
TritoLuxanybody there?01:52
* flaccid yawns01:55
TritoLuxI'd like to report a problem with the 10.04 64bit image at the UEC Store.. in my fresh installation I never managed to run it properly at the first boot. I always have to reboot it in order to run it properly and access it.02:14
flaccidi think you can submit a bug02:14
TritoLuxok I'll do it.. I was just wondering if anybody else had the same problem or if it was depending on my setup02:16
TritoLuxI just found out that 9.10 runs fine immediately though, so I don't think it's a setup issue02:17
rampris it possible to change the availability-zone after the instance is stopped ?11:23
ramprwith ec2-modify-instance-attribute11:23
=== ssj6akshat is now known as ssj6akshat|sleep
=== Hussain is now known as Hussain_Away
liamdoes anyone know if it is possible to download a key pair again after it has been created. I cant see anywhere in the console to do this....23:02

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