
=== DanRabbit|afk is now known as DanRabbit
=== smorar is now known as smorar_
=== james is now known as Guest23303
=== Guest23303 is now known as jamesp
=== akshat_ is now known as ssj6akshat
coz_hey all06:29
coz_spikeb,  hey guy06:31
spikebhey coz_.06:31
coz_hey guys   consistently ,,,when rebooting  I am getting  this   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/Screenshot-Untitled%20Window.png06:37
coz_also  bug 68517906:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 685179 in Unity "dual monitor,,,upper panel turns white / nvidia" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68517906:38
coz_is anyone packageing the plugin extra at this point?06:38
spikebi don't think anyone besides me is around at the moment06:47
coz_spikeb,  oh :)06:48
hyperairhmm is anyone noticing omgubuntu looking weird in firefox?07:57
hyperairvish: ^^07:57
vishhyperair: i use liferea for OMG … ;)07:57
hyperairso do i, but i failed to pick up the synapse launcher post there07:58
ssj6akshathyperair, it crashes in every mozilla based browser for me08:00
ssj6akshatI have to talk to d0od on that08:01
hyperairssj6akshat: lol08:01
ssj6akshatvish, so i attached the debdiff to the bug #60267108:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 602671 in One Hundred Paper Cuts "Description: p7zip " [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60267108:03
ssj6akshatwhat should I do now?08:03
ssj6akshatstill haven't got a mail from BTS08:03
vishssj6akshat: got the bug# ?08:03
vishssj6akshat: how long agao was it? it usually gets registered in 15mins08:04
ssj6akshata long time ago08:04
vishssj6akshat: then the bug has not been filed, something must have gone wrong08:04
* ssj6akshat smashes his head against the wall08:06
ssj6akshatvish, what should I do now after attaching the debdiff?08:08
ssj6akshatunassigned myself08:09
vishssj6akshat: well, if the bug was specific to Ubuntu you would need to subscribe the sponsors team..08:09
vishssj6akshat: nah, you can leave it assigned..08:10
vishssj6akshat: what mail id did you use?08:10
vishssj6akshat: if submittodebian dint work, just send a mail from your id08:10
vishit should work..08:10
vishssj6akshat: read the link i gave you yesterday, it has info about how to send as a mail too08:11
vishssj6akshat: btw, your patch has a typo in the changelog  ;p  "Edited te.."08:12
* ssj6akshat just worked on the patch for a hundredth time08:15
vishssj6akshat: happens to everyone, first time we always make weird mistakes.. :)08:36
ssj6akshatvish, I used reportbug -B debian p7zip08:40
ssj6akshatso, is the oversized CD issue resolved?08:42
* ssj6akshat wants to run natty08:42
* ssj6akshat checks his mail for BTS confirmation again09:09
pavolzetoris there binding for vala and indiator applet?11:16
=== ssj6akshat is now known as ssj6akshat_afk
=== ssj6akshat_afk is now known as ssj6akshat-afk
=== ssj6akshat-afk is now known as ssj6akshat
ssj6akshatvish, do you have any other ideas for a post?16:51
evaluatedoes anyone have a link for the rhythmbox indicator-applet patch?17:01
=== ssj6akshat is now known as ssj6akshat|sleep
figaroanyone use the C# bindings for appindicator? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.18:42
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
=== DanRabbit is now known as DanRabbit|afk
=== DanRabbit|afk is now known as DanRabbit
coz_hey all23:54

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