
ailoAnyone else testing Ubuntustudio alpha, here?07:32
holsteinnot yet07:33
holsteini hear the gnome session is a bit funky right now07:34
holsteinwith the unity switch happening in the main buntu07:34
ailoyeah. I just tried logging in into unity, but there was no panels. "Classic Desktop" worked fine, though.07:36
holsteinthats being updated AFAIK07:36
ailoI saw some new tasksel's, but choosing all of them did not work.07:39
ailoDuring install, I mean.07:40
holsteinailo: yeah07:41
holsteinit'll be automatic07:41
holsteini think we'll lose unity07:41
holsteinand stay with gnome07:41
holsteinmaybe have both07:41
holsteinim not totally sure07:42
holsteinailo: im about to check out remmina07:44
ailoholstein: Where do we report bugs? Can't get Alessio's low-latency kernel to install. Apt complains about not being able to install headers.08:08
ailoThe headers package is in the list, but for some reason it won't install.08:09
ailoI found https://launchpad.net/ubuntustudio, where you can report bugs.08:11
ailoAlessio doesn't seem to have a "Report bug" option in his launchpad pages.08:12
holsteinailo: we just report in LP15:23
holsteinsame as normal ubuntu15:23
holsteinScottL: did you see ^^15:24
holstein03:08 < ailo> holstein: Where do we report bugs? Can't get Alessio's low-latency kernel to install. Apt complains about not  being able to install headers.15:24
holsteinailo: 32bit?15:24
ScottLthanks holstein15:28
ScottLi believe the -lowlatency he is talking about is pulled from abogani's ppa15:28
ScottLwe will need to talk directly to him15:28
ScottLif someone does file a bug then we should _subscribe_ him to the bug (not assign him to the bug)15:29
ScottLotherwise we probably need to email alessio directly15:29
ScottLwhich can be accomplished from the "Contact This Person" button on his launchpad page15:30
holsteinailo: yeah, if you added abogani's PPA15:31
holsteinwe'll just have to get a message to him15:31
holsteinand make sure he knows about it15:32
ed__hi everybody15:57
ed__I have a problem with ardour15:58
holsteinhey ed__15:58
holsteinwhats up?15:58
ed__hi holstein, i'm trying to hook up hydrogen to ardour. i can record the track, but hear no output (unless i play the recorded track back)15:59
holsteined__: you want to 'monitor' the hydrogen playback?15:59
holsteinwhile recording?16:00
ed__holstein, yes, and monitor it when not recording or playing back16:00
holsteinthis can be done in ardour itself, but you would need to ask in #ardour for specifics16:00
holsteinthe way i do this16:00
holsteini just route the tracks16:00
holsteinin jack control16:00
holsteinto whatever im monitoring with16:01
holsteinmy sound card*16:01
holsteinand route them to the tracks i want to record them on as well16:01
holsteinspliting them so ardour and I can both hear them16:02
ed__holstein, i have hydrogen outs into audio1 in1 and in2. and the audio 1 out1 and out into master in1 and in2, master out1 and out2 to playback in1 and in216:02
holsteined__: but, those labels are not persistent16:03
ed__shouldn't i be able to hear hydrogen?16:03
holsteindifferent for me16:03
holsteinSO it might take me a minute to figure out what is what16:03
holsteined__: i would say16:03
holsteinon the right side16:04
holsteinplayback 1 and 216:04
holstein*should* be your sound card16:04
holsteinand going out from hydrogen to those *should* let you hear them16:04
holsteinregardless of ardour16:04
holsteinSO lets try and get that happening16:04
holsteinand go from there16:05
ed__holstein, ok, but please note, i have system capture out1 and out2 routed the exact same way and i can hear my bass just fine16:05
holsteinthis should work16:05
holsteinand could be a hydrogen bug16:05
holsteinive had issues with ht16:05
holsteinnot often though16:05
holsteined__: AFAIK hydrogen is always in RC status16:06
holsteinlike google or something ;)16:06
holsteined__: i know there is a setting in hydrogen16:06
holsteinto make a separate output per instrument16:07
holsteini like that16:07
ed__holstein, ok thanx, but something must be buggy, because i think you should be able to monitor your tracks16:07
holsteinnot that that is going to fix the issue16:07
holsteined__: you can16:07
holsteinand i dont think its an issue in ardour16:07
holsteinBUT i could be wrong16:07
holsteini just route16:07
holsteinin JACK16:08
holsteinand dont have ardour do that16:08
holsteinbut there is a button that i unclick16:08
holstein'auto output' or something like that16:08
holsteinits a green button on the ardour panel16:08
holsteinand i think that routes to the 'audition' outputs16:09
holsteinthat show up in JACK16:09
holsteined__: if i were you16:10
ed__holstein, i am routing with patchage, have been trying various routings, checking the routings in ardour and except for the source (capture or hydrogen) they are the same16:10
holsteini would close everything16:10
holsteinopen only JACK and hydrogen16:10
holsteinand try to make those connections using JACK 'connect' instead of patchage16:10
holsteintry to reduce the variables16:10
holsteinand then go from there16:10
ed__holstein, already done that, in that scenario hydrogen works fine16:11
holsteined__: cool16:11
holsteinyou open ardour?16:11
ed__holstein, yes16:11
holsteinand you cant hear hydrogen anymore?16:11
holsteinagain, i would try this without patchage16:12
holsteinjust to make sure16:12
ed__holstein, when i start hydrogen it automatically connect hydrogen outs to system playback16:12
holsteinhydrogen is already running right?16:14
holsteinwith JACK running16:14
holsteinwithout patchage open16:14
holsteinget hydrogen running16:14
holsteinmaking sounds16:14
holsteinfire up ardour16:14
holsteinand double check the connections in 'connect'16:14
holsteinand see whats happening16:15
ed__when i then start ardour, system capture is automatically connect to adour audio1 in 1 and in2, master out and audition out routed to system playback16:15
holsteined__: right16:15
holsteinand thats probably what you want16:15
holsteini usually unplug everything16:15
holsteinand do it myself16:15
ed__holstein, just a sec, i'm going to try something16:17
ed__holstein, well the level meters in the master bus are showing sound levels, but no sounds coming out on master bus out16:19
ed__holstein, master bus out -> system playback16:20
holsteined__: so you get no sounds at all from ardour?16:21
holsteinafter recording something?16:21
ed__holstein, hydrogen can be recorded, and when you play it back you get sound. i just cannot here it while recording16:22
holsteined__: you can hear hydrogen while ardour is not open>16:22
ed__holstein, yes16:22
holsteinand the routing is the same?16:23
holsteindouble check hydrogens routing in JACK16:23
holsteined__: for my workflow16:23
holsteini would have all the hydrogen outs routed to my card and to the tracks i want to record16:24
holsteinardour might change that when you launch it16:24
ed__no, i've routed hydrogen out to adour track1 in, and ardour track1 out to ardour moniter in, and ardour monitor out to system->playback. this works when i use system->capture for the input16:24
holsteined__: right16:24
holsteinjust route hydrogen right to the card16:25
holsteinsplit its outs16:25
holsteinto both sources16:25
ed__holstein, yes, i guess that will be what i have to do16:25
holsteined__: thats the way i preffer to do it16:25
holsteinif you want to use ardour for monitoring, you should ask in #ardour16:25
holsteini cant remember why i didnt like it16:25
ed__holstein,  ok thanks for the help16:25
holsteinOH, if i want to stick a reverb on16:26
holsteinor something16:26
holsteinjust for tracking16:26
holsteinthis is easier i find16:26
holsteini get a seperated 'line' that i can mess with16:26
holsteinthat doesnt go to tape16:26
holsteined__: also ask in #opensourcemusicians :)16:27
* holstein gotta run to the LUG meeting :)16:27
ed__holstein, ok, thanks again16:27
domjohnsonDoes Ubuntu Studio boot by default into the rt kernel?20:55
holsteindomjohnson: nope20:56
holsteindomjohnson: theres a trick to getting a realtime kernel in 10.1020:56
domjohnsonJust seems a little unstable20:56
* holstein gotta run...20:57
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