
mhall119highvoltage: ping15:38
mhall119highvoltage: http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/2295/xdglauncher.png it's working as a basic launcher now15:55
mhall119I'm starting to work on packaging, I'll probably be asking you for help15:55
highvoltagemhall119: pong16:15
highvoltagemhall119: cool!16:15
mhall119it's not working on old qimo sessions yet, something about where the xdg menus are located16:15
mhall119but it works on Gnome sessions16:15
mhall119enough to get a package into archives anyway16:16
highvoltageit's a start at least :)16:16
mhall119and it'll stop kids from opening more than one instance of a game from the launcher16:22
mhall119which is something that's been requested of us since 1.016:23
highvoltagemhall119: I fixed that in tuxlab before with a wrapper, I've wondered since if gnome doesn't provide something like that as well where you can check some things before launching an app17:08
mhall119highvoltage: right now, the panel tracks if the child-process for one of the apps is still running17:49

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