
=== MichealH-iPod changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: The
=== UndiFineD changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: The Ubuntu Tour Project! | http://ubuntutour.org | Join https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tour | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour/Todo#List | Get the tour at http://ubuntutour.org/download | Meeting to happen tommorow (04/12/10) at 16:00 GMT, add to the topics list at http://openetherpad.org/jP2PeIcHQO
MichealH-iPodDang it00:03
UndiFineDmistake MichealH00:03
MichealH-iPodMy iPod is bad00:03
MichealH-iPodI will seek revenge on my IRC99 tommoro00:03
UndiFineDbash away00:03
MichealH-iPodWut? And swear at it nooo.....00:04
MichealH-iPodAnyway, back to reading up on PHP stuff and expanding mah knowldge00:05
MichealH-iPodChange 'tommorow' for 'today' in the /topic00:06
MichealH-iPodThat's what I wuz gonna do00:06
MichealH-iPodSee yas00:06
=== Muscovy changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: The Ubuntu Tour Project! | http://ubuntutour.org | Join https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tour | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour/Todo#List | Get the tour at http://ubuntutour.org/download | Meeting to happen Saturday (04/12/10) at 16:00 GMT, add to the topics list at http://openetherpad.org/jP2PeIcHQO
MichealH-iPodMuscovy: Will you be able to make 16 hours from now?00:07
Muscovy8 AM for me.00:07
MichealH-iPodWhat time would that be there?00:08
MuscovyYeah, 8.00:08
UndiFineDthat is 17.00 PM, which may be problematic for me00:08
MichealH-iPodIt would be well, 16:00 :)00:09
MichealH-iPodI like being in the middle of everyone ;)00:09
MichealH-iPodGMT +000:09
MichealH-iPodAnyway, bye!00:10
OmegaI hope I wake up in time for the meeting02:23
=== Crisco is now known as zz_Crisco
celsojuniorhi all12:54
moisohi guys14:07
moisohi UndiFineD :)14:09
moisoi've been unactive for a while cause i was finishig the thesis for my degree, and after reading the meeting logs, it's unclear to me what has been decided about translations14:10
moisocan you tell me14:11
UndiFineDwell, the deadline came and nobody did anything till the deadline... really weird14:15
UndiFineDonly after UDS some people continued works14:15
UndiFineDone thing is certain, ubuntu-tour wont be on the installation cd for natty14:16
moisohm that's a shame, the tour is shaping very good14:18
UndiFineDthe cd does not have the space for it, simple as that14:19
UndiFineDi even doubt there is space available on a dvd14:20
moisoi was wondering that14:20
moisoso what's the plan14:20
MichealHI dunno but if you wanna bring it up in the meeting add it to the thing in /topic14:29
MichealH"add to the topics list at http://openetherpad.org/jP2PeIcHQO"14:30
=== MichealH changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: The Ubuntu Tour Project! | http://ubuntutour.org | Join https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tour | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour/Todo#List | Get the tour at http://ubuntutour.org/download | Meeting to happen at 16:00 GMT, add to the topics list at http://openetherpad.org/jP2PeIcHQO
moisook I added it14:48
jasonoHello everyone.14:49
moisoalmost time15:51
MichealHI will be driving the bot today15:53
MuscovyHello all.15:53
MichealHHey Muscovy15:53
moisosup Muscovy15:54
MichealHIts arly but meh15:55
meetingologyMeeting started Sat Dec  4 15:55:28 2010 UTC.  The chair is MichealH. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell.15:55
meetingologyUseful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting.15:55
MichealHRight all, Hi!15:55
MuscovyMichealH, perhaps let's wait just a few minutes in case anyone else is getting up early.15:55
MichealHThis is the frist meeting with meetingology15:55
MichealHIm just gonna quickly do this15:56
moisowho's he15:56
MichealHWhen I cast a vote you can say +1 to agree and -1 to disagree15:56
MichealHRight, Its 16:00 GMT15:57
MichealHLets go!15:57
MichealH#topic A New way to do the meeting?15:57
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: A New way to do the meeting?
meetingologyTOPIC: A New way to do the meeting?15:57
MichealHOkay, we have now got meetingology which gives us many features15:57
MichealHWe can pick who should drive the bot on the next meeting maybe?15:57
MuscovyProbably whoever chairs the meetings.15:58
MichealHLike a vote15:58
MichealHMuscovy: Thats what Im saying15:58
OmegaI agree with Muscovy.15:58
MichealHwe should pick a time to next meeti up and who should chair it15:58
MichealHat the end of the meeting15:59
MuscovyMaybe it's a bit early to pick the time, unless we want to start meetings every two weeks or something.15:59
MuscovyWe could vote on that.15:59
MichealHWe should meet up often16:00
MichealH~2 weeks16:00
MuscovyThat way we also won't end up with really long meetings.16:00
OmegaThat seems like a good idea.16:00
OmegaWho is currently present?16:00
* Muscovy is here.16:00
MichealHOmega: The bot works that out16:00
OmegaI think jasono is coming back.16:01
MichealHIf someone writes ANYTHING then it says he/she is here16:01
MuscovyWhat's the command to list those present, MichealH?16:01
MichealHIs it agreed?16:01
OmegaAnd, I haven't seen MadnessRed in a while.16:01
MichealHMuscovy: It outputs them16:01
MichealHI will ping Alan after the meeting16:01
MichealHIs it agreed on?16:02
MuscovyIs what agreed on?16:02
MichealHThe doing the meeting up every 2 weeks and cast a vote on the chari16:02
Omega#vote Meeting every two weeks16:02
MichealH#vote Meeting every two weeks?16:03
meetingologyPlease vote on: Meeting every two weeks?16:03
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:03
meetingology+1 received from Muscovy16:03
meetingology+1 received from Omega16:03
meetingology+1 received from MichealH16:03
meetingologyVoting ended on: Meeting every two weeks?16:03
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:016:03
meetingologyMotion carried16:03
MichealH#action at the end of the meeting, agree on a meeting time and place.16:03
meetingologyACTION: at the end of the meeting, agree on a meeting time and place.16:03
MuscovyOk, so we'll try to have meetings every other week.16:04
MichealH#action at the end of the meeting, agree on a chair foir the next meeting16:04
meetingologyACTION: at the end of the meeting, agree on a chair foir the next meeting16:04
MichealH#topic Plan for translations16:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: Plan for translations
meetingologyTOPIC: Plan for translations16:04
MuscovyWho here is a translator?16:04
MichealHMoiso: I beleive this is your topic?16:04
OmegaMoiso: ?16:04
MuscovyUndiFineD, you around?16:05
MichealHWe can bring this up at the end maybe?16:05
Omega#topic Website design16:05
MichealH#topic Website design16:05
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: Website design
meetingologyTOPIC: Website design16:05
MichealHMoiso: You just missed it but we will come back to it16:06
MoisoSorry, yep I'm translator16:06
MichealHRight, im sure you have been following what has been brewing at ubuntutour.org/beta/16:06
MichealHI was wondering what type of things you want to see16:06
MichealH#link http://ubuntutour.org/beta/16:07
MichealHI was thinking of a blog for the site16:07
MichealHWhere mambers can post updates16:07
Moisothat's a good idea16:08
MichealH#vote Blog for members to post updates?16:08
meetingologyPlease vote on: Blog for members to post updates?16:08
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:08
meetingology+1 received from MichealH16:08
meetingologyVoting ended on: Blog for members to post updates?16:09
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:0 Abstentions:016:09
meetingologyMotion carried16:09
OmegaMichealH: Don't end votes so fast16:09
OmegaNot everyone has voted16:09
UndiFineDI have to go .. dinner16:09
OmegaSmakelijk eten.16:09
MichealHOkay, so we have 2 +1's and 2 +'s16:09
MuscovyI'm just not sure how many things we'll have to put on there, though I have no problem with a blog.16:10
OmegaBut, will the blog be for 'members'16:10
OmegaOr for the project?16:10
MichealHIts like I setup a twitter yesterday, The members can post updates about the project16:10
MichealHThe same can happen on the blog16:10
OmegaMichealH: Could the text in the top menu be centered vertically?16:11
OmegaHello MixCool.16:11
MixCoolsorry for beeing late :/16:11
MichealHOmega: What do you mean?16:11
OmegaNo prob16:11
OmegaWell, be in the middle of the rectangle16:11
MichealHOmega: Like the footer?16:12
Omega"Ubuntu Tour" and "Download" are not on the same level16:12
MuscovyIt would be nice it it used the official colour palate a bit more.16:12
OmegaNo, not like the footer16:12
OmegaThat too16:12
MichealHAhh I can fix that16:12
MichealH#action MichealH to make the pallete more Ubuntu-y and to fix bugs while adding a blog16:13
meetingologyACTION: MichealH to make the pallete more Ubuntu-y and to fix bugs while adding a blog16:13
MuscovyMichealH: http://design.canonical.com/brand/D.%20Ubuntu%20Web%20Guidelines.pdf is handy for web themeing stuff.16:13
Omega#link http://design.canonical.com/brand/D.%20Ubuntu%20Web%20Guidelines.pdf16:13
MichealHMuscovy: Link noted16:13
MichealH#topic Bug reporting frontend (like bugs.ubuntu-manual.org)16:14
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: Bug reporting frontend (like bugs.ubuntu-manual.org)
meetingologyTOPIC: Bug reporting frontend (like bugs.ubuntu-manual.org)16:14
MichealHAny takers?16:14
* MichealH points to himself16:14
MuscovyI thought it would be good for 2 reasons.16:14
MuscovyFirstly, it makes it easier to request specific info.16:15
MichealH#link bugs.ubuntu-manual.org16:15
MuscovySecondly, it allows users without an LP account to report bugs.16:15
MuscovyThough we could have a "report as me" button that redirects to a filled-out LP form.16:15
MichealHI think it would be great because I can create a API for a IRCBot to hang in here?16:16
MichealHThen it would say New Bug received : 1 - blah blah16:16
MuscovyThat would be handy.16:16
OmegaYes, that would be a good idea.16:16
MichealHI can write the system?16:17
OmegaAnd when a bug number is pasted it could fetch the title16:17
MichealHOmega: yeah16:17
MuscovyWe'd best ask for the manual one's code, since I have no idea how parts of the work.16:17
MichealHI can make one, me being a PHP guru16:17
MuscovySpecifically, I have no idea how to submit a web form without going "click".16:17
MichealHMuscovy: Dont make me go into MySQL statements ;)16:18
MuscovyIf you think you can make one, go ahead.16:18
Omega#action MichealH to work on ubuntutour.orf bug frontend16:18
meetingologyACTION: MichealH to work on ubuntutour.orf bug frontend16:18
MuscovyWe can link that to Help -> Report a bug.16:18
Omega#removeaction MichealH to work on ubuntutour.orf bug frontend16:18
Omega#action MichealH to work on ubuntutour.org bug frontend16:18
meetingologyACTION: MichealH to work on ubuntutour.org bug frontend16:18
MichealH#topic Publicity rollout16:19
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: Publicity rollout
meetingologyTOPIC: Publicity rollout16:19
MuscovyOk, the key thing. :D16:19
MuscovyWe're basically "ready" to start rolling out the tour for mass testing.16:20
MuscovyNow that we have most of the writing, about half the screenshots, and a PPA going.16:20
MuscovyWe can use this to help complete the missing things, and get advice/fixes on any issues. Things that are to simple, to complexe, and so on.16:21
MuscovyA little while ago we made a "release statement": http://openetherpad.org/7jAZk435OA16:21
MuscovyBasically, once we decide we're ready, we send that or links to posts _everywhere_.16:22
MuscovyPerhaps a vote on if we're ready to start that, or if we should wait?16:22
OmegaI think we should wait for the bug frontend before we do it, maybe even a fast whipped-up version (or use the UMP's untill ours is done)16:22
OmegaSo it's easier to get feedback.16:22
MuscovyThough help -> report a bug does open the LP bug page and includes the version info.16:23
MichealH#vote Ready to release a Beta?16:23
meetingologyPlease vote on: Ready to release a Beta?16:23
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:23
MichealH+0 (We need to wait)16:24
MichealHEveryone voted?16:24
meetingology-1 received from Omega16:24
meetingologyVoting ended on: Ready to release a Beta?16:25
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:1 Abstentions:016:25
meetingologyMotion denied16:25
MuscovyI'd also like to see the beta site finished by release time.16:25
OmegaI explained above why I think we shoudl wait.16:25
OmegaMichealH: You're going to have a lot of things on your plate :P16:25
MichealH#action To release the beta we need to have Website and Bug Tracker16:25
meetingologyACTION: To release the beta we need to have Website and Bug Tracker16:25
MuscovyYeah, that too.16:25
MuscovyI feel in terms of the tour itself we're ok to release.16:26
MichealH#topic Meeting Info and Agenda, on the Wiki?!?16:26
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: Meeting Info and Agenda, on the Wiki?!?
meetingologyTOPIC: Meeting Info and Agenda, on the Wiki?!?16:26
OmegaAnd the beta will hopefully get us some outside contribution to polish the tour.16:26
MichealHI think we should have our Agenda on the wiki16:27
MichealHThe logs can go on too16:27
MuscovyI'm picturing it being like the last time but moreso because the tour is way cooler now.16:27
MichealHmeetingology generates Wiki output16:27
meetingologyMichealH: Error: "generates" is not a valid command.16:27
MoisoThat would be helpful16:28
MuscovyI can mail out the link and a brief list of what happened.16:28
MichealH#vote Meeting Items on the wiki16:28
meetingologyPlease vote on: Meeting Items on the wiki16:28
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:28
meetingology+1 received from Muscovy16:28
meetingology+1 received from MichealH16:28
meetingology+1 received from MixCool16:28
OmegaMaybe posting about it on the ubuntu-desktop mailing list would be helpful too.16:28
meetingology+1 received from Omega16:28
meetingologyVoting ended on: Meeting Items on the wiki16:28
meetingologyVotes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:016:28
meetingologyMotion carried16:28
MichealH#action MichealH to add logs to wiki and to organise the wiki acordingly16:29
meetingologyACTION: MichealH to add logs to wiki and to organise the wiki acordingly16:29
MuscovyOk, anything else that needs doing?16:29
MichealH#topic Plan for translations16:29
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: Plan for translations
meetingologyTOPIC: Plan for translations16:29
MichealHThat was postponed16:29
MoisoYes please16:30
MuscovyWho had something to say on the matter?16:30
MoisoI feel a little lost here16:30
MichealHMoiso: Break a leg! ;)16:30
MoisoIt's the tour ready to translate?16:30
MoisoI mean totally?16:31
MuscovyNot totally.16:31
MichealHMoiso: You can start and there will be plenty to keep you going :)16:31
MuscovyWe want to focus on doing the English stuff first so translators don't have to keep redoing things.16:31
MuscovySome chapters are nearly done though16:31
MichealHBasically, It will never ever be fully traslated, ther16:31
Moisoyes I understand16:31
Muscovyand could be translated with few future edits.16:32
MichealH*there will be new items and we will need to keep up16:32
MuscovyI was thinking once we get feedback and finish writing, we'll open the translation floodgates.16:32
MoisoBut if I translate now, is there a risk of getting some work lost because of edits?16:33
MuscovySome, but you should be able to tell what looks finished.16:33
MuscovyThe about-ubuntu chapter is more or less done, for example.16:34
MuscovyIf you don't have time, I wouldn't worry about translating now though.16:34
MichealH#action finish writing and get the Site/BugTracker and then build a beta to open the Translations for everyone16:34
meetingologyACTION: finish writing and get the Site/BugTracker and then build a beta to open the Translations for everyone16:34
Moisoyeah I think so, that's what I have been doing16:34
MichealH#topic Chair for next meeting16:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: Chair for next meeting
meetingologyTOPIC: Chair for next meeting16:35
MichealHMuscovy: You wanna?16:36
OmegaI could.16:36
MichealHMoiso: Is that a yes?16:36
OmegaMine's a yes.16:36
MuscovyI could also, as long as I can make it.16:36
OmegaWait, damn.16:36
OmegaI don't think I can make it, I'm traveling.16:36
OmegaI'll try to though, if I get a 'net connection.16:37
MichealHLets postpone for now16:37
MichealH#topic Dtae and Time16:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: Dtae and Time
meetingologyTOPIC: Dtae and Time16:37
MichealH*Date and time16:37
MichealHOh well16:37
MuscovyI think we should start the poll a week before.16:37
MuscovySInce people's times are liable to change.16:37
MichealHBut someone will be now able to commit to being there16:38
MichealHNo matter what date and time16:38
MichealHRough Date?16:38
OmegaIn two weeks?16:38
Moiso15 days16:38
MuscovyDec 18/19.16:38
MichealHSat/Sun in 2 weeks?16:38
MuscovyWeekends seem best.16:39
MoisoOf course16:39
MichealH#vote 18/19 December rough date for the next meeting?16:39
meetingologyPlease vote on: 18/19 December rough date for the next meeting?16:39
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:39
meetingology+1 received from MichealH16:39
meetingology+1 received from Moiso16:39
meetingology+1 received from MixCool16:39
meetingology-1 received from Omega16:39
Omega(Because I can't make it)16:39
OmegaBut, go on :)16:40
* MichealH screams LOGS in Omega ear16:40
OmegaI have logs of my own :>16:40
MichealHMuscovy: +1?16:40
meetingology+1 received from Muscovy16:40
meetingologyVoting ended on: 18/19 December rough date for the next meeting?16:40
meetingologyVotes for:4 Votes against:1 Abstentions:016:40
meetingologyMotion carried16:40
MichealH#agreed Next meeting ~ 18/19 Dec16:41
MichealH#topic Chair for next meeting16:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: Chair for next meeting
meetingologyTOPIC: Chair for next meeting16:41
MichealHI may do this16:42
MichealH#vote MichealH for next chair?16:42
meetingologyPlease vote on: MichealH for next chair?16:42
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:42
MichealHI wont vote (It would be bias)16:43
MichealHOmega: ?16:43
OmegaAnyone is fine really :)16:43
MichealHAnyone else want to vote or volenteer?16:43
MichealHI can teach you how to use the bot.16:44
meetingologyVoting ended on: MichealH for next chair?16:44
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:0 Abstentions:016:44
MichealH#action MichealH to be the next chair16:45
meetingologyACTION: MichealH to be the next chair16:45
MichealHAnything else?16:45
MichealH#topic Anything Else?16:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: Anything Else?
meetingologyTOPIC: Anything Else?16:45
MuscovyI think we're good.16:45
OmegaThis has been a productive session.16:46
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: The Ubuntu Tour Project! | http://ubuntutour.org | Join https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tour | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour/Todo#List | Get the tour at http://ubuntutour.org/download | Meeting to happen at 16:00 GMT, add to the topics list at http://openetherpad.org/jP2PeIcHQO
meetingologyMeeting ended Sat Dec  4 16:46:06 2010 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell . (v 0.1.4)16:46
meetingologyMinutes:        http://mootbot.libertus.co.uk/ubuntu-tour/2010/ubuntu-tour.2010-12-04-15.55.moin.txt16:46
OmegaGood meeting guys.16:46
MichealHEspecially with meetingology16:46
MuscovyThanks for being here.16:47
MoisoI will learn how to use bots, then offer myself for being chair16:47
MichealHIm just getting the logs onto the wiki16:52
MichealHhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour/MeetingAgenda << new agenda I will clear later16:53
=== zz_Crisco is now known as Crisco
MichealHI cleared it16:55
MichealHWelcome to add new things16:55
MichealHSee yas16:55
celsojuniorWhen the meeting begins.17:25
MuscovyWe actually finished not to long ago.17:25
MuscovyI;ll grab the logs.17:25
celsojuniorI confused with the time.17:27
MichealHAlanBell: Ive found a bug in meetingology output :L19:28
MichealHMuscovy: I can make the site roughly like ubuntu.com19:33

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