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nexehHey everyone. I'm a developer and ahve been reading through all the documentation (phew... theres some reading there!) I've been looking through some tickets to get familiar... I had a simple triaging question if someone is around?02:02
nexehAnyone around?02:05
yofelnexeh: just ask you question, if anyone knows the answer they'll reply02:05
nexehOk, There is a note in the documentation that is a bug is not writen in English that we should ask them to translate it. My question is should anything else be updated on the ticket as the same time, ie status?02:07
yofelnexeh: also since there are times when nobody will be around, if you don't have time to wait you can send your question to the mailing list too02:07
nexehyofel: thanks i will do that02:07
nexehyofel: any suggestions on picking up a mentor?02:08
yofelas for the mentors you can request one as described here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors02:11
micahgnexeh: you could also try google translate, if the request seems reasonably translated, you can run with it02:25
nexehOk this seems like a stupid question but the directions say "Set up your Ubuntu Wiki-page, and add the following information to it: " however i dont see anywhere that allows me to do then02:25
nexehmicahg: thank i was thinking that too but i didn't want anyone to complain about a bad translation? but seeing as you suggested it i will02:26
micahgnexeh: once you log into the wiki, you can add or edit any page02:26
micahgnexeh: you can also add a task for ubuntu-translations and they can translate02:27
micahgnexeh: do you have a link to the page that requests asking the user to translate, I thought we decided not to do that02:28
nexehmicahg: ive used wikis before and i can find the edit buttern but no where to add... ill keep looking tho... I'll get that link now02:28
micahgnexeh: just go to the page you want to add and there should be a button to edit02:29
nexehOMG, that was not easy to find...02:42
micahgnexeh: thanks, I'll discuss it w/the team02:45
nexehLet me know what is decided02:45
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OmegaWhere should a bug in the Ubuntu Installer go?04:25
micahgOmega: ubiquity?04:26
OmegaThank you.04:27
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stlsaintvish: well since im no longer part of team i will just continue to triage bugs on my own then apply for membership afterwards05:03
vishstlsaint: hey, i sent you a mail and havent heard back... without knowing what the progress is, i couldnt suggest anything else..05:08
vishstlsaint: i have no clue if being part of that team was helping you or not05:09
stlsaintvish: meh, not really05:10
stlsainti rarely saw my mentor in here which is where majority of my time is spent05:10
vishstlsaint: exactly! and you should have replied05:11
stlsaintvish: i will just continue on my bug traiging and let you know when i feel i am ready to apply for membership05:11
stlsaintvish: i did reply i said my mentor was drew21205:11
stlsaintvish: i replied either in here or on email...lemme check one sec05:11
stlsaintnope, guess it was in here05:12
stlsaintoh yea you asked about how much i had done05:12
vishstlsaint: no, i mailed again with a set of questions, and there was no reply back.. there is a different team where it is not one on one, but more of a team with a student..  if this did not work for you, you could have been moved to that team..05:13
vishoh well..05:13
vishstlsaint: triaging on your own is also fine..  which ever makes you comfortable.. :)05:13
stlsaintwell i have done 3 solid bug triages so i am aiming to do more, most bugs i attempt either fail in one way or another05:13
vishthere is no win with bugs!05:14
stlsaintlack of info, failure on poster to post more info, im unable to reproduce or any other various reason05:14
vishstlsaint: those are not your failures :)05:14
stlsaintvish: aye, but it makes it much harder for me to triage bugs, especially with the rest of the entire community doing them also ;D05:15
stlsaintlol, i more or less get the ones that fall in between the cracks05:15
vishstlsaint: nah, there are so many bugs where we dont hear back from..05:15
micahgstlsaint: there are more than enough bugs to go around05:15
stlsaintmicahg: yea plenty bugs true, but plenty of them properly ready to be traiged...not so much05:16
stlsaintmicahg: especailly when it comes to the part of reproducing the bug05:16
micahgstlsaint: that's part of learning how to triage bugs :)05:16
vishstlsaint: everyone starts the same.. ;)05:16
stlsainti have already installed random apps that i never use just to try and reproduce a bug, but i dont want a slew of apps installed that i dont even use05:17
stlsaintthen i go through uninstalling and what not05:17
stlsaintand i use vbox as well05:17
micahgstlsaint: you could try a chroot as well05:17
stlsaintmicahg: :|05:18
vishstlsaint: nah, triage the apps you have.. not necessary to install fresh apps and triage05:18
micahgstlsaint: or focus on apps you have installed :)05:18
stlsaintmicahg: dang i never thought of that, but most of them need DE's05:18
micahgstlsaint: a chroot can piggy back on your current DE05:18
stlsaintmicahg: im sure some binding is possible but ive never really had the need to with any chroot i use so i am unaware of how to :(05:19
micahgstlsaint: xhost +localhost should work as long as no one else is on teh machine05:21
stlsaintnope just me05:21
stlsaintthen i found out i was triaging bugs that really didnt count towards membership because they werent ubuntu specific :( bummer05:23
stlsaintvish: thanks05:24
stlsaintmicahg: thanks05:24
stlsainti guess i will just report progress on wiki and then apply in a few weeks/months05:25
stlsaintnight folks05:25
micahgstlsaint: hmm, xhost +localhost doesn't work :-/05:25
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stlsaintmicahg: lol, alright05:25
micahgstlsaint: but someone in #ubuntu might know how to do it05:25
stlsaintmicahg: but your saying that IT IS possible, just have to figure out how?05:25
stlsaintmicahg: cool, i know some folks who will know how ;)05:26
micahgstlsaint: yes05:26
micahgc2tarun: so, I'm not convinced there's an actual issue06:24
c2tarunmicahg: ya i also figured that out. the bug is only to change the name of the package i think???06:24
micahgc2tarun: but since the papercutters took it on, maybe vish can shed some light on it06:24
micahgc2tarun: no, it's to modify the description06:24
c2tarunmicahg: vish is not here. who is actually going to fix the bug??06:26
micahgc2tarun: vish is here somewhere06:26
c2tarunmicahg: ok i'll wait for him. can you please tell me by bug triaging we mean only to change its importance by comments???06:27
micahgc2tarun: triaging is making sure there's enough information for a developer to work on the bug which can include, steps to reproduce and getting the importance set06:28
c2tarunmicahg: ok and for being a developer do we have some requirements of just anyone can fix the bug (as in this case change the description)??06:29
vishhey.. which bug?06:29
c2tarunbug: #60267106:29
vishbug #60267106:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 602671 in p7zip (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Description: p7zip (affects: 5) (heat: 24)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60267106:30
micahgc2tarun: nope, no requirements on who, that's just a different hat to wear :)06:30
c2tarunmicahg: ok ( i m a newbie and may b not the proper person to do this) if I want to change the description then what i have to do. download the tarball change the description and then what???06:32
vishhmm, ok.. not sure what the confusion is, but c2tarun, ssj6akshat is already working on that bug06:32
micahgvish: it's not assigned :)06:32
vishmicahg: yea, ^ ssj6akshat pls assign yourself to the bug06:32
c2taruni m not going for ssj*'s work. i just wanted to know something about bugging and packaging and all this06:32
vishssj6akshat: just assign the bug to yourself and mark it as 'In-Progress'06:33
c2tarunits my first time i m even looking at a bug and i have absolutely no idea what to do now. so i was just asking...06:33
micahgc2tarun: so, basically, if you want to fix a bug, you can create a debdiff and then follow the sponsorship process06:34
vishc2tarun: have you read a little bit of the wiki pages? or are you just starting?06:34
ssj6akshatvish, wait, i thought it was assigned to Papercuts Ninja so I didn't assign myself06:34
c2taruni read the recepies on the wiki page for packaging and creating debdiff. the thing is they just tell the steps never explain them and their technicality and internal functioning06:34
micahgssj6akshat: yes, but there's the Ubuntu task as well06:35
vishssj6akshat: nah, we are assigning all bugs to the ninja team now, the team gets notified and when someone in the team finds the bug interesting they 'claim' the bug, hence they assign it tot themselves06:35
c2tarunssj6akshat: are you working on that bug???06:37
ssj6akshatc2tarun, yes06:37
c2tarunssj6akshat: may b its too much to ask, but can you please tell me little bit what you are doing in order to fix that???06:37
ssj6akshatc2tarun, PM06:39
c2tarunssj6akshat: PM??06:40
ssj6akshatc2tarun, private message06:41
vishssj6akshat: i thought you already have the patch..06:44
vish or i am a bad teacher ;p06:44
c2tarunanyone looked on  # Bug #68541508:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 685415 in firefox (Ubuntu) "error writing about:mozilla (XML non-well formed) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68541508:53
micahgc2tarun: I saw it...08:53
c2tarunmicahg: i ran about:mozilla on my system and found just a message with red background.08:54
c2tarunis it really a bug??08:54
micahgif there's an error, yes08:55
* micahg tries in 3.608:55
c2tarunno that was not an error i think. that was  a quote from book of mozilla, 11:908:55
micahgas it should, let me try in another langauge08:56
micahgah, indeed it's valid :)08:57
c2tarunare you getting an error??08:57
micahgc2tarun: in german08:57
* micahg will mark triaged, thank08:57
c2tarunok let me try in my language....08:58
c2tarunthere was no error in hindi09:01
* micahg doesn't know if there's a hindi langpack09:02
c2tarunthere is hindi langpack for indians .. dont know how to explaint09:02
c2tarunthere is hindi langpack for indians .. dont know how to explain09:02
c2tarunbut i installed it from language support into my system09:03
micahgc2tarun: right, but does firefox end up in hindi09:03
c2tarunya firefox printed the quote in hindi. and it was correct translation for its english counterpart. but for that testing i logged out and logged in with hindi gnome. how did you  testd??09:04
micahgI set LC_ALL on teh cli09:04
* micahg tries in Hebrew09:05
micahgfails in hebrew as well09:06
ssj6akshathelp on bug #60246209:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 602462 in grsync (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "Too geeky description of grsync in software center (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60246209:38
ssj6akshatWhat should I change the description to?09:38
nisshhssj6akshat, that doesnt seem overly geeky to me09:39
nisshhmaybe get rid of the GTK2 reference09:40
nisshhi agree with vish's comment on it tbh, ssj6akshat09:41
c2tarungetting rid of GTK2 may not be the solution because anyone using rsync must be familiar with gtk09:42
micahgI don't think either buzzword needs to go, but rather a simple explanation of what it does as well09:43
nisshhc2tarun, but a new user might not even know what GTK means09:43
nisshhmicahg, i agree, the actual explanation of its purpose is not there09:44
vishc2tarun: why does anyone using rsync need to be familiar with GTK?09:44
c2tarunnisshh: its not that difficult, just by googling and reading few lines one can get GTK. its not something geeky.09:44
ssj6akshatc2tarun, see MPT's comment09:45
nisshhc2tarun, echoing vish why does someone need to be familiar with GTK to use grsync?09:45
vishc2tarun: an user must not have to google an explanation, for an explanation to the package he is trying to understand. :)09:45
c2tarunmay b vish :009:46
c2tarunbut these are very general terms gtk, gnu. etc. one cant explain everything in the package.09:47
vishc2tarun: yes, not needed to even exist.. ;)09:47
nisshhc2tarun, its best not to assume a new user might know those terms, in most cases they probably dont09:48
micahgyeah, I think the buzzwords are fine as long as there's some explanation of funciton09:48
vishhmm, where is the user-testing data..09:49
* vish reverts wiki09:49
c2tarunssj6akshat: are you working on this rsync bug??09:54
ssj6akshatc2tarun, i want to work on them all09:55
c2tarunwhat changes are you planning to make in descriptions??09:56
c2tarunssj6akshat: PM10:00
ssj6akshatvish, so i just remove the GTK2 reference?10:51
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njinHello, who is responsible to unmount storage media during shutdown ? Thanks11:11
njin*USB storage media, sorry11:13
njinbdmurray. can i disturb ?11:15
c2taruncan anyone please tell me where can i find the source code manual for empathy??11:15
ssj6akshatnisshh, what do you think about it?11:16
nisshhssj6akshat, i agree with vish's comments on the bug11:20
ssj6akshatc2tarun, man empathy ?11:21
ssj6akshatc2tarun, do you mean source code?11:21
ssj6akshatc2tarun, bzr branch lp:empathy11:23
njincharlie-tca: can i disturb?11:24
yofelnjin: I *think* the kernel, since all drives are unmounted directly before poweroff, but I'm not sure11:25
njinyofel: i'm thinking too, thanks11:28
c2tarunssj6akshat bzr branch just created the branch and gave me the source code. but there is no manual on the source code. are you aware of source code manual???11:39
ssj6akshatc2tarun, http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/doc/book/ <-- maybe this?11:42
c2tarunssj6akshat: this may help. thanks :)11:43
ssj6akshatvish, what does potpourri mean?11:48
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c2taruncan anyone please tell me how to look at the bug list in launchpad. all i see there is recently reported bugs14:19
vishc2tarun: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/PACKAGENAME14:20
vishc2tarun: usually when you are viewing a bug, you can just click on the "BUGS" header on the top14:21
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c2tarunvish: clicking on bugs on top is directing me to the same page of recently reported bugs14:22
vishc2tarun: no it does not, for example if you are viewing a TB bug, clicking on the "BUGS" header gives you » https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird14:24
vishc2tarun: do you see on *top* : Overview , Code , Bugs , .... ,14:24
c2tarunvish: got it thanks :)14:24
c2tarunwhat is difference between a triaged bug and confirmed bug??14:34
charlie-tcac2tarun, confirmed means someone else could have it too. Triaged means the bug is ready for a developer to work on it14:39
charlie-tcaConfirmed does not mean there is enough information there to actually fix the bug14:39
c2taruni m not getting the triaged option after clicking on the pencil adjacent to status..???15:14
charlie-tcaChanging status to triaged requires being in bug-control. Normally, when just learning, you set it to confirmed and then ask here to have to changed to triaged.15:17
charlie-tcaThat allows for a good verification that there is enough information15:17
c2tarunwhat if someone reported an error but i didnot find it valid on my system.15:18
charlie-tcaDid you try in the same version as the report?15:18
c2tarunnope, it was reported for maverick, mine is lucid15:19
charlie-tcaYou can not verify an issue using an earlier release.15:19
charlie-tcaMaverick is later than lucid, so to verify the issue, you have to use maverick or natty15:19
c2taruni was going through a tutorial on this link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/devweek0809/FixingBugs2 and stuck into an error. can anyone please help15:36
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njinhello, have you already see something similar ? Nov 21 20:28:34 andrex-notebook gdm-simple-slave[1181]: WARNING: Unable to load file '/etc/gdm/custom.conf': Нет такого файла или каталога17:02
njinis this line hacked ?17:03
penguin42 'hacked'17:08
penguin42it's a bit odd, probably just a bug somewhere17:09
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njinpenguin42: thanks17:22
htorquebug 647979 - this bug is back again: reopen, open a new one?17:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 647979 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "Nautilus' "File Operation" dialog gets stuck and prevents opening new Nautilus windows (affects: 3) (heat: 57)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64797917:24
vishhtorque: yes17:31
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micahgnjin: please don't upstream gnome-shell bugs unless it's an upstream issue17:47
micahgnjin: please close gnome 636446 as we shouldn't be using mutter 2.91.x with gnome-shell 2.31.x17:48
ubot2Gnome bug 636446 in general "(mutter:7484): mutter-WARNING **: Could not load library [/usr/lib/mutter/plugins/libgnome-shell.so (/usr/lib/mutter/plugins/libgnome-shell.so: undefined symbol: mutter_plugin_get_type)]" [Blocker,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63644617:48
njinmicahg: done17:50
micahgnjin: also WRT AC_INIT, were you building against the gnome3 libs?17:51
njinmicahg: i've fixed it installing dconf, i'm building vala just now .17:53
penguin42gnome-shell won't install for me on natty, broken gjs package/dependency17:53
micahgpenguin42: yes, I'm upgrading gnome-shell17:54
penguin42good, I'd like to try it again - I tried it a long time ago when it was new and didn't like it17:54
penguin42it seems right to try these things every so often17:54
micahgpenguin42: just not sure if I'll finish today, but should be some time this week17:55
micahgnjin: np17:56
njinmicahg: sorry, i've dont fix it with dconf, it exit just now with ****[dconf-1.o0.gir] Error117:58
micahgnjin: ok, I'll see what happens when I upgrade the build-dependencies17:58
htorquevish, yes what? reopen or better open a new one? :-)18:47
vishhtorque: oops, yea, open a new bug :)18:48
htorquevish, ok, thanks!18:48
njinmicahg: it works without gnome power manager too !.19:26
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