
=== j_ is now known as Moschops
dogmatic69anyone know what protocol pop3 / imap is?00:55
dogmatic69picking from :: "ip","icmp","ggp","tcp", "egp","pup","udp","hmp","xns-idp", "rdp","rvd"00:56
Azelphurdogmatic69: tcp01:05
dogmatic69cool, thanks01:05
dogmatic69would have been my first guess as its the most common that i know of :P01:06
dogmatic69with ip and udp a close second01:06
Azelphurdogmatic69: that's a weird list though because it contains some stuff that's encapsulated by other stuff01:06
dogmatic69the rest i have not even heard of :/01:06
Azelphurlike rdp, remote desktop protocol, is a TCP connection01:06
Azelphurso it's kinda like having the same thing in the list twice :S01:07
dogmatic69maybe its like a more specific type01:07
AzelphurI guess :p01:07
dogmatic69like you get "cars" can you get "sports cars"01:07
Azelphurthere are 3 major types that I know of though, TCP UDP and IMCP01:07
dogmatic69well im sure they all branch from one main one (tcp maybe)01:08
dogmatic69each with their own little annoyance just to make development easy01:08
AzelphurI think UDP would be the one main, but I'm not sure01:08
Azelphurhavn't gone to deep into the history of it01:09
Azelphuryou can't use TCP for anything that requires super low latency so UDP is still heavily used01:09
dogmatic69i figured out UDP because of torrents (about 5 years ago)01:09
dogmatic69i know about tcp/ip from like 1996/9701:09
AzelphurUDP is a stateless connection, you send your data off into the ethos with no guarentee that it'll arrive in the order you sent it (or at all)01:10
Azelphurit's good for games because it's faster as it doesn't do all that state tracking :p01:10
dogmatic69hacking the ol' internet on netscape \o/01:10
dogmatic69ah, makes sense about the torrents then also01:10
Azelphurwhere as TCP is designed to ensure all your packets arrive, and in the order they are sent01:10
Azelphurbut all that checking obviously adds overhead01:10
* Azelphur spent a lot of time reverse engineering protocols with wireshark for fun \o/01:11
dogmatic69even more sense for torrents, being downloades kb's at a time from all over01:11
Azelphurhehe indeed01:11
Azelphurdogmatic69: I wrote an addon for mIRC (a Windows IRC client) to make it connect to MSN for example :p01:11
dogmatic69im re-writing php's imap functions01:12
Azelphurwhy? o.O01:12
dogmatic69i know mirc... those were the good old days of dial-up and irc01:12
Azelphurhehe that's the one01:12
AzelphurI was 6 years old when I started on dialup and mIRC :D01:12
dogmatic691) its fing ugly, 2) its an extension, not available to hosts which does not suite my end user os php app im building01:13
dogmatic69i was like 12ish01:13
dogmatic69when i was 6 the internet was a classified CIA something or another01:13
AzelphurI'm a glutton for control with my server stuff01:13
Azelphurstarted out with a VPS, got a big dedi now too01:14
dogmatic69i was a pro on dos 5.x though ;)01:14
dogmatic69i just got a little slice01:14
dogmatic69only moved to ubuntu 3 moths ago, so was never 'able' to work linux01:14
Azelphurah, I been over this way for 3 years :D01:15
dogmatic69was under the impression you needed to be a rocket scientist01:15
AzelphurI was such a noob when I switched :)01:15
Azelphurhaha, 3 years ago you almost did01:15
dogmatic69in hind site, sudo apt-get install anything is easier01:15
AzelphurI started off on ubuntu 7.10 before they had jockey and such01:15
Azelphurand I'd never touched Linux before in my life01:16
Azelphuractually should start earlier because this is a hilarious story :p01:16
AzelphurI saw this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYgV2GlsufI01:16
dogmatic69i installed 9.04 for the first time using linux... was not happy when i had to write 2 pages of code to use 2 monitors :/01:16
Azelphurand decided that I really wanted that, so I did the most awesome thing ever01:16
AzelphurI went to ##linux and asked what distro I should use as a beginner01:17
Azelphur<epic flame war insues>01:17
dogmatic69as it would01:17
Azelphurgot heckled around pretty much every distro, Debian, Fedora, neither of them would start X at the time01:17
Azelphurand in the end someone pointed me at Ubuntu :P01:18
Azelphurwhich was the only distro I managed to get to start X, so I stuck with that01:18
Azelphurkept on following different guides on how to get my graphics drivers to work with dual screen and compiz, I was on ATI too back before the open source drivers where in full swing01:18
Azelphurso it was ATI+fglrx+dual screen which was the most difficult combo back in those days :p01:19
AzelphurI'd follow a guide, and when it didn't work I'd reload fresh to make sure I had a clean attempt at the next guide01:19
Azelphurby reload fresh, I mean a complete reinstall of Ubuntu :p01:19
Azelphur~70 reloads later...success :D, I'd finally got wine, compiz, fglrx, and dual screen working01:20
Azelphurso I left it downloading my game via steam to try it out01:20
Azelphurwoke up the next morning, power supply blew while I was asleep :(01:20
Azelphur^ sods law in action right there xD01:20
dogmatic69that sucks01:23
Azelphurdogmatic69: the funnier part is my brother built that PC and it was on it's third power supply01:26
Azelphurso I decided to hell with it and build a new PC, with nvidia cards for ease of use \o/01:26
AzelphurI decided I was gonna put vista on it, because I needed a 64bit OS for my 4GB RAM, and XP 64bit was rather old and on the verge of being neglected, I figured it was Vista or nothing01:27
Azelphurso installed Vista 64, let it do it's update, let it reboot as requested, machine never booted again (blue screen of death)01:27
Azelphurafter 3 reinstalls I came to the conclusion that this was indeed a glaringly obvious terrible oversight, and decided wow...to hell with this and went back to plugging away at Ubuntu xD01:28
Azelphurand that's how I ended up the crazy Linux gamer xD01:28
Azelphurevery time I go near a windows machine now it does something so insanely irritating that I maintain that taking a performance hit and not having some games work is better than that god-awful os :p01:30
dogmatic69i was a user of vista for many years01:35
dogmatic69since the first cracked RC came out :P01:35
dogmatic69then they fixed the crack, and could never find one that works so i paid 200 bucks for a proper one :/01:35
Azelphurhaha :p01:43
dogmatic69Azelphur: so you are a ace with this protocol stuff?01:51
Azelphura bit yea01:51
dogmatic69maybe you could give me a bit more info on this issue, like low level problems it could be or something01:52
dogmatic69when im reading from a stream created in php, things work pretty good if i set the size correctly or below the size of the data coming01:53
dogmatic69if i have it to high i get a 504 gateway error01:53
dogmatic69seems like its just "receiving" nothing, hoping that oneday the rest of the data would come01:53
Azelphurdogmatic69: not sure, never done much in PHP02:21
neptunedoes anyone know how ubuntu schedules threads on a multi-core processor?02:53
daubersThings to do today: Go to wedding08:17
daubersHows things czajkowski?08:22
czajkowskigrand thanks08:22
czajkowskiwe were meant to go to a mates wedding party today08:22
czajkowskibut she had to call it off as all our mates are stuck in ireland08:22
daubersSupposed to start cheering up now08:24
daubers(weather wise)08:25
kaushalis it better to go with btrfs or ext4 in 10.1008:30
daubersbtrfs still has issues08:39
kaushaldaubers: also what would be the ideal partitioning schemes08:40
nigelbdaubers: your wedding? ;)08:40
kaushalis it /boot first /home second / third swap fourth ?08:40
nigelbczajkowski: Aloha!08:40
kaushalare there help docs or wiki ?08:40
daubersnigelb: bope, a gfriends08:40
nigelbshould be fun08:41
dauberskaushal: Thats more preference than anything else. Stuff at the start of the disk will be slightly faster (but not noticeably so)08:41
kaushaldaubers: are there docs or wiki ?08:42
dauberskaushal: no idea, sorry. I tend to stick to the defaults08:42
* popey pokes kaushal in the eye with a stick09:17
popeyI just typed a reply to your mail, then came here and realised your question has been answered here09:18
popeyasking in lots of places at once is quite a waste of peoples time09:18
dwatkinsI shall try the latest netbook edition on my Eee later today, I hope sound works.09:20
bigcalm[mobile]Hi kids09:21
dwatkinsIt didn't work on Jolicloud, until I sleep the OS, which is just plain wierd..09:21
dwatkinshey bigcalm[mobile]09:21
popey\o/ Jabber09:21
dwatkinsJabber, popey?09:22
bigcalm[mobile]He wont take no jibber jabber09:23
MattJJabber \o/09:23
dwatkinsWe use Jabber at work, which is ace.09:23
marsilainenif I set rules using 'ufw', do those take effect on all network interfaces?09:24
marsilainenif I wish to have different rules on different interfaces, then do I need to use iptables directly?09:24
AndChat|Bloody sky wifi09:30
AndChat|Ackroyd, wrong Nick09:30
AndChat|And auto correct fail09:31
* dwatkins wonders if 40GB per month is enough09:33
dwatkinsNo, bigcalm[mob] - my other half watches a fair amount of TV online, thoough.09:34
directhexum, i can eat 40gb in one day09:42
daubersla la la la la09:44
MartijnVdSdaubers: how are things in la la land? 8-)09:44
daubersHmmm... stupid electric heaters eating 4kW :(09:44
directhexrun steam. install GTA4 (15.6 gig), Aliens vs Predator (15.4 gig), and LOTRO (over 10 gig)09:44
directhexand bam09:45
daubersYou're broke for the month?09:45
directhexlotro is free, i paid a fiver for gta4, and six quid for avp09:45
daubersFair enough09:45
* daubers goes to start the car and get his suit out09:46
dwatkinswierd, Karmic dropped vol_id thus breaking unetbootin. Anyone know of a workaround for this?09:49
* daubers needs a decent python graphing library09:54
nperrymorning o/10:17
dwatkinsahoy nperry10:17
nperryanother day in work...10:18
* marsilainen ponders how to remove thick ice from some steps with no appropriate implements10:19
daubersmarsilainen: Kettle + water10:19
marsilainendaubers: good idea10:20
nperrymarsilainen: piss on it.10:20
marsilainenmy house mate just slipped on them and sliced his hand open on some metal railings next to them10:20
daubersmarsilainen: And some table salt to stop it freezing again (put that on the ice after pouring the water on)10:20
marsilainenhe's on his way to hospital now :/10:20
dwatkinsouch, marsilainen10:22
nperryice is not fun :/10:22
dwatkinsI cleared ice with my boots from some steps, be careful if you use the kettle that you don't end up with a thin layer of ice afterwwards10:23
dwatkinsindeed, nperry - I broke my ankle slipping on ice once10:23
* dwatkins uses the sourceforge version of unetbootin10:24
* dwatkins notes that no-one replied from Jolicloud10:26
dwatkinsShame, their desktop works well on my tiny Eee screen10:26
daubersdwatkins: Thats why I go kettle + salt :)10:33
daubersalso, car gone \o/10:33
suprengrI find the best solution to ice is putting it in a large whiskey ;)10:33
dauberssuprengr: Criminal!10:34
suprengrdaubers: point taken :D10:35
dwatkinsdaubers: not your car, I assume10:38
daubersdwatkins: It was, just managed to sell it (at last)10:39
dwatkinswoohoo, daubers :)10:39
daubersNeed to make a run t the post office shortly send off the bit of the whatsit to the dvla10:39
dwatkinsin this weather, that's even more impressive, daubers10:39
* danfish at my wits end. Haven't been able to fly home for 4 days due to weather in UK, and now the sodding Spanish air traffic controllers have gone on strike meaning no flights :(:(:( 10:42
daubersdanfish: Go lay in the pool10:46
KrimZoni fixed the problem with cron10:48
KrimZoni gave ownership of the script to root, and it works10:49
KrimZoni've no clue why having the backup drive mounted at the time caused it to require that though10:57
danfishdaubers: if only - it's only 12deg c in the pool. I'll turn blue!11:00
daubersWarmer than outside here :)11:03
danfishI know I shouldn't complain, but I'm now a tad bored, miss the kids and really need to be at work on Monday11:07
brobostigonmorning all.11:14
jacobwgood morning brobostigon11:15
brobostigonmorning jacobw11:15
* dutchie has to tidy his desk :(11:28
jacobwcan you still get a dell mini 9 w/ ubuntu?11:30
cridlandrI'm trying to install Maverick for Sparc11:37
cridlandrHere is the Ubuntu URL  :  https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/installation-guide/sparc/downloading-files.html#where-files11:38
cridlandrThe link on this page : http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/installer-sparc/current/images11:38
cridlandrIs broken! :(11:38
cridlandrWhere do I find the Sparc image?11:38
popeycridlandr: we don't do sparc images anymore11:39
cridlandrIt says you do here : https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/installation-guide/sparc/downloading-files.html#where-files11:40
popeyno it doesnt11:40
cridlandrGuess I'll be going to OpenSolaris then.... that's not being "done" anymore either! LOL!11:41
brobostigoncridlandr: have you had a look at debian.11:42
cridlandrYes, that was the other possibility11:42
cridlandrI just love this old hardware stuff!   Thanks all11:42
* dwatkins finally gets Ubuntu Netbook Remix to boot11:49
dwatkinssilly unetbootin11:49
nperryBit of slipknot at work, never hurt anybody11:51
dwatkinsThat reminds me, I need some speakers at work.11:53
jacobwhow do you rebuff criticism of getting people to use ubuntu?11:53
jacobwpeople start to think that all their computer problems are automatically your fault people you've gotten them using ubuntu11:54
dwatkinscriticism of ubuntu, or criticism of computers in general, jacobw?11:55
* dwatkins boots ubuntu netbook remix and finds the mouse doesn't work11:55
jacobwthe only reason i do it really is because i really don't want to support people using windows11:55
brobostigonjacobw: you have to differentiate to said person where the issue lies, hw, etc.11:55
brobostigonlike if the issue is with flash, it isnt ubuntu's messing up, it is adobe's,11:56
jacobwcriticism of ubuntu, i.e. they can't use iTunes, presentations created in Impress don't work properly with PowerPoint11:57
jacobwi've tried that brobostigon, the belief seems to be seen as majority of people use Windows and don't have the same issues, then the majority must be right11:57
brobostigonjacobw: cant use  itunes, nothing to do with ubuntu, ask apple to make a port.11:57
jacobwordinary people don't understand that though :(11:58
jacobwi suppose to only thing to do is to carry on regardless11:58
jacobwunfortunately, most people don't understand the aims of software freedom etc.12:00
brobostigonjacobw: i work with mind here in banbury, and have ubuntu and debian ontheir netbooks, perfect really. and no realcomplaints yet, on praise that the function is better and smoother and quicker thanwith windows.12:00
jacobwyou've hit the nail on the head there though, they ALL have ubuntu on their netbooks12:00
brobostigonjacobw: and this is people  with mental and physical health difficulties.12:01
jacobwi'm reassured by that :) if you can get it to work in those situations, i'm sure i can get it to work in my situation12:01
brobostigoni spent 6 months and abit, testing this out with them first, even one girl loves using dasher,12:01
brobostigondasher has saved us a few times, with people who need to type, but cant use a keyboard.12:02
jacobwthe thing is when people start going on, you start thinking, "well, maybe i am doing something wrong in forcing my IT preferences on other people"12:04
brobostigonjacobw: this is only banbury mind, so it isnt many, it is only a few machines, but it has tool alot of time  and effort to get it right, because of where and the people that are using them.12:04
jacobwthis is another thing, i have limited skills with ubuntu to help people out, i should put more effort in to it12:05
brobostigoni dont force anything, i just say to them, i will show you what is possible, nd you canmake youre own choice.12:05
jacobwbrobostigon, that isn't really possible with relatives though12:05
brobostigonjacobw: it is, i showed my mum ubuntu and she compared it to my dads work machine with xp, guess what, she has been using ubuntu for a few  years now, without any major problems.12:06
jacobwwell, in the short term, i need to place an old dell lattitude with a modern laptop12:07
jacobwi.e. with a webcam/microphone so the user can use skype12:08
brobostigonsounds fairly simple.12:09
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
brobostigoncheck the webcam with the HW database.12:09
jacobwit *should* be, but i can't find a list of ubuntu compatible laptop systems12:09
jacobwthere seems to be dozens of different lists on the wiki, most of them out of date12:10
brobostigonthat isnt it,12:10
dwatkins*sigh* my Eee 901 doesn't seem to want to make the mouse work on netbook remix12:12
dwatkinsoh, I lied :D it's ok now I rebooted, just took a minute :D12:12
dwatkinsnow for the bit test - wifi and sound...12:12
jacobwi can't believe i can't go in to a shop and buy a laptop with ubuntu in this day and age :(12:34
brobostigonjacobw: you can get a blank mchine i do believe, and install yourself.12:35
jacobwwhere from brobostigon ?12:36
dwatkinsoverclockers and ebuyer do barebones machines, too12:36
dwatkinsah I see, nakedcomputers is just a list12:38
brobostigondwatkins: oh where you can buy from.12:39
dwatkinsindeed, brobostigon - looks quite handy12:43
dwatkinsI'd like to see more such places selling bare-bones machines12:43
jacobwit seems to buying a laptop to install linux is still as difficult as it always was12:44
jacobwdell seem to have given up seen as they don't even ship the last LTS, they ship 9.1012:45
dwatkinsjacobw: how about an ASUS Eee 1005-series?13:07
dwatkinsThey appear to be well supported by Ubuntu (and OS X)13:07
jacobwi think i've found a good bet, http://www.saveonlaptops.co.uk/Lenovo_G550_1006557.html13:13
dwatkinsIs it properly supported by Ubuntu, jacobw?13:15
jacobwas far as i can tell..13:15
jacobwit isn't easy to tell, seen as finding what wireless chipset a particular laptop uses isn't always possible13:19
popey12:45:12 < jacobw> dell seem to have given up seen as they don't even ship the last LTS, they ship 9.1013:26
popeydepends on the machine13:26
jacobwi was looking at the inspiron laptop13:28
gordgenerally what happens is that dell release a machine with a certain release of ubuntu, that release is customised to fit them and has to be setup in their factories, its not a simple thing to just change everything to the latest lts13:30
gordit involves lots of testing and factory stuff, is it really worth it for them?13:30
jacobwwell, they do it for the Windows LTS releases, so if they were really going to support Ubuntu on their machines, they'd do it for Ubuntu too13:36
gordwell no, thats not how the world works now is it13:37
gordits not a case of all or nothing13:37
jacobwi know, it just shows in my opinion that their commitment is limited13:38
olyalthough they may not be selling laptops with ubuntu i have to say i was exceptionally pleased with how well the 17 studio laptop works with ubuntu13:39
olybest supported laptop under ubuntu i have ever owned, everything just worked including custom function keys and duel audio outputs monitor switching etc13:40
jacobwoly, i've got one as well, it does work very well :)13:41
jacobwi've got the 1737 model13:41
olyall the bits that usually dont work, so i get the feeling they may be testing or something even if there not fully supporting it13:41
gordwell, with the big popular laptops, lots of people just buying them, are testing them. so bugs get files, kernel modules get written, all that fun stuff13:42
olynot sure on the model i have all i know is its a dell studio 17 inch :p13:42
olyyeah but even with testing i find machine work but the little features dont work like multimedia keys or the function keys on laptops when used with fn13:43
olybut perhaps thats just bad luck on my part :p13:43
olyjust never had a laptop where every little feature just works13:44
olyi am curious weather thats anything todo with dell though perhaps they test the hardware even if they dont ship the os13:45
gordwell you can expect that their lines use the same way of doing function keys and other little features, so if just one of those laptops gets an ubuntu tested release you can expect they will all work13:46
olystill hope that we will see of the shelf setups supported a lot better though13:47
olyalways nice to have some garentee the machine will work correctly with out hacking it :)13:48
gordi just randomly order hardware and laptops, always works out well for me!13:48
marsilainenwhat rule do I need to add to iptables to allow pings to work?14:03
marsilainenit's ok, got it now http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-iptables-9-allow-icmp-ping.html14:10
danfishcan anyone recommend a SOHO Voip provider?14:21
marsilainenI think gradwell is quite popular for that isn't it?14:22
marsilainennot used myself14:22
* marsilainen reboots a remote machine - hoping he hasn't locked himself out with iptables14:26
marsilainendoes running iptables slow down a port scan?14:31
marsilainenbefore iptables was running, a port scan would find the low open ports very quickly14:32
marsilainenbut now it seems to take much longer14:32
marsilainenis that because the port scanner is waiting for a response each time and eventually timing out or something now that iptables is running?14:32
penguin42marsilainen: Probably depends how dumb the portscanner is, but probably yes14:59
Laneyif you have your default policy set to DROP then likely yes15:02
marsilainenpenguin42, Laney: thanks15:24
marsilainenI guess it's a good thing in any case15:24
marsilainenif it takes people a long time to port-scan me, then all the better15:25
* dutchie survived \o/15:40
marsilainenif I buy an SSL cert, then it is just tied to the domain name right?15:57
marsilainenif I change the IP address for that domain at some point later, the cert keeps working right?15:57
lazarus_having issues with arch16:28
popeylazarus_: arch?16:44
brobostigonarch linux, i would presume.16:44
brobostigonthe distro..16:44
lazarus_brobostigon: yes16:45
popeythats why i asked16:45
popeylazarus_: ah well :)16:45
brobostigonlazarus_: its a rolling release isnt it, like debian sid.16:46
popeythere is apparently an #archlinux support channel16:46
lazarus_popey: for some reason i cant talk in there16:46
popeyyour nick probably needs to be registered16:47
popeyand you need to be identified to services16:47
lubotu3Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:47
lazarus_freenode server you only need to register once right16:48
lazarus_in that case i am16:49
brobostigonare you identified with nickserv ?16:49
lazarus_how does on check?16:50
popeyyou arent16:50
popey /whois lazarus_16:50
popeythat shows you're not16:50
popeythe page i linked to tells you how to identify16:50
popey /msg nickserv identify <password>16:51
kaushalI am on Ubuntu 10.10 :)16:54
kaushalUbuntu 10.10 rocks16:55
kaushalGoogle desktop dont work :/16:55
kaushalI mean the short cut key CTRl-CTRL16:55
lazarus_popey: thanks that fixed it16:56
popeynp lazarus_16:56
kaushalany idea ?16:56
kaushalI heard its broken in 10.0416:56
kaushalbut still broken in 10.10 :/16:56
lazarus_arch liinux is a ***** at times16:57
kaushalwhere do i seek help for it ?16:59
popeylazarus_: the distro or the channel?16:59
popeykaushal: http://desktop.google.com/support/?hl=en16:59
lazarus_popey:  both17:00
popeyyou're not telling me anything I didn't already know I'm afraid17:01
jacobwi remember #debian used to be really unhelpful :(17:01
lazarus_oh wow i basically got told if i dont know what im doing then im on the wrong distro17:04
* brobostigon returned17:04
KrimZondoes anyone know a text editor that has a keyboard shortcut to toggle word-wrap?17:04
ali1234vi or emacs17:05
KrimZonwhat is it in vi?17:07
ali1234i dunno17:07
brobostigonlazarus_: a rolling release, like debian sid, can very easily break,so i wouldnt give it to someone, who didnt know how to fix it, if something did break.17:08
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
popeylazarus_: thats true to be fair17:10
lazarus_brobostigon: all i said to them was they asked me to find logs to which i replied im not sure where logs are kept because ive never had to view them17:11
popeylazarus_: it's designed for expert users17:11
popeyalso, why on earth would you want to run arch :)17:11
brobostigonlazarus_: to tell you, /var/log,17:11
dutchieKrimZon: by default, Q is mapped to gq, which is the "format" operator17:11
lazarus_thankyou now i know17:11
brobostigonlazarus_: yes, they were alittle abrupt i must abmit.17:12
ali1234popey: because people who run arch constantly go around telling people how great and easy to use arch is17:12
dutchieKrimZon: J joins lines together, dunno if there is a way to do them all in one go17:12
popeyali1234: that too17:12
ali1234gentoo users do the same thing17:12
ali1234if you go in a generic linux forum and say you use ubuntu you will get hundreds of "hurr.... gentoo is bettar" comments17:12
lazarus_popey: im looking for somthing a lil diff to ubuntu17:12
popeylazarus_: diff in what way?17:13
jacobwgentoo is a waste of human endeavour17:13
dutchieand cpu endeavour17:13
popeyi know a few who like gentoo, and if they like it and it works for them, thats great17:13
lazarus_i find ubuntu to be to much of point click job done nowdays17:13
brobostigonlazarus_: have you tried debian for example ?17:13
popeylazarus_: you'd rather run out in the snow naked and beat yourself with birch twigs?17:14
ali1234jacobw: not no mention electricity17:14
dutchiehmm, my windows partition has 32M left17:14
ali1234clearly this is the reasoning behind unity as default UI17:14
ali1234ubuntu is becoming too easy to use so someone decided to make it a little bit harder to set up17:15
lazarus_and i dont like unity17:15
jacobwi like unity :)17:15
ali1234now all those gentoo fanbois have some obscure command line to type in after installation, they are sure to switch to ubuntu in droves :)17:15
lazarus_brobostigon: whats the diff between debain and ubuntu because ubuntu is based on it17:18
lubotu3Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!17:18
brobostigonthank you, was just going to bringthat up popey .17:18
jacobwdebian is the rock that ubuntu is built on17:20
lazarus_so the only thing of major is the release process??17:21
* brobostigon goes away to bang his head on a hard surface for abit.17:23
lazarus_i know im being a noob i sowwie17:24
brobostigonlazarus_: i am just stressed nd getting stress here at home.17:24
dutchiei think i need some sort of cd-r labelling system17:25
ali1234have you tried using a pen?17:25
dutchiei have 10 here which i have no idea what is on them17:25
lazarus_bugger it i might try pc linuxos17:26
dutchieand the very first i pull out is a gparted one \o/17:26
dutchiehmm, it is version 3.917:27
dutchieand the current version is 0.7.017:28
dutchie(the first one should have been 0.3.9)17:28
dutchieah well, it should still work17:28
KrimZondamnit, why do none of the gui editors have a keyboard shortcut to toggle word wrap17:33
KrimZonif i'm programming or looking at config files i want non-wrapped stuff, but if i'm writing notes i want it to auto wrap17:33
KrimZonand there's usually no way to tell the file types apart17:34
ali1234sure there is17:35
ali1234programming languages always use a specific filename extension17:35
KrimZonwell, no way to get the editors to detect this17:35
ali1234besides, you should not be going past 80 characters anyway, so word wrap will not apply17:36
=== j_ is now known as Moschops
KrimZondepends on the coding style guide17:36
ali1234(or lack of)17:36
KrimZonmost coding is in an ide, but i still do php and other random scripting languages in ordinary text editors17:36
ali1234so what?17:37
KrimZonso i'd quite like to finally find a decent text editor17:39
ali1234gedit has everything you need17:44
KrimZondoes it have a keyboard shortcut to toggle word wrap?17:44
ali1234no but it has a right margin marker, so you will know to stop writing on the current line17:45
KrimZonthat's all fine and good until i want the window smaller than 80 characters and my notes to still be readable17:45
ali1234why don't you just turn on word wrapping and leave it on always?17:46
KrimZonbecause when I code in it the code will wrap17:46
ali1234then your code is incorrectly formatted to begin with17:47
KrimZonno it's not17:47
KrimZonthe window may be narrower than the style's margin in order to view it side by side with something else17:49
ali1234how can you "view" it if half the lines are off the left side of the screen?17:50
KrimZonusually it's only a few lines that go particularly wide17:50
ali1234and why is it such a problem if these lines are wrapped?17:51
KrimZonthey change the vertical spacing of the code17:51
ali1234why don't you just use diff?17:51
KrimZoncause i'm not comparing17:51
suprengrkrimzon: use a smaller font?17:54
KrimZonthat would hurt my eyes eventually17:54
suprengrhmmm... glasses?17:55
KrimZoni have glasses, probably from having the font too small to begin with17:56
KrimZonprobably from before i started using linux with its actually nice font rendering17:56
* Azelphur prepares for hate17:57
AzelphurI'm doing 8px on 1920x120017:57
suprengrseriously though...  [from 1 specs wearer to another] i just got myself a larger screen and set resoloution to a comfortable level17:58
KrimZoni'm feeling the very beginning of a headache just thinking about that17:58
KrimZoni'm gonna write my own text editor17:59
KrimZonthen the linux community gets another text editor out of it17:59
KrimZonktute - krimzon's totally useless text editor17:59
marsilainenwhat is the correct way to edit the system motd message?18:01
marsilainenif I edit /etc/motd it just seems to get overwritten again when someone logs in18:01
KrimZonor... maybe what I want is a general note-writing tool, and an editor configured for php/xml/js/css and some other stuff18:14
brobostigonevening czajkowski18:21
KrimZonfor some reason gnome is not remembering file type associations18:30
suprengrso being my 1st weekend off in yonks i fancied some fun... been trying to get terminal to do 'cowsay' + motd on start... failed miserably18:40
suprengr[any ideas?]18:41
jacobwis that a weekend of fun?!18:41
suprengrwell... it IS cold out there... and need to be in front of screen for sis [who hopefully is now installing Ubuntu]18:42
suprengr...that's MY excuse and I'm sticking to it ;)18:43
jacobwuh huh :)18:48
jacobwi'm 99% sure it can be done18:50
jacobwcan't be done even18:50
suprengr...I am currently more than ready to believe that18:51
* suprengr sighs18:51
DanielRMThe nice thing about Facebook is that no-one ever forgets your birthday. :-/18:52
DanielRMEvening all, BTW.18:52
gordwhy don't you just replace motd with the output of cowsay < /etc/motd ?18:52
czajkowskiello gord18:52
DanielRMgord: allo.18:54
suprengrgord: /etc/motd = no such fod18:56
suprengr[file or directory]18:56
gordsuprengr, then you have a non standard system18:56
gordubuntu has a default motd that gets updated with package information and such18:57
suprengrnot surprised... I'm not even from this planet!18:57
suprengr...checked in packages & only motd thaat appears is motd-update18:58
suprengr[not installed]18:58
exobuzz/etc/motd should be a symlink to /var/run/motd18:58
exobuzzat least with a standard install..18:58
suprengrI honestly thought this was a standard install up till now and have no other reason to think otherwise18:59
exobuzz/var/run/motd is automatically generated. i guess you can make your own motd anyway if you like but you can also drop scripts in /etc/update-motd.d18:59
exobuzzwhich will be used to create the /var/run/motd19:00
exobuzzin my case i added a 60-showdisktemps script so the output when i login is like http://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/motd19:02
exobuzzsorry if all this is already known/obvious :)19:02
penguin42exobuzz: Is that just hdparm something?19:03
exobuzzits a little script i made. one sec i can post it19:03
suprengrjust re-checked - no /etc/motd, no /var/run/motd19:03
penguin42no /etc/motd?!19:04
suprengrtime to install motd-update ?19:04
exobuzzpam_motd handles this in libpam-modules in latest ubuntu. in earlier ones it was handled by package update-motd19:04
gordsweet, found the menu to my local chinese place. looks like i'm not gonna starve after all19:05
suprengrconcur, that's what synaptic said19:05
exobuzzpenguin42, http://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/disktemps takes a param of "show, check or both". check is something that i run every 10 mins, and if a disk reaches  set temp, i get an email and machine is shutdown for safety19:06
exobuzzin case of fan failure..19:06
exobuzzshow will just output the temps of all disks in the system19:06
suprengrhang on motd IS found is found in /etc "link broken" !!!19:07
exobuzzsuprengr, which version of ubuntu ?19:07
jacobwi'm disappointed that lubotu doesn't do cowsay19:08
exobuzzdo you have update-motd installed ?19:08
exobuzzi think 10.04 still uses that..19:08
suprengrupdate-motd not installed19:09
exobuzzthats the problem then19:09
exobuzzinstall that :)19:09
suprengryep.. that's what I was beginning to think19:09
exobuzzor check the description for it .. maek sure it doesnt say "The functionality formerly provided by this package is now integrated into pam_motd, in libpam-modules."19:09
exobuzzat some point. maverick or possibly before. this was deprecated for doing the stuff as a pam module19:10
* suprengr goes off to sudo apt-get etc19:10
exobuzzif it doesnt say that, then you need it :)19:10
suprengrthe description does asay that19:11
exobuzzaah. then. you dont want it hmm19:11
exobuzzand you have libpam-modules i guess installed.19:12
suprengrno probs... I applied the brakes in time19:12
exobuzzcheck you have /lib/security/pam_motd.so19:12
exobuzzwhen you login the /var/run/motd should be generated19:12
suprengrpam_motd.so is there19:13
exobuzzthe module should be referenced in /etc/pam.d/login and /etc/pam.d/sshd also19:13
suprengrsession optional in pam.d/login... pam.d/sshd does not exist!19:16
wintellectright - biting the bullet and daring to upgrade 8.04 - 10.04.0119:17
exobuzzsshd is for remote ssh access. if you dont use that you wont have it19:17
suprengrthat's what I was hoping you'd say ;)19:18
suprengrso why no motd??? me confused19:18
exobuzzif you sudo -s, then run run-parts --lsbsysinit /etc/update-motd.d > /var/run/motd19:18
exobuzzshould generate it. but this should happen automatically when you login19:18
jussisuprengr: bbc have reruns of motd somewhere, Im sure you could get one :P :P19:19
suprengrexobuzz: bash: /var/run/motd: Permission denied19:20
suprengrjussi ?19:21
exobuzzsudo bash -c "run-parts --lsbsysinit /etc/update-motd.d > /var/run/motd"19:21
exobuzzneeds to be done as root . the pipe is tricky from sudo19:21
exobuzzthat should work though19:21
jussisuprengr: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/match_of_the_day/default.stm19:21
exobuzzmatch of the day joke :)19:22
suprengrexobuzz: something happened...19:22
suprengrjussi: cool - will have a look [in a mo]19:22
exobuzzsuprengr, well. you probabyl have a motd now. but i havnt solved the problem of it not being automatically created..19:22
suprengrexobuzz: yeh but you got me further than I was getting lol19:23
suprengrjussi: good sense of humour ;D19:24
suprengrexobuzz: time to restart & see methinks19:25
suprengr...& thanks a mil19:25
VenkoAnyone here savy with SVN or general version control and happy to help me with it a bit? I'm confused as to what to do19:29
dutchiethat could have gone better19:30
exobuzzVenko, can try :)19:31
exobuzzdutchie, what's that ?19:31
VenkoI've been experimenting with some ideas and created various files of code in /trunk and and would now like to work on a proper prototype with what I've discovered/decided. So what do I do now? I shouldn't go erasing everything in trunk19:32
dutchiedecided that i needed more space on my vista partition, so rebooted into a gparted live cd to shuffle around the partitions19:33
dutchienow nothing boots :(19:33
exobuzzwell. if you have just been testing, you probably want to make a new repository. so long as there isnt any important history19:33
exobuzzVenko, or you mean you have a history and you did some new code and committed in trunk ?19:33
exobuzzor its uncommitted ?19:33
VenkoAm I meant to somehow move trunk's contents to a directory in branches and call it /old or something?19:34
exobuzznormally for test stuff i would work on a branch.19:34
VenkoI don't have another repository. I'm doing my university project (third year)19:34
exobuzzyou are using svn btw or git ?19:34
VenkoI've been loving being able to undo/redo things and compare with SVN so far but no idea what to do here19:34
Venkoexobuzz: SVN19:34
exobuzzin svn. a branch is just a copy. even a tag is a copy only that you dont change stuff. so, you can always copy trunk to a branch and then do more stuff on it. and merge back and forth19:35
exobuzzit sounds like you might benefit from reading some svn concept stuff19:35
exobuzzhttp://svnbook.red-bean.com/ is pretty decent19:35
VenkoWell ultimately all I want is to be able to grab and look at the old experimentation stuff when I'm building this prototype19:36
exobuzzcopy the experimentation stuff to a branch, and perhaps roll the trunk back if you have stuff committed you dont want19:37
exobuzzto roll back you do a reverse merge with svn.19:37
VenkoIt looks like tag might be what I want actually19:38
VenkoI could just move it to /tags and call it 'pre-prototype1' or something19:38
exobuzza tag should be a static thing like a bookmark. so if you just want to bookmark how something was. that would work fine. a tag can be thought of as a name for a specific revision19:38
exobuzzyou can always check out any revision number from an svn source tree of course.19:38
exobuzzconceptually. although tags and branches are both copies in svn, a tag is something you dont change, and a branch is something you work on/commit to19:39
VenkoYeah, I think that tag is exactly what I'm after19:39
VenkoDoes it keep the revision history in tags?19:39
VenkoI'm probably going to delete half of the files completely in branch after19:40
Laneyx factor \m/ >_< \m/19:40
exobuzzyou have the history yeh. ideally it sounds like what you should have done was to create a branch earlier before you did the experimental stuff, and then kept it on its own branch19:40
exobuzzso you dont have to undo a bunch of stuff on trunk19:41
Azelphurhaha, just took down a phishing website :)19:41
VenkoYeah, I didn't understand what was what at the start and saw the name trunk so it seemed like the place to put everything19:41
VenkoSVN has been really useful so far anyway :)19:42
exobuzzdutchie, sorry missed your message. oops. :/ boot loader related or hosed partitions ?19:42
Azelphurone of my friends slipped up and didn't notice the URL bar and got suckered by it, so I just ran some python from home, my VPS and my dedi using urllib that posted thousands of fake account details to it :D19:42
exobuzzVenko, good to use source control for sure. i couldnt live without it19:42
AzelphurIt went 404 after I got about 10k records in >:)19:42
exobuzzAzelphur, what if they turn a botnet to attack your ip now ? :)19:43
Azelphur*shrug* VPS is for giggles now as I have the dedi, dedi has hardware DDoS protection and my home IP is easily changable (I have a block of 8)19:43
exobuzzaah ok.. anyway. nice.. you only got another million to do .. ;-)19:44
AzelphurI do it every time I come across one, would be cool to have a botnet for this tbh then even logging IP addresses wouldn't help19:44
Azelphurwould be so cool to just take them all out with thousands of fake accounts19:44
exobuzzi got a call earlier from an indian trying to get me to install some remote control software on my pc, so they could infect it or charge me for something.. i told em it doesnt work. and we went though hardware etc. i told em i have a commodore 64. and they were trying to get information about it19:45
Azelphurexobuzz: LOL19:45
ali1234they told me my computer would "go for a toss" if i didn't install their thing19:45
exobuzzive had a few of these calls. one of em got cross with me for wasting his time. i just laughed. although its quite a serious matter really.. i mean i have no idea what they would have done had they gotten access to a pc.19:47
exobuzzand im pretty sure some people must be duped by them19:47
ali1234they don't actually want access19:47
Azelphurexobuzz: It'd be funny to let them take over a walled VM and then use it to mess with them :D19:47
exobuzzthe problem with computers. is that they dont boot up with a READY> prompt and force you to read the manual19:47
Azelphuroh yea, they want money :P19:47
ali1234if you let them on, they say "oh we can fix it for $50"19:47
penguin42exobuzz: Wow, hadn't actually heard about any of those - it's an interesting alternative to infected web pages etc19:47
exobuzzAzelphur, yeh good idea!19:47
ali1234then they ask for CC number19:47
penguin42exobuzz: If they're doing it by phone I expect that we'll see posted stuff at some point imitating a bank etc19:48
exobuzzi thought the person calling me earlier might have been quite young.. sounded young anyway. hope i wasnt too mean and upset them. im sure they just need the money and dont understand what they are doing is wrong.. or not.19:49
DaraelMy response tends to be less witty.  "I'm not even running Windows, so I know you aren't from Microsoft (which is what they usually claim).  So who are you really?".  They do tend to hang up quite fast.19:50
* penguin42 wonders if you could trick them into going to a site to track them19:50
penguin42e.g. something like 'well I tried to do what you said but I got this error, here look at this....'19:51
DaraelNot a bad idea, actually.19:52
exobuzzprobably would work19:52
dutchiestupid broken boot20:01
KrimZoni had one of those type of calls and they wanted me to install teamviewer20:05
penguin42dutchie: What's it done to you?20:05
dutchieresized partitions and now it panics on boot20:05
penguin42oh dear20:06
penguin42what's the panic - is it just a can't mount root filesystem one?20:06
=== emma is now known as em
dutchiethe partition mounts ok in a live session20:11
dutchiecan uuids change if i resize?20:12
dutchiedidn't think so20:12
dutchiebut i suppose it would exlpain it20:12
dutchieah, no it hasn't20:13
* AlanBell is having curry in farnham20:20
brobostigonevening AlanBell20:20
penguin42and talking to us?20:20
* AlanBell is a bit drunk for jalf past ight20:20
* brobostigon gets AlanBell a glass of water20:21
* AlanBell drinks a pinr of mongoose20:22
matttAlanBell: step away from the 'puter20:27
Nafallosee... that's why I try and keep a long password. if I can type it while drink, I'm still sober enough to operate a computer :-)20:30
brobostigonhence the gesture lock on android, if you are too drunk and the gesture wrong, then you probebly shouldnt use your mobile.20:32
brobostigonevening popey20:36
Pendulumhiya popey20:37
AlanBello/ Pendulum20:37
Pendulumhi AlanBell20:38
AlanBello/ popey too20:38
VenkoOK so I've saved my experimentational stuff as a tag in SVN. Now should I create a branch called 'prototype1-dev' then work there? I'm confused as to what branch is even used for20:38
penguin42Venko: It's so you can separate versions you are working on from the main unaltered one, or even multiple sets of separate work on the same project20:39
VenkoWell the experimental code and stuff is tag'd now. It's not exactly a main version of the code and I don't really have one yet20:40
VenkoThat's the point in putting everything I've got together into a first prototype first. So once that's made would prototype-1 be moved to trunk and then prototype-2 be a branch?20:40
penguin42Venko: If you've just got one set of stuff you're working on branches don't help much20:41
MooDoohello all20:50
brobostigonevening MooDoo20:50
MooDoohow is everyone this evening?20:51
popeymissing out on a night of beer with friends :(20:52
brobostigonMooDoo: my  hip and back hurt, and a headache, how about you?20:52
dutchietrying to work out why my laptop won't boot :(20:53
popeydutchie: did you squirt washing up liquid in the slot?20:53
popeygood to keep it clean20:53
dutchieno, i resized the partitions20:53
MooDoodutchie, just has to fix a acer aspire one with a boot issue !20:53
dutchiei did blow through the air vent earlier20:54
MooDooended up flashing the bios from USB20:54
dutchiea concerning amount of dust came out20:54
popeymaybe thats where you went wrong20:54
popeydo you have any washing up liquid handy?20:54
gordif you can't find washing up liquid, i hear that pressing soap into the air vents, pouring in hot water and swishing it around works just as well20:59
dutchiewill that help linux mount my root partition?21:00
gordit used to be that twitter spammers would follow me and 10,000 other people, but only have 300 or so followers back, but these days they have almost the same amount of people following them back as they do following. which leads me to believe that basically the twitter spammers are all following each other now21:01
wintellectAWESOME - upgrade successful 8.04 now "Description: Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS"   :D21:01
shaunothat doesn't sound improbable gord21:08
MartijnVdSgord: I just report them as spammers, never see them again :)21:36
gordi used to report them as spammers, but it doesn't really make that much of a difference honestly21:42
czajkowskidear internet please behave or feel my wrath!21:47
gorddear internet, you better do what she says, you wouldn't like her when she's angry!21:47
czajkowskigord: see you know this! and I'm nice to you21:48
MooDooczajkowski, not nice to me :p22:04
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
cprofittpopey: answered you on Free Trader22:10
popeyso i see22:10
cprofittthere were no issues I was aware of...22:11
popeyseems a bit odd to title the post UDS: Anti-Harrassment Policy22:11
czajkowskiMooDoo: :I am!22:11
popeyreally gives the impression that there's an issue at ubuntu summits22:11
cprofittand the thread I responded to was Re: Improving Diversity at UDS22:11
popeyand I don't recall seeing an issue, but of course I don't see that I'm the kind of person who would22:11
cprofittI will change the title... perhaps that will help with the impression22:11
cprofittbecause I do not want people to have the wrong impression22:12
popeyup to you22:12
cprofittthanks for letting me know that is how you took it...22:12
popeyjust wanted you to know22:12
MooDooczajkowski, i know you are, just teasing x22:12
Pendulumpopey: part of the background was that there was a request for a policy on how UDS would respond to a complaint of harrassment, etc.22:13
popeysure Pendulum I get that22:13
exobuzzVenko, late reply, but do think the source control concept stuff and lots of other stuff in the svn book are well worth a read.  certainly i learnt a ton from that book (and other sources too)22:13
popeybut the post doesn't explictly say what any issues are or where they are22:13
popeyjust that UDS is mentioned22:13
Pendulumah, okay22:13
czajkowskiPendulum: aye but I'm seeing that a lot at USA conferences and not in EU, but the title assumes that similar issues happen at UDS22:13
popeyno other events are mentioned22:13
popeyno issues specified22:13
popeywhich really casts a shadow over UDS IMO22:13
* czajkowski agrees 22:14
Pendulumtbh, I'm not aware of any issues at UDS (well, other than minor ones that were uncomfortable, but not harrassment)22:14
cprofittthe title assumes nothing - the reader assumes something22:14
Pendulumbut I believe it was suggested that it would make UDS seem more friendly to women and they might be more willing to attend if there was an anti-harrassment policy in place22:15
czajkowskicprofitt: the title sujects a lot22:15
cprofitthowever it should be considered when writing a title that being unclear can lead to misinterpretation22:15
popeycprofitt: your title mentions UDS, you outline that you're disgusted by what you have read22:15
popeycprofitt: how can someone _not_ make that connection?22:15
Pendulumcprofitt: the title does make it sound like you're talking about things that happened at UDS22:15
PendulumI think you need to specify in there that the policies and associated stories you've been reading aren't from UDS22:17
Pendulumunless they all are, but if they all are, I'm a bit surprised that I've not heard them22:17
popeythere's a _vast_ number of people who read planet Ubuntu, and IMO the majority of them won't have a clue about the backstory, but will probably have heard about various issues at events through reading other blog posts.22:17
popeyAlanBell: how was the curry?22:19
cprofittre-worded and re-titled22:20
cprofittI think it takes in to account the issues raised and reflects more accurately what I wanted to communicate22:20
cprofittthanks for everyone's input... it helps to make sure the communication is received as intended22:23
cprofittdoes that look better?22:23
popeycprofitt: I'm certainly interested to see the outcome of this!22:23
popey(as in, what recommendations there are for UDS)22:23
popey[Not that I'm aware of issues at UDS, as I mentioned]22:24
cprofittpopey: I will be sending the draft to the CC22:24
czajkowskiyes I had thought it was to be woreded internally first via jon and the CC22:24
czajkowskigoing by a mailing thread we're on22:24
cprofittpopey: the sense I got was that it was to encourage particpation and not in response to actual events.22:24
Pendulumpopey: i've not had harrassment. i've gotten stupid comments like when I was talking to another woman at the last UDS someone came up and said "two women talking, can't be good."22:24
cprofittczajkowski: yes -- the draft will go to jono then I assume to the entire CC22:25
czajkowskiPendulum: I'd hear that any event or any gathering22:25
czajkowskicprofitt: yes that was what was agreed.22:25
Pendulumczajkowski: I've only really heard it at things like tech events. I'm not really a fan of it, but it's not harrassment, just stupidity22:25
czajkowskicprofitt: but the blog post didnt really relfect that22:25
czajkowskiPendulum: possibly an irish thing heard it since I was a kid with my granny and old folks22:26
cprofittczajkowski: what do suggest in that regard?22:27
Pendulumczajkowski: maybe. not something you hear in the US generally.22:27
cprofittI could add 'draft' or specify the process for approval22:27
czajkowskiPendulum: kinda like anti harassment policies not something we hear over here :)22:29
cprofittczajkowski: the US, to me, seems more litagous22:30
czajkowskicprofitt: Ubuntu isn't USA22:30
cprofitthence policies seem to litter the area in which common sense should play22:30
cprofittObviously czajkowski22:30
Pendulumczajkowski: fair enough. although I do actually think having a policy in place is a good idea. it gives you something to work with if there is ever a problem22:30
cprofittUbuntu is a community that includes the US22:31
cprofittActually let me take that back22:31
cprofittUbuntu is no made up on countries... just people22:31
Nafallo(and computers)22:32
popeyand ponies!22:32
popeydont forget the ponies!22:32
cprofittpeople of varied backgrounds... backgrounds we should all respect22:32
Nafallopopey: step away from my server :-)22:32
cprofittponies... I thought we only allowed Unicorns22:32
czajkowskipopey: went to basingstoke today, very busy place!22:32
popey"Basingrad" as we call it22:33
czajkowskiwhy ?22:33
popeyIt's a hole.22:33
cprofittin the states we call those place 'dives'22:33
czajkowskiok, well a lot bigger than Aldershot :)22:33
Nafallohmm. which device was unicorn again... I bet it was my work laptop while I worked at UltraSpeed :-P22:33
cprofittNafallo: lol22:33
cprofittI have been using the names of Finnish deities recently to name by servers... we used up all the muppets and were getting to obscure with Lord of the Rings characters22:34
* czajkowski looks at her new Ubuntu bag, it's oranged in the lining :D 22:34
* Nafallo have used his magicalforest theme for at least 7-8 years now :-)22:34
cprofittczajkowski: I want one of those Ogio bags... but have not made the leap yet22:34
cprofittis it nice?22:34
czajkowskinot sure why they went with black and orange22:35
czajkowskicprofitt: same as my last one, yes22:35
popeywhich one cprofitt ?22:35
popeyyeah, thats the one I want22:35
popeyi have the old brown over the shoulder one22:36
cprofittI have a Targus right now... but I like the idea of the side pouch for the laptop22:36
popeysaw someone at a conf with that one, and its really nice22:36
cprofittyeah it looks sweet... I just have to get through the holidays22:36
cprofittand finish paying off the kids beds... and the repair on my wife's car22:36
czajkowskimy new bag :D22:37
Nafallohmm. I want another netbook to swap out my work laptop and a smaller bag :-P22:37
cprofittNafallo: been thinking of doing that too... but Netbooks are still to small for me...22:37
cprofittbeen thinking about a 12.x" laptop and a desktop22:37
DanteAshtonHey folks; anyone use Empathy to get on IRC?22:37
cprofittthe only issue is when I run demos I need a bit more power22:38
Nafallocprofitt: I've got an HP Mini 210 that I use for home stuff, and it's the best buy ever, more or less.22:38
cprofittNafallo: nice... I wasn't sure about the HPs22:38
Nafallothat said. all I need is firefox, thunderbird, banshee and a fullscreen terminator or four.22:38
cprofittI run Vbox for some demos22:40
Nafalloah. yeah. the atoms don't do that I don't think.22:41
Nafallonot sure though.22:41
cprofittczajkowski: is this better -- http://ftbeowulf.wordpress.com/22:41
NafalloINFO: Your CPU does not support KVM extensions22:41
NafalloKVM acceleration can NOT be used22:41
exobuzzcprofitt, demos as in scene demos ?22:41
Nafallonow I'm sure!22:41
cprofittexobuzz: no,... some times I will demo installing Ubuntu or adding software... and I like to do that in a fullscreen Vbox22:41
exobuzzaah i see22:42
cprofittwhen adding software I like to allow people to choose... and do not like messing up my own workspace... so VBox works well22:42
cprofittI did a hands-on lab for K-12 educators like that.22:42
exobuzzi use vbox for lots of stuff.. very useful22:42
exobuzzsetting up test environments for stuff, and using microsoft video studio.. (sorry)22:43
exobuzzvisual even22:43
cprofittno need to be sorry... visual studio is a great productivity tool for developers22:43
cprofittI miss it22:43
exobuzzyeh its quite ok. although im using an old version22:44
cprofittexobuzz: c#?22:49
exobuzzim not very good at it though :)22:53
exobuzzi do some work on xbox media center.22:53
cprofittI am trying Python currently... with three kids it makes it difficult22:54
cprofittI can barely write a well thought out blog post... so programming ... well... its not easy22:54
exobuzzheh.. ive done a little python. just plugin stuff.. quite like it.. 3 kids eh. youve been busy :)22:54
cprofitt3, 5, 1022:54
exobuzzaah. so you must be a pro now..22:54
cprofittthe 10 year old did Robotics this fall and is doing a science camp and Oddessey of the mind22:55
cprofittso she has us running a bit22:55
cprofittpro... no... just doing my best22:55
exobuzzim just a learner.. little girl shes 20 months or so22:55
cprofittand making mistakes daily22:55
cprofittI have two girls and a boy22:55
exobuzznice :-)22:56
exobuzzim not sure i could handle 3. heh22:56
exobuzzmaybe in a few years..22:56
exobuzzso, have you built a robot22:57
cprofittexobuzz: its a Lego NXT we worked on22:59
cprofittbut we did build a mouse trap car together22:59
cprofittshe is very in to science and math22:59
exobuzzaah.. i gotta get back into the lego stuff. ive seen some amazing things on youtube. its come a long way since i last used it22:59
exobuzzentire lego factories made out of lego etc23:00
cprofittyeah... the base program is Windows/OS X only though... which bothered me23:00
exobuzzrubiks cube solver robot thing.. and lots of others. i think i lost an entire day looking at lego stuff23:00
exobuzzvirtualbox again? :)23:00
cprofittyeah... color sorter, rubic cube solver... those are fun23:00
cprofittyes... I used Vbox23:00
exobuzzi want a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lego_Mindstorms_NXT now..23:01
cprofittyeah... I am considering getting one of those this year for the kids to play with23:02
cprofittthey are on version 2.0 now I think23:02
cprofittnot a bad price either23:02
* exobuzz is tempted..23:03
* exobuzz should wait until kid is old enough perhaps.. and not buy things for himself.23:04
cprofittI agree...23:04
cprofittbut... once that happens... you will get nothing for yourself23:04
cprofittit just will not happen23:04
exobuzzive got everything i need now. got a synthesizer this year. thats everything. spectrum, c64, amiga .. just need food and water now.23:05
exobuzzand electricity23:05
exobuzzim quite looking forward to when natalie is old enough for toys i will like too.. then again, she might end up wanting only dolls and stuff. i do intend to try and get her on the lego though23:06
exobuzzcurrently. its teddies and dolls.. although the computers and keyboard do well23:07
exobuzzyour kids like computer games? (im sure thats a daft question really)23:08
cprofittmy kids enjoy computer games... each got their own computer at 323:14
cprofittthe youngest, still 3, currently enjoys playing computer games, but not as much as dolls and dressing up23:15
exobuzzheh.. did you start em on 8bit ?23:15
cprofittshe changes he clothes multiple times... and has 'style' or so she tells me23:15
cprofittno -- they all run Ubuntu 10.04 currently23:15
cprofittwith Nvidia graphics cards and at least 2GB of ram23:15
exobuzzaah.. you are raising a bunch of kernel hackers eh23:15
cprofittI can only dream23:15
cprofittpopey: this better23:16
cprofittI think that works a bit better... sorry for my rushed job earlier23:16
cprofittexobuzz: gotta order and retrieve sustanance now23:17
exobuzzthanks for the chat23:17
cprofittyou are welcome23:17
cprofittI have 20 minutes before I have to go pickup food...23:19
cprofittgetting Steak Subs, chicken fingers, and meatball sub23:19
cprofittyum, yum23:19
exobuzzi bought 5 donuts, and 4 danish pastries earleir from the shop as they were reduced to 20p23:23
exobuzzmy waist will not be reduced.23:24
cprofittthose sound good... and as my waist can attest I would have eaten them all too23:24
cprofittok... better get ready to go pickup dinner...23:26
cprofittgood talking with you exobuzz23:27
cprofittkeep me posted on your little one...23:27
cprofittoh... and every age is the worst and the best23:27
brobostigonnos da, sleep well.23:38
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