
F3RR1Sif anyone has an "i945" graphics card and you have created an xorg.conf... I would really appreciate a pastebin07:35
szczurF3RR1S, http://www.osguides.net/operation-systems/217-how-to-create-xorgconf-in-ubuntu-910.html07:39
szczurbut, replace gdm with lxdm in "sudo service gdm stop" line07:40
szczurhi Cullz07:40
Cullzjust put lxde on standard ubuntu to show my dad07:41
Cullzhaving a few bugs07:41
Cullzone harmless thing is that firefox keeps flashing as needing attention down in the task bar, even when it's open :)07:42
F3RR1Sszczur,  thanks I have seen this but it is not a great help07:43
F3RR1Schecking with the xorg channel07:44
Cullzalso lxde battery monitor wont find my laptop battery. is there a way to add gnome based panel item applets into lxde?07:44
szczurCullz, i'm afraid it's not possible07:47
MkaysiWhy download button directs to http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir/lubuntu-10.10.iso and not to http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir ?07:49
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
SwB_Morning, just installed lubuntu but having problems connecting to the wireless network. I find the network alright, however, the network authentication windows pops-up only to disappear 0.1 seconds later not giving me time to enter the network-code. Anyone with any clue what it could be? Thanks!10:34
bioterrorsounds weird11:15
grizliHi, I have 10.10 and can't seem to find a switch user option and I really need it.11:40
grizliIs it even available?11:40
bioterrornope, not in lubuntu11:41
bioterroryou have to logout :(11:41
grizliWell, I hope it'll be available in the next version. Otherwise I really like lubuntu.11:44
bioterrornot in natty11:45
bioterrorbut yeah, it would be welcome feature11:45
bioterroras youre not onlyone asking for it11:45
grizliarghh, why not...11:46
grizlitoday almost every computer has at least two users11:47
bioterroror every user has atleast two computers ;)11:47
grizlithat too :)11:48
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
brodulllI have a similar problem http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1714&start=013:03
brodulllIs this a known bug ?13:03
phillwbrodulll: about the only mention I can find is at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=998051813:14
phillwbrodulll: I cannot find mention of it on the mailing list, either.13:17
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
arkanabarI'm considering installing on an old 2000 series Dell Dimension desktop; it has 128Mb of ram, with 1Mb dedicated to video.  Think the install will work?15:58
Ahmuck-Srdoes lubuntu have a install to usb key option?16:00
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
gilirphillw, are you here ?17:57
ubot5`Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:31
ubot5`Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)18:35
mark76Bah. ubot5 doesn't know Welsh :p18:44
AndrewMCnope i guess not18:47
jarnosI have three screensaver daemons running when I start lubuntu netbook session.18:50
jarnostwo xscreensavers and one gnome-screensaver18:50
jarnoslubuntu 10.04 is what I am talking about, but I have installed lubuntu-desktop on xubuntu.18:52
bioterrorjarnos, sounds like our installation is not clean18:55
bioterrorjarnos, I assumed you've installed ubuntu first and then lubuntu-desktop, right?18:55
jarnosbioterror, xubuntu first18:56
bioterrorjarnos, well18:57
jarnosbioterror, but it does not include gnome-screensaver, which I have installed separately.18:57
bioterrorjarnos, http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde19:03
ubot5`日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい19:03
jarnosbioterror, yeah, but it is not 10.10, but 10.0419:04
jarnosbioterror, I wonder if xubuntu has an effect, when you start a lubuntu session or lubuntu netbook session.19:05
bioterrormark76, weechat + urxvt looooks good19:06
ubot5`#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India19:06
ubot5`For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk19:06
ubot5`La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe19:07
mark76I've never used a console IRC client, bioterror19:07
ubot5`For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية19:08
mark76Are we testing how many languages it knows?19:09
bioterrormark76, http://ricecows.org/country.png19:09
bioterrorlooks good, right?19:11
mark76Looks like IRC19:11
mark76S'okay I supose19:12
bioterrorutf-8 is nice, I gotta admit it19:12
bioterrormy taskbar settings is missing "show applications from all workspaces"19:14
jarnosBut why there are two xscreensavers running. It is not even ticked in Desktop Session Settings.19:17
bioterrorsad157    1351  0.0  0.0  54516  2528 ?        S    20:51   0:00 xscreensaver -no-splash19:18
bioterrorI've got one19:18
bioterroryeah, I've got on my 11.04 laptop "show windows from all desktops"19:39
bioterrorand my 10.10 installation lacks that one19:39
bioterrornot good!19:39
* bioterror wonders if I would upgrade my desktop too...19:39
leszekhmm... this is basically a windowmanager (openbox) feature19:39
leszekI guess you just need the same newer version that natty ships with on your maverick installation19:40
bioterrorhi retku19:44
mark3Does weechat have any way of doing multiple rooms? bioterror19:44
bioterrormark3, what do you mean by rooms?19:44
bioterrorlike #lubuntu and #lubuntu-offtopic19:44
bioterror/j #lubuntu-offtopic19:45
bioterrormark3, http://www.weechat.org/files/doc/stable/weechat_quickstart.en.html19:45
=== mark3 is now known as mark76
bioterrormark76, if you have more than 10 windows, you can use meta+j numebers19:47
bioterrorlike alt+j 2319:47
bioterrorand you get to window 2319:48
bioterror[38%] 4299kB/s 46s  1s19:58
bioterrorfetching update19:58
bioterrormark76, you see?20:03
mark76Hey nothing20:24
bioterrorproblems disappeared20:28
bioterrorgilir, I upgraded my desktop to 11.04 as I had some problems with my installation21:04
bioterrornm-applet didnt show icon at all and show windows from all desktops was gone from task bar settings21:06
bioterrorseems like I'm really hunting bugs now :D21:07
bioterrorgilir, question. are you reading21:07
bioterrorgilir, some people are asking user switching21:08
gilirbioterror, please report bugs for your issues21:12
gilirand user switching is not available with LXDM, you need GDM21:13
bioterrorwell, if I see bugs :D21:14
Newkhi there.. the problems that i have with 10.10 and my graphics card and X could be related to not using the "nopat" option when booting the kernel.. what will that disable?21:24
Newkah thanx!21:28
kosaidpohello guys21:30
kosaidpoi wanna edit the http.conf file and iwanna make sure im editin the write one well im sayin this cus i think there more21:31
Newkso i will lose some flexability regarding to memory handling when using the NOPAT boot-option21:31
kosaidpobtw the one i found under /etc/apache2 its empty21:31
bioterrorkosaidpo, how about locate httpd.conf?21:32
kosaidpobioterror: i triend find and it was so verbose so many lines with so much time okies ill try locate21:33
kosaidpobioterror: thanks :D21:33
bioterroror find / |grep http(d).conf21:33
Newkgoing to try it anyway, bioterror, thanx for finding that.. strange i googled but couldnt find any good explantion21:33
bioterrorNewk, if it fixes your proble, go for it21:33
kosaidpobioterror: locate its really cool21:34
kosaidposo fast21:34
kosaidpon precise21:34
bioterrorlocate uses database21:34
bioterrorfind does the same as locate when running that updated21:34
kosaidpoi kno its default but im sure ill never21:34
kosaidpocreate a new file then search for it :P21:34
kosaidpobioterror: thanks  but is it normal if this file is empty ?21:35
bioterrorbut I'm off to bed early this time21:35
bioterrorlaters mate21:35
bioterroreven I need to sleep sometime :)21:35
kosaidpohave a deep sleep bioterrorq21:35
Kurdistanhey guys there is a bug in lubuntu menu. some application I uninstall is still there. like arista transcoder. gnome search.23:32

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