
MatthewDesignerHello everyone!05:04
thorwilalpha or maybe beta testers wanted: https://code.launchpad.net/~t-w-/backtestground/backtestground19:05
vishbzr branch lp:backtestground19:09
vishi copy pasted in wrong window..19:10
thorwili guess someday i will paste an interesting link, accidentally and people will wonder about wild boar riding midgets in rubber suits19:12
vishsomeday.. one can only hope..  ;)19:13
thorwilvish: i'd like to see how much sense you can make out of that branch on your own, but don't hesitate to ask questions19:16
vishhmm, i was expecting the INSTALL file to actually be the installer ;p19:17
vishand was wondering why README dint have install instructions..19:18
thorwiloh. but it's in docs and INSTALL for info on how to install is convention (if not part of the README)19:18
vishafaik or have seen, the install file usually installs and the read me has the install info19:20
thorwilan install.sh in root, maybe19:20
vishthe .sh is usually hidden or not used, so it just looks too much the same.19:21
vish* ".sh"19:21
vish$ python setup.py build19:37
vishTraceback (most recent call last):19:37
vish  File "setup.py", line 3, in <module>19:37
vish    from setuptools import setup19:37
vishImportError: No module named setuptools19:37
vishthorwil: ^  doesnt seem to install19:37
vishi have both python-imagining and python-argparse19:37
vishoh !19:38
vishthorwil: do i also need python-setuptools ?19:38
vishor is it the  python3-setuptools ?19:39
thorwilvish: python-setuptools19:41
thorwilsorry, i just added a note to INSTALL (and a note to README to point to INSTALL)19:41
thorwilafter figuring out a few other things, i will look into making a deb19:42
vishn$ python bgce.py -o ~/bg.png20:11
vishusage: bgce.py [-h] [-v] [-o path/filename]20:11
vish               screenshot_on_white screenshot_on_shadow-color20:11
vishbgce.py: error: too few arguments20:11
vishthorwil: ^20:11
vishthats what i get..20:11
vishnot sure how to run it, btw, why does it need to install? cant we run it just from the folder?20:12
thorwilvish: if setup.py worked, you should now have "bgce" and "sizes" in /usr/local/bin.20:12
vishyea, setup worked20:13
* vish checks again..20:13
thorwilvish: sure the scripts run from where they are20:13
thorwilbut that's not convenient in everyday use20:13
thorwilvish: use the images in the test_images dir20:14
vishthorwil: setup http://paste.ubuntu.com/539797/20:15
thorwilvish: looks alright20:15
vishbut if i run the .py from ~/ it doesnt seem to pickup the executable..20:16
vishoh wait!20:16
thorwilvish: bgc tab-key should complete to bgce everywhere now20:16
vishnope, false alarm..20:16
vishit does, but it does not /run/20:17
vish$ bgce20:17
vishTraceback (most recent call last):20:17
vish  File "/usr/local/bin/bgce", line 9, in <module>20:17
vish    load_entry_point('Backtestground==1.0', 'console_scripts', 'bgce')()20:17
vish  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 305, in load_entry_point20:17
vish    return get_distribution(dist).load_entry_point(group, name)20:17
vish  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 2244, in load_entry_point20:17
vish    return ep.load()20:17
vish  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 1954, in load20:17
vish    entry = __import__(self.module_name, globals(),globals(), ['__name__'])20:17
vishImportError: No module named bgce20:17
thorwilvish: same here. now if i only knew what the heck changed ...20:20
vishphew, well atleast i'm not totally dumb :D20:20
thorwilvish: in the meantime, the help text formatting is a little odd, as required parameters appear in a second line20:23
thorwilvish: bgce.py on_white.png on_black.png20:24
thorwil(with appropriate  paths)20:24
thorwilresult will be called context.png20:24
vishthorwil: dint understand … you want me to edit the bgce.py ?20:27
thorwilvish: no.20:28
thorwilcd path/to/bin20:28
thorwil./bgce ../test_images/on_white ../test_images/on_black.png20:29
vishyea, i tried $ python bgce.py ~/on_white.png20:31
vishusage: bgce.py [-h] [-v] [-o path/filename]20:31
vish               screenshot_on_white screenshot_on_shadow-color20:31
vishbgce.py: error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/vishnoo/on_white.png'20:31
vish2am, not a good time for trying something new i guess ;p20:32
thorwilwell, it's easier to have the scripts and images in the same dir20:32
vishhmm, k.. copying..20:32
vish\o/ i got the context.png, but its just a copy..20:37
thorwilvish: look at all 3 files with eog20:40
vishthorwil: ok.. *now* i realize what the readme screenshot meant.. :)20:41
vish the readme "screenshot" meant20:41
vishthorwil: i was thinking it would take a screenshot..20:42
thorwilvish: right, i have to rephrase that20:45
thorwilvish: thanks!20:45
thorwilvish: the "sizes" tool is clear enough?20:46
vishthorwil: yea, that's confusing too , when you say "Take.." it seems like it will take20:46
thorwili see, the short form of "take as argument" is no good20:49
thorwilwill use "expects as input", instead20:49
thorwilgood night!21:06

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