=== smorar is now known as smorar_ [03:15] did I wake up before the superfly for once ? ;-p [06:17] drubin: you don't have a toddler :-P [10:06] * Kilos greets all\ [10:06] another day without cyber coffee [10:06] * Kilos cries [10:16] Maaz: wb [10:16] Thank you so much cocooncrash my good good friend [10:17] what was it? [10:17] Dodgy server in chat.eu.freenode.net I think [10:17] damned (germans|french|italians|...) [10:17] Heh [11:17] yoooooohooooooo [11:17] ty so much cocooncrash [11:17] Maaz, coffee on [11:17] * Maaz flips the salt-timer [11:21] Coffee's ready for Kilos! [11:21] Maaz, thank you kind bot [11:21] Kilos: np [11:59] superfly: So I wasn't up before you? [12:50] drubin: no you were... on weekends we try to get some sleep [12:51] because we're so tired from the week [12:52] * superfly watches his snake eat [12:53] lol hi drubin superfly [13:59] hi |3o|3 dries [13:59] <|3o|3> hey there [14:00] hi there - I'm new to this. trying to find my way? [14:01] welcome to ubuntu-za [14:01] Thanks! [14:18] Maaz: :D you're back! [14:18] nuvolari: Excuse me? [14:18] Maaz: you're excused [14:18] nuvolari: *blink* [14:18] lol [14:18] Maaz: I'm not like that [14:18] nuvolari: What? [14:19] Maaz: you heard me [14:19] nuvolari: Huh? [14:19] nevermind [14:19] lo oom Kilos [14:19] and he seems to be faster [14:19] welcome dries [14:19] lo nuvolari gaan dit goed? [14:19] dit gaan goed dankie oom, bietjie skuins geduik vanmiddag :P voel nou stukke beter. En oom? [14:20] baie goed dankie [14:20] dankie vir die welkom, vind nog my pad... [14:20] dries, ons het n afrikaanse kanaal ook [14:21] #ubuntu-afr [14:21] Kilos: spam!! :P [14:21] hierdie is meestal n engelse kanaal sodat almal kan verstaaan [14:21] mag ons nie hier 'kode' praat nie? [14:22] ja hierdie is die ubuntu hulp kanaal [14:22] nuvolari, ?? [14:22] ja oom? [14:22] cool, no problem [14:22] wat van spam [14:23] ek en nuvolari vat net kanse altyd hier [14:23] lol, nee toemaar oom, ek joke net. Ander netwerke kry hulle onnies in 'n knoop as jy 'n ander channel noem :P [14:23] lol [14:23] ja, :P sometimes they "berispe" us [14:24] hehe [14:24] what's english for "berispe"? [14:24] scold [14:24] reprimand [14:24] there you go [14:24] :/ isn't there a simple word? [14:24] scold = uittrap [14:25] in short, they threaten to kick us and report us to the tux-mafia [14:25] lol [14:25] thanks, ek voel al klaar welcome! [14:25] mooi [14:26] dries: is it your first time on IRC? [14:26] if you need help with coding some of the top brains in the game dwell here [14:26] only weekends are very quiet [14:27] first time... still having a hard time with emacs irc client [14:27] whut? :/ [14:27] like punishment [14:27] why?? [14:27] dries wat os are you using [14:27] dries: the GUI or CLI version? [14:28] if you like CLI, then rather try weechat [14:28] for everything else, there's quassel [14:28] or xchat on gui [14:28] lol [14:28] I have that installed as well, but still trying diff things [14:29] i'm cli [14:29] one day i will try quassel out [14:29] I take it you're an emacs fan then? [14:29] go stand in the corner [14:29] VI ftw :P [14:30] emacs... I'm in the corner [14:30] hehe [14:32] emacs always seemed like so much effort :/ Tried to work with it more than once, and failed miserably [14:33] right - I see it as a puzzle game. always something to discover. But a lot of trouble to get stuff done. [14:34] o.o [14:35] did I scare him away? [14:35] whoops :/ didn't mean to [14:51] lol === Owk is now known as Owkkuri [18:27] Howdy :) [19:07] hiya Esquire [19:07] :) [19:07] hard work making these smiley things [19:28] night all. sleep tight [19:48] hi all [20:22] whois dries [20:23] dries is the who [20:24] its a trap === frozty_sa is now known as froztbyte