
coz_hey guys... I had posted a bug  about  dual monitor with nvidia and how the upper panel turns white when enabling twinview...I found that if I run  gnome-em --replace   the panel goes back to normal00:03
coz_rather    gnome-wm --replace00:04
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coz_good day all05:59
didrocksgood morning06:47
coz_hey guy06:47
didrockshello coz_06:48
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MacSlowhey everybody08:33
klattimer1morning MacSlow08:38
MacSlowhey klattimer108:38
klattimer1hows it going dude08:39
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MacSlowklattimer, winter is upon us with full force here... yuck :)08:39
klattimeryeah looking at my temp applet, its -10 here :(08:40
didrockshey MacSlow, klattimer :)08:56
klattimermorning didrocks08:56
MacSlowsalut didrocks08:56
klattimerhows the weather where you are?08:57
MacSlowklattimer, I bet the whole of Europe is within the grip of the winter by now08:57
klattimerMacSlow: it's looking that way08:57
klattimerwe've had solid snow/hail and freezing weather for almost 2 weeks now08:58
didrockslot of snow there08:59
didrocksbut beautiful and sunny day on sunday09:00
didrocksunfortunatly, I had to do some work inside… so no ski :/09:00
didrocks(no cloud at all on sunday, seemed to be the perfect weather :))09:00
hyperairdoes indicator-sound have a blacklist like indicator-messages?09:34
hyperairhmm maybe i'll just apt-get remove rhythmbox and be happy09:34
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Devil505damn libnux dosen't build :/13:11
ronocagateau, do you know why the amarok desktop file is not in the same directory as other applications ?13:16
agateauronoc: that's the way kde upstream application install themselves (in $PREFIX/share/applications/kde4)14:00
ronocagateau, thx14:01
ronochyperair, http://askubuntu.com/questions/12867/how-do-i-remove-players-i-dont-use-from-the-sound-indicator14:03
hyperairronoc: interesting, thanks.14:04
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lamalextedg, are new datetime packages going to show up in natty soon?14:12
lamalexI'm in London and my panel still shows philly time14:13
tedglamalex, Q for kenvandine the master of Ayatana packages :)14:13
lamalexkenvandine, ^14:13
tedglamalex, It won't auto switch, but will have a menu item to switch.14:13
tedgThat way if you show up at a coffee shop that routes all it's traffic to CA it doesn't auto-switch your time ;)14:13
kenvandinelamalex, soon14:14
kenvandinewaiting for geoclue MIR14:14
lamalexkenvandine, cool14:14
tedglamalex, bzr branch lp:~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-datetime/ubuntu ; cd ubuntu ; bzr bd -- -us -uc14:14
lamalexor we could have a ppa ;)14:15
tedglamalex, I think it's in the DX ppa14:15
tedglamalex, Have you fixed Hudson yet? ;)14:15
tedgkenvandine, Have you looked at the dbusmenu GDBus port packaging?14:17
kenvandinenot yet14:17
kenvandinedid you propose branches for those?14:17
* kenvandine hasn't looked at mail yet14:17
tedgkenvandine, The review is going to take a couple days, but I'd like to "beat the pipeline" to getting it packaged after the reviews come in.14:17
tedgkenvandine, No, the code merge isn't reviewed yet.14:17
tedgkenvandine, It sadly turned into a 9000 line diff.  So I can't expect quick turn around :)14:18
* lamalex shuts up14:21
tedgSweet, two cool merge proposals for notify-osd today.14:23
tedgMacSlow, Did you see those?14:23
tedgMacSlow, It'd be nice to encourage new contributors with quick reviews.14:24
MacSlowtedg, yes... already replied... will work/test them this weekend.14:24
MacSlowtedg, like the pixman-related fix best :)14:25
tedgMacSlow, Ah, hmm.  I haven't gotten your replies... did you just send them?14:27
tedgMacSlow, I thought we'd get all mails on merge requests.14:27
MacSlowtedg, oh... no didn't merge them yet... just commented on the bug-entries... I don't want to context-switch during the week while I've still unity-task on my plate.14:28
tedgMacSlow, Ah, okay.  I was thinking you commented on the merge requests.  Cool.14:29
MacSlowtedg, on Monday they'll be reviewed and tested14:29
mterryIs there a design spec for how unity should eventually behave?14:44
mterrydbarth, is there a design spec for unity on the wiki somewhere?14:50
njpatelmterry, not quite14:51
njpatelmterry, the spec is on google, but is probably somewhat out of date14:52
njpatelmterry, the places spec is being updated14:52
mterrynjpatel, would be useful to answer questions of whether changes from old unity to new unity are intentional14:53
mterryi.e. bug-worthy or not14:53
njpatelmterry, agreed, johnlea can help there14:53
mterrynjpatel, you mean on specific questions?  He's a living spec?  ;)14:54
tedgmterry, Yes, it's what he has to put up with until he doesn't get it on the Wiki ;)14:55
tedgUhm, "until he get's it on"14:56
mterryjohnlea, hello.  In old unity, switching to an application via the launcher would only present unminimized windows.  In new unity, it unminimized and presents all windows.  Is this intentional or a regression?15:01
gabonmterry: johnlea is home sick so not sure you will get an answer :(15:02
mterrygabon, thanks, OK15:02
mterrythus the problem with living specs15:03
jcastroDBO: is the autohide animation a placeholder? It feels jerky over here, like, "low FPSish"15:03
DBOjcastro, what machine are you on15:04
DBOjcastro, its not jerky here15:04
jcastroquad core amd, 64 bit, nvidia15:04
jcastroDBO: not jerky per-se, just not as liquid as I would expect.15:05
DBOits very linear15:05
DBOso the start/end are jerky15:05
DBOand yeah15:05
DBOits a placeholder15:05
jcastrook, so, don't bother you about it, got it. :D15:05
DBOthey want a fade in/out :/15:05
DBOwith a proximity style effect15:05
jcastroit'll be autohide by default iirc?15:06
DBOI have no idea what the defaults are15:07
hyperairmhr3: are you the synapse maintainer?15:13
mhr3hyperair, yea15:14
hyperairmhr3: is there a way to search tomboy notes in synapse? it seems that's the one thing i'm missing from synapse15:14
mhr3hyperair, do you have the tomboy dataprovider?15:15
hyperairmhr3: hmm i think not15:15
mhr3i'm not sure if we handle it, but first step would be to have it :)15:15
hyperairheh okay15:17
hyperairmhr3: does synapse get everything from zeitgeist alone?15:17
mhr3not everything, but mostly yea15:18
hyperairso if i want to start it upon login, but without showing its window, that would be synapse -s hide?15:18
hyperairoh synapse -s15:20
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mptHuh, Gnome Shell has a "Dash" now15:30
mhr3hyperair, there's a checkbox in preferences which will create the autostart entry for you15:37
hyperairmhr3: ah.15:37
hyperairmhr3: hmm it doesn't show tomboy notes.15:46
* hyperair goes back to Do15:47
Mark__TI run into http://pastebin.com/DaUxitu1 when trying to build dbusmenu 0.3.90,any idea how to solve that?16:02
kenvandinegreat work guys... A1 with unity compiz works great on my old intel 900 netbook... old unity would never work on this thing :)16:14
sensevish: I will not be available until Thursday for anything.16:14
kenvandinehey Mark__T16:14
Mark__They kenvandine16:14
sensevish: Actually I should have told you earlier, because I wasn't available much last week as well.16:14
kenvandineMark__T, ah... you need my patch :)16:14
kenvandinetedg, did you merge that in trunk yet?16:15
Mark__Twhere to get it?16:15
Mark__Tkenvandine: plans for a 0.4.0?16:15
kenvandinenot yet16:15
kenvandineone sec16:15
kenvandineMark__T, there will be another release when tedg gets the gdbus branch merged16:16
Mark__Tkenvandine: is there a vala bindung for the indicator stuff now?16:17
kenvandineit creates a vapi yeah16:17
kenvandinebut that isn't new16:17
Mark__Tkenvandine: I think about rewriting my xfce4-indicator-plugin in vala16:18
kenvandineshould be fine16:19
tedgkenvandine, No, let me do that -- I was just drooling over the Nexus S :)16:20
ssj6akshatsense, vish doesn't seem to be here16:21
kenvandinegoing to write an app for the android 2.3 ?16:21
tedgkenvandine, Naw, but I just bought the Captivate and I'm in my "30days no question return" time period...16:21
kenvandinereturn with reason "i want more bling and a better api"16:22
tedgkenvandine, Unclear whether it supports the AT&T frequencies.16:22
tedgSadly it doesn't support an expandable memory card :-16:22
Mark__Tkenvandine: your patch doesn't help16:24
Mark__Tkenvandine: do I need all 3?16:26
kenvandinelet me look16:27
Mark__Toh the diff is all 316:27
kenvandineoh... you also need a gtk patch16:28
Mark__Twould that break the abi?16:28
kenvandinelet me look at your error again... one sec16:28
Mark__Tnot going to do a massive foresight rebbuild16:29
kenvandineMark__T, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-desktop/gtk/ubuntu/annotate/head%3A/debian/patches/065_gir_set_packages.patch16:33
kenvandineand you probably need a patch for gdk-pixbuf too16:34
kenvandineyeah... it is all g-ir-scanner related16:34
Mark__Tkenvandine: did they mess their gir stuff or did ubuntu do some special magic?16:34
kenvandinethe newer gi stuff doesn't play well16:34
Mark__Tjust curious16:35
kenvandineso what this does is makes the gir files generated include "package" name16:35
kenvandinewhich matches what pkgconfig has16:35
kenvandinewithout that, going from GI to vapi it uses a mix of GI and vapi files16:36
kenvandineand right now those aren't happy together :)16:36
Mark__Thope they fix that16:36
kenvandinei submitted the patches upstream, not sure they will be needed once GI and vala works better together16:38
Mark__Tkenvandine: will take a while until I can provide results16:38
kenvandineok, good luck16:38
kenvandineit was very painful for me to find the cause of those problems... glad to be able to prevent the same pain for others :)16:39
didrocksjaytaoko: hey dude!16:52
tedgkenvandine, Merges back in your court ;)  https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/dbusmenu/introspection-0.10-check/+merge/4285216:52
didrocksjaytaoko: an update on the detection module: all gnome-session part is done and working16:52
tedgkenvandine, Can you make sure that still works on Natty please?16:52
jaytaokodidrocks: hello16:53
didrocksjaytaoko: just take care of the "unity case", compiz not working will still use the current check I think16:53
jaytaokodidrocks: ok, I wiil16:53
didrocksthanks :)16:53
kenvandinetedg, sure16:55
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vishsense: aw.. k.17:01
vishsense: we'll try to hold the fort till then.. ;)17:01
sensevish: Great, thanks! :)17:27
lamalexDBO, can you add x,y coords to launchers?17:27
lamalexDBO, nm I will17:29
kenvandinetedg, your dbusmenu branch works on natty17:37
lamalexDBO, njpatel, https://code.launchpad.net/~alexlauni/unity/launcher-icon-state-pos/+merge/4285917:39
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lamalexanyone know how to get a chroot to maintain changes?17:45
lamalexI need to install some crap into a chroot and create a dir structure17:46
tedgkenvandine, Sweet!  Did you merge it into your's or should I just grab that rev?17:49
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njpatellamalex, on hudson?17:50
lamalexnjpatel, i was helped by someone here17:50
lamalexI'm good :)17:50
njpatelokley dokely :) They are just pbuilder chroots17:51
lamalexapparently to enter them, because they're file chroots, you need to do schroot -c <dist>-source17:52
DBOlamalex, I am not entirely sure that will work17:53
lamalexDBO, are you talking about my chroot thing, or my merge proposal17:54
DBOmerge proposal17:54
DBOit will give you a "stable center"17:54
DBOso if you drag, it wont update17:54
DBOthe center you are giving is more or less where they minimize windows to17:54
lamalexDBO, we need the coords to be able to simulate a click on the launcher17:55
DBOthat will work so long as the launcher is not mid animation17:56
DBOcenters only get updated if the center has been stable for 500ms17:56
lamalexDBO, is there an unstable center?17:59
lamalexI mean I don't think we'll be clicking icons while dragging, that's kind of impossible17:59
DBOnot that icons know about17:59
DBOthey wont update while an icon is opening either (they move then too)18:00
DBOits to prevent making a lot of X calls to tell it where to minimize windows18:00
lamalexI think it should be ok for our uses18:01
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jcastrodbarth__: http://developer.android.com/sdk/api_diff/9/changes.html18:25
jcastrothis would be a good idea in the future when we have APIs on the internet18:25
jcastrotedg: ^18:25
jcastrodavidbarth: : http://developer.android.com/sdk/api_diff/9/changes.html18:28
jcastrodavidbarth: I was just telling your irc ghost that having a changes thing is a good idea18:29
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doctormotedg: Hello and good morning.18:54
tedgdoctormo, Howdy!18:54
doctormotedg: Your datetime indicator uses autogen/automake, I've never used it before (except as a packager and I assumed it always worked) but now I've added in a c and h file and I can't seem to get them to compile.18:55
tedgdoctormo, You should just need to add them to the list of c/h files in Makefile.am18:58
doctormoI think I understand this now that I've hacked the volume widget into the datetime indicator.19:11
tedgdoctormo, Cool, now tell me how it could work better!  ;)19:40
doctormotedg: The code could be cleaned up a little, things seem split over libido and the indicator code. I can't tell if the indicator is supposed to be gtk or not.19:41
doctormo*supposed to include19:42
tedgdoctormo, the .so is supposed to be GTK, the service is not.19:42
tedgdoctormo, The idea is that there could be a GTK and a Qt .so for the various implementations, but the service should stick around.19:42
doctormoYes, that part makes sense, I guess I don't know enough C to be able to tell how your splitting Qt and Gtk code up.19:43
tedgdoctormo, Well, to date, there is no Qt code :)  It was part of the design that was never realized.  Now it's more of a break up between logic and visualization.19:48
doctormotedg: If this were python, you could just happily swap out the gtk and qt code ;-)19:59
doctormotedg: In seriousness, I think I'll have to do something like the indicator bridge, so I can set up a dbus interface which isn't inviting the creation of widget menu items.20:01
tedgdoctormo, For the most part the service does that.  It just creates dbusmenu items, that then turn into GTK items on the .so side of things.20:03
tedgdoctormo, If you don't need custom menu items, you should really have any GTK code.20:03
doctormoIn this case I do.20:04
jamalhi all, so i've been working on bug #683241 and i've pretty much have worked out how to get the trash state but can't figure out how to update the icon in the launcher.20:04
ubot5`Launchpad bug 683241 in unity (Ubuntu) "Recycle bin icon is empty when there are items in the bin" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68324120:04
jamalIs there currently any way to swap/redraw an icon after it has been rendered?20:04
tedgDBO, jaytaoko ^20:04
jamaltedg: thanks :)20:04
tedgdoctormo, Ah, well then you'll need some GTK code :)20:04
DBOjamal, no20:05
DBOjamal, wait as a coder?20:05
jamalDBO: what do you mean? if i'm coding the bug?20:05
jamalI've started on it, I grab the icon state on load now https://code.launchpad.net/~jamalta/unity/683241-recyclebin-icon20:05
DBOlemme look at what you've done :)20:05
DBOmaybe I can give you some help :)20:05
jamalI still have to put a monitor in place to check the state changing after the constructor runs :)20:06
jamalBut I wanted to get the state on startup working before I bothered working on the monitor20:06
jamalAnd I've been stuck figuring out how to draw the user-trash-full icon20:06
DBOwe need to work on your indenting :P20:06
jamalDBO: Haha sorry20:06
jamalI can't figure out the standard.. some files have two spaces, others have four20:07
DBOokay you are calling SetIconName20:07
DBOthats fine20:07
jamalI just gave up and started ignoring it ><20:07
DBOwe are standardizing on 220:07
DBOall new code must be 220:07
jamalI will fix that before I try to push an MP :)20:07
doctormotedg: You saw the speculation design? http://doctormo.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/progress-indicator.png20:07
DBOalright let me make the change into trunk you need so that SetIconName actually changes the damned icon :)20:08
jamalDBO: YAY!20:08
jamalI noticed nothing listens for the icon name changing20:08
jamalBut I don't understand all of this enough to work on that just yet20:08
jamalDBO: now that i have your attention, though… are you ok with me using GFileMonitor to update the state of the trash icon?20:09
tedgdoctormo, Cool.  You might want to use libindicate for publishing the data from the applications.  It's nice in that if the application crashes the items just go away on the server side of things :)20:09
DBOjamal, isn't there some generic GIO thingie for watching the trash?20:10
doctormoSounds like the best advice.20:10
jamalDBO: not sure, not that I recall20:10
DBOjamal, I am for now at least20:10
DBOits better than nothing20:11
jamalDBO: ok, i will check to make sure that gio doesn't have trash specific stuff20:11
jamalif i recall correctly, nautilus uses gfilemonitor to keep up with trash as well20:11
jamalbut i can double check later tonight20:11
DBOjamal, merge trunk and your code should work20:12
jamalDBO: Already done?! Wow… awesome!20:12
jamalIt would've taken me hours if I had tried >.>20:12
DBOit was a small change20:12
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jamalI'll try it tonight.. I'm at work so can't really work on it now. No one is around when I have free time so I figured I'd ask during the daytime :)20:13
jamalThanks so much! I'll see if I can get the bug finished tonight20:13
DBOfair enough :)20:13
DBOfeel free to add me directly to your MP20:13
DBOmy launchpad ID is jassmith20:13
jamalok! will do20:13
jamaloh you're jassmith? cool :)20:14
DBOjamal, you are aware of the copyright assignment requirements right?20:14
jamalDBO: yes20:15
jamali'm pretty sure i've signed the … i forget what it's called20:15
jamali had to for launchpad at least20:15
DBOif not we'll make sure we do the audit and ensure everything is in order20:15
jamalanything different than what the launchpad team does?20:16
DBOjamal, I dont think so, you download the agreement, attach to an email, write in there that you accept, and mail it off to canonical20:17
jamalDBO: ah yes i've done all that20:17
jamalbut we can go through it to make sure everything is in order whenever you want20:18
doctormotedg: So should I be looking at the code in ido to make my own menu item (gtk) stuff and does it matter if it's in the same codebase as my indicator?20:33
tedgdoctormo, There's no requirement that it's in the same codebase, or in IDO, that's a personal choice.  I'd probably just throw it in the indicator to make development easier and look a libs later.20:35
tedgdoctormo, But IDO does have good examples of how to make the menuitems.20:35
doctormoYep, I feel like I've just decided to clime mt everest as my first C clime, sure it'll be easy with enough python experence.20:36
tedgdoctormo, Just recite "types matter" 50 times every evening before bed.  It'll work out. :)20:38
tedgNow that I have doctormo writing C, kenvandine you're next!  ;)20:39
* doctormo mutters that types matter in python, if anyone bothered to write it properly.20:40
kenvandinetedg, i *think* i have fixed the current indicator-application FTBFS... well... i have fixed it, but i am not sure which change fixed it :)20:43
tedgkenvandine, Heh, nice.20:43
kenvandinesoooo fragile20:43
jonohi folks22:11
DBOjono, awesome stuff22:12
jonothanks DBO22:12
jonogonna make this thing rock :-)22:12
jonoretweets would be awesome!22:13
jamalDBO: btw, should i assign that bug to myself so anyone else knows i'm working on it?22:13
DBOjamal, yes22:13
DBOin my mind its your bug now :)22:13
DBOI'll be happy to offer any mentoring you do or do not need22:13
jamalDBO: awesome, thanks so much!22:14
jamali appreciate it22:14
DBOjamal, how long you been coding for?22:14
jamalDBO: hm.. good question22:14
jamal6 years?22:14
DBOso you're pretty proficient then :)22:14
jamali primarily do web development, and that doesn't include C++22:14
spikebfedora is investigating packaging unity. quite interesting.22:15
jamalso my c++ knowledge is a bit weak22:15
jamalDBO: in some areas i am :)22:15
jamalThe reason I'm working on Unity is to get more experience working with C++, Linux, and OpenGL22:15
DBOjamal, if you want a more creative bug, I can give you one whenever you want :)22:15
jamalI've been learning a ton with what you all have done22:15
DBOsomething you can do a little more teeth cutting with22:15
jamalDBO: Yeah,.. I tried the full screen thing, and decided to step back to something a bit easier22:16
jamalI don't know how window managers work too well just yet, so I didn't really understand what was going on with the stacking..22:16
jamalI want to play some more with it, but I wanted to start understanding Unity first22:16
jamalDBO: Sure! If you want to throw something my way I can start playing with it after I finish the trash icon bug22:18
DBOjamal, there is a bug about the launcher autohide while a quicklist is visible22:18
DBOI will get to it eventually but if you want to try it out I am happy to let you know what my plan was22:18
jamalDBO: Sure, can I get the bug # so I can read it over first?22:19
* DBO looking22:19
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 683261 in Unity "panel autohide when on Quicklist" [High,Triaged]22:21
DBOjamal, I will add a "action plan" to the bug22:21
DBOif you want, you can take a crack at it, if not, no big deal :)22:21
jamalDBO: Sounds like a fun bug :)22:21
jamalyeah, that would be great22:21
DBOjamal, done :)22:26
jonojamal, thanks for helping!22:27
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jamalDBO: your changes worked great.. thanks!23:56
DBOjamal, great to hear23:56
jamali just got a chance to test it23:56
DBOI just pushed up intellihide to a branch23:56
DBOso be looking out for that to land tomorrow :)23:56
jamalDBO: ah, sure23:56
jamali'll try to test the quicklist hiding with the intellhide branch as well then23:57
DBOyeah come to think of it I would base off that branch23:57
DBOit changes how hiding is done a little bit23:57
DBObut even if you get the QuicklistManager implemented as I mentioned in the bug report23:57
DBOthis alone would be a lot of help23:58
jamalok! i'll definitely look into your branch before i start on it then23:59

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