
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ari-tczewcould someone open task on maverick in bug 669066 ?02:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 669066 in fetchmail (Ubuntu) "fetchmailconf: fetchmailconf.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66906602:50
=== v is now known as stalcup
c2taruni create a group name admin in my chroot environment and added a "admin ALL=(ALL) ALL" to /etc/sudoers file. then i created a user account and added this account to admin group. now when i m executing any command with sudo privileges i m getting the error that tarun is not in sudoer list??? can anyone please help06:28
ebroderc2tarun: That's really more about using Ubuntu than developing Ubuntu. #ubuntu might be a little more appopriate. But you want %admin, not admin to refer to a group06:30
c2tarunsorry for asking here and thanks a lot.06:35
=== stalcup is now known as vorian
lucasgeser: not easy to add it to the cgi, but you can get it from one of the logs' header07:16
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
geserlucas: I somehow missed to spot the date in the log header as I usually jump to the end of the log10:01
danielrichter200Hi, I want to upload my new application grub-customizer to revu. Everything seems to be ok (no dput errors), but grub-customizer didn't appear in the list. Uploading to my launchpad ppa is no problem. Do I have to upload gpg keys to devu too (they are allready at launchpad)?10:49
danielrichter200this is my dput.conf:10:53
danielrichter200fqdn = revu.ubuntuwire.com10:53
danielrichter200incoming = /incoming10:53
danielrichter200login = anonymous10:53
danielrichter200progress_indicator = 210:53
danielrichter200allow_unsigned_uploads = 010:53
c2taruni have an issue with chroot. this comes under ubuntu operations (so i know that this is not the place to ask) but no one is able to solve my problem can i ask it here12:52
pqatsia question about package naming:14:33
pqatsi  wireshark-common: Depends: libwireshark0 (>= 1.4.2-1) but 1.4.2-1~exp2 is to be installed.14:33
pqatsi  wireshark: Depends: libwireshark0 (>= 1.4.2-1) but 1.4.2-1~exp2 is to be installed.14:33
pqatsii cant understand why apt cant see the version number is the same14:34
pqatsieven with ~exp214:34
pqatsiok i use to make packet names like 1.4.2-1ppa1 as example14:35
pqatsibut i think apt should recognize this notation. what is wrong?14:35
jcfppqatsi: 1.4.2-1~exp2 is smaller than 1.4.2-1, you depend on >= so it won't work14:36
jcfp>= 1.4.2-1~ might work, not sure though14:36
pqatsijcfp: what passed me by i cant see14:36
jcfpthat the tilde lowers the version14:37
jcfpi.e. 1.0-1~foo is smaller than 1.0-114:37
pqatsijust tilde do this?14:37
* pqatsi think its weird....14:37
jcfpthat's why it's used with ppa, makes ppa lower than official repository14:38
coolbhavijcfp, exactly14:38
pqatsijcfp: but this case something conflicts14:38
coolbhavipqatsi, are you installing from PPA?14:38
pqatsicoolbhavi: this package, yes.14:39
pqatsibut i didnt realize ~lower the version even for =14:39
* pqatsi think it will repackage this14:39
coolbhavipqatsi, thats how ppa's are named as jcfp mentioned14:40
pqatsicoolbhavi: i know, but i didnt realized tilde breaks =14:40
pqatsiif the version is the same number14:40
pqatsi(major and minor)14:41
coolbhavipqatsi, hmm14:41
pqatsii used to think tilde brokes only if version is +1 bigger14:41
pqatsiand if version is equal and have both packages in repos, the priority of ppa got lowered14:41
pqatsii think the packager made a mistake14:42
pqatsiVersion: 1.4.2-1~exp2 // Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7), libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 (>= 2.21.6), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.24.0), libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.12.0), libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.14.0), libpcap0.8 (>= 0.9.8), libportaudio2 (>= 19+svn20100220), libwireshark0 (>= 1.4.2-1), libwiretap0, zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4), wireshark-common (= 1.4.2-1~exp2)14:45
pqatsicoolbhavi: the packager forgot to satisfy the libwireshark0 dep.14:45
coolbhavihmm what do you exactly want to do?14:46
coolbhavias i see new version of wireshark was uploaded to natty just a while back14:47
pqatsicoolbhavi: before, install wireshark from this ppa14:47
pqatsinow, ill fix this deps14:47
pqatsicoolbhavi: suggesting backport?14:47
coolbhavipqatsi, reason?14:47
pqatsicoolbhavi: no reason, i just need wireshark, and i dont know why this repo are here, but if i have this error, i want to fixit14:48
* pqatsi want to improve packaging skills14:48
coolbhavipqatsi, okay but unless you have a strong reason no need of a backport request14:49
pqatsicoolbhavi: i do just for me14:49
pqatsicoolbhavi: my main backport project now is backport emdebian tools from debian unstable to stable (for a job) and after, to ubuntu14:50
coolbhavipqatsi, then its fine but officially you need to have a valid reason14:50
pqatsicoolbhavi: i know. oficially dont need a backport14:50
pqatsijust for me14:50
coolbhavipqatsi, okay :)14:51
pqatsibut if the emdebian job finish well, i will try submit for revu14:51
coolbhavihey ari-tczew15:01
coolbhavihow are you doing?15:01
ari-tczewhello coolbhavi15:01
ari-tczewI'm quite fine, thanks. how about you?15:01
coolbhaviari-tczew, I m fine too mate shall I take a look at enna ftbfs now?15:03
ari-tczewcoolbhavi: do you ask me to do it?15:05
coolbhaviari-tczew, if you have no issues ll take a look so15:06
ari-tczewcoolbhavi: go ahead15:06
coolbhaviari-tczew, thanks!15:06
ari-tczewyou're welcome15:12
pqatsiNot permitted to upload to the RELEASE pocket in a series in the 'CURRENT' state.15:45
pqatsiand just this error, have no another issue in the mail15:45
pqatsiive used maverick as series15:45
pqatsiafter this ive tried to change to stable, but said series dont exist15:45
ari-tczewpqatsi: use natty - current development cycle.15:46
pqatsieeven if the package ill send to ppa is specifically for maverick15:46
ari-tczew!sru | pqatsi15:47
ubottupqatsi: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates15:47
pqatsiari-tczew: im building for ppa, and must to be available for maverick15:48
ari-tczewpqatsi: so I guess that problem is with version in debian/changelog15:49
ari-tczewadd to version ~maverick115:49
pqatsiand keep maverick?15:50
ari-tczewpqatsi: yes15:50
pqatsiLast: (20070115-14) unstable; urgency=low // Now:  (20070115-15~maverick1) maverick; urgency=low15:51
pqatsithis way?15:51
ari-tczewpqatsi: no no no! please don't change Debian revision15:51
ari-tczewplease keep -1415:51
pqatsieven if im patching souce?15:52
ari-tczewpqatsi: let use: (20070115-14ubuntu1~maverick1)15:53
pqatsidont work16:03
pqatsiNot permitted to upload to the RELEASE pocket in a series in the 'CURRENT' state.16:03
pqatsiaiccu (20070115-15ubuntu1~maverick1) maverick; urgency=low16:03
pqatsiaff, now i saw i didnt reverted16:04
pqatsiaiccu (20070115-14ubuntu1~maverick1) maverick; urgency=low16:15
pqatsiagain, same error ari-tczew16:15
pqatsithis never happened with me, i cant understand why16:15
ari-tczewpqatsi: could you give me a link to your PPA?16:17
mr_pouitpqatsi: are you sure you're uploading to your ppa? (and not the ubuntu archive)16:19
pqatsiill run dput verbatin16:19
pqatsilet me see16:19
ari-tczewthat's what I wanted to ask16:19
ari-tczewwhat is the command which you use pqatsi?16:19
pqatsiuse dput directly, but use .dputrc16:20
pqatsiill recreate the . file16:20
ari-tczewit should be: dput ppa:leleobhz/ppa *.changes16:20
pqatsisomething with my dputrc are wrong... forcing repo in commandline appeared to work16:25
wolfrageHi I want to confirm a few things. One you can not make blueprints for a PPA in launch pad correct?18:06
ari-tczewwolfrage: -> #launchpad18:08
wolfragebut the question relates to development18:09
wolfragejust trying to get the process for Ubuntu down.18:09
wolfrageWith that in mind is it ok to create a project for a patch that I am creating. The patch is actually a feature plugin. It is for Empathy/Telepathy in order to support OTR.18:09
wolfrageI basicly want this because i want to be able to share blueprints and allow others to help me, as I have gotten a few people together that have offered to help.18:10
wolfrage#launchpad is not answering my second question, so as the MOTU, what do you say? Is it ok to use Luanch Pad in this way?18:18
wolfrageI got an answer now.18:30
=== emma is now known as em
ari-tczewgilir: how is going progress of sync lxpanel and lxde-common?21:56
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gilirari-tczew, I'm on it, changes for lxpanel are already in Ubuntu, lxde-common needs changes with the new pcmanfm23:34
ari-tczewgilir: so, can we sync lxpanel?23:34
gilirari-tczew, no, there are specific Ubuntu changes that can't be sync with Debian23:35
ari-tczewgilir: and these changes are not forwardable?23:36
gilirari-tczew, no23:36
ari-tczewok, so package needs merging then23:37
gilirari-tczew, I can upload to Debian LXDE packaging, so I have no interest to maintain delta with Ubuntu when it's not necessary23:37
ari-tczewgilir: would be nice23:38
=== em is now known as emma

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