
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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Sarvatt_are the maverick buildd's messed up? I'm getting failures like this that I can't reproduce locally - https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+build/2081191/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64.xserver-xorg-video-intel_2%3A2.13.901%2Bgit20101205.c2fac6ca-0ubuntu0sarvatt2~maverick_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:37
Sarvatt_checking how to run the C preprocessor... /lib/cpp16:37
Sarvatt_configure: error: in `/build/buildd/xserver-xorg-video-intel-2.13.901+git20101205.c2fac6ca/build':16:37
Sarvatt_configure: error: C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check16:37
Sarvatt_was ok about 12 hours ago, affecting multiple X driver packages just on maverick16:40
gesercan you modify the package to output config.log if configure fails to see the exact reason?16:47
gesergcc-4.5 didn't change for over a week now16:48
geserah, maverick and not natty, sorry; but getting config.log will help to see where exactly it fails in configure16:49
Sarvatt_it's using 4.4 on maverick and just started in the last 12 hours where the same packages built fine. trying to figure out how to do that now16:49
geseradding " || cat config.log" to the configure call in debian/rules should do it16:52
Sarvatt_uploaded, will show up https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+builds?build_text=&build_state=all soon16:54
Sarvatt_(all the input driver failures there are different and expected)16:55
Sarvatt_for x-x-v-savage that failed the same way the only change in the past 14 hours since it succeeded was a version bump in configure.ac17:06
geser/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h:39: fatal error: linux/limits.h: No such file or directory17:07
geserthat seems to be the problem17:08
Sarvatt_hmm maybe linux-libc-dev is screwed up in the PPA17:12
geserthe official maverick linux build contains that file in linux-libc-dev17:13
Sarvatt_2.6.37-8.20 was copied into the PPA about the same time the failures started, looks like the problem is in there. thanks geser17:13
Sarvatt_yep 2.6.37-8's linux-libc-dev is screwed up, that was it17:22
geserthanks for finding this bug17:25
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fta"You are over quota on people.ubuntu.com", is there a way to get an extension? i use that space mostly to pass files to security sponsors and to upstream18:53
micahgfta: per the wiki, I believe you have to mail rt at ubuntu dot com for this18:55
ftamicahg, ok, thanks18:56
ftahttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ppa/+build/2075614  no build log?19:42
lifelessfta: ah, I think theres a bug about that.19:43
lifelesswgrant: ^ ftbfs with no build log19:44
lifelessfta: I'd search in launchpad-project bugs for that19:45
ScottKWould some launchpad person please see if they can find the link to the build log for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/4:4.7.1-0ubuntu4/+build/205289320:42
ScottKIt just says failed to build, but no log.20:42
ScottKwgrant: ^^^?20:43
Laneyfta just mentione a similar issue for a PPA20:43
fta(for a native ppa, not sure if it matters though)20:44
lifelessjelmer: ^20:44
jelmerlifeless: thanks, looking20:45
jelmerfta: what was your build?20:52
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jelmerScottK, fta, lifeless: it looks like there were some temporary issues scanning builders late yesterday. I'm going to file a bug about this and retry the problematic (half a dozen) builds.21:04
thewrathhey all21:32
thewrathdo you have a plugin or what not if code is hosted on git?21:32
=== thewrathjr is now known as thewrath
thumperthewrath: git repositories can be imported into bzr, but launchpad does not host git natively23:16
thewraththumper, so i would have to import them manually then?23:17
thumperthewrath: no, launchpad has an import service23:17
thumperand the git one is quite good23:17
thumperas long as it doesn't use submodules23:17
thewrathnot that i am aware :)23:17

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