
smspillazDBO: at 3:56 AM? hardly ;-)02:05
DBOsmspillaz, so CompRegion is completely fucked02:13
DBOim working on a new version of it02:13
DBOthat fixes its rather egregious bugs02:13
smspillazDBO: what is your problem with it?02:30
smspillazDBO: I have worked with it for years and had no problems02:30
DBOsmspillaz, it does not compute unions correctly02:31
DBOit handles simples cases fine02:31
DBObut it will fuck up more complex cases02:31
DBOand I have traced it and watched it and even fixed it02:31
DBOit definitely has bugs02:32
smspillazDBO: it just wraps XUnionRegion02:32
DBOno it doesn't02:32
DBOit has that box thing in there too02:32
smspillazDBO: yes, it does02:32
DBOand that is where the bug is02:32
DBOthe version I made02:32
DBOnow *that* just wraps XUnionRegion02:32
smspillazDBO: you should look into the makeReal () function02:32
DBOi did02:33
DBOwell there is no makeReal function on my end anymore02:33
DBOim not kidding you, it has bugs02:34
smspillaz*shrug* ok02:34
smspillazrun it past onestone first though he wrote CompRegion02:34
DBOI was discussing it with Onestone02:34
smspillazwait, when was onestone online?02:34
DBO3 or 4 hours ago?02:35
smspillazdid you steal my onestone time from me?02:35
smspillazgah >:(02:35
DBOI am going to email you the new versions02:35
smspillazDBO: I stayed up really late waiting to discuss reparenting with him >:(02:35
DBOplease clean them up however you see fit, review them, and merge them02:35
smspillazsure ok02:35
DBOoh dude I didn't really steal your time02:35
smspillazyou're right, I was asleep 4 hours ok02:36
DBOstill friends?02:36
smspillazyes :P02:36
DBOokay :)02:37
DBOemail away02:37
DBOplease review and merge02:37
DBOit really does fix very real and important bugs in nux02:37
smspillazDBO: yeah, will do when I get a chance02:37
smspillazDBO: make sure it doesn't break other plugins02:37
smspillazDBO: while you're at it, write header documentation and unit tests02:37
DBOyou're holding a bug fix random for documentation and unit tests02:37
DBOthats evil02:38
smspillazDBO: you are essentially rewriting CompRegion02:38
DBOI didn't rewrite it02:38
smspillazwell doing heavy lifting there02:38
DBOI just deleted stuff02:38
smspillazwell doing heavy lifting there02:38
* DBO goes to copy and paste the X unit tests02:38
smspillazDBO: cheers02:38
smspillazDBO: I'm only saying this because we need to get into the habit of doing this02:38
* smspillaz debugs this fullscreen issue02:39
smspillazDBO: and also because I'm feeling like being a bastard today02:42
DBOme too02:42
DBOI was actually talking to onestone about the optimization he did in CompRegion02:44
DBOIm not even sure why he did it02:45
DBOI looked at the X code it calls02:45
DBOits all client side02:45
DBOand looks pretty fast02:45
smspillazDBO: it is02:46
smspillazDBO: the optimization was mostly to avoid useless JMPs02:46
DBOyeah so not much of an optimization...02:46
DBOtrying to avoid JMP's when dealing with an opimizing compiler is a bit of a guessing game to begin with02:47
smspillazDBO: there is basically some computation you don't need to do sometimes02:47
DBOyeah I guess02:47
smspillazlike if you are just changing the extents of a region02:48
smspillazI will have a look at all that code once I fix this fullscreen bug02:48
smspillazDBO: fullscreen a window, unfullscreen a window, and then cry02:48
DBOyou mean where it moves around?02:49
smspillazDBO: it goes to 0,002:49
hyperairooh this is awesome.05:46
hyperair246036 /usr/lib/firefox-4.0-4.0b8pre/firefox-4.0-bin05:46
hyperair322872 /usr/lib/indicator-applet/indicator-applet --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_IndicatorApplet_Factory --oaf-ior-fd=2405:46
hyperairthe figure on the left is RSZ05:47
hyperairvish: ^^ behold the wonderfulness of indicators!05:47
hyperairbeating firefox in memory usage can't be an easy task05:47
vishhyperair: lol!!  btw, what are you doing with the indicators?  i'v never seen such spikes..05:48
hyperairvish: i just left my computer on overnight.05:49
hyperairvish: with liferea, pidgin, gwibber and thunderbird.05:49
hyperairvish: it only has 17 hours of uptime.05:49
vishhyperair: no way, i'v had my system running days too, but i have never noticed this..05:49
hyperairvish: because i kill it every few hours05:49
hyperairi dunno, i've got lots of feeds, perhaps?05:49
vishi dont use pidgin, or thunderbird indicator..05:50
vishi use a thunderbird notification icon.. :p05:50
hyperairit's not bad, this indicator thing for thunderbird05:50
hyperairjust that it's a little outdated at times05:50
vishhyperair: liferea has 12 feeds here, in 2 folders [3+9]05:51
hyperairheh i don't want to count mine =p05:51
vishand i thought i had too many feeds ;p05:51
hyperairvish: 93 feeds.05:53
hyperairgrep '<outline' feedlist.opml | grep type=\"rss\" | wc -l05:53
hyperairi'm not sure if the figure is accurate05:53
hyperairyeah it's accurate05:54
vishhyperair: you are on natty or maverick?05:55
hyperairbut this memory leak has been happening since lucid05:55
vishlinks from TB open in which browser?05:55
hyperairi got my RAM upgrade because ever since indicators invaded the desktop, *everything* leaks memory05:55
vishhyperair: yea, i remember you mentioning this a while ago too :)05:55
hyperairvish: i don't mind it as much now that i have 4G of RAM \o/05:56
* hyperair dances around05:56
ssj6akshatvish, would a OMG! 5! for all rounds would be better or for specific rounds?05:57
ssj6akshator a weekly? :)05:57
vishssj6akshat: hmm, having a tough time choosing.. ;)05:58
visheverything ;p05:58
ssj6akshatWeekend! 5! - Five papercuts to fix this weekend05:59
vishhyperair: in maverick, links from TB open in which browser? when i click on links in TB, it opens in FF3.6 even though i have FF4 set as default :/05:59
hyperairvish: ff4 for me.06:00
vishhyperair: did you change something in TB?06:00
vishwhat is listed in your preferred apps ?06:00
vishoh, i'm using TB 3.1.6, the regular one from the stock repo06:01
hyperairvish: it's firefox 4.0 =\06:04
hyperair *** 3.1.8~hg20101130r5897+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1~maverick 006:04
vishoh well, i have FF4 set in the preferred apps too, but bah!! :/06:05
hyperairoh well06:05
hyperairvish: maybe you want to change your symlink06:05
* vish looks06:07
ssj6akshatjust have to fire firefox to use wordpress06:10
ssj6akshatwon't work in Midori06:11
hyperairmidori doesn't have proper ssl suppor06:12
hyperairit's not safe to use06:12
hyperairyou can't tell when you're being spoofed06:12
* ssj6akshat doesn't do any online transactions06:19
* ssj6akshat has nothing that a phisher would like to steal06:19
ssj6akshathyperair, I don't want to use Midori, but I have to06:24
hyperairssj6akshat: =\ why so?06:24
ssj6akshat248 MB of RAM *sigh*06:25
ssj6akshatat least I can run ubuntu06:25
ssj6akshatone of my 8 year old RAM sticks died06:30
vishhyperair: yay, worked! so i fixed the symlinks … but this is seriously stupid the TB only looks for 'firefox' rather than the default :/06:32
hyperairvish: yeah, it's really stupid. chrome users are obviously impacted06:32
hyperairvish: file a bug?06:32
vishsearching existing bugs, i bet someone has filed one already..06:33
ssj6akshatvish, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/12/ubuntu-natty-papercut-hunting-season-opens-2/#comment-10650574606:42
ssj6akshatdriver crash :(06:43
ssj6akshatwait rebooting06:43
vishhyperair: kinda looks like Bug #54306406:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 543064 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "ensure that x-www-browser is used if no http handler is found through gnome integration" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54306406:51
vishbut oddly my x-ww-browser is chrome :s06:51
vishssj6akshat: Kubuntu has and is part of papercuts, target has been atleast 10bugs per cycle. a few KDE bugs get fixed every cycle.. but well, someone from KDE needs to be more active.. i cant install KDE and check for those, i have tried to poke KDE folks about a few bugs , but not many seem interested..06:51
* vish can't do everything to make someone's Kfuturistic dreams come true … ;)06:52
hyperairvish: lol06:53
hyperairvish: ah do you have the -gnome-somethingorother package installed?06:54
vishhyperair: yea, i have the -gnome-support installed, links from all other apps open in FF4, except TB06:55
ssj6akshatvish, papercuts mythbusters round 206:57
vishssj6akshat: i'd have to repeat the same post.. but maybe someone else can write it, *hint* ;)06:59
ssj6akshatvish, yes sir!07:00
vishssj6akshat: not suyre if you know this , paul is running a series, mythbusting ubuntu , ex: http://blog.pault.ag/post/208281905007:02
vishssj6akshat: you guys should run a similar series on OMG, more targeted towards getting people involved.. would probably also help reduce your comment moderation queue ;p07:03
vishssj6akshat: this one is good too : http://blog.pault.ag/post/206391426907:05
vishssj6akshat: oh, if you mention askubuntu , someone here would be very happy ;)07:06
cozziemotohey guys.. i am installing this on my nvidia machine.. the live cd did not show the panel on the side or bar at the top as it did on this ati machine... will these show up after installing nvidia driver?07:09
ssj6akshatvish, sorry was away07:22
ssj6akshatokay first things first07:24
ssj6akshatfire me five top papercuts07:24
ssj6akshatvish, ^^07:25
vishssj6akshat: i gave you 2 already.. :)07:26
ssj6akshatwhat were they again?07:29
ssj6akshatbug #38270307:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 382703 in One Hundred Paper Cuts ""Home Folder" has 3 different names" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38270307:30
ssj6akshatbug #38690007:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 386900 in One Hundred Paper Cuts ""Auto eth0" in notifications is confusing" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38690007:30
vishssj6akshat: Bug #42052107:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 420521 in One Hundred Paper Cuts "hide totem sidebar if there is only one file on the playlist" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42052107:31
vishssj6akshat: the other was bug 68361707:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 683617 in banshee (Ubuntu) "Should not show tab in Properties window, when there is only one tab" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68361707:32
vishssj6akshat: bug 54082607:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 540826 in One Hundred Paper Cuts "Rename "Suspend" to "Sleep"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54082607:33
ssj6akshatI am unsure of bug #16031107:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 160311 in metacity "Resizing windows by grabbing window borders is difficult [please no more comments; patches welcome]" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16031107:34
vishssj6akshat: oh! pls dont mention it on OMG!  that bug has *enough* comments07:36
vishssj6akshat: btw, it will mostly be fixed for natty, an invisible border and a constant resize grip are planned07:37
ssj6akshatvish, yeah that's why07:38
vishssj6akshat: but, do mention it /after/ it has been fixed.. a lot of folks would be happy ;)07:38
ssj6akshatmy school is calling me to fix something07:39
ssj6akshatwindows :(07:39
vishssj6akshat: yea, just delete it, and fixed ;p07:39
ssj6akshata .wmv file is not playing...07:42
ssj6akshatin Windows Media Player07:42
ssj6akshatEPIC fail07:42
vishssj6akshat: for that KDE comment, just tell them KDE is also included and ask them to get more active..  [for some reason i get open ID failure when i try to login there..]07:53
hyperairvish: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/678116 <-- could you take a look at this?08:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 678116 in banshee (Ubuntu) "Use a standard way to highlight elements" [Low,Incomplete]08:14
hyperairi'm not familiar with themes, but i think banshee may be making wrong assumptions about which colour to use whe rendering those widgets08:14
vishhuh, yea.. dint notice that earlier..08:16
vishhyperair: banshee is using different options there.. the browser depends on the selected_bg_color , but the source seems to be using something else08:19
vishso not only is the active not detected, the color is also not consistent...08:20
hyperaircould you post more information on the bug and forward it upstream?08:21
vishah, ha.. i think i might have found where the source widget gets it color from..08:22
ssj6akshatvish, so papercuts for kubuntu need to be tagged with kde or something else?08:31
vishssj6akshat: yea, the bugs are tagged 'kde' https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bugs?field.tag=kde08:49
ssj6akshatstupid disqus, where is the bugtracker lol08:50
ssj6akshatvish, bug #386900 has already a branch pending for review08:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 386900 in One Hundred Paper Cuts ""Auto eth0" in notifications is confusing" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38690008:53
vishssj6akshat: i dint mention that bug.. ;)08:54
ssj6akshatand the home folder one?08:54
vishi dont think anyone is working on the home folder bug..08:54
vishoh,there is a patch, upstream, but it needs work and the patch hasnt been updated08:55
smspillaz(someone put some compiz bugs as 100papercuts ;-) )08:58
vishsmspillaz: you can just add the ones you think are easy to fix.. :)09:03
smspillazvish: no compiz bugs are easy to fix :p09:04
hyperairespecially hyperairbugs™09:05
hyperairwhich is why smspillaz always postpones them. =p09:05
ssj6akshatWordpress crashed firefox -.-09:19
ssj6akshatvish, I now have 4, need one more09:31
vishssj6akshat: bug 55878409:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 558784 in One Hundred Paper Cuts "changing the volume is impossible while muted" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55878409:37
vishhmm conor is already assigned09:38
vishssj6akshat:  Bug #48347709:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 483477 in One Hundred Paper Cuts "Clock applet time settings should be the same as time-admin" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48347709:41
ssj6akshatIt says Proposed solution : patch gnome-panel so the time applet open time-admin09:42
ssj6akshatisn't the gnome-panel removed in Unity and Shell?09:43
cozziemotoyou can start a gnome panel....just did that here09:43
ssj6akshatand the 2D fallback09:43
cozziemotossj6akshat, well it didnt fall back to 2d09:44
* ssj6akshat sometimes forgets that he doesn't have hardware that can run unity and shell09:44
ssj6akshatvish, what about bug #548981 ?09:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 548981 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) "Indicator should only turn red after the last package has been installed" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54898109:46
vishssj6akshat: sure..09:47
ssj6akshatvish, ^^10:03
vishssj6akshat: cool!10:04
ssj6akshatI took so much time writing so less10:04
vishssj6akshat: oh, you could have included pics.. isnt OMG all about the pics? ;)10:05
ssj6akshatvish, almost impossible to take screenshots on this system10:06
coz_where are the bugs being reported?11:45
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Hendrik1hi, could someone please check bug #296867 if it qualifies for a papercut? thanks a bunch15:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 296867 in libtelepathy (Ubuntu) "empathy needs to support OTR encryption" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29686715:14
=== smorar is now known as smorar_
=== ssj6akshat is now known as ssj6akshat|sleep
alexrobinsonHi all19:04
coz_hey guys...just reported   bug 68517919:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 685179 in Unity "dual monitor,,,upper panel turns white / nvidia" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68517919:28
coz_hey guys... is there a way to disable unity ,,, install compiz git and run with normal desktop?  it ran normal desktop when I didnt have nvidia driver installed19:49
figaroanyone have experience creating app indicators?20:06
doctormofigaro: Not yet, trying.22:17
figarome too. I can't get my icon to update correctly. I can set it once, but I can't set it after that. I think it might be due to the fact that it's getting called in a different thread (a timer) but I can't figure it out.22:17
doctormofigaro: you could do a cross call to test that theory.22:21
jderosefigaro: is your timer a gobject timer?  that call in the main thread, AFAIK22:22
figarono, it's System.Timers. I'm working in Mono. I'm trying to hack an indicator onto a program that I didn't write, so I'm not completely familiar with it yet.22:23
figaroit's a fairly small program, but this is my first attempt at programming on Linux besides some basic python scripts22:23
jderosefigaro: okay, gotcha22:23
figaroI guess most people probably work on code they didn't write :-P22:24
jderoseah, both22:24
doctormoWell geoclue is a bit of a bitch, Geoclue master client has no usable Address providers22:31
=== DanRabbit is now known as DanRabbit|afk
=== smorar_ is now known as smorar

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