
=== VenganZ is now known as Cibort
acbot_any devs here?07:28
acbot_the ubuntu one plugin for rhythbox maintains a connection to this IP ( over http... seems pretty suss to me.. what up with that?07:28
spmthat does seem odd. can you report a bug with a full lsof trace showing that?07:37
acbot_spm: happily if you can tell me how to use lsof :p07:40
spmum. then how do you know that rhythbox is maintaining the connection?07:41
spmbut lsof -p <pid>07:41
acbot_netstat -tuc --program shows that it is07:42
spmcool, add that and the lsof to the bug report07:42
acbot_will do07:42
acbot_spm.. 1) where do you want this bug report filed? 2) do you need the whole lsof dump or just the bit showing the connection?07:45
spmacbot_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone/+filebug and file against the RB plugin in the drop down. the devs can sort from there as necessary. important thing is to get the bug in front of 'em. :-)07:47
acbot_thanks man07:48
* hyperair tries to reproduce the issue07:49
hyperairat the very least, it doesn't happen on banshee here.07:49
hyperairacbot_: what version of ubuntu, rhythmbox, and rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store packages do you have?07:49
jonathan_not sure if this channel is dev or support.  In any case ubuntu one synchronizes folders ridiculously slowly. As in multiple minutes for 5 java text files.  My connection is just your run of the mill aDSL.  Why is my upload speed so slow?07:50
acbot_hyperair, Ubuntu 10.1007:53
acbot_kernel 2.6.35-23-generic07:53
acbot_rhythmbox 0.13.1-0ubuntu607:53
acbot_rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store 0.1.9-0ubuntu107:53
hyperairacbot_: did you run netstat -anp as i asked, and look for the ip addr in that list?07:54
acbot_no but i ran lsof07:54
acbot_attaching the log to my bug report07:54
acbot_spm, hyperair: https://bugs.launchpad.net/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store/+bug/68460007:57
ubot4`Launchpad bug 684600 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store "Plugin connects to suss IP over http (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]07:57
acbot_let me know if i am missing anything from there07:57
spmheh, piglet. a pooh bear fan. awesome. :-)07:58
hyperairacbot_: could you run wireshark/tcpdump filtering out packets to/from that ip address?07:58
acbot_spm ;)07:59
acbot_hyperair.. not right now.. but i can if you guys need more info on the bug.. will just have to be on monday07:59
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
nessitastahnd up in 8 minutes!13:52
nessitastand, as well13:52
alecuthat sounded german13:52
nessitaalecu, thisfred, thisfred_, Chipaca, mandel: stand up?14:01
nessitadobey is on holiday today14:01
nessitaand CardinalFang and vds are on mobile duties14:01
mandelnessita, no tenimos equipo ;)14:02
nessitala casa no está en orden14:03
nessitaok, let's go:14:03
nessitaDONE: some code reviews. Done bug #683760. Weekly call. Chased bosses. Got tickets to Dallas.14:03
nessitaTODO: More boss chasing. Add support to u1cp to ask syncdaemon about file sync status.14:03
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes14:03
nessitaNEXT: thisfred_14:03
ubot4`Launchpad bug 683760 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Handle Syncdaemon timeouts (any dbus errors in general) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68376014:03
thisfred_DONE: Couchdb investigation | bindwood/planning discussion | assisted teknico and JamesTait with a new fieldmapping type TODO: fix couchdb in natty BLOCKED: no except I still don't know how to do <-14:03
thisfred_mandel: vamos!14:03
mandelDONE: Though about how to get ubuntu-sso-client on windows. Implemented part of the os helps methods for sd14:03
mandelTODO: Finish os help methods, implemented fs events for sd14:03
mandelBLOCKED: no no no14:03
=== thisfred_ is now known as thisfred
nessitaI think alecu is next14:04
nessitabut if he's not around, yes14:04
* alecu is still writting notes..14:04
alecuDONE: merged bug #674252 branches with trunk, discussed bindwood roadmap, no dallas tickets for me. Yipee!14:08
alecuTODO: discuss new events for SD with verterok, fix tests in latest branch14:08
alecuBLOCKED: no14:08
ubot4`Launchpad bug 674252 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Syncdaemon needs to store events into zeitgeist (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67425214:08
* verterok looks around14:34
karniverterok: I was college-busy this week :< I'll push the code this weekend, so you'll be able to have a look :)14:35
verterokkarni: k, no problem..I'm in a sprint :)14:35
karnioh, right ^ ^14:36
joshuahooverthisfred, Chipaca: have we had any progress with bug #682866 ?14:43
ubot4`Launchpad bug 682866 in couchdb (Ubuntu Natty) (and 1 other project) "CouchDatabase() call hangs (affects: 2) (heat: 18)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68286614:43
Chipacawhat is this "progress" you keep on asking about14:44
thisfredjoshuahoover: not much no, I'm preparing an email to ubunet discuss, since Chris Coulson doesn't seem to have time to work on this, and neither of us have an exact idea of the cause.14:44
Chipacathisfred: were you able tbfs?14:44
joshuahooverthisfred: i saw you put a request out to statik yesterday, no luck tricking...errr...getting him to help us?14:45
* Chipaca grabs statik and ties him down14:45
Chipacathisfred: I hold him, you get him to code14:46
statikthisfred: i totally missed anything you might have sent my way yesterday14:46
thisfredstatik: ah yeah, I figured you were away: could you have a quick look at the ld library path patch in couchdb in natty: Couchdb in natty is completely broken (view server does not work)14:49
thisfredstatik: my hope is that it's a shallow bug in the library path patch which was changed drastically14:49
thisfredstatik:  but I don't see it14:49
thisfredstatik: if it's not that we have more serious problems, because then couchdb may not work at all with the xulrunner in natty14:49
statikyeah, didn't chris make some changes to the couchjs code to get it to even compile?14:50
thisfredstatik: yeah there are other patches as well14:50
thisfredstatik: of course couchdb starts up happily enough without any error messages, though it does not work at all14:51
statikthisfred: how are you starting couchdb? I just ran 'strace -f -e trace=process couchdb' on a brand new install of natty alpha1 and I get startup crash reports about enoent during couch init of log files14:54
thisfredstatik: ah, I just ran the desktopcouch and u1server tests14:56
statiki thought maybe it was permissions, but i get the same error when running as the couchdb user and as root14:57
Chipacastatik: LD_LIBRARY_PATH shenanigans?14:59
statiknot yet, this is just couchdb not being able to start because it can't find it's log file paths15:00
statiki'm trying strace -f -e trace=process /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-service and it seems to be getting a lot farther15:00
statikok, that goes into a couchjs respawn loop15:02
statikrunning /usr/lib/couchdb/bin/couchjs complains about not finding libmozjs.so15:02
Chipaca(with xulrunner-2.0-mozjs installed15:04
statikyep, so i guess the thing is to see what lib path is being set when couchdb runs15:05
statikthis install doesn't even have vim or ubuntu-dev-tools on it15:05
* statik apt-get installs and makes tea15:05
Chipacahah! my dc-service won't run because of python stuff :)15:07
* Chipaca checks his versions15:07
thisfred./configure --with-additives=half-and-half && make coffee15:07
thisfredChipaca: perhaps a couchdb-python version problem?15:08
thisfredChipaca: do you have the nightlies ppa there?15:08
Chipacathisfred: purrhaps15:08
Chipacathisfred: no, not the nightlies15:08
thisfredhmmm, then you should not have the desktopcouch that breaks with the old version of python-couchdb, I think15:09
thisfredunless that got into natty *after* the alpha freeze15:09
Chipacamy python-couchdb is 0.8-0ubuntu215:10
Chipacamy desktopcouch is 1.0.1-0ubuntu1~ppa015:10
thisfredChipaca: aha, desktopcouch did not get in, but python-couchdb did15:11
Chipaca(from the hackers ppa)15:11
Chipacapython-couchdb also from the hackers ppa15:12
thisfredor wait no15:12
thisfredthose should work together15:12
thisfredor maybe not.15:12
thisfredI'm confuddled15:12
Chipaca  File "/usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-service", line 40, in <module>15:12
Chipaca    from desktopcouch.application.platform import init_mainloop15:12
ChipacaImportError: No module named application.platform15:12
thisfredChipaca: what does apt-cache search desktopcouch show?15:13
Chipacathat does not look like a problem between desktopcouch and python-couchdb :)15:13
thisfredChipaca: maybe the upgrade did not give you all the right packages15:13
Chipacasounds like we have a bug in packaging then :)15:13
thisfredsounds like it15:13
Chipacais empty15:14
Chipacashould it be?15:14
thisfredI had similar issues, but dobey fixed those15:14
thisfredno it definitely should not15:14
thisfredI think15:14
dobeyit should not15:14
thisfreddobey: hush, you're not here15:14
dobeypython-desktopcouch is empty though15:14
dobeynot really no; i'm just a figment of your imagination15:14
thisfredaway foul spirit!15:15
Chipacayeah, -application just has stuff from /usr/share/doc/15:15
statikthisfred: debian/patches/mozjs1.9_ldlibpath.patch looks like it doesn't search the spots wher xulrunner-2.0-mozjs installs libraries15:29
dobeyChipaca: i'm guessing the one in hackers ppa is broken.15:30
Chipacadobey: it's missing the .install file for applications15:30
thisfredstatik: so that's hopeful news15:30
dobeyChipaca: probably for recordtypes too15:31
Chipacadobey: yep15:31
dobeyChipaca: and the wrong ones for the others15:31
Chipacadobey: is this fixed somewhere else?15:31
dobeyChipaca: the nightlies work fine15:31
statikthisfred: i'm wrong, that patch is looking in the right spot15:32
dobeyChipaca: ugh, version is wrong for one in hackers ppa too15:33
Chipacadobey: the one in nightlies for natty is 0.7, is that right?15:33
statikthisfred: where was that magic file to get me browser access to futon in desktopcouch?15:35
dobeystatik: in .local/share/desktop-couch or something like that15:36
* Chipaca manually downgrades to the things in nightlies15:36
* dobey goes back to his holiday thing15:38
statikthisfred: tell me more about the symptoms of 'does not work at all', does futon work?15:39
thisfredstatik: yeah xdg-open .local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html15:39
thisfredstatik: so futon opens, but the tests hang15:40
thisfredon everything that uses the view server15:40
thisfredstatik: adding and reading documents works, but again, anything involving views crashes the couchdb erlang process15:40
thisfredor validation functions, or anything that calls couchjs15:41
statikthisfred: i recommend debugging by hacking some info into the /usr/bin/couchdb wrapper script to dump LD_LIBRARY_PATH15:42
statikI think you are correct that libmozjs is not being found15:42
thisfredThe symptoms are very similar to when we broke that15:42
statik /usr/bin/couchdb is a wrapper script which loads couchdb, then couch runs couchspawnkillable which in turns loads couchjs15:44
thisfredbooting my natty machine15:46
thisfredstatik: if I add ECHO $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /usr/bin/couchdb, it shows /usr/lib/xulrunner-2.0b715:50
thisfredwhich I think is correct15:50
thisfredan .so file lives there15:50
statikyeah, that looks right15:51
thisfredso it may be incompatibility. I'll see if Jason Smith of CouchOne has any tips for us15:52
statikyou can test that the js interpreter is functional by running LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/xulrunner-2.0b7 /usr/bin/couchjs -15:53
statikand then feeding js into it15:53
statikwhen i run strace i definitely see couchjs being spawned and exiting over and over continously15:53
thisfredstatik: ah yes, one of the tests I did was just running couchjs, which failed, but of course I didn't pass in the library path15:53
thisfredstatik: ah. That hangs too :(15:55
statikso thats something, and points at the ubuntu patch that was just added to make things build with xulrunner215:55
statikthisfred: and looking here, i'm guessing that couchone hasn't updated to libmozjs 2.0 edition15:57
thisfredstatik: I have to CTRL-D out of it twice, and it says: Unable to destroy invalid CouchHTTP instance15:57
thisfredyeah, when I asked on #couchdb if anyone had, they pointed me at Chris' branch :(15:58
statikthisfred: debian/patches/mozjs2.0.patch is non-trivial and worth looking15:58
thisfredyeah, I have, but it's beyond me I'm afraid16:00
statikso you need a javascript hacker to fix the port of couchjs to this version of spidermonkey16:01
statikthisfred: wait, when you say it hangs16:02
statikit's supposed to run the line of javascript and wait for another one, in an infinite loop16:03
thisfredstatik: yeah, so on my maverick machine, I write a few lines of js and CTRL-D and it exits cleanly16:04
thisfredon natty, It hangs when I CTRL-D, and then when I do it again, it says:16:04
thisfredUnable to destroy invalid CouchHTTP instance16:04
thisfredOn second thought it does seem to execute the js though, or at least I get errors when I exit for lines that had incorrect syntax.16:06
statikwe might have a delightful mishmash of problems16:06
thisfredthose are the best16:09
thisfredIt's a mashup!16:09
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
Chipacaverterok: could we have somehting like hal/lalita in #desktopcouch?16:38
Chipacaverterok: puh leeze?16:38
thisfredhal/lalita, let's call our bot halito! (short for halitosis)16:45
thisfredor little hal :)16:45
nessitaok I'm off to lunch16:52
nUboon2Agejblount: i'm confused.  is it bad for me to have fwd your note on Windows beta to Ubuntu-california e-mail list?  i thought it was a public beta.  did i get that wrong?  many apologies if so.17:12
nUboon2Agejoshuahoover: ^^^17:12
nUboon2Agesorry jblount i got the wrong nick first time.17:13
joshuahoovernUboon2Age: no, no problem at all...we're going to open it up completely on tuesday anyway...we figured people would start sharing the link sooner anyway :)17:13
joshuahoovernUboon2Age: we wanted the initial testing to be somewhat limited and it's been just that...we're ready for everyone now  (or at least we think we are!)17:14
nUboon2Agety joshuahoover, i hope to start messing with it this weekend.  ty so much for getting this done!!!17:17
joshuahoovernUboon2Age: hope you like it...mandel and others are the ones to thank...he's working endlessly to make it substantially better as we type :)17:18
nUboon2Ageyes, mandel rocks joshuahoover17:19
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
thisfrednessita: do we know that ubuntuone-preferences is broken in the nightlies?17:48
nessitathisfred: I don't know17:49
nessitathisfred: is it because of the desktopcouch failure?17:49
thisfrednessita:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/539485/17:49
thisfredmaybe I'm missing a dependency17:49
thisfredbut that means the upgrade path is busted17:49
thisfredthis is maveric btw17:50
nessitalet's see17:50
nessitathisfred: hum, this is syncdaemon code17:50
thisfrednessita:  shall I ask on u1-internal then?17:51
nessitathisfred: can you please file a bug in u1client?17:51
nessitathisfred: nopes, I'll handle this17:51
thisfredwill do17:51
nessitawtf? E: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntuone/nightlies/ubuntu/pool/main/u/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-client-gnome_1.5.0+r753~maverick1_amd64.deb: 404  Not Found17:51
thisfredah perhaps that's the problem, I'm on 64 as well17:52
nessitaI'm updating source.list and checking17:52
lalejandHi, is there something I can do about that ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/68251017:53
ubot4`Launchpad bug 682510 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "CouchDB adressbook in evo doesn't work (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]17:53
lalejandI would like to correctly sync my contacts on my ipod, but I can't17:53
nessitathisfred: any advice for lalejand?17:53
nessitathisfred: updating sources brought me the package17:54
thisfredlalejand: that looks like a bug in desktopcouch. I'll have a look17:54
thisfrednessita: it doesn't here. maybe lag17:55
lalejandthisfred : ok17:55
thisfrednessita: I filed bug 68486917:55
nessitathisfred: yeah, but I'm getting the same failure http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/539490/17:55
ubot4`Launchpad bug 684869 in ubuntuone-client "ImportError: No module named platform (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68486917:55
nessitathisfred: awesome, I'll chase the chicharra guys17:55
ryelalejand, what dc are you running ?17:57
lalejandrye : dc ?17:59
ryelalejand, apt-cache policy desktopcouch - i am looking at the code and see where it fails, just to verify whether my patch will fix your issue17:59
lalejandrye : 0.6.9b-0ubuntu117:59
thisfredrye, the error appears to be gone in trunk, so it will be fixed for natty. lalejand are you on lucid or maverick?18:00
thisfredmaverick I guess from that version18:01
ryethisfred, that happens if self.oauth_header is not None here - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/desktopcouch/natty/annotate/head%3A/desktopcouch/replication_services/ubuntuone.py#L7618:04
thisfredrye yep18:05
thisfredrye in trunk, line 87 has been moved inside the except:18:06
thisfredeh the try: clause I mean18:06
thisfredso to L8318:06
ryethisfred, aha18:07
lalejandthisfred : maverick18:07
ryethisfred, it fails in case ValueError is raised, self.oauth_header is set, but self.str is not set to  couchdb_root18:07
thisfredlalejand: so, moving to natty will solve the problem, once we get couchdb fixed on natty (so I DON'T suggest doing that right now)18:08
ryelalejand, could you please archive the logs from ~/.cache/desktopcouch/ and attach them to your bug report which i just made private?18:08
lalejandrye : how do I archive ?18:09
lalejandthisfred : I can't do anything until I get natty ?18:09
ryelalejand, Ctrl+H to see hidden files in nautilus, then go to .cache folder, right-click desktopcouch folder and there should be "Archive" menu entry (or Compress), basically we want the logs to be shrinked and in one file :)18:09
thisfredlalejand: you can switch to our nightly PPA, which means the new version of all ubuntuone software, but also means less stability18:10
ryelalejand, wait before switching to ppa, maybe that's a temporary issue and we can make it shine again18:10
lalejandthisfred : I would help debugging like that :)18:10
thisfredrye, awesome, let me know if I can help18:10
lalejandrye : ah ok18:10
ryelalejand, otoh, could you please download the following - http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/us/ubuntuone-couchdb-query and run it as "python ubuntuone-couchdb-query contacts" in the terminal ?18:11
lalejandrye : I would just have to type python ubuntuone-couchdb-query contacts in the terminal ?18:12
ryelalejand, download that file to say, /tmp, then open Terminal, do "cd /tmp", Enter, then "python ubuntuone-couchdb-query contacts", Enter, in the terminal (w/o the quotes)18:13
lalejandrye : http://pastebin.com/iwTn89Ka18:14
ryelalejand, a w e s o m e18:14
ryelalejand, well, wait, i'll fix that script once and for all :)18:14
lalejandrye : cool !18:14
ryelalejand, but basically it errored during reporting an error18:14
ryelalejand, there's something wrong with your couchdb tokens18:16
lalejandrye : ahm18:16
lalejandrye : I added the archive in launchpad18:18
ryelalejand, could you please re-download the script and re-run it?18:19
lalejandrye : problem with tokens -> maybe it's related to this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/67629718:19
ubot4`Launchpad bug 676297 in ubuntuone-servers "Can't delete some contacts beginning with "." or "/" (affects: 1) (heat: 32)" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:19
ryelalejand, no, that's a different issue, atm your couchdb is not accessible by your account, but that's fixable, i just want to make sure status is 40x before proceeding18:21
lalejandrye : http://pastebin.com/HkH8nNWL18:21
ryelalejand, i am so awesome, could you please re-download again, this is the final attempt18:23
lalejandrye : http://pastebin.com/1wFf1P3g18:24
ryelalejand, 500 o_O, ok, that's actually quite an interesting turn18:24
ryelalejand, ok, doing some changes to the script to provide more info in case of server error18:28
ryelalejand, could you please redownload and rerun the script? - it should give OOPS-ID now18:31
ryeubot4`, thanks, but you don't even know how far you are from the truth18:31
ubot4`rye: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:31
lalejandrye : http://pastebin.com/iM8XZsDU18:33
ryelalejand, ok, doing server log sync to find out the reason of such server error18:33
lalejandrye : going to eat, I'll be back in 30 minutes (or less)18:40
ryelalejand, ok, long log sync process is long, i will update the bug report once i have something18:41
phaidrosah, here you guys are :)18:50
phaidroswas bothering #ubuntu ;)18:50
phaidrosI have a problem with banshee + ubuntuone musicstore, the download changed from "queued" to "0 MB downloaded", but downloads don't start. what to do? where to investigate?18:51
ryephaidros, hi18:55
ryephaidros, is the file available online at https://one.ubuntu.com/files/ ?18:56
ryephaidros, we are still investigating the issues with banshee since the music store is not that full-featured as in rhythmbox at the moment18:56
phaidrosrye: ok. i check at the website, once I remember my passord .. is it in seahorse locally?18:57
ryephaidros, no, gnome-keyring only contains auth token that can be revoked, not the password which is for human only, could you please run u1sdtool --status in Terminal while you recalling your password?18:58
phaidrosyipp, just found that token.18:59
phaidrosState: READY connection: Not User With Network description: ready to connect is_connected: False is_error: False is_online: False queues: IDLE18:59
phaidroshm, doesnt look to pretty for me, but I don't understand the values, tho :)18:59
ryephaidros, could you please do u1sdtool --connet ?19:00
ryephaidros, sorry, u1sdtool --connect19:00
* CardinalFang fears this MP3 that Rhythmbox says is 263 hours, 15 minutes, and 51 seconds long.19:00
phaidrosrye: --connect returns with no value to the prompt19:00
ryephaidros, that's ok, you should start downloading the songs in a while19:01
phaidrosrye: ok, one of three is changed to "Transferring .."19:02
phaidrosrye: is that triggered by the --connect?19:02
phaidrosor was it just a matter of (missing) patience?19:02
CardinalFangMPEG ADTS WTF19:02
phaidrosrye: btw, where are the files stored?19:02
ryephaidros, we will release an update to maverick-updates that will fix the connection of ubuntuone file sync service soon, that's why the files were not being transferred19:02
CardinalFangrye, you are a rock star.19:03
ryeCardinalFang, ?19:04
CardinalFangrye, you're amazing.  I'm glad you're here.19:04
ryeCardinalFang, ah, thanks ^_^ i tried to understand what did i do to MPEG or ADTS or WTF19:05
CardinalFangAh, no.19:05
CardinalFangUnless!  Have you been in my carefully-curated music archive?!?!19:05
phaidrosrye: where are the downloaded files stored locally?19:05
ryephaidros, you should see them in "~/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One" folder19:06
phaidrosrye: yepp :) thank u vry much!19:06
CardinalFangjblount, please try:  http://sandbox.chad.org/u1m-1.0-3rc4.apk19:09
* jblount tries19:09
jblountCardinalFang: Should I uninstall the previous?19:09
ryelalejand, please ping me when you become available19:09
CardinalFangjblount, doesn't matter.19:09
jblountCardinalFang: Hey, it's bugging me to sign in to u1!19:11
CardinalFang...I think.19:14
* beuno still can't install it and cries19:14
CardinalFangbeuno, have you considered an iPhone?19:14
* beuno cries harder19:14
CardinalFangbeuno, send me a log file.19:16
CardinalFangOkay, I have laptop again, but will lose Internet for a while.  If I don't see you, have a nice weekend, all.19:16
ryebeuno, CardinalFang, http://chickenbucket.lappyfamily.net/4c393982cb744bbca13ad3cb4a911dfb/u1m.png - qr code for the lazy ones (updown seems to be acting up again)19:17
* rye loves quick response codes now19:19
beunoCardinalFang, will do19:22
ryebeuno, CardinalFang, looks nice, and with Ubuntu branding :)19:23
lalejandrye : I'm here19:42
ryelalejand, hi, could you please re-run the last command - python ubuntuone-couchdb-query contacts ?19:43
lalejandrye : I download again the script ?19:43
ryelalejand, no, existing one will do19:43
lalejandrye : http://pastebin.com/7W1BUMvB19:44
ryelalejand, great!, now could you please run /usr/lib/desktop-couch/desktopcouch-stop; killall desktopcouch-service; then restart evolution (evolution --force-shutdown; evolution)19:45
ryelalejand, your account is fixed19:45
lalejandrye : if I go check my couchDB adressbook, it should work ?19:51
lalejandrye : bam, other error19:51
ryelalejand, ?19:52
lalejandrye : a big one :/ http://pastebin.com/LgudCgkb19:52
lalejandrye : or maybe it is replicating and I just have to wait ?19:53
ryelalejand, could you please go to https://one.ubuntu.com/contacts/ - does it work for you?19:54
lalejandrye : yes it works. +2600 contacts :/19:54
lalejandonce I activated a kind of plugin to add chat contacts into evo, and it made hundreds19:55
lalejand1st mistake19:55
ryelalejand, ok, could you please start evolution addressbook ?19:55
lalejandand 2d mistake : I synced all this19:55
lalejandrye : I'm in it (well I'm in adressbook tab in evo)19:56
ryelalejand, are there any contacts there?19:56
lalejandrye : in the couchDB adressebook, not a single one19:56
ryelalejand, ok, that may mean there is no database locally19:57
ryelalejand, could you please open seahorse and see whether you have Desktopcouch entries?19:57
lalejandrye : I don't know seahorse, how do I open it ?19:57
ryelalejand, either Alt+F2 -> seahorse or System / Preferences / Passwords and Encryption Keys19:58
lalejandrye : in password : login I have a line "Desktop Couch user authentification"19:59
ryelalejand, okay, could you please do evolution --force-shutdown again then do killall e-addressbook-factory20:00
lalejandrye : done20:01
lalejandrye : do I launch evo ?20:01
ryelalejand, hm, where did you see that big error?20:01
lalejandrye : ~/.cache/desktop-couch/log/desktop-couch-replication.log20:01
ryelalejand, ah, ok, so, let's try starting evolution again20:02
ryelalejand, and switch to addressbook view, and then attempt to create a contact20:02
lalejandrye : before I can create a contact, I have an e-addressbook-factory crash reported by apport20:03
ryelalejand, wow, it crashes and does not allow to create any contacts, right?20:04
lalejandrye : I can get the window to create a contact, but I don't see it in the addressbook after I created it20:05
ryelalejand, ok, that is an interesting thing20:06
lalejandrye : tell me if you want me to test something20:13
ryelalejand, basically our task now is to make e-addressbook-factory work with couchdb but I am not sure how that fails20:20
lalejandrye : !!!! after I switched a few times between personal addressbook and couchDB addressbook, the test contact I created before appears in the couchDB addressbook !!20:22
lalejandrye : And now if a create another contact, it works (!?)20:23
lalejandrye : but I still have my +2600 contacts on U1 servers20:24
lalejandrye : If I try to delete the first test contact I made, it says that deleting failed and gives as useful detail "other error"20:25
lalejandrye : argh, I stopped evo and restarted it and now I the couchDB addressbook is empty20:27
lalejandrye : I just switched to my personal addressbook and back to couchDb addressbook, and I see the two test contacts (and no crash)20:28
lalejandrye : but I still can't delete any of the two test contacts20:28
lalejandrye : the same if I try to modify one of the two test contacts --> "other error"20:29
CardinalFangjblount, what was the verdict?  You said it asked for creds.  Did it work?20:35
jblountCardinalFang: Oh, sorry. Yeah, it walked me through signing in and worked fine.20:35
CardinalFangAh.  Good, good.20:36
beunoCardinalFang, I know why it doesn't work for me20:40
beunoI have subsonic installed20:40
beunoso I would guess you merged in something the clashes with subsonic20:40
beunouninstally subsonic made it work20:41
beunoChipaca, and it looks nice20:41
* Chipaca looks at beuno20:42
beunoI'm thinking we maybe want to move that refresh button to the menu20:42
beunoto many Ch's20:42
beunoChipaca, you look nice20:42
CardinalFangbeuno, ah.  Huh, that could be -- the new search functionality and it registering some resource name.  Let me check on that.20:43
beunoalso, "click to search" reads oddly on a phone20:45
lalejandrye : nothing I can do ?20:53
ryelalejand, are you able to view futon, couchdb admin interface - the link is in ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html20:58
lalejandrye : yes21:02
ryelalejand, ok, could you then again killall e-addressbook-factory, shutdown evolution (evolution --force-shutdown), then run e-addressbook-factory directly from /usr/lib/evolution/e-addressbook-factory and then run evolution21:12
ryelalejand, maybe it will print something meaningful21:12
rickspencer3hey all21:14
rickspencer3is anyone aware of an issue with file syncing not working in Natty?21:14
rickspencer3I tried to connect, but the Preferences Dialog just hangs there21:15
lalejandrye : http://pastebin.com/7gc6s3vP21:21
ryerickspencer3, i am aware that something does not work (i believe couchdb), but full outage.. nessita ^21:21
rickspencer3rye, well, I'm just trying to use file syncing21:21
ryelalejand, ok, that has something to do with gnome-keyring not being cooperative or something similar21:24
lalejandrye : ahm21:25
ryerickspencer3, Chipaca said filesync is working in natty, what's u1sdtool --status for you ?21:26
ryelalejand, trying to find relevant info21:26
lalejandrye : ok thx21:26
ryelalejand, i have only one silly suggestion - attempt to relogin so that gnome-keyring daemon dies and a new one is started which should not affect anything but I just hope something becomes different. It is rather strange to see this error21:34
lalejandrye : ok so I have to close my session right ?21:35
ryelalejand, well, yes, but feel free to do that whenever you want and then update the bug report telling whether couchdb addressbook became accessible again21:35
ryelalejand, so that I don't force you to terminate the session right away21:36
lalejandrye : ok21:36
rickspencer3State: QUEUE_MANAGER21:43
rickspencer3    connection: With User With Network21:43
rickspencer3    description: processing queues21:43
rickspencer3    is_connected: True21:43
rickspencer3    is_error: False21:43
rickspencer3    is_online: True21:44
rickspencer3    queues: WORKING_ON_CONTENT21:44
lalejandrye : I get another feedback now. Well, I'm going to unsubscribe from the mobile contact sync service, and wait if things get better in the future.21:56
ryerickspencer3, well, it appears that it is working21:56
rickspencer3well, none of my files are syncing, and the Preference dialog is hung21:57
lalejandrye : one last thing, can you tell me if this feedback looks weird enough to post it in a launchpad bug report ? http://pastebin.com/8DXfr4ue21:57
ryelalejand, ok, so right now you are unable to delete the file, right?21:58
ryelalejand, i mean contact21:58
lalejandrye : right. Unable to delete the contact21:58
ryelalejand, i believe we returned back to bug #675796 which I plan to investigate next week since it does not look like it is being investigated now22:00
ubot4`Launchpad bug 675796 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "can't delete contacts in the couchDB adressbook in evolution (affects: 2) (heat: 260)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67579622:00
lalejandrye : ok so no need to file a bug in evolution package ?22:05
ryelalejand, since that looks like your bugreport i don't think another one is needed. I am sorry for such evolution-couchdb package issue but I am not yet that familiar with the code to provide the solution :(22:06
lalejandrye : ok. Will wait :)22:06

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