
nicofs1I need help. When my mouse is inactive, after 5 sec my display dims down and after 20 the display shuts down. in settings manager I specified it not to do that - but it still does.00:00
Caelhow can i get the tv out to work properly00:01
charlie-tcanicofs, you turned it off in power settings, it might be a bios setting instead of software.00:01
charlie-tcaCael, you probably have to set up /etc/xorg.conf file to tell it what to do00:01
nicofs1charlie-tca: it wasn't there before, and apart from boot order, I didn't change a thing...00:02
charlie-tcaThe file does not exist, but if created it is used00:02
nicofs1charlie-tca: I'll quickly check my modem anyway... hang on...00:03
nicofs1charlie-tca: sorry... bios... it's late...00:03
nicofscharlie-tca: fool-proof bios. can't change anything apart from boot order...00:06
charlie-tcahm, check all the tabs in power management then.00:07
nicofsI did. I deactivated everything. no dimming down, no switching off...00:08
charlie-tcaoh, yeah, check the advanced tab in screensaver, too00:08
charlie-tcadisplay power management. That overrides power management in xfce00:08
nicofscharlie-tca: nope. nothing...00:10
charlie-tcaAnyone else? I am out of knowledge now00:10
nicofsI think I'll go to bed anyway...00:12
fructoseIs there an easier way to get icons in the top panel than creating them from scratch? I'd just like some of the same ones in the applications menu00:22
charlie-tcafructose, creating the launchers?00:24
fructosecharlie-tca: Right00:24
charlie-tcaI do them from scratch using the /usr/share/applications  files for the information00:24
charlie-tcaYou can even copy/paste the information for everything but the icon00:25
cael_charlie-tca, im connected at the linux pc.00:25
cael_now what did i need to do again in the xorg.conf?00:25
charlie-tcaYou need to create it00:26
cael_/etc/X11/ or?00:26
cael_ok can you give me an idea how it should look like/00:27
cael_it has an Geforce FX 5200 PCI video card00:27
cael_ughh i hate this pare mouse it doesnt right click. how can i in xchat?00:29
charlie-tcathis might help, too - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/MonitorDetection00:29
charlie-tcacenter button sometimes pastes00:30
cael_(its an old Mac "Hocky puck" USB Mouse)00:31
charlie-tcadon't know what to do with that one00:31
cael_ok i just got greeted by hardware drivers for the vid card00:31
cael_rev 96 or 173?00:32
charlie-tcaIn xchat, can't you left click to open the link in the browser?00:32
charlie-tcaMy guess is 17300:32
cael_in Ychat (xchat for windows) i always had to right click00:32
charlie-tcaYou are right. left-click hilites it00:33
charlie-tcathen ctrl+c will copy it00:33
charlie-tcathen ctrl+v will paste it00:34
charlie-tcaAfter you create that file, you log out and log in to activate it00:37
charlie-tcaI have to go now. Good luck.00:41
n2diymoetunes, hmm, ok, never occured to me that I could get ride of the desktop?01:05
kakt00sWhere can I find the running applications? They do not seem to be anywhere...01:07
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kangaroooeem questionaire about programms form xubuntu users04:32
* psycho_oreos blinks04:39
Molly13so, how does one make all windows transparent in xfce? xD05:56
UBuxuBUhmmm maybe look into running compiz05:59
Molly13i guess i'll have to do that xD06:18
nicofsMy energy saving settings are wrong and I can't change them. Power Manager has no effect. if my mouse is idle my display dims instantly and shuts off after 20 seconds.09:07
Psilocybin_ElfNeed to change my power settings too09:07
Sysihave you checked you don't have gnome-power-manager running09:08
nicofsSysi: purged that as a first step...09:08
nicofsSysi: only xfce4-power-manager and xscreensaver are running. and I configured them (GUI)...09:10
nicofsSysi: what would be the bash command to stop and restart xfce4-power-manager?09:13
Sysikillall xfce4-power-manager09:17
nicofsSysi: the problem still persists... so it's not coming from power manager...09:19
Sysips -e | grep power09:20
TheSheepkill the screensaver09:20
nicofsTheSheep: done already, right after manager...09:21
TheSheepand still?09:21
nicofsand still.09:23
TheSheepat least you know now that it's neither of them09:23
nicofsTheSheep: ...09:24
TheSheepnicofs: just a thought, does it also happen if you switch to text console?09:24
nicofsTheSheep: you're thinking in terms of bios settings?09:25
TheSheepnicofs: I'm thinking alt+ctrl+f1 (alt+f7 to go back)09:25
nicofsTheSheep: I know how to change to console... and there it dims as well... I meant "Do you suspect it could be a bios setting?"09:26
TheSheepnicofs: I was suspecting it may be the graphics driver, but if it happens in text mode then it can'09:26
TheSheepso either bios or hardware09:27
TheSheeptried other distros?09:27
nicofsTheSheep: ah... I see... For all I know, it might be BIOS, but if it was BIOS I couldn't do anything about it. mine is fool-proof. I can't change anything apart from boot order...09:27
Sysiwhy couldn't it be graphics driver if it happens on text console?09:28
nicofsTheSheep: had Lubuntu from USB key yesterday. no dimming09:28
TheSheepSysi: it could, but it would be less likely09:28
TheSheepnicofs: actually you could stop gdm and see09:28
nicofsTheSheep: I only have gdm-binary, gdm-simple-slav and gdm-session-wor, according to ps -e | grep gdm09:31
TheSheepnicofs: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:32
TheSheepnicofs: in text console09:32
TheSheepoh, gui irc clint09:33
nicofsdims even without gdm...09:35
=== Thermi_ is now known as Thermi
nicofsare the energy settings written down somewhere?09:36
nicofsif I just purge power manager and install again?09:42
nicofsI think, all my settings are overruled by something else. even if I hit the power button in the panel (set to "ask what to do"), it simply logs out. it's completely wrong.10:03
Sysiyou could try logging out and removing all settings from text console10:05
nicofswhere are they stored?10:05
Sysirm -rf .config/xfce410:05
nicofsSysi: isn't it a bit risky to remove all that?10:07
Sysiit just makes it to load default settings10:07
nicofsok... just log out or stop the xfce session?10:08
Sysiworks better then10:08
nicofsok... back in a moment...10:09
nicofsno change...10:17
Duckiegot a problem instal to hp2133mini notebook12:03
Duckiedisplay problem12:03
Duckiei got now run ubuntu 10.1012:03
ubuXubugood morning15:57
nicofs2how do i persistently  change my screen resolution using xorg.conf? i don't understand "man xorg.conf" or the tutorials i found...17:56
n2diyMy a box can't ftp or rsync to my test box, but will accept both connections from the test box. And the test box can pull an rsync connection from the a box. How do I get the test box to accept the connection originating from the a box?19:24
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=== emma is now known as em
nicofsCan someone help me install a "Brother MFC-5440CN"? I installed both .deb packages that brother provided - but I don't see hoe that helps me...21:04
nicofsnever mind - works now21:25
xubuntu445hola alguien me puede ayudar a cambiar la resolucion de pantalla21:32
xubuntu445de xubuntu 10.1021:32
charlie-tcaxubuntu445, this is an english language channel. Can you ask in English?21:32
cb--hey all. new to xchat, was here earlier troubleshooting sound in 10.10. figured it out, now a new issue23:31
cb--just installed vlc media player, and when i open gigolo to mount my home partition, it launches vlc instead?!23:32
cb--kinda strange23:32
cb--any ideas?23:32
Caelcharlie-tcai just counte dto teh adapter as bad. even in XP its black and white if i set it as min display it even went black so im going to get a better adapter23:47
=== em is now known as emma

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