tsimpson(it is a little more complex that I stated above, but...)21:03
tsimpsonah, but freenode has SSL now :)21:03
topylioh yeah21:03
Jordan_Urww: It not using https is why firesheep works.21:03
rwwbut ubottu isn't using SSL ;)21:03
topylinor me21:04
topylii think21:04
tsimpsonwell, it is and it isn't21:04
Jordan_Utopyli: Nope.21:04
topyliwell i know i'm using ssl to connect to my bouncer but i'm pretty sure the bouncer is not using ssl to connect to freenode21:05
Picitopyli: it isn't.21:05
Piciyour /whois info would say.21:05
topylii'm old school, leave me alone!21:05
* Pici isn't on ssl either.21:06
topyliunless you want me to fix it21:06
Myrttibesides I don't understand why the session needs to be so long21:08
MyrttiI assume we're all on IRC when we need the bantracker, so renewing the session for using the BT shouldn't be too hard21:08
tsimpsonit's supposed to be so people don't have to @btlogin all the time, but people tend to do it regardless21:08
tsimpsonat least that's my guess, the BT session has always been 3 months21:09
* Pici doesn't21:09
Myrttiif there is a sane explanation why it's so long, then I stand corrected, but surely it's not such a chore to just log in again21:09
tsimpsonthere is absolutely nothing sane about any part of the ubottu code :)21:10
IdleOnein that case can I dcc chat ubottu to have ban tracker access?21:10
IdleOnesince we are being insane21:11
topylii like going to the web interface using browser history21:11
PiciI rarely @btlogin, unless I'm on a new computer.21:11
tsimpsoninsane != masochistic21:11
topylisam thing here21:11
rwwI like my /alias :S21:11
PiciI also have bookmarks setup for different useful bantracker views.21:11
PiciLike for finding active bans set by myself.21:12
MyrttiPici: but they'd work after you've authenticated anyway21:12
topylithey wouldn't21:12
PiciI'd have to click again.21:12
Picibut thats okay.21:12
Myrttiyes, you'd have to click again, after *that* they'd work again21:13
MyrttiI'll just crawl into my paranoid little world and stop worrying about the bomb21:13
topylinobody told me this! i'm dumb and i need to be told these things21:13
tsimpsonI'm not saying 3 months is a good or bad number, just that that's what the number is and I have never bothered changing it21:14
bazhangI @btlogin every time21:14
* Pici pats bazhang 21:14
MyrttiI don't have any ubuntu related bookmarks.21:15
Myrttieven less any related to... IRC...21:15
Myrttiand I don't have a love relationship with ubottu so I don't have a query with her open all the time21:16
topylii took a clue from Myrtti many moons ago and have very few bookmarks altogether. epiphany and chromium are pretty good at knowing where you're going anyway21:16
PiciMyrtti: I do :o21:17
MyrttiI've got only work-related or temporary bookmarks21:17
Myrttieverything that needs to stay permanently is in delicious21:17
rwwI change browsers more often than I change jeans, so no bookmarks here :S21:17
FlannelMyrtti: I do too!  irssi even saves it for me.23:01
Flannelshe's window 8!23:01
knomenah, windows from 2 to 10 are reserved for channels23:01
knomequeries are in the "letters"23:02
Flannelknome: 8 is ubottu, 9 used to be chanserv, now it's alis.23:02
knomethis is 9 :)23:02
knome17 would suit ubottu23:02
Tm_Tubottu in window 57 (should move it back to the end of the row, 80+ ?)23:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:03
knomei didn't fire up spotify23:04
knomewhat happened?23:04
knomejust asked me for pass23:04
topyliit wants you to play some motörhead23:10
knomenot really:)23:11
topyliprobably 'we are the road crew'23:11
Tm_T!wtf > Wolfcastle23:11
topyli(actually motörhead is one of those you won't find there iirc)23:12
knometopyli, i'm actually listening to random songs from my own library, a track from athlete just started ;)23:12
topylifair enough :)23:13
ubottuDaekdroom called the ops in #ubuntu (songer is a bot)23:22
bazhangwas that kill by idoru warranted?23:26

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