
qwebirc37338Howdy, Tried the nice mythbuntu 10.10 live trial/ installer today & it keeps ending with some I/O errrors. it seems to be when it unloads the Squashfs right at the end02:14
qwebirc37338wait a minute.. i tlooks like the installer did finish.02:19
qwebirc37338well.. shiver me timbers.. I thinks it completed correctly this time.02:19
qwebirc37338now to edit some boot settings in the bios. .. I got a nice looking myth gui folks. EMail pk@phillk.net if your curious about my hardware & the unload errors I got after the installer.02:20
qwebirc37338I'll hang here for another 40 minutes or so in case someone stumbles in... fwiw.02:21
qwebirc37338still haning, is anyone on?02:37
superm1qwebirc37338, i think those errors are known errors, root caused deeper in ubuntu02:51
superm1not actually caused by anything added onto mythbuntu02:51
superm1so they should happen on ubuntu disks too02:51
qwebirc37338LOL.. Yeah,, that was my supposition, happens once on somthing its a fluke, happens twice, usualy best bet is something to do with hardware/OS combination thanks superm1, I'm currently trying to see if I can get it to use my happauge tuners to catch my cable companys basic cable.02:52
qwebirc37338er.. tuner only have an HVR 160002:53
qwebirc37338oh bye.03:45
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qwebirc46664Hi. I have a problem with mythbuntu: LiveTV works ok, recordings too, when mythfrontend is running. When I schedule a recording, using mythwelcome, the box turns on, and records as planned. However the file contains no data. I would really appreciate help pointing me in the right direction to resolve this! Terje11:43
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jeffjeffdejeff1afternoon all.  was successfully running 9.04 with a nova t500 twin tuner and remote.  have upgraded to 10.10 and the remote doesn't seem to be functioning properly.  Some of the buttons work (up, down, left, right etc) but the select button and others don't seem to be working.  irw responds to the arrow keys on the remote.  Any suggestions as to what i need to do to get this functioning again?17:22
jeffjeffdejefffternoon all.  was successfully running 9.04 with a nova t500 twin tuner and remote.  have upgraded to 10.10 and the remote doesn't seem to be functioning properly.  Some of the buttons work (up, down, left, right etc) but the select button and others don't seem to be working.  irw responds to the arrow keys on the remote.  Any suggestions as to what i need to do to get this functioning again?17:44
mofuwhy does 0.24 still show as "Under Development" in MCC Repositories?18:15
tgm4883mofu, where does it say that?18:34
miststlkrnot getting any sound in mythtv, and rhythmbox gives an error "failed to create audio output element".  suggestions?18:53
miststlkrmythfrontend.log shows the errors ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1010:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave18:55
miststlkr2010-12-04 10:44:52.577 AudioOutput Error: snd_pcm_open(default): No such file or directory18:55
miststlkr2010-12-04 10:44:52.577 NVP(0): Disabling Audio, reason is: snd_pcm_open(default): No such file or directory18:55
momelodgreetings channel18:58
tgm4883mofu, you must not have updated your mythbuntu-repos package. Once you do, it won't say that for 0.24 anymore19:00
momelodanyone have a minute to help me get my remote working?  usb device id: 0755:262619:09
momelodi have lircd installed. but there is no running lircd process or /dev/lirc* device.19:09
momelodwhere do i begin?19:10
mofutgm4883: not getting any thing out of date on apt, should I remove and reinstall?  It shows version 8.5-0ubuntu0+mythbuntu~auto2010101300382519:16
tgm4883mofu, did you upgrade from a previous release (ie 9.10)?19:17
mofuyes, was previously 9.10, ubuntu is now maverick 10.1019:17
tgm4883mofu, distro upgrades disable 3rd party repos19:17
mofuok, I know where to fix that.  Thanks,19:18
tgm4883so just go though it and disable both repos, upgrade, then reenable both repos19:18
mofutgm4883:  mythbuntu-repos now updated to 8.8, but when I check "Active MythTV Updates Repositories" and hit apply it unchecks the box . . . .??19:40
mofutrying it via command line . . .19:42
mofunot sure that trying to run MCC via remote X session isn't causing problems19:43
tgm4883might be, as it is going to try and get root access19:43
mofuI think it's working in shell, do I need to dist-upgrade?19:44
tgm4883mofu, no19:44
tgm4883you shouldn't, but depending on what you have installed you might19:44
tgm4883only thing dist-upgrade does is remove/install new package19:44
tgm4883so if you do, look at what it wants to do before doing it19:45
mofuit is kepping back 0.24 without apt-get dist-upgrade19:46
mofulooks like 0.24 is installing now19:46
tgm4883mofu, ah yea, it wants to install a new package19:47
mofuyes, libmyth-0.23 is removed and libmyth-0.24 installed19:47
guest123442So, quick question I can't google an easy answer for. Does mythbuntu support following an RSS feed of torrents?22:33
Patrickdkwhy would mythtv have anything to do with torrents?22:48
jeffjeffdejeffI was successfully running 9.04 with a nova t500 twin tuner and remote.  have upgraded to 10.10 and the remote doesn't seem to be functioning properly.  Some of the buttons work (up, down, left, right etc) but the select button and others don't seem to be working.  irw responds to the arrow keys on the remote.  Any suggestions as to what i need to do to get this functioning again?23:14

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