
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu 11.04 Alpha 1 Released: Time To Test! - http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/12/03/ubuntu-11-04-alpha-released-time-to-test/03:31
ubuntuuk-planet[Scott James Remnant] Event matching in Upstart - http://www.netsplit.com/2010/12/03/event-matching-in-upstart/06:31
screen-xmorning all :)06:44
screen-xthe ipv4 end is neigh06:56
screen-xnigh even06:56
screen-xbye lubotu307:01
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_
screen-xmorning czajkowski :)07:48
MooDoomorning all07:52
screen-x\o/ Friday07:54
DaisyTheCowMorning all07:58
MooDooDaisyTheCow, good morning08:00
MooDoogot into my car this morning to a -10 on the dashboard temp, thought it was a tag cold.08:04
MooDooooooo irc membership.......08:11
screen-x(2010-12-02 16:25:27) screen-x: mmm ubuntu irc-members, I guess you need more of a contribution than "makes sarcastic comments in #ubuntu-uk"08:12
MooDooscreen-x, rats ;)08:12
screen-xwell it counts me out anyway :p08:13
MooDooscreen-x, well yeah me too, but it's something to work for......08:13
MooDoocoffee and donut anyone......ah bum, that won't help either...08:13
screen-xhave to be a catalyst..08:13
MooDooscreen-x, couldn't we all just snog popey ?08:13
screen-xsoo, MooDoo, how can I help you to support the ubuntu users of the uk?08:14
* screen-x is not up for snogging popey or ipopey08:14
MooDooscreen-x, well i have this boil :)08:14
screen-xin other news... piwik is awesome08:15
MooDooscreen-x, do this - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/100UsersProject then support the users in this channel :D08:15
screen-xand it has mobile apps to go with it :)08:15
screen-xHmm, I have introduced people to ubuntu, but not many have been up for switching.08:17
MooDooscreen-x, yeah same here, i managed to switch one when they were sick of getting viruss all the time08:18
MooDooscreen-x, they are amazed that i can fix their machine remotely via ssh :D08:19
MooDooscreen-x, i also installed unity the other day to see what it's like and get used to it before natty08:20
screen-xI'll have to check my 3d hardware is up to that..08:23
screen-xdo you happen to know if the intel integrated graphics in the i3/i5 cpus+chipsets will be up to that?08:23
MooDooi'm not sure......08:24
screen-xI don't know either, but I need to order some workstations for work, and if unity is going take over, I need to make sure they can run it.08:25
screen-xThe workstations here currently have nasty s3 graphics chipsets that don't can't run compiz, but that's not a problem in 8.04 as we just use metacity.08:26
AlanBellI don't think unity will be any more stressful than compiz for the graphics hardware08:26
Phineasdamn it i can't find my old mp3 player, just as i found 2 had drives to put in it08:27
screen-xAlanBell: good to hear :)08:27
AlanBelland it runs on the graphics chipset that goes with the Atom, the i3 will have no trouble at all with it08:27
Phineasanyone know where my old mp3 player is i can't find it08:28
AlanBellit is down the back of the sofa08:29
AlanBelland certainly isn't on IRC08:29
nperrymorning o/08:29
ali1234the gma 950 is about the same as a geforce 608:30
ali1234newer intel graphics are better than that08:30
ali1234so they are fine for compiz08:30
directhexthe gma950 isn't remotely as good as geforce 608:30
directhexmaybe 620008:30
ali12346200 is geforce 608:31
ali1234not only that but it is more than enough for compiz08:31
PhineasAlanBell,  well its not there :(08:31
Phineasnperry,  oh there you are perry08:32
directhexsaying "6200 is geforce 6" is like saying "the aston martin cygnet is an aston martin"08:32
ali1234what, you mean totally correct?08:32
Phineasi prefer nvidea08:33
directhexpretty much any card with NPOT is good enough for compiz, since you're talking about a dozen polygons08:34
directhexthe SNES would do that many08:34
ali1234you need render to texture extension too08:34
ali1234and decent fill rate08:34
Phineasdirecthex,  are you saying the SNES can run compiz?08:34
directhexPhineas: well, probably not. SuperFX didn't do texturing... but you get my point08:35
ali1234is your point that you didn't have coffe yet and just arguing for the sake of it?08:35
directhexthe only reason older cards don't do compiz isn't the lack of power, it's the lack of some simple gl extensions08:35
Phineasare SNK still in business?08:36
nperryPhineas: Indeed :)08:37
directhexPhineas: they were bought & sold... so yes-ish08:37
directhexand SNK platforms don't do 3d, they're just *amazing* at 2d fillrate & scaling08:38
Phineasdirecthex,  so the games for it that say 3D are just not 3D08:38
directhexrunning on MVS? yep.08:39
ali1234console games have always been full of misinformation when it comes to "3d"08:41
ali1234i'm pretty sure donkey kong country was sold as a 3d game08:42
MooDoonperry, stage left?08:42
directhexit was one of the first games to use 2d sprites rendered from 3d models, rather than hand-drawn08:42
directhexthe lies about the atari jaguar were more blatant08:42
ali1234then there's killer instinct on n64, which was just 2d sprites over the most simple 3d background ever08:43
czajkowskihmm not sure  I can make it to work today, and if I do, there is no guarantee I can get home08:43
MooDooczajkowski, would they mind you working from home?08:44
directhexali1234: i didn't think the original KI had anything resembling 3d... paralax, sure, but everything used paralax.08:44
ali1234the original didn't, then they released the n64 version and they were like "now with 3d graphics!!!"08:44
ali1234but it was just some lame backgrounds08:44
czajkowskiMooDoo: Nope had I my work laptop, I did mail home some things as I had said I'd come in later when the trains warm up08:46
czajkowskibut yesterday afternoon there were no trains to Woking for 4 hours08:46
MooDooczajkowski, i wouldn't risk it to be honest.....stay at home with coffee, work and us :)08:46
MooDooczajkowski, you miss my prods :)  oh yeah prod prod08:48
TheOpenSourcererMorning earthlings08:50
bigcalmGood morning early morning zombies :)08:50
dwatkinsGood morning folks, I hope people aren't too affected by the snow.08:50
Phineasthe ps2 has good graphics on some games, even the Gamecube has good graphics on one game08:51
dwatkinsWhich game has good graphics on the gamecube, Phineas?08:51
MooDooif you're my friend on facebook, i've just uploaded a photo of my car temp -10 at 7:20 this morning08:51
dwatkinsMooDoo: it's -14 here in Edinburgh ;-)08:51
TheOpenSourcererHad a lie in this morning. Kids off school again.08:52
Phineasdwatkins,  The Urbz and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle08:52
MooDoodwatkins, pah looks like i'm having a hea wave then :D08:52
PhineasMooDoo,  a hea wave?08:52
MooDooPhineas, heat08:52
directhexali1234: KI gold, yes.08:53
Phineasdaubers,  morning to you too08:53
directhexPhineas: the gamecube was MUCH more powerful than the ps2, entirely capable of good graphics. look at it this way, resident evil 4 on ps2 used gamecube-rendered video files for cut scenes that were engine-based on the cube. ps2 couldn't render them itself08:53
MartijnVdSToo bad they haven't kept up.. Wii can't handle HD graphics08:54
directhexdoesn't need to. people buyint the wii only play wii sports anyway08:55
dwatkinsThe Wii isn't meant to handle good graphics, though, it's meant to be cheap and have motion sensors, I thought.08:55
DaisyTheCowHorses for courses as they say.  The Wii does what it's meant to do very well08:56
MooDoobigcalm, rats you've beat me as well08:59
MooDooget it on the ubuntu-uk planet for a new meme ;)09:00
DanielRMAn HD Wii would certainly be nice but that would be ignoring the point, which is surely the innovation.09:01
Phineasdirecthex,  is the dreamcast better than the gamecube09:01
directhexPhineas: not in terms of hardware... but it's pretty awesome anyway09:01
DanielRMMore powerful consoles might take you down the same road faster, but with motion control and touch interfaces and so on the DS and Wii would take you down different roads entirely, to paraphrase one of my favourite quotes.09:02
Phineasdirecthex,  is the neo-geo pocket colour a good console?09:03
directhexi was never a huge fan of NGPC09:03
MooDoobigcalm, i was just thinking of another meme for the planet, we've not had one for ages, whos got the coldest car lol09:03
directhexnot to say it's bad, but most SNK properties do badly on that screen09:03
bigcalmI see09:03
bigcalmI don't subscribe to the planet09:03
Phineasdirecthex,  the down side is that the neo - geo pocket colur didn't have a backlight09:04
DaisyTheCowSpeaking of backlights, do you guys think that the new Kindle will be any good?09:05
DanielRMI'm being kindly informed by LiveJournal that my own birthday is coming up.09:05
DanielRMSomehow, I think I didn't need a reminder for that.09:06
PhineasDanielRM, so is mine09:06
daubersDanielRM: Depends if you've contracted altzeimers recently09:06
DanielRMPhineas: woo, we're almost the birthday boys! *high five*09:06
DanielRMdaubers: true, or if you're old enough that you'd rather forget, I suppose.09:06
* Phineas give DanielRM a hight five09:07
DanielRMActually I fail somewhat.09:07
DanielRMIt would appear that I did need a reminder. I thought it was four or five days away.09:07
DanielRMIt's tomorrow. :-/09:07
daubersquickly doesn't half pull in a lot of dependancies these days09:08
DanielRMdaubers: tell me, do you have any advice regarding Alzheimer's, as it would appear I need help?...09:08
PhineasDanielRM,  i've got 2 weeks yet09:09
DanielRMdaubers: what's quickly?09:09
daubersDanielRM: I did but I forgot...09:09
DanielRMTch. Fat lot of good you are. :)09:09
DanielRMPhineas: two weeks today or just roughly?09:10
PhineasDanielRM, roughly09:10
daubersDanielRM: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Quickly09:10
DanielRMdaubers: I found that, but I think I've gone too much without sleep to understand it.09:11
daubersDanielRM: It's a templating system (essentially) for starting new programming projects09:12
DanielRMWith heavy integration into the Ubuntu platform from what I read?09:12
DanielRMI need to write 500 more words on this essay to hand in for 4. That would be doable if my brain hadn't curled up in the foetal position and started crying to itself hours ago.09:13
directhexyeah, in *python*. yuck!09:13
DanielRMI'm now quite frankly sick to death of writing about Hitler's decision to invade the Soviet Union.09:14
Phineasyester day i was:    http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/3600000/Phineas-phineas-and-ferb-3677056-500-588.jpg09:14
DanielRMAnd I feel like I've somehow Godwinned my own life. :(09:14
DanielRMOn the plus side, reading through German Foreign Office telegrams is actually quite interesting.09:15
* daubers burns natty alpha 1 to CD09:16
* czajkowski hugs Ng THANK YOU!!!09:16
DanielRMIs the alpha running Unity yet?09:16
daubersHmmm.... need a bigger CD09:17
MooDooDanielRM, yes, but things like the ubuntu logo thing, aren't there09:17
PhineasDanielRM,  i think the beta  utility is running09:18
MooDooDanielRM, from jono - http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/11/30/testing-natty-and-unity-safely-with-a-usb-stick/09:19
DanielRMAh, OK. Does the interface actually seem suited for the desktop? I've never used Unity, although most UI innovation is welcome with me.09:19
AlanBellI have been using it since UDS09:19
AlanBellit kind of sucks a bit with multiple monitors09:19
DanielRMMooDoo: testing it safely? Pah! I'll be running it full-time once I get round to backing up my data. :)09:19
MooDooi actually quite like it09:19
wintellectMornin all09:20
bigcalmAlanBell: how have you not taken your own life yet?09:20
AlanBellglobal menu isn't much fun09:20
DanielRMMy Maverick install still has a few issues as a hangover from development actually. :-/09:20
AlanBellcan't double click the toolbar of a maximised window to restore it09:20
Phineasi just made a joke with DanielRM and no one notaced09:20
Ngczajkowski: yw :)09:21
AlanBellwindows on monitor 2 have menu on window 109:21
DanielRMPhineas: I didn't get it I'm afraid. :S09:21
gordoh good, flash is going to stop sucking soon \o/09:21
AlanBellsome apps display their own menu which means you end up with two menus next to each other09:21
DanielRMgord: getting your hopes up a bit surely?09:21
gordits using vdpau now09:22
AlanBellPhineas: try making a funnier joke next time09:22
DanielRMHmmm, might actually work then.09:22
PhineasDanielRM,  you said "is the alpha utility running yet" and i said "i think the beta utility is running"  get it now?09:22
PhineasAlanBell,  you you got the joke?09:22
dutchiei think that joke only works if you pronounce "beta" wrong09:23
AlanBellsuch as it was09:23
DanielRMPhineas: if it involves a pronunciation pun such as dutchie suggests then I get it.09:23
Phineasdutchie,  yes you do have to prounounce "beta" wrong.09:25
PhineasDanielRM,  yeah it was09:25
DanielRMPhineas: sad to say, but I don't think I'd give up my day job if I were you. :(09:26
DanielRMNot that my jokes are any better, but still.09:26
PhineasDanielRM,  well i try to be funny09:26
DanielRMI like the one about the Vatican City being the only place in the world with two Popes per square kilometre.09:28
DanielRMThe popey household probably has more though.09:28
popeyMore so at Xmas09:28
DanielRMMorning popey09:29
DanielRMHow are you this cold morning?09:29
popeymade it into work09:30
popeyso warm now :)09:30
MooDoomorning popey09:30
DanielRMI'm not sure if I can afford to put the gas on. I'm now jealous of anyone who's warm.09:30
Phineaspopey,  very warm outside here09:31
ubuntuuk-planet[Jamie Bennett] Linaro 11.05 Alpha-1 Released - http://www.linuxuk.org/2010/12/linaro-11-05-alpha-1-released/09:31
DanielRMAll you warm people: I hope you get snowballs put down the back of your shirts. It'll serve you right.09:31
PhineasDanielRM,  no snow here so no snowballs just waves to surf09:32
DanielRMPhineas: you're not making the bitterness go away, just so you know. :(09:33
gordDanielRM, start building Qt, i'm sure you'll warm up once your cpu catches fire09:34
DanielRMgord: I could do that by playing Starcraft II, something which I'd find infinitely more entertaining and worthwhile.09:35
DanielRMI'm not a fan of Qt.09:35
gordwhat is wrong with Qt? o_O09:36
DanielRMI tend not to like the feel of the applications. Something always seems wrong, used as I am to GTK.09:36
Phineasyes i can save up for a new game console09:37
DanielRMPhineas: 3DS!09:38
PhineasDanielRM,  nope, heres a hint you said your not a fan of it09:39
PhineasDanielRM,  any idea wat it is?09:40
DanielRMMost consoles other than Nintendo ones fit that bill.09:41
czajkowskiMooDoo: whoo working from home :)09:41
DanielRMI'm waffling so much in this essay.09:42
DanielRM'Ultimately, though, there exists little evidence to suggest definitively in any particular direction the point at which the decision was firmly made to go to war with the Soviet Union, and indeed'09:42
MooDooczajkowski, yay, awesome :) get the kettle on :D09:42
DanielRMSympathetic popey is, well, not in the IRC channel today. :(09:44
PhineasDanielRM,  heres clue 2: its made by SNK,09:44
DanielRMNGPC? I don't think I gave an opinion on that. :-/09:44
popeyDanielRM: i hate football, don't give a toss if the world cup is in another country09:44
MooDoo+1 popey09:44
PhineasDanielRM,  yeah thats the one09:44
bigcalmDirect Line sent me a text message this morning, telling me not to go driving anywhere soon09:45
DanielRMPhineas: I've not had an experience of SNK consoles so I don't have an opinion either way to be honest.09:45
DanielRMpopey: I do believe there would need to be a name change though.09:46
popeyI gave my SNK Neo Geo 6-slot to London Hack Space09:46
directhexget me to london, stat!09:46
directhexand someone fire popey!09:46
MooDooroll on 2015 when the rugby world cup is in Englad :D09:46
popeyalso gave them a cabinet09:46
popeyi kept all my JAMMA games tho09:46
MooDooczajkowski, should be interesting :D now you're in the UK :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Rugby_World_Cup09:47
DanielRMWe gave the world so many sports and how do they repay us? By thrashing us at every one.09:47
czajkowskiI may be gone by then who knos09:48
popeyDanielRM: que? rename what?09:48
DanielRMNot that I particularly mind.09:48
MooDooczajkowski, how can i buy you rugby beer if you're not in the country.......*sulks* ;)09:48
DanielRMpopey: I assumed you were making a joke about the war with the Soviet Union. I think the Soviet Union as such doesn't really exist nowadays, so just 'Russia' tends to do.09:49
popeyI was not.09:49
Phineashow come laptops always sound tiny when you play music through them?09:49
DanielRMpopey: then why mention football?09:49
popeybecause they have crap speakers09:49
gordbecause there isn't enough space for proper speakers09:49
popeyDanielRM: why not?09:49
MooDoowhat they said09:50
gordapple ones aren't too bad though for speakers09:50
DanielRMpopey: fair enough.09:50
popeythe speakers on my MBP are better than any other laptop I've owned09:50
popeyincluding the dell XPS which allegedly had a subwoofer09:51
popey(which was a lie)09:51
DanielRMApple seem to have superb audio hardware in general in my experience.09:51
popeyuhm, nah09:51
popeyipod headphones are the worst09:51
popeythe audio chips in ipods are cheap crap09:51
Phineaswell both of my laptops sound tiny whatsoever09:51
DanielRMI've always found them quite good.09:51
popeyipod headphones (the white ones) leak _badly_09:52
DanielRMBest headphones I ever used were ipod ones.09:52
popeyyou need new ears09:52
popeyor better music09:52
DanielRMAlthough this may be saying more about how rubbish the other headphones were.09:52
popeyor a wider selection of headphones to test09:52
DanielRMI've not had much experience outside of 99p ones from the supermarket.09:52
popeyright, [SLAM] case closed09:52
* DanielRM jumps at the loud noise.09:53
popeyI currently have Zaag ones which are okay, but nothing great09:53
DanielRMI probably do need new ears anyway.09:53
MooDoopopey, you in a mood this morning?09:53
Phineaspopey,  well i do have music that sounds good on headphones but tiny on loudspeaker (laptop by stone computers and laptop by toshiba)09:53
popeyPhineas: I think you mean tinny?09:53
DanielRMMy friend spent a fortune on Bose speakers once but I couldn't tell the difference from the speakers that came with the computer.09:53
popeyPhineas: its due to the crap speakers09:53
Phineaspopey,  alogh i only just notace how crap the speakers are when i removed the headphones (for the first time in 3 years) and kaboom huge diffrence09:55
directhexbose suck09:56
directhexthey're a marketing company, their technology is flat-out wrong09:56
DanielRMPhineas: I assume you spent most of the past three years not being able to hear anything other than your computer?09:56
* daubers makes some notes on a bug09:56
* MooDoo makes a coffee and prods czajkowski 09:56
PhineasDanielRM,  nope i just only used headphones with my computer09:57
DanielRMdirecthex: I bow to your superior knowledge on this issue. As can probably be seen I'm an audiophile's worst nightmare.09:57
popeyoh, I'm no audiophile09:57
directhexDanielRM: i'm not an audiophile... i just know you're meant to cover the human audible range, and not have a huge gap in the middle09:57
* daubers loves his sennheiser headphones09:57
gordi setup some cheep 5.1 surround sound on my desktop last week, makes me very happy :)09:57
DanielRMI tend to lump in anyone who knows more than me about audio as an audiophile.09:57
DanielRMWhich makes it a very broad category indeed.09:57
gordand makes minecraft a thousand times scarier09:57
popeyi love my el-cheapo sennheiser hd212 headphones09:58
DanielRMThere are bits of damp moss growing on the underside of drains which know more about audio than me.09:58
MooDooI've got some hd415 headphones, they are ok :)09:58
gordi also love my el-cheepo sennheiser PC350 headphones09:58
Phineas1 word for cheap headphones , poundland (or wallmart)09:58
dauberspopey: Mine aree HD415 :)10:00
daubersWant some of the wireless ones, but not yet won the lottery10:00
dwatkinscurse you, ebuyer, for advertising your wares to me....10:01
Ngdaubers: don't get the sennheiser wireless headphones that use FM10:01
Ngthey're awful10:01
daubersNg: Noted10:01
dwatkinsI have Sennheiser HD 201s, they're excellent, but wired.10:01
Ngheavy, poor quality sound and they fall off your head if you even think about looking up or down10:01
NgI use them for when I'm doing tv/movie/ps3 stuff and my gf is snoozing on the sofa, but it's not a particularly pleasant aural experience :(10:02
daubersNg: This was what I was thinking of http://www.sennheiser.co.uk/uk/home_en.nsf/root/private_headphones_wireless-headphones_50287310:02
Ngdaubers: those look better in almost every way than the analogue ones I have :)10:03
daubersNg: £Too much though :(10:04
* popey points and laughs at sennheiser for using Lotus Domino!10:04
popeyhome_en.nsf indeed10:05
dwatkinsdaubers: how about using a phone as a playback device? AirSync seems to work well for synchronising, too.10:05
daubersdwatkins: You wah?10:05
dwatkinsdaubers: do you have a smartphone?10:05
DanielRMAre there any good phone speakers though?10:06
dwatkinsI use my phone with headphones mostly, DanielRM10:06
popeythe built in speaker on the iphone is surprisingly good10:06
daubersdwatkins: Yep, can't listen to the Wii or somesuch through it though10:06
directhexDanielRM: yeah, there's an htc WP7 phone designed for use as a speaker-based music player10:06
DanielRMdwatkins: ah.10:06
dwatkinsah I see, daubers10:06
popeybetter than the n82 or HTC hero I had before it10:06
dwatkinspopey: I have an iPhone too, been listening to lots of audio books on it recently. May switch to android again soon, though.10:07
DanielRMI thought the essay was 500 words shorter than it actually was.10:07
dwatkinsThere may even be an app for Android that does sound via bluetooth or wifi10:07
* daubers waits to see of unity works10:07
popeyHi fidelity.. what is this, 1970?10:07
popeyget your quadrophonic speakers!10:07
dwatkinsdon't forget the 2 metre diameter audio cable...10:08
daubersooooooh shiny10:08
MooDoohi fidelity?  isn't that from fame ;)10:09
daubersHmmm... no applications pane thingy at the moment then10:09
directhexpopey: what was that about surround? http://www.htc.com/www/product/7surround/overview.html10:09
popeyoh jeez10:09
popeymy _car_ even has Dolby Pro-Logic!10:10
dauberspopey: The volvo??10:10
daubersWas that an option?10:10
popeyI didn't buy it from new10:11
popeyso I didn't specify it as such10:11
screen-xdo sd cards have to have a physical lock switch?10:11
daubersAh ok10:12
MooDooscreen-x, yes i do beleive they do,10:12
daubersscreen-x: Mine do10:12
* daubers needs to dash to his parents and sell his car10:12
MartijnVdS.. and hide the bodies10:13
daubersOr just get them out of the boot....10:13
screen-xThe lock is the only part of an sd card that has failed for me so far, I was hoping to be able buy one without..10:14
screen-xmicrosd cards don't have them..10:14
screen-xBOFH question: should I allocate more space to /home, or tell people to delete stuff?10:17
jpdsscreen-x: What MartijnVdS said, yes.10:22
screen-xhmmm I thought that might be the answer.10:22
screen-xI have plenty of spare space, but the snapshots already take ages, and I'm not sure people _need_ more space..10:23
popeyhowdy howdy howdy10:24
screen-xmorning andylockran10:24
andylockranmorning guys10:24
andylockranhow's things?10:24
andylockranI gave my girlfriend a box with a little bit of water in it for Christmas.10:24
andylockranShe said " What's this about "10:24
andylockranI said " Well it was snow:10:25
andylockranshe said - " well it's the thaw-t that counts"10:25
andylockranI thought that was particularly good.10:26
andylockranmore of a http://budumtsch.popey.com than a http://tumbleweed.popey.com/10:27
andylockran404 - humour not found :)10:27
popeyhttp://tarby.popey.com/ then10:27
nperryI love not making a coffee at work for about a week now.10:27
popeyor http://joke.popey.com/10:28
nperryEvery else seems to have the idea first10:28
screen-xnperry: I think that makes it your roudn10:28
bigcalmA new The Infinite Money Cage. Yay10:28
screen-xpopey: why were you ipopey for a while yesterday?10:29
popeybecause I was connected from an apple device10:29
screen-xisn't that par for the course?10:29
popeyisnt what?10:29
screen-xignore me, so you are ipopey in colloquy.. that makes sense.10:30
bigcalmDoh, I actually listened to this ep. on an actual radio10:31
nperryHeh police checking out cctv for some reg plate theifs, car pulls up and two men get out with screwdrivers10:32
nperryHow many pikeys does it take to unscrew a reg plate :(10:33
andylockrannperry: where at ?10:33
nperryMy work :)10:33
nperryI'll upload the video when I get home10:33
domjohnsonHas anyone here got an Intuos4 working under 10.10?10:41
popeyno idea what that is!10:42
domjohnsonIts a Wacom graphics tablet.10:42
popeyi know doctormo was doing stuff with those10:44
TheOpenSourcererAnyone here got a linky linky? Pretty Please? https://twitter.com/#!/opensourcerer/statuses/1064365332837580810:44
popeydomjohnson: he may be around in #ubuntu-community-team10:45
MooDoodomjohnson, have you checked out the threads on the ubuntu forums - http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7093065&postcount=10410:45
andylockranTheOpenSourcerer: what are you trying to do with the two?10:45
andylockranopenldap aliases?10:45
TheOpenSourcererYeah - I would like to build a new mail server for our business, postfix, dovecot and use ldap for the back-end.10:46
domjohnsonMooDoo - I saw that, but didn't read it as its only for tablet PCs, but will have a read now10:46
domjohnsonThanks :)10:46
TheOpenSourcererI have ldap installed and working with ssl/tls from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html10:46
andylockranTheOpenSourcerer: you contemplated using bongo?10:46
andylockranI've got the postfix, openldap, horde, cyrus-imapd setup running on multiple boxes10:47
domjohnsonI haven't bought one yet, just want to see if it does work OK10:47
domjohnsonGod, I hate this snow :(10:49
nperryRight my ears are finally warm up, thanks convector heater on my table10:49
TheOpenSourcererandylockran: I had not come across that before. It looks a tad "raw" at the moment. And anyway I would like to do it myself for a learning exercise too.10:49
domjohnsonI think we should compare snow depths...10:49
TheOpenSourcererHah - This funny. In Dublin too czajkowski ;-) http://twitpic.com/3cfpmk10:52
andylockranTheOpenSourcerer: ok - well advice for postfix would be ldap-aliases.cf10:52
andylockrannice easy syntax - poke me if you have issues10:52
czajkowskioh that was the bad crash last year10:52
czajkowskinot sure if those were the real adds. but it was a very bad crash :(10:52
TheOpenSourcererthanks andylockran10:52
czajkowskithe luas (train) went through a green light and the bus went through a red light.10:53
MooDoonow i feel guilty for chuckling at it10:53
andylockranTheOpenSourcerer: do poke me - have experience with that setup on CentOS + Gentoo - but only brief bits on ubuntu10:53
popeyyou can see the advert isnt specsavers10:53
bigcalmWhat is the advert?10:57
popeyshould have gone to specsavers10:57
bigcalmI cannie make it out10:57
bigcalmOh, hello 11am11:00
bigcalmWent cave exploring whilst listening to TIMC :S11:00
bigcalmCame across 2 traps11:01
AlanBellyou can even see in the reflection of the window that it is a thomas cook avert, not a specsavers one11:08
TwinkletoesI've used autofs to mount an smb share, and want to export it via nfs for my other clients.  autofs works ok, but when I try to export via nfs, I get the error "exportfs: Warning: /<dir> does not support NFS export."   Am I missing something here?11:08
TwinkletoesI suppose I could shar eit using samba11:09
dwatkinsI'm not sure you can export a remotely-mounted directory with NFS.11:10
dwatkinsI've had problems with this before.11:10
AzelphurI have problems with my computer continually falling back to the login screen, yet I can't see anything crash-related in Xorg.*.log http://pastebin.com/6idHe5f711:11
bigcalmAzelphur: how about /var/log/messages?11:11
AzelphurIt started happening after I swapped my nvidia 6600 for an nvidia 950011:11
bigcalmMaybe there is a memory fault on the new card11:12
dwatkinsthe mode seems to be automatically selected, Azelphur - have you tried selecting a screen resolution as well?11:12
Azelphurdwatkins: nope, as I say it works for a while and then randomly falls to the login screen11:13
Azelphurhmm pastebin doesn't like /var/log/messages11:14
Azelphurit's too big :p11:15
dwatkinsWhat, you don't export every line from it to twitter? ;-)11:15
andylockranjust cat the last few lines :)11:15
screen-xAzelphur: http://sprunge.us11:16
* AlanBell wonders how hard it would be to extend pastebinit to point to twitter11:16
Azelphurah it's easy anyway11:16
Azelphurno there's nothing in dmesg11:16
Azelphurthere's only 4 messages from today11:16
bigcalmAzelphur: next time it fails, tail -f /var/log/messages11:16
bigcalmI have found that dmesg doesn't always reflect /var/log/messages11:17
Azelphurhttp://pastebin.com/ruynib0Z the only messages from today11:17
Azelphurbut yea I need to set up a monitor for X so when it crashes I can catch the time and look in logs for it11:18
bigcalmMaybe your gfx card is overheating11:20
Azelphurbigcalm: it's just running mythtv11:20
Azelphurand I don't have vdpau enabled11:20
Azelphurthe 6600 handled it fine11:20
bigcalmDo you have the old card still?11:21
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
Azelphurbigcalm: yea11:21
bigcalmTry swapping it back and see if the issue is still present11:22
Azelphurcould try that too11:22
bigcalmOr make a sacrafice to the computer gods11:23
* popey gets the chicken, candles and chalk11:23
* popey starts drawing a pentagram on the floor11:23
* MooDoo gets the baby oil.......11:23
MooDooah wrong channel ;')11:23
bigcalmNow, where will we find a virgin in this field?11:24
* AlanBell takes the chicken back from popey 11:24
popeyanyway, Azelphur could be nvidia driver or hardware11:24
popeyAzelphur: switch to nv or nouveau to prove that11:24
Azelphurnv doesn't support 9500GT :(11:24
bigcalmThat's a terrible sterio type. Wonder if it's less of a truism yet11:24
popeycomments about nouveau not being as good as nvidia driver to /dev/null11:25
Azelphurand nouveau doesn't seem to get anywhere with S-Video out11:25
bigcalmWeird trend on twitter11:27
popeyi see squares11:27
bigcalmMe too11:27
andylockranI see Follow11:27
andylockranin silly text11:27
NafalloI see unicode11:27
popeystupid windows fonts11:28
NafalloTerminus actually11:28
Nafalloi.e. what you get on tty1-6 by default...11:30
kazadeAzelphur, try creating a new login - it might be a user-specific configuration option confusing the nvidia driver11:33
kazadeas it's happening after login11:33
kazadeAzelphur, I mean create a new test user11:34
Azelphurit's happening well after login11:34
Azelphurit'll stay up for a few hours then crash11:35
kazadeoh right ok11:35
kazadeI thought it was just after, bm11:35
Azelphuras I say I need to stick an uptime monitor on VNC so I can see when X goes down11:35
Azelphurand then look in various log files11:35
DanielRMAzelphur: couldn't you just run a logging program in a terminal in X and then see where the log terminates?11:36
Azelphurthat's easier, good idea :)11:36
DanielRMSomething like: while `sleep 60`; echo `date` > log; done11:37
DanielRMI think date's the right command.11:37
AzelphurI would just run DISPLAY=:0.0 gnome-terminal; date11:37
Azelphurwhen terminal gets terminated (ie x crashes), I get the date \o/11:37
DanielRMEven better.11:37
MartijnVdStail -f /var/log/Xorg.0.log? :)11:37
Azelphurbeen there done that11:38
popeywhich version of nvidia driver do you have?11:38
popeyleave that running to get a trace when x fails11:39
Azelphurwill do11:39
popeythat will be the most useful thing to do11:39
bigcalmCouncil where I used to live: http://www.malvernhills.gov.uk11:42
* bigcalm boogies11:42
* bigcalm points at the header image11:42
bigcalmSod the rest of the site11:42
AlanBellthat was your 15 minutes of fame11:43
bigcalmAlanBell: enjoying it while I can11:43
MartijnVdSbigcalm: http://www.struttandparker.com/residential-property-to-let/london-w-/property_2637.html11:44
MooDooMartijnVdS, i think i'm moving ;)11:46
AlanBellif anyone is of a twittering nature it would be great to get some more publicity about the christmas party11:48
MooDooAlanBell, done :D11:50
X3Nnot sure if i'm going to make it now11:53
X3Npopey: did you see http://www.linux.fm ?11:58
popeyoh dear, how tedious12:00
bigcalmOh my :(12:00
bigcalmThat's horrid12:00
* bigcalm gets back to the drum & bass12:01
bigcalmWhat to have for lunch...12:01
MooDoowhat a waste of a domain12:01
bigcalmMooDoo: I ran a site that tells you if it's the weekend or not. Humm, that was more useful actually12:02
bigcalmdogmatic69: too far, please try again12:02
TheOpenSourcererSeen this? http://open-pc.com/12:02
bigcalmActually, might get an oven pizza from Waitrose12:02
dogmatic69bigcalm: www.pizzahut.co.uk is too far?12:03
TheOpenSourcererbigcalm: As you can get out, please get me some shopping too.12:03
bigcalmdogmatic69: it's a 15 min drive to the closest pizzahut12:03
bigcalmAnd I fear my GF will throw a wobbly if she finds out I did that12:03
dogmatic69bigcalm: thats the great thing about delivery, its their problem12:03
bigcalmThey don't deliver12:04
dogmatic69i would move12:04
bigcalmI'm happy with the 20mb cable connection. That's keeping me where I am12:04
bigcalmDecent internet connection beats pizza for this geek12:05
dogmatic69i got 20mb and pizza deliveries <312:05
bigcalmDominos do delivery. But their food is pants12:05
dogmatic69most of the pizza in the uk is pants :/12:06
shaunoI keep getting dominos just because their online ordering rocks.  they got that bit right.12:06
bigcalmTell a lie. My local dominos don't deliver either12:06
dogmatic69have not found a place that makes proper wood oven pizza12:06
shaunoif someone taught them how to cook, it'd be fantastic12:06
bigcalmPizza Express is ace12:06
MartijnVdSbigcalm: http://www.pizza.co.uk/12:06
bigcalmAnd I had a cracking pizza from PizzaHut on Tuesday12:07
bigcalmMartijnVdS: We`re sorry, Pizza.co.uk has no restaurants listed in your area.12:07
bigcalmTa though12:07
dogmatic69MartijnVdS: just put my postcode and the site died12:07
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: nice :)12:08
daubersOooooh, lovely hot coffee12:11
MartijnVdSdaubers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_Coffee_minigame_controversy ?12:11
bigcalmHaha, cool12:13
screen-xHow do I tell the difference between hyper threading/dual core/dual cpu?12:13
screen-x/proc/cpuinfo lists two CPUs12:13
MartijnVdSscreen-x: look at the "physical id" and "core id"12:14
daubersMartijnVdS: Ummm... no12:14
kazadeserious question... does Gwibber ever work?12:14
screen-xMartijnVdS: both are physical ID 0, there are no core ids listed, so this must be single processor, hyper threaded?12:15
screen-xkazade: nope12:15
Nafallokazade: I've seen it working.12:15
kazadeIMO it's the buggiest app in the default install (and that includes U1)12:15
andylockranI like pino12:15
screen-xandylockran: oauth?12:15
kazadeyeah I'm gonna find something else...12:15
MartijnVdSscreen-x: on a dual quadcore server here I see siblings = 8 for each core12:15
MartijnVdSscreen-x: so "siblings" is (hyperthreading + cores) I think12:16
kazadeI'm gonna find one that doesn't use up this much memory: 12059 luke      20   0  581m  84m  28m S    0  4.2   0:02.18 gwibber12:16
MartijnVdSscreen-x: if there is no "cpu cores" entry, cores = 1, and "siblings" = ht12:16
screen-xMartijnVdS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/539367/12:16
MartijnVdSscreen-x: can you pastebin your /proc/cpuinfo? :)12:16
* screen-x reads your mind12:16
MartijnVdSscreen-x: yeah... siblings=2, physid=0, that's 2 hyperthreading bits12:17
screen-xthanks :)12:17
MartijnVdSalso the "ht" flags bit12:17
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: AlanBell http://bettr.org/12:17
* daubers waits for someone to buy his car12:27
czajkowskidaubers: you may not get many viewings with this weather12:34
daubersczajkowski: Had one this morning :) Best time to view a car IMO as you can easily see if the seals are knackered12:37
daubersczajkowski: Sold!12:44
popeythat was quick12:45
screen-xdaubers: :D12:46
screen-xdaubers: did you get haggle?12:49
screen-xI wish I could come up with a sentence that made sense.. s/get//12:52
daubersscreen-x: Yup, but that's ok, as I allowed some margin in the price for that :)12:52
screen-xdaubers: a professional :)12:53
daubersscreen-x: :p12:53
popeyi had a silly idea in the shower today13:04
andylockranWe've got a new person in the office13:05
andylockranwhile I was out at lunch, I left my computer screens on and spotify playing13:05
andylockranI killed spotify when I was out, and loaded up xeyes, whilst playing theme from Phantom of the Opera via mpg12313:05
andylockranwas amusing when I returned to the office13:05
andylockranshe was like 'I haven't done anything;13:05
andylockranis that cruel?13:06
popeyso anyway..13:06
popeya script which runs on a minimal ubuntu install and goes to get the source for the entire desktop and compiles it a'la gentoo13:07
andylockranpopey: the point of that being?13:07
popeynot quite sure what the point would be13:07
shaunoto justify the invention of the moniker, I assume13:08
popeyi just wondered if it could be done with the standard tools13:08
popeyapt-get source for each package13:08
popeyand apt-get build-dep, but that would bring in binary packages13:08
popeyso maybe have a sources.list which _only_ has deb-src lines and no deb lines13:09
andylockranpopey: loop them both until you have them all13:09
popeyso it can only pull in source13:09
andylockranpopey: I'm willing to give this a go if you like?13:09
popeyand point sources.list at a local repo which you fill using the packages that have been locally compiled13:09
popeyso eventually you can do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and it pull in everything from the local repo that was built locally13:09
popeydoes that make sense?13:10
andylockran^ = gentoo binhost13:10
andylockranas you can add location-specific configs to the debs13:10
andylockranif required.13:10
shaunoI'd be curious to see if that could figure out when packages have been updated13:10
popeyyeah, something to get new source, rebuild etc13:10
shaunoeg, when /var/cache/packages has version n, and apt-mirror has n+1, does it tweak and grab13:10
AlanBellthat all sounds like a sufficiently big effort that there should be some kind of point to it13:11
shaunodoes sound like a wonderfully interesting exercise in self-harm13:11
AlanBellcould things be compiled in a more optimised way or something?13:12
shaunoI believe locally compiled packages are built --with-racing-stripes, where hosted repositories aren't13:13
popeyyes alejandraobregon13:14
popeyer AlanBell13:14
AlanBelland hi alejandraobregon o/13:21
brobostigonafternoonings all13:27
MooDoohello brobostigon how goes it?13:28
brobostigonhi MooDoo and andylockran13:28
brobostigonMooDoo: not too bad, shabby round the edges. how about you ?13:28
MooDoobrobostigon, aye not bad...i'm ready for the weekend :D13:29
brobostigonMooDoo: :)13:29
Davieypopey: RE, you rebuilding.... I would use rerepro to create a source archive, and rebuildd to build the packages and re-inject them back into the archive13:40
Davieypopey: You'd uncover a bunch of FTBFS's :)13:40
AlanBellhow does that happen?13:41
NafalloAlanBell: stuff getting built against superseeded stuff and then not rebuilt against current versions.13:43
daubersAlanBell: You let Daviey touch them....13:43
DavieyIn Maverick, a couple happend due to toolchain changes13:44
DavieyBut yes, as Nafallo said.13:44
Nafallotoolchain is "stuff" :-)13:44
Nafallowell, a fraction of stuff :-P13:45
Lcawteo.o I thought I was already in here... hm..13:45
screen-xprinter question: If I change a toner cartridge, but it doesn't solve my problem, can I go back to the old toner, and store the new one for later? or should a toner be left in the printer once it's been opened?13:46
MooDooscreen-x, i think it can be stored, might be better to do it in an air tight bag13:47
daubersscreen-x: Really really ensure that it's not goign to go anywhere a little bit damp13:47
screen-xthanks MooDoo and daubers13:48
MooDoono worries13:48
popeyDaviey: thats true13:51
* Nafallo heads up to Canary Wharf13:56
MichealHHey all14:04
MichealHI know about the hack day were having on 10/10/1014:05
MichealHIf anyone wants to look at the Ubuntu Drupal Work then http://staging.profarius.com/ and staging7.profarius.com/ are a few examples of our work.14:06
AlanBellOrange is the new brown14:07
MichealHIf anyone has a good idea for the site but is having issues on the day could seek help from #webdevel if they really needed to.14:07
daubersAlanBell: and Red is the new Green14:07
daubers(my excuse anyway)14:07
MichealHAlanBell: We have a Brown,Orange,Blue and Pink theme14:07
popeyMichealH: we're using wordpress, not drupal FYI14:09
MichealHpopey: Oh14:09
MichealHWe still have CSS which we could use14:10
popeyhave you seen the site?14:10
MichealHpopey: Yup14:10
shaunohah.  this is probably "you had to be there", but I just pasted that url into two ticket commits instead of my usual "that's not a problem"14:13
shaunoluckily a coworker spotted I was on autopilot :/14:14
dwatkinsshauno: you get a lot of tickets which aren't a problem?14:15
shaunoyes, unfortunately14:15
* dwatkins does too14:16
MooDooshauno, what you do for a living?14:16
shaunomonitor off-site equipment14:16
MattJWorks for Microsoft? *ducks*14:16
shaunoat the moment low humidity alarms are pure spam, thanks to the weather14:16
MartijnVdSshauno: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_lsW0D5f6cIA/SaTghI5s30I/AAAAAAAAAAk/e7Otip1mvds/s1600-R/you-are-being-monitored.jpg ?14:17
MooDooMattJ, i bet they are good to work for14:17
shaunoMartijnVdS: :)14:17
MattJMooDoo: I think they're likely just about the same as any other large company :)14:18
MattJMooDoo: http://www.qbrundage.com/michaelb/pubs/essays/working_at_microsoft.html14:18
MooDooMattJ, that's a interesting read :D14:26
MattJThere's another not-so-positive one somewhere, about the pain of participating in Windows development14:27
MattJbut you find people unhappy with participating in Ubuntu development too, so... :)14:27
MooDooyes, i think it's the culture people are interested in14:27
MooDooMattJ, go to work, code for an hour or so then go play table football14:32
MattJor just... not go to work :)14:32
* MattJ gets on fine working from home14:32
MooDooMattJ, i'd love to work from home14:33
selinuxiumTheOpenSourcerer, You about?14:38
TheOpenSourcereryes selinuxium I am.14:38
selinuxiumTheOpenSourcerer, Was it you that did that lamb dish that took days...14:38
TheOpenSourcererselinuxium: It was I14:38
selinuxiumWhat was it?14:39
TheOpenSourcererhere's a decent recipe: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/gallery/2009/apr/07/lamb-easter-recipe-raan14:39
popeythats the one I used14:39
TheOpenSourcereror search twitter for #twooking14:40
TheOpenSourcererI gave popey the url ;-)14:40
selinuxium :)14:40
selinuxiumCheers guys  :)14:43
bigcalmpopey: what can you do with the green lined cobble stone you get from around traps?14:51
bigcalmCan't turn it into smooth stone in a furnace14:51
popeybigcalm: dunno, i have some of it kicking around14:51
popeys/traps/mob spawners/14:52
bigcalmAnd are snowballs good for anything?14:52
popeyfun for throwing at cows14:53
popeymy kids love that14:53
bigcalmI'm going to try building a towser in the middle of a frozen lake14:54
TheOpenSourcererAnyone configured openldap on ubuntu recently for remote browsing of cn=config? By default it's locked to uid=0 (i.e. root on localhost) from what I can tell.14:55
=== BigRedS__ is now known as BigRedS
andylockranTheOpenSourcerer: I'd just use an SSH tunnel for now.. ssh $ldapserver 389:localhost:38915:45
andylockranTheOpenSourcerer: I'd just use an SSH tunnel for now.. ssh $ldapserver -L 389:localhost:389 ...15:45
* daubers wonders how difficult his drive the Birmingham will be on Sunday16:18
* popey wonders if AlanBell is about and has seen https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-developer-manual/msg00050.html16:19
dwatkinsthe South has so little snow, it shouldn't be a problem, but somehow it is, daubers16:19
popeywhich is in 40 mins16:19
AlanBellyes, and no16:19
AlanBellwhat is the IRC channel for the developer manual?16:21
popeywhich you're in16:22
AlanBellhuh, wouldn't have guessed that16:22
daubersdwatkins: Hmmm.. hopefully we'll get no more snow tonight or tomorrow16:23
popeyhttp://popey.com/webcam/ boringcam is boring16:24
czajkowskipopey: another snow day ?16:24
dwatkinsnice, popey16:25
czajkowskiright time to brave the cold and hit the shops, I need milk for tea, not had any all day long!16:25
dwatkinstake care, czajkowski16:25
* dwatkins walked to the shop in a t-shirt the other day, but wouldn't do that today as it's even colder now16:25
czajkowskiit's warmer in stuttgart :D16:26
czajkowskithere is a god16:26
popeyhttp://popey.com/~alan/webcam/20101202.avi time lapse of the most boring camera ever! :D16:28
spritei just installed GnomeXchat and WOW16:29
* nperry claps16:29
spriteit's a far cry from the original16:29
* sprite tips hat to the golfclap16:30
spriteassumedly no one here is using it? It doesn't seem to have the capacity to remember servers / rooms16:30
ubuntuuk-planet[Matthew Garrett] Nook Color GPL update - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/130871.html16:31
Azelphursprite: yea nobody uses it, it's bad :p16:31
MooDoopopey, how quickly does it refresh?16:31
popeywhenever there's a sufficient delta between one image and the next16:31
popeysorry, thats how often an image is uploaded / taken16:32
popeythe page updates every 2 mins16:32
MooDooah ok16:32
popeyhttp://popey.com/webcam/ that page16:32
spriteHA! This app was labelled as 'sane' in the description. Azelphur, I'm glad you concur.16:33
MooDoohmmmm good avi, shame all i can see is the tree wobble ;)16:33
nperrysprite: this is irc not msn chat, we have channels :)16:33
popeyMooDoo: i have other days to encode16:34
popeyone where there is no snow16:34
popeyso you should see it all build :)16:34
MooDoocan't believe i'm watching this waiting for it to go dark lol16:34
MooDoohehe this is pretty cool :)16:35
popeymy poor little Acer Revo is straining to do this16:35
popeyGB of images encoding down to an avi16:35
popeyplus it's monitoring the power usage in the house at the same time16:35
popeycracking value for money that revo16:35
* sprite safely back on normal irc client... woo16:37
gingif i write popey towers on an envolope with a stamp on it would it find it's way to you?16:37
popeyhttp://popey.com/house/ better url :)16:38
daubersging: addressed to "The one, the only, _THE_ popey"?16:38
popeythat would get to my wife :)16:38
popeyshe is @therealpopey on twitter :)16:38
popey(not that she uses it)16:38
popeyhah, that box is also backing up my gmail constantly :)16:40
popeygo little atom, go!16:40
czajkowskitoo dodgey to leave16:44
popeytop - 16:42:48 up 10 days, 16:55,  7 users,  load average: 5.28, 5.31, 4.3516:44
daubersWoot, risk of Atom-ic explosion high16:45
* daubers gets his coat16:46
* brobostigon gives czajkowski his spike clipons for shoes.16:46
MooDooczajkowski, you don't need to leave, unless you run out of supplied16:47
sprite-d + +s16:50
MooDoosprite, thanks :D16:50
MooDoohowever i might have meant supplied :p16:50
sprite-run +ran ;p16:51
MooDoohee hee16:51
spritei really like ubuntu. since upgrading yesterday to 10.04. but there seems to be an odd bug with WEP wifi16:53
MooDoosprite, what's that then?16:55
spritesince you asked; it connected fine to WEP for about 10 minutes and now is unable to reconnect. it continues to ask for the WEP key which is the same as it was the first time. WPA seems not to be an issue.16:58
MooDoohave you looked at the ubuntu bugs website to see if anyone else is having an issue like that?16:58
spriteas a matter of factly I am doing that as we speak. there seems to be a great many people having the same issue but with a wide range of proposed reasons. mainly for dell broadcoms whilst mine is realtek16:59
spritei know the proper driver for my card is still in beta but it worked find on 8.04 so something has changed :)17:00
sprite-d +e17:01
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
=== Richie is now known as WelshDragon
AzelphurI want some cool slippers, like ones with a Ubuntu logo on :)17:16
AzelphurMy slippers broke :(17:16
WelshDragonHow do you break slippers? O.o17:18
Azelphurthey are old and the glue on them is wearing out17:19
Azelphurso they are falling apart17:19
czajkowskidear chicken please thaw out, I want to cook then eat you17:24
dogmatic69czajkowski: put it in the fridge, its warmer in there17:25
czajkowskiit has been since last night17:25
WelshDragonczajkowski, microwave?17:28
czajkowskithat's plan B alright17:28
WelshDragonWhy's it not plan A? :o17:28
czajkowskiplan A was let it defrost17:29
* czajkowski fancies making a korma 17:29
jpdsczajkowski: Is that likke karma?17:29
* czajkowski pokes jpds 17:30
bigcalmI prefer something a little otter17:30
WelshDragonczajkowski, you know you can also oven cook chicken from frozen?17:30
jacobwi hate tuna steaks17:30
czajkowskiWelshDragon: yes, but I want to fry it17:31
jacobw(that is all i have to say)17:31
dogmatic69czajkowski: get one of these, know someone that uses it to defrost things, takes around 15min http://www.wisefull.com/images/200906/1245917484942194433.jpg17:31
WelshDragondogmatic69, what is that? :s17:32
dogmatic69car amp heat sink17:33
DanteAshtonHey all. I have a very interesting item for everyone; is there anyone in the Cotswolds area who wants to help us create an advert?17:52
DanteAshtonwe now have studio access :D17:52
DanteAshton(whoops; I'm lead of the Ubuntu Advertising Team, btw)17:52
* UndiFineD sprays some confetti around DanteAshton 17:53
DanteAshtonThank you, thank you.17:53
DanteAshtonNow, anyone want to give us a hand?17:53
DanteAshtonAnyone? Come on, we're being serious here :P17:55
zleapcool DanteAshton , i have been working on some promotion down here17:56
zleapor would like to17:56
cassidyjamesDanteAshton: Oh. You're already over here. :P17:56
DanteAshtongreat, zleap, what have you been doing?17:56
zleapi wrote a short article for the rugby club newsletter17:57
zleapalso have 100 cd's to distribute,  made a few posters17:57
zleapjust need some decent materials really to push things17:57
DanteAshtonwell...we're looking at creating video, audio and graphics ads for Ubuntu17:57
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DanteAshtonMark S has contacted us and said that if our work is good enough (which it will be, considering we've got a studio now)  then it will be offically promoted17:58
zleapsounds excellent17:58
zleapi have booked 4 dclug meetings for 2010 (jan - apr) so that gives us a good starting point17:58
cassidyjameszleap: But we need people experienced with video creation to help us out. :P17:59
zleapthats not really me then17:59
DanteAshtonhey, we need actors17:59
DanteAshtonand we need people in Glouster to help us shoot the damn thing17:59
zleaphmm,  i am in devon17:59
DanteAshtonno skills are needed, but hands and a willingness to travel are. :P17:59
DanteAshtonCome on guys and gals, fantastic opptunity here...18:00
zleapif you e-mail me the details i can forward to the dclug for you18:00
zleapby offocially promoted does this mean tv ads18:01
zleapi am sure I read somewhere you can advertise on back of busses for 7.99 a week18:01
cassidyjameszleap: Probably through the web first.18:01
cassidyjamesAt some point TV would be great, too.18:01
zleapwell i am happy to link or host videos18:01
directhextv is so '90s. in this day & age, the best way to be seen is the back of milk cartons18:01
cassidyjamesdirectex: Ha!18:02
DanteAshtonTV ads are expensive, we're looking at creating them for the cinema first18:02
cassidyjamesdirecthex: I spelled your name wrong. Was thinking "DirectX"18:02
DanteAshtonand possibly radio18:02
jacobwgreat obscure reference :)18:02
DanteAshtonand TV later, when we get the funding (they cost bloody thousands to air)18:03
zleapcinema would be good esp before a movie which is digital animation, that perhaps used linux somewhere in the process18:03
zleapwhat are the main cinema promotors who run the cinemas18:03
DanteAshtonNo idea, that was Mark's idea :D18:03
zleapcan't remember who they are now off hand18:04
directhexusually it's subcontracted18:04
jacobwpearl & dean?18:04
zleapyeah them18:04
directhexDCM are one of the main advertising subcontractors18:04
DanteAshtonWell, we need hands, animators, musicians, graphic artists, authors...18:05
zleapi still think that we need to get the name out there so the more people that see ubuntu it will be familar and hopefully at some point as familar as microsoft18:05
DanteAshtonPlease, please, I beg you; this will be Ubuntu's unvieling to the public at large.18:05
directhexstill called carlton screen in ireland18:05
zleapDanteAshton, i understand that so i guess we need to get it rigth18:06
zleapwell i am going to put a short piece in the next rugby newsletter about the alpha 1 release18:06
UndiFineDyes, it would require a lot of planning18:06
DanteAshtonif you can also put out our requirements as well, I'd love you forever.18:07
DanteAshtonNow, I'm travelling down to Guildford in the near future to deal with some musician friends of mine who are interested in helping18:07
zleapDanteAshton, e-mail me on zleap@zleap.net and I will forward18:07
DanteAshtonif anyone wants to meet me there, or here, my email is danteashton@gmail.com18:08
bigcalmOh, it's just gone 6pm. I can code for fun now18:08
zleapare people still here ?18:14
DanteAshtonyes, sorry18:15
DanteAshtonhad to go and have a ciggie, I'm overly excited :P18:15
zleapi need to send this mini article in to a few places once i have edited it a bt more18:19
zleapi guess once we have an internet video it will be a case of promoting it , linking to it and sharing as much as possible18:20
UndiFineDindeed, those are in our plans18:24
zleapjust created an event on fb for the release of 11.0418:29
spriteyay for the new Libre18:35
jacobwnew Libre?18:37
DanteAshtonhow do you pronounce Libre, anyway?18:38
DanteAshtonThought so...18:39
DanteAshtoncheers :)18:39
spriteit's not exactly going to make a dent on the market but i believe in their mission18:40
zleapso libra office is then new open office18:40
=== MonsterKiller is now known as MonsterKiller|br
=== MonsterKiller|br is now known as MonsterKiller
spritein a matter of speaking it is. a lot of the same people who fell out with the direction OOo is going18:42
sprite.oO(jesus that's poor grammar. hopefully no one notices)18:43
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
zleapso will 11.04 come with libra or open office18:53
zleapsprite, no probs18:56
zleaphi rogerf19:07
spritezleap, it should come with libra19:12
zleapok cool19:12
zleapwill make sure I try and tell people that then19:20
zleaphopefully libraoffice will go in to the opendisc too19:20
zleapso it filters around that way19:20
andylockranThe Document Foundation is one to look at too - they're the 'council' for LibreOffice I believe.19:20
* DanteAshton sent an email to the mailing list and hopes it's correct.19:20
zleapwill get a link up at some point from my site + others19:20
andylockranI was subscribed to the marketing list for OOo, so did so for LO too - but there's too much noise and stuff going on for me to be useful, so I signed off19:21
zleapi find that19:21
zleapmessages get lost very easy19:21
andylockranI could keep up with it - but keeping up was an effort19:22
andylockranand I have other stuff to concentrate on (un)fortunately19:22
Danawar2Hey guys im trying to get onto my file server at university and normally by putting https://exchange.plymouth.ac.uk/home/#username#/ in windows it would ask for a password how can I do this on Ubuntu?19:23
zleapbrb something has gone wrong19:23
Danawar2not through a web browser*19:24
finelytunedwb zleap19:36
zleapi think i need more then 2gb of ram here really19:37
=== andatche_ is now known as andatche
finelytunedmakes 2 of us zleap19:40
spritesigning off ta19:42
andylockranDanawar2: you still about?19:42
Danawar2andylockran: heyaa19:43
andylockranDanawar2: it looks like when you get to that it's got a HTTP authentication method on the page - so you have to enter your username and password there19:43
andylockrando you not want to do this?19:43
Danawar2No, in windows it gives me a promt for a password and I type that in and it works =/19:44
andylockranIt's because it's exchange I guess - if you enter your username and password on Ubuntu, what happens?19:45
finelytunedit most likely works off of cookie authentication19:45
finelytunedwhich you'll already have on your windows machine after the first time login19:46
Danawar2it doesnt ask for username and password on ubuntu19:48
des_hi everybody19:48
des_is anybody here?19:50
finelytunedhi des19:50
des_hi )19:50
des_man's i'am a newbie user of ubuntu, can anybody help me to tune my kernel?19:51
finelytunedDanawar2: it took me to username /pw screen19:51
finelytuneddes_: tune kernel?19:52
des_i have a HP mini 5101 and use wi-fi19:52
zleapsorry just sorting out my website cv page19:52
Danawar2in nautilus19:53
des_ubuntu 10, and i wanna look what module used by my wi-wi card, how can i made that? lsmod not show that propertly19:53
Danawar2What is the difference between pico and nano?19:54
des_maybe names? )19:54
des_pico and nano same programs19:55
des_pico just a symbolic link of nano19:56
des_just try man pico and look as well19:57
des_is somebody alive??? O_o19:59
finelytunedim here but im not the person to answer your question19:59
finelytunedsomeone will be along shortly19:59
des_wrom where are you?19:59
des_sorry *from20:00
finelytunedahh hatfield herts20:00
emorrishi, is it possible to forward all ports coming into an Ubuntu box on 1 interface to a particular IP? Effectively making the Ubuntu box act as a router utilising DMZ?20:03
MartijnVdSlots of things are possible with iptables20:04
emorrisMartijnVdS, yeah, I've used iptables a bit, but only really for opening the odd port and limiting stuff. I'll see if I can find something20:06
MartijnVdScheck TLDP20:06
MartijnVdSit has tons of step by step guides on iptables20:07
MartijnVdSthe "Advanced Routing" HOWTO might contain what you're looking for20:07
MartijnVdSor http://tldp.org/HOWTO/IP-Masquerade-HOWTO/20:07
des_see ya mans )20:08
emorrisMartijnVdS, cool; thanks!20:09
* cassidyjames thinks the next version of Ubuntu should be Ubuntu 11.10 Oscillating Ocelot20:09
MartijnVdSOdorous Okapi20:10
cassidyjamesThat idea... wait for it.. stinks!20:11
jacobwthat news story has made my day :)20:20
ipopeyEvening slackers20:27
MooDooooo it's ipopey20:27
MooDooi prefer ipopey to popey, he's the naughty one :D20:27
brobostigonircing from the pub, i bet.20:28
MooDooyes probablty20:28
ipopeyQi yay20:28
jacobwpubs should embrace IRC20:28
jacobwtake pub arguments to a whole new level20:29
MooDooyay minecraft and IRC :)20:29
brobostigonjacobw: give all the customers galaxy tabs,20:29
jacobwbrobostigon, no, they need iPint glasses20:29
brobostigonjacobw: android powered pint glasses,interesting, :)20:29
jacobwhang on, no, tablets embedded in to the tables20:29
brobostigonjacobw: yes, :)20:30
daubersOoooh minecraft, was just pondering what to do with my evening20:30
* brobostigon also watches QI20:30
jacobwwas it on QI?20:30
ipopeyIt's on now20:30
brobostigonjacobw: QI onnow,20:30
jacobwah good. prior art would be real pain in the arse when i come to patent this idea20:31
daubersOoooh Tron20:44
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
* daubers waits for the pizza to arrive20:47
czajkowskibalor: nice Q21:05
martiihi guys21:49
martiido you maybe know any cheap and rather reliable VPS services that offer ubuntu?21:49
aaronrmartii: i'm a customer of slicehost and bitfolk. they're both great. bitfolk's the cheaper of the two, though.21:54
Azelphurmartii: bitfolk, or Daviey21:54
martii:) thanks21:55
martiianybody has experience with http://www.gbservers.co.uk/vps.html ?21:55
martiias they're just 5 quid and reasonable specs21:56
martiiI need something cheap just to run some tests in the real world outside local LAN :)21:57
dogmatic69snowing good here in birmingham21:58
dogmatic69martii: i use slicehost, its like 15ish pm21:59
dogmatic69256mb ram and a load of space/bandwidth22:00
dogmatic69running ubuntu10.10x64 but there are other options also22:00
martiidogmatic69: I would even live with 64mb of ram and 3GBspace + 30gb bandwidth22:00
martiidogmatic69: but it looks like not many people have such minimalistic needs :)22:01
dogmatic69what you wanna do?22:01
martiimostly it will be TCP/IP playground so not much CPU or MEM needed22:02
martiidogmatic69: for ex backup openvpn gateway22:02
martiidogmatic69: idealy if someone with uk based box was able to let me use theirs :) openvpn but I know this is rather non realistic22:04
dogmatic69slice is in usa22:07
domjohnsonI just copied my Ubuntu Studio partition over to my TB Hard Drive, then ran update-grub, but when I try and boot into my newly created partition, it boots my old Ubuntu (its possible I accidentally copied the normal Ubuntu instead, but it is still booting the same thing)22:07
dogmatic69how about just doing it to local?22:07
domjohnsonCan anyone help?22:07
martiidomjohnson: are both HDD's connected?22:08
domjohnsonI use the TB one as my Home directory22:08
martiidomjohnson: grub uses UUID22:08
domjohnsonand it show up in grub22:08
martiidomjohnson: that's why it stil finds your old partition22:08
martiidomjohnson: and boots from there22:08
domjohnsonSo...how would I change this?22:09
domjohnson*fix this?22:09
martiidomjohnson: you need to tell grub to use new partition that will likely have different ID22:09
martiidomjohnson: what ver of studio you're running?22:09
martiidogmatic69: hmmm local?22:09
domjohnsonbut atm I'm on normal ubuntu22:09
martiidomjohnson: you have separate home partition?22:10
dogmatic69martii: not sure what you want to do, but sounds like some type of backup?22:10
martiidomjohnson: I mean did you move it too22:10
domjohnsonYes, I have seperate home partition22:10
domjohnsonI copied the / mount point of Ubuntu Studio22:11
martiidomjohnson: good22:11
domjohnsonActually, it could've been normal Ubuntu22:11
domjohnsondogmatic69 - its so that I can use my 80GB HDD to install Mac22:11
domjohnsonand then I can eliminate Windows :D22:11
dogmatic69domjohnson: that was for martii22:12
martiidomjohnson: do you get any output from blkid command?22:12
martiidomjohnson: sudo blkid?22:14
martiidomjohnson: read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving22:14
martiidomjohnson: will give you idea how things look like about partitions22:14
martiidomjohnson: so I assume sda is new drive22:16
martiidomjohnson: pastebin fdisk -l please22:18
martiidomjohnson: ok so sda is new 1tb sdb is old 80gb22:20
martiidomjohnson: now you have to look at /boot/grub/grub.cfg and22:21
martiireplace this22:21
martiiwith that22:21
martiiif your new / partition was copied to /dev/sda122:22
martiithen grub-update22:22
domjohnsonJust realised - I copied both Ubuntu AND Ubuntu Studio to Tb HDD22:23
martiihmm w822:23
martiiupdate-grub will replace grub.cfg22:23
martiiall this mess is because of grub2 in Lucid+ ubuntus22:24
martiiread that22:25
domjohnsonHmm...did update-grub before I changed anything to check something - it only discovers one of the two partitions I copied over22:26
domjohnsonBut it discovers the Ubuntu Studio one22:26
domjohnsonSo I'm not bothered...22:26
Azelphurpopey: I got that backtrace...it looks like something is infinite looping22:27
Azelphurpopey: http://azelphur.com/crashlog.txt.zip I had to zip it, because it's about 100,000 entries long.22:27
martiidomjohnson: as well you may want to install grub in /dev/sda MBR22:27
domjohnsonWhat does bad1 mean in grub.cfg22:27
martiidomjohnson: disconnect old drive (after shutdown) and startup with just 1tb connected22:28
martiidomjohnson: to make sure you can start from new disc alone22:29
martiidomjohnson: otherwise it might be old HDD fireing up22:29
domjohnsonWill do that in the morning - quite tired now, might end up messing something up...wouldn't be good lol22:30
domjohnsonWhat does 'bad1' mean?22:30
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
marsilainenis there some package I can add to get an audio equalizer?22:41
marsilainenprimarily for listening to music through rhythmbox22:41
marsilainenI was hoping maybe there is something at pulseaudio level?22:41
marsilainenI think the output from my soundcard is pretty poor22:41
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller

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