
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
* vish just playing foosball with chrisccoulson on gcc bugs ;p 11:19
vishchrisccoulson: the about me bug... sent it back ;)11:21
peppefavaHi to all. I was upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 but my laptop battery went down so the installation did not ended up correctly. When rebooting, the system is not able to start correctly. No desktop, no icons... nothing. Starting in recovery mode is impossible too. Now I am running with live cd. What can I do to solve the problem? Thanks.11:34
vish!support | peppefava11:38
ubot2peppefava: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org11:38
=== Bertrand is now known as bl8
=== Bertrand is now known as bl8
=== Bertrand is now known as bl8
=== Bertrand is now known as bl8
mterrykenvandine, you never filed a geoclue MIR?15:52
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
gesereither I'm too dumb for unity or it doesn't match my use-case or I've some misconfiguration somewhere: how can I start a second terminal from a launcher? how can I switch applications over the keyboard?21:47
hyperairi assume alt+tab?21:49
vishgeser: second terminal is a problem now.21:49
hyperairas for second terminal, try middle clicking or clicking with modifier keys. it might help. =p21:49
hyperairvish: what? there really isn't a way?!21:49
geseralt-tab doesn't work for me21:50
vishhyperair: not from launcher21:50
vishor atleast i havent found a way ;p21:50
hyperairright click?21:50
hyperairmiddle click?21:50
hyperairat least in docky it's middle click21:50
vishbut we can Ctrl+alt+t another one21:50
hyperairwell yes, that works21:51
hyperairbut what about firefox21:51
vishgeser: alt+tab is slow, there is a bug about it..21:51
hyperairyou could have closed the browser window, but left the downloads window open.21:51
vishgeser: what do you have in /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/switch_windows , there was one bug where that got altered ?21:55
geserbut switching backwards work :)21:59
vishgeser: right, you need to have <Alt>Tab mentioned there22:02
geseryes, adding <Alt>Tab into this field fixed it. Thanks for the hint22:11
=== _spider_monk is now known as spied_monk
=== spied_monk is now known as spider_monk

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