
hajourhai jono and vish07:36
hajouri got another idea to put on the list07:42
hajoura pop up speak for memory problem combine with blind07:42
hajourhave put the idea by my list accessibility on my wiki page08:14
hajourpff forgot tab08:20
hajourAlanBell,  i want to contact a school for deaf people and ask where they have problem with08:22
hajourmaybe some will try ubuntu out08:23
hajourhai cprofitt  12:34
hajourhai all16:47
hajourhave to say .duanedesign his program cli companion is also accessibility to learn by example linux command.easier with read/writhe problems16:54
hajournow i dare to try to learn it16:55
hajourbut i have to eat.so til later :)16:56
hajourjono thanks for the compliment in your journal .:)17:15
jonohajour, no worries, thanks for the lovely poem!17:28
hajour:) is what i feel.17:28
hajourjono i dit not expect so much after the poem.not really knowing how to react on the commotion.17:31
charlie-tcahajour: so first people want to know your ideas, now we think you write good poetry, too :-)17:35
* hajour hides17:35
UndiFineDdoes that mean jono wants to do something on ethos / respect too ?17:36
hajoursorry i was getting help for someone17:38
hajourknow i can talk17:38
hajoursorry for delay :)17:38
hajourjono i thought it will be good if i can come in contact from development.so i can tell and they can ask17:40
hajourprefer in chat.i am not good in email.and i think chat is some more personally17:43
hajoursorry for my bad English17:43
hajourhai davidb 17:46
davidbhi hajour 17:46
hajourcurious when we get the next meeting ?17:48
davidbi don't have context.17:51
hajourit should be nice to now who works on what17:52
davidbhajour, you mean in linux a11y?17:53
hajourand give and get information from  each other17:54
hajouraccessibility davidb 17:55
davidbone way is social apps... twitter, blogs17:56
davidbi don't know of one uber-mailing list for example17:56
davidbi do firefox a11y fwiw17:56
davidbbut i'm also interested in foss a11y generally17:57
hajourok davidb , UndiFineD  have explain to me what that mean17:59
hajourhe is in the same room17:59
davidbUndiFineD, thanks17:59
hajouri have some idea s for solutions18:00
hajourproblems and possible solutions are on my subpage from my wiki profile page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/hajour/accesibility18:01
hajourit would be nice if you would look at them.hopefully you have something on the idea s18:02
davidbyou should file bugs :)18:03
jonohajour, sorry, was on the phone18:04
jonowell glad you are part of the Ubuntu family :-)18:04
hajourok .if i understand correct from UndiFineD  you mean join bugs on launchpad 18:05
hajourthanks jono18:05
UndiFineDbut for the issues that do not have an application yet18:06
UndiFineDwhat is she to with that18:06
hajouri do my best just like anyone here on ubuntu18:06
UndiFineD*todo *18:06
hajournp jono . about the phone line :)18:07
hajouryes i now what UndiFineD  means.18:08
hajourdavidb, some idea s have not yet a application.18:09
davidbsorry i'm pretty busy18:10
hajourdavidb, .where i put that idea s ore problems?18:11
davidboverloaded even :)18:11
davidbYour title says ideas, which covers the topics well I think.18:12
hajourdavidb,  dont need to answer now.but just should appreciated you think about it18:12
davidbthanks for the url hajour 18:12
hajourthanks davidb 18:13
hajourdavidb, it should be nice others also get the link who do development/programming that sort of things18:14
hajourdont need to answer right now davidb .i can read later back18:16
hajourdavidb, thanks for your time.18:17
davidbhajour, you might want to ask around #a11y on irc.gimp.net18:17
hajourok thanks for the information davidb .18:19
hajourif you want something to now just drop the question :)18:20
davidbgot any good lotto numbers?18:20
hajouri am much here in chat and in lubuntu-offtopic.18:21
hajourno i wish i new18:21
hajourdavidb,  in launchpad is my mailadres to.so if you want to know something about what i know .just send a mail ore drop by here.18:23
hajourwas nice talking with you.18:24
hajourjono was nice talking to you to :)18:25
hajourhave to do some things.then off to sleep.i have sleep last night 1 and a half hour18:26
jonohajour, and you! :)18:31
hajourhai Cheri703 20:28
hajourgood night all22:03

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