
danttiapachelogger: well printer-manager is a hard thing :P it's too tied to py..00:02
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1203438 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationModel/ (5 files) Make sure any existing extenders go away when the search filtering is changed00:02
danttiapachelogger: and libdebconf-kde is read for a release (sine I wrote the doxygen docs)00:03
yofel/usr/include stuff goes into kdelibs5-dev right? (the first 3 files http://paste.ubuntu.com/539579/)00:09
JontheEchidnayofel: yup00:21
DarkwingDuckwhere did kubotu go00:29
yofelDarkwingDuck: Riddell kicked him and apachelogger doesn't want to bring him back00:29
yofelJontheEchidna: can you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdelibs/4.5.85ubuntu1/+merge/42708 ?01:00
* Mamarok grmls at not being able to use her ssh key anymore, and ssh-add not working either since upgrade to 4.6.1 beta01:18
Mamarokapparently the ssh-agent is not started, I had the same problem back with 4.5.201:19
Mamarokonly the solution I used then (using ssh-keypass) doesn't work now01:19
Mamarokssh-keyaddpass* even01:19
Mamarokbedtime, will look closer at that tomorrow, night everyone :)01:21
JontheEchidnaMamarok: same here :(01:24
JontheEchidnayofel: sure. (was blogging until just now)01:25
MamarokJontheEchidna: nice to hear I am not alone, I was thinking I was the culprit01:26
JontheEchidnayofel: you seem to be missing the 4.80-0ubuntu7 change that I pushed this afternoon. 01:28
yofelmeh, I almost missed ubuntu6, but didn't check after that01:28
yofelI'll update the branch01:29
JontheEchidnathanks. Otherwise it looks good01:29
yofelJontheEchidna: erm, ubuntu7 isn't in bzr, at least not kdelibs01:30
JontheEchidnaah, oops01:31
JontheEchidnaI thought my change was ubuntu701:31
CIA-24[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20101204013246-newtgvrtivn5b2lz * debian/ (5 files in 2 dirs) * New upstream beta release - drop kubuntu_78_solid_trunk.diff and kubuntu_80_find_hupnp.diff, applied upstream - disable 23_solid_no_double_build.diff, causes FTBFS - refresh kdelibs5-dev.install01:32
yofelJontheEchidna: do we have meta-kde in bzr somewhere btw.? I can't find it01:34
ScottKyofel: FAM/gamin aren't in Main, IIRC.02:02
yofel!info libgamin-dev02:02
ubottulibgamin-dev (source: gamin): Development files for the gamin client library. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.10-1ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 29 kB, installed size 148 kB02:02
yofelit is, that's why I was wondering..02:02
ScottKMaybe we just forgot that one.02:03
yofeland we got the first ppa bug about kdevelop not working with 4.6..02:05
ari-tczewdoes anybody use pinentry on kubuntu?02:15
ari-tczewI switched from gnome to kde and there is no working pinentry-qt402:15
ari-tczewgpg-agent is not available in this session02:15
yofelerm, any reason why kdelibs5 4.5.80 has: kdelibs5-data: Breaks: kdelibs-data (< 4:3.5.10.dfsg.1-4)02:23
yofelour beta backports broke kde3 stuff02:24
yofelcan I just backport the natty kdelibs package?02:25
yofel_perfect time for connection reset *-.-02:29
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelthe 4.5.4 package has only a replaces kdelibs-data and at least doesn't break anything02:30
ScottKReplaces is likely more correct03:16
vis prolly asleep04:06
* ScottK looks around for the rest of v's nick04:49
vScottK: I'm down a server04:57
=== v is now known as stalcup
ScottKAh.  So that's where it went.04:57
stalcupScottK: in about a week, i'll be ready to hit backports04:58
stalcupI am excited04:58
Kubuntiac"Bugs in packaging should be reported to kubuntu-ppa on Launchpad. Bugs in the software to KDE."05:30
KubuntiacCan someone point me to a link where I can learn how to tell the difference?05:30
KubuntiacI've stopped reporting *any* bugs because I have no idea which is which... :/05:30
=== stalcup is now known as vorian
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: pong07:36
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ping08:38
markeyapachelogger: with 10.10, how can I set may whole desktop to use Raster?09:49
Quintasanmarkey: well, apachelogger coded some nice KCM for this and I packaged it09:49
Quintasanmarkey: ^09:50
barrapontohi folks09:50
barrapontothere is a bug on kubuntu-firefox-installer, it hangs on qapt batch installer, waiting eternally for authorization ...09:51
Quintasanbarraponto: it's a known problem with policykit09:52
markeyQuintasan: thanks :)09:52
Quintasanit's binary backwards incompatible or something like this09:52
Quintasanbarraponto: a fix should be out today or tomorrow09:53
Quintasanmarkey: no problems, be sure to report back if it works :)09:53
barrapontoQuintasan: thanks09:53
barrapontoQuintasan: i don't know if it is related to packaging, but i guess it is (maybe from debian folks)09:53
barrapontoQuintasan: upgrading to 4.6 beta has made konqueror the default browser09:54
QuintasanRiddell: ^09:54
barrapontoQuintasan: i thought kubuntu-firefox-installer would revert that, thus i uninstalled firefox and found the bug.09:55
markeyapachelogger: are you going to put the "grouping patch" (either kernel or userspace) in Natty?09:55
Quintasanbarraponto: thanks, I belive we already knew about auth problems with policykit but I'm not sure about the default browser09:55
markeyapachelogger: the performance improvemnt is incredible09:55
markeyapachelogger: I very much recommend to check that out (I use the userspace version)09:56
Quintasanmarkey: reallly? how can I check this? I compiled my kernel with this enable and I didnt notice anything :(09:56
markeyQuintasan: sec please09:56
barrapontoas soon as i run firefox installer properly i'll give it a check and post back09:56
markeyQuintasan: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/11/alternative-to-200-lines-kernel-patch.html09:56
markeyQuintasan: it even comes with a script now, that does it automatically on Ubuntu09:57
markeyyou will never want to go back :)09:57
markeyweb sites load twice as fast, etc09:57
Quintasanmarkey: oh, an alternative? I applied that 200 magic lines patch to vanilla kernel and compiled it, I didnt notice anything :/09:57
markeyQuintasan: try the userspace version09:57
markeyTorvalds said, it works better09:58
markeyand I can confirm that it works great09:58
markey(dunno if it would conflict with your kernel patch...)09:58
markey(I use a Vanilla 10.10 Kubuntu kernel)09:58
Quintasanmarkey: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/11/script-to-automatically-apply-200-lines.html <- this?09:58
markeyI did it manually09:58
markeybut I guess the script will work fine09:59
Quintasanmarkey: any test-cases? :P09:59
markeyyeah, many people have benchmarked it10:00
markeybut not me10:00
markeycheck Phoronix or so10:00
markeymy test case is Chromium10:00
markeyit works much faster now :)10:00
markeyeven with make -j15 compile (icecream cluster)10:00
markeyQuintasan: uhm, I added your PPA, but still can't find the KCM10:03
Quintasanmarkey: you are not running natty I presume10:03
Quintasanwait, let me copy it to maverick10:04
timhi, yesterday the kubuntu-ppa/beta was updated to 4.6 beta1. however the version of kdevelop that is provided in the ppa does not start any more.10:07
timbecause of some kate-related changes, a kdevelop-4.2 snapshot would be required.10:08
Quintasanmarkey: https://launchpad.net/~quintasan/+archive/ppa/+files/kcm-qt-graphicssystem_1.3-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb10:08
Quintasantry this10:08
barrapontotim: same here10:08
timbarraponto, i guess so ... do you know if there is any plan to package a 4.2 snapshot?10:09
markeyQuintasan: thanks a lot :)10:09
Quintasanmarkey: blame apachelogger if it doesn't work :P10:09
barrapontotim: i tried to compile kdev 4.2 yesterday, but it would require a kdevplatform that is still under development10:10
barrapontotim: so i'm back to vim for now.10:10
markeyok, rebooting box, brb10:10
markeyQuintasan: ah, no workie. KCM needs KDE 4.610:12
markeyQuintasan: any idea how to do it manually?10:12
markeyI guess it just sets some config option?10:12
markeyfound it10:13
Quintasanmarkey: whole system? I know about --graphicssystem raster as a parameter to app10:13
markeyexport QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM=raster10:13
markeyin ~/.kde4/env10:13
markeytrying that now10:13
QuintasanFound that now :P10:14
QuintasanJontheEchidna: well, I packaged oxygen-gtk but I'm not sure why it doesn't work :/10:14
markeyQuintasan: gaah. where does that env file belong, in Kubuntu?10:18
markeythere is a whole folder, .kde/env/10:18
QuintasanI think you want to put it in qt-graphicssystem.sh :P10:19
markeymakes sense10:19
markeythis was different in earlier releases, I think10:20
markeythere was only one file10:20
markeyok reboot10:20
timanother kde 4.6 beta 1 issue: kmail has a problem signing mails. it tells me "Signing failed: Bad passphrase"10:21
timkleopatra reports that it cannot connect with the gpg-agent10:22
jussitim: I think shadeslayer came up with that issue  a bit also10:23
timjussi, ok .. seems the name `beta' is justified :)10:23
markeyQuintasan: seems to work nicely :)10:25
markeyas far as I can tell10:26
markeyit can be hard to tell the difference10:26
markeycause it's not *that* much faster than my OpenGL driver10:26
bulldog98Riddell: new kdepim release 4.4.811:37
mfraz74i've just upgraded to kde 4.6 beta 1 and now I can't log in11:39
mfraz74if I use the failsafe login and try start x, I get X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting11:40
bulldog98mfraz74: what version of -0ubuntux do you have11:41
mfraz74bulldog98: which package is that?11:42
bulldog98mfraz74: apt-cache show kdelibs5 -> have you ...-0ubuntu4 ?11:42
bulldog98s/-0ubuntu4/-0ubuntu5 is the current version/11:43
* bulldog98 has -0ubuntu5 atm11:45
bulldog98mfraz74: maybe it isn’t completly in archive yet and you have to wait for the next sync11:46
mfraz74bulldog98: ok is there any way of starting a wireless connection from the command line?11:47
bulldog98mfraz74: http://www.ghacks.net/2009/04/14/connect-to-a-wireless-network-via-command-line/11:50
mfraz74that doesn't seem to work11:58
mfraz74suppose i'll have to connect wired when the package has been updated12:02
Quintasanwell, it's not like we haven't been warning people that updating might eat their X servers12:19
yofel re12:44
bulldog98hi yofel12:47
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: oh, oxygen-gtk is sitting in new queue12:59
QuintasanJontheEchidna: change this in TODO then :P12:59
Riddellmm, so 4.6 beta 2, koffice rc, kdepim 4.4.8 and kdepim 4.6 beta 1 to do13:06
Riddelleasy peasy13:07
Riddelloh and kdevelop too13:07
* Riddell on to kdepim 4.6 beta 113:07
* Quintasan goes to KDE beta 2 then13:08
* bulldog98 goes to kdepim beta 213:11
* yofel has kdegraphics almost built13:11
Riddellbulldog98: hang on13:12
Riddellbulldog98: I've still got to get the 4.6 beta 1 packaging right for kdepim13:12
RiddellI keep finding file overwrite errors that need fixing13:12
bulldog98Riddell: I need to do the deps first13:12
Riddelldeps are good13:12
Riddellbulldog98: including a review of this :) http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/libassuan213:13
yofelRiddell: btw, the kde4libs 4.5.80 adds a " kdelibs5-data: Breaks: kdelibs-data (< 4:3.5.10.dfsg.1-4)" which breaks kde3 stuff with the beta backports in maverick (comes from debian I think). Any recommendation how to solve that? 4.5.4 only has a replaces13:14
Riddellyofel: do you know what files clash?13:15
yofelRiddell: its the 'Breaks:' that leads to kdelibs4c2a being removed13:16
yofelso you have to remove kde3 apps to install 4.6. currently13:16
yofelsince maverick has 4:3.5.10.dfsg.1-3ubuntu2.10.10.1 which is << 4:3.5.10.dfsg.1-413:17
Riddellyofel: ah, so the question is what did debian change in -413:17
Riddelland do we need to merge that13:17
RiddellI always hate touching kde3 libs, means going into the murky world of autotools13:17
yofelwe have -5 in natty, but I'm not sure if I can just backport that13:18
bulldog98yofel: changelog for help13:18
Riddellprobably can, check the changelog13:18
bulldog98Riddell: :)13:18
* yofel goes trying apt-get changelog...13:18
droidslayerI made the mistake of touching kde3libs once ... 13:20
bulldog98droidslayer: try to forget it13:20
droidslayerbulldog98: I still have .13:21
droidslayerNightmares.. 13:21
* bulldog98 holds droidslayer so he won’t get any Nightmare anymore13:21
* droidslayer feels all better now...13:22
QuintasanWTF IS THIS13:23
Quintasanwhy the hell it works so slooooow now13:23
* Quintasan can't comprehend this madness13:23
bulldog98Quintasan: what?13:23
yofelhm, merge changelog is rather long, poke debfx13:25
yofelkdegraphics built fine at least13:25
bulldog98yofel: go on to kdebase-runtime ^^13:26
yofellet me finish commit stuff first :P13:26
Quintasanbulldog98, yofel: I want to do runtime13:29
QuintasanI already grabbed the source13:29
=== tim_blechmann is now known as tim
yofelQuintasan: sure, I didn't start yet13:29
bulldog98Quintasan: ok I’m doing pimlibs ftw13:29
bulldog98Quintasan: add yourself to packaging13:30
Quintasanbulldog98: can you do that for me? my PC started working insanely slow and I can't launch any other app than I have running now :/13:31
bulldog98Quintasan: ok I’ll add you to that13:31
yofelRiddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdegraphics/4.5.85ubuntu1/+merge/4273413:40
* yofel -> lunch13:40
Riddellyofel: groovy13:40
Riddellbut first, kdepim just installed13:40
Riddelldo I run it?13:41
Riddellor will it blow up my computer?13:41
* Riddell runs it13:41
Riddellhmm, well kontact runs, can't read or write anything to address book13:44
Riddellcan't read or write to calendar13:44
Riddellcan't make a todo item13:44
Riddellmm, this belongs in experimental I think 13:45
Riddellcan't read or write to calendarkontact(9420)/kdecore (KLibrary) KPluginLoader::load: The plugin "akonadi_serializer_kcalcore" doesn't contain a kde_plugin_verification_data structure13:45
Riddellwonder if that has anything to do with it13:45
* Quintasan got a nice Cruzer pendrive with fingerprint reader, too bad this crap wont work under Linux13:46
bulldog98Riddell: anyway put it to experimental and we’ll package beta 2 to test if the errors are gone13:46
Riddellbulldog98: good plan13:46
bulldog98Riddell: thx13:47
Riddellooh kmail-mobile is shiny14:08
Riddellbulldog98: packaging pushed to bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdepim/ubuntu-4.6/14:10
bulldog98Riddell: cool14:10
Riddelland uploaded for natty to kubuntu-ppa/experimental14:11
hungerRiddell: Yes, kmal-mobile is nice... Qt Quick rocks:-)14:11
RiddellI'm going to make kubuntu-ppa/experimental depend on kubuntu-ppa/beta so we can upload kdepim for maverick14:11
Riddellyofel: kdegraphics merged14:14
bulldog98Riddell: is a team meeting planed?14:18
Riddellbulldog98: not currently, we just have them when someone wants one enough to organise one14:19
Riddellbulldog98: so if you want one set up a doodle poll and ask people to signal when they're available14:19
bulldog98Riddell: I’d like to wait at least until kdepim beta 2 is out so we can test that before14:20
Riddellbulldog98: you want beta 2 out before we have a meeting?14:23
bulldog98Riddell: yes14:23
bulldog98Riddell: kdebeta14:24
bulldog98and next week isn‘t good either because we go to an excursion with school so I’ll be back on 13.12.14:28
bulldog98Riddell: usr/include/gpgme++/configuration.h into libgpgme++2 or an -dev package?14:31
bulldog98kdepimlibs5-dev is the right package14:32
Riddellbulldog98: you're packaging gpgme++?14:32
yofelRiddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdegames/4.5.85ubuntu1/+merge/42735 and https://code.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdemultimedia/4.5.85ubuntu1/+merge/4273614:32
bulldog98Riddell: it’s in kdepimlibs14:32
Riddellbulldog98: oh I see, so it is14:32
Riddellbulldog98: into kdepimlibs5-dev then14:33
bulldog98Riddell: that’s what I said14:33
bulldog98[15:32:02] <bulldog98> kdepimlibs5-dev is the right package14:33
* bulldog98 finished kdepimlibs14:39
* Riddell high fives bulldog98 14:40
* bulldog98 needs to upload that stuff14:40
yofelgames and multimedia uploaded14:42
* yofel needs to buy some things, bbl14:42
* Riddell high fives yofel 14:42
Mamarokhi again14:43
Mamarokis there any news about the ssh problem?14:43
bulldog98Riddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~bulldog98/kdepimlibs/4.5.85/+merge/4273714:44
RiddellMamarok: ssh problem?14:44
MamarokRiddell: I can't use my ssh key anymore, ssh-agent seems started, ssh-add says no, and ssh-askpass doesn't work14:45
MamarokJontheEchidna has the same problem with 4.6 beta14:46
bulldog98Mamarok: I can confirm that14:46
RiddellMamarok: use it for what?14:47
Mamarokto make git and svn checkouts14:47
* Quintasan though he is alone with this bug14:47
bulldog98Riddell: singing messages14:47
Mamarokgit pull asks a password but no way to enter it, seems not recognized14:47
QuintasanMamarok: try this14:47
QuintasanMamarok: ssh-agent14:47
Quintasancopy and paste this stuff is spews out to konsole14:48
Quintasanand then try ssh-add14:48
Mamarokpaste where, here?14:48
Quintasannah, in the console14:48
Mamarokyay! it works :) thanks a bunch Quintasan :)14:49
RiddellI don't think I even know what ssh-agent is never mind why a kde upgrade should break it14:50
QuintasanNo problems, I just remembered I had that problem sometime ago14:50
QuintasanRiddell: ssh-agent is something that asks for you ssh key password with a nice window14:50
Quintasanor gpg key14:50
Riddellis it related to pinentry?14:51
QuintasanI belive yes14:53
Riddellwhich is part of kdepim I think, so that explains why a KDE upgrade would affect it14:53
Riddellbut I've never quite understood how it worked14:53
Mamarokwell, the pinentry in KDE doesn't work correctly, one has to install the pinentry-qt4 package14:55
Mamarokat least I had to do that for KMyMoney14:56
MamarokI miss the fancy panel, was quite useful on a dual screen setup, but it depends on older packages15:03
bulldog98Riddell: seen the merge request?15:05
Riddellbulldog98: yes, will get to it shortly15:05
bulldog98Riddell: kdepim failed15:06
Riddelluh oh15:07
Riddellbulldog98: did you do runtime first?15:07
bulldog98Riddell: yes kdepim depends on runtime15:07
Riddellwhat's the error?15:08
bulldog98Riddell: dependency wait15:08
Riddellbulldog98: oh you mean it failed in the PPA?15:09
bulldog98Riddell: yes15:09
Riddelljust needed assuan to compile first, retried15:10
Riddellbulldog98: any new symbols in kdepimlibs?15:15
bulldog98only an update of the library libgpgme++2 from 2.7 to 2.815:15
Mamarokbtw, why is the default file manager konqueror instead of Dolphin?15:17
RiddellMamarok: where is that?15:18
Riddellbulldog98: kdepimlibs merged15:19
* bulldog98 hugs Riddell15:19
MamarokRiddell: from the Device Notifier15:19
Mamaroksince KDE 4.5.3 actually, IIRC15:19
RiddellDevice Notifier opens with Dolphin here15:20
Mamarokhm, no idea why this was changed here15:22
bulldog98Mamarok: update-alternatives?15:24
tsimpsonsoo, anyone know what kubotu is doing in #kubuntu-offtopic? doesn't seem to respond to anything, just curious why it's there15:24
Riddellbulldog98: that's not done at the debian packaging level, it'll be a setting somewhere in system settings15:26
Riddellmaybe Mamarok had dolphin uninstalled at some point for some reason15:26
Riddelltsimpson: probably hiding after I kicked it out of here :)15:26
* Riddell would welcome kubotu back as long as it didn't randomly repeat lines from people15:27
MamarokRiddell: not that I can remember, but I changed it back now15:27
tsimpsonit's a good place to hide15:27
ScottKKubuntiac: If it crashes, that's almost always upstream (KDE).  If it has problems installing, that's almost always packaging.  Feel free to ask here if you need advice on where to report stuff.15:30
ari-tczewScottK: I'm quite sure, that in some cases crashes could be caused by patches added in packaging.15:34
ScottKari-tczew: Thus the almost15:34
ScottKMamarok: You should have already had pinentry-qt4 installed.  It's part of kubuntu-desktop.15:39
bulldog98Riddell: ping15:39
Riddellyofel: kdemultimedia merged, please pull from ~kubuntu-members as I had an uncommitted change 15:42
ScottKari-tczew: If you're still having pinentry problems, check your ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf and make sure is still has "use-agent" in it.  Some versions of seahorse-agent "helpfully" remove the contents of that config file.15:42
Riddell"../../../mobile/lib/kdeclarativefullscreenview.h:26:21: fatal error: QGLWidget: No such file or directory"  darn you kdepim15:45
apacheloggerwell then15:48
apacheloggeraustria is a silly place where one cannot obtain microsd's > class 415:49
apacheloggermarkey: youd want to ask in #ubuntu-devel or rather ubuntu-deve-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com15:49
apacheloggerrbelem: ping15:49
rbelemapachelogger, pong15:50
markeyapachelogger: about what?15:50
ari-tczewScottK: use-agent exist in this file.15:50
apacheloggerrbelem: should we package the device adaptation stuff maybe?15:50
ScottKOK.  That's not the problem then.15:50
apacheloggermarkey: grouping patch15:50
rbelemapachelogger, i think class 4 is not fast enough :-(15:50
apacheloggerrbelem: you see me do it....15:51
rbelemapachelogger, i think we should15:51
rbelemapachelogger, can we have multiple sources for one package?15:51
apacheloggerwe can ditch all the gits into one source package15:52
apacheloggerthen build one or multiple binary packages from that15:52
apacheloggeror we can have multiple source packages for each git repo and then have individual binary packages from that15:52
apacheloggerI suppose you mean having one binary?15:52
rbelemapachelogger, yup15:52
markeyapachelogger: erm. you will not find me visiting some Ubuntu channel15:55
markeyI couldn't care much less about that15:55
markeyapachelogger: *hug*15:55
markeygotta run15:55
ari-tczewScottK: anyway, thanks for try to help. (:15:58
apacheloggerrbelem: how do I start it then?15:59
rbelemapachelogger, let's have one source pkg for each git16:01
apacheloggerrbelem: but then we need multiple binary packages too16:01
* apachelogger thinks that having one source is also more maintainable16:01
rbelemme too16:02
apacheloggerrbelem: so, how do I start from the microsd?16:02
rbelemapachelogger, there are some git repos that needs to be in separated repos16:03
apacheloggeror rather, how does the guide continue ;)16:03
rbelemthe lib*16:03
rbelemapachelogger, partitioning it16:03
apacheloggeralready done that16:03
apacheloggermade a fat16, swap and ext316:04
rbelemapachelogger, 3 partitions?16:04
apacheloggerscat the image onto the ext316:04
rbelemapachelogger, which order?16:04
apacheloggersynced, fsck'd, copied the files you listed in the braindump16:04
apacheloggerrbelem: in that order16:04
apacheloggerrbelem: does the order matter?16:04
rbelemapachelogger, yup16:04
apacheloggersilly crap16:04
apacheloggerrbelem: what is the order then?16:04
ari-tczewapachelogger: did you get in touch with clementine devs?16:04
apacheloggerari-tczew: not yet16:05
rbelemapachelogger, because kernel looks for root on mmcblkp116:05
ari-tczewapachelogger: they not gonna to migrate to phonon16:05
rbelemapachelogger, ext3, swap, vfat16:05
apacheloggerari-tczew: why16:05
ari-tczewapachelogger: because clementine is created to work with gstreamer16:05
apacheloggerthat is not a reason16:06
rbelemapachelogger, the kernel cmd line is set in its .config :-(16:08
* apachelogger reformats16:08
apacheloggerrbelem: so, once I have all the stuff done from the current list... how do I proceed?16:08
rbelemapachelogger, mount loop the meego image and copy its vmlinuz and /lib/modules/16:10
rbelemto ubuntu partition16:10
apacheloggerrbelem: and then?16:15
rbelemapachelogger, you can boot16:16
Riddellapachelogger: we want these patches in phonon?  http://gitorious.org/phonon/phonon/commit/171b1c677852083a8ca803671145afbc2f51f272 http://gitorious.org/phonon/phonon/commit/211f1d0269de59238754df6ab147f2fdea63fba2 and http://gitorious.org/phonon/phonon/commit/56f731f9fd763fb8b371abab210fbe01b8cdcd21 ?16:16
rbelemapachelogger, did make the other steps in the wiki?16:16
apacheloggerrbelem: well, not yet, work in progress, but generally yes ;)16:17
rbelemapachelogger, mine microsd class 10 is on the way to my city. it is already in brazil \o/16:18
rbelemapachelogger, i bought it 10th november16:18
apacheloggerthat takes all sorts of ages16:21
rbelemapachelogger, i bought mine on ebay from one guy in hong kong16:21
apacheloggera microsd travels far before it can run the kubuntu :D16:22
apacheloggerrbelem: what exactly do I copy from meego?16:23
apacheloggerRiddell: yes16:23
apacheloggerprobably more too come though16:23
apacheloggerthe codec installer needs some love16:23
rbelemi'm getting overwrite error on package libqtsolutions-soap-2.7-1 and hupnp16:24
rbelemapachelogger, the kernel and its modules16:24
apacheloggerrbelem: where to find them?16:24
rbelemapachelogger, /boot and /lib/modules16:24
apacheloggerin what image :P16:25
apacheloggerthe actual meego img contains isolinux and 2 other images and at least one of them also contains another image16:25
apacheloggerit is an image madness16:25
rbelemapachelogger, let me check16:25
apacheloggerrbelem: nvm16:26
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
apacheloggermeego im -> livecd img -> ext3fs img16:26
rbelemapachelogger, the vmlinuz is meego-handset-armv7l-n900-final-mod-
bulldog98when do the neon builds run?16:27
apacheloggerrbelem: I think we are talking about different images here16:27
apacheloggerrbelem: indeed I was just looking at the netbook image16:28
rbelemapachelogger, and inside meego-handset-armv7l-n900-final-mod- the dir /lib/modules/ 16:29
rbelemapachelogger, oh! you need the handset image16:29
apacheloggerwrong directory16:30
* apachelogger notes that his konsole has no context menu and fears that 4.5.4 or whatever he upgraded to is at fault16:30
apacheloggeryes 4.5.416:30
bulldog98apachelogger: do you have global menu?16:31
apacheloggerrbelem: how do I get into the raw img?16:32
apacheloggerbulldog98: no16:32
bulldog98apachelogger: have you did ctrl+m?16:33
apacheloggerctrl m is for menu16:33
apacheloggerI mean contextmenu16:34
rbelemapachelogger, i'm bunziping it 16:34
apacheloggerrbelem: that leaves a raw file behind, does it not?16:35
rbelemapachelogger, yup16:36
apacheloggerand then?16:36
rbelemapachelogger, mine still bunzipping :-(16:36
apacheloggeroh :)16:36
* apachelogger notes to get rbelem a faster machine ^^16:36
rbelemapachelogger, lets try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71177316:39
rbelemapachelogger, last time i zcat the image on another micro sd to copy the contents16:40
apacheloggersudo mount -o loop,offset=512 -t auto meego-handset-armv7l-n900-1.1-mmcblk0p.raw /mnt/16:42
rbelemapachelogger, yup16:43
rbelemit worked here16:43
apacheloggerwell then16:45
apacheloggerlets see16:45
apacheloggerrbelem: at uboot I do run mmcboot?16:47
rbelemapachelogger, yup16:47
droidslayerapachelogger: can the n900 display live wallpapers??16:47
apacheloggerwrong image format for bootm command16:47
droidslayerThere's another app idea...16:47
apacheloggererror: can't get kernel image!16:47
apacheloggerrbelem: ^16:47
apacheloggerdroidslayer: I think I saw that crap in the archives16:47
apacheloggeralso there is better use of ones batter16:48
droidslayerapachelogger: hmm...16:48
rbelemapachelogger, hum... probably needs the kernel img in /boot16:48
rbelemapachelogger, i do not recall right now how do i get config-  System.map-  uImage  vmlinuz-
rbelemthese files16:49
apacheloggerraw's boot I suppose16:49
rbelemnope :-(16:50
rbelemit is empty16:50
apacheloggernot here16:50
rbelemapachelogger, i found16:52
apacheloggerstill no dice16:52
apacheloggeruImage is not there16:52
rbelemapachelogger, sudo mount -o loop,offset=1792016384 -t auto meego-handset-armv7l-n900-final-mod- /mnt/16:53
Riddellbulldog98: kdepim uploaded to kubuntu-ppa/experimental for maverick16:53
rbelemapachelogger, you need a vfat FAT32 partition 16:53
bulldog98Riddell: cool16:53
rbelemapachelogger, partition type c16:53
bulldog98Riddell: btw why isn’t kdepim~ppa2 finished with building?16:54
rbelemapachelogger, did you get it working?16:56
apacheloggerrbelem: partition type c?16:57
rbelemapachelogger, yup16:57
apacheloggerno clue what that means16:57
apacheloggeryorur offsets seem different for the raw image16:57
rbelemapachelogger, in fdisk16:58
Riddellbulldog98: because it takes time to compile16:58
apacheloggerI got the system on 51216:58
apacheloggerthe second one seems to be swap16:58
rbelemapachelogger, get the offset for the 3rd partition16:58
apacheloggerI only have two?16:58
bulldog98Riddell: I thought launchpad would compile faster than me, but it doesn’t16:58
rbelemapachelogger, sudo fdisk -u -l meego-handset-armv7l-n900-final-mod-  only returns two partitions?16:59
Riddellbulldog98: there's no magic in launchpad hardware, just machines same as you and I have17:00
rbelemapachelogger, mine returns http://paste.ubuntu.com/539765/17:00
bulldog98Riddell: thought they had some 16 cores for compiling one package17:00
apacheloggerrbelem: what to do, oh what to do...17:01
apacheloggeroh, idea17:01
* apachelogger dd's the disk onto another card to see17:01
rbelemapachelogger, oki17:01
Riddellbulldog98: I haven't heard of that, although the new server they just donated to KDE does have an impressive 8 cores17:02
rbelemapachelogger, i'm looking where i downloaded the image17:02
bulldog98Riddell: some of your builds failed17:04
bulldog98Riddell: I’ll fix that17:05
Riddellbulldog98: libassuan2 just needs retried once libgpg-error is published17:06
bulldog98Riddell: yes17:07
Riddellthen kdepim once that and kdepim-runtime are in17:07
rbelemapachelogger, still dd'ing?17:08
apacheloggerjust finished17:09
apacheloggerthere are really only 2 images17:10
apacheloggerone ext and one swap17:10
apacheloggerso  on the ext one there is17:10
apacheloggerconfig-  System.map-  vmlinuz-
apacheloggerand I copied those to the ubuntu partition but uboot still refuses to find anything17:10
rbelemapachelogger, did you copy to /boot?17:11
yofelbulldog98: last time I checked they were building with parallel=2, so I think the virtual builders only get 1 cpu17:11
apacheloggerrbelem: can you run a ls -la on your boot17:11
rbelemapachelogger, copy to the vfat17:11
apacheloggerrbelem: the folder or only the files?17:11
bulldog98yofel: wow they should defently speed up that with paralle=16 or more17:12
yofelbulldog98: I think they'll rather run 16 builders on that...17:12
yofelalthough that would probably fail on I/O17:13
apacheloggerrbelem: copied the content to fat, still not working17:14
bulldog98yofel: they need one build process per builder -> speed up17:14
yofelbulldog98: well, instead of building one package with 16 cores it makes more sense to build 16 packages at once, especially since dh_ stuff and xz aren't threaded17:15
* yofel doesn't know how much hardware the build farm actually has...17:16
bulldog98yofel: then make them use threads17:16
yofelbulldog98: if you cut the builders count in half and make every one use 2 cores I doubt that would speed things up :P17:17
* yofel doesn't want to go back to a queue length of a few days :(17:17
apacheloggerI think it is doing something17:18
apacheloggernow if only I knew the login ^^17:19
yofelbulldog98: besides, the builders can't possibly be as fast as I am, dual core i7 with tmpfs chroot :P17:19
droidslayerapachelogger: fail....17:19
droidslayerTry Ubuntu17:19
bulldog98yofel: do you want to donate Hardware?17:19
droidslayerThat's the default iirc17:20
droidslayerbulldog98: I sent them 256 megs of RAM...17:20
yofelbulldog98: this is my notebook, not shareable, I'll think about my desktop though maybe...17:21
apacheloggerdroidslayer: didnt work17:21
droidslayerThey should use icecc17:21
apacheloggeractually boots pretty fast17:22
droidslayerapachelogger: ubuntu as login and password??17:22
droidslayerTry root and Ubuntu17:22
jussiapachelogger: try ubuntu and no pass17:22
apacheloggernot working17:23
jussioem/oem ?17:23
droidslayerTry rbelem as login and pass :P17:23
* apachelogger tries to get to a tty17:24
droidslayerHow would that help....17:25
apacheloggeralso wants a login17:25
jussiapachelogger: boot in single user mode? :D17:25
bulldog98apachelogger: meego and meego?17:25
apacheloggerit is not like I have much control here17:25
droidslayerKubuntu being evil :P17:26
droidslayerbulldog98: its kubuntu!!!!17:26
* apachelogger gunzips the image and looks at its passwd file17:26
bulldog98droidslayer: ok17:26
* apachelogger thought mobile was using nodm?17:26
droidslayerapachelogger: haven't made the switch till now I suppose17:27
rbelemapachelogger, 17:30
rbeleminternet connection at work stopped working :-)17:30
apacheloggerrbelem: what is the user name for the image17:30
apacheloggernew meego uses different boot magic17:30
apacheloggerwithout uimage17:30
apacheloggerone uses the flasher to boot the vmlinuz17:31
rbelemapachelogger, hum... you have to chroot and add a user :-D17:32
rbelemapachelogger, did you manage to boot kubuntu-mobile?17:32
yofelgeh, kdenetwork breaks on cmake :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/539768/17:32
rbelemapachelogger, did you copy the kernel files to the vfat partition?17:33
apacheloggerrbelem: why?17:33
apacheloggerI did17:33
apacheloggerhowever I do not see how this is relevant17:33
apacheloggerin fact I believe the vfat partition is pointless with the flasher approach17:34
apacheloggersee  http://meego.com/devices/handset/installing-meego-nokia-n900 for revised boot approach17:34
rbelemapachelogger, oh! you used the flasher command17:34
apacheloggerstupid uboot can go play golf with itself17:34
rbelemapachelogger, i will take a look at the new image to figure out what it make different 17:36
* bulldog98 finished kdepim-runtime17:36
rbelem50min to finish the download :-(17:37
apacheloggerNightrose: http://identi.ca/notice/5976753417:37
droidslayerQuintasan: oi... can a milestone be rooted and a custom Rom loaded??17:40
Quintasanrooted? sure17:41
Quintasanbut no custom roms17:41
Quintasanthe bootloader is signed17:41
rbelemdroidslayer, yup17:41
ScottKDo we have pim 4.4.8 packaged yet?17:41
rbelemdroidslayer, and with custom rom17:41
ScottK(sorry for the distracting on topic question)17:41
rbelemi running a custom rom on mine17:41
droidslayerQuintasan: ^^17:41
Nightroseapachelogger: not loading17:42
droidslayerrbelem: how many phones do you have :P17:43
RiddellScottK: no I don't think anyone is working on 4.4.8 yet17:43
apacheloggerNightrose: http://identi.ca/attachment/3531445617:43
KubuntiacScottK: Thanks. Thats an easy rule of thumb, and thus practical.17:43
rbelemdroidslayer, one n900 and one milestone :-)17:43
Nightroseapachelogger: yea that's what's not loading17:44
apacheloggerNightrose: works here17:44
apacheloggeryour intarwebs is broken17:44
Kubuntiac^^^^^ Would be awesome to add something like this to the release statement, as it's currently somewhat mystifying (and I've been using Kubuntu since Dapper...)17:44
Nightroseseems so17:44
RiddellScottK: it needs done for kubuntu-ppa (updates), kubuntu-ppa/beta and natty17:44
ScottKRiddell: Lucid and Maverick in -updates17:44
RiddellScottK: we haven't done 4.4.6/7 for lucid in kubuntu-ppa (updates) but there's no reason why not17:45
droidslayerapachelogger: nice!!!17:45
ScottKDebian KDE people just pushed a bunch of 4.4 updates for Squeeze.  We ought to grab those and 4.4.8 and then push to -proposed17:45
droidslayerNightrose: loads for me too...17:45
* ScottK is a bit stuck on some other work for a bit.17:46
KubuntiacPresumably bugs in the Kubuntu feature slides in Ubiquity get reported on the Kubuntu-ppa?17:46
Kubuntiac(if it's not too early to post bugs at all...)17:46
ScottKKubuntiac: No, those should be reported against ubiquity in Ubuntu17:46
ScottKMaybe if droidslayer would quit messing around and get to work, pim would be updated17:46
droidslayerKubuntiac: er.. why would they be reported against the ops17:47
apacheloggerScottK got a point there17:47
Kubuntiacdroidslayer: Because they're images that only apply to Kubuntu, not Ubuntu17:47
droidslayerScottK: I'm not at home .... and im reading the make manual....17:48
ScottKClearly studying isn't his problem at the moment.17:48
ScottKdroidslayer: You have a laptop.17:48
droidslayer( didn't bring the laptop with me )17:48
ScottKAh.  Poor minion planning.17:48
ScottKKubuntiac: The live CD installer for Ubuntu and Kubuntu are both built from the ubiquity packages.17:49
KubuntiacScottK: k,17:49
ScottKThe guidance to report bugs against ~kubuntu-ppa instead of regular Ubuntu bugs is only if it's related to a package from one of our PPAs.17:50
droidslayerScottK: I chose to read make rather than package17:50
ScottKThere is something there.17:50
ScottKThat's an investment.  Useful studying17:51
KubuntiacScottK: ok. Last question: The touch input of a Dell Latitude XT doesn't rotate to match a rotated display (in display manager), would that be reported on... xorg?17:52
ScottKProbably.  Not a bad place to start.17:53
Kubuntiack, thanks ScottK17:53
droidslayerAlso.... I think DarkwingDuck had the same issue at issue17:53
apacheloggerIIRC xorg is being silly17:53
apacheloggeror the drivers17:53
apacheloggersomone from plasma had a similar issue with something17:54
apacheloggerprobably lenovo ideapad17:54
Kubuntiacapachelogger: That's the technical term for it, right? :P17:54
rbelemapachelogger, did you add an user to the your kubuntu-mobile image?17:55
apacheloggerfighting with uboot right now17:55
rbelemapachelogger, try remove the vfat partition17:56
apacheloggernah, flasher will do  :P17:56
rbelemi'm still downloading the image17:57
* apachelogger is wondering if one can chroot from i386 to an arm image17:57
apacheloggerapparently not17:57
rbelem57min left now17:57
rbelemapachelogger, yup17:57
apacheloggerchroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error17:57
apacheloggerwhat is that then?17:57
rbelemapachelogger, install the package qemu-arm-static17:58
rbelemapachelogger, then copy /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static to your arm chroot :-)17:58
* apachelogger hugs rbelem17:59
bulldog98Riddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~bulldog98/kdepim-runtime/4.5.85/+merge/4274417:59
* rbelem hugs back apachelogger 18:00
yofelRiddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdewebdev/4.5.85ubuntu1/+merge/4274318:00
apacheloggerbooty booty18:02
apacheloggerrbelem: is it just me or is the touching off?18:03
droidslayerapachelogger: send us pictures of plasma mobile...18:03
rbelemapachelogger, did you manage to login?18:04
apacheloggernow it is sitting there18:04
apacheloggernot sure if it does do anything18:04
rbelemapachelogger, to get better speed18:04
rbelemyou need to use raster18:04
rbelemand disable nepomuk and akonadir18:05
rbelemi chmod -x them :-D18:05
apacheloggerhow cruel ^^18:05
apacheloggerrbelem: so18:05
apacheloggershould anything happen after login18:05
rbelemafter that i manage to start a little bit faster18:05
apacheloggercause I just see the background18:05
apacheloggerand that is it18:06
apacheloggerwell, the mouse too18:06
rbelemapachelogger, it really takes too long finish18:06
apacheloggerit is quite ludicrous18:06
apacheloggernow something happened18:06
apacheloggerit faded to black ^^18:06
apacheloggerand now plasma-mobile crashed ^^18:06
rbelemapachelogger, mouse is not working?18:06
apacheloggerrbelem: well, it is, it is just sort of inverted18:07
apacheloggertouch in upper section of the screen == movement in lower section18:07
rbelemapachelogger, you need to commento one line in the xorg.conf18:07
apacheloggersupposedly I had forgotten that then ^^18:08
Quintasanrbelem: you have Droid, right?18:09
Riddellbulldog98: you should be able to build-dep on kdelibs5-dev (>= 4:4.5), kde-sc-dev-latest should ensure it gets the right version18:09
rbelemapachelogger, i got less crashes after updating the arm image using chroot18:09
Riddellbulldog98: merged18:09
rbelemQuintasan, nope, a milestone18:09
QuintasanAre u sure you are running a custom rom? if you are talking about xda mods then it doesnt count18:09
Riddellyofel: merged18:10
yofelthanks, uploading18:10
rbelemQuintasan, i'm running a brazilian rom18:10
rbelemQuintasan, but i think that it is a mod too18:11
Quintasanit's a mod18:12
yofelHUH? why was okteta moved from utils to sdk o.O?18:15
apacheloggerrbelem: hm, the calibration line in xorg.conf was commented out?18:17
rbelemapachelogger, it needs to be commented18:18
apachelogger#         Option                "Calibration" "200 3910 3761 180"18:18
rbelemapachelogger, yup18:19
apacheloggerI think I busted my ext3 ^^18:21
apacheloggerrbelem: well, that it was ...18:21
* apachelogger just remembered how fragile ext3 is ^^18:21
rbelemapachelogger, maybe btrfs can be used18:22
* apachelogger zcats again ^^18:23
rbelemapachelogger, meego already uses it18:25
apacheloggerwell, it is not so much the fs that scares me, but how to make our ext3 image into brtfs ^^18:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: where are my new minions?18:25
apacheloggergot easy packaging jobs18:26
rbelemapachelogger, https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Conversion_from_Ext318:26
rbelemit is easy18:26
apacheloggerfirst ssh18:27
yofelRiddell: sdk has a rather long list missing list, all okteta stuff http://paste.ubuntu.com/539776/18:27
Riddellyofel: that's fine, they're not used anywhere so we don't package tham18:28
yofelshould I add them to not-installed then?18:28
Riddellyofel: yes can do18:29
apacheloggerkubuntu mobile contains cups18:32
bulldog98Riddell: for kdepim should I wait for libassuan2 uploaded to main?18:32
apacheloggerand apparmor18:32
* apachelogger purges crap18:33
Riddellbulldog98: no, you can upload libassuan2 to ninjas18:33
apacheloggerrbelem: so, what to do about the touch calibration oddness?18:33
Riddellbulldog98: you could also review it on revu to help it get into the ubuntu archive :)18:33
bulldog98Riddell: hm I’ll do that18:34
bulldog98but to review isn’t being MOTU requirered?18:34
rbelemapachelogger, did you try left that line uncommented?18:34
rbelemapachelogger, maybe that line works with the meego kernel18:35
Riddellbulldog98: I don't remember, maybe18:35
Riddellbulldog98: you can still review it and put comments elsewhere if not on revu18:36
bulldog98Riddell: I’ll do that after I started building kdepim :P18:36
yofelRiddell: do you know btw. if there's some known issue with kdenetwork? Cmake errors out here http://paste.ubuntu.com/539768/18:36
apacheloggerext3 busted18:42
rbelemapachelogger, fsck.ext -cy fixes the problem?18:43
apacheloggerzcatting and conversion to brtfs18:43
* apachelogger writes a script for the install18:43
bulldog98Riddell: comment posted :)18:47
Riddellyofel: I've not heard of any problems but looks like you've found one18:54
Riddellyofel: check trunk for that file to see if there have been any fixes since tagging18:54
Riddellah, JontheEchidna fancy reviewing http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/libassuan2 ?18:55
yofelRiddell: I will, but I've seen that fail recently in neon too, never had time to look at it though18:55
* yofel refreshes trunk..18:55
yofelRiddell: here's sdk for now https://code.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdesdk/4.5.85ubuntu1/+merge/4274518:56
yofelRiddell: fixed in trunk 3h ago it seems (svn r1203569)18:57
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1203569&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 1203569 | Fixed libjingle compilation18:58
ScottKyofel: It got moved because it allegedly is a better fit there.18:58
bulldog98yofel: than add that commit as an diff18:58
yofelwill do18:58
bulldog98and mark it as tmp18:58
bulldog98so we’ll remove it with next upstream release18:59
* apachelogger dances with bulldog9818:59
* bulldog98 thinks it’s a honor to dance with apachelogger19:00
JontheEchidnaRiddell: sure19:00
DarkwingDuckKubuntiac: ping19:01
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: you pinged yesterday?19:01
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: do you have the DB for rbot?19:01
DarkwingDuckor, a DB that is usable?19:01
DarkwingDuckI'm having a hard time setting it up.19:02
apacheloggerrbot will just create one on first start?19:02
apacheloggerjust install some strange package19:02
DarkwingDucklol some strange?19:02
apacheloggerstrange as in I keep forgetting the name :P19:03
jussiDarkwingDuck: why rbot?19:03
apacheloggerlibdb-ruby1.8 I think19:03
DarkwingDuckjussi: I'm looking for a bot for another non-linux related thing.19:03
DarkwingDuckahhhh thanks apachelogger 19:03
jussiDarkwingDuck: aha19:03
* bulldog98 pokes Quintasan19:04
apacheloggerjussi: because rbot is supreme19:05
DarkwingDuckI like rbot19:05
apacheloggerand ruby is close to perl, so it is the best choice for DarkwingDuck :P19:05
DarkwingDuckI was gong to build one out of irssi scripts but that would cause too much panic19:06
apacheloggerisnt there plenty of those already?19:07
droidslayerDarkwingDuck: iirc 19:08
droidslayerThere was one...19:08
JontheEchidnaRiddell: packaging looks fine, but I got this failure trying to pbuild: pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: libgpg-error-dev (>= 1.8) but it is not going to be installed.19:11
bulldog98JontheEchidna: you are on maverick right19:13
JontheEchidnabulldog98: natty19:13
bulldog98JontheEchidna: apt-get update19:13
JontheEchidnaI have a pbuilder hook that updates before every build19:14
JontheEchidnathough looking back it did seem to have a bit of trouble with a few indexes. I'll try again19:14
RiddellJontheEchidna: libgpg-error-dev 1.10 is in natty and kubuntu-ppa/experimental19:21
Riddellyofel: are you on the kde-packager mailing list?  if so you can complain about kdenetwork tar being broken there19:24
yofelRiddell: no yet, where is it? I looked for it but couldn't find it, and forgot about it :/19:25
Riddellyofel: it's top secret19:26
Riddellyofel: I e-mailed kde-packager19:28
yofelRiddell: how does one get onto that list?19:29
Riddellyofel: request to kde-sysadmin on bugs.kde.org19:30
bulldog98yofel: request for me too please19:30
Riddellbulldog98: you'll need to request it yourself19:30
bulldog98Riddell: ok19:31
* yofel hasn't sent a mail to any kde-sysadmin yet...19:31
Riddellgood, they don't accept e-mail :)19:31
Riddellfile a bug request19:31
yofelah ^^19:31
yofelRiddell: did you look at sdk?19:33
Riddellyofel: still on my todo19:34
Riddellshortly after kdevelop19:34
Riddellwhich I'm nearly done with19:34
bulldog98Riddell: what component to report? maillist?19:35
Riddellbulldog98: sysadmin19:39
bulldog98Riddell: I hope I reported to right place now (sysadmin -> mailing lists)19:40
Riddellthat'll do19:41
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1203596 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationWindow.cpp We wait on the ApplicationBackend specially before reloading the views.19:43
yofelhm, krdc vncserver detection seems broken too :/19:50
yofelmacro_optional_find_package(LibVNCServer) is only executed "if(NOT INSIDE_KDENETWORK)" - later they "add_subdirectory(vnc)" anyway but that has "if(LIBVNCSERVER_FOUND)" at the top, thus the vnc stuff isn't built..19:52
* yofel looks at trunk again..19:53
yofelgreat, seems to be thanks to svn r1201536, but they forgot about krdc20:02
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1201536&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 1201536 | krfb now uses bundled libvncserver so don't look for external one.20:02
KubuntiacDarkwingDuck: pong20:02
DarkwingDuckKubuntiac: You were asking about retation of screen?20:03
KubuntiacYeah. My screen rotates properly in the display manager, but the touch input doesn't rotate with it20:04
Kubuntiac(Dell Latitude XT)20:04
KubuntiacI wasd wondering what package to file this on20:04
KubuntiacSo for example, if I use a finger to trace a line up, the cursor moves to the left20:05
=== emma is now known as em
DarkwingDuckDoes it use WACOM?20:13
DarkwingDuckKubuntiac: If it uses wacom there is a driver that will allow you to change rotation of touch input with the ACPI event...20:14
Kubuntiack thx. It actually uses N-trig rather than Wcom20:15
ScottKyofel: We'd rather use the system libvncserver for both if it can be arranged.20:17
DarkwingDuckKubuntiac: Ahhhhh20:17
DarkwingDuckLook for the ACPI events when you retate20:17
DarkwingDuckThen modify the event in /etc/acpi/ to rotate the touch input along with screen rotation20:18
yofelScottK: I'm looking, but it seems they removed the whole cmake libvnc search infrastructure from krfb and just use their own version so it'll require some patching20:22
yofelScottK: reasoning: http://paste.ubuntu.com/539807/20:23
Kubuntiac Thx DarkwingDuck20:32
DarkwingDuckKubuntiac: anytime20:33
Riddellyofel: kdesdk merged20:35
* yofel reported a bug for krdc for now20:37
sourcemakerare there known problems with opengl and intel?21:00
sourcemakerWhen I enable desktop effects using opengl... the screens rotates 180... and is unusable...21:00
sourcemakerthe fallback: Xrender works but slow21:00
sourcemakerKubuntu 10.10 KDE 4.6 BETA121:00
droidslayerMartin would be the best person to ask I suppose...21:04
droidslayerHe did blog about some OpenGL foo on planet kde21:05
bulldog98droidslayer: he is also the maintainer of kwin :P21:08
sourcemakerok thanks21:08
droidslayerbulldog98: I know :P21:09
bulldog98droidslayer: I thought you know it :P21:09
* bulldog98 finished kdepim21:13
bulldog98Riddell: hope you’ll like it21:14
bulldog98Quintasan: ping21:14
apacheloggerdroidslayer: where are my minions?21:15
* apachelogger needs them minions21:15
droidslayerAakshay might come along sometime today21:16
droidslayerHis router crapped out yesterday...21:17
apacheloggerstupid router21:17
* bulldog98 thinks apachelogger should pay for minions to find some21:17
apacheloggerlets convert kubuntu in a musical and go on tour aroudn the world21:17
bulldog98apachelogger: :P21:17
droidslayerDunno about kronos21:17
apacheloggerI shall play lead21:17
apacheloggertechnology fails us over and over all21:18
apacheloggerfirst the routers and then skynet21:18
droidslayerapachelogger: let's call in jono as well21:18
apacheloggerjono is a robot failing us at some point? :O21:19
bulldog98apachelogger: if you want Riddell as an minion you have to review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/libassuan2 :)21:19
droidslayerLemme message both of them and ask21:19
apacheloggeryour phone does messaging? :O21:19
apacheloggermine does not even do calls21:20
apacheloggerthe monty python beethoven sketch21:20
apacheloggerway too awesome21:20
droidslayerMy phone does calls,messaging, irc...21:22
bulldog98Riddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~bulldog98/kdepim/4.5.85/+merge/4275221:22
yofelhm, kdenetwork wants kdebase-workspace and libkonq as optional packages..21:27
ScottKyofel: I guess that's ~OK then.21:29
yofelXMMS too but I think we don't have that anywhere21:30
yofelI'll add those, will need an update of the dependency graph though21:30
* bulldog98 high fives yofel21:31
* yofel high fives bulldog9821:31
yofelnow where did Quintasan vanish...21:31
bulldog98yofel: yep that’s a problem21:32
bulldog98kdepim bases on that21:32
yofelI can't continue artwork and network either21:32
* yofel somehow doesn't want to do binding :S21:33
bulldog98is accessiblity done?21:33
yofeldon't think so21:33
yofelah well, I'll try bindings21:33
bulldog98yofel: kdebase-workspace is free again21:34
yofelI'll try bindings for now, let's see what happens21:34
* bulldog98 has started going onto beta 221:34
yofelwait, sdk is done..21:35
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1203618 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/muon/muon.desktop Change the Name field in muon.desktop to Muon Package Manager, to differentiate between the Muon Package Manager and the Muon Software Center22:15
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1203619 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (CMakeLists.txt muon-installer.desktop) Now that it's finally ready for usage, add a .desktop file to add it to the menu22:19
apacheloggerconnman here, connman there, connman is everywhere22:19
DarkwingDuckhaving fun apachelogger?22:20
apacheloggeris something different22:21
ari-tczeware you interested in qt webkit ?22:21
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1203620 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Comment/whitespace cleanup22:21
ulyssesmy membership in ~kubuntu-members expires on 14th December:(22:21
ari-tczewin SQ is lying bug 68134522:21
* apachelogger installs connman-gnome and notes that he should port the connman part of n900 meego stuff to nm22:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 681345 in qtwebkit-source (Ubuntu) "qt_webkit_version.pri broken path" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68134522:21
apacheloggerthen again who in their right mind would want to touch nm's private parts22:22
apacheloggerit is all rather sily22:22
ulyssesRiddell: what have I to do to renew my Kubuntu membership if it expires?22:24
ari-tczewhmmm, how can I receive files on kubuntu via bluetooth?22:26
ari-tczewsend I can, but kubuntu refuses receive files. 22:26
yofelI was never really able to get blueman to do anything with my n900, used blueman in the end22:28
apacheloggerulysses: click the renew link in the mail I suppose22:30
ari-tczewyofel: so, can't you even send files via BT?22:30
yofelI remember that giving some kind of error, but that was quite a while ago22:31
ulyssesapachelogger: thanks22:33
* apachelogger loves people who say an application is crap because its UI is not of the most usable kind22:33
ari-tczewapachelogger: do you reffering to my case?22:34
apacheloggera friend who is crying my ears full22:34
apacheloggerall day long22:34
apacheloggerhe is now also a fan of kwin and kubuntu for its supreme intel workingness22:35
* apachelogger converts his kubuntu-mobile image to btrfs22:35
apacheloggerI broke it22:38
DarkwingDuckBroken again22:39
* DarkwingDuck kicks badly written perl scripts22:39
apacheloggersilly btrfs22:39
apacheloggeror silly kernel22:40
apacheloggersomething silly in any case22:40
DarkwingDuckOh wow... I need to get an updated passport22:41
apacheloggeryou bun too ate my meego kernel22:42
DarkwingDuckMy passport still says "Offical US Government Only" on it :D22:44
DarkwingDuckYeah... Need a new one.22:45
apacheloggermhhh, boot looks much better with kernel ^^22:48
apacheloggerabout 15 seconds to login22:48
apacheloggernot to shabby a boot time I recon22:48
DarkwingDuck15 eh?22:48
apacheloggerlogin then takes 2 minutes22:48
DarkwingDuckthat's nice.22:48
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: perceived22:48
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: better then the 15 minutes on my moms windows machine22:49
apacheloggerI think login would be doable in a couple of seconds if plasma wasnt silly22:49
DarkwingDuckI have an idea22:49
DarkwingDucklet's switch to unity22:49
apacheloggertakes ages until I have get anything drawn22:49
apacheloggerso I suppose it eats the cpu big time22:49
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: talking about mobile here22:50
apacheloggerno unity for mobile22:50
DarkwingDuckUnity mobile22:50
DarkwingDuckSounds like a plan22:50
apacheloggerapp start is also a bit slow IMHO22:50
apacheloggertakes a good second22:50
* apachelogger blames kwin :P22:50
* apachelogger really needs to fix keyboard mapping22:52
yofelWTH? strigi is funny: on BATTERY: running, on AC: disable to save resources23:09
apacheloggerthat is nepomuk,23:09
yofelyeah, but strigi is file indexing, right?23:10
yofelhm, ruby qwt.so went missing in bindings...23:12
apacheloggerabout 1:15 to plasma-mobile23:20
apacheloggerthis is horrible23:20
apacheloggerflipping horrible23:20
apacheloggerthat needs to go way below 20 seconds23:20
apacheloggerkbd works23:21
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: it is 19 seconds23:29
apacheloggerto login23:30
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: nice23:40
Riddellulysses: you'll get an e-mail and you follow the link to renew23:52
=== em is now known as emma
ulyssesRiddell: I thought I have to re-apply for membership23:56
apacheloggerkubuntu council is lazy :P23:56
ulyssesme too23:57

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