
faded0nehello, im new to kde and kubuntu. i am trying to install a some c++ ides like geany and kdevelop I cant get the programs to see the compiler can someone help00:29
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julioai alguien01:15
aidrocsidHow can I disable touchpad drivers within kubuntu without a usable mouse?01:44
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darthanubisanyone got their google calendar to sybc with PIM?02:47
frogonwheelsdarthanubis: I have before .. think I just used the ical03:10
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vinylfreak89i upgraded VMWare Workstation to 7.1.3 today and my mouse stopped working (both with and without VMWare Tools installed). I tried reinstalling kubntu over top of it self twice with no luck, ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg several times and still nothing. when i boot the live CD the mouse works perfectly. how can I force my installed Kubuntu to redetect the VMware mouse? A clean install is not an option03:41
vinylfreak89 i upgraded VMWare Workstation to 7.1.3 today and my mouse stopped working (both with and without VMWare Tools installed). I tried reinstalling kubntu over top of it self twice with no luck, ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg several times and still nothing. when i boot the live CD the mouse works perfectly. how can I force my installed Kubuntu to redetect the VMware mouse? A clean install is not an option03:54
fadedhey im new to linux, im coming from windows, what kind of steps do i need to take for security04:04
valoriefaded, linux is generally very secure for average use04:05
vinylfreak89linux gets very few viruses, but if you want to be extra safe install kaspersky or linux or something similar04:05
valorieI'm behind a router, and don't do anything special beyond not clicking on suspicious links04:05
vinylfreak89firewall, read up on iptables and for extra security use the APF firewall but that is generall more often used on the server side04:06
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meoblast001how do you have audio in played out audio out in KDE?04:34
meoblast001i've done this in GNOME before, but recently switched to KDE04:34
gorgonzolahello all! i'm trying to get my iphone to work with amarok, running maverick. someone in the amarok forum mentioned that the version of libmobiledevice0 in the lucid repos did the trick for him. how do i revert from the version in maverick to the version in lucid without farking up my repos?04:41
valorieI don't understand your question04:41
gorgonzolawoa. that was some fast un-understanding :S04:41
valoriesince I hadn't read your question yet, gorgonzola04:41
valoriei was talking to meoblast00104:41
meoblast001oh, sorry04:42
gorgonzolayes, i figured, just joking. :P04:42
meoblast001basically, i have something running into my mic port04:42
meoblast001and then my headphones04:42
gorgonzolai think he wants to know if its possible to make audio out play whatever comes in through audio in.04:42
valoriegorgonzola: you might get a better answer in #kubuntu or #ubuntu04:42
meoblast001i want to hear the incoming audio on the mic port out my headphones04:42
valorieI don't know04:42
meoblast001in gnome i was able to do that by raising the level of "Line In", or some channel like that04:42
gorgonzolai am in kubuntu right?04:42
gorgonzolai'll ask in ubuntu too... thanks.04:43
valoriegorgonzola: how to manage the repos will be the same04:43
valoriemeoblast001: supposedly you can route sound with pulseaudio04:43
valorieusing pavucontrol04:44
vinylfreak89 i upgraded VMWare Workstation to 7.1.3 today and my mouse stopped working (both with and without VMWare Tools installed). I tried reinstalling kubntu over top of it self twice with no luck, ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg several times and still nothing. when i boot the live CD the mouse works perfectly. how can I force my installed Kubuntu to redetect the VMware mouse? A clean install is not an option04:44
valoriebut I've never tried it04:44
gorgonzolayes, you are right, thanks valorie04:44
valorieoh, lord, sorry04:44
valorieI thought I was in #amarok04:44
gorgonzolayeah, i thougth i aws in kde when you said that :P04:44
invisiblekvinylfreak89, switch to virtualbox!04:45
vinylfreak89stop it you04:45
valoriewell, I would have just stayed silent if I had realized what chan this was, sorry for the noise!04:45
* meoblast001 has pavucontrol open04:45
vinylfreak89you come here just to troll me04:45
meoblast001i don't see anything for routing sound04:45
invisiblekim interested in what is going on too, im not really a fan of the new way that X works04:45
invisiblekbut thats probably mostly because i dont understand it04:46
meoblast001what's the other pulse audio controller application?04:47
valoriekmix is supposed to do it, but I haven't had good luck04:48
valorieand there is vox something04:48
meoblast001wasn't there some Qt pulse controller?04:50
meoblast001with "q" in its name04:50
valoriehmmm, not finding what I want04:53
azzubayrHi there !05:17
azzubayrbye everybody05:24
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silv3r_m00nhi thre06:45
silv3r_m00nis there a good desktop widget or popup/notfier kind of thing which can notify of gmails for multiple accounts06:46
valoriethere is a mail notifier06:53
valorielook in kpackagekit06:53
valorieif you double-click, you'll get a longer description of the app below06:53
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dhqis there a better system monitor than gkrellmd08:24
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valorieyes, that's a Gnome mon08:25
valoriethe widgets are great08:25
dhqvalorie: i use kde08:25
valorieand systemmonitor is excellent also08:25
valoriehmm, is that the right name?08:26
dhqvalorie: is systemmonitor in the repos08:26
valoriesystem monitor08:26
valoriealt+f2 will get you krunner08:27
valoriesystem monitor and up it will pop08:27
valorieif you prefer text08:27
dhqi am getting system monitor downloaded08:27
valorieotherwise, the widgets08:27
valorieare great08:27
dhqvalorie: i got it in stalled  but i have to keep choosing the different tabs08:29
dhqi want something to look on the go08:29
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valoriethen you want the widgets08:31
valorieTemp, CPU, and Network are the ones I have installed08:32
valorieI think there are others also08:32
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m0RrEi've got the exact same problem with my three monitors as the guy posting here: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=89806#p16794809:26
m0RrE"Problem with twinview and 3 monitors"09:26
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bichoanyone here?09:57
bichoi have a doubt how do i register a channel?09:57
valoriehmmm, you might ask in #freenode09:57
valorieor do you want an Ubuntu chan?09:57
valoriein which case I think it's #ubuntu-ops09:58
bichook ty09:59
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jukhi, so desktop search, how it works, from kickoff menu?10:43
Riddelljuk: kickoff doesn't have desktop search integrated10:46
juki mean how do i try search10:46
Riddelluse Dolphin10:47
jukRiddell: what is input field bellow my name labeled `search` in kickoff menu for?10:48
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juki think i figured myself, that one is for menu search10:52
jukRiddell: thanks10:54
jukso is there any panel volume control thing?10:57
juki meant attached to panel10:58
valorieit's a widget in the panel11:03
jukvalorie: i don't have it11:05
valorieyou can add widgets easily11:10
valoriethat one won't have to be downloaded, just added from the "cashew"11:10
valoriesorry, my old dog is demanding11:15
jukvalorie: i don't see it for download either11:15
valorieas I say, you do not need to download it11:15
valorieit is one of the included widgets in plasma desktop11:15
valorieclick the cashew and +add widgets11:16
valorieand either scroll until you see it, or search for it11:16
jukvalorie: sorry, what is cashew11:16
jukvalorie: probably we have different versions of plasma desktop11:23
valoriekmix is standard11:26
valoriehas been for quite awhile11:26
valorieoh, the cashew is the little curled shape to the bottom right and top right of your screen11:26
valorieclick that for more choices11:26
valoriethat's the way you control plasma11:27
jukvalorie: no math for kmix there11:29
valorieright, it just might be volume control or something like that11:34
jukvalorie: thanks for explaining cashew11:35
valorieit's a little speaker with waves coming out the right side11:35
valorieif that helps you find it11:35
valoriemaybe just called volume11:35
valoriebut it's the widget controlling kmix11:35
valoriefunny, it doesn't have the app name anywhere11:36
valoriethat's a bit of bad design, for sure11:36
valorieanyway, I'm off to bed11:36
valoriebest of luck finding what you need....11:36
jukvalorie: thanks, good night11:37
wen dsf11:39
tristan3199us1so i usually use gnome.. i just wanted to try kubuntu.. and it worked fine the first time.. now i have this huge annoying black square in the way of the bottomof my screen.. what can i do11:40
tristan3199us1where is everyone11:43
cuznti went crazy11:44
i5noctristan3199us1, what cha need11:45
tristan3199us1isnt there supposed to be a tool bar on the bottom of my screen also.. i think its missing11:52
tristan3199us1how do i access my apps11:55
shahanI have installed kubuntu on my Maverick (ubuntu)13:22
shahanin ubuntu there I got the Drive by clicking on PLACES13:25
shahanbut in kubuntu I am not getting this type of things13:25
shahanhow can I browse my NTFS drives there in KDE environment13:26
tsimpsonshahan: look in dolphin, there should be a list of places on the left side13:31
shahantsimpson, hmm tnx13:33
shahanbut I am looking for something like the list as shown in GNOME13:34
shahanis it possible?13:34
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vinylfreak89 i upgraded VMWare Workstation to 7.1.3 today and my mouse stopped working (both with and without VMWare Tools installed). I tried reinstalling kubntu over top of it self twice with no luck, ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg several times and still nothing. when i boot the live CD the mouse works perfectly. how can I force my installed Kubuntu to redetect the VMware mouse? A clean install is not an option14:02
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone14:31
phoenix_firebrdmy kubuntu=10.10, kde=4.5.4 , kernel=2.6.35-23. i think my current kernel has some regression, bluetooth is not working properly, checked it with the previous version(2.6.35-22) bluetooth works fine. does kde 4.5.4 depend on 2.6.35-23 and is it safe to uninstall the kernel 2.6.35-23 and its headers14:35
kirthihow do i check the satus of website periodically??  Is there any application for this in KDE????14:36
phoenix_firebrdkirthi: does the webpage support rss14:37
amichairkirthi: what do you mean by 'status'?14:37
phoenix_firebrdkirthi: there is a widget to display a webpage , it may help you14:38
kirthii mean if the site is low or the server14:38
kirthihow to check that14:38
phoenix_firebrdkirthi: oh14:38
amichairI still don't understand the question - what's low? what's your definition of a site vs. a server?14:39
phoenix_firebrdhelp please14:39
kirthiit means the website and server...which is slow or not responding14:40
phoenix_firebrdkirthi:you can use google chrome's inspect elements to check if a page element takes a lot of time to load14:41
amichairkirthi: there are online tools and browser plugins (firebug, pagespeed) that measure the response times for each http request in a browser session... would that help you determine where you're losing time?14:42
phoenix_firebrdkirthi: if there is no problem with webage, try to browse the webpage using a anonymous proxy to see if there is a problem with your isp's router14:43
kirthiya i guess it would help...but...i was thinking are there any tools or applications in the KDE to check this?14:44
vinylfreak89 i upgraded VMWare Workstation to 7.1.3 today and my mouse stopped working (both with and without VMWare Tools installed). I tried reinstalling kubntu over top of it self twice with no luck, ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg several times and still nothing. when i boot the live CD the mouse works perfectly. how can I force my installed Kubuntu to redetect the VMware mouse? A clean install is not an option14:44
phoenix_firebrdkirthi: you can use tracert to see what server in between is taking much time14:44
amichairkirthi: not specific to KDE, as far as I know14:44
amichairkirthi: but of course any browser plugin, online service, or command line utility will work just fine under KDE as well...14:45
kirthii think i have to install that14:46
kirthiin my pc14:46
phoenix_firebrdkirthi: one that specific webpage is slower or one than one?14:46
amichairguys, you're not making any sense :-P14:47
kirthithat is what i am not getting...is there a problem with my website or from the server14:47
kirthii want to make sure that which one is slow14:47
amichairkirthi: can you describe your situation better? do you have your own website/webapp hosted on a remote server, and you're not sure if the host or your app is slow?14:48
kirthiya i do have it on the remote server..14:48
kirthibut i am not sure which is at fault the server or the webpage14:49
amichairkirthi: are there other websites on that server you can compare with?14:49
kirthibut they are all not in the same pace14:49
kirthisome are running fast and some are slow14:50
phoenix_firebrdkirthi: i think there are ways to test the quality of a server online, wait let me check that for you14:50
kirthiok sure14:50
amichairhere's one I just found: http://www.octagate.com/service/SiteTimer/14:50
phoenix_firebrdkirthi: http://www.vertain.com/?sst14:51
phoenix_firebrdmy kubuntu=10.10, kde=4.5.4 , kernel=2.6.35-23. i think my current kernel has some regression, bluetooth is not working properly, checked it with the previous version(2.6.35-22) bluetooth works fine. does kde 4.5.4 depend on 2.6.35-23 and is it safe to uninstall the kernel 2.6.35-23 and its headers14:52
phoenix_firebrdany one here14:54
kirthiok..thanks u very much Phoenix and amichair14:54
amichairphoenix_firebrd: sorry I don't know the answer to that :-/14:54
kirthii got the solutiom14:54
phoenix_firebrdamichair: ok14:54
phoenix_firebrdkirthi: what14:54
kirthi.thanks u very much Phoenix and amichair14:54
amichairkirthi: what did you find?14:54
phoenix_firebrdkirthi: ya what was the solution14:55
vinylfreak89i upgraded VMWare Workstation to 7.1.3 today and my mouse stopped working (both with and without VMWare Tools installed). I tried reinstalling kubntu over top of it self twice with no luck, ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg several times and still nothing. when i boot the live CD the mouse works perfectly. how can I force my installed Kubuntu to redetect the VMware mouse? A clean install is not an option14:55
kirthii got to know that my site is slow as well as the server...coz other page like FB and google are fast14:56
kirthiand there is lot of traffic involved in my server14:56
kirthiso both are getting slow14:56
amichairkirthi: if you use e.g. the pagespeed plugin, it will help you analyze what's slow and suggest solutions. It's a great tool for web development.14:57
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89: did you try starting the os without the xorg.conf file?14:58
vinylfreak89there is no Xorg.conf file14:58
kirthii will try it14:58
vinylfreak89its using the new Xorg 7.314:58
amichairvinylfreak89: I don't know if this is your case, but there was a nasty bug causing mouse trouble for a bunch of wireless models, fixed in the latest kernel update - are you all up to date?14:59
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89: is your mouse usb or ps/214:59
vinylfreak89its a touchpad14:59
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89: previously was it working fine?15:00
vinylfreak89until i upgraded to 7.1.315:00
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89: what is the kernel version15:00
vinylfreak89i was thinking it might be a kernel probelm15:00
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89: i am having problem with the kernel too. bluetooth is not working properly for me15:01
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89: does xorg 715:01
vinylfreak89well i booted to -2215:01
vinylfreak89and same issue15:01
vinylfreak89i even went back to .3215:01
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89: oh15:01
vinylfreak89same issue15:01
FloodBotK1vinylfreak89: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:01
vinylfreak89lmao... i always use enter as punctuation15:01
vinylfreak89what was your question about Xorg7?15:02
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89: did you try using 2.6.37-x?15:03
vinylfreak89nope is it in the repos?15:03
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89: is your mouse detected?15:03
vinylfreak89how can i determine that15:03
vinylfreak89if it doesn't move im going to assume no15:04
vinylfreak89i suppose booting verbose would be a good idea... can't believe i didn't think of that15:06
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89:try this "xinput list"15:07
vinylfreak89hang on15:07
vinylfreak89VM is booting15:07
vinylfreak89virtualcore printer and virtualcore keyboard, no mouse15:09
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89: try this "cat /proc/bus/input/devices"15:10
vinylfreak89power button15:10
vinylfreak89and keyboard15:10
vinylfreak89no mouse15:10
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vinylfreak89btw phoenix_firebird tyvm for your help15:12
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89: see if this page helps you https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input15:12
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89: yw15:12
christian__detected a problem with kmail15:14
christian__kmail seems to eat my memory (2.9 GB)15:15
christian__is there a known bug?15:15
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89: can you try the latest xorg server15:22
vinylfreak89im using whatever was installed with kubuntu15:23
kirthidude go to settings and aloot the memory options15:23
vinylfreak89i looked thru the link you sent me and it looks like the problem isn't with X necessarily.. the mouse isn't being detected at all by udev15:24
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89: oh15:25
vinylfreak89so i guess the question becomes how can i force udev to redetect it?15:25
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89: thats out of my knowledge buddy ,sorry.15:26
vinylfreak89no problem15:26
vinylfreak89thanks for your help15:26
vinylfreak89i think i know better what the issue is now15:26
phoenix_firebrdi am trying to remove a kernel it is asking me to remove linux-generic. is it safe to remove it?15:29
vinylfreak89as long as you have another working kernel15:29
phoenix_firebrdvinylfreak89: ok15:30
MariusKarthausHi, is it possible to get klipper back to it's usefull function of being able to search in your history by just typing again in kubuntu 10.10 ?16:31
MariusKarthausklipper lost it's most usefull function it seems :(16:33
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SnowhogMariusKarthaus: "by just typing again" in what?16:41
MariusKarthausin the 'old' kubutu you clicked on klipper and your history popped up. You just started typing a subtring of what you were looking for in your history and klipper would automatically filter it's selection options to your substring16:42
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metallicoguys, how do you get the interactive globe wallpaper in kubuntu. I dont have an "globe" option in the wallpaper type for some reason18:11
shahanhow to shutown the KDE ?18:20
shahannot getting any option18:20
m0RrEsudo shutdown -h now18:20
shahanm0RrE, ya this I know18:21
shahanbut looking for graphical18:21
m0RrEthe option "leave" should be in the kde-menu on your panel18:21
shahanm0RrE, ya , but on Leave I dont get the option for shutdown18:32
barbadillojust to say that i'm removing kubuntu-desktop replacing it with ubuntu-desktop18:44
barbadillobecause of kde4 is too heavy nearly unusable18:44
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cyberghostCan anyone help me... I have Kubuntu 10.10 and for some reason I can't install firefox18:56
Snowhogcyberghost: Is your 10.10 a new install?18:57
SnowhogAre you using the Firefox Installer that is in the K Menu?18:57
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cyberghosti tried it, the one listed under internet, it was the browser setup18:58
cyberghostit did not work18:58
Snowhogcyberghost: Firefox is a browser. When you say it did not work, what happened, or didn't happen?18:58
cyberghostand i've tried to get it via command line and nothing happened... said something about the source is temorarily unavailable or something18:58
xomareboot will help you)))18:59
xomai think...18:59
xomafirefox normally installed on my desktop after reboot19:00
cyberghostI don't know what to do, I'm very new to linux19:00
cyberghostthing is, i deleted it and now i'm trying to find it again19:00
Snowhogcyberghost: The Firefox Installer does work. If you ran it, Firefox should be installed. Reboot and then check the K > Internet menu again.19:01
cyberghost@Snowhog, where can I obtain the proper pacakge of firefox that can be installed on my system?19:02
cyberghostI deleted the one undernet the internet menu beings it would not install last time19:02
Snowhogcyberghost: That is what the Firefox Installer does - it installs Firefox Web Browser on your system. It is that simple.19:03
Snowhogcyberghost: REBOOT. Please. Then check again in K Menu > Internet. Firefox should be there.19:03
cyberghostUnderstand that but I no longer of the installer because I deleted it.19:03
xomacyberghost are you russian?19:04
cyberghostwill do19:04
DarthFrogNo need to reboot.  Log out then log back in again.19:04
cyberghostI will try that, brb19:05
SnowhogNewbies. You gota love 'em, and remember that we were once them too. :)19:05
DiogenesWof course we were19:06
DarthFrogNewbies are the primary reason this channel exists. :-)19:06
DiogenesWcalls for tolerance19:06
Snowhogand patience.19:06
xomawho tried to run ragnarok online under wine?19:07
cyberghostreboot didn't work19:08
cyberghostoh wait, let me check the trash19:08
xomasudo apt-get install firefox19:08
DarthFrogcyberghost: Are you willing to do some command line work?19:09
cyberghosti will try that19:10
cyberghost@Darth, I'm down for anything... I would just like to install FF because the default browser stinks19:11
cyberghostxoma, seems to bet grabbing the file19:12
cyberghostnever worked before m819:12
cyberghostI hope I can get Kubuntu to work the way I want it because I have grown to Hate Windows OS's19:13
DarthFrogcyberghost: You will. :-)19:13
cyberghostDarth, gimme a minute to see if this method works for me19:13
DarthFrogcyberghost: If you're doing "sudo apt-get install firefox", it should work.  Afterwards, "dpkg --list | grep firefox" will tell you if it's installed.19:14
DarthFrogcyberghost: Well?   Are you enjoying the delights of Firefox now?19:22
cyberghostIt's still downloading, My internet is extremely slow but that will be taken care of in a day or so...19:22
cyberghostat least there is proof its in the mix lol19:23
DarthFrogYou will likely want to install flash-plugin also.  Or perhaps not if you've got a slow net connection.19:23
xomaо_0 GPRS?19:23
cyberghosti'm happy to see the sudo command working finally19:23
cyberghostlol, it says 1hr 53 min for download19:24
xomaand how many do you pay for THAT?19:25
cyberghostbeen contending with the free wifi at the motel i stay at and its terrible19:25
cyberghostwhen i get clear, it will be 50 bucks a month19:25
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xomafor what speed?19:26
cyberghostit says 4g19:26
cyberghostclear offers 4g hotspot access19:26
cyberghostwhen they say 4g i wonder if they are refering to wimax? or that just a protocol?19:27
Guest22033I have a question about ubuntu19:27
xomarussian people pay 50 bucks for 10-100mbit in different regions...19:27
DarthFrogcyberghost: 4G is a protocol for cell phone internet/data access.19:28
cyberghostI will run a speed test when I get it and let you know19:28
Guest22033what is the difference between ubuntu and debian because I use the same command line for them19:28
DarthFrogcyberghost: Be careful.  Your use is likely metered.19:29
SnowhogGuest22033: Ubuntu is based on Debian.19:29
DarthFrogGuest22033: Ubuntu is Debian, developed for the desktop.19:29
DarthFrogGuest22033: But it is not part of the Debian distribution, it is a separate endeavour.19:29
Snowhogcyberghost: What you will want to know, is how much - per month - bandwidth you will be getting for your $50.00, and how much extra you will be charged when you go over that limit.19:30
DarthFrogGuest22033: Ubuntu takes Debian, adds its own special sauce :-) and makes an easy to use distribution  Debian is many things but it is not easy to use.19:30
Guest22033yep it's true19:31
dereine_hi when i try to login into kde, i got logged out again19:32
dereine_my kdm log is here: http://pastebin.com/jWMDJ6NZ19:32
dereine_i think IBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon19:32
dereine_ isn't that good19:32
DarthFrogGuest22033: Also, Ubuntu can use a number of different desktop environments.  The default environment is GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment).  Kubuntu (which is what this channel is about) uses the much superior :-) KDE Software Compilation.19:32
dereine_any kind of help would be cool19:33
DarthFrogGuest22033:  Which desktop environment you use (GNOME, KDE, XfCE or L???) is a matter of personal choice.19:33
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.19:34
acemohas anyone played a full hd video without frame skippings using an ati hd5000 series graphics card?19:34
DarthFrogacemo: All the time.19:34
acemoDarthFrog: why isn't it working for me?!19:34
Guest22033I don't know19:34
DarthFrogacemo: You're special?  <grinning, ducking and running>19:35
Guest22033can I use a command line to sit it ?19:35
acemoDarthFrog: how do you play full hd movies?19:35
Guest22033to see it19:35
DarthFrogacemo: I've not done that.  Just videos and YouTube.19:36
DarthFrogIn 1080p, though.19:36
DarthFrogGuest22033: To see what?19:36
Guest22033the environnement I mean Kde or gnome ?19:37
DarthFrogGuest22033: If you're running Ubuntu, you're in GNOME.  If you're running Kubuntu, you're in KDE.19:37
Guest22033ok I am running Ubuntu19:38
acemoDarthFrog: full hd youtube works... wtb..19:38
Guest22033thx DarthFrog19:38
DarthFrogGuest22033:  "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" will install KDE side-by-side GNOME if you want to try it out.  You can select which desktop environoment to run from the graphical login screen.19:39
DarthFrogGuest22033: "apt-cache search kubuntu" will tell you all what's available to install  for KDE/Kubuntu.19:40
Guest22033ok what is kubuntu ?19:40
acemoubuntu with kde19:41
ubottukubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde19:41
DarthFrogGuest22033: You're currently chatting in the Kubuntu support channel.19:41
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.19:42
DarthFrogdereine_: Does that behaviour survive a reboot?19:43
dereine_DarthFrog, sadly yes19:44
dereine_DarthFrog, already tryed to move .kde to .kde-old19:44
dereine_already full-reinstalled all kde packages19:44
DarthFrogdereine_: How about "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" then reboot.19:45
Guest22033I understand19:45
jussidereine_: do you have ibus installed?19:45
dereine_jussi: yes,19:46
dereine_DarthFrog: no new packages was installed19:46
jussi(and running?)19:46
DarthFrogdereine_: Can you create a new user and log in as that user?  Do you get the same behaviour?19:46
dereine_darthanubis: a new user works fine19:48
dereine_will try another reboot, thanks for the help already!19:49
dereineso after the restart sadly my main-user still doesn't login to kde19:52
dereinewhat might be interesting is when i start any kind of kde-application in gnome i got: http://pastebin.com/Md6BabT419:53
cyberghostis there not a way to backup your main user, delete and add back?19:54
DarthFrogdereine: How about trying this: "mv ~/.kde ~/kde.saved", so that you don't have any KDE config at all.  Then log out and try logging back in again.19:56
DarthFrogcyberghost: Which will do almost what you just suggested. :-)19:56
cyberghostin windows it sounds kinda like UAC19:57
dereineDarthFrog: already did it but will try again19:57
DarthFrogcyberghost: Go wash your mouth out with soap! :-)19:57
cyberghostlol, i expected that response actually lol19:57
DarthFrogdereine: Hmm.19:57
DarthFrogdereine: What I'd try next is to delete everything in /tmp, then reboot.19:58
dereineDarthFrog: perhaps it's a important information that i encrypt my data19:59
dereineDarthFrog: perhaps kde doesn't know it19:59
* dereine has no idea how this works technically19:59
DarthFrogdereine: Shouldn't make any difference, I shouldn't think.19:59
dereineokay will try to /tmp thing, thanks!20:00
DarthFrogdereine: I presume that it worked before and this is a new issue?20:00
dereineDarthFrog: i have to admit that i installed kde 4.6 and now wanted to go back to 4.520:00
DarthFrogdereine: You may need root privileges to remove everything in /tmp.20:00
DarthFrogdereine: Bingo!20:00
dereinewill be back after a reboot!20:01
cyberghostahhh 23 minutes left20:02
dereinehi again20:03
cyberghostso i heard its impossible to install or run windows programs in linux using a VM??? Like if I want to use daemon tools to mount an image or burn a cd I could still use it with  linux?20:03
dereineDarthFrog: so sadly this didn't worked but you had a bingo :)20:04
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DarthFrogdereine: You should have mentioned that you tried to downgrade from KDE 4.6 to 4.5 before.20:04
dereineDarthFrog: sry, missed it :(20:05
DarthFrogCuz that's likely where the problem is coming from.20:05
dereinecyberghost: deamon tools might be special because a) it uses your cd burner b) deamon tools does quite some tricks to be able to write cd's how they want it20:05
DarthFrogdereine: Grasping at straws here:  sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop20:06
dereineokay no change :(20:09
dereineDarthFrog: the reinstall didn't changed something20:11
DarthFrogdereine: How about nuking KDE and re-installing it?20:11
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome20:11
dereineDarthFrog: already did this20:12
DarthFrogdereine: Hmm. Well, since the new user you created works, use that? :-)20:12
dereineDarthFrog: probably will do it, thanks for all your help!20:16
dereineif anyone needs some drupal help ...20:16
DarthFrogdereine: You're welcome.  Sorry I couldn't be of more use.20:16
dereineit's my fault... perhaps next time i will wait for testing it20:17
DarthFrogdereine: No you won't.  :-)  And you know it!20:20
dereineDarthFrog: you got me :)20:21
dereine4.6 is definitive interesting but showing each network-smb-storage-device is horrible20:21
dereineif you are in a network with probably more then thousand other studetns20:22
DarthFrogdereine: I've not done it, since I'm only a home user on my own LAN but can't you turn off browsing?20:23
dereinethe problem is the divice-notifier20:23
dereineit pops up every second20:24
dereinebecause someone logged into the network20:24
DarthFrogWell, I know that can be turned off.20:24
DarthFrogOr configured.20:24
dereineseemed to be a file-config20:24
akR4hi here20:27
wilhartppl, wilhart@dragonfly:/var/lib/alsa$ alsactl store20:38
wilhartalsactl: save_state:1532: Cannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing: Permission denied20:38
wilhartshould i add wilhart in group or something20:38
wilhartit doesnot save my config!! mmm20:39
DarthFrogwilhart: Try "sudo alsactl store"20:41
wilhartdarthanubis, yep but wheni boot again i have to store em20:41
wilhartcan i run COMPIZ with KDE Effects?20:49
darthanubiswilhart: I barked up that tree and did not like it20:50
darthanubisseems compiz would not give me widgets andd such, as in there were no kwin effects or plasma?20:51
darthanubisI could be wrong20:51
darthanubisI just switched back to kwin and turned off blur. All seems well now.20:51
wilhartDarkriftX, yep i'm trying gnome now20:53
DarthFrogwilhart: Tab completion is not your friend today. :-)20:54
wilhartdainius, ?20:54
wilhartdarthanubis, ?20:54
wilhartmeh, DarthFrog20:55
darthanubisI thought he was talking to me earlier20:55
DarthFrogdarthanubis: We Sith have to stay together. :-)20:55
darthanubisJust had to explain what Sith means to my GF. Are we really this nerdy?20:56
darthanubisDarthFrog: do you have a Nvidia card and any issues after being logged in for days?20:57
DarthFrogNo, I have a Radeon.20:57
DiogenesWgute nacht21:08
eagles0513875hey guys quick question is there a package which containes the java-me (mobile edition) in the repos21:43
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.21:44
Snowhogeagles0513875: No. At least not in any of the standard repos I have active. You might want to review this blog post: http://albertmatyi.blogspot.com/2010/04/develop-mobile-applications-under-linux.html21:56
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eagles0513875humm this should be interesting developing for a mobile device22:01
eagles0513875with out the java me22:01
eagles0513875Snowhog: seems like openjdk has java me included cuz netbeans allows me to create mobile apps22:06
eagles0513875what i find odd is how i cant do that with eclipse22:06
Snowhogeagles0513875: You can get Sun Java Wireless Toolkit 2.5.2_01 for CLDC from here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/download-135801.html22:07
eagles0513875Snowhog: thats not what im after22:07
eagles0513875im helping an open source project as they are working towards a mobile version of said app22:07
Snowhogeagles0513875: Okay. So openjdk gives you what you need?22:08
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* crack05 is away (Gone)22:22
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KukuNutwhere is the 4.5.4 for the Lucid 10.04 LTS?22:31
nixternalKukuNut: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45422:32
KukuNutnixternal: I'm looking for 10.04 LTS not 10.1022:35
nixternalRiddell: ^^ are you guys doing 4.5.4 for 10.04?22:39
nixternalI wouldn't know, I am not a dev22:39
RiddellKukuNut, nixternal: there are no plans to do 4.5.4 for 10.0422:40
KukuNutRiddell: so you are saying 10.04 users are on their own?22:42
RiddellKukuNut: if you want the latest updates you need the latest kubuntu version in general22:43
crazycheetahanyone here in the know of how to setup networking, specifically for virtual machines? Having problems where I need two virtual machines (vbox) to talk to eachother, but I need at least one of them to also connect to the internet. Haven't gotten anything to work so far...23:05
mika_hi, is there anyone who has xorg that sometimes (/ very frequently) use near 40-50% of the cpu? then closing some app (usually firefox, but also chromium, konsole, kontact, etc etc) everything became normal again ?23:11
Rigmarolemika_: happened to me once before with Amarok. I have no idea what caused it, but when I quit Amarok it went back down to normal usage23:16
mika_Rigmarole: it's happening all the time... like i close firefox, everything ok, i reopen it and after some minutes the same problem23:16
mika_but it's not only firefox (so no leaked addons)23:17
mika_and this is only recent (some update probably, but don't know which one)... i use kubuntu for a year now and it never happened before23:18
Rigmaroledo you have desktop effects enabled?23:19
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mika_nope, i disabled them, thinking that was it... it was not..23:19
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wilhartwhy do i get tearing when watching movies23:25
wilhartJ #u23:26
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