
trimetaQuick question: my ssh session terminated when I was running aptitude upgrade on my server; it looks like it was in the beginning of reinstalling grub on the boot hard disks when the session died.00:00
trimetaI'm reasonably confident it didn't actually begin to write any changes, so that's not a problem, but I've still got an aptitude process running and I do need to go back and tell it to run the installation. How do I do that?00:01
leniostrimeta, apt-get install -f00:16
trimetaThat will work even if there's apparently an aptitude process still running and holding the lockfile?00:16
leniosthis will try to fix any package00:16
trimetaAnd if not, is it safe to kill that process?00:16
leniosaptitude is still running?00:17
trimetaApparently; that's what pgrep -p aptitude says.00:17
trimetaBut I'm the only user logged in, and I'm not running it.00:17
leniosif it's stuck, i guess you have no choice but to kill it00:17
trimetaOK, killed; now to run the command you suggested.00:17
trimeta...Lock file still used.00:18
leniosyou have to remove the lock file00:18
trimetaIt's an empty file, so I just rm it?00:18
trimetaThat got me "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."00:19
leniosthen do it00:19
trimetaAnd when I ran that, I got "debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable"00:19
leniostry lsof | grep config.dat00:19
trimetaYeah, that changed things: now I'm getting "frontend   7105     root    4rW     REG              251,1      44378     655367 /var/cache/debconf/config.dat"00:20
trimetaI have no idea what "frontend" is, though...00:20
trimetaAside from the fact that ps -l confirms that it's currently running.00:21
leniosyou might want to kill this process00:21
trimetaOK, now "sudo dpkg --configure -a" seems to be working.00:22
trimetaIt gave me the grub configuration screen again, and I proceeded as usual.00:22
trimetaRunning aptitude upgrade again produces no errors or unusual output.00:23
trimetaI think this has probably worked...but sine it's about time I rebooted the server anyway, I might as well do so now and see if it actually installed properly.00:23
aragon_hola, buenas noches00:24
xperiahello again. i am doing here the upgrade from interpid to jaunty but for some reason now the upgrade process hangs on depmod for a while and do nothing00:32
xperiaits like it is waiting for something cpu usgae is very low and it does nothing do now since 10 to 15 minutes00:33
xperiareally bad00:33
xperiaserver at least is still availble and working00:33
xperiaaragon_ hello00:33
aragon_hello Translates expected my problem00:34
aragon_I have problems with my lampp, I put different password security and the data base is not active00:35
xperiayou mean mysql database ?00:36
xperiaor what database ?00:36
aragon_yes is lampp00:36
aragon_lampp server00:36
leniosweird xperia00:36
aragon_is disabled after giving my lampp security00:37
xperiaaragon_ well do this here to know iw mysql first is working "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql status"00:37
xperialenios: its just sit there and do nothing00:38
xperianow since 15 to 20 min00:38
xperiashould i do a manul modprobe00:39
aragon_command not found00:39
xperiahe ?00:39
xperiathi must work00:39
leniosxperia, try something00:39
xperialenios i am hearing00:40
leniosit must be stuck, not sure if modprobe can solve that00:40
xperiayeah i guess that too00:40
leniosctrl + d / ctrl+c?00:40
aragon_I have installed the qt4 prawns and ide00:41
xperialenios looks like ssh got disconected hmm00:41
xperiaWrite failed: Broken pipe00:41
xperiai have still other ssh connection00:41
aragon_alguien sabe español00:42
xperiawhat now looks like upgrade process stoped becouse of ssh connection closing00:42
leniosaragon_, try #ubuntu-es maybe00:42
leniosxperia, you're not using screen?00:43
xperiai have done it over ssh00:43
leniosyou can recover it, then00:43
xperiayes ssh conection is no problem00:43
xperiai can reconect but how processing with upgrade further00:43
xperialast time i used "sudo do-release-upgrade"00:44
xperiait downloaded all new packages00:44
xperiaand prelaced a lot of software with new version but then it stoped hmmmm00:45
qman__if you stop the process, you can run another do-release-upgrade00:46
qman__I had a machine reboot mid-upgrade for some reason00:46
qman__and was able to continue that way00:46
xperiaqman:: okay will try again "sudo do-release-upgrade" hope just not that all packages will be redownloaded again00:47
qman__packages are cached in /var/cache/apt/archives00:47
qman__unless that directory has been wiped, it will not need to redownload anything00:47
xperiaqman__ looks very good. it proccess again with the upgrade very fast.00:50
xperiait does every package from new check for reinstalling if it is old00:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #685028 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.6.5-3 failed to install/upgrade:" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68502800:55
mklappstuhlhow can i reduce the size of my ubuntu server installation by 230M ?01:32
mklappstuhlare there any huge packages i could remove?01:33
mklappstuhlor a way to show bigger packages?01:34
YompaI'm no expert (disclaimer here) but I believe you can install a minimal server with the alternative CD. Then just add the parts you want/need.01:39
jgouldAnyone have any experience with NFS>?01:40
mklappstuhlcould i just remove the 'locales' plugin or could this cause trouble01:40
mklappstuhls/plugin/package/ - lool01:43
jgouldHow do you tell if nfsd is exporting a directory?01:49
phrixhi all... I'm running MM... I've install apache2, php5, mysql, and phpmyadmin... but I cant open localhost/phpmyadmin... any clue??01:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #685014 in php5 (main) "Please merge php5 5.3.3-5 (main) from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68501402:04
osmosisis there a way to write all 0's to all unused space on my HD?02:51
patdk-laposmosis, zerofree :)02:52
patdk-lapor the slow way, dd if=/dev/zero of=temp bs=1M02:53
=== shennyg_ is now known as shennyg
osmosispatdk-lap, hmm...but my partition size is 500GB with 1.9GB used.  qcow2 file is 80GB.  creating the tmp file would fill up the whole 500GB, which seems a bit overboard.02:56
patdk-lapyou never said how you wanted to do it, you just asked how to do it :)02:57
patdk-lapuse zerofree02:57
patdk-lapbetter question gets a better answer :)02:57
=== shennyg_ is now known as shennyg
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere
osmosishow do I view the changelog for a package before installing the update?03:55
patdk-lapthe last change? or all changes?03:58
ZacLnxNewbWhat would be best for logging the ip addresses of anyone who visits my server?04:51
ZacLnxNewbthe website, to be exact?04:51
patdk-lapyour webserver :)04:55
patdk-lapI know, that is why I answered your question04:55
ZacLnxNewbpatdk-lap: I mean, which piece of software would be best to run on the server to record ip addresses of visitors?04:57
ZacLnxNewbI don't plan on misusing  this information or anything04:57
ZacLnxNewbjust curious04:57
patdk-lapyour webserver04:57
arrrghhhdive deeper man!04:57
patdk-lapyour webserver is the best software to use to log the ip of peple using your website :)04:57
ZacLnxNewbpatdk-lap: So it automatically does it?   or are you trolling me? :p04:58
patdk-lapyou mean to parse the logs of ips and find out what people do? or something more?04:58
patdk-lapcause your question to just log ip's, it does by default04:58
ZacLnxNewbnah, just record ip addresses of any connection to a file04:59
ZacLnxNewb"this ip conneted"04:59
ZacLnxNewb"this ip connected"04:59
ZacLnxNewbso on04:59
patdk-lapwhat webserver do you use?04:59
ZacLnxNewbpatdk-lap: ubuntu 10.1005:06
patdk-lapok, so you use that os, but what webserver? :(05:06
patdk-lapapache, lighttpd, ngix, ..............05:06
arrrghhhi'm going to bet apache05:07
arrrghhh$10 on apache!05:07
patdk-lapdhttpd, thttpd, ......05:07
ZacLnxNewbpatdk-lap: apache05:09
patdk-lapcheck the access logs in /var/log/apache2/05:09
arrrghhhZacLnxNewb, $10 please :P05:10
ZacLnxNewbpatdk-lap: spectacular. :D05:10
ZacLnxNewbarrrghhh: Psh, you probably could just look it up easily using who is or something05:10
ZacLnxNewband my deluge torrent server won't save the port settings for some reason05:10
arrrghhhhaha i was just jokin05:11
arrrghhhdidn't do any pokin around tho.05:11
arrrghhhi'd say apache is probably the most popular05:11
patdk-lapapache is what is installed by default when a webserver is needed by something else05:11
ZacLnxNewbI use it as a print/web/sftp/file server05:12
ZacLnxNewband at the moment, I'm sing my main page to auto-redirect traffic to the wikileaks ip address05:12
ZacLnxNewbdefinitely lol05:13
ZacLnxNewbdeluge web ui won't save the port settings05:14
ZacLnxNewbthey don't stick05:14
arrrghhhhrm.  i use rtorrent... sorry.05:14
arrrghhh<insert rtorrent ftw statement here>05:14
arrrghhhit was a pain to learn, i'll admit it.  but i freakin love it now that i took the time to learn it.05:16
arrrghhhi used torrentflux before, and the webui felt very disconnected from the actual torrent applications running underneath... plus, 1 torrent 1 process is not cool.05:17
ZacLnxNewbarrrghhh:  what do you think of my action towards wikileaks?05:17
ZacLnxNewbarrrghhh: yeah, multiple processes sounds like a pain in the ass05:17
ZacLnxNewbI just accidently used the fword talking to my mother05:18
arrrghhhno comment dude, on all of it :P05:18
ZacLnxNewbarrrghhh: Well, I've been hanging out with the guys all night05:20
ZacLnxNewbshe really doesn't care, it slipped and I generally don't use it05:20
ZacLnxNewbarrrghhh: no comment on wikileaks?  that a negative connotation?05:20
arrrghhheh you take it as you wish.05:23
arrrghhhbest part about no comment.  you're not sure if i'm pleading the 5th or what ;)05:23
ZacLnxNewbI believe in openness and free speech. :D05:24
ZacLnxNewbI don't think it's an appropriate response that people are basically disabling their website05:24
ZacLnxNewbI'm trying to help. :D05:24
sunitI am trying to use ubuntu 8.04 LTS06:57
Cromulentoh good06:58
sunitIf I install gnome with apt-get install ubuntu-desktop , will there be any problem ?06:58
sunitbecuase I have installed 8.04 LTS server in one machine06:59
sunitthen installed gnome . some days everything was ok06:59
sunitlater I am getting error that gnome is not automatically loaded07:00
sunitI have to give startx command to login into gnome desktop07:01
sunitI am getting error : Failed to initiaze HAL07:01
sunitafter giving ok in that error box , I am logging into desktop07:02
sunitcan anybody tell me , where is the problem ?07:02
sunitand what shall I do ?07:03
linze10.10 is the latest07:04
linzebtw good morning all07:04
[diablo]anyone have any idea why the virtual kernel has no NFS support09:41
WeyrlingHi. Running Ubuntu-Server 10.04 (LTS) with Apache2/PHP5. PHP has suddenly stopped interpreting .php files and instead the source gets served by Apache. Believe server was running fine before last 'apt-get upgrade' (Yesterday), but can't be 100% sure since PHP isn't used everywhere in the server. PHP files are served with type: application/x-httpd-php, FastCGI of PHP fails also. Perl CGI works fine though. Anyone else experienc09:56
Weyrlinging similiar problems or have an idea?09:56
WeyrlingHave made sure that libapache2-mod-php5 is installed and a2enmod'ed into Apache. Also Apache reports on start up that 'PHP' module is loaded.09:58
WeyrlingAlso have removed the <IfModule mod_userdir.c> entry from php5.conf also, tried running apt-get --reinstall on apache2, php module and php itself earlier as well. Just starting to run out of ideas now.10:00
WeyrlingActually nvm, not sure if I re-installed Apache itself. But PHP and the PHP modules at any rate. Apache itself is running just fine otherwise.10:02
jgouldI'm getting no such device when I try to mount an NFS share.  Any ideas?10:16
qman__Weyrling, check the checksums on your php binaries, or the package downloads in /var/cache/apt/archives10:28
qman__I've seen bad downloads cause this problem before10:28
Weyrlingqman__: Thanks, will need to check that. Is there an easy way to do that or do I need to go hunting for the checksums, etc?10:35
qman__well, the package's sum should be easy to find, but the binaries not so much10:35
qman__you'd have to find a known good system10:35
WeyrlingHmm, well the debsums program reports the Apache modules a-ok at least. I also cleared the cache and re-downloaded and re-installed php5, php5common, libapache2-mod-php5, libapache-mod-fastcgi but it doesn't seem to have helped.10:48
WeyrlingDid the same for Apache itself as well now. It seems like that for some reason the PHP interpreter isn't invoked at all when a .php file is attempted accessed, but instead it just gets served as a normal file. The PHP executables themselves don't seem to error when I start them.. and the modules get loaded fine. It's as if there'd be something wrong with the settings but I hadn't touched them before the problem began. The PHP10:55
Weyrlingmodule loads up fine and mod_fastcgi also... They just don't catch on, even though the file type seems set correctly too (application/x-http-php or so).10:55
WeyrlingAh, rewriting into the mod_php5 specific AddType/AddHandler values seems to have enabled it partially for the site now at least. Will see if it helps for the rest of it too..11:03
WeyrlingWell buh, something in the updates apparently had made it so that I had to do an explicit +ExecCGI instead of just ExecCGI on the FastCGI handler. Well, fine enough for me though, site seems to be working again.11:18
WeyrlingAlright, good luck everyone else then, I'm off.11:42
paddy__I am trying to set up ufw but it seems to block all connections and will not log anyting. I am sure I have got the rules set up right. ufw status works show 22/tcp alow in anywhere and I have set logging to full yet nothing is hapening. as soon as i disable the firewall i can ftp and ssh again (i have done a rule for ftp). I realy have  no idear what is whrong.13:18
ruben23 hi guys any sugested firewall application for linux..? which is GUI- i can install directly.13:23
Cromulentruben23: just use ufw if you want a simple firewall13:25
ruben23how about application13:26
Cromulentruben23: just learn ufw13:27
CromulentI doubt it will take longer than 2 minutes to set it up13:28
paddy__Cromulent: unless you are me, do you think you could help with my problem posted earlyer?13:30
Cromulentpaddy__: what does "sudo ufw status verbose" tell you?13:32
ikoniapaddy__: can you telnet to the ports13:35
paddy__that it is active, logging is on full, defaults are deny in allow out13:35
paddy__and rules are as previously stated13:35
paddy__what does new profiles: skip mean?13:35
paddy__Cromulent: ikonia ^13:36
Cromulentpaddy__: paste the output13:36
paddy__here or bin?13:36
ikoniapaddy__: deny out ?13:36
ikoniapaddy__: you know your appllications need to respond too13:36
paddy__allow out13:36
ikoniadeny in ?13:36
paddy__ikonia: yes13:37
ikoniapaddy__: you need "allow in" to hit the port13:37
ikoniapaddy__: to ssh in - that is an incoming connection13:37
paddy__ikonia: the defaults are deny with alow in for 22 and 2113:38
Cromulentpaddy__: your output should look something like this http://pastebin.com/RUUDyumr13:38
ikoniapaddy__: you know it's iptables, so the allow needs to be before the deny13:38
paddy__ikonia: the output is the same13:39
paddy__Cromulent: ^13:40
ikoniapaddy__: output is the same as what ?13:40
ikoniapaddy__: can you telnet to port 22 ?13:41
paddy__ikonia: it is the same is Cromulents output13:41
ikoniapaddy__: can you telnet to port 22 ?13:41
paddy__ikonia: from local or remote?13:41
ikoniapaddy__: try both, see if they differ13:41
ikoniathey shouldn't13:41
paddy__connecting to server failed13:43
paddy__what server should i telnet to from server?13:44
ikoniawhat ?13:44
ikoniapaddy__: show me the commands you're using, exactly13:44
paddy__the bad server is remote13:44
ikoniapaddy__: show me the exact commands you're using13:45
paddy__ikonia: cant go out13:45
ikoniapaddy__: show me the exact commands you're using13:45
paddy__firewall is blocking everything13:45
ikoniapaddy__: show me the exact commands you're using13:45
paddy__telnet google 8013:45
ikoniaand that's being blocked ?13:45
paddy__works on my machine13:45
paddy__but not on server13:46
joschilooks abit incomplete to me13:46
ikoniapaddy__: on the server, to "iptables -L" and pastebin it please13:46
paddy__fatal module ip_tables not found13:47
paddy__ikonia: i guess thats bad13:47
Cromulentpaddy__: you need to use sudo13:47
ikoniaerrrr not sure how you have a working firewall13:47
ikoniaahh yes13:47
ikoniasorry, I take that for granted, sudo iptables -L13:47
Cromulentpaddy__: can you actually paste the output of sudo ufw status verbose too? because the output you just posted does not have any allow rules13:51
ikoniapaddy__: and if you stop the firewall, you can telnet to google.com on port 80 ?13:51
paddy__ikonia: tenet works if i disable ufw13:53
ikoniawhat was that last paste you sent me13:54
paddy__starting ufw i just got ERROR: problem running ufw-init13:54
paddy__http://pastebin.com/0E4JePeZ is status verbose13:54
ikoniapaddy__: ok, so that is the firewall active, but you can't do anything with it out going ?13:55
jdstrandpaddy__: can you do: 'sudo ufw disable ; sudo /lib/ufw/ufw-init start' and paste the output?13:55
paddy__Skip starting firewall: ufw (not enabled)13:56
jdstrandoh duh13:56
jdstrandpaddy__: can you do: sudo ufw enable ; sudo /lib/ufw/ufw-init stop ; /lib/ufw/ufw-init start' and paste the output?13:56
paddy__how do i pipe all of that to a file jdstrand13:58
jdstrandpaddy__: I really only need the last command, so just add '> /tmp/out' to the end.13:59
paddy__load of errors in prev commands14:00
paddy__last one is problem running /etc/ufw/before.rules14:00
paddy__problem running /etc/ufw after.rules14:00
paddy__problem running 'lib/ufw/user.rules14:01
jdstrandpaddy__: can you put "sudo sh -c '/lib/ufw/ufw-init stop ; /lib/ufw/ufw-init start' > /tmp/out" into a pastebin?14:02
jdstrandpaddy__: well, the contents of /tmp/out that is14:02
jdstrandyou probably need 2>&1 at the end of that14:02
paddy__still same14:04
jdstrandpaddy__: can you paste the output?14:05
paddy__jdstrand: 2> is http://pastebin.com/QQguzdm114:08
paddy__2>&1 prints everything to scren14:08
jdstrandpaddy__: can you run: 'sudo /usr/share/ufw/check-requirements' and paste the output14:10
paddy__irssi just saved me, i almost pasted the whole thing here instaed of the url, whoops14:14
jdstrandpaddy__: that is not the output of check-requirements14:14
jdstrandpaddy__: your kernel doesn't have the required configuration to run ufw14:16
paddy__jdstrand: how fix?14:17
jdstrandpaddy__: recompile your kernel or use a standard Ubuntu kernel14:17
paddy__how do i change to a standard ubuntu kernel?14:18
jdstrandpaddy__: do you own this machine or is it a hosted environment?14:18
paddy__i am on a vps14:18
paddy__jdstrand: but I have serial acces14:19
paddy__jdstrand: which is why when i killed ssh connections i was ok14:19
jdstrandpaddy__: you need to talk to your VPS and show them the output of the check-requirements command. it is possible they will tell you 'no' at which point you must use standard iptables with simple rules14:19
paddy__jdstrand: can I not change the kernel?14:20
jdstrandpaddy__: if you must go to standard iptables, please use 'sudo ufw disable' first14:20
jdstrandpaddy__: I don't know. you need to talk to your VPS14:20
ruben23hi guys where i can find the iptables file of ubuntu server..?14:20
paddy__jdstrand: is there no easy way to do it?14:20
jdstrandpaddy__: you have to be able to reboot the machine and select a kernel. the VPS provides the kernel. you need to talk to them14:21
paddy__jdstrand: I can do that, in grub?14:21
jdstrandpaddy__: possibly. but aiui most VPS control the kernels in use for security reasons14:23
joschipaddy__: what kind of virtualization is being used?14:24
ruben23guy can i manipulate directl from iptables on ubntu server..?14:25
joschipaddy__: if it's OS-level virtualization (e. g. openvz, virtuozzo, linux-vserver, ...) you can't change the kernel or load custom modules14:25
paddy__joschi: openvz14:49
paddy__I cancled my vps14:49
ikoniathat's a big step to take14:50
paddy__ikonia: it was only a toy ;)14:55
xperiahello to all. somehow i am not able to do "sudo do-release-upgrade" it breaks allways with error message15:01
xperia/usr/bin/dpkg returned a error code15:01
xperiaYour system is unusable ? can somebody help me with this ?15:01
ikoniaxperia: was it up to date before you did do-release-upgrade15:03
ikoniaxperia: what process have you followed for the upgrade15:03
xperiaikonia: yes it was full up to date and it worked 100% but i have did a system clean with the ubucleaner script that remove some stuff from the server like not used linux kernels and got then before the upgrade allways the error message that smething with the linux kernel thing is not right when i performed a sudo apt-get upgrade15:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #685201 in squid (main) "shutdown_lifetime setting behavior does not match doc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68520115:06
xperiaand now the release upgrade also breaks at same problem it say15:06
ikoniaubucleaner ? where di you get that15:06
xperiafrom the net it is like ccleaner but for ubuntu.15:06
ikoniathat's not an ubuntu package, and you don't know what it does15:07
ikoniawhy did you not just clean the machine yourself15:07
xperiamake a search on google ubucleaner think i got it from opendesktop15:07
ikoniaI have no idea why you would run untrusted scripts like that15:07
xperiawell needed somethign automatic and did not know that something like this exist in ubuntu15:07
ikonia"needed" ? what makes you think y ou needed to "clean" you ubuntu machine15:08
xperiawell the release upgrade breaks becouse of ubuntu-linux-modules-2.6.24-19-server15:09
ikoniabreaks in what way15:09
xperialooks like package manager has problems like before the upgrade15:09
xperiaabout this modules that were probably removed15:10
ikoniathe package manager had a problem before the upgrade ?15:10
ikoniaso you knew the package manager had a problem, and you still did a distribution upgrade ?15:10
xperiaikonia yes it right it complained about the same thing. thinked with a upgrade it will solve the problem but it does not.15:11
xperianeeded free space on the disk15:11
xperiahow can i fix this package manager problem becouse of the deleted modules probably ?15:11
ikoniasorry, that's just a crazy approach, the core component that controls package installation is having a problem, I'll use the problematic package to upgrade it's self15:11
ikoniaxperia: re-install the package that deleted the modules15:12
ikoniathat contained the deleted modules15:12
xperiaso i would need to install the linux server kernel 2.6.24-19 probably ?15:12
xperiaokay let me looks if i can find it15:13
ikoniaif that contains the modules you deleted, then yes15:13
xperiaikonia_ i get this error here15:31
xperiaFATAL: Could not open '/boot/System.map-2.6.24-19-server': No such file or directory15:31
xperiawhat does this mean ? this is my file list of /boot http://paste-bin.com/view/db4b29e515:31
ikoniaxperia: it means the file is not there15:32
xperiaany possibility to fix that easy so dpkg dont search anymore for it15:32
ikoniaxperia: remove the package, and re-add it15:42
xperiaikonia: just have fixed the problem now. needed only to create this missing file with touch and now everything works like it should. thank you a lot for your very friendfull help15:44
ikoniaxperia: well done15:44
ikonianice trick on dpkg15:44
=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy
ikoniaRoyK: what do you want me to do with that ?17:02
* RoyK is just grinning17:11
veovis_muaddibikonia: I expect he's bragging about the available space17:19
ikoniaoh, a pointless post17:20
osmosiswith kvm, im getting the error  "Could not initialize SDL - exiting". What does that mean?17:38
patdk-laphow can I go about putting nfs in fstab, without having mountall hang on boot when the network cable isn't plugged in?18:01
RoyKpatdk-lap: autofs?18:24
ivoksthere's also an additional option for nfs in fstab, iirc18:28
ivoks              (used to prevent the  system  from  attempting  to  mount  these18:29
ivoks              filesystems until the network has been enabled on the system).18:29
patdk-laproyk, no, autofs isn't a solution18:29
garymcHi Guys anyone know how I would install Mcrypt for php?18:29
ivoksgarymc: apt-get install php5-mcrypt18:30
patdk-lapivoks, but _netdev isn't a flag I'm suppost to give it, it's something that mount does internally for network filesystems18:30
garymcivoks and is that it?18:30
ivoksgarymc: yes18:30
garymcdo i need to configure anything?18:30
garymccool. My php programmer has asked for it. Whats it for?18:31
ivokspatdk-lap: that option is explicity for that as far as i understand18:31
patdk-lapI can't find _netdev in the man pages18:31
ivoksman mount18:31
ivoksgarymc: http://www.php.net/manual/en/intro.mcrypt.php18:32
garymcivoks that didnt seem to work18:33
ivoksgarymc: it works18:34
ivoksgarymc: but your question wasn't complete18:34
garymci typed "apt-get install php5-mcrypt and it didnt install anything18:34
ivoksgarymc: it should've been 'what do i have to do to enable mcrypt module in apache's mod-php'18:34
garymcoh.....what do i have to do to enable mcrypt module in apache's mod-php18:34
ivoksthen it's already installed18:34
garymchow do I know its already installed?18:35
ivoksdpkg -l | grep php5-mcrypt18:35
garymcAhh it says so18:35
patdk-lapivoks, still hangs at mountall with _netdev18:35
ivokswhen you install php plugin18:35
garymcok so do I need to enable it or something?18:36
ivoksit's available for php, but you have to remember that apache needs to reload the php module to pick up all the new plugins18:36
ivoksso, restart apache18:36
ivokspatdk-lap: are you mounting /home maybe?18:36
patdk-lapI'm mounting /var/www/virtual18:36
ivoksthen that's a bug18:38
patdk-lapusing lucid 10.04 installed today :) all updated18:38
ivoksstill a bug18:39
ivoksit should obey _netdev18:39
ivoks_netdev is irrelevant on cifs and nfs shares. And mountall understands _netdev.18:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 504224 in mountall "NFS mounts at boot time prevent boot or print spurious errors" [Medium,Fix released]18:41
ivoksNote that you can get around the recovery shell by using the "nobootwait" option it /etc/fstab for /home.18:42
patdk-lapI tried nobootwait, optional, bootwait, _netdev18:43
patdk-lapnone fixed it18:43
patdk-lapand this is for /var/www/virtual, not /home18:43
ivoksask in #upstart :)18:44
patdk-lapheh :)18:45
ivoksnote that it's saturday18:46
patdk-lapbut there are 23 users :)18:47
patdk-lapand I did read that bug report and comments like 3 times before I asked :)18:47
resnoive got a question about setting up raid and lvm :)19:04
resnoive got a 2TB drive and a 1TB drive. can i parition the 2TB into 1TB sections and use raid5?19:04
cokegenresno: I'm not that into raid, but it would miss the point19:12
cokegenyou can almost do anything with software raid19:13
cokegen(I could be wrong however)19:13
resnocokegen: i know its mising the point, but i dont really want to backup stuff, i just want to protect my data from a failed drive when using lvm19:16
patdk-lapresno, that won't protect anything :)19:22
patdk-lapif the 1tb goes down, your protected19:22
patdk-lapif the 2tb goes down, your screwed19:23
patdk-lapso using the 1tb is pointless, and using raid5 is just going slow down the 2tb drive19:23
patdk-lapand cause the 2tb drive to seek like nuts19:23
joehi , anyone can private help ?19:24
resnopatdk-lap: so whats the solution to my problem?19:24
patdk-lapdon't do it :)19:24
resnowhat should i do?19:25
patdk-lapmake a 1tb partition on the 2tb drive, use raid1 on that 1tb drive and the 1tb partition on the 2tb drive19:25
patdk-lapyou have redundant 1tb now19:25
patdk-lapand you can do whatever yo uwant with the extra 1tb on the 2tb drive19:25
resnoi dont really care about data redundancy though19:25
resnoi need the space more so then the redundancy19:26
patdk-lap" i just want to protect my data from a failed drive when using lvm"19:26
patdk-lapthat is redundancy19:26
resnothe whole thing of having 2 drives that could fail and ruin it all is scaring me19:26
patdk-lapwell, everything you said, will loose all your data if either fail19:27
patdk-lapwell, the 2tb is ok, you would be ok19:27
patdk-lapbut if the 2tb fails, you loose all19:27
patdk-lapand you don't gain any space19:27
patdk-lapso it's moot19:28
resnoi wouldnt gain the extra space on that?19:28
patdk-lapon what?19:28
patdk-laphow does using raid5 over 3 1tb drives (2tb usable) give you more space than 2tb drive?19:28
resnoparitioning each drive to 1TB and raiding it?19:28
resnooh ok19:28
patdk-lapyour solution is to use each drive as it's own drive19:29
patdk-lapif you want all space, and don't caare about redundancy19:29
patdk-lapthen whatever drive fails you loose, but not the other19:29
resnoso not using lvm?19:30
patdk-lapnot sure19:30
patdk-lapI normally just put lvm on each drive19:30
patdk-lapI think if you lvm both drives together into one lvm, it makes a raid0 out of it, givin you the issue again19:30
patdk-lapbut I have never done that, so19:30
resnoso lets just say i dump the lvm19:31
resnoand install each drive alone...19:31
resnohow do i get data to start using it?19:31
patdk-lapget data?19:31
resnohow i instruct the server to use that space19:32
cokegenif you ask me, I'd prefeer doing 2 single backups on those different disks19:32
patdk-lapanything you normally would do with a drive19:32
patdk-lapya, I would do a raid1 if 1tb over them19:32
resnoive never done anything like this... so this is all new19:32
patdk-lapthen use the 1tb unprotected for junk19:33
patdk-lapyou hav enever installed a harddrive? usb stick? cdrom? :)19:33
cokegennever did software raid19:33
resnonever did software raid19:33
patdk-lapwe aren't talking about software raid at all19:33
resnoand this is my first time messing with adding anew drive since the fresh install19:33
patdk-lapcause everytime I give you the options, you say, no19:33
cokegenif I were you I'd just backup things twice19:34
* patdk-lap wonders back to ospf land19:34
resnoive already just about tapped out the 1TB drive i have running. so im looking to increase my data storage19:34
patdk-laphe wants what every mythtv user wants, but I haven't found one that is reliable19:35
patdk-lapseperate harddrives with seperate fs's on them19:35
patdk-lapbut mount them as one large drive19:36
cokegendrbd is another option19:36
patdk-lapno raid, if one drive dies, you loose that info, but not everything19:36
resnoyes, thats exactly what i want...19:36
cokegensorry, drdb would be: http://www.drbd.org/19:36
cokegenhave some friends using it on production servers and work like a charm19:36
patdk-lapdrbd is more data redundancy19:36
cokegenyeah, on another machine, I know19:37
patdk-lapresno said he didn't want redundancy19:37
cokegenzfs over fuse ?19:37
cokegenif you want to trade off some performance19:37
patdk-lapnever thought zfs was reliable19:37
cokegenit is, just that you loose a good deal of performance19:38
patdk-lapthere are like 3 different fuse things to do this, each of them failed horrible for me19:38
resnoim looking for a solution to maximize the space on the new drive and previous one19:38
patdk-lapjust format and mount them, done :)19:38
cokegenresno: mind that there's no perfect solution to every problem19:38
resnocokegen: ive learned that19:39
cokegenwhy not 2 copies with rsync over the 2 disks ?19:39
cokegenI mean, if you just need backups19:40
cokegenif you need to actively use that space it wont work19:40
patdk-laprsync? backups?19:41
cokegenwell, he isn't 100% clear on what he want19:41
patdk-laphe wants to have 3tb of drive space19:41
patdk-laphe doesn't want backups19:41
cokegenjust giving him some ideas19:41
patdk-laphe wants as many files as possible to be working, if one fails19:42
resnoi like lvm, but dont like the danger it presents19:42
cokegenlvm in itself is not a danger19:42
cokegenbut trying to have 3 tb on those 2 disks ONLY is19:43
cokegenjust taht19:43
cokegenwant security, use zfs, or raid 119:43
cokegen(some level of security)19:43
patdk-lapthe mythtv people worked around it by just mountingeach drive as it's own drive19:43
cokegenthink on a failing power source too as a point of failure19:43
patdk-lapthen having the myth software write to whatever drive has the most free space19:44
cokegenis what I told him19:44
cokegenjust mount each drive separately19:44
resnopatdk-lap: ill look at what myth pepole setup then19:44
cokegenno FS will save you if the power source fails real bad (and it happens)19:45
resnoyou guys server admins?19:45
cokegenI kinda am19:45
cokegenthat's why I'm telling you, there's always more than one way to do things19:46
cokegenin that department at least19:46
resnoyea, lvm seems like a great solution...19:47
cokegenI use it19:47
cokegenit's cool to grow19:47
resnobut i dont like the concept of any one driving failing and everything crashing19:47
cokegenwith reiserfs you can even grow your fs on the fly without unmounting19:47
cokegencan't you have another machine and go backing up once a day ?19:48
cokegenI found THAT to be the most reliable solution on small setups, really19:48
cokegenthat way you only use one disk and the cost is low19:49
cokegenin the worst case you loose a day of work or less19:49
cokegenif raid fails you need to recover19:49
joeanyone familiar with linux vps + ubuntu ?19:49
cokegenit's a pain in the ass19:49
resnocokegen: i do have another machine i can back up to but it doesnt have that much space19:50
cokegenadd there another disk19:50
cokegenproblem solved19:50
cokegenyou can't have security without spending some money19:50
cokegennot with only 2 disks19:50
patdk-lapheh? everyhing I think supports growing the fs on the fly while mounted, ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs19:50
cokegenno, ext3 doesn't19:51
cokegenyou have to unmount first19:51
cokegennot sure ext319:51
cokegenand xfs19:51
patdk-lapI grow ext3 all the time mounted19:51
cokegenI'm 99.5% sure you can't do that19:51
cokegenI'll google it19:52
cokegenthat's one of the good points of reiser btw19:52
joeanyone can help with linux vps + ubuntu karmic19:52
patdk-lapman resize2fs19:52
patdk-lap"The resize2fs program will resize ext2, ext3, or ext4 file systems.  It can be used to enlarge or shrink an unmounted file system19:52
patdk-lap       located on device.  If the filesystem is mounted, it can be used to expand the size of the mounted filesystem, assuming the  kernel  supports  on-line resizing."19:52
patdk-lapbeen using it for like 4 years now19:53
cokegenI don't know if it's safe19:54
Nafallokarmic? building on a version that's only supported for another few months?19:54
cokegenbut it's a good thing to know if you say it's working19:54
cokegenI read somewhere that online resizing with extX was not safe19:58
patdk-lapdid you happen to notice the date it said that?19:58
cokegenbut it seems that it works19:58
resnojoe: what kinda help ?19:58
patdk-lapI know years and years ago, it wasn't19:58
osmosisif I do   sudo rm file , then realize a made a mistake, ..is there a way to undo?19:59
cokegenyeah, probably years ago19:59
cokegen2 to 3 years19:59
resnoosmosis: i think its gone when you erase it19:59
cokegenagain, good thing to know19:59
cokegenpatdk-lap: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/extendlv.html20:01
cokegenthat's were I read it :P20:01
cokegenold docs20:01
cokegenand it was dangerous on etch which was the distro I was using at the time20:01
patdk-lapya, that was pre-200620:02
patdk-lapin 2006 resize2fs online resizing was added20:02
cokegenosmosis: unmount as that partition as quick as you can and try some utils in the system rescue cd @ http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page20:03
cokegenin reality, I'm going back to linux20:03
cokegenso there are things I need to "refresh"20:03
cokegenwas tired with the lack of hardware support on the desktop and well, the other day tried a maverick livecd and everything was working20:05
cokegenseems the perfect time for a comeback20:05
patdk-lapheh, I've been using ubuntu since feisty20:05
patdk-lapand using slackware since '9520:05
cokegenI was started in '95 too20:05
cokegenwith an infomagic cd set20:06
patdk-lapI have one slackware system still running20:06
cokegenhad slackware, debian and red hat plus a mirror of some ftp's20:06
cokegenand in 2000 or 2001 was sick of always having to do stuff to normally work20:06
cokegenso I went to windows on the desktop, never for servers, but to work I only needed putty and that was it20:07
cokegenand well, the ubuntu pple did a great job polishing stuff20:07
cokegenis really almost there20:07
patdk-lapthe only thing that kept me off unix for desktop, was the ungodly amount of screen space X used20:08
cokegenthe flash player is the only thing that I can't make it work 100% ok20:08
patdk-lapuse noflash :)20:08
cokegenyes, I know20:08
cokegenit's more of a security concern these days20:08
cokegenanyway, when I go to youtube it doesn't work ok20:09
cokegenfullscreen hangs, and other problems20:09
cokegenanyway, it's a proprietary piece of shit20:09
cokegenI'll not blame linux this time20:09
cokegenadobe should work on an open source player ... it's good for everyone, and no one but them will be able to reproduce something like flash to work on20:10
cokegenbut it will open the door to proper implementations on different OS's and that kind of stuff20:11
cokegensucks always having that one little problem that's too big to do the switch20:11
cokegenI do web development so I care about flash ... have to20:11
qman__did you try with a different browser? flash was unusable in firefox for me, but in chromium it's ~98%20:13
qman__stutters sometimes but watching videos works fine20:13
cokegenhave to test chromium20:15
cokegenis that I just installed maverick on my other machine20:15
cokegenwas trying everything on a liveusb with persistence20:15
cokegento actually see if it was worth the shot20:15
cokegenworth the try20:15
cokegen(my english is not that good, sorry ;-)20:16
cokegenI really like chromium/chrome but there's nothing like firefox/firebug to do web development20:17
cokegenneither opera nor chrome are good in that regard20:18
Dibbler__Evening all , I need 2 dhcp servers on the same subnet , which are physically 2 networks connected by a "TUN" . Is there a comprehensive document somewhere i can read through so i don't overlook anything . A dhcp on either side of the tun needs to assign ip's from diffrerent pools to machines on their respective sides. I would need to block packets with requests , to pass over the tun i would think , probably more to it .. Atm i have it set up funct20:20
Dibbler__i said tun didn't I .. i meant TAP20:22
cokegenDibbler__: what about just blocking 68 from trespassing the tun ?20:22
cokegenbc each dhcp should reply only requests from each side20:22
cokegenso, I say just do some iptables magic and block 68 (or whatever port dhcp is running, can't remember) from going from one side to the other20:23
NafalloDibbler__: sounds like it would be easier to use subnetting and routing. are there a reason that's not an option?20:23
Dibbler__thats how it is running now20:23
cokegenof course, if the machines are in the same subnet that is bc the machines have to work together20:24
Nafallosubnets have nothing to do with reachability20:24
Dibbler__they are communicating fine :)20:24
cokegenDibbler__, what about blocking 68 from one side to the other ?20:24
Dibbler__it's flippin windows20:24
Dibbler__i don't want to change all the firewall rules on all the computers to include other subnets for filesharing20:25
NafalloDibbler__: so... if it's working now, I have to ask what you're trying to achieve?20:25
cokegenyou don't have to20:25
Dibbler__like i said20:25
cokegenyou have to just block 68 from one side to the other20:25
cokegenis that possible ?20:25
Dibbler__the fact it's reachable and routing nicely doen't mean disocovery works etc20:26
Dibbler__it's not ,20:26
Dibbler__i cant block traffic from one side to the other20:26
Dibbler__well i could20:26
Dibbler__but that would only block replies20:26
Dibbler__i can block 68 .. but to where20:27
Dibbler__they don't have an ip atthat point20:27
NafalloDibbler__: block on the interface level20:27
Nafallonot ip20:27
cokegenwhat links that "TUN" ?20:27
Dibbler__i could block outgoing 68 yes20:27
cokegen2 linux boxes ?20:27
Dibbler__yes 2 ununtu servers20:28
cokegenwell, do an iptables rule to block 68 from one side to the other20:28
cokegenproblem solved20:28
Dibbler__i could block 68 from both mac's to their respective other sides20:28
cokegenyou have one dhcp server on each side20:28
Dibbler__well side would mean machine in this case20:28
Dibbler__since there are no "sides"20:28
Dibbler__dince it's tun20:29
cokegenone or more machines20:29
Dibbler__and therefore bridged20:29
Dibbler__and 1 interface20:29
cokegenyou're right20:29
Dibbler__so on some level i would need to deny packets .. lvl 3 with a specific header from crossing over20:30
Dibbler__that's not firewall stuff20:30
Dibbler__thats above20:31
cokegencan't you configure the dchp server on each side to assign a different pool range ?20:31
cokegenthat way you can completely block 68 from each side and no ip address would overlap20:31
Dibbler__oh yes i can20:32
cokegenmachines still communicating etc etc20:32
Dibbler__but imagine a machine with no fixed address20:32
Dibbler__being connected20:32
Dibbler__why would any of the dhcp's think it's his to give an ip to20:32
cokegendon't understand ...20:33
Dibbler__take a switch , connect 2 dhcp servers20:33
Dibbler__connect a client20:33
Dibbler__which one will give the ip20:33
Dibbler__theres no difference20:33
Dibbler__when using tap20:33
qman__you have two ubuntu machines with tap or tun interfaces20:33
Dibbler__i want to use tap20:34
qman__you simply need to block packets on 67:68 from going through those interfaces20:34
Dibbler__i am using tun20:34
cokegenyou need some physical separation20:34
Dibbler__there is only 1 interface20:34
Dibbler__the bridged one20:34
qman__iptables -A OUTPUT -o tun0 --sport 67:68 -j DROP20:34
qman__something like that20:34
Dibbler__thee is no traffic20:35
cokegenbut if you connnect everything to a switch then there are no "sides"20:35
Dibbler__the tap is a bridge20:35
Dibbler__there are no sides20:35
qman__Dibbler__, you apply the rule to your bridging interfaec20:35
qman__it still works20:35
qman__you just create the rule based on the interface, not the IP20:36
Dibbler__but output from where20:36
Dibbler__the input and output are both tap20:36
qman__it doesn't matter20:36
Dibbler__there is no firewall involvement20:36
qman__yes, there is20:36
qman__it is an interface, the firewall applies20:36
qman__it doesn't matter what kind of magic it's performing to bridge the networks, there are still two tap interfaces20:37
Dibbler__if you put a 68 67 frop on eth020:37
qman__and you can still filter traffic on those tap interfaces20:37
Dibbler__what is going to prevent 2 computers from using it20:37
qman__you don't use eth020:37
Dibbler__you can't20:37
qman__you use tap020:37
qman__yes, you can20:37
qman__I use a tap interface with openvpn, the firewall still applies20:38
Dibbler__there is no difference between it being eth0 or tap20:38
Dibbler__i would need to filter on level 320:38
Dibbler__the actual requests20:38
qman__it's not as complicated as you're making it20:38
cokegenwhy not redirect all traffic through separate interfaces ?20:38
Dibbler__then i would need diff subnets20:38
Dibbler__and thats how it works now20:38
qman__just because the networks are bridged doesn't mean the interfaces go away20:39
qman__you can still filter traffic20:39
cokegenno, bc you can block just dhcp20:39
enquoraI'm having trouble with a borked package installed from a ppa.    aptitude purge problem package list  is intended to remove data and configure files as well as uninstall, right?20:39
Dibbler__there is only 1 interface qman20:39
Dibbler__rules need a source and a dest20:39
qman__no, they don't20:39
qman__you can simply drop all traffic from anywhere to anywhere on the DHCP ports20:40
cokegenhow not qman__ ?20:40
qman__on your VPN interface20:40
cokegenanywhere IS a source or a dest20:40
Dibbler__anywhere to anywhere20:40
qman__and that solves the problem20:40
Dibbler__there is no to20:40
qman__it doesn't matter whether you're using bridging or tunneling, it'll work20:40
Dibbler__if you make a bridge there are no filters between the interfaces on an ip level20:41
qman__enquora, purge removes all configuration files as well as the package20:42
qman__Dibbler__, yes there are20:42
cokegenDibbler__ is right20:42
qman__just because it's not routed doesn't mean you can't filter it20:42
cokegena bridge is like connecting those 2 int to a switch20:42
cokegenphysical separation is not possible20:42
qman__the traffic still passes through the interface, and netfilter still processes it20:42
Dibbler__netfilter does ipx now does it ..20:43
qman__who said anything about ipx?20:43
Dibbler__just now20:43
Dibbler__becaus ethat will pass on a bridge20:43
Nafallowait. what are you trying to achieve again?20:45
Dibbler__1 subnet on 2 physical locatiuons connected through a tap20:46
Dibbler__i need a dhcp on both sides20:46
qman__even if netfilter doesn't process the ipx traffic, the traffic is still going through an interface20:46
qman__and netfilter can still filter it20:46
Nafalloand why do you need to block dhcp at all?20:46
qman__I have a configuration this way20:46
qman__it works20:46
Nafallojust make each dhcp server serve half the subnet?20:46
cokegenyeah, that's what I said Nafallo20:47
Dibbler__with dynamic ip's .. how would i prevent one or the other from giving it20:47
cokegenthe thing is that the interface is bridged and he has no "sides"20:47
NafalloDibbler__: why do you need to prevent it?20:47
Dibbler__discover will be sent20:47
qman__there are still two sides to a bridge20:47
cokegento have a "side" he'll need physical separation20:47
Dibbler__there is no ip at that point20:47
Dibbler__both dhcp wil reply20:47
Nafallojust let whatever dhcp answers faster give the ip?20:48
Dibbler__then what if the tap disconnects20:48
cokegenip doesn't mean that if you connect that to a switch the traffic isn's available20:48
cokegento me it seems you need physical separation20:48
cokegenlike a vlan or something like that20:48
NafalloDibbler__: you're on the same subnet... why does it matter?20:49
cokegenor just connect either side to different network interfaces20:49
cokegenbut yes, Nafallo is right, you're trying to do that on the same subnet20:49
cokegenthere's no point on that20:49
Nafallothe client won't throw away the IP just because it can't reach the DHCP server. at least not until after the dhcp timeout.20:49
Dibbler__N: it matters becaus ethey are in different locations20:49
Dibbler__but i supose i could just do with the 1 thne20:50
Dibbler__and hope for the best20:50
qman__the only reason it would matter is the default gateway setting20:50
Dibbler__yes that too20:50
qman__when the bridge dips those with addresses from the other side will not be able to reach the internet20:50
Dibbler__they both have different def gateways20:50
Dibbler__so yes20:51
Dibbler__thats why i need 2 lol20:51
Dibbler__and thats why i asked20:51
Nafallomeh. no one said anything about reaching the Internet :-P20:51
qman__but like I said, a simple firewall rule blocking DHCP solves this20:51
qman__it's not that complicated20:51
Dibbler__believe me Qman20:51
Dibbler__you can't block a bridge if it goes nowhere but on both sides of it20:51
qman__there's no such thing as a bridge that goes nowhere20:52
NafalloDibbler__: qman__ didn't tell you to block the bridge...20:52
qman__you are bridging two networks together20:52
Dibbler__it goes from one side of the bridge to the other20:52
Dibbler__and you can't filter trafic on that20:52
Dibbler__on an ip level20:52
qman__yes, you can, because there are still two tap interfaces20:52
cokegenyes, you can20:53
Nafalloignore the bridge for a bit. it's just an interface on top of other interfaces.20:53
cokegenwhat about a virtual interface to help a bit20:53
Dibbler__taps are virtual interfaces20:53
qman__not needed20:53
cokegenblock the traffic and then do the tap to the other20:53
Nafalloalso, you don't want to block it on an ip level. you want to block it on an interface level. (phy)20:53
qman__just block all DHCP traffic in and out of the tap interfaces20:53
Nafallostop digging up the stack :-P20:54
qman__it's a virtual interface, but it's still an interface20:54
qman__and you can still create rules that use it20:54
Dibbler__but there is nothing going in and out the tap interfaces20:54
qman__yes, there is20:54
Dibbler__wait sec20:54
Dibbler__1 sec20:54
qman__all traffic that goes between the two sides of the bridge goes through the tap interface20:54
Dibbler__so everything is clear20:55
Dibbler__this is what im talking about20:55
Dibbler__bottom bit , bridging 2 networks20:55
Dibbler__i get 1 bridge on each firewall20:56
qman__this is also what I'm talking about20:56
garymcmy server is handing php a wrong timezone of 01/01/1970 anyone know how I fix this?20:56
Dibbler__that is a bridge of the phys interface and the tap interface20:56
qman__the way openVPN works is by creating virtual interfaces20:56
qman__all traffic that goes across the bridge goes through those virtual interfaces20:56
qman__and you can apply firewall rules to those interfaces20:56
Dibbler__on both firewalls20:57
Dibbler__have a look20:57
cokegengarymc: php.ini20:57
cokegengive me a sec20:57
garymcyeah but what have I got to set?20:57
qman__then you simply block it on br0 as well20:58
qman__it's not hard20:58
garymcive uncommented date.timezone =20:58
garymcand added UTC on the end20:58
Dibbler__quote "The Shorewall configuration is just a Simple Bridge."20:58
garymcbut its not fixing it20:59
qman__you're digging too deep20:59
qman__have you even tried to set the rules?20:59
qman__you're confusing theory and simplified explanations with how it actually works20:59
Dibbler__at the moment it's 2 subnets20:59
Dibbler__seriously i'm not21:00
cokegenphpinfo() says that php.ini is actually loaded ?21:00
qman__it's not magic, all traffic passes through interfaces21:00
qman__and all interfaces can have rules applied21:00
Dibbler__it doesn't21:00
qman__that's how it works21:00
garymccokegen : yes21:00
Dibbler__you can only filter level 5 with a firewall21:00
Dibbler__bridges are level 321:01
garymcHOw can I test my time settings are correct21:01
cokegenI have date.timezone = UTC21:01
cokegenand it HAS to work21:01
Dibbler__there is no ip level traffic21:01
Dibbler__believe me21:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #685284 in linux-meta (main) "Deadlock in n_tty_read()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68528421:01
garymcyes i have added mine to that. It was commented out.21:02
garymcOnce I change I ran /etc/init.d/apache2 restart21:02
Nafalloif there are no ip traffic, what is it then?21:02
garymcnot working21:02
Nafalloare you trying to do dhcp over something else than ip?21:02
Dibbler__your dhcpdiscover is not ip level21:02
cokegengarymc: phpinfo() should say something like Loaded Configuration File => /srv/php/etc/php.ini21:03
cokegenwith the php.ini at the end21:03
cokegenalso, comment other date.something stuff in php.ini21:04
cokegenand of course restart apache or whatever webserver you have (if you actually have one)21:05
qman__Dibbler__, dhcp happens on IP21:06
qman__I can't explain it any clearer21:06
Dibbler__yes it does21:06
qman__all traffic passes through interfaces21:06
Dibbler__source address
qman__firewall rules apply to interfaces21:06
Dibbler__i know21:07
qman__your VPN/bridge/whatever does not change that fact21:07
Dibbler__no no it doesnt21:07
qman__you just need to find which interface your traffic is passing through, and filter it21:07
Dibbler__and you can't filter traffic between branches of a bridge21:07
qman__yes, you can21:07
Dibbler__on an ip level21:07
qman__you can filter on every interface that exists21:07
qman__even if no routing occurs21:07
garymcphp 5.2.1021:08
qman__even if they don't have IPs assigned21:08
Dibbler__i think i found what i need21:09
Dibbler__ebtables does layer 3 filtering21:09
Dibbler__ill have a look at that21:09
Dibbler__thank you for trying guys21:09
cokegengarymc: worked ?21:10
NafalloDibbler__: you are telling me iptables -A INPUT -i tap0 -j DROP wouldn't cause any disruption in your tunnel traffic?21:10
Dibbler__in this case21:10
Dibbler__not tap21:10
NafalloDibbler__: br0 is on top of tap0 and ethX.21:10
NafalloDibbler__: you are climbing to far in teh OSI stack again.21:11
Dibbler__i will try21:12
Dibbler__but once you make a bridge21:14
Dibbler__your tap and ethX iterfaces get no Ip velel address or anything21:14
Dibbler__really guys21:14
Nafallojust stop thinking about the damn bridge for a bit :-P21:14
lifelessNafallo: oh hai21:14
Nafallohi lifeless :-)21:15
Dibbler__once it's there21:15
Dibbler__the interfaces connected to it have no lvl 5 traffic21:15
Dibbler__you can't make rules21:15
Dibbler__and yoy din't seem to believe me21:15
Nafallofine. you can't make rules :-)21:15
NafalloI give up21:15
Dibbler__again i am sorry21:15
Dibbler__i hope you never have to do this21:16
NafalloI'm running a bridge with 7 mixed virtual and physical interfaces in production.21:16
patdk-laplevel5 traffic? your blocking http cookies? :)21:16
* Nafallo shrugs21:17
garymcHOw do I update php5.2.10 to 5.3? or the lates version?21:18
cokegengarymc: worked ?21:18
garymcno I got disconnected21:18
garymcI think I need to update php21:18
ivokscome on man :)21:18
ivoksiptables -m physdev --physdev-in eth121:18
ivoksiptables -m physdev --physdev-in eth021:18
Dibbler__Nafallo , again i'm sorry to have bothered you21:18
Nafallohi ivoks :-)21:19
Dibbler__i'm fine now , i have found what i needed ,21:19
garymcok whats the best way to update php withour busting anything?21:19
NafalloDibbler__: good. :-)21:19
cokegengarymc: always better to have the lastest php but you don't need it to fix that21:19
lifelessgarymc: apt-get upgrade21:19
patdk-lapupgrading php will always bust php :)21:19
garymcI dont wanna do that21:19
ivoksso manu people want php 5.321:19
ivoksjust to realize their app doesn't work21:20
ivoksand i hate web developers21:20
garymcok so what do you suggest?21:20
cokegenand I hate you21:20
ivokskill webdevs21:20
ivokswhy do you need php 5.3?21:20
cokegen90% of the php code out there sucks21:20
patdk-lapI'm pretty happy with php 5.3 :)21:20
ivoksjust because of the number or what?21:20
patdk-lapdidn't have anything broke from the upgrade21:20
garymcwell my php developer is running a test version on his server which is working and hes running 5.321:20
cokegenand php in itself sucks, just like any other language for the web21:21
garymcmy server is running 5.2.1021:21
cokegenthere's very little that doesn't work from 5.2 to 5.321:21
ivoksgarymc: tell your web developer that isn't how work is done21:21
cokegenit's very well documented21:21
ivoksyou have production and then you copy prouction env to create staging21:21
garymcok im lost on what to do here21:21
patdk-lapor you just make your program compatable :)21:21
ivoksyou don't let your web dev to come up with some random stack that's impossible to maintain21:22
patdk-lapgarymc, you using karmic?21:22
patdk-lapcause lucid comes with 5.3, and lucid is lts, so21:22
garymcerrrm cant remebr if I upgraded or not21:22
cokegengarymc: what problem do you actually have21:22
lifelessgarymc: have your web dev read the migration docs, and get him to code compatibly21:22
ivokscokegen: his problem are web devs :)21:22
cokegenI don't think upgrading php will fix it21:22
cokegenivoks: so I'm the problem ? :D21:23
garymches writing a script that shows a date , but on my system its showing 01/01/197021:23
cokegenwith what function exactly ?21:23
cokegendate() ?21:23
ivoksdate was there before i was born :)21:23
lifelessgarymc: and on your system21:23
cokegenyes, but I think the problem is the data he's providing to the date() function21:24
lifelessgarymc: if you run 'date' in a shell, what does it show?21:24
cokegenif you provide date() with null you get 01/01/197021:24
garymchere is the string hes using echo date('d/m/Y', strtotime('next friday'))21:24
cokegenso the problem could be something else21:24
cokegenecho strtotime('next friday');21:24
garymcok yes possibly and Im oblivious to what it is21:26
ivoksNafallo: hi :)21:26
garymclifeless : Sat Dec  4 21:27:38 GMT 201021:28
cokegenand echo strtotime('next friday'); ?21:28
cokegenshould give you a timestamp (that's php code of course)21:28
cokegennot in a shell21:28
cokegengarymc: also, is date/time support enabled in a phpinfo() ?21:31
garymcill look now21:31
garymcyes its enabled21:34
cokegenyou need to see if echo strtotime('next friday'); is actually returning an int (timestamp)21:34
ivoksphp 'echo strtotime('next friday');'21:34
ivokswill that work?21:34
ivoksnope :)21:35
=== coke_ is now known as cokegen
patdk-lapphp -r 'echo strtotime("next friday");'21:36
garymcwhere do I put that? in terminal window?21:38
cokegenon code21:38
garymcon code?21:40
cokegenjust do a new php file and put <?php echo strtotime('next Friday'); ?>21:40
cokegensee what that gives you21:41
cokegenshould give you an int21:41
garymcwhat the hell is that ? ^21:42
patdk-lapphp -r "print date('d/m/Y', strtotime('next friday'));"21:43
ivoksthat's date21:43
ivoksthat's Fri, 10 Dec 2010 00:00:00 GMT21:43
cokegenwell, then that date line should never give you 01/01/197021:43
cokegenyou're looking somewhere else man21:43
ivoksi bet he doesn't have connection to sql :)21:44
cokegendate is independent from whatever config you have providing the 2nd paramenter21:44
garymcok it must be the php code my pdev is using21:44
ivoksphp -r "print date('d/m/Y', '0');"21:44
ivoksthat's 1/1/7021:44
cokegenivoks,  THAT should give you 01/01/197021:45
cokegenunix epoch21:45
cokegenbut not with 129193920021:45
cokegenI say impossible21:45
ivoksof course21:45
ivoksthat's what i'm saying21:45
ivokshe's 'dating' 0, instead of meaningfull time21:45
cokegenmaybe he placed the code somewhere else etc etc21:45
ivokshe's feeding 0 to date()21:46
garymcwould updateing be harmful?21:47
cokegenwell, it seems php is NOT the problem21:48
cokegenso I'd recommend against upgrading in this case21:48
ivoksproblem is in web dev, as always :D21:49
ivoksmake that 'php wana be web dev'21:49
garymcam i gonna mess up php if i try upgradE?21:50
ivoksgarymc: we can't tell you if upgrading php will help or not21:51
ivoksgarymc: cause date() function isn't the problem21:51
ivoksgarymc: you don't know where it is, and it's very hard for us to find it for you21:51
cokegenfuck ... x-chat dies on me21:56
* cokegen is starting with all the linux idiosyncrasies21:57
garymcok i need to upgrade php22:14
coketowhy's that ?22:15
garymcApparently there are other reasons I need to upgrade php22:15
garymcdoes "apt-get upgrade" upgrade everything?22:16
coketofor security, not much from the functionality perspective22:16
garymcnot just php?22:16
coketoapt-get upgrade php22:16
coketo(I think)22:16
garymcyou think i will break php?22:16
ivoksyou should update whole distrbution22:16
coketoI agree with ivoks22:16
garymcwill it mess any of my current setup?22:16
ivoksif you have php 5.2, then you are in pre-lucid22:16
garymcI got a working web server on there etc22:17
garymcit an LTSP server22:17
garymcLinux Terminal Server Project22:17
ivoksdo you even know which version of ubuntu you have?22:17
garymcI have upgraded from jaunty to karmic22:17
garymcI think im on karmic22:18
garymcubuntu 10 something22:18
ivokskarmic is 9.1022:18
garymcwhat command tells me my version?22:18
ivokslsb_release -a22:18
garymcKarmic 9.1022:19
garymcit also says "No LSB modules are available"22:19
ivoksthat will be EOL in 5 months22:19
garymcSo If I upgrade will it delete my SQL server or anything?22:19
ivoksno, it will upgrade22:20
garymcok so whats the command to upgrade the whole system?22:20
garymcapt-get upgrade22:20
ivoksyou are maintaining that server since jaunty?22:20
ivoksand you don't know basic functions of apt?22:20
garymcwell, im in and out of use, ive got a bad memory used to smoke alot of pot22:21
ivoksyou need to update to current karmic patches and fixres22:21
ivoksapt-get dist-upgrade is used for that22:21
garymccan i not do that with one command?22:21
Nafallodo-release-upgrade does all that surely?22:21
ivoksNafallo: i don't think it updates current release22:22
garymcOk so could you tell me the exact command I need to use?22:22
Nafallonot sure if it did back in karmic, but pretty damn sure it did in 10.04.22:22
ivoksi did, a minute ago22:22
garymcapt-get dist-upgrade22:22
garymc^ yes22:22
uvirtbotgarymc: Error: "yes" is not a valid command.22:22
garymcok im going to do it22:23
ivoksyou should do that reguallry22:23
ivoksif you didn't, then your system is full of security holes22:23
garymcok its running now22:23
garymci guess its gonna take a while22:25
ivoksNafallo: i didn't do do-release-upgrade since hardy :)22:25
Nafalloivoks: your systems wouldn't be covered by support then ;-)22:26
garymcit failed22:26
ivoksNafallo: eh?22:26
ivoksNafallo: from hardy to lucid22:26
ivoksgarymc: hit the panic button!!!22:26
Nafalloivoks: pretty sure our only supported options would be to use the upgrade-manager these days. I could be wrong though.22:27
* Nafallo shrugs22:27
ivoksgarymc: since you never did security updates, your system probably doesn't know where to find them22:27
garymcit says to try apt-get update22:27
ivoksthat's why you should run apt-get update first22:27
garymcok lol22:28
ivoksNafallo: you didn't understand me22:28
ivoksNafallo: i haven't run do-release-upgrade on anything newer than hardy; all my servers are LTS22:28
Nafalloivoks: ah. sorry. yes. makes sense now :-)22:28
Nafalloivoks: I'm obviously a bit disappointed that your laptop isn't running the latest and greatest, but that's not my concern ;-)22:29
ivoksit's maverick :p22:29
Nafallooh. and you would have done it through the gui... never mind.22:29
* Nafallo blames the party last night :-P22:29
garymcIvocs : I ran upgrade but it says im still 9.1022:34
ivoksof course you are22:35
ivoksdon't you read?22:35
garymcyep I ran apt-get dist-upgrade and it hasnt upgraded me but looked like it went smooth22:36
ivoks22:21 < ivoks> you need to update to current karmic patches and fixres22:36
ivoksnow you are on up to date karmic22:36
ivoksto upgrade to ubuntu 10.0422:36
garymcOhhh right, so what do I do?22:36
ivoksyou should run do-release-upgrade22:36
garymcapt-get release-upgrade22:37
ivoks22:36 < ivoks> you should run do-release-upgrade22:37
garymcso in terminla type "do-release-upgrade" ?22:38
garymcok its away22:38
garymcok it says  I f I continue an additional ssh daemon will be started at port '9004'22:39
ivokswe know how it goes22:40
ivokswe've done it... lost of times, if not a hunderd :)22:41
garymcOK, I dont mean to be a pain22:41
cap_00i updated 10.4 this morning now my network interfaces are missing22:41
ivokstalking about perfect timing :)22:41
garymcyou gotta be kidding me!!22:41
cap_00can anyone help me either undo the update or walk me through claming the network interfaces22:41
ivokscap_00: dmesg | grep eth22:42
garymcARRRRHHHHH!!!! Dont be saying this shit22:42
cap_00i don't get anything under that command.... nada22:42
ivokscap_00: do you know what network cards you have?22:42
garymcmy screen is just sitting at Calculating changes.. is this normal?22:42
cap_00lshw -C network shows both my interfaces as UNCLAIMED22:42
cap_00intel, built into the mobo22:42
ivokscap_00: uname -a says what?22:43
ivokswait... unclaimed?22:43
ivoksuname -r22:44
cap_00ya, first one says linux server 2.6.32-26-server yada yada22:46
ivokslspci | grep Ethernet22:46
ivokspaste it on the pastebin22:46
ikoniagarymc: please control the language22:47
cap_00i can't ssh, obviously so i'm writting everything out by hand22:48
ivoksthen just type the model22:49
databitsanyone here familiar with cyrus ?22:49
ivoksIntel Corporation XXXXXXX Gigabit Network Connection22:49
ivoksthat XXXXXXX22:49
ivokstype it here :)22:49
ikoniaivoks: do "sudo ifconfig -a" do you see an eth device for it22:49
cap_0082573L and 82573E22:50
ivoksthose are supported22:51
Patrickdkhmm, I have an 82574L, e1000e driver22:51
ikoniasorry, that was for cap_0022:51
ivokslooking at 82575EB22:51
cap_00ya, everything was working fine until this morning when i updated using apt-get update22:51
ivokscap_00: lsmod | grep e100022:51
ivoksthen lsmod | grep igb22:52
cap_00ifconfig only shows lo even though i name eth0 and 1 in /etc/networking/interfaces22:52
cap_00k jas22:52
ikoniasounds like the modules are not loaded22:52
ivoksi don't understand you cap_0022:53
ivoksah, Just A Second22:53
Patrickdkwhat exactly do you have in interfaces? :)22:54
cap_00neither lsmod did anything22:54
ivoksinterfaces aren't the problem, at least not yet22:54
ivoksmodprobe e1000e22:54
ivoksmodprobe igb22:54
ivoksnot sure which one is for that model, but one of those must be22:54
cap_00FATAL: Module e1001e not found22:55
ivoksyou don't have e1000e module?!22:56
ivoksdo you have this file?22:57
cap_00all config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/aliases, it will be ignored in a future release then the fatal part22:57
ivoksmv /etc/modprobe.d/aliases /etc/modprobe.d/custom-aliases.conf22:57
ivoksmodprobe e1000e22:58
cap_00did mv and not found23:00
ivokskernel module not found?23:00
cap_00i think so23:00
cap_00FATAL: module e1000e not found23:01
ivoksls /lib/modules/2.6.32-26-server/kernel/drivers/net/e1000e/e1000e.ko23:01
ivoksdoes that ^ file exist?23:01
cap_00it's called e1000.ko on my box23:02
cap_00in the /e1000/ dir23:02
ivoksthere are both e1000 and e1000e23:02
ivoksi asked for e1000e23:02
cap_00i only have the e1000 when i do ls /lib/modules/2.6.32-26-server/kernel/drivers/net/23:03
ivokshow's that possible?23:03
ivoksdid you run out of disk space?23:03
cap_00good question23:03
Patrickdkmaybe his fs got corrupted23:03
cap_0050gb free23:03
ivoksthen just install the package again23:04
Patrickdkor apt didn't finish unpacking the kernel?23:04
Patrickdkapt-get install --reinstall linux-server23:04
cap_00how, i'm not on the net anymore23:04
Patrickdkactually, need the real package23:04
ivoksdpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.32-26-server*/deb23:04
Patrickdkcap_00, doesn't matter, unless you did an apt-get clean23:04
ivoksdpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.32-26-server*.deb23:04
cap_00it won't overwrite any server files will it? like samba?23:05
ivoksjust broken kernel23:05
ivoksPatrickdk: that would just reinstall meta package ;)23:06
PatrickdkI realized that after I type it :)23:07
cap_00no such file or directory23:07
ivoksboot an older kernel23:07
Patrickdkusb stick time :)23:07
Patrickdkor that :)23:07
ivoksso, someone was tampering with your files23:07
ivoksif the cache is empty, someone deleted it23:08
cap_00i was in the middle of trying to get KVM to bridge to my lan23:08
ivoksand i find it... strange that only modules missing are those you need :)23:08
cap_00other then that, all i did this morning was apt-get update and apt-get upgrade23:09
ivoksdist-upgrade i hope23:09
cap_00oh no!!!!!!!!!123:09
cap_00just upgrade23:09
ivoksupgrade wouldn't install new kernel23:09
ivoksso, you were broken before you did apt-get23:10
cap_00ok, we'll lets fix it23:10
databits[17:48] <databits> Dec  4 17:44:39 ubuntu cyrus/imap[12980]: executed23:10
databits[17:48] <databits> Dec  4 17:44:39 ubuntu cyrus/imap[12980]: accepted connection23:10
databits[17:48] <databits> Dec  4 17:44:39 ubuntu cyrus/imap[12980]: badlogin: [] plaintext databits SASL(-13): authentication failure: checkpass failed23:10
cap_00so i need 10.4 LTS image on a bootable usb?23:10
cap_00or will a CD do?23:10
databitsdoes anyone have any idea what might be causing this issue ?23:10
ivoksyou need to boot and older kernel23:10
Patrickdkhold down shift while you boot23:11
Patrickdkuse down arrow23:11
ivoksif you don't have, copy the deb to the usb stick23:11
cap_00is there a live 10.4 command line server usb ? i thought i tried and failed23:11
cap_00or just install to a usb drive?23:11
ivoksyou just need usb stcik23:11
cap_00got one23:11
ivoksit is 386 or amd64?23:12
cap_00oooooh copy that file from the cd?23:12
ivoksdownload this23:12
ivokscopy to stick23:12
ivoksinstall on server23:12
ivoksof course, if you have needed usb modules :)23:13
cap_00lol lets hope23:13
cap_00the backup drive is usb and it worked last week...23:14
ivoksyour system broke between last reboot and now23:14
cap_00oh right...23:15
cap_00fingers crossed23:15
ivoksit would be smart to find out when, who and why23:15
cap_00i'm the only one with root priveledge.... ???23:15
ivoksif $who is someone you don't know or $why just sounds stupid, you'll need to reinstall the system :)23:16
ivoksthen i guess you know who $who is :)23:16
ivoksunless you have some disorder23:16
cap_00i hope not23:17
ivokslike this one23:17
cap_00let me check the raid 1 array to see if something is up there23:17
ivoksor... of course... maybe you just think that you're the only root23:18
ivokswhile reality is somewhat different23:19
cap_00raid looks fine23:19
ivoksit's not raid23:20
ivoksif it would be raid, you won't be able to boot23:20
ivoksit user23:20
cap_00just wanted to make sure it wasn't something hardware.......... ish23:20
ivoksit's user23:20
cap_00how do i see a full list of priveledged users?23:20
ivoksthat's what i'm saying... if it's hardware problem on raid, then your FS wouldn't know who it is and refused to work23:20
ivoksmembers of admin group23:21
osmosisbeautiful!  if my server gets too high a load average...all my virtual guests go crazy with CPU Stuck issues. wait a go kvm!23:21
ivoksand, what lots of people forget, /root/.ssh/authorized_keys23:21
ivoksosmosis: or... you could ask first23:22
osmosisshuttleworth says it right here, ubuntu is not a server distro.  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/51723:22
cap_00i'm the only IT guy here, and certainly the only one that knows linux23:23
ikonianice job promoting your own distro to business when you are supposed to want to compete with Redhat23:23
cap_00not that i'm much past a newb with a book23:23
shaunoI don't see anything in that post that says it's not a server distro23:25
ivoksikonia: ?23:25
ikoniaivoks: shuttworth's blog post23:25
ivoksikonia: what about it?23:25
ivoksikonia: have you read it?23:26
yann2osmosis, what version are you using?23:26
ikoniaivoks: pretty much23:26
ivoksit mentions server 4 times23:26
ivoksonce, where it says that server is ahead of desktop23:26
osmosisyann2, LTS 10.04.  Its been out for 7 months, and still not stable for virtualization23:27
ivoksand other three times in links23:27
yann2osmosis CPU stuck you say? on  the guest or the host?23:27
ivoksosmosis: i do high cpu work on VM, and other VMs don't have a problem23:27
osmosisivoks, shuttleworth says that his focus is on improving the desktop23:27
osmosisyann2, guest23:27
yann2osmosis, what are the guests?23:27
ivoks"it just wasn’t being delivered in a way that would take it beyond the server, or to the general public."23:27
yann210.4 too?23:27
osmosisforget about it. ive been trying to get it fixed for months.23:27
osmosisyann2, also 10.04 LTS23:27
yann2have been running 10.4 hosts and vms for a while, havent had any issues yet, but relatively low load. I've got CPU stuck issues on a specific sun server and with hardy though :)23:28
shaunoI think that it's safe to agree that linux is doing better in the server space that on the general public's desktop.  he doesn't negate the work on -server anywhere in that.23:28
yann2kvm-pxe is broken in lucid though, but easily circumvented by using maverick's23:29
osmosisoh well, dont worry about it. im just frustrated. sorry to vent. bye23:29
ivoksor, even easier23:29
ivoksyann2: all the files are there, just in the wrong place23:29
ivokssimple cp solves the issue23:30
cap_00usb works23:30
yann2ivoks, kvm-pxe? maybe, not sure, there was a symlink story, but I think it didnt work even with the symlinks (as far as I remember)23:30
cap_00but can't install file23:30
ivokscap_00: how come?23:30
cap_00i can install it right from /mnt/usb/ right?23:30
yann2I think there was another bug behind the one you mention :)23:30
garymcWow this takes a long time23:31
ivoksyann2: i've been using pxe boot since lucid was released23:31
ivoksyann2: i've pxe booted lots of machines on lucid23:31
ivoksnot sure what you are talking about23:32
cap_00says no such file or directory :(23:32
ivokscap_00: did you mount the drive?23:32
cap_00unless i'm missing a typo.... sudo dpkg -i /mnt/usb/linux-image-2.6.32-26-server_26.32-26.48_amd64.deb23:33
cap_00ya i can ls23:33
ivokscap_00: did you mount the drive?23:33
ivoksdoes installation starts?23:33
ivoksor it tells that /mnt/usb/linux-image-2.6.32-26-server_26.32-26.48_amd64.deb doesn't exist?23:33
cap_00doesn't exist23:34
ivoksis that the only .deb file there?23:34
ivokstry sudo dpkg -i /mnt/usb/linux*deb23:35
ivoksthat way making a typo is much harder23:35
cap_00error processing /mnt/usb/...... conflicting packages - not installing linux-image2.6.32-26-server23:36
cap_00that seems very bad :(23:38
cap_00it also says -virtual conflicts with -server23:39
cap_00i installed kvm libvirt-bin ubuntu-vm-builder23:40
ivoksis that virtualized server or normal server?23:40
cap_00and linux-image-virtual for kvm23:40
ivoksno man23:40
ivokslinux-image-virtual is for virtualized machines23:40
ivoksfor guests23:40
cap_00why would i do that23:40
ivoksyou have half-installed kernel now23:41
cap_0032.8kb of pain gone23:42
ivoksthe one you installed from usb stcik23:42
ivoksfirst, remove all virtual kernels23:42
cap_00it still says conflicts23:42
ivoksapt-get remove linux-.*virtual.*23:42
cap_00couple of damaged link warnings23:43
cap_00says may need to re-run boot loader23:43
ivoksdid it finish?23:44
cap_00which i did this morning after the udate......... all cause i installed the virutal kernel on my host?23:44
cap_00i think it did23:44
ivoksdid it finish?23:44
ivokswhell, do you have shell or not?23:44
ivoksinstall the kernel from usb stick23:44
ivoksnow reboot23:45
cap_00*bows down*23:45
uvirtbotivoks: Error: "^" is not a valid command.23:46
cap_00they're up now23:47
cap_00should i do a apt-get upgrade to clean anything up?23:48
cap_00that'll keep me on 10.4 lts right?23:48
ivoksdo-release-upgrade moves you to newer version23:49
ivoksperfect command name23:49
ivoksi'm serious23:49
cap_00warning: linux-server linux-image-server cannot be authenticated23:49
cap_00i did linux-image-virtual for kvm like a week ago lol and just rebooted this morning23:50
cap_00it's stuck at 0% connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com23:51
ivoksah... us23:51
ivokscan't do right... anything :)23:51
ivoksit's actually cname for UK mirror, iirc23:52
ivoksor not23:52
cap_00may need to tweak the network connection i can't ping google.com23:52
cap_00i can only ping machine's on my lan23:53
ivokswell, that's another story now23:53
ivoksand since it's almost 1AM over here23:53
ivoksi'll pass this one :)23:54
cap_00lol ok23:54
cap_00thanks for all your help, i should be able to peice this together23:54
ivoksnp, good night23:54
garymcim still upgrading :S23:54
garymcshould I reboot server once relaese upgrade is completE?23:55
garymcor does it do it automaticly23:55
garymccap_00 what you mean?23:56
garymcam i about to get my fingers well and truly burnt?23:56
cap_00i was joking23:57
garymc:S phew23:57
garymcgota go pick missus up now too23:57
ivoksdo-release-upgrade will guide you23:57
garymcstill upgrading... it goes on on and on like Ariston23:58
cap_00sleep typing ;)23:58
ivoksno, last smoke and last beer23:58
garymcok ill be back in 20 mins if your still here23:58

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