
duanedesignczajkowski: it is on my todo for Monday morning.01:09
paultagnigelb: I'm using node.js to play around :)06:14
paultagIt's pretty awesome06:15
paultagI just wrote a templating engine for it, with data stored in JSON. I should really update it to actually, you know, do something06:15
czajkowskiduanedesign: great08:11
czajkowskipaultag: go to sleep08:11
nigelbpaultag: neat10:12
nigelbpaultag: gah, now I'm installing node.js too.10:36
paultagczajkowski: I did :)15:56
paultagnigelb: I have a sever where it can be running on port 8016:06
paultagnigelb: so I'm going to write something cool with nodejs, I think. I have it templating, so I need it to collaborate with something. Perhaps if I can work out the callbacks, I can make a pair-programming editor16:07
paultaghave it auth'd, and then work off git or something. It'll clone it, filebrowse on the left, edit on the right, and let you commit and stuff16:07
paultagbut only with local access :)16:08
paultagand a socket api, pretty please16:10
nigelbpaultag: something like web-based gobby?17:18
paultagnigelb: like google docs, but with like vi syntax or something17:18
nigelbthat's be sooooo cool ;)17:18
nigelbpaultag: node.js overall seems to be very cool17:19
paultagnigelb: yeah, it's a tad wonky, but I like the webserver having a state17:19
paultagnigelb: so you can preload data, then start serving statc stuff, and re-work it on different events17:19
paultagnigelb: it's going to run a whole lot faster then php, imho17:19
paultagI've not tested it, but I have a feeling17:19
nigelbits probably faster than most languages17:19
nigelbBecause particularly of its async loading17:20
paultagI've got to try client / server stuff. I think you have to vend out javascript in javascript17:20
paultagsomething about that seems dirty, I need to figure out how to do it right17:20
nigelbWhat I like best about node.js is that now you only need 1 language for client and server side17:21
nigelbwhich is like *awesome*17:21
paultagnigelb: i'm not convinced yet17:21
paultagnigelb: it's really awkward to do a lot of stuff17:22
nigelbpaultag: well, true.  Callbacks and callbacks and more callbacks17:22
paultagnigelb: yeah, but if you can model it right, callbacks rock hard.17:22
paultagnigelb: what I don't like is that you have to smoosh it all into one file17:22
paultagnigelb: and that the js tree makes it hard to server actual things, like files17:22
nigelbpaultag: You'e using 2.5?17:23
paultagnigelb: so you can't put a css file in with the js files, and serve it on a request to that file, y'know17:23
paultagnigelb: I'm using git17:23
nigelbThere probably really active development17:23
paultagnigelb: yeah, I'm using the git head17:23
paultagnigelb: I have it installed to opt, and similinked in17:23
nigelbpaultag: http://transloadit.com/17:23
paultag f17:23
paultaggnome-do's not working17:24
nigelbI think I showed you before, its built with node.js and ffmeg and other open source stuff17:24
paultagnigelb: oh yes, you did17:24
nigelbpaultag: Well, if they can do something so awesome . . .17:25
nigelbsky's the limit I'd reckon17:26
paultagnigelb: I'm worried about a few things. I think this is *great* as a secondary server, for tracking state ( you don't need a DB to hold "global" states ), but not great for doing the usual things17:27
paultagnigelb: I'm tempted to use the nodejs server as a json server, vend off php, and ajax state from node into the app17:27
nigelbpaultag: that would totally rock17:27
paultagnigelb: that or re-write the webserver17:28
nigelbpaultag: That makes sense from so many standpoints17:28
paultagnigelb: thanks :)17:28
paultagnigelb: I try and make sense :)17:28
nigelbYou can always fork and people might be running paultag.node.js :p17:28
paultagNah, I'd be nice and send in patches17:28
paultagI don't have time to maintain something like that17:28
paultagall I need to do is figure out to how barf json in javascript17:29
paultagit should be easy17:29
nigelbdude, json is javascript object notation remember?17:30
paultagnigelb: that just means that you can take json and it's valid javascript17:30
nigelboh, well, use jquery then :p17:31
paultagnigelb: that does not mean javascript can make json, that'd be like saying that c can produce c code because it's written in c17:31
paultagnigelb: with nodejs ?17:31
nigelbor at least look at jquery source to see how they barf json17:31
paultagtrue that17:31
paultagah, json.org has a json.js script17:31
paultagdamnit, I can't inline that17:32
paultagnodejs, you're cramping my style. Please be built in17:32
nigelbWell, if you see jquery compressed, you'll know that anything is in-line-able17:32
paultagnodejs has something called "JSON.stringify("17:34
paultagI wonder if that'll do it17:34
paultagnigelb: http://pastebin.com/EdrrVCrh17:43
paultagnigelb: that's what I just got off my netbook17:43
paultagnigelb: and I just got that json stuff to work. Now time to use it :)17:44
nigelbpaultag: I can't believe its just that much!17:48
paultagnigelb: I need to figure out how to make it smarter17:49
paultagthat and debian needs a patch17:49
paultagnodejs is really out of date17:50
paultagto the point where that won't run17:50
paultag( and I knew my syntax was right )17:50
paultagso I tried git and it worked flawlessly17:50
paultagthe only time i've blamed the compiler and won17:50
nigelbI just compiled from source - the stable version17:50
nigelbI wish there ws something like virtualenv17:51
paultagnigelb: I don't like running make install. I've just hacked it in17:51
paultagnigelb: I just used bits of my old package manager to do it17:51
jcastrowith autohide on unity is really starting to be awesome19:30
nisshhjcastro, it needs an intellihide :)19:33
popeyIntellihide(¢∞§¶•ªºœ∑åß∂®ƒ†©\˙µΩ≈ç√∫˙∆¨^˚¬π…“æ‘«  damnit! where's the TM symbol!20:06
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
jcastronisshh: yeah, some day22:16
jcastroright now this will do the trick though22:16
jcastroironically, for all the drama, with autohid on it looks just like 10.10 except minus the bottom panel22:17
nisshhjcastro, yeah, hehe22:32

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