
ronjhoy hoy, just filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+bug/68504901:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 685049 in ffmpeg-extra (Ubuntu) "libavutil-extra-50 & libavcodec-extra-52 conflicts cause ubuntustudio natty alpha1 iso install to fail" [Undecided,New]01:30
kubotuwhy not just kubuntu-dvd ?01:30
ronjalso, currently there are (probably due to unity and ubustu metapackages not updated) no gnome-panel02:21
kubotuKDE bug 258400 in powermanagement "[powerdevil] suspend / hibernate not avaliable without hal in KDE14:09
ubottuKDE bug 258400 in powermanagement "[powerdevil] suspend / hibernate not avaliable without hal in KDE 4 6beta1" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25840014:09
kubotuoh, I've noticed that since removing HAL I no longer get suspend/hibernate options in KDE 4 6beta1" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]14:09
falktxpersia: hi14:09
falktxpersia: i noticed alessio is looking for a fix for composite14:10
falktxpersia: I have the patch to fix, do you have alessio (quadispro) mail?14:10
ScottLfalktx, i think you can use the "Contact This Person" button on his launchpad page14:40
ScottLkubotu, why do you keep talking about kde here?14:41
ScottLkubotu, are you a bot?14:41
kubotuwhich emmc bin are you downloading?14:41
falktxScottL: yep, I did it14:41
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