
sugot a question about k panels00:08
suI have a panel at the top and would like to add more application launchers00:09
sucan't remember how I added the first set of launchers, but I think I added them from the desktop.  Could be wrong though00:10
suha i got it, nvm -- need to add them via the application launcher menu00:11
su:D  ::cheers::00:11
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DiogenesWgute nacht00:19
Roeyhey all00:29
RoeyRiddell:   kdebase-workspace-bin amd64 4:4.5.80-0ubuntu5~maverick1~ppa1  ->  4.6 beta?00:29
RoeyRiddell:  I was surprised it was not tagged 4:4.5.400:29
xomahow to install additional locale?00:37
phoenix_firebrdi want a dictionary. i dont want to install the front end app and the dictionary file seperately. any dictionary that comes bundled with the dict file?00:41
dibsis the current kde with maverick pretty stable? is it worth checking out?02:42
abhifx_i have a wired broadband and my internetis working partialy. can someone help?03:15
moetuneswhat do you mean by "partially" ?03:17
surunverianyone know how to change mouse sensitivity to slower than what system settings allows using kubuntu 10.0403:19
moetunessurunveri:  you can look at man xset - something like xset m 3/2 4 might work for you03:20
surunverii think i tried that03:20
surunveribut i'll try again :D03:20
surunveriwhat's the slowest possible option for xset?03:21
moetunesit takes a fractional valie - 3/2 = 1.5 so you could try 1/103:22
surunverikk well i dont tihnk that slows it down to any further than what systemsettings allows03:22
surunverii think the 3/2 part means teh acceleration which can be set to 0.1 from settings.. well i didnt notice any difference at least :/03:23
moetunesthe default is 2/1 iirc03:23
moetunestry with the threshold set to 0 then03:24
surunverithat wont work either03:24
moetunesjust saying won't work isn't really useful...03:25
surunveriyea it doesnt03:25
surunverianyhow i've had this problem for quite soem time and it would be really nice to find a solution for it03:28
surunveriwel changing OS Would be one but it's troublesome D:03:30
saprophytei have kubuntu installed. then installed a second distro for dual boot.  after reboot, the second distro boots fine, but when i select kubuntu in grub, i get a blank screen with a blinking curser. any ideas?03:54
ubottuGRUB is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:30
valoriesaprophyte: ^^^04:30
valoriesounds like your MBR got corrupted by the second install04:31
valoriedibs: I'm running KDE 4.5.4 in 10.10 -- no problems yet04:32
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valorieurgh, I take that back about KDE updates05:23
valoriemy headphones no longer work05:24
wedoI need help please05:41
wedoI was updating my system but by mistake I shutdown the system and now can not get it run again05:42
coder2how can i make kdm default manager instead  of gdm??help05:42
wedoit freezes at the login screen05:42
moetuneswedo:  boot into the recovery option and do   sudo apt-get install -f05:43
wedomoetunes: when I choose recovery mode it freezes before reach the recovery menu05:44
moetuneswedo:  you'll have to boot into the live cd and chroot into the broken install then05:46
sayakbhey. using kde 4.5.4 on meerkat with fglrx (ati) driver. appears that the sliding of plasma tooltips when shifting focus from one object to another is now gone. is there a setting for that or was it removed (or is my driver the culprit)?05:46
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot05:46
moetuneswedo:  ^^05:46
coder2how can i make kdm default manager instead  of gdm??help05:46
wedomoetunes: I think the problem happened because it was updating the kernel from 2.6-32-25 to 2.6-32-26 but it did not complete05:47
moetuneswedo:  yep that'll break things05:48
moetuneswedo:  do you have an older kernel to boot into?05:49
wedomoetunes: there are another kernel listed in the grub menu but it freezes too when I choose any of them05:49
moetuneswedo:  sounds like you only choice is the chroot environment - or a reinstall...05:51
sayakbwedo: chroot from liveCD and reinstall linux-headers.05:51
moetunesit is probably alot more that's wrong then just the headers05:51
wedook thank you guys05:52
DarkriftXanyone here know their way around the plasmoid yasp-scripted?05:52
DarkriftXmine stopped showing any data for lines that use "systemmonitor:" in them05:52
sayakbmoetunes: yes, but reinstalling the headers shoould reinstall the kernel, no?05:52
moetunessayakb:  not afaik - they are different packages05:53
sayakbmoetunes: ah, looks like headers is a metapackage, my bad..05:53
moetunesnp :)05:53
DarkriftXanyone know how to make kde re-read your plasmoids?  i Just recompiled a newer version of one i have but it still shows the old one in the list06:00
dhqneed help remove alsa06:36
dhqi messed up06:36
dhqi wanna start over ?06:36
moetunesdhq:  doing   sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa   should get the configs return to the default06:38
dhqmoetunes: Package `alsa' is not installed and no info is available.Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents./usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: alsa is not installed06:39
moetunestry dpkg -l | grep alsa06:40
moetunes!find alsa06:40
ubottuFound: alsa-base, bluez-alsa, gstreamer0.10-alsa, libsdl1.2debian-alsa, linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.35-22-generic, linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.35-22-generic-pae, alsa-oss, alsa-source, alsa-tools, alsa-tools-gui (and 44 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=alsa&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all06:40
dhqdhq@dhqlaptop:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-source06:41
dhq/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: alsa-source is broken or not fully installed06:41
moetunesI would have thought alsa-base would be the one - try sudo apt-get install -f then06:41
dhqalsa-base is already the newest version.06:43
moetunessudo apt-get install -f   is to fix broken packages06:44
moetunessudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base06:44
dhqthose commands return to next line06:45
moetunescheck the alsa configs to see if they were reverted back06:46
dhqi did use a script to build from source06:47
moetunesdid you use checkinstall to make a deb?06:47
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!06:47
dhqi dint use check install06:50
moetunesyou'll have to manually edit the files or install it again and hope the files get rewritten then06:51
dhqhow do i do that06:52
moetunesI have no idea what files are involved in whatever it was you installed - try using checkinstal;l to make theapp again06:53
dhqisnt there a way to purge entire alsa from the system and then reinstall it06:53
moetunesonly if it was installed from the package manager - how can stuff be managed if it was just added any old how06:55
moetunesand not by the package manager06:56
dhqi have no sound06:58
moetuneslive and learn...06:58
dhqmoetunes: thanks for your help07:00
enderw99has anyone else had an issue with kde 4.6 beta 1 with intel driver in mesa?07:18
an1I want to install kubuntu 64 bit. But it says amd64 on the filename. Is it amd specific or will it work on intel as well?08:13
macointel licenses the amd64 architecture from amd08:13
macounless you have an itanium, it'll work08:13
maco(i know it sounds odd. amd made a backwards-compatible-with-32-bit arch, and intel didn't, so then amd's architecture became more popular, and eventually intel kinda gave up on itanium outside the server market)08:14
an1oh cool!08:19
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vorreiesserlogood morning :)10:48
emniyetthank u10:49
emniyetgood afternoon10:49
MidnightGlow_nick Midnight_Glow10:51
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dmoyneone of my partition on /dev/sda3 for "/usr" is almost full11:52
dmoyneI have created another one by doubling the size on /dev/sda411:53
dmoynethen I have done dd if=/dev/sd3 of=/dev/sda411:53
dmoyneat the end the new partition is also full !11:54
dmoynewhat is wrong when you copy byte after byte with  dd11:55
dmoyneany idea ?11:56
dmoyneit looks like the information on occupation of partition has also been copied !!!11:57
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yofeldmoyne: thanks to dd copying byte by byte, you also copy the filesystem information over to the new partition, so it still thinks it has the same size as the old one12:16
phoenix_firebrdbluedevil is not working . i am getting this error  "Can not get ibus-daemon's address. IBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon"12:16
yofel'sudo resize2fs /dev/sda4' should help there12:16
yofeldmoyne: assuming you use ext*12:17
dmoyneyofel thanks but why this situation ?12:17
dmoyneyofel I iuse for both partitions ext412:17
yofeldmoyne: because with dd you copied over the filesystem meta information that contains the partition block count, and filesystem size too, thus overwriting the new filesystem on sda412:18
yofeldd doesn't just copy the filesystem contents but also the filesystem itself12:18
dmoyneso by doing sudo resize2fs /dev/sda4 it will resize coorectly the target partition correctly ?12:19
yofelthat should do it I think12:20
dmoyneI try and tell you afterwards12:21
dmoynefunny when I did it the systemm asked me to do first 'e2fsk -f /dev/sda4' which I did12:22
dmoynethen I did what you said and my occupation ratio on /dev/da4 partition is now correct12:23
dmoyneyofel thanks12:23
dmoyneok by !12:24
phoenix_firebrdinstalled obexd sending files are possible now, but still browsing mobile doesnt work12:30
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* CRACK05 is away (Gone)13:46
eMyllerhello all14:15
eMylleris anyone there with an elantech touchpad?14:15
GWildAnyone here have an issue installing Kub 10.04 AMD64 where the installer sees a drive as a RAID mirror volume (but it isn't)?14:15
eMylleri can't make it visible in the input settings.14:15
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shrcan i have one question?14:23
shri have just installed kubuntu in a powerbook g4 machine14:24
shrit works well, but without hardware acceleration14:24
shrsomeone knows -i have an ati 9600 mobile- if there are drivers avalaible?14:25
GWildso hardware video acceleration?14:25
GWildati, hmm14:25
GWildcheck the ATI site14:25
GWildI hear they are not known for always being up to speed on Linux drivers tho14:26
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shrthere is no ati official -an unofficcial too- driver for powerpc :(14:30
shrso, i know about a open source driver for earlier versions14:30
shrtill radeon 900014:30
shrbut not for 960014:30
shrso my old machine has 3d capabilities and my new one not14:31
shrits frustrating14:31
shrlinux has made an old g4 machine rebird14:31
shrbut without 3d the system sometimes is laggy14:32
shrand of course, i cannot watch videos nor playing games lol14:32
shrplease, some help will be very apreciated. thanks14:33
shrso, no ideas, maybe porting de x86 source code for the 9600 to power architenture?14:35
shrany help?14:35
GWildreally can't say, sorry14:36
GWildI run nVidia14:36
GWildgot tired of Linus/ATI issues about 5 years and abandoned ATI under Linux.14:36
GWildso much has changed since then14:37
shrok, thxs, i will try googling a bit more, maybe i will be lucky -sic-14:38
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fozoIs Kubuntu like ubuntu and with only opensource legal in the US \drivers?15:17
Rioting_Pacifistfozo: NO kubuntu is kubuntu with a different interface15:18
fozoI know it uses KDE not Gnome I like it better15:18
Rioting_Pacifistfozo: all the drivers in ubuntu are legal, all the drivers that come by default are opensource15:19
fozoI was wondering if the philsophy is the same?  No illegally used items agianst softwear patents15:19
fozosorry for spelling15:19
Rioting_Pacifistfozo: No drivers do that in ubuntu15:19
fozoThey are legal that is all I care about15:19
fozoSoftwear patents15:20
fozoso is it the same?  Legal to download in the U.S15:20
Rioting_Pacifistfozo: gobuntu is completly foss, but nothing in ubuntu infringes software patents, some software you can install "may" do that (mplayer, ffmpge, etc) but this has never been shown15:21
fozoSO back to my first question Kubuntu is the same as ubuntu in this area completly legal15:21
Rioting_Pacifistkubuntu is the same as ubuntu with a different front end, the legallity of the backend (drivers) is the same, yes15:22
fozotank u all I needed15:22
m477any1 knows adress chanel for scientific linux?15:46
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sysop1what happened to the visualtionz in amarok?16:01
sysop1I have libvisual and libvisual-plugins installed.16:01
sysop1but I dont see any option in amarok for a visualtions. dont see a script for it either.16:02
sysop1what gives?16:02
freesoftHola Speak Spanish?16:04
freesoftthenks Bye :D16:04
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phoenix_firebrdhello everyone16:13
phoenix_firebrdis the opensource nvidia drive active by default in a new installtion?16:31
Roeyhey all16:46
phoenix_firebrdRoey: hi16:48
Roeyanyone else having an issue with the Keyboard Settings not being respected in the new PPA debs?  My "[x] Make Capslock an additional Control" setting, "Both shift together" to switch keyboard layouts setting, keyboard repeat rate and repeat delay are set, but I don't see this behavior....16:48
Roey*I do not see any apps respect this16:49
Roeyhey phoenix_firebrd16:49
phoenix_firebrdRoey: you have upgraded to kde 4.5.4 right?16:50
Roeyyes, latest PPA debs16:50
phoenix_firebrdRoey: what do you mean by "[x] " ?16:51
Roeyphoenix_firebrd:  I am quoting the keboard system settings option16:52
phoenix_firebrdRoey: oh16:52
phoenix_firebrdRoey: what is your switching policy set to ?16:56
Roeyjust what I wrote above, two shifts together16:58
Roeyand in System Settings it reflects that16:58
RoeyI just do not see apps following that policy16:58
Roeyand this changed when I upgraded last night16:58
Roeyto 4.5.8016:58
phoenix_firebrdRoey: is the switching policy set to global?16:59
Roeyphoenix_firebrd:  (but it's not just that... it's all the options for keyboard configuration like I listed above17:00
RoeyMy "[x] Make Capslock an additional Control" setting, "Both shift together" to switch keyboard layouts setting, keyboard repeat rate and repeat delay are set, but I don't see this behavior....17:00
Roey*but I do not see apps following this policy17:00
phoenix_firebrdRoey: my kde vesion is 4.5.4, so i want be able to help you. there might be a bug17:02
Roeyabsolutely there's a bug :)17:03
RoeyI mean, my version is also 4.5.417:03
Roeythe 4.5.80 thing confused me too17:03
Roeyphoenix_firebrd:  I just saw some packages marked 4.5.8017:03
phoenix_firebrdRoey: oh17:03
maco4.5.80 = 4.6 alpha17:04
phoenix_firebrdRoey: is 4.5.80 -->4.6 beta 1?17:04
macos/alpha/some pre-release thingy/17:04
phoenix_firebrdmaco: oh17:04
phoenix_firebrdRoey: why did you use a alpha version?17:05
Roeythat's what I assume17:05
macoi forget what 4.6 thing just came out17:05
macoi just know very high .x means its the pre-release for the next one17:05
macohmm yeh must be beta 117:05
macobecause -devel /topic says "lets package beta 2"17:06
phoenix_firebrdmaco:can Roey be directed to the ubuntu+1 channel?17:06
macowhy should he?17:06
macohe would only belong there if running kubuntu 11.0417:06
macoif he's running 4.6 on 10.10 he belongs here17:06
Roeyhttp://pastebin.com/wvfmFxL2   <-- those packages have been released as 4.5.8017:06
phoenix_firebrdmaco: but kde 4.6 beta is part of 11.04 right, there he might get some help17:07
Roeyso this is beta 2, got it.17:07
macono beta 117:07
macobeta 2's not packaged yet17:07
macobeta 1 just came out a couple days ago17:07
Roeygot it.  Point is, it's an alpha of 4.6 and that's what I wondered about the .80 designation, that's all :)17:07
Roeybeat of 4.617:08
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phoenix_firebrdRoey: have you upgraded your regular os to the beta?17:09
* maco sees little reason not to upgrade the regular os to alpha at all possible opportunities... best chance of finding bugs to fix! (cant fix em if ya cant find em)17:10
Roeyphoenix_firebrd:  no17:11
phoenix_firebrdRoey: good17:11
Roeyya know, funny thing is I bought Windows last month17:11
Roeyintending to switch17:11
Roeybut I lasted all of...two days17:11
Roeythe environment feels so stifling17:11
RoeyI wanted to use an OS that works17:12
phoenix_firebrdRoey: do you play games?17:12
RoeyI wanted to17:12
RoeyHalf-Life 2, for example17:12
Roeygames and Netflix streaming.17:12
Roeyand to be able to put a CD in and have a program pop up and play the darned thing.17:12
Roeywhich did /not/ work under KDE.17:12
Roey(Kubuntu, rather)17:12
phoenix_firebrdRoey: tried xbmc?17:13
Roeythat's still windows-based, right?17:13
Roeyphoenix_firebrd:  yeah I play that at friends' places17:13
Roeyphoenix_firebrd:  But I really do not like Windows.  Don't get me wrong, I am a Linux user.17:18
Roeyphoenix_firebrd:  I am wondering if I can return this Windows for a refund17:18
Roeyif I should, even17:18
phoenix_firebrdRoey: counter strike will be available for linux shortly17:18
phoenix_firebrdRoey: more game developers are starting to support linux17:18
RoeyI don't think so17:19
RoeyI do not agree17:20
RoeyI think that it does not matter since Microsoft keeps inventing new strategies to lock customers and developers into Microsoft.17:20
RoeyOne example is Silverlight17:20
Roeywhich Netflix Streaming uses17:20
macosilverlight / moonlight works fine17:20
Roeynaw.  I think Desktop Linux will remain niche in the US.17:21
macothe actual problem with netflix is not moonlight being bad, it's encryption17:21
macothere's DRM17:21
phoenix_firebrdRoey: there will always be an alternative to microsoft's17:21
Roeymaco:  and that's why silverlight works17:21
Roeyand the Linux ecosphere fails.17:21
Roey(not that I'm blaming Linux here... it's squarely Microsoft's fault)17:21
Roeyphoenix_firebrd:  not for netflix streaming17:21
Roeyuntil another firm like Redbox comes up with an alternate provider that uses an open format17:22
phoenix_firebrdRoey: nokia stopped  providing drm protected music17:22
phoenix_firebrdRoey: soon it will17:23
phoenix_firebrdRoey: change17:23
Roeyphoenix_firebrd:  video is the next big thing to conquer then17:23
Roeyalso, why am I limited to .mp3?17:23
dthackeras this discussion on DRM is not really a support topic,  perhaps it could be moved to kubunu-offtopic?17:23
Roeyand not the CD-quality track17:23
Roeybut I have other things to get to17:23
Goliathhey,  does camera and laptop-tools work automatically in kubuntu?17:26
Goliathor i have to adjust it17:26
sysop1hey what happeend to the voice control that was bulit into kde 3.5?17:26
sysop1is there something similar in kde4?17:26
dthackersysop1:  I've been away from KDE3 for awhile, could you refresh my memory on what the voice control did?17:27
phoenix_firebrdsysop1: kmouth17:27
* dthacker reads17:27
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arturoHi guys, I come from another distro, but I am curious about what gtk-engine kubuntu uses to display GTK+ applications under KDE?17:39
arturoAs it looks damn good17:39
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dthackerIsn't there a Soundconverter for KDE4?17:46
dthackerMy package search foo has failed me17:46
Snowhogdthacker: pacpl  - Perl Audio Converter is a tool for converting multiple audio types from one format to another using various external encoders/decoders.17:52
dthackerSnowhog: thanks, will take a look17:52
crissii use kubuntu 10.10 and kde 4.5.4. I have problems that some websites at konqueror cause high cpu load during scrolling. for example this page: http://www.linuxmanpages.com/man5/dhcpd.conf.5.php17:53
crissican someone confirm it?17:53
olskolircthis key gives my repository errors sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net --recv-keys 2B8638D0 when trying to get kde 3.x on my karmic from this site http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/install.html17:55
an1I am trying to install kubuntu 64 bit on dell xps - i5 with 4 GB RAM and nvidia. I get errors saying process 417: glib-warning : getpwid_R(): failed due to unknown user id (0)17:55
an1what do i do?17:55
dthackeran1: just a sec18:02
dthackeran1:  potential solution down in the comments on this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/53298418:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 532984 in plymouth (Ubuntu Natty) "GLIb-WARNING **: getpwid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)" [Undecided,Invalid]18:03
olskolirchow do i remove a pgp key please?18:12
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dthackerolskolirc:  for ssh or for something else?18:16
olskolirci just installed kde 3.x on karmic and the pgp key doesn't work when i update how do i remove this key please where is it?18:17
BluesKajolskolirc, sudo remove-apt-repository ppa:nameofppa-ppa/name18:20
olskolircthe key BluesKaj is somewhere i took the repository out by hand18:20
drcodeI have nvidia gt430 , I have installed ubuntu 10.10, how can I setup this card?18:21
BluesKajolskolirc, I assume you want to remove the repos too18:21
olskolircno the repo is correct, (my bad) just that long key that doesn't exist it says18:22
BluesKajdrcode, look in the kmenu/applications /system/additional drivers18:22
olskolirci already installed the kde 3 x BluesKaj but i can't update correctly b/c of this W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 079A381C4486996018:23
BluesKajolskolirc, was there a website that gave you the key18:23
olskolircyes BluesKaj http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/install.html that site18:24
olskolircwhat file is that key in BluesKaj so that i can just delete it please18:25
BluesKajolskolirc, try adding the key again , then sudo apt-get update18:27
BluesKajolskolirc, sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net --recv-keys 2B8638D018:27
olskolircW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 079A381C44869960 BluesKaj18:30
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BluesKajolskolirc, maybe you should ask in #kde , they might know something about  the problem18:32
Snowhogolskolirc: Issue the command sudo gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 079A381C448699618:33
Snowhogolskolirc: Issue the command sudo gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 079A381C4486996018:33
nbndsdoes anyone know examples of enterprise desktop use of kubuntu?18:34
synet92Всем привет18:43
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:45
* crack05 is away (Gone)18:45
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m477_what does 'which' commend?18:46
Snowhogm477_: Open a console and type: man which to find out.18:46
BluesKajnbnds, uhm , pls define enterprise desktop18:47
BluesKajwhich gives the path to the application . m477_18:48
m477_thix BluesKaj Snowhog18:49
simaПривет всем18:54
simaЕсть люди тут?18:55
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:55
Peace-!ru | sima18:55
ubottusima: please see above18:55
simaI quit. :)18:56
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nbndsBluesKaj, Enterpise means here stability of the standart software stack like Kmail, Kofice, Kopete, Konqueror, no crashes and users do no changes to the software.19:00
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BluesKajnbnds, oh ... I thought Enterprise meant a kubuntu in a "business environment" :)19:30
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dthackerHow do I suppress part join messages in Quassel?19:38
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an1dthacker: installation works like a charm when you remove quiet splash! Thanks a lot!20:04
an1harleen: hi20:04
dthackeran1: you're welcome!20:06
an1but it doesnt login via x! im yet to try console login. after entering username and password there is a black screen. thats it20:08
wilhartok i have a question20:10
wilhartis there any possibility in kubuntu could damage my grapic card?20:11
dthackerwilhart:  I can't think of any way Kubuntu could do that20:11
wilhartdthacker: okok, even tho i fiddle with nvidia settings?20:12
wilhartlike v-sync to monitor etc?20:13
wilhartdthacker: my card got damaged dunno why probably was so old.. 3y old20:13
wilhartdthacker: now i have a better card20:13
wilhartdthacker: btw, should i use kde effects or compiz?20:13
wilhartdthacker: disable effects? and enable compiz?20:14
dthackerwilhart: couldn't say.  I just run generic setup with 2 monitors20:15
sh1ft3dis there a way you can start ubuntu in the terminal other than having the x server boot up?20:15
wilhartdthacker: nvidia-settigns - multiple monitors?20:16
wilhartdthacker: and then save settings20:16
wilhartdthacker: what card do you have?20:16
an1dthacker: any solutions to my second problem? i tried removing quiet splash, but i dont think it removes. how do i save and quit in the grub edit command screen?20:16
dthackerwilhart:  I'm not running propietary drivers20:18
wilhartok well i'm off to ubu20:18
sh1ft3ddthacker: you trying to install updated nvidia drivers?20:18
RightLegRedI need some help with installation, could someone assist me with the manual partitioning, I can't understand it and need help, I fear I might erase my windows partition or accidentally remove something I shouldn't20:20
sh1ft3dDo you already have the drive partitioned?20:21
RightLegRedI have a partitioned drive already, I did it while on my windows20:22
marxjohnsonI'm trying to record a screencast on Maverick with XVidCap. I've got my microphone working and showing the input volume on the PulseAudio volume monitor, but I don't know which device to select in xvidcap to record from it. The default is /dev/dsp, which records nothing20:23
marxjohnsonanyone got any pointers?20:23
wilhartwhere do i setup line-in, and mic-in20:24
wilharti hard distortion20:24
wilhartit's probably +decibel20:25
wilhartok alsamixer <tab> did the trick20:26
wilhartwhat's nicer kde effects or compiz?20:31
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glen_katy perry20:39
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:43
glen_Is this just a chat room or torrent site, can someone help?20:44
dthackerglen_: this is the kubuntu help channel.  Ask your question and if someone knows the answer, they will respond20:45
JUaskajuaskaHello. Where is the download files by Ktorrent?20:49
anton__привет всем20:50
anton__чо нет никого?20:53
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:54
kaddihi, after a powerloss my kubuntu no longer boots. it shows "mount: ,mounting  /dev/disk/by-uuid/lonng uuid on /root failed: invalid argument. There are a couple of follow up errors mounting folders in root and then it says target filesyste,m doesn't have requested /sbin/init. No init found. Try bypassing init=bootarg. and it opens a command line called busybox v1.15.320:54
kaddii believe the system is a corrupt file system and it might be fixable with a fsck, however the busybox does not seem to know that argument. How else can I do this20:55
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dthackerkaddi: you could boot from repair CD or Ubuntu Server and run fsck that way21:04
kaddidthacker:  sadly my cd drive is broken and right now i have no big enough flash drive here to create a bootable one. I can get one tomorrow, but i'd rather fix it today21:05
kaddidthacker: is there a way in recovery mode to get a normal shell from which i can run fsck21:06
dthackerkaddi:  If you can't mount root, you're going to have to boot from an external device.21:12
kaddidthacker there's no way to run a fsck on it from recovery mode or some such?21:12
alesanI think the latest update changed the KDE font to "Ubuntu"21:14
alesanhow bad is that? I really want to go back to the usual one...21:14
macothat change happened 10.1021:14
maconot in a post-release update though...21:15
alesanwell but yesterday I did not have this font21:15
alesanhow can I set a normal one?21:15
macodid you upgrade from10.04 to 10.10?21:15
macoas always, system settings21:15
alesanyes but several weeks ago21:15
macoi think font settings are in the application settings section21:15
alesanmaco, ok but what was the default?21:16
macothen i suspect you only *noticed* yesterday21:16
macoprobably Deja Vu Sans21:16
alesanno yesterday it was good, believe me21:16
dthackerkaddi:  I'm not familiar with this recovery mode you speak of.    How are you accessing it?21:16
alesanthis morning I start it and BOOM the bad surprise21:16
macodid you not reboot til now?21:16
alesanmaco, thanks I will try immediately!21:16
alesanI did a reboot yesterday21:16
alesanactually, a regular shutdown21:17
alesannormally I always "suspend" or "hibernate"21:17
macobut i mean between your upgrade and yesterday...did you not log out / shutdown / reboot at all?21:17
macobecause it shouldve gone into effect the first time you logged in after the upgrade21:17
alesanmaco, who knows...21:17
kaddidthacker: when you install standard ubuntu it will always install too options per kernel: normal kernel and kernel (recoverymode). From what I can tell, recovery mode shows you a boot log and won't start x, but give you a terminal if it loads successfully21:18
alesanok I put "Sans Serif" and it seems to be the correct one21:18
dthackerkaddi:  If you get a command line booting into the recovery mode, then try to run /sbin/fsck  -t [fslist]21:22
kaddidthacker: i get the same as i get when trying to boot normally. for what it's worth when i try to mount the partition to /test I get this error ext4-fs (sda5): error loading journal. Will try your command next, but i don't believe it knows fsck21:24
kaddidthacker: there's mount.ntfs. mount.fuse, wait-for-root. udevadm, pkill, dumpe2fs. udevd,modprobe. rmmod, hwclock, blkid and dmsetup in /sbin21:25
dthackerkaddi: /sbin is where fsck lives, so you'll have to boot from liveCD or other device to get it.21:30
kaddi>.< thanks anyways dthacker21:33
drcodehi all21:55
drcodeI try to switch between hebrew and en21:55
drcodein ubuntu 10.1021:55
drcodeit dosn't let me add hebrew keyboard layout , any idea?21:55
BluesKajdrcode, ask in #ubuntu22:09
drcodeBluesKaj: I can't find reginol and settings in kubuntu 10.1022:16
dthackerdrcode: System Settings--> Locale   perhaps?22:18
drcodeits only language22:19
drcodeof system22:19
BluesKajdrcode, /sysyem settings /input devices/keyboard/layouts tab/configure layouts/add layout22:21
BluesKajdrcode, then you'll see a drop down list of choices22:21
drcodeBluesKaj: thanx22:23
drcodeI have found it now22:23
drcodethanx alot22:23
BluesKajnp drcode :)22:24
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drazzen_salve a tutti22:27
drazzen_salve a tutti22:28
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:28
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amichair_trying to suspend to disk on a netbook with wubi gives error "swap header not found" and doesn't work (it stays on, and pressing any key goes back to the desktop). How does one make hibernation work?22:55
xomawho tried to run ragnarok online under wine?23:03
vl_hello all23:18
vl_here is a russian ?23:19
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