
ikoniaseems to work00:02
=== emma is now known as em
jimisrvroxhey guys im having wireless problems that happen ever so often...do not want to have to reset my router...seems like the route table gets wiped on reboot and even applying a static IP doesnt allow to connect. Seems like the network-nm sees the router but will not connect. Any suggestions?03:32
=== em is now known as emma
AssBeardanyone around?06:02
=== AssBeard is now known as Beware_
Beware_i have an odd problem06:04
bazhangBeware_, ask a question then06:05
Beware_oh my06:06
Beware_that's odd06:06
Beware_works now06:06
Beware_nevermind XD06:06
Beware_couldn't get an external to mount06:06
Beware_thanks anyways XD06:07
_stroghi, i have freshly installed xubuntu and was trying out the possible resolution that my laptop can do, and now i have chosen a resolution that i cannot undo09:01
_stroghow can i change the resolution from the console?09:02
Sysihow did you change it?09:02
Sysiand why can't undo09:03
_strogSysi: because with this high resolution i only get either a black screen or with distorted lines09:04
nicofsIs there a way to reinstall xubuntu while keeping most of the files and settings? Is a backup of /home enough?09:17
Sysithere are your personal settings and data, not programs etc of course09:23
nicofsSysi: I know... personally I don't exactly care about programs - except for thunderbird, as it has all my mail stored...09:28
Sysithey should also be in your home folder09:29
nicofsword order: ..., as it has stored all my mail...09:29
SysiBTW, i could make a feature request for natty, put pavucontrol to default installation (i'll maybe put this to launchpad too)09:30
nicofsSysi: do you think, thunderbird will regognise the files if I just put them in the new /home folder prior to installation?09:32
nicofs(installation of thunderbird, that is)09:32
_strogSysi: well is there a possibility to change the resolution from the console? if so how?09:34
Sysinicofs: it should afaik09:35
Sysi_strog: strongly depends how did you change it09:35
_strogSysi: well i went through the Settings-Manager of xfce09:38
Sysii can't find the config file but it should be possible..09:41
nicofsWhat about using xrandr?09:42
nicofs(but that's not permanent...)09:42
Sysinot possible if can't log in09:43
nicofsoh... I see the problem... sorry.09:44
Sysihave you rebooted, sure xorg didn't just crash09:44
Makdaamhello, I've got a problem with my soundcard, speakers don't work anymore but the headphone jack works ok11:16
Makdaamno upgrades or reconfigurations happened between the "working" and "not working" state11:17
Makdaamrunning alsamixer and pulling all the controls down and up again + mute/unmute didn't help11:18
TheSheepdoes it have hardware volume control?11:18
MakdaamI mean no potentiometer if you mean that11:19
TheSheepdid you drop it or spill something on it?11:19
TheSheepdid you try it with other distro, or with livecd?11:21
Makdaamnot yet11:21
TheSheepif it's broken too it may be a hardware problem11:21
Makdaamok, brb checking on a different OS11:22
Sysinext guess: pulseaudio11:22
MakdaamTheSheep: I checked, and it's OS persistent, but not a hardware failure (BIOS uses the speakers properly)11:44
Makdaamso I'm guessing a firmware issue with the ICH chip11:44
TheSheephow does bios use them?11:45
Makdaambeep when wrong option/wrong password is entered11:45
Makdaamand I have no separate beeper11:45
Makdaamit's an HP laptop11:45
TheSheepthat's pc speaker, usually separate from the soundcard11:45
TheSheepbut it still may be a separate chip11:45
TheSheepno idea11:46
Makdaamnope, disabling the internal speakers in BIOS turns off BIOS beeping11:46
Makdaamso does disabling the soundcard in BIOS11:46
TheSheepI wonder, since quite some time each time I wake up the laptop from sleep all the sound controls are muted. Did somebody come up with a solution to that?12:14
Sysii blame pulseaudio about everything12:15
Sysiexept that with it i wouldn't have needed to blacklist driver of my other soundcard12:16
TheSheepSysi: I look for a solution, not for blame12:16
Sysiyou could try without pulse12:16
TheSheepno, I like to have mutliple applications using the soundcard at the same time12:17
Sysiit should work with alsa too, on you it don't?12:18
Makdaamyou could try a manual alsa mixer load12:18
Makdaamafter each wake up12:18
TheSheepMakdaam: I'd rather have the thing that mutes is fixed12:19
Sysianything on dmesg?12:19
Makdaamhow does pulse handle mixer controls? is it a file like in alsa? can you track which apps open the file/access the API?12:20
BesogonHello. TheSheep. I've made very interesting situation in PackeTracker12:20
BesogonWith routing12:21
hottown... i just installed and am running xubuntu on my ibook g4 :)13:19
hottownso far so good13:19
hottownbut I want to mount my os x disk to access some files, how do i do that?13:20
=== emma is now known as em
dischargehey, anyone have idea why when i click the logout panel button (or menu button) it doesnt show suspend as an option, although i have suspend set as an action to do for power button press and when it works...15:45
Sysidefault xubuntu installation, what version?15:48
dischargeLinux dischargelap 2.6.35-23-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 24 11:55:36 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:48
dischargeyes, xubuntu install15:48
charlie-tcadischarge, lsb_release -a15:49
dischargeNo LSB modules are available.15:50
dischargeDistributor ID:Ubuntu15:50
dischargeDescription:Ubuntu 10.1015:50
charlie-tca10.10 no longer shows suspend by default15:51
dischargewhy is that...?15:51
charlie-tcaxfce changes15:51
Sysiwhat version of xfce 10.10 has?15:52
charlie-tca!info xfce415:52
ubottuxfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.6.2 (maverick), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB15:52
dischargeokay, maybe they removed it for strange reasons, how to get it back?15:52
charlie-tcaI don't know how to get it back15:55
dischargeokay, not that i use it much but its annoying to not have it where it should be15:56
charlie-tcadoes ctrl+alt+escape work ?15:57
charlie-tcano, that is to lock the screen15:57
dischargeit doesnt nothing for me15:58
dischargei dislike screen locking15:58
dischargefor reason its useless when one can restart pc and gain access without pass15:58
MrAnthropeWhat is xubuntu?16:20
sivakumar_MrAnthrope, it is channel for ubuntu16:21
MrAnthropeThen what is #Ubuntu for?16:24
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels16:24
MrAnthropeOh I use gnome. I was just told to come in here and wasn't sure why. Now I'm really not sure why lol.16:25
charlie-tcawho told you to come here?16:25
charlie-tcaand from which channel?16:25
MrAnthropefrom #Ubuntu. I can't remember.16:26
MrAnthropeIs xfce4 more lightweight than gnome? For older computers?16:26
charlie-tcaon the lightweight. It is not just for older computers, though16:27
MrAnthropeIs Xubuntu recommended for ubuntu newbs?16:27
charlie-tcanot really16:27
dischargewhy, xubuntu is working out of the box too16:27
dischargejust its lighter16:27
charlie-tcaIt is better if you have some experience first, since it is harder to configure things16:27
MrAnthropeMaybe I'll just stick to gnome until I get the hang of all this. :)16:28
charlie-tcadischarge, Ubuntu aims directly at the new users. Xubuntu doesn't make it easy for them16:34
Sysimost of howto:s are for gnome16:35
Sysiand there are more gnome users16:35
Sysii still could recommend xfce for newbie (and i started with it myself)16:35
charlie-tcaAs long as we are aware that there will be many questions about how to make things work16:36
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
* UBuxuBU emerges from the tree tops, swinging skillfully from the vines that decorate the warm turbid jungles of...Xubuntu!19:48
=== ubuntu is now known as RightLegRed
RightLegRedCould I get some help with installing Ubuntu?20:07
charlie-tcaPlease ask your question all in one line. All of us are volunteers and will attempt to answer if we know.20:08
RightLegRedAlright, basically. My problem is that I want to install to a partition I made earlier - named arch linux - but it keeps telling me I need a root, I don't know what to do. Could someone assist me with this?20:09
charlie-tcaAre you using the desktop or alternate cd?20:09
Sysiset that partitoon to moun point of /20:09
Sysi*partition to mounpoint20:10
RightLegRedcharlie-tca: I don't understand the question, sorry. I'm using the installer, I've booted from a CD20:10
charlie-tcasolerant-dc|away, you choose manual partition, then you have to choose the size20:11
charlie-tcaThen you pick the filesystem, the mountpoint, which is a dropdown, with things like /   /home  /var   etc.20:12
charlie-tcapick /  from the list20:12
charlie-tcawell, ignore the nick and do the rest20:12
charlie-tcathis xchat auto-replaces    s o    with a nick for some reason20:12
charlie-tcawell, it does something stupid, at least20:13
Sysihow much default xubuntu installation uses disk space?20:13
charlie-tca1.4 gb or there abouts20:14
charlie-tcaI haven't measured it in Natty yet20:14
Sysii'll need to do usb installation that boots on mac20:15
charlie-tcaI'm thinking that should be interesting. Lots of macs have issues booting from usb20:15
Sysiif i make gpt partition table it should work, not sure though20:17
charlie-tcaI don't know, myself. I have plugged in a usb thumbdrive and installed to it on non-mac, though20:18
jtmoneyUnity will be installed by default in Natty?  Time to find a new distro, I'm afraid.20:59
jtmoneyAny suggestions?20:59
Sysiit won't be in xubuntu21:00
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
Sysi(so that's suggestion too)21:00
Sysiiirc you can use regular gnome too21:00
jtmoneySysi, I just installed Natty Alpha 1 and it was installed by default.  Or, at least, looked entirely different.21:01
Sysithat doesn't mean you couldn't use regular one21:03
jtmoneyHow would do I do that?  At the login screen?21:05
Sysiidk, this is xfce channel, and for stable versions21:05
charlie-tcajtmoney, instead of unity, you can choose to use "Classic Desktop session" when logging in22:03
charlie-tcaThen it will be the gnome session22:03
jtmoneycharlie-tca, but I really only want XFCE.22:09
jtmoneyI'm installing Debian + XFCE now. :(22:09
charlie-tcaGreat. Thanks for stopping by then22:10
jtmoneyUhh, is this channel not #xubuntu?22:10
jtmoneyIs my question not Xubuntu-related?22:11
charlie-tcaDebian + XFCE is not Xubuntu related.22:11
charlie-tcaNor is Ubuntu with unity or gnome22:11
jtmoneyYeah, that's my last ditch effort.22:11
jtmoneyI just want regular Xubuntu 11.04 A1... and it comes with Unity as far as I can tell.22:12
jtmoneyMy question is how to disable that without resulting to drastic measures.22:12
jtmoneyGot it?22:12
charlie-tcano,. it doesn22:12
charlie-tcait does not22:12
jtmoneyI wonder what the hell I installed then.22:12
charlie-tcaXubuntu does not have unity. It uses the same wallpaper and gdm background as maverick22:12
jtmoneyMust have been ubuntu.22:13
charlie-tcaIf you got something else, it was not Xubuntu22:13
jtmoneyIt had some weird bar at the bottom and no labels on the top panel.22:13
charlie-tcaThat's not unity either22:13
jtmoneyDo you know what that is?22:14
charlie-tcaUnity is the Ubuntu maverick light wallpaper with a black top panel and a left-side panel in black with 4 launchers on it22:14
charlie-tcano idea what that was22:14
jtmoneyHmm, maybe something strange with 11.04 A 1.22:14
jtmoneyXubuntu that is.22:15
charlie-tcaIt works right here22:15
jtmoneyOkay, I'll try again.22:15
jtmoneyYou're running Alpha 1?22:15
jtmoneyOkay, I'll try again, thanks.22:16
jtmoneyAre you running it on a netbook by any chance?22:16
charlie-tcaDoesn't matter, Xubuntu only has one desktop22:17
charlie-tcaUbuntu has both gnome and unity22:17
dischargehello, anyone can help me with a disappearing sound icon bug? when i killall xfce-panel and respawn it manually, it is there, but when ubuntu starts it doesnt show23:07

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