
cyberangermorning all13:27
* cyberanger is finally getting off his duff and working on making a livedisc for my current openbox setup (My last one was old)13:28
Juzzyany of you cats use any dvd -> xvid/divx automatic rippers?14:35
JuzzyI've got 342309 dvd's I need to conver to a fs :/14:35
Juzzylike rip-o-matic used to do (except more current)14:36
cyberangerI wrote a script that'd do that for .iso, not really ripping exactly14:36
cyberangerhrm, I wonder how hard it'd be to tweak for divx14:37
cyberangercould someone see if http://www.zachgibbens.irc.su/webcam.html loads, I'm suspecting a firewall issue on my end14:54
cyberangerJuzzy: Idk of one that already exists, but I could a bash script doing it14:55
Juzzywell there's an interactive one in the ub repo called "endivx" i think15:30
Juzzyor divxenc15:30
Juzzythe problem is, all the copyright laws around the topic15:31
cyberangerdmca, yeah15:39
cyberangerI hate that law, threatens fair use15:40
JuzzyI'd like to get a nice xbmx/myth/etc media center for netflix, youtube, and * movies on my file server ;/15:42
Juzzyalot of the bluerays now can even do file serving off lan, as well as nearly everyhting today is netflix/youtubeable15:42
cyberangercould someone see if http://www.zachgibbens.irc.su/webcam.html loads, and let me know, I'm suspecting a firewall issue somewhere16:13
cyberangerd'oh, typo'd that url, http://zachgibbens.irc.su/webcam.html16:15
cyberangerstill an issue16:15
Juzzyworks for me16:29
cyberangerJuzzy: thanks, it narrows down the issue to a faulty device on my network then16:31
cyberangernot firewall, but IP Masquerading16:32
cyberangerwhich until I finish one project, I can't fix that issue, rats16:34
cyberangerwell, I guess for the time being, I'll just create a new entry in my local bind server, everything else will get the real result, locally they'll get the spoofed one, but they'll all hit the same server16:35
Juzzyyou need a source address in your rule16:57
Juzzyi can help you with it later, i got a bday party here16:57
Juzzymy girl turned 1 :o16:58
cyberangerJuzzy: if your talking iptables rules, it's not that kinda device, it's a Grandstream HT502, I know how I'd go about it for iptables, the ht502 wouldn't work through NAT, so I stuck it in the middle, between my modem and router (which is a debian install)17:01
netritiousgood afternoon locotn18:21
netritiouswhat are you up to today cyberanger18:28
cyberangernetritious: gearing up for the christmas day parade19:32
cyberangerBradley County EMA activated it's Axullery Communacations Service, so I'll be having a chaotic and fun night19:34
cyberangeroh well, I chose to be a part of ARES, and it's a good excuse to grab my radio19:35
cyberangernetritious: sorry for the long delay, I left to grab my radio before I say your reply19:38
netritiousnp...cleaning out a closet19:55
cyberangerspring cleaning in winter, your early ;-)19:59
netritiousgot to get to the krimas tree20:17
netritiouswe thought it was in the attic and neither my wife or I remember putting it in the closet but apparently that's what happened :P20:18
netritious*nor I20:18

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