
tdr112team report https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/TeamReports/10/November15:24
infoturtle`tdr112 do you know when details of the monthly IRC are going up on wiki.ubuntu? I was going to trow up the even on ubuntu-ie.org but I lack links to do it15:31
tdr112the  link is in the team report15:32
infoturtle`the november one is there, should have said its the December one I was looking for. Should I trow up the November meeting minutes on the too?15:33
infoturtle`on the site too*15:33
tdr112you can create an event for the irc meeting if you like15:35
infoturtle`fantastic thanks!15:36
tdr112the guy that normal does it is on hoidays15:36
infoturtle`i will do now, ill let the masses know on all the socials too15:36
tdr112good stuff infoturtle`15:38
tdr112feel free to add to the team report if you like15:38
infoturtle`^-^ no problem, ya I'll add the team report too15:38
infoturtle`done and done, now next on the agenda, booze16:22
* davisc wonders if the players are having as much problems seeing the game as he is18:30
infoturtle`its bad alright18:30
daviscJesus, I've NEVER seen it like this18:31
daviscTalk about up-your-jumper time :-)18:32
infoturtle`davisc you at the match or watching on tv?18:33
czajkowskidavisc: how do i get to stansted :s18:34
daviscczajkowski: Stansted Express from Liverpool Street18:34
czajkowskiso train to waterloo18:35
daviscOr whatever station you get into18:36
daviscProbably need to change on the Underground18:36
czajkowskiwow tickets are expensive18:36
daviscOh yes they are :-)18:36
czajkowskidamn comany cc still didnt arrive18:36
* davisc wonders if ROG can see the posts...18:37
daviscIt seems so :-)18:38

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