
apacheloggerclaydoh: http://www.areamobile.de/img/00/00/23/54/13.jpg00:01
claydohnow why would one want to use a stick with thier phone?  :P00:02
apacheloggerfor websites that do not have finger friendly versions00:03
claydohapachelogger: how big is the screen?00:05
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: would you know how to go about making a .xml file translatable?00:06
* claydoh wants a mobile device so bad it itches00:06
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what sort of xml?00:06
apacheloggerclaydoh: regular00:06
JontheEchidnasomething like this: http://pastebin.com/KuQ6ipFp00:07
apacheloggersame size as the htc magic00:07
JontheEchidnajust needs the Name tab translated00:07
apacheloggerthat said, about the same size as every htc touchy phone of 2009/201000:07
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: not sure, maybe KDE has a scripty for it, otherwise you could just write your own00:08
apacheloggerbuilding a pot is not terribly difficult00:08
claydohahh that mean it is small :)00:08
apacheloggersmall compared to what?00:08
claydohmy wife has the 4 inch amoled samsung, yours is about 3.200:09
apacheloggerit is not the size of a tablet, otherwise it would be kubuntu tablet in the video :P00:09
apacheloggerthen 4 is a bit large IMHO00:09
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: do you happen to know anything about plasma-tablet btw?00:09
claydohnot really, I guess but it is our first mobile phone since about 199400:10
JontheEchidnawhat's that?00:10
apacheloggerI remember someone doing some ground works on that00:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I suppose not then ^^00:10
apacheloggerif I had a tablet we could start work on that as well ^^00:11
claydoheverthing looks tiny to me in comparison00:11
DarkwingDuckWork on?00:12
apacheloggerseems tablet is based on plasma-mobile00:12
apacheloggeror sharing code or something00:12
apacheloggerso it would be close enough a project to do along kubuntu mobile00:12
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: kubuntu tablet00:12
DarkwingDuckWhy not use netbook for tablet?00:12
DarkwingDuckThat's what I was doing for this hybred00:13
apacheloggernetbook is not made for touch interaction really00:13
apacheloggersurely one can use it, but it is not as suiteable as it coudl be00:14
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apacheloggerwell then01:14
apacheloggerissue no one: omap graphics driver is not installed01:14
apacheloggerissue no two: kwin fails to activate desktop effects so I would supose plasma does software paintaing without hardware accel thus being incredibly slow01:15
apacheloggerno 2 probably depends on martin's opengl es stuff things01:15
apacheloggerissue no three: ksmserver cannot halt with nodm01:15
GabrielYYZgood evening, can someone tell me why the phonon-backend is moving to gstreamer? (i'd hate to be bothering, so if i am, please let me know, i won't mind)01:37
GabrielYYZPS: i get why because of xine, but why not vlc.01:38
GabrielYYZapachelogger: thanks, let me go read it :)01:42
* apachelogger is wondering if our qt is opengl es enabled01:54
* GabrielYYZ feels stupid now for asking the vlc-gstreamer question...01:57
GabrielYYZthanks for the link though, the blog post and the comments sorted it out01:57
apacheloggerGabrielYYZ: no need to, generally that is a good question :)01:57
GabrielYYZbut... the gstreamer-backend doesn't have all the gnome dependencies (such as gconf, etc...)01:59
apacheloggerthose are coming in by plugins IIRC01:59
apacheloggerthough we are probably going to sort that out a bit01:59
apacheloggerlast I checked there was only one part that dragged in a whole bunch of gnome libaries01:59
GabrielYYZyeah, those dependencies are off putting, i don't use bleachbit because of them02:02
apacheloggerScottK: it would appear to me that our Qt is not opengl es enabled02:14
apacheloggerthen again I am not entirely sure how to check02:14
apacheloggerat teh very least some QWS stuf fis not defined and in some QWS source file it is taking about it in an Qt for Embedded Linux context02:15
apachelogger3:20 already02:20
* apachelogger should go to bed at some point ^^02:20
jjessego to bed :)02:23
apacheloggerjust found something super important02:23
apacheloggermeego builds Qt with es2 on arm02:23
apacheloggerwhich makes about 300% sense02:23
* apachelogger heads on over to the kubuntu arm farm02:24
apacheloggeroh, that sounds silly02:24
apacheloggermy oh my02:24
jjesseyou sound super excited :)02:25
apacheloggermy theory is that plasma mobile runs like shit on the n900 because it cannot do proper acceleration02:26
apacheloggerand that is because our Qt is built with special suport for its special version of opengl02:26
apacheloggerthat is just a theory though02:26
JontheEchidnawhat the heck? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/60159605/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.muon_1.0.80-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz02:27
apacheloggerJontheEchidna produces broken software02:27
apacheloggerI knew it02:27
JontheEchidnathe libraries it apparently cannot link are right there in the output02:28
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: well, maybe kde broke abi?02:28
JontheEchidnait built fine in pbuilder02:28
apacheloggerI blame it on gcc then02:28
JontheEchidnaplus I know DebconfKde hasn't complained at all02:28
apacheloggerthat thing makes nothing but troubles in natty02:29
JontheEchidna(dunno where that came from)02:29
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you built the exactly same package in pbuilder?02:29
JontheEchidnaoh, yeah. doko sent an email complaining that I never tested it02:29
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: yes02:29
apacheloggerthat is odd02:30
JontheEchidnaI'll even do it again for good measure02:30
ScottKapachelogger: Isn't Qt for QWS an entirely separate source?02:37
apacheloggerdoesnt look like it02:38
apacheloggerScottK: I'll kick off a build that should activate es2 on arm02:38
ScottKapachelogger: It was at one point.  Maybe sense prevailed and it is now combined.02:39
JontheEchidnaoh, right. I remember02:39
JontheEchidnaQApt hadn't published in my ppa so I did a debuild of muon02:39
apacheloggermaybe in qtopia times02:39
ScottKapachelogger: If you can eradicate the rest of -f no-stack-protector from the build, that would be good too.02:40
JontheEchidnabut I saw this error before and worked around it by installing binutils-gold. (gold links it fine)02:40
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: so you produce faulty software after all :P02:40
JontheEchidnano, the ld linker is busted02:40
apacheloggerstupid ld02:40
ScottKJontheEchidna: Are you linking in the right order?02:40
JontheEchidnalinking in the right order?02:40
apacheloggerScottK: already started02:40
apacheloggershould it turn out useful I'll kick that stuff too02:40
apachelogger/usr/lib/icecc/icecc-create-env: line 43: file: command not found02:41
ScottKJontheEchidna: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2010/12/msg00115.html02:42
* apachelogger aports02:42
apachelogger-p +b02:42
JontheEchidnaI do not have control over link order02:42
ScottKJontheEchidna: Also http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2010/12/msg00113.html , but it's not as clear.02:42
ScottKSure you do.02:42
JontheEchidnanope, I already have put libmuon at the end of the CMake link targets02:43
JontheEchidnabut it's definitely not last02:43
JontheEchidnahmm, well moving libmuon to the first fixed things02:44
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: static libs are evil like that02:44
* apachelogger recalls having similar foobar in his gsoc project02:45
JontheEchidnawell, I could have at least done without a snarky email from doko :/02:45
* apachelogger hugs JontheEchidna and reminds him that mr doko was responsible for build fails all over the place thanks to silly gcc ;)02:46
CIA-24[pbuilder-hooks] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20101206024644-kh7st5ub5jh1k62o * D20icecc also install file, since the env creation depends on it and maverick chroot does not contain it02:47
* apachelogger retries building02:48
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1204045 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (4 files in 4 dirs) Move libmuon to the top of the link list, so that ld can link when the --as-needed flag is passed to it. (gold is unaffected)02:48
* apachelogger likes reading spec files02:49
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, ScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/540148/ looks interesting, does it not?02:49
* apachelogger notes that meego has a connman-qt lib btw02:50
JontheEchidnainteresting indeed02:50
apacheloggerbuild switch for qt02:52
apacheloggersounds useful02:52
* apachelogger is off to bed02:57
vorianI <3 KUBUNTU06:38
valorieI have to take back my complaint about sound from earlier06:40
valoriemy headphones are working tonight06:40
valorieso maybe I just needed a restart06:41
valoriesound control is wonky in 10.10 though06:41
valoriestill <3 Kubuntu as well06:41
voriancrimsun: ^^06:41
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hrwany informations when kde 4.6b1 will be fully instalable on natty/amd64?08:30
valorievorian: I thought crimsun had moved away from sound08:33
valorieI wouldn't blame him, it's a swamp full of unseen creatures08:33
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=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
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macovalorie: its not that he's moved away from sound....its that he's leaving ubuntu in general09:23
macovalorie his work is going to leave no opportunities for contributions anymore, starting sometime in the next few months09:24
valorieoh, I didn't realize09:24
valoriethat sucks a bit09:24
valoriefor those of us with sound difficulties09:25
macohe trained some folks over the last year to be able to handle some stuff09:25
macoand he gave a recommendation to canonical for a guy who knows sound, and he got hired09:25
valoriegood deal!09:27
apacheloggervalorie: there is always mac osx09:29
* apachelogger loves how qt on arm decided not to build due to es2 stuff missing 09:30
valorieapachelogger: I love kubuntu, even when I have difficulties09:32
valorieI went through my Mac phase .... maybe before you were born09:33
valorieand I think that mac is still in the back of a closet somewhere09:34
tazzhttp://linuxhaters.blogspot.com/ this guy just keeps on ripping on ubuntu09:34
* apachelogger would be ripping on kubuntu, much easier target09:34
tazzits more like ubuntu-hater's blog.09:34
apacheloggervalorie: I never had a thing with the mac09:34
apacheloggernot my type09:34
valorieme and my Mac SE20 were good buddies09:35
valoriefor quite a long time09:35
hrwI only used MacOS but not Mac09:35
* apachelogger once used a system called windows09:35
apacheloggeroh oh oh09:35
hrwapachelogger: 1.01?09:36
apacheloggerhrw: what does an apachelogger have to do to get ppas equipped with some sort of arm building machinery?09:36
apacheloggeroh my good I so cant believe you just said that09:36
hrwapachelogger: no idea - I do cross builds09:36
apacheloggerI am no where as old as windows 1.01!!!09:36
* hrw used windows 1.01 ~10 years ago09:36
hrwno one at dorm was able to run it - we had slow enough machine09:37
apacheloggeroh 09:37
apacheloggerScottK: we need more arm machines09:38
valorieI used Win 95 through Win2Kpro09:38
hrwapachelogger: 386sx/25, 5MB ram etc was enough09:38
apacheloggeralternatively I could get myself a cross build env set up09:38
valorie5 or 6 years09:38
hrwanyway - someone know when kde4.6b1 will be installable in natty/amd64?09:38
apacheloggerhrw: is there any idiot proof guide to xcomiling for arm?09:38
apacheloggerhrw: supposedly when it is all built, what is the hold back right now?09:39
valoriehrw: my first computer was an 8086, with 80K! 09:39
hrwapachelogger:  kdebase-apps kdebase-data kdebase-workspace kdebase-workspace-data kdelibs5-data phonon09:39
valorieand a cassette tape drive09:39
hrwvalorie: original ibm pc era?09:39
valorieIt was a Coleco ADAM09:39
hrwvalorie: my first was atari 65xe. but I am 197609:40
apacheloggerhrw: what happens if you apt-get install them manually?09:40
valorieI think that was around 8409:40
valorienot sure09:40
valoriemy kids were little09:40
apacheloggerin 1984 I was still living at home09:40
hrwapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/T5vfJ63F09:40
apacheloggerin particular that year we probably had invented wine, yes, we did invent it for a whole year, it sure was a long process *phew*09:41
hrwapachelogger: http://hrw.pastebin.com/VuHQuFJm is aptitude09:42
apacheloggeryour system is the broken09:44
shadeslayeri had important info for rbelem09:44
shadeslayerdid anyone take up kdepim 4.4.8/09:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: and you were too lazy to do stuff?09:44
apacheloggeryou are soooo lazy :P09:44
* apachelogger hugs shadeslayer09:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: lazy eh?09:44
shadeslayeri was fishing for info09:44
* shadeslayer hugs apachelogger09:45
shadeslayerreading up on make...09:45
apacheloggerhrw: ah, sseems you are blocked on arch:all packages, so I suppose i386 is a bit behind09:45
apachelogger kdebase-bin : Depends: kdebase-data (= 4:4.5.80-0ubuntu1) but 4:4.5.80-0ubuntu2 is to be installed09:45
apacheloggerthat ought to be the root of the problem right there09:45
shadeslayerapparently you can run debian on the desire, so i suppose the same thing can be followed for kubuntu mobile09:46
shadeslayerjust need to get rbelem to see that ...09:47
hrwapachelogger: ok, will wait then - no time to run build locally09:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: nvm kubuntu-mobile09:48
apacheloggerit is the crap09:48
shadeslayeryou said it is the future :]09:48
apacheloggerabout as responsive as a service hotline09:48
shadeslayerhahaha .... :P09:48
apacheloggerwhich is probably still more responsive than android with 3 apps open09:49
apacheloggersilly android always needs to shuffle around memory09:49
shadeslayerpossibly label it as a pre-alpha tech preview 09:49
apacheloggerit is like gstreamer for phones09:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: you have what ... 2.1?09:49
apacheloggeroh, there is gstreamer for phones, scratch that09:49
shadeslayer( android version )09:49
Riddellpackaging todo: kdevelop (should be done, just needs checking), amarok, koffice (why bother, koffice isn't even going to exist past tomorrow), kdepim 4.4.8 (in triplicate) and 4.6 beta 209:50
Riddelleasy peasy09:50
shadeslayerill take up 4.4.809:50
shadeslayeri need a server to parallel build ....09:50
apacheloggerhrw: interestingly enough kdebas seems to be built... https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase09:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: oh, how woudl I know09:51
* apachelogger stopped tracking that a while ago09:51
apacheloggerandroid has silly release policies anyway09:51
apacheloggerif one would want to call google-nails-another-deal a policy09:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: what phone do you have anyways?09:52
* shadeslayer didnt properly see it at UDS09:52
apacheloggeran n90009:52
shadeslayerit used to beep so loudly in the morning :P09:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: the other one :P09:52
apacheloggermagic I think09:52
shadeslayerHTC Magic? :P09:53
apacheloggerthe loud beeping09:53
apacheloggerI HATE IT FOR THAT09:53
shadeslayeryou know you can change the beep09:53
shadeslayeri rather liked it... wakes me right up in the morning09:53
apacheloggerthe n900 just woke me up with nice sounds that made sweet love to my ears, waking me slowly from my slumber09:53
apacheloggerin general I must say that the n900's sounds are of very very very very very high quality and smooth and whatnot09:54
apacheloggerwhereas all android sounds I have heared thus far were like blitzkrieg or something09:54
shadeslayeromg .. gsmareana says .. OS : Android OS09:54
shadeslayerno version :O09:54
shadeslayerlooks like 1.6 tho09:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: you have obsolete OS09:55
shadeslayeron your Magic09:55
shadeslayerRiddell: do we need kdepim 4.4.8 for natty?09:56
shadeslayeror are we using the new 4.5 one 09:56
hrwapachelogger: kdebase/natty source is 4.5.80-0ubuntu1 here (after apt-get update)09:57
Riddellshadeslayer: yes we do, we haven't changed to 4.6 for natty kde pim and won't without lots of testing first09:58
* shadeslayer hates dolphin+sftp09:58
shadeslayerasks me for my password each time i go into a folder09:58
* shadeslayer also needs to finish kubuntu-web-shortcuts10:00
hrwshadeslayer: dolphin? what is it ;D10:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: unlikely since I used to patch it10:01
* hrw still uses mc for filemanagement10:01
apacheloggersince I was hoping for android to become less crappy10:01
apacheloggerdid not really work out10:01
shadeslayerhrw: when i go to ktown to get sources, it asks me for my ssh passphrase everytime i open a folder10:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: patch it? you compiled stuff etc?10:01
hrwshadeslayer: ever heard of ssh-agent?10:01
hrwshould not it keep pass?10:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: dude, I am supreme haxx0r, of course I did....10:02
shadeslayeryes, but dunno why dolphin keeps asking10:02
apacheloggerthat remidns me10:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: kewl :D10:02
* apachelogger throws https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/n900 at yofel_ in case he wants to brick his n90010:02
shadeslayeroh nice10:03
apachelogger../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qstring.h:187:14: note: the mangling of 'va_list' has changed in GCC 4.410:05
apacheloggerI hate it, hate it, hate it10:05
shadeslayerwhee ... gcc 4.4 10:05
* apachelogger wonders what that bug was again10:06
shadeslayerRiddell:  kdepim 4.4.8 (in triplicate)  << what do you mean by triplicate? :P10:07
shadeslayeromg ktown is so slow10:08
apacheloggermaybe it is you :P10:08
shadeslayerim lazy .. not slow10:08
shadeslayerlike ... im downloading at 8 KBps10:09
hrwkdebase-workspace-bin is 4:4.5.80-0ubuntu3 in archive still?10:09
Riddellshadeslayer: natty, kubuntu-ppa (updates) and kubuntu-ppa/beta10:09
shadeslayerits not beta.... why should it go into beta?10:10
shadeslayeror are you talking about 4.6?10:10
shadeslayerRiddell: KDE PIM 4.6 for natty as well?10:16
shadeslayerin beta ppa10:16
Riddellshadeslayer: KDE PIM 4.6 for natty will go to kubuntu-ppa/experimental10:19
bulldog98Riddell: have you looked into pim beta 2?10:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: is everything fine with my kubuntu-web-shortcuts and kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts packages in : https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=natty10:21
shadeslayeri can then squash the changelog into on and ask for a sponsor10:22
Riddellbulldog98: not yet but will do this morning10:24
* hrw moves from Polish to German ubuntu mirror to get fresh packages10:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw you talked about asynchronous loading in urlbar of rekonq, can you compile from git and check if its fixed?10:25
shadeslayerbecause i _think_ its fixed now, but just to be sure ...10:25
hrwstrange... http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kdebase-workspace/kdebase-workspace-bin_4.5.80-0ubuntu5_amd64.deb but "apt-cache policy kdebase-workspace-bin" says that 4:4.5.80-0ubuntu3 is latest10:26
shadeslayerhrw: possibly the list isnt updated?10:26
shadeslayerthe one where all the new packages get indexed etc10:26
shadeslayerNeed to get 1,074MB/1,210MB of archives.     .....   -.-10:28
shadeslayer4 hours till i get kde 4.610:28
apacheloggersomething is off with my icecc hook in maverick :(10:29
shadeslayeri need to figure out icecc foo as well10:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: can you link me up to some extra compilers online? :P10:30
apacheloggeryour intarwebs is crap10:31
shadeslayeri haz a 512 Kbps connection ..10:31
apacheloggerthat is what I said10:31
apacheloggeryoud need at least 10mbit or something10:31
shadeslayerhow much do i need?10:31
apacheloggereven then I doubt it would make sense to do icecreaming over the intarwebs10:32
apacheloggerway too slow10:32
apacheloggerthis is silly10:34
apacheloggerwhy would icecc fail in mav while it works in natty10:34
apacheloggerI fear it does not export the gcc properly10:42
apacheloggerthough I do not know why10:42
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agateauhey, anyone knows which binary provides the strigi|nepomuk systray icon?11:24
shadeslayeragateau: probably ubottu if you ask nicely11:32
agateaushadeslayer: define "ask nicely" :)11:33
shadeslayeryou need the right parameters to pass to !find11:33
Riddellagateau: I don't seem to have a nepomuk systray icon in 4.611:33
shadeslayersomeone messed up then :P11:33
agateauRiddell: yes, it seems it's gone11:34
agateauRiddell: too bad that was one way to reproduce the bug I am hunting11:34
shadeslayerhold on ill ask upstream if theyre around11:34
agateauRiddell: the other way being kpackagekit, but I can't get the KSNI to show for this one anymore either :/11:34
shadeslayerupstream removed the icon :P11:35
agateaushadeslayer: ok thanks11:35
shadeslayeragateau: incoming upstream :P11:37
agateaushadeslayer: heh :)11:37
vHandaOkay. I'm here.11:37
shadeslayeragateau: vHanda is nepomuk dev, and seems he removed the icon :P11:37
vHandaTell me about the bug.11:37
agateauvHanda: the bug is not really about nepomuk, sorry11:37
agateauvHanda: it's just that the systray icon was a nice way to reproduce kde bug 24156211:38
ubottuKDE bug 241562 in widget-systemtray "Plasma crash on different situations (Kubuntu, DBusMenuImporter) [KJob::isAutoDelete, Plasma::ServiceJob::setResult, StatusNotifierItemJob::contextMenuReady, , DBusMenuImporter]" [Crash,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24156211:38
* vHanda likes ubottu11:38
agateauvHanda: do you know where the systray icon code was?11:38
vHandaagateau: Yes. kdebase/runtime/nepomuk/services/strigi11:39
vHandaI removed it during Akademy.11:39
agateauvHanda: thanks, I'll check what it did11:39
vHanda:) 11:39
h4xordoodfor n900 i should download omap3 or omap4 ?11:39
vHandaagateau: If there are ANY Nepomuk bugs that are irritating you. Please feel free to bug me.11:40
agateauvHanda: ok thanks11:40
agateauvHanda: You may want to answer to this report btw: kde bug 25847311:41
ubottuKDE bug 258473 in general "No Nepomuk systray icon anymore" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25847311:41
agateau(not from me)11:41
apacheloggerholy death star11:54
* apachelogger throws the n900 out the window11:54
tsimpsonthrow it over to me ;)11:59
apacheloggerit will drive you mad12:05
tsimpsonI only have a n800, so it must be better than that. right?12:07
apacheloggerI find this hard to believe12:08
* apachelogger needs to tweak kubuntu-mobile-default-settingss12:09
tazzi agree with apachelogger 12:17
tazzthe hardware on n900 sucked.12:18
shadeslayeri thought since it has a GPU etc it would be fast12:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: send it to me! :P12:25
apacheloggershipping to india is the expensive12:27
apacheloggerbuilding qt takes so long *sing*12:28
apacheloggerplasma-mobile is so fat it uses half the ram12:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: ill pay the expenses ... how much would they be anyways :P12:32
apachelogger300000000000 euros12:33
apacheloggerthat is like 3000000000000000000000000000000003821340 usd12:33
shadeslayeralso .. i think its possible that i can use my phone to compile stuff on ARM12:33
shadeslayerbut... that will tak a epic long time12:33
apacheloggerthat is like 13040405005058382021049^23845+2353535i in your money thing12:33
shadeslayerlol ... imaginary numbers ^_^12:34
shadeslayerprobably :D12:34
shadeslayeromg ... imaginary money :F12:34
apacheloggeryou know12:34
apacheloggerquassel says my nick is +i12:34
shadeslayermine says its +Zi ...12:35
apacheloggerwell, does that make me imaginary too?12:35
shadeslayerheh ... :P12:35
apacheloggerturns out we need opengl es for the plasma-mobile to work12:35
apacheloggernow I am confident that should Qt ever finish compiling plasma-mobile will run like butter on a hot summer day12:36
apacheloggeralso we need to harass martin to hurry his kwin opengl es enablement along ^^12:36
apacheloggerwell then12:37
apacheloggera proper dev device must be hard reset at least 3 times a day12:38
* apachelogger is off to statistics12:39
shadeslayerRiddell: kdepim-runtime for natty in bzr12:45
shadeslayercompiling for maverick atm12:46
bulldog98shadeslayer: are you redoing my work for kdepim?12:47
shadeslayerbulldog98: kdepim 4.4.812:47
shadeslayernot 4.6 :D12:47
bulldog98shadeslayer: ah ok than an +1 to you12:47
bulldog98Riddell: if you finished review of beta just ping me12:48
Riddellbulldog98: getting stuck on a customer support case :(12:56
bulldog98Riddell: :'(12:57
shadeslayercustomer support case? 0_O12:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: pingly.. will the omap3 or omap4 image work on the N900?13:03
shadeslayeragateau: was kubuntu_02_kalarm_kstatusnotifieritem.diff applied upstream?13:04
agateaushadeslayer: yes it has been applied13:09
shadeslayerok .. thanks :)13:10
shadeslayerjust wanted to double check ;)13:10
shadeslayerbulldog98: when can i expect kdepim beta packages ^_^13:17
bulldog98shadeslayer: beta 1 is already done, beta 2 only kdepim needs to be commited to ninjas13:18
shadeslayerlemme correct that13:18
shadeslayerwhen can i expect them in experimental :P13:18
bulldog98shadeslayer: beta 1 is in experimental and beta 2 won’t got to there until kde release (wednesday)13:28
shadeslayerno no .. beta 1 built against kde 4.613:29
shadeslayeroh wait13:29
shadeslayeri think its built against 4.6 now13:29
Riddellsteveire: any thoughts on how to debug bug 676173 ?13:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 676173 in kdepim (Ubuntu) "kaddressbook fails to show addressbooks contents" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67617313:29
ScottKhrw: Currently arm PPAs are very limited, but I understand there are plans to change that ~soon.  Qt failed to build over the weekend (twice) due to an LP bug, so maybe it will now work and we'll start to have this stuff in the archive ...13:38
steveireRiddell: Does that version of kaddressbook use checkboxes on the addressbook folders to show/hide addressees?13:39
shadeslayerScottK: bug 630131... seems about right, should  i make kopete depend on kopete-gcall?13:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 630131 in Kubuntu PPA "kopete 4.5.1 requires kopete-gcall" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63013113:39
steveireIs it possible that he's clicking the addressbook, but not clicking the checkbox?13:39
ScottKshadeslayer: It needs to be in Main first in any case.13:40
steveireI presume you can't reproduce. What version of kdepim is it? " Package: kdepim (not installed)"13:40
shadeslayerright, i was concerned whether or not it will get pulled onto the CD as well13:40
shadeslayeralso, it cant go into main, it depends on libavmediacodec foo .... iirc ....13:41
ScottKSo No then.13:43
Riddellsteveire: you can't add addressbook folders to vcard addressbooks, there's no tickboxes that I can see13:43
shadeslayerScottK: can you sponsor kdepim-runtime 4.4.8 from bzr?13:46
ScottKshadeslayer: Possibly later today.13:46
shadeslayerill push kdepim too after some time13:47
shadeslayertestbuilding it atm13:47
shadeslayerso that will need sponsoring too13:47
Riddellshadeslayer: you're doing 4.4.8 for natty?13:47
shadeslayerruntime is done and in bzr13:47
shadeslayerScottK: i think that bug should be fixed with this patch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdenetwork/ubuntu/annotate/head:/debian/patches/kubuntu_04_googletalk_no_errormsg_and_knh_support.patch13:50
steveireThe tickboxes must be new in trunk then.13:52
steveireRiddell: tokoe would be better to ask, but he's not online since 30 mins ago.13:53
steveireRiddell: I don't know anything about kresources. It looks like the user tried to use a personal contacts resource too with the same effect?14:02
steveire"With kaddressbook erraneously showing those "empty" addressbooks (or none at all) rather than the installed ones" I don't understand this14:03
Riddellsteveire: he's look at the KDE Resources kcontrol mobile and seeing his address book in there, I've told him that's irrelevant since it's not used by KDE PIM 4.414:03
steveireYep, so I see.14:04
steveireIs that what he's referring to when he says 'installed ones' ?14:04
RiddellI'm thinking I need to package 4.4.8 for lucid and get him to install that to see if it works14:05
Riddellbulldog98: kdepim 4.6 merge is good except you didn't set your right name and e-mail in debian/changelog, fixed and committed14:16
steveireRiddell: Maybe. Seems to me like somehow a configuration issue. Can he create a brand new personal contacts resource , possibly copying the data in .local, and load that in kab? Possibly create a new user either and try it out.14:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: 3 I think14:25
apacheloggerqt is still compiling -.-14:26
apacheloggerwhat a drag14:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: checkout the android 2.3 vids on youtube14:28
shadeslayermusic streaming right to your device14:28
* apachelogger checksout starlight14:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: that did not work before?14:28
shadeslayerthats new14:29
shadeslayerwasnt in 2.214:29
apacheloggerdoesnt sound revolutionary to me TBH14:29
shadeslayeri wouldnt call 2.3 revolutionary14:30
apacheloggerphonon can do that for years :P14:30
shadeslayerid call it tweaking it for a better experience14:30
apacheloggerso they fixed their 300000000 bugs? :P14:30
shadeslayernot all of them i suppose :D14:30
shadeslayerdid KDE fix their 30000000000 bugs ? :P14:31
shadeslayeralso .. is someone on KDE 4.6 ? can you test if posting comments on bugs.launchpad is fixed?14:31
shadeslayeriirc its a KIO issue14:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: ill probably install the first 2.3 ROM that comes for my HTC Desire14:32
Riddellshadeslayer: it's not fixed14:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: if any :P14:37
apacheloggerI need to time warp14:37
apacheloggerthis build is way too slow for my brain14:37
Riddellshadeslayer: do you need me to upload kdepim-runtime?14:37
shadeslayerim ~done with kdepim as well14:37
* apachelogger started writing a small videorecorder app based on phonon14:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: what happened to your other media player project?14:38
* apachelogger started writing the necessary phonon bits for that14:38
apacheloggernot very easy to get the right mixture of contrl and convenience14:39
Riddellshadeslayer, ScottK: kdepim-runtime 4.4.8 uploaded to natty14:39
bulldog98Riddell: ok thanks14:41
shadeslayerthanks! :D14:41
shadeslayerRiddell: kdepim uploaded to bzr14:48
shadeslayerill backport it to maverick after dinner and upload both to updates ppa14:49
Riddellshadeslayer: updates and beta?14:51
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah im doing those now :)15:01
shadeslayerjust got back from dinner 15:01
shadeslayeralso, bulldog98 is doing beta iirc15:01
Riddellshadeslayer: no bulldog98 is going ninjas->experimental15:06
Riddellshadeslayer: we also need 4.4.8 in beta15:06
shadeslayerbeta? how is it beta? 0_o15:07
shadeslayers/beta/experimental ( for earlier statement )15:07
bulldog98shadeslayer: it’s needed to build with kdepimlibs beta15:07
Riddellshadeslayer: kdepim 4.6 beta is a port to akonadi, it's very flaky and has already been delayed by 6 months, we're putting it in experimental for now15:09
shadeslayerright, and iirc i did the first beta packages right15:10
shadeslayerso now, 4.4.8 for natty, in updates ppa for maverick15:10
shadeslayerand where does the beta ppa come in?15:10
shadeslayer4.6 for maverick in beta?15:10
Riddellkubuntu-ppa/beta has KDE Platform 4.6 beta.  It needs KDE PIM
shadeslayeruh ... 15:13
shadeslayerhow did that get there15:13
shadeslayeroh wait15:13
shadeslayerright, you guys rebuilt the beta 4.6 packages against new KDE 4.615:14
shadeslayerso beta needs 4.6 packages as well ... oh my15:14
shadeslayerso thats kdepim 4.4.8 built against KDE 4.5 and KDE 4.6?15:14
shadeslayerok ... ill do it ....15:15
RiddellI'm doing lucid updates15:15
shadeslayerive built it against 4.6 for now15:15
Riddellso that'll go into kubuntu-ppa/beta15:18
* shadeslayer needs to make a kiotest case ....15:19
* Riddell starts on koffice packaging15:35
* shadeslayer pokes kdepim to pick it up15:36
shadeslayerzomg kronos15:37
shadeslayerkronos: want to package some foo :>15:37
kronosshadeslayer: hey....sure..15:37
shadeslayerRiddell: im passing kde 4.4.8 for maverick against kde 4.5 to kronos ^^ :P15:37
shadeslayerkronos: so we want kdepim 4.4.8 against KDE 4.5 ... im building it against 4.6 at the moment15:38
shadeslayerdo you have a maverick chroot?15:38
shadeslayerand access to ktown?15:39
kronosshadeslayer: have a maverick chroot..15:39
shadeslayerok .. lemme see if theyre on ftp.kde15:39
shadeslayerkronos: download both of these : ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/kdepim-4.4.8/src/15:39
kronosshadeslayer: hmm..next ??15:41
shadeslayerkronos: then : bzr branch lp:~kubuntu-members/kdepim-runtime/ubuntu -r 5915:41
shadeslayerversion it as 4.4.8-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa115:42
shadeslayerand build away :D15:42
Riddellkronos: what version of KDE Platform is in your maverick chroot?15:43
* shadeslayer was about to come to that15:43
kronosshadeslayer: dont know .. never used..15:43
shadeslayerkronos: did you add any PPA's to your chroot?15:44
hrwdeveloper which set refresh time to 10s for globe wallpaper should be ....15:44
shadeslayerok .. 4.5.1 then ...15:44
kronosRiddell: 4.5.1..15:44
hrwI wonder how fast CPU/GPU does it require15:44
Riddellkronos: we want it built for 4.5.4 from kubuntu-ppa (updates) so  apt-add-repository kubuntu-ppa15:45
sabdflkde'ers, which version of Qt are we targeting for 11.04?15:45
Riddellsabdfl: I've not heard of a release schedule for 4.8 but I'm pretty sure that'll be after 11.04, so I'm expecting 4.7.2 or .315:46
Riddellsabdfl: QtWebkit is being separated so I'm expecting a newer version of that, 2.115:47
shadeslayeryep ^^15:47
sabdflok thanks guys15:48
shadeslayerRiddell: btw add-apt-repository isnt pulled in by pbuilder :P15:48
shadeslayerso that will fail in a chroot, you need some other package for running that command15:48
shadeslayerotoh you can directly add the ppa entry in your sources.list15:48
Riddellshadeslayer: yes15:49
shadeslayerkronos: so add the ppa, whichever way you like :), and start building :D15:51
shadeslayersame way for kdepim, using revision 147 from https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdepim/ubuntu15:52
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=147&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 147 | Coolo: Some patches for FreeBSD. Mostly some header #ifdef.15:52
kronosshadeslayer: hmmmm15:52
shadeslayerand just ignore what ubottu said ;)15:52
bulldog98shadeslayer: you shouldn’t should keywords around :P15:54
shadeslayerbulldog98: i tend to forget about the kde revision plugin in ubottu15:54
bulldog98shadeslayer: :)15:55
bulldog98shadeslayer: are you on natty?15:58
bulldog98hm I’ve got problems with add-apt-repository16:00
bulldog98Quintasan_: how is your state of kdebase-runtime?16:03
=== ulysses is now known as emovaldi
=== bhargav is now known as kronos
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shadeslayerRiddell: uploaded PIM to beta16:36
Riddellshadeslayer: great16:37
Riddellshadeslayer: what about natty?16:37
shadeslayerdidnt you upload that?16:38
shadeslayeri pushed stuff to bzr16:38
RiddellI only uploaded kdepim-runtime, let me look at kdepim16:38
hrwbug 686054 reported16:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 686054 in plasma-widget-fancytasks (Ubuntu) "crashes plasma with 4.5.80 packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68605416:41
shadeslayerneeds a rebuild probably16:42
shadeslayerstill .. ill bite it16:42
shadeslayer#6 0x00007fe963251eb2 in TaskManager::TaskGroup::members() const () from /usr/lib/libtaskmanager.so.4 << definetely needs a rebuild16:43
shadeslayerhrw: ill upload a rebuild in 10-15 mins16:44
shadeslayerkronos: which ppa did you add again?16:45
kronosshadeslayer: kubuntu-ppa updates ..16:45
shadeslayerkronos: this one? https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa16:45
kronosshadeslayer: yup16:45
shadeslayerhold on16:46
shadeslayerkronos: yeah im looking at the packaging atm16:47
shadeslayerRiddell: i think we need akonadi 1.4.1 for updates PPA16:51
shadeslayerfor some reason its not there16:51
shadeslayerwheeee....... launchpad timeouts16:52
rgreeningapachelogger: yo.16:54
Riddellshadeslayer: why do we need that?16:59
rgreeningomg the qt+kde compositing is horrible16:59
rgreeninggraphic artifacts everywhere16:59
shadeslayerRiddell: for kdepim 4.4.816:59
rgreeningwe need to rever back to the default qt engine settings16:59
shadeslayeragainst kde 4.516:59
rgreeningrevert even16:59
shadeslayerkronos: try making the dep to be 1.4.0 and see if anything breaks17:00
shadeslayerand pastebin cmake output17:00
Riddellshadeslayer: what makes you think we do (I don't disagree just wondering)17:01
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah im trying to find out if it will build against a older libakonadi-dev17:02
shadeslayerkronos: yeah i think you can go ahead and safely downgrade boost to 1.4.017:04
kronosshadeslayer: hmm..will try that .17:04
shadeslayernow i can work on a kio test case :P17:04
shadeslayeroh my oh my17:05
shadeslayersomeone actually replied to a ticket i opened :P17:05
shadeslayerRiddell: dude, whom do i poke for stuff about KIO :D17:12
Riddellshadeslayer: maelcum maybe17:13
* shadeslayer just needs to check one other thing before poking around in #kde-devel17:14
bulldog98Riddell: should I upload kdepim to ninjas and rebuild it when kdebase-runtime is finished?17:40
ScottKhttp://www.elpauer.org/?p=536 looks nice to have.17:44
ScottKdantti: Are you supporting screenshots in kpackagekit?17:44
Riddellbulldog98: yes do upload to ninjas, why do you think it'll need a reload?17:44
ximionScottK: He does, the current KPK already displays screenshots :)17:45
ScottKximion: Cool.  Thanks.17:45
bulldog98Riddell: it depends on kdebase-runtime and I think for testing in ninjas we should have everything build on the lates version17:45
ScottKRiddell: We might want the dlpauer ksnapshot patch mentioned in the blog post ^^^ then.17:46
RiddellScottK: it's not a patch, it's a kipi plugin17:47
apacheloggerScottK: seems in a hurry I shut down arm box #1 ^^17:48
apacheloggerrgreening: ahoy ahoy17:48
ScottKapachelogger: What?17:48
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ximionCould someone please merge PackageKit from Debian experimental into Natty? 17:51
ScottKapachelogger: Looks like it fell over, but I didn't do it.  Investigating.17:52
Riddellximion: probably not immediately, we're downing under things to be packaged just now17:52
Riddellximion: but keep poking :)17:52
ximionRiddell: Should I file a sync request for it?17:52
Riddellximion: yes go ahead17:53
Riddellximion: well if it needs synced and not merged that is17:53
ximionRiddell: I applied all stuff necessary for a transition in Debian already. (At least I hope so :P)17:54
ximionsince it is in experimental, it will need to be synced.17:54
apacheloggerScottK: no, I think I just issued a halt in the wrong konsole tab17:55
Riddellximion: file a sync request then, I'll probably do archive admin stuff tomorrow17:55
ScottKapachelogger: That would explain it.  It was all the way off when I got to the box.17:56
* apachelogger hopes that pbuilder is capable of crossbuilding17:59
apacheloggera local xbuild should suffice for the opengl testing and will be much faster then the farm :)17:59
ScottKParticularly when people randomly shut down servers in the farm that are hosting the build.18:03
ximionwe now have LP: #686099 so this doesn't get lost :)18:07
Riddellbug 68609918:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 686099 in packagekit (Ubuntu) "Sync packagekit 0.6.10-1 (main) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68609918:07
Riddellthat's how to make ubottu happy :)18:08
ScottKapachelogger: Back in business should you need it again.18:08
danttiScottK: yes18:11
kronosRiddell: built kdepim-runtime for maverick .. can u check the build log http://paste.ubuntu.com/540369/18:14
rbelemapachelogger, you rock!18:16
apacheloggerI no18:17
rbelemapachelogger, no dude, you rock!18:17
Riddellkronos: looks like it worked to me18:17
Riddelloh KOffice, why do you have so many files?18:23
Riddelldh_install takes 5 minutes to run18:23
_Groo_hi/2 all18:26
DarkwingDuckHey _G18:26
_Groo_guys, what channel should i go for filesystems bugs in (k)ubuntu?18:26
DarkwingDuckHey _Groo_18:26
_Groo_hey DarkwingDuck :)18:26
DarkwingDuckTab stuck18:27
shadeslayerkronos: now package kdepim18:28
rbelem_Groo_, maybe ubuntu kernel channel18:28
shadeslayerkronos: and then upload both of them to the updates ppa18:28
_Groo_rbelem: tks, ill try there18:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: your minons are here18:36
* shadeslayer is busy serving other masters in #kde-devel18:36
aakshayRiddell: hi. i would like to do packaging further but i din't find the source for them. from where can i get the source?18:37
aakshayRiddell: like i want to do for kdetoys again but i am not getting source for 4.5.85 beta 218:38
ScottKaakshay: Where did you  get the source last time?18:39
aakshayfrom "ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/4.5.80/src".. but this is for 4.5.8018:40
Riddellaakshay: where is your public ssh key again?18:41
ScottKaakshay: Look in 4.5.9518:41
Riddellaakshay: he needs access to ktown18:41
ScottKerr 8518:41
ScottKAh.  I get it now.18:41
ScottKThat or I could just email it to him.  It's small.18:41
shadeslayerwhat debug package do we have for webkitpart ?18:41
aakshayRiddell: it must be here only.. i have not changed18:41
* shadeslayer cant find any18:42
aakshayRiddell: i have registered my openGP keys for PPA... 18:43
_Groo_anyone here has a machine with reiserfs + ecryptfs?18:43
Riddellaakshay: yes, what's your launchpad account?18:43
Daskreech/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbstring18:44
Daskreechis there a lib bstring library for Kubuntu?18:44
aakshayRiddell: "akshaytayal"18:44
aakshayScottK: do you have source files?18:44
Daskreechhi aakshay 18:45
ScottKaakshay: For kdetoys I do.  PM me your email address and i'll send it.18:45
ScottKIt's < 1MB18:45
_Groo_Riddell: want me to start backporting beta 2 to maverick?18:45
ScottK402873 2010-12-06 13:40 kdetoys-4.5.85.tar.bz218:45
Riddell_Groo_: could do although I'd rather we finished it for natty first18:45
aakshayScottk: my id is "akshaytayal05@gmail.com".. please send on this id.18:46
aakshayDaskreech: hi Daskreech18:46
_Groo_Riddell: k, for natty i can only help this weekend, i cant upload anything at work... i wish launchpad would be able to accept uploads via web18:46
ScottKaakshay: Sent.18:47
ScottKRiddell: I emailed it to him.18:48
aakshayScottK: thankyou.. 18:48
ScottKaakshay: Thank you for helping out.18:48
aakshayScottK: heplping out in what? :)18:49
ScottKaakshay: Packaging KDE for Kubuntu.18:49
Riddell_Groo_: but you can do maverick?18:49
aakshayScottK: ... :).... my pleasure...18:50
_Groo_Riddell: for maverick i build it locally and just queue the packages for later upload18:51
_Groo_Riddell: natty i would use my box at home with virtualbox18:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://www.google.com/nexus/#!/features18:51
aakshayScottK: can i edit my name in the wiki "https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging" for packaging of kdetoys?18:52
Riddell_Groo_: ok, well sure go ahead and start building maverick versions of the ones already packaged for natty18:52
yofelcan someone with some bindings knowledge to kdebindings for natty? I gave up and don't really have time for it currently18:53
bulldog98yofel: hi18:53
yofelhey bulldog9818:53
yofelI've kdenetwork and artwork finished locally, just waiting for the other packages18:54
Riddellyofel: are you blocking on kdebase-workspace and -runtime?18:56
bulldog98yofel: say dep-wait for those18:57
bulldog98Riddell: that’s what I originally waited for too18:58
RiddellQuintasan_, neversfelde: what's the status of kdebase-workspace and -runtime?18:58
yofelRiddell: well, workspace needs bindings first and kdenetwork has libkonq as optional depends now so I need to wait for kdebase if I want to add that18:59
yofelbulldog98: good idea18:59
aakshayRiddell: do i need to upload public ssh keys again?19:00
Riddellaakshay: no ScottK e-mailed kdetoys to you19:00
aakshayRiddell: ok.. thankyou... :)19:01
Riddellyofel: ug19:01
yofelRiddell: by the way, do you know why we don't build kdelibs with gamin/fam?19:02
Riddellyofel: because we use inotify19:03
yofelk, thanks19:03
bulldog98Riddell: I just read https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved/Development do we have an legend-group?19:04
vHandaRiddell: which is also crap, btw.19:04
RiddellvHanda: inotify is?19:04
vHandaYes. For one - It doesn't generate proper move events across different hard-drives ( Haven't tried for different partitions )19:05
vHandaAnd two - It doesn't generate move events if the destination isn't being watched19:05
vHandawhich means we ( Nepomuk ) have to watch EVERYTHING!! If we want to know where a file has been moved to.19:06
vHandaand 3 - No copy events!!19:06
vHandaRiddell: What's the max_user_watches in kubuntu?19:07
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1204321 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (4 files) Make reloading two-staged so that we can both delete things before they become invalid and cause crashes, while at the same time not reloading too early and causing crashes. BUG:25902619:07
vHandacat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches 19:07
Riddellsysctl.d/30-nepomuk-inotify-limit.conf:fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 52428819:08
RiddellvHanda: ^^19:08
vHandaHmm. Good enough :) Some distros keep it horribly low.19:09
vHandaand then Nepomuk doesn't work properly.19:09
Riddellbbigras: legend-group?19:09
shadeslayerkronos: remove it applied upstream19:22
neversfeldeRiddell: it is work in progress, but as I mentioned yesterday, if I am too slow, somebody should take over. I am not able to do anything with it again before tomorrow evening. Sorry. unexpected work.19:27
Riddellneversfelde: how far did you get?19:28
neversfeldeall patches seem to work fine without doing anything, but some install files have to be updated because of hal/solid/powerdevil changes and that seems to be much mor complicated as Ithought with kdebase-workspace19:29
Riddellyofel: want to steal kdebase-workspace off neversfelde?19:29
yofeljust doing accessibility, but once I finished that sure19:30
aakshayRiddell: i have done packaging of kdetoys 4.5.85 till bzr checkout , now how can i add secret repositories to kdetoys package? 19:33
Riddellaakshay: bzr diff and pastebin the diff19:36
aakshayRiddell: sorry.. i dint get it. please explain 19:36
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1204332 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationBackend.cpp (log message trimmed)19:41
CIA-24Don't bump the current transaction pointer on CommitErrors; A19:41
CIA-24CommitChangesFinished signal will still fire in this case and workerEvent will19:41
shadeslayeraakshay: run : bzr diff19:41
shadeslayerand copy paste it to pastebin.com :)19:41
aakshayshadeslayer: ok.. :)19:42
aakshayshadeslayer: showing error "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/akshay/kdetoys/kdetoys-4.5.85/""19:43
aakshayshadeslayer: what?19:44
shadeslayerrun it in the ubuntu folder19:44
shadeslayernot in the extracted folder19:44
bulldog98aakshay: first copy the files under debian back to the ubuntu/debian folder19:44
shadeslayeryou move over the new debian folder from the extracted sources and copy it over the old one19:44
bulldog98shadeslayer: :)19:45
aakshaybulldog98: ok.. :)19:45
shadeslayerRiddell: any idea where in qt sources i can find QNetworkAccessManager?19:50
shadeslayeroh nvm19:50
shadeslayerRiddell: thiago has narrowed down the issue to http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/blobs/4.7/src/network/access/qnetworkaccessmanager.cpp#line94220:00
shadeslayersee http://www.pastebin.ca/2012229  :: line 37620:00
shadeslayer( regarding lp not working in rekonq/konqueror )20:00
shadeslayerapparently the reply that comes back is a null pointer20:00
shadeslayerso with gdb konqueror, konqueror crashes :P20:01
hungerIs there a trick to reenable power management in natty?20:01
bulldog98hunger: wait for wednesday? and kde beta 2 I guess20:02
shadeslayeryep ^^20:02
bulldog98hunger: for me it works20:02
shadeslayerde-halification ftw20:02
hungerbulldog98: I did install upower and udisks. Anything I am missing?20:03
* bulldog98 dances with shadeslayer the de-halification dance20:03
shadeslayerhunger: kde beta 4.6 beta 220:03
* shadeslayer gets out the de-halification party hats20:03
hungershadeslayer: Ah, OK.20:03
hungeryeah for dehalification.20:03
hungerLinux: Getting rid of technology whenever it finally works in KDE...20:04
* hunger wonders why it is always the gnome guys that come up with the low level stuff.20:04
hungerWell, I always have to have the latest and greatest... I know what I am getting myself into with that.20:05
hungerDoes work great on the desktop though... just the netbook is a bit dark wrt. screen brightnes.20:06
shadeslayeriirc theres command to set brightness20:07
shadeslayermgraesslin: ^^20:07
shadeslayeryou used to do it all the time @ UDS :P20:07
mgraesslinone moment, I have to open the script20:08
mgraesslinit is nvidia specific: nvclock -S -520:08
hungermgraesslin: Thanks, but I am on a netbook with intel chipset.20:09
mgraesslinsorry, can't help there20:09
hungerupower should have a way to do it...20:09
ScottKafiestas probably know.20:11
bulldog98hunger: don’t you have keys for that? They use to work ootb20:11
hungerbulldog98: Those no longer work either.20:11
shadeslayeri think ill have nightmares after seeing that function20:12
ScottKhunger: Probably worth a bug on bugs.kde.org then.20:12
bulldog98hunger: for me they work. Hm20:12
bulldog98hunger: fully upgraded?20:12
hungerbulldog98: I do not  even get the dialog showing the level.20:12
hungerbulldog98: Yeap.20:12
hungerbulldog98: Solid claims it is using HAL-power as a backend... which is uninstalled here.20:13
bulldog98hunger: I’ll look for the command20:13
ScottKhunger: Should definitely be reported upstream then.20:13
* hunger wonders why he has Network management backend listed twice...20:13
hungerMaybe the kernel is too old... newest ubuntu ones don't boot anymore, so I am stuck at 2.6.37-320:15
* bulldog98 pastes that to pastebin http://pastbin.ca/201226520:17
ScottKhunger: You might consult man upower and see if you can confirm if upower itself is doing any thing useful.20:17
bulldog98hunger: check if that’s what your keyboard shortcuts (global) say20:17
ScottKIf it's not, then kernel/upower bug mabye.  If it is, then definite kdelibs consideration20:17
hungerScottK: I think I'll try to get the kernel updated/working first.20:17
ScottKRiddell: I guess we need to decide Calligra or Koffice on the dvd?20:20
Riddelloh did that get announced?20:20
RiddellI expect their release won't be until after 11.04 so it's not an issue20:21
ScottKI guess.20:22
ScottKThere's mail in kde-devel.20:22
hungerScottK: The kernel is fine... the screen turns blank when the splashscreen starts (and then stays blank). no-splash works around the issue.20:22
bulldog98Riddell: they also did a dot I think20:23
shadeslayerkronos: pastebin the intial output .. the part where it says : All external packages found20:25
hungerYeap, it is kde that is borked. pulling the plug is reported, so upower should work.20:25
ScottKhunger: OK.  Please file the bug on b.k.o.  Hopefully someone like afiestas will see it and take action.20:28
kronosshadeslayer: http://pastebin.ca/201227820:28
yofelRiddell: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdeaccessibility/4.5.85ubuntu1/+merge/4287520:29
shadeslayerRiddell: also http://pastebin.ca/2012273 , kdepim 4.4.8, possible failiure due to a missing 1.4.1 libakonadi-dev ?20:30
shadeslayerin which case, it should be made a requirement in CMakeLists.txt of kdepim20:30
shadeslayerkronos: this is kdepim right?20:31
shadeslayeror runtime?20:31
kronosshadeslayer: kdepim.... 20:32
Riddellyofel: looks easy that one :)20:32
yofelyep :P20:32
kronosshadeslayer: runtime built fine after the downgrade to 1.4.020:32
shadeslayerpossibly needs the newer runtime?20:34
Riddellyofel: merged20:34
shadeslayeryeah i think it needs the newer runtime20:35
Riddellshadeslayer: you removed the patch that shouldn't have been removed20:35
shadeslayerRiddell: agateau said it was applied upstream20:35
shadeslayerand it built fine for Natty and Maverick20:36
shadeslayer( against kde 4.6 )20:36
Riddellshadeslayer: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/kubuntu_02_kalarm_kstatusnotifieritem.diff20:37
* yofel tries bindings again after all20:37
Riddellshadeslayer: it's upstream in kde pim 4.6 not 4.420:37
shadeslayerlemme re-check, afaik i could see it applied in 4.4.820:39
shadeslayerdoh ... its not applied 20:40
shadeslayeri checked if the patch was applied _after_ doing : quilt push20:41
shadeslayerkronos: re-apply that patch20:42
kronosshadeslayer: did that ... started a looooong build .20:42
kronosshadeslayer: last time it went till 70% .. :(20:42
shadeslayeryou can restart the build from where it left off20:42
kronosi came out of the chroot..20:43
bulldog98kronos: jep kdepim took me an hour with 4 processes20:43
kronosbulldog98: hmmmm .. 20:43
* yofel advises to use ccache20:44
* bulldog98 will use tmpfs next time to build kdepim20:44
bulldog98yofel: can you remind me that next time I try to build kdepim?20:45
shadeslayerpatch needed a refresh20:45
bulldog98yofel: yeha dude20:46
shadeslayerok im going to rebuild it now, how do you use tmpfs?20:46
* bulldog98 hugs yofel20:46
yofelI tried to build kdepim for neon though, took ~6GiB20:46
shadeslayeri already have ccache20:46
yofelshadeslayer: you mount /var/cache/pbuilder/build as tmpfs20:46
bulldog98shadeslayer: do a debootstrap of natty, install everything you need add an tmpfs to /var/debootstrap/tmpfs20:47
shadeslayerand whats the advantage?20:47
bulldog98and copy the files over, then do a chroot /var/debootstrap/tmpfs20:47
yofelshadeslayer: installing build-deps takes less than a minute20:47
bulldog98shadeslayer: your IO doesn’t matters anymore20:47
bulldog98yofel: that’s the other way20:48
yofelI used that since I already had pbuilder set up, was easier in that case20:48
hrwjust need more memory20:50
hrwyou can grab 'eatmydata' package from debian and try to use it with chroot/pbuilder20:51
hrwit disables fsync()20:51
Riddellthat sounds scary20:51
shadeslayerit does, doesnt it :D20:51
yofeleatmydata is in natty, but since dpkg uses sync() not fsync() it doesn't help that much20:51
hrwyofel: it does sync/fsync etc20:52
yofelwell, didn't make much difference here when I added it to LD_PRELOAD20:52
shadeslayerill fix this patch tommorow, i fear i might break something else with the new upload since im all sorts of sleepy20:52
Riddellshadeslayer: what patch needs fixing?20:53
shadeslayerdoesnt apply cleanly20:53
Riddellit doesn't?  but I tidied it up for my lucid build20:53
shadeslayerhttp://pastebin.com/t2Wg8e66 is the new one20:53
shadeslayerwell, i was still using the old one :)20:54
kronosshadeslayer: try the one Riddell gave .. it does apply..20:54
shadeslayerprobably does :)20:54
yofelRiddell: here's what makes bindings fail: dh_install: libqwt-ruby1.8 missing files (usr/lib/ruby/1.8/*/qwt.so), aborting20:54
yofelthat file went missing somehow..20:55
Riddellyofel: just comment out the package in debian/control20:55
Riddellnothing uses it20:55
shadeslayerkronos: shouldnt be required now 20:56
yofelRiddell: also, how do you know if I'm on the kde-packager ML? I filed a bug that got set to resolved/fixed but haven't gotten a mail yet20:56
Riddellyofel: e-mail sent at Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2010 16:16:17 +0100 to it20:57
RiddellSubject: Re: KDE 4.5.85 (KDE 4.6 Beta2) uploaded (try #1)20:57
yofelRiddell: nope, nothing, guess I'll ask what happened :/20:59
* Riddell fires up new Amarok beta21:19
Riddellah lovely, Shakira sounds just as good as ever21:19
Riddellmarkey, jefferai: the fingerprinting stuff needs libavcodec from ffmpeg?21:23
jefferaiRiddell: no idea21:23
Riddelldoes it still use mysql?21:23
markeyRiddell: not sure, sorry21:27
markeyRiddell: please ask in our dev channel or dev ML to make sure21:28
yofelRiddell: anything of that needs to be included? http://paste.ubuntu.com/540432/  site-packages stuff is all already in pyshared21:29
JontheEchidnalol: http://i.imgur.com/sl1LY.png21:33
yofellol :D21:33
yofeleven windows has learned from kde 4.0 :P21:34
* yofel ducks21:34
yofelRiddell: I'm on the ML now, admin made a typo in my mail address ...21:38
Daskreechyofel: \o/ Hooray for more obtuse customization!21:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: that is one slick phone22:00
* apachelogger is totally drowning in class diagrams22:00
apacheloggeroh how I hate design22:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: so, google finally realised that htc makes crappy phones? ^^22:02
apacheloggeralso my minions are late... I aleady made a package myself22:02
apacheloggeraakshay: fancy investigating how much space it would require to put the firefox on the cd?22:02
apacheloggerrbelem: so, why in particular do I rock?22:05
ScottKNew tarballs for libs/pimlibs/network/sdk for the beta.22:06
yofelmore works for me \o/22:07
yofelbulldog98: ^22:07
yofelScottK: would that be 4.5.85a or just 4.5.85 ?22:08
rbelemapachelogger, you made a great job in the n900 wiki page22:09
ScottKyofel: If it's just in ninjas I think keep it 4.5.85, but I don't recall for sure.22:10
ScottKapachelogger: ^^^?22:10
apacheloggerrbelem: just watch me make plasma-mobile fast :P22:10
ScottKyofel's question22:10
yofelit's just ninjas22:10
* rbelem hugs apachelogger 22:11
apacheloggerScottK, yofel: what is the topic?22:11
* rbelem pokes apachelogger belly22:11
* apachelogger hugs rbelem back22:11
Riddellyofel: in theory you can delete it from ninjas and reupload with the same version number but it hasn't worked when I've tried it in the past22:11
Riddellso I've always just done the "a" thing22:11
ScottKapachelogger: That one ^^^22:11
apacheloggerno pocking in the belly, I might vomit class diagrams22:12
apacheloggerScottK, yofel: what jr said ;)22:12
* ScottK looks for a long stick.22:12
yofelRiddell: I think you need to wait for the janitor to run, meaning almost a day to reupload, since it doesn't delete the old files immediately, I'll use a then22:12
* apachelogger notes that he is now for almost 24h trying to compile qt ^^22:12
apacheloggeron a positive note icecc seems to be working in the maverick pbuilder now22:13
* yofel wonders why icecc only thinks systems with the same or more cpu power are usable...22:14
apacheloggeryofel: that is not what it thinks22:14
apacheloggerit just disfavors them22:14
yofelwell, even if I build with -j20 my core2duo never get's anything to do, if I build on my core2 things are sent to my i7 though22:15
* yofel hopes he can drop both patches in network with the new tarball22:16
rbelemyofel, bad load balance algorithm22:16
apacheloggeryofel: well, where is the scheduler?22:17
apacheloggercause I think the scheduler will always distribute to the node with the lowest latency, even if others would have free load for jobs (scheduler being on the same machine as the compile could thus result in such a situation)22:18
yofelapachelogger: on my core2 system, since that's the pc that's on all the time, icemon shows both pcs fine22:19
apacheloggeryofel: go talk to coolo22:20
yofelRiddell: back to bindings, here's list-missing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/540432/ should I add the smoke stuff somewhere?22:28
Riddellyofel: gosh, it compiled22:29
yofelhad to disable the package and disable some qwt stuff in another install file22:29
yofelstill doesn't build with qimageblitz though, segfaults during build22:29
Riddellyes that's what I had before22:30
Riddellmight be worth asking rdale about that22:30
Riddellthose smoke includes go into libsmokeqt4-dev.install22:30
Riddellthe new smoke libraries probably need new packages for each one22:31
yofelk, I'll do it after I updated the other packages22:32
Riddellthe qtdeclarative bits into libqt4-ruby1.8.install22:32
apacheloggerkate is not really good at searching in a 100k lines file22:48
tsimpsonit's not great at >200 line files either22:49
tsimpsongrep and sed usually come to my rescue22:50
yofelRiddell: do I have to add a 4 to the end of the smoke package names? libsmokeqt3support4 sounds strange22:54
Riddellyofel: yes22:54
Riddellstrange, but true22:54
Riddellamarok done, koffice done23:19
ari-tczewclementine will be done soon :)23:20
ari-tczewapachelogger: can I ping you for again review of clementine when I will update?23:20
Riddellari-tczew: if apachelogger has gone mad you can ping other people like me instead23:21
ari-tczewthanks Riddell for suggestion (:23:22
yofelRiddell: sdk updated https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdesdk/4.5.85a/+merge/42887 ok?23:29
Riddellyofel: perfect23:30
yofelRiddell: by the way, I just tested backporting kdelibs (3) to maverick, seems to work fine here, with qalculate at least23:30
apacheloggeroggy oggy oggy!23:30
Riddellyofel: why is that useful again?23:32
yofelRiddell: our beta backports make kde3 stuff uninstallable (kde4libs breaks older kdelibs than natty)23:32
yofelI have it in a ppa if you want to test something else, or can I copy it to beta?23:33
Riddellyofel: oh yes, go ahead and copy to beta23:35
Riddellkde-l10n, it's even slower than koffice!23:36
yofelcool, seems like bindings finished fine23:37
* yofel goes doing bzr stuff..23:37
Riddellyofel: truly you are a ninja if you can package kdebindings!23:39
yofelthanks :P23:39
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1204378 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationBackend.cpp This comment is inaccurate due to some code changes, so update it23:41
yofelRiddell: by the way, did you drop kubuntu_05_fix_pykde4_typedefs.diff last time? The patch is in bzr, but not in natty archive23:45
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1204379 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/categories.xml We don't have a suitable way of displaying raw packages for things like the Fonts category, so disable the Fonts category until we do.23:47
Riddellyofel: yes I did, that should be able to be deleted now23:47
yofelmore like you didn't commit the natty changes to bzr it seems23:48
yofelbzr is at 4:4.5.3-0ubuntu223:48
Riddellthat'll be the problem23:49
yofelRiddell: do you want to commit something? I'll wait. Or should I do the merge anyway adding the missing diff?23:50
Riddellyofel: do the merge anyway adding the missing diff23:51

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