
ssj6akshatWhat should I name my post?10:54
ssj6akshat'Ubuntu Cloud Portal is a one stop shop for all cloud enthusiasts'10:54
asac"would be precious if there was a 10GB official @ubuntucloud EBS AMI available for use with e.g. http://aws.amazon.com/free/ #ec2"12:38
asacmaybe i am missing something and its easy to resize the EBS down form 15 to 10?12:41
* asac the clueless cloudy12:41
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asacok got answer on twitter.... thx13:08
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=== ssj6akshat is now known as ssj6akshat|sleep
kiallSo .. is there anything special that needs to be done to get a re-bundled ubuntu instance (on UEC) to boot? .. Every attempt so far has stalled during boot20:10

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