
ScottLholstein,  ping me when you get back00:49
holsteinScottL: ping03:11
ScottLholstein, hey, could you email the mailing list about the website meeting?03:17
ScottLholstein, mention the decision made and the date/time of the next meeting?03:17
holsteinScottL: i'll get on it 03:18
holsteinif you dont see it tonite, feel free to remind me again03:18
holsteinill try to find a link to the logs from last time03:18
ScottLholstein, thanks :)   how are you doing this weekend?03:18
holsteinnot bad03:19
holsteinmy face is much better03:19
holsteinless swollen from my surgery03:19
holsteinand i got some work03:19
holsteinScottL: hows about you?03:19
ScottLi saw on #OSMs guitarman telling you to take your medicine to reduce the swelling03:20
ScottLcool about the work03:20
ScottLholstein, this weekend started a little rough, i found out friday afternoon that a good friend (who i worked with also) died friday morning03:22
holsteinsorry to hear that03:22
ScottLi don't know the cause of death at this moment, i suppose we'll get the word monday morning03:23
ScottLthanks holstein 03:23
ScottLholstein, this will probably help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamReports/10/November03:51
ScottLi think it has all the decisions that were made, plus the irc logs03:52
ScottLthe only thing i think it is missing is mentioning a decision for another meeting and the date for it03:52
ScottLholstein, thanks for getting the email out19:14
ScottLi still don't know who tomwilso is :/ 19:14
ScottLdo you?19:14
ScottLi wonder how reliable he will be about preparing for next meeting19:14
holsteinno idea19:14
holsteini dont think its a hinge point for the meeting19:15
ScottLwhat do you think will be important for the next meeting?19:15
holsteintrying to make all the decisions on the site content19:16
holsteinor more 19:16
holsteinScottL: i would like to talk more about revenue as well19:18
holsteinyou mentioned that i think19:18
holsteincollect some funds for development19:18
ScottLholstein, re: website, i think that is what tomwilso was doing, refining the rough site map to parse out only the necessary content into a 2nd draft or list19:20
ScottLholstein, re: revenue  -  shoot19:20
ScottLre: website, i'll work up a list as well just in case tomwilso doesn't come through19:21
holsteinmaybe just exactly what it will take to eccept donations19:21
holsteinand/or sell things19:22
* ScottL doesn't want to impugn anyone's honor, but really, really want to make this all happen :)19:22
holsteinScottL: nah, i think its cool19:22
holsteinthe email is out19:22
holsteinScottL: actually19:22
ScottLholstein, i think we need to first clear that we _can_ sell ubuntu studio stuff19:22
ScottLget in touch with someone with canonical19:22
holsteini think it would be fine to say 'who is tom, and respond here please'19:22
ScottLwe might email cory first, he had explored this before and see if he had any contacts we could follow19:23
holsteinScottL: maybe we can get someone to cover that19:23
holsteinat the next meeting19:23
holsteinan ubuntustudio representative19:23
holsteinto ask connonical19:23
holsteinor whoever19:23
ScottLthen if it clears canonical then i guess we need figure out what and how19:23
holsteinScottL: cool19:23
holsteinyeah, cory :)19:23
ScottLdo you want to discuss other ubuntu studio topics other than the website at the next meeting?19:24
holsteini dont really have anything yet19:25
holsteinif these stay regular19:25
holsteinwe can work out those workflows19:25
holsteinand whatever else we need19:25
ScottLif we plan on covering more topics we should probably be better organized19:25
ScottLeither create a wiki page with topics and email it to people19:26
ScottLor email a list directly to the mailing list19:26
ScottLpersonally, i think it would behoove us to do this anyway19:26
holsteinyeah, an egenda maybe19:26
holsteini dont mind keeping it simple too19:26
holsteinshorter one topic productive meetings19:26
holstein'we'll talk about the podcasting workflow and news about whatever'19:27
holsteinwe could easily have a 4 hour meeting19:27
holsteinand not get anything done ;)19:27
ScottLhaha, very, very true!19:28
holsteini gotta put tension back on my bass strings before the gig...19:29

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