
=== emma is now known as em
=== em is now known as emma
ubot4`vorian called the ops in #ubuntuforums ()07:25
=== emma is now known as em
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
MatirI'd like to get a Ubuntu member cloak set up for my FreeNode account.  My launchpad page is https://launchpad.net/~matir.21:40
m4vPici, jussi01, nhandler, topyli, tsimpson or whoever is the correct group contact ^21:46
m4ver, jussi ^21:46
tsimpsonKB1JWQ, VorTechS, marienz, tomaw: one of you available?21:51
tsimpsoncould one you set Matir up with an ubuntu/member/matir cloak please21:52
tsimpsonthanks :)21:52
marienzno problem21:52
tsimpsonMatir: congrats on your membership, you're all set21:52
Matirtsimpson, thanks!21:53
Matirand marienz too, thanks21:53
tsimpsonm4v: as a fyi, nhandler can't requests cloaks, but can set them if we ask (one of the oddities of our governance)21:54

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