
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
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AmbeerIf I had the daily build from dec 1st02:33
Ambeercan I just sudo dist-upgrade to update to alpha?02:33
Ambeeror do i need to dl the new ISO02:33
yofeldist-upgrade is enough02:34
Ambeerok im doing that right now02:35
AmbeerIt is taking a long time, so I assume its doing it correctly02:35
yofelmore like we had a ton of updates after alpha1 release, if you get no error it's fine02:35
AmbeerI hope this fixes my unity problem02:36
yofeldepends which one, can't help you though, I use KDE02:37
AmbeerIt's alright02:37
AmbeerIt's a driver problem and i cant figure what drivers i need ;(02:37
yofelAmbeer: what graphics card? 'lscpi | grep VGA' in a terminal02:37
yofeler, lspci | grep VGA02:38
AmbeerATI Mobility HD 547002:38
yofeldon't know about ati I fear02:38
Ambeerthe one that I dl'd from additional drivers02:39
Ambeerisnt enough :(02:39
AmbeerMy Unity starts with no panels or Compiz03:08
Ambeerhey cozziemoto03:17
F3RR1SAmbeer, I had similar issues... i ended up removing unity completely and gnome, gdm, gnome-desktop, and basically everything else gnome or unity, and marked them form complete removal... then reinstalled them... btw search and then sort...03:28
F3RR1SAmbeer, I had similar issues... i ended up removing unity completely and gnome, gdm, gnome-desktop, and basically everything else gnome or unity, and marked them form complete removal... then reinstalled them... btw search and then sort...03:37
AmbeerThat seems complicated03:37
F3RR1Sand then reinstall the packages you want...03:37
F3RR1Syeah... it took me a while because I did not want to "completely remove" but in the end it was the only way to get gnome back and have it work correctly03:38
AmbeerI have a paste of my error03:39
Ambeerwhen i run compiz --replace03:39
F3RR1Sok... do you have a link?03:39
AmbeerOh and I would have to remove gnome03:41
Ambeersince gnome works fine in classic session03:41
Ambeerjust desktop session wont load any panels or compiz03:42
F3RR1Shave you tried to reinstall?03:42
Ambeerre-install the entire OS?03:42
AmbeerEh, ill try that now03:42
Ambeerthis will be my third install03:42
AmbeerLast one on Dec 1st03:43
F3RR1Sno... but I would reinstall the gdm, gnome-desktop, ubuntuon-*, Ubiquity*03:43
AmbeerCan you query me and walk me through it?03:44
AmbeerIt's ok if you are too busy03:44
F3RR1SI am not sure about "query" you.03:44
F3RR1Swhat do you mean?03:44
F3RR1Soh, sure03:44
F3RR1Syeah, I can do it.03:45
Ambeerthankss :303:45
Andre_Gondimwhy when I run flash player I see a overheat cpu?04:15
Volkodavbecause flash player sucks04:16
Ambeerflash player doesnt run well in mine either04:21
Ambeereh, i dont really care about it04:21
Andre_GondimI care about it, 'cause the overheat reboot my laptop04:34
Ambeerhey cozziemoto05:46
Ambeeryou there?05:46
AmbeerDoes anyone know a good .iso to DVD burner?05:47
F3RR1Si think brasero disk burner05:48
Ambeerthats the default one05:49
AmbeerIll try it i guess05:49
Ambeerbrb im gonna install it05:54
Ambeerlike, be back in about 30mins-an hour05:54
alex_mayorgathe latest kernel crashes on me :( and I no longer have toolbars on my desktop06:06
alex_mayorgaI can call programs with Do, though :)06:17
alex_mayorgais this due to unity?06:22
nit-witnaty natty natty seems to be running now at least with the classic desktop06:23
alex_mayorgagnome-panel & saved me :")06:27
alex_mayorgahow do I report the bug for the kernel panic06:27
nit-witalex_mayorga, I been just using the classic desktop unity takes up to much space, and you can choose the classic at login it is in place already06:32
nit-witalex_mayorga, is it panicing every time06:32
F3RR1SI completely removed unity and gdm*, gnome* and reinstalled only gdm and gnome...06:36
F3RR1Smy system works great without unity06:36
F3RR1SAmbeer, is having a huge problem with it too06:37
F3RR1Skind of makes me wonder if anyone is having success with unity....06:37
alex_mayorganit-wit: the 2 times I tried to boot I got CAPS and SCR LK flashing06:37
F3RR1Salex_mayorga, which games?06:38
alex_mayorgaF3RR1S: games?06:39
nit-witalex_mayorga, have you 2 ets of kernels and have you tried another06:39
F3RR1Slol... i can't seem to see anything!06:39
alex_mayorganit-wit: how can I get the available kernels listed without reboot?06:39
nit-witF33RR1S you know about the classic desktop alraedy installed accessible from the login window right06:40
F3RR1SI just want to run gnome only06:41
nit-witalex_mayorga, nopt sure what you mean you have kernel panic and you ca't reboot sounds like I've fallen and can't get up;)06:42
F3RR1SI have it set the way I like it and everything is beautiful now06:42
F3RR1SI have felt that way a few times in linux...06:42
nit-witF3RR1S, I don't like unity, I checked out linux mint 10 on my Vbox I might just switch to that06:43
F3RR1Sbut I would have been able to get up had I turned on the light and got a hold on things06:43
F3RR1Snit-wit, should be pretty familiar since they are both ubuntu.... well mint is built off ubuntu and ubuntu was built off of debian...06:45
F3RR1Sdebian got me hooked on gnome06:45
rwwYou'll be able to select non-Unity GNOME in Ubuntu's GDM. No need to switch distros for it o.O06:46
F3RR1Sgnome ain't pretty but is certainly solid.06:46
nit-witF3RR1S, I have a well understanding of the OS's and others but if all you can get is unity in the end, i will jumpship to mint, or arch or who knows what I have used a many06:46
F3RR1Stried arch... it was a horrible experience for me... are they still supporting it?06:47
F3RR1Sit was several years ago that I used it06:47
rwwyes, it's still around06:47
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages06:48
nit-witF3RR1S, are you kiding arch is the thang for many rolling release and easy rollbacks, it's not for everybody though, you have to know what your doing excellent wiki's though on any problems06:49
F3RR1Si think debian was easier to get up and running... and we all know that debian is right up there with the worst of the worst to get going! lol06:50
rwwI don't think Debian's that hard these days, though I may be biased ;)06:51
rwwdefinitely a lot better than it used to be06:51
SwedeMikerww: no, I agree, since 4.0 or so, it's become much easier.06:51
SwedeMikewhen I installed debian for a desktop system in 2005-2006 or so I had flashbacks from the mid 90ties, having to fiddle with modelines etc. Then with etch everything actually worked out of the box.06:52
rwwyeah. I'm very glad installation doesn't involve configuring XFree86 any more >.>06:53
F3RR1Sno... it isn't hard but I don't think it was ever really that hard... you just had to know what you have in your mysterious tower/laptop... and then get that DAMNED WIFI working06:53
alex_mayorgaso no one knows how to report my kernel panic?06:53
F3RR1Setch was great... except for the wifi06:53
rwwalex_mayorga: "ubuntu-bug linux", I think06:53
SwedeMikeyeah, wifi is a whole other matter. I use ubuntu for desktop and debian for server, and I have no plans to change that.06:54
alex_mayorgarww: would that work if I'm not running the panicking kernel06:54
rwwI switched to an ath9k-compatible wifi card. Best $50 I ever spent.06:54
F3RR1Sit could just be that I had a sony vaio with a linksys network card.... probably the worst two combinations in the history of computing...06:55
SwedeMikedebian stable is really stable, ubuntu is nice because of frequent updates so one always has the latest hw support.06:55
rwwalex_mayorga: hrm. no idea.06:55
F3RR1S<< loves debian servers06:55
F3RR1Salthough CentOS servers are nice too06:55
rww... I think I just crashed apport.06:56
F3RR1Sthough I am not a RH fan06:56
jdnHi everybody07:02
jdnNatty is Using Gnome or Unity ?07:03
rwwjdn: Unity for computers that support Compiz; GNOME panel otherwise.07:03
jdnrww : otherwise ?07:04
rwwjdn: GNOME panel for computers that don't support Compiz07:04
jdnrww: I have compiz installed so think will support07:05
rwwjdn: I think so.07:05
jdnlots of noise about disadvantages of Unity in 10.04 for netbooks.07:06
rwwjdn: Unity in 11.04 is a rewrite in Compiz. It's not comparable to Unity in 10.10 or 10.04.07:08
cozziemotohey guys. just installed natty onto my nvidia machine...unlike on this ati machine,,,i dont have top bar or side panel...will this show up after installing nvidia drivers///07:57
F3RR1Sprobably not... I don't think it is due to drivers07:58
cozziemotook I understand that the panel at the top is static...no right click options...so is there no way to add applets?08:44
vishcozziemoto: yea, not possible to add applets..08:51
cozziemotovish,  ok thankas08:51
cozziemotook did all updates and installed nvidia driver now it does not boot to anything09:45
cozziemotoalso does not see my other hard drive...might have to reinstall grub  but this is consistent with each time I have tried09:50
coz_mm ok got it working on my nvidia machine but  the upper panel is white  O)10:59
coz_here's a screenshot   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/panel.png11:01
nperry  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/panel.png11:26
nperrySorry more caffinine needed :/11:26
nperryThought this was chromium11:26
coz_ok when is  good time to request the wallpaper options be changed  as they used to be?11:38
coz_this bug has been in ubuntu since lucid11:41
scizzo-coz_: what bug?11:41
coz_scizzo-,  wallpaper options  force users to edit images according to theri resoluton on dual monitors11:41
coz_option "Span" should do just that,,,span any image across both monitors ...but it only centers an image11:42
scizzo-coz_: send in a enhancement request to launchpad11:42
coz_scizzo-,   well this is a bug not an enhancement11:42
scizzo-coz_: ok...then bugreport it... :)11:43
coz_scizzo-,  that's been done by me and many others since lucid11:43
jakubohi, can you help my get my i945 working correctly?11:53
jakuboi.e. running desktop effects?11:56
DJAshnarGood bacon to all!12:06
jakubobacon or beacon?12:07
=== DJAshnar is now known as SamuraiAlba
jakubonoone knows anything?12:43
* penguin42 knows nothing yet, not had breakfast12:53
penguin42what was the question?12:53
jakubothats why i love irc12:54
jakuboi945 and compiz12:54
jakuboi get no desktop effects12:54
penguin42on natty?12:54
jakuboandi get no panels at all in unity12:55
penguin42jakubo: So it was working for me last weekend when I last tried it, when I rebooted today it all crashed horribly and I'm back in metacity12:55
jakuboit never worked for me in maverick aswell12:56
jakuboi usually update more than once a day12:56
jakuboi get Dec  4 13:41:46 localhost kernel: [ 7537.526113] compiz[3786]: segfault at 7100f8 ip 009e8e09 sp bf85b790 error 4 in libglib-2.0.so.0.2704.0[9aa000+d1000]12:56
penguin42hey well that's life in a pre-alpha!12:57
jakubosure, but it never worked in maverick12:58
jakuboand my sata hard drive yields about 30MB/s read performance13:00
penguin42oh that sucks13:00
jakubodo you know anything about the glxgears thing?13:01
penguin42I'll hdparm mine in a few mins, it's just busy updating13:02
penguin42what about glxgears?13:02
jakubothat you get ca.30 fps when mouse is not moving?13:02
penguin42yeh I saw that as well last week - that's odd, I'm assuming that's some problem with the fram esyncing13:03
jakuboi wonder if its connected to compiz13:04
jakubowhat is the difference between a clean install and a constantly upgraded system?13:05
penguin42ah various difficult to spot things13:08
penguin42jakubo: Lets say that in a previous version package Y got installed but the new version doesn't use Y, you would still have Y installed - Y might now break13:08
jakuboare there different things being installed? are scripts being unchanged?13:08
penguin42sorry, don't understand the question13:09
jakuboi thought thats handeld by the partial dist upgrades13:09
penguin42it generally won't take a package off unless it conflicts with something new13:09
jakubowhen things get removed13:09
jakubothere is no command to get rid of old unused packages is there?13:10
jakuboexcept for the janito13:10
penguin42jakubo: It's not just old packages, it can be things like config settings that are no longer common/tested or old config files left around13:11
jakuboso its destined to fail when upgrading13:13
penguin42jakubo: This laptop has been upgraded through at least 3 or 4 versions probably more - I generally have to fix a few things and it's a bit more touchy than a new install13:13
jakubobut you can use unity cant you?13:13
penguin42oh I wouldn't say destined to fail, but there are normally a few gotchas; especially with alpha or pre-alpha13:13
penguin42jakubo: You're running something pre-alpha stop worrying about it13:13
jakubostop worrying that unity is not to be used?13:15
penguin42stop worrying that it's currently broken13:15
jakuboumm.. ok13:15
penguin42sorry, pidgin died during an upgrade13:16
coz_hey guys ,,,when switching to dual monitors...the top bar turns white....nvidia    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/panel.png13:35
coz_oo not alt+F2  on natty /unity?14:23
coz_charlie-tca,  thats  to open a terminal14:42
coz_since run dialog was imcorporated into gnome shelll I think it will not work on unity14:43
coz_I install gmrun14:43
Galindarhello, i've installed 11.04 on my system. running currently, but when i try to enable the graphics driver i loose all visual display on restart. i have tried all 3 graphics drivers given. it only happens when attempting to load unity desktop16:01
Galindari was using unity on 10.10 previous to installing 11.04.16:01
BUGabundowhat GPU?16:03
BUGabundocompiz is kinda broken16:03
BUGabundoand composite too16:03
penguin42it seems just as broken on Intel16:04
Galindari went to the extent of installing different graphics cards (all i have is old ones but still support 3d) and got nothing. 3 different cards16:05
BUGabundo3 cards?16:06
BUGabundogood luck16:06
BUGabundothat should be a nightmare with out implmentation of X11 :P16:06
Galindarno 1 at a time, none worked with unity16:06
BUGabundoafaik you will only be able to pick one on boot16:06
BUGabundooh ok then16:06
BUGabundoI guess you could use two in multi head scheme16:07
BUGabundo"should" work16:07
BUGabundowith nvidia blobs16:07
BUGabundo_if_ they use all the same16:07
BUGabundonot sure what's the status of multi driver at the same time16:07
BUGabundotry #ubuntu-x on a week day16:07
Galindarwas just trying to get unity to load. i tried ati, nvidia, and trident cards. none would display unity (single card hooked up each time)16:08
BUGabundoyeah, as I said, current state is no good16:08
BUGabundoI'm using classic and even that had to be hammered in16:08
BUGabundostill no 3D (which you need for unity)16:08
Galindaryea i cant enable 3d on classic or it will crash also16:09
Galindarso.. just wait?16:09
penguin42welcome to pre-alpha16:12
charlie-tcaheh, we made it all the to alpha1 before it broke too bad16:13
BUGabundoI've been here since day one, *shrug*16:14
BUGabundobut hey, I've managed to fix nouveau and firefox 3.6 :D16:14
BUGabundoso win for me16:15
penguin42erk ok, I hadn' realised alpha-1 was actually out16:30
Galindarhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/539758/ <- have a look please. is it just not seeing my monitor?16:32
charlie-tcaGalindar, do you get the black screen or the wallpaper?16:34
Galindarif i activate the 3d graphic driver (any of the 3 listed) when i reboot to apply, i get the ubuntu screen with white/red circles. it looks very bad and big graphically. then disappears very quickly. screen flickers as if loading the gui but i get just a dark screen.16:36
coz_try    nomodet in boot  command before  quietspalsh maybe16:36
coz_nomodeset    rather16:37
Galindari think at one point lastnight i had sound and no screen even. i've done about 12 format/reinstall16:37
coz_Galindar, I had this issue with the install this morning also16:37
Galindarhow do i do the nomodeset?16:38
coz_Galindar, reboot....hold down the shift key  to get the grub menu....then hit the lower case "e"16:38
coz_Galindar,   look for the  "quietsplash"   and just before that type in   nomodeset16:39
coz_then hit  F10  I believe to boot ,,,it will tell you which key to hit16:39
Galindarok cool tyvm. i will give it a try.16:40
Galindarenable the 3d card again first correct?16:41
coz_Galindar,  you mean install the driver?16:42
coz_Galindar,  yes16:42
Galindarok installed. giving it a go. ty again coz. be back.16:49
Galindarwell that worked ;c) but on 10.10 with unity i had empathy, cheesebox, and some others in the unity bar. is that different for 11.04 or am i missing some unity stuff?16:57
Galindarthat and it runs much slower on 11.04 than 10.1016:57
charlie-tcaIt only has a few items now. Joys of alpha17:01
Galindarah ok np ;c) good to know. ty.17:02
charlie-tcayw, New installs have, I think, 4 launchers17:02
Galindarcan i add items to the launcher? havent seen an option for that yet.17:03
charlie-tcayes. When you open an application, it will appear on the dock, you can then right-click and there is an option to add it there.17:04
charlie-tcaCtrl+Alt+t opens the terminal.17:04
charlie-tcaI use /usr/share/applications to run things17:04
coz_what I did was install cairo dock and easystroke for accessing applications17:06
Galindarwell ty all for the help. gl and enjoy.17:12
=== emma is now known as em
aromanany chance of trying A1+Unity under VirtualBox?21:16
geserdoes somebody know how I can start a second terminal from the left sidebar? I managed to get an launcher for terminal there but not the trick how to use to start additional terminals21:26
bjsniderBUGabundo, are you seeing a situation where scrolling through webpapges causes high cpu usage in chromium?21:28
BUGabundo# free21:28
BUGabundo              total         used         free       shared      buffers21:28
BUGabundo  Mem:       638368       448424       189944            0        5974021:28
BUGabundo10.0.601.0 (68139) Ubuntu 11.0421:28
BUGabundo$ chromium-browser --disable-accelerated-compositing21:29
BUGabundoI always start it like this21:29
bjsnideralright try this21:30
bjsnidergrab the scrollbar and pull it up and down from top to bottom'21:30
bjsnideris it smooth or choppy?21:30
BUGabundotottaly smooth21:35
BUGabundono cpu usaged21:35
charlie-tcaaroman, untiy will not work in VirtualBox since there is no 3d21:35
BUGabundocan you reproduce on a clean profile?21:36
BUGabundobjsnider: --temp-profile21:36
bjsniderBUGabundo, makes no difference21:47
BUGabundowfm , sorry21:49
BUGabundonouveua, if that's a diff21:50
bjsniderthat could be it21:50
crimsuninteresting. gconf-d is spiking latencytop with fsyncs.22:27
crimsunit's wreaking havoc on interactivity fo' sho'22:28
BUGabundohey crimsun22:29
BUGabundoLONGGGGGGGGG time no see22:29
crimsuni'm around, but i just don't use irc22:30
crimsunssh access is difficult22:30
BUGabundoand web? LOL22:31
crimsunI don't feel like skirting my work's IT policies ;)22:32
BUGabundoI know how you feel22:34
BUGabundoI'm the same22:34
BUGabundoso now you are stuck at only ONE office?22:34
BUGabundono more traveling around ?22:34
crimsunI'm all over22:35
penguin42it's a bit odd, I previously didn't use external IRC at work, but I'm now working on open source stuff and actually work with people over public irc, so it's quite refereshing22:53
BUGabundoI believe so22:53
crimsunyeah, that would be ideal22:57
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