
pace_t_zulupleia2: we even have a launchpad project for it: https://launchpad.net/logo-ubuntu-us-tn00:01
pace_t_zulupleia2: with several other color combinations00:02
pace_t_zulupleia2: is that the kind of thing that might go on a loco approval application?00:02
pleia2sure :)00:02
pace_t_zului'm out of here... will be back for the meeting00:03
Kurisu_Yamatowelp, I missed the last meeting but I am here for this one, sooo.. yeah.. :)00:08
jfenn2199Good evening all!00:40
jfenn2199What's up with the meeting?01:02
jfenn2199And also how goes Kurisu_Yamato?01:04
jfenn2199Hello pace_t_zulu01:06
pace_t_zuluhey jfenn219901:06
pace_t_zuluapologies for being late01:06
Kurisu_YamatoI'm good. Gaming in and out while I wait for the meetup.01:06
pace_t_zuluhad a shelving emergency01:06
pace_t_zuluwho's here jfenn2199 and Kurisu_Yamato ?01:07
pace_t_zuluanyone else?01:07
pace_t_zulucyberanger wrst netritious ping01:07
jfenn2199Not that I've seen yet just got in on andChat01:07
pace_t_zuluhello Svpernova0901:08
pace_t_zuluwe've got 401:08
pace_t_zuluwe can give it 7 more minutes i suppose01:08
jfenn2199Sounds good I'm at work right now so if I don't immediately respond that's why01:09
jfenn2199Also next wed nigt I'll be in Nash again01:10
pace_t_zuluchris4585 Dan9186[MM] electricus  elijah-mbp Juzzy xTEMPLARx ping01:14
elijah-mbphey hey01:15
MootBotMeeting started at 19:15. The chair is pace_t_zulu.01:15
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]01:15
elijah-mbpsorry, have been working on a customer issue in the background.01:15
pace_t_zuluwho is here? jfenn2199 Svpernova09  Kurisu_Yamato ping01:15
Kurisu_YamatoI'm still here, ready and waiting01:16
pace_t_zulu5 of us here...01:18
pace_t_zulubetter turnout than usual01:18
pace_t_zuluanyone have a topic they'd like to discuss?01:18
Kurisu_YamatoWell I actually had an early shift at work, so I was able to show up, for once.01:18
pace_t_zuluKurisu_Yamato: glad you could join01:18
jfenn2199So when is the date this month for the loco council?01:18
pace_t_zulujfenn2199: i was under the impression that it was last month01:19
jfenn2199I talked to cyberanger and he said that we postponed it to this month01:19
pace_t_zului didn't get that memo01:19
MootBotLINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TennesseeTeam/ApprovalApplication01:20
pace_t_zulu[topic]LoCo Approval Application01:21
MootBotNew Topic: LoCo Approval Application01:21
MootBotLINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingApproved01:21
MootBotLINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoExampleApplication01:21
pace_t_zuluanyone out there?01:24
Svpernova09yeah, was reading first link01:24
pace_t_zuluSvpernova09: :)01:25
Kurisu_YamatoYeah, I read it as well.01:25
pace_t_zuluSvpernova09 Kurisu_Yamato +101:25
pace_t_zulu[idea]add our team logo to the approval application01:25
MootBotIDEA received: add our team logo to the approval application01:25
Kurisu_YamatoDue to my lack of transportation, I can be at very few, if any events (havnt been to a GOLUM meeting ever, tho I want to, and its not even that far away). Well, that and my work schedule, but I am very active in places I physically am, to try to show off Ubuntu, and Linux as a whole, to anyone who may have use for it.01:26
pace_t_zuluas per http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/2010/12/03/%23ubuntu-us-tn.html01:26
pace_t_zuluKurisu_Yamato: where is that place? ... that you are physically01:26
pace_t_zuluKurisu_Yamato: that's the best place to be in the state right now so far as the loco goes01:28
pace_t_zuluanyone else here in nashville01:28
Kurisu_YamatoYeah, so I have noticed. I only live maybe 3-4 miles away from where the GOLUM meetings are, but I just can never get there.01:29
Svpernova09Has anyone from the loco contacted HackerConsortium about getting involved? HC is Nashville's hackerspace01:29
Svpernova09from the loco in Nashville*01:29
pace_t_zuluSvpernova09: i am unfamiliar with hackerconsortium01:29
Svpernova09oh snap01:29
pace_t_zului will definitely look into that...01:30
MootBotLINK received:  http://www.hackerconsortium.com/01:30
Svpernova09#hackerconsortium here on Freenode01:30
MootBotLINK received: http://www.hackerconsortium.com/location.php01:30
Svpernova09I think the people involved with GOLUM are pretty well aware of this group as well01:31
Svpernova09Dan9186[MM] and I have also talked about this group at MidsothMakers meetings01:31
pace_t_zuluSvpernova09: big thank you for that01:32
Svpernova09Since a large part of MM seem to be tech / geek types that are either already involved with linux, or interested in it01:32
Svpernova09We've done the same in the memphis 2600 meetings, which lately are largely just the MM group.01:32
Svpernova09There is also discussion on the GOLUM list about a possible installfest01:33
Svpernova09When that comes around I plan to try to show off my proxmox machine running multiple ubuntu VMs01:34
Svpernova09midsouthmakers, the memphis group establishing a hackerspace here01:36
Kurisu_YamatoThis is the first I have heard of many of these groups. Haha.01:36
netritiousI'm here for literally 60 secs...got something boiling on the stove01:36
Kurisu_YamatoAh, don't worry, I was able to find the sites easily, google is always your friend, after all.01:37
Svpernova09o/ netritious01:37
Kurisu_YamatoBut I do appreciate the linkage.01:37
pace_t_zuluSvpernova09: really good job bringing that up01:45
Kurisu_YamatoSo,random topic of interest, due to windows just refusing to re-install properly on my girlfriends laptop, she has switched to Ubuntu, and for a few months now has had nothing but good experiences, while the rest of her family is re-installing windows every few months because someone messes up the machines. Her only problem is she cannot run a game I make, because it is currently windows only.01:46
Kurisu_YamatoAs for me, while yes, I am on my windows machine now, I do have a dedicated linux box, as well as a netbook that dual boots between 10.10 and winXP. Also a near-dead laptop I keep plugged in running 10.4 for special purposes (usually data processing at home, etc). Just setting the tone on my end.01:47
pace_t_zuluKurisu_Yamato: +101:47
pace_t_zuluKurisu_Yamato: what game are you making?01:48
Kurisu_YamatoI have a custom game based on the Stepmania game engine (basically, it's a dance game ala DDR) : while that does have linux branches, and is open source, I currently have not been able to get my source to compile in Linux, but in all fairness, I haven't really tried too hard.01:49
Kurisu_YamatoGaming would be my main hobby, so yeah...01:50
pace_t_zuluKurisu_Yamato: is your game open source?01:52
Kurisu_YamatoMy branch is not: however, I have shared my code mods with other groups on their own branches, but my full source in and of itself is closed.  It is due to my release model in this particular instance: I do have another branch in the works that would be just the engine itself, without some security code, for public release.01:53
pace_t_zulunext loco council meeting is December 21st01:54
pace_t_zulu[topic]next loco council meeting is December 21st01:55
MootBotNew Topic: next loco council meeting is December 21st01:55
pace_t_zuluanyone have anything else they'd like to discuss?01:57
Svpernova09not I01:58
pace_t_zului motion to adjourn01:58
pace_t_zuluanyone second that motion?01:58
Kurisu_YamatoI second.01:59
pace_t_zuluthank you01:59
MootBotMeeting finished at 19:59.01:59
pace_t_zuludinner is on the table01:59
pace_t_zululater y'all01:59
Kurisu_YamatoWe all seemed to have a solid time, and I got a chance to see just how the group is.01:59
jfenn2199Sorry about that I had to go input an order01:59
wrstit appears that i am late for the meeting02:00
wrstelijah-mbp: yes baby in march02:01
elijah-mbpwrst:  awesome, ours is due april 16th.02:01
wrstcool elijah-mbp02:01
wrstthe wife has gone nuts on getting things ready before christmas, have you experienced thatyet?02:01
jfenn2199Take it easy every one02:04
wrstppb1701: hello!02:05
elijah-mbpnope - though we do have our crib/changing table and mattress here waiting for me to put them together.02:06
netritiousTurkey is so easy to cook with a real roasting pan02:06
wrstah yes ours arived in cookeville today but i'm going to go do that saturday02:06
elijah-mbpi think the trick is that this is my first kid but not her first kid.  so she's not nuts.02:06
wrstdid i get here in time for cooking with netritious?02:06
elijah-mbpthough - we have a friend who is on kid #4 and still nuts every time.02:06
wrstha ha elijah-mbp well we are both crazy02:07
wrstkid 4??? yeah that would make me nuts :)02:07
netritioushehe nope...just finished inhaling it wrst :D02:07
wrstcool did you cook a complete turkey?02:07
wrstthanksgiving just wasn't enough netritious? :)02:07
netritioussince we go all over town for actual thanksgiving holiday, we do ours when the turkey goes on sale ;)02:08
elijah-mbpy, same here02:08
elijah-mbp(re: being nuts already)02:08
wrstdiscount turkey!!! woot netritious02:08
netritiousmy wife scored a butterball for $8 at krogers this past Sat02:08
wrstwow that sounds very cheap02:08
netritious18 lbs02:08
wrstcan feed a lot of mouths for 8 bucks02:08
netritiouswhoops 15lbs02:08
chris4585lol my family got a 27 pounder02:09
netritiousthat is a big arse turkey chris4585!02:09
chris4585it certainly was02:09
wrstyes steroids on top of steroids for that gobbler02:11
netritioussleepiness starting to kick in already even with a healthy portion (not a gluttonous one)02:18
netritiouscya guys later02:18
Dan9186[MM]Svpernova09: promoting the groups (ubuntu-us-tn included)?02:40
Svpernova09trying :_D02:41
* cyberanger hates it when annoying issues get in the way of his fun07:25
wrstcyberanger: i prefer this over facebook it hink :)13:31
cyberangerI prefer IRC and XMPP too ;-)13:32
wrst:) i had forgotten i had facebook up13:32
* cyberanger wonders why these past few meetings my day turns to hell and gets in the way13:33
Svpernova09<3 irc    o/13:34
cyberangerjfenn2199 covered the main issue, that I overshot the deadline last month for the applacation, opps13:37
cyberangerand everyone covered event planning, branching out more13:38
cyberangerI'm working on Computer Gaming with Chattacon again, allways try to use that as an event for us, 3rd year I know of xubuntu being used (I wish to change that to lubuntu if I can, the installs are old, the machines are too)13:39
cyberangerso, things are moving strong it'd sound like, from the logs13:39
cyberangerwell, off to the future, a new day13:42
netritioushowdy locotn17:01
Svpernova09hows it goin17:02
netritiouswhat is the best device and service if you want an android based phone for tethering?17:02
netritiouspurty good Svpernova09...tired17:02
Svpernova09You can tether to sprint for $30? I think a month. Free if you root froyo.17:03
Svpernova09I'm too chicken to root my Evo though :_)17:03
netritiousI hear ya17:04
netritiousbuddy of mine just called asking17:04
netritiousAT&T is telling him an additional $75 a month for tethering17:05
Svpernova09checking sprint again17:10
Svpernova09hmm I dunno17:12
wrsthello netritious, Svpernova0918:00
Svpernova09o/   rather18:02
netritioushey wrst how's it goin'?18:03
wrstgood netritious18:03
netritiousI feel tired but I shouldn't, otherwise doing well18:04
wrstnetritious: you may need a nap?18:06
netritiousmaybe :)18:07
wrstha ha you should go for it!18:27
cyberangerhey netritious18:33
cyberangerfor tethering, best device for what network18:33
cyberangert-mobile says they'll charge, but if you get the plan prior to then, you'll be grandfathered in, supposedly, they have yet to cap18:34
cyberangerwell, a 10gb soft cap, where it's just slow after that18:35
cyberangerthe T-Mobile G2 has the update, saved my butt twice already, in less than a month18:35
cyberanger(I've owned it for a month and a half)18:36
cyberangerthe additional fee is supposed to be 30 bucks, if they do charge18:36
cyberangerand you can get it sans contract also18:36
cyberangeroh, and 4g in memphis18:37
cyberanger(well, marketing 4g, the technical term atm is 3.9G)18:37
Svpernova09There's definetely no 4g in Memphis.18:38
cyberangernashville and knoxville might by now, they are on the drawing board (and I speculate chattanooga will, sooner or later, due to a fairly big call center)18:38
cyberangerSvpernova09: with T-Mobile?18:38
Svpernova09oh sorry.18:38
Svpernova09Was stuck in sprint mode18:38
cyberangeryeah, no Clear WiMax = no sprint 4g18:39
cyberangerbut I know t-mobile's wired for it, their gear has the updates18:40
cyberangertheir site says it's there, only question is throwing a switch18:41
netritiouscool thanks for the info cyberanger, Svpernova0918:41
cyberangerback in august it appeared they had, when I drove through18:41
cyberangernetritious: T-Mobile might change, but they have a good history on grandfathering old policies, no charge atm, even with the current pending change, they'll be the cheapest and 4g to boot18:42
netritiousare their  android phones unlocked?18:43
cyberangeroh, and rooting the G2 isnt that bad18:44
cyberangersim subisidy lock, have an account in good standing for 40 days and they'll remove it18:44
cyberangermine is now unlocked18:44
cyberangerthey may remove it if you buy it outright too18:45
cyberangerbut by default no18:45
cyberangeryou can buy a HTC Desire Z unlocked (2gb less storage is the only difference with the T-Mobile G2, G2 has 4gb, Desire Z has 2Gb)18:47
cyberangerand an Mini SD card makes that moot18:47
cyberangerso there are ways to get an android phone unlocked and working on t-mo, and they have no policy against it, unlike AT&T and the iphone18:49
cyberangernetritious: are you wanting to buy one unlocked?18:49
netritiousI wouldn't mind one, but it is for a friend that is not technically savvy18:50
cyberangerrephrasing, must the phone be unlocked?18:50
netritiousno was just curious18:51
netritiousis it the G2 that has the built-in wifi router to allow say a laptop with wifi to connect and share the data connection?18:52
cyberangerI was gonna say, that's easy to work with, all my GSM phones (minus one, I don't like it, waiting on a request to unlock and then sell) are unlocked18:53
cyberangerand I know how to get them unlocked or buy them that way (legally)18:53
cyberangerthe G2 has USB tethering and can be a wifi AP18:54
cyberangermost froyo devices can do that actually18:54
cyberangernetritious: wifi ap = yes18:57
cyberangerand it can be secured with wpa2 (or protected from avg joe with wpa or wep) have it's ssid changed too18:58
netritiousso "tethering" becomes unnecessary?18:58
cyberangerI think you can choose the channel, but I'm not certain18:58
cyberangertethering with a cable, usb cable18:59
cyberangernot needed, but still good to support18:59
cyberangerkinda hard to hack wifi when ther isn't any18:59
cyberangerand it allowed me to use my G2 as a wifi card (faster data) for half a week while my laptop card was in limbo19:00
netritiousI'm wondering if the phone couldn't be used as a wifi AP and any client connected to the AP is routed through the phone's 3G/4G connection versus the phone being a wifi client AND a wifi AP19:05
netritiousImagine you are in a car driving around and no wifi hotspots are accessible but need internet access and don't want to bother with wires...that's what I'm getting at19:07
netritiousmore specifiaclly your laptop needs internet access and you have a phone capable of providing a wifi ap19:08
netritiousbut there is no "upstream" wifi provider...will the 3G/4G cellular data connection be used?19:08
cyberangerclient and ap, but not at the same time19:09
cyberangerap will run over celluar data19:09
cyberangerusb tethering can run over wifi and celluar, if both, wifi is used19:10
cyberangerwhen wifi is in master mode, it cannot also be in client mode, so it insures it19:11
netritiousso the phone in wifi ap mode will or will not (or can or can not) route packets thru the 3G data connection on behalf of the phone's wifi clients?19:11
cyberangerwill be celluar data or no data19:11
cyberangerdepending on settings and coverage (you can turn off data in froyo, useful for prepaid)19:11
netritiouslaptop->phone in wifi AP mode->3G <-- possible?19:12
cyberangerlaptop > phone in ap mode = celluar19:12
cyberangercelluar could be slower than 3g or faster19:12
cyberangert-mobile in your area could be 4g19:13
netritiousyeah I get that...it's more about is it possible19:13
cyberangeryes, I've done it19:13
netritious4G is not available here19:13
cyberangerin memphis, or your area of it?19:13
netritiousin Memphis 4G is not available according to T-Mobile's web site19:13
netritiousonly in Nashville19:14
cyberangertheir site lists plans for nashville19:17
cyberangerknoxville was planning, they brought it up last month it seems19:18
cyberangerand on that list is memphis, one of the first19:18
cyberanger(they use the word hspa, idk if that's 3g or 4g or both (depending on the backend) I suspect both, in a way, hspa is 3g and hspa+ is 4g, since I've been on hspa in chattanooga, and hspa+ in knoxville and memphis19:21
cyberangerowning the G2 and pulling up it's status page is kinda the only clear way to know19:23
cyberangerthat and a speed test19:23
=== pace_t_zulu changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-tn to: Next Meeting Jan. 6th at 8 PM EDT/7 PM CDT | Welcome to the Ubuntu Tennessee Team IRC Channel | Members add your info http://tr.im/nogt | Ask about our Wiki Jams
netritiouseither way it's all good19:45
cyberangerhey pace_t_zulu19:45
cyberangerI actually didn;t postpone the applacation as much as overshot the deadline19:45
netritiousif it will allow 3G routes to wifi ap connected clients then that's what I was curious about19:45
netritioushi pace_t_zulu19:45
cyberangerbut, netritious all celluar data19:46
netritiousand that's fine for what my buddy wants to do19:46
pace_t_zuluhey cyberanger netritious19:46
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: the only thing that the meeting didn't cover is we've got a member going to support some xubuntu machines, my 3rd year doing it19:49
cyberangerat chattacon19:49
pace_t_zulucyberanger: i was unaware... it was not communicated to me19:49
cyberangernetritious: yeah, it'll do what's needed, and much much more19:49
pace_t_zulucyberanger: we didn't have an agenda ahead of the meeting19:49
cyberangerI metioned it when you and jfenn was here, not the chattacon bit (was just an announcement, could wait till january or a mailing post)19:50
cyberangerthe other part was just continue maintaining our applacation, and apply this month (that I thought I told everyone, coulda sworn jfenn2199 and you were both told at the same time)19:51
pace_t_zului didn't here that19:51
pace_t_zulubut we did mention it during the meeting19:51
pace_t_zulunext loco council meeting is dec 21st ... i made a point of mentioning that during the meeting19:52
pace_t_zulucyberanger: have you seen the log from the meeting? i just posted the mootbot stuff on the wiki19:52
pace_t_zulucyberanger:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TennesseeTeam/Meeting19:52
cyberangerso it's fine, the two things that I had were just an announcement (saw that in the logs, coulda sworn I did, but I guess I missed you somehow)19:52
cyberangeryeah, read them from my client's logs as soon as I got back, about 2am19:53
cyberangerpast 2 days days were lousy, interferred with this meeting, rather frustrating, read the logs and slept19:54
cyberangernext month should be better, at least I should be out of town, away from these issues19:56
cyberangerextremely good meeting I thought19:56
cyberangerlooks like alot happened19:56
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: I hadn't though of hackerspaces (partly cause we don't have one here, then 4 more are about tied, 2 more in ga, one in alabama, one in nashville20:01
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: I'm sorry I didn't inform you when it happend (idk why I thought I did, maybe I just metioned it in channel and you were idling, maybe I just mistakely thought I did, idk)20:05
cyberangerthey had a deadline of three days prior to the meeting, I worked on it a little then and another day, thinking I had another day, two days before the meeting20:07
cyberangermessed things up20:07
pace_t_zulucyberanger: ping20:56
pace_t_zulucyberanger: we can add our ubuntu-tennessee.org and our logo to the approval application20:56
cyberangerI'll have to add that from a better browser, not a mobile one21:01
netritiousw00t! My new laptop upgraded from 1 GB ddr2/60 GB hdd to 4 GB ddr2/500 GB hdd!!!22:58
netritioushaven't performed extended diag on the drive or the ram but feel pretty good about it22:59
netritiouswill start the looooong process of installing everything I need tonight...XP/7/10.0423:02
netritiousalso got a little usb dongle that provides RS323 (DB9) serial connection so I can finally connect via serial console again23:03
netritiousnow to get ready for my first ever Father-Daughter dance! Been a pretty good Friday so far..23:04
netritioushave a good one too you guys and gals...l8r23:04

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