
Criscohrw: are you there?01:20
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ranjithhi all06:00
ranjithany one know , how the gnome-rdp can be installed in the ubuntu-arm working or omap4-blaze .?06:01
hrwranjith: probably the same way as any other package06:02
ranjithI ahve not yet installed any package in ubuntu-arm .. is it same as how we do in normal ubuntu ..?06:03
hrwjust other architecture06:04
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ranjithso that means the installation will work with the apt-get install ..?06:08
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ranjithwhile doing sudo dd bs=4M if=ubuntu-netbook-10.10-preinstalled-netbook-armel+<omap image>.img of=/dev/<device name>  , will it create two parttions in the 4gb sdcard or three,06:46
ranjithI had instaled the ubuntu-arm on omap4-blaze last day, but while trying to install it again, now its failing. its creating 3 parttions in my card and not booting ..06:47
hrwI do not know - I do not use ubuntu images07:04
ranjithhrw: is there any other way than using this image ..?07:06
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sveinseIs there a mailing list similar to this channel?11:49
hrwsveinse: ubuntu-devel is used now11:55
jacquesdupontdhey guys anybody in U.S heard about a U.S missile launch those days?12:08
sveinseIs there a way to build apps with the cross compiler and make the linking against userspace target [dynamic] libraries?12:34
sveinseI'm trying to build a Qt application, which I am able to fully build and link with a cross compiler. But as soon as I link against other libs which is installed on the target Ubuntu ARM, the linker gets confused12:36
sveinseE.g 1) On target /usr/lib/libpthread.so is a linker script referring to "/lib/libpthread.so" which confuses the cross compiler, as this is then referring to the host lib12:37
sveinseSo I fixed that by modifying the scripts and the linker is partly happy. When I try to link against, say libpulse.so, it requires a lot of other libs, like libz.so, which the linker cannot find without explicitly naming -lz when linking12:39
sveinseIt gets me to wonder: How is it intended to use the cross compiler should be used and what option have i missed?12:39
sveinseIs these problems at all familiar to anyone?12:39
sveinseOn target native building is really not an option for us, because it pratically renders the build servers useless...12:41
sveinseOne option could be to make a ARM rootfs with the -dev packages installed, and inject the cross-compiler into it and then use chroot.12:42
sveinseBut this seems like hairy methods to me12:42
rsalvetiand it's still slow, real cross should be the best option12:43
rsalvetimaybe hrw can help you better12:43
rsalvetibut I believe this will only be fixed with multiarch support12:43
hrwsveinse: check for xdeb in wiki.linaro.org12:45
* hrw -> confcall12:46
janimorsalveti: hello12:47
rsalvetijanimo: hey12:51
janimorsalveti: was looking around what tasks to pick :)12:51
janimowas looking into the haskell FTBFS's12:51
janimoand to the linaro qemu thing12:51
sveinsehrw: anything particular I'm looking for on the wiki?12:52
janimosince my arm board arrives tomorrow, I think I'll try out the install in qemu first12:52
rsalvetijanimo: ok, should be ok with qemu12:52
rsalvetiif you use the same qemu as linaro and the omap3 kernel12:52
janimorsalveti: yes, using qemu from linaro ppa, omap3 10.10 image12:53
janimoand will look for a kernel image12:53
ogra_acno armel builds12:55
janimoogra_ac: I'll look into OO as well12:55
ogra_aci guess you have to wait for the kdelibs stuff to be done12:56
ogra_acit wont build otherwise12:56
janimojust when it is time12:56
janimoso is the toolchain fix for Qt released then?12:56
ogra_acwell, i'm not sure we will sync it into natty12:56
janimoLibO ?12:56
ogra_ac(libO i mean)12:56
janimohmm, past freeze or why?12:57
janimothey have 3.3 RC1 out12:57
ogra_acthe toolchain fix was actually there before A1 but nobody noticed (the changelog entry was a bit weird)12:57
janimoand seem to be progressing nice, and the deb packager is up to date12:57
ogra_acwell, i have no idea what the TB decided12:57
janimoso QT stuff should just need a 'try rebuild' ?12:57
ogra_acso i dont know if we ship OO.o or libO12:57
janimoogra_ac: ah, was there a TB meeting regarding this12:57
* janimo missed it :(12:57
ogra_acno idea12:57
ogra_acbut i would expect this to be a TB decision12:58
janimoI hope we'll use LibO, much nicer upstream, much less work for ubuntu packager12:58
ogra_aci was just writing some letters with zoho and its really unusable12:58
ogra_acthat made me look at the debian libO stuff12:58
janimobut isn;t current OO in natty working?12:59
ogra_acshould work afaik12:59
janimoLibO takes many hours to build on a decent x86 desktop12:59
ogra_acbut my ac100 has only 4G free, i dont want to waste that space on an office suite12:59
janimoI wonder how much it is on an arm borad12:59
ogra_acso i decided to use what we ship on arm12:59
ogra_acwhich is zoho13:00
ogra_acbut that has multiple issues13:00
janimoI did not know about zoho13:00
janimois that FOSS too?13:00
ogra_acits a web sevice13:00
ogra_acsimilar to google docs13:00
janimono deskto pcomponent at all?13:00
ogra_acthere is mime integration and .desktop files we ship13:00
janimoI knew about it but though maybe there some glue for the ubuntu desktoip (indicators whatnot)13:00
ogra_acJamieBennett did do that before he moved to linaro13:01
ogra_acnobody really improved it beyond that13:01
ogra_acbut the issues i had were rather on the zoho side, not with our integration13:01
ogra_acmain issue is that it hangs eternally once you try to use copy/paste13:02
ogra_acOO.o takes 36h to build on armel13:02
ogra_aci wouldnt expect libO to be much different13:02
ogra_acbuut as soon as we switch to panda buildds that will change significantly13:02
ogra_ac(should reduce the time to 1/2)13:03
sveinsehrw: Can I build production apps with xdeb, or is it just for convenience (i.e. experimental) ?13:06
hrwexperimental rather13:07
hrwubuntu and crosscompilation does not match13:07
sveinseso I've figured on my own..13:08
hrwsveinse: never heard of that mistical 16core 5GHz arm cpus and mainboard which takes 8 of them + 128GB of 3333MHz ddr3 ram?13:08
hrwI heard that ogra_ac uses such as desktop13:09
ogra_aci wouldnt mind to13:09
ogra_acwould be wuieter than my laptop13:09
hrwneither would I13:09
sveinsehrw: I should propose this to the purchasing and the the IT dept... Guess they won't like :D13:09
sveinseKind of ironic I would say. We have a large build server to our disposal in this project, but cannot use it properly to our benefit: cross-compile is dodgy, qemu is inefficient, running on target... :(13:12
janimohrw: is it only that ubuntu and xcompilation do not match or xdeb itself is not mature on any platform13:16
hrwxdeb is not mature13:17
hrwit is improving13:17
sveinseWell on the flipside, my impression is that Ubuntu ARM is pretty stable, since it relies on only native compiling.13:19
sveinseone of the reasons why we chose Ubuntu as system for our project (over OE)13:21
sveinseAre there any risks in cross compiling an application and then exporting it to the target in relationship to which cross compiler is used?  E.g. when the app dynamically relies on libc, I cannot choose cross compiler (CodeSourcery vs. armel-cross) freely since these are build against specific libc libs, right?13:32
sveinse(when running Ubuntu ARM on target, using libc installed from ubuntu)13:33
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hrwubuntu 10.10 provides armel cross compiler14:42
hrwbut is has a bug 684625 which I have a fix for so matter of 2 weeks?14:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 684625 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "libc6 is compiled for armv5 instead of armv7a (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68462514:43
davidmndec, holding on the phone15:02
ndecdavidm: sorry. i am a bit late. i am coming15:03
davidmndec, NP15:03
davidmndec, was worried I had messed up the time somehow15:03
* rsalveti lunch15:15
dmartogra_ac: hey there15:40
dmartTrying to understand the initramfs thing ... where does run-init come from?  The only source I know of is klibc15:41
dmartnpitre: ah, the other guys here thought you do15:42
dmart(wrong channel)15:43
dcordesdmart: what is it you don't understand ?16:37
dmartdcordes: I don't understand ogra's statement about run-init being linked against glibc ... if run-init is build from the klibc package ...?16:44
dmart /win 516:44
GrueMasterrsalveti: Did you know that Friday's (Alpha 1) image doesn't have networking?16:54
rsalvetiGrueMaster: I only saw that the nm-applet icon wasn't there17:00
rsalvetithat's kind of ok for alpha, you still can fire dhcp by hand if you need/want17:00
rsalvetibut would be good to reproduce the issue, fire a bug and debug17:01
rsalvetiseems that the gnome-panel is not that stable either17:01
rsalvetisome times I get seg fault while loading it17:01
rsalvetijust need to find time to debug and report these issues17:01
GrueMasterNot a big deal for A1, but this kind of stuff needs to be listed in the release notes.  This is one of the reasons why I hate last minute respins.17:02
rsalvetisure, but we did the respin because otherwise we would basically miss it17:03
GrueMasterFriday was supposed to be dedicated to blueprint work.  Instead I had to pack up a panda & monitor to take downtown to the PDX meeting so I could try to figure this out.17:03
GrueMasterI understand the reasoning behind the respin.  Never said I had to like it.  :P17:03
GrueMasterBut so far, I have had little time for blueprint work, due to respin testing, -proposed testing, and other interrupts.17:04
* GrueMaster wonders if someone added an automated test somewhere to test his sanity.17:05
rsalvetiyeah, I also got quite busy with stuff I wasn't planning for17:05
rsalvetiGrueMaster: if you find time, check if today's image also have this issue17:05
GrueMasterI already pulled it.  Will look at in a little bit. (part of my morning routine).17:06
rsalvetiok, let me know if you're still facing these issues, will try to debug later then17:09
tmztogra_ac: abiword doesn't work for you? ac100 is going well then?17:41
Nekoogra, ogra_ac about usb-imagewriter or so, is there a good reason why it can't use compressed images and decompress them?18:36
GrueMasterNeko: You can file a wishlist bug for it.  The images it was originally designed for are x86 .iso type images though.  It really doesn't do a raw-write as needed by our preinstalled images.18:41
Nekonot Startup Disk Creator18:42
GrueMasterI don't think it has been worked on in over a year, since usb-imagecreator became the default for Ubuntu.18:48
GrueMasterAnd ogra is out until the end of the year (may make an appearance now and again, but doubtful).18:49
Nekousb-imagecreator doesn't work for arm netbook images which are still shipped as .img18:52
NekoI can't believe Ubuntu armel is still a second-rate distribution after Mark waved an AC100 round and said "this is the future!!"18:53
Nekois he being overridden by committee or something who only care about amd64?18:53
rsalvetiwell, as mark said, that's the future18:54
rsalvetinot now hehe18:54
rsalvetibut the idea is to get closer and closer with other archs18:54
Nekostartup disk creator only writes to partitions not to disks18:55
Nekoit's really clumsy :(18:55
GrueMasterLike I said, it was designed for .iso images to be written to USB.18:56
NekoI guess it's time to write a new tool for it18:58
Nekosounds like a fun project for me :D18:58
NekoBTW does Ubuntu hold the same "ARGH IT HAS TO BE GPL!!!!!" policy of Debian?18:59
Nekookay let me rephrase that in a less funny way19:00
Nekodoes Ubuntu hold the same "ARGH IT HAS TO BE GPL!!!!" policy as Debian, or comparitively the "OMG IF IT'S NOT BSD WE SHOULD REWRITE IT" of Open/FreeBSD for example?19:01
Nekobecause to be honest the BSD tools are much better than the GNU ones.. BSD tar is awesome for example, since it uses libarchive19:01
GrueMasterNeko: Why not pull a branch of usb-imagecreator and enhance it?19:01
NekoI'm apt-get sourcing it now :D19:02
NekoI just figured maybe it would be a cute idea to use the bsdtar and bsdcpio by default and make tar and cpio wrappers around it to mess with what the GNU differences are19:03
Nekothey can be faked..19:03
Nekoit reduces the footprint by a little bit, compression is automatically detected and extensible, it really is wicked19:05
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GrueMasterrsalveti: Something changed recently in natty as to networking.  I tried re-adding "auto usb0 ; iface usb0 inet dhcp" to /etc/network/interfaces and it works again.19:22
GrueMasterI don't have manifests for the images prior to A1 though.19:22
rsalvetiGrueMaster: ok, but that should work, are you able to see the nm-applet now?19:23
GrueMasterAfter adding the above two lines, yes.19:23
GrueMasterAnd it connects.19:23
rsalvetihm, weird19:23
GrueMasterAlthough the nm applet icon appears to be a disconnected wifi icon.19:24
GrueMasterShould be two arrows (up & down) for ethernet.19:24
rsalvetiiface usb0 inet dhcp probably says to nm to avoid managing it19:25
GrueMasterWill try w/o.19:25
rsalvetion maverick we don't need to put these lines and it works ok, as expected19:25
GrueMasterwe used to.19:26
rsalvetineed to check the nm log to understand why it's not calling dhcp at the interface19:26
rsalvetiGrueMaster: check /var/log/daemon.log19:26
GrueMasterI wrote a script to fix images prior to them working properly in mav.19:26
GrueMasterok.  rebooting, so one sec.19:26
GrueMasterhmm.  Dropping "iface usb0 inet dhcp" fails.  No nm applet.19:27
rsalvetiso it's probably failing to manage the usb0 interface19:28
rsalvetican you paste me the logs, since the boot?19:28
GrueMasterErm, give me a sec.  No network, no pastebinit.19:29
rsalvetiGrueMaster: give dhclient usb0 at serial19:32
GrueMasterYou assume I am using a serial console.19:32
GrueMasterI'm getting it online.  Just need to install pastebinit.19:33
GrueMasterGrrr.  universe is still not activated in the image.19:35
GrueMasterrsalveti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/54040619:41
rsalvetiGrueMaster: this is with or without the modification you made?19:43
GrueMasterShould have both.  I don't think the file changes between reboots.19:43
GrueMasterMy changes would be lower down the line.19:44
rsalvetiGrueMaster: Dec  6 02:44:58 sycamore init: network-manager main process (623) killed by SEGV signal19:44
rsalvetinot good19:44
rsalvetifirst error19:44
rsalvetinm-dispatcher.action: Script '/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/01ifupdown' exited with error status 119:44
GrueMasterYea, I'm seeing that a lot as I scroll down.19:45
rsalvetifirst thing would be to check why this script is returning error19:45
rsalvetiwhen you added your lines, nm probably decided not to manage the interface, and then it didn't get the segv19:47
rsalvetinm is probably calling this script with usb019:47
rsalvetiIfupdown: get unmanaged devices count: 119:49
rsalvetihere's where nm decided not to manage the usb0 interface19:49
rsalvetiGrueMaster: so our problem now is why nm is getting segv when trying to init the usb0 interface19:50
rsalveticould be because it doesn't expect the script to return an error19:50
GrueMasterI'm comparing with my other panda running maverick.19:51
* rsalveti is updating his natty image19:54
GrueMasterI tried the script manually with all 4 cases it uses and haven't seen an error.19:56
GrueMasterWill reboot w/o auto usb0 settings.19:56
GrueMasterIf I didn't know any better, I would think that it is going ipv6 only.20:00
rsalvetiwill try to reproduce it here when it finishes the update20:02
rsalvetiargh, sd card is too slow20:10
sveinsersalveti: BTW: I noticed that there are huge difference between sd cards, even within the same class rating, because their latencies varies a lot.20:21
sveinseIt's a challenge for us when we are sourcing sd cards because we need the right one, but its selection parameters is not listed in the card's specs20:22
sveinseI went to my local gadget store and bought a new SD card, and it was totally useless. It's read and write speeds were allright, even better than my old card, (I did verify) but the latencies are 5-7 times slower than my old.20:24
sveinseUbuntu was going from useful to useless20:25
rsalvetisveinse: yeah, true, problem is that I cannot find many different sd cards around20:25
rsalvetimostly they are from kingston20:26
rsalvetithat's why I have 2 usb disks around, currently running with maverick20:26
rsalvetia *lot* faster20:26
sveinseyes, the slow card was in fact a kingston. The old was a sandisk. I even tried a transcend bundled with my HTC. It's faster! (despite being a low-price card)20:27
rsalveticool, nice to know20:27
sveinseAre you modifying the CHS layout of the card?20:28
sveinseSome have proposed that doing so can really confuse the build in flash translation layer (FTL) since it needs to wrap 512b sectors into x kb flash sectors. Changing the CHS layout would probably make the sector requests out of order and thus creating a *huge* amout of erase cycles20:29
rsalvetiinteresting, never heard about that20:30
sveinseI havent confirmed if its really like this yet, though. In light of our commercial sourcing, I think I will ask specifically to the selected vendor about it to confirm/deny it.20:32
hrwsveinse: kingston just brands cards - atleast it was that way some time ago20:32
sveinsehrw: I think so too. And I also believe the card available at your local computer store are mostly low-price and low on performance.20:34
hrwI run ubuntu on sata disk connected though usb20:34
sveinseI also did that, but the USB stack died a couple of times and killed the FS :(20:35
hrwbut usb on pandaboard is not as fast as I woule too20:35
sveinseI experience NFS being more stable, albeit slower20:36
hrwdepends - on some devices it is faster then local storage20:37
sveinsehrw: I trust I can rely on that the host's libstdc++6-armel-cross and libc6-armel-cross are in sync/ABI compatible with the native armel counterparts?20:40
hrwsveinse: same sources, same configs, same compile flags20:40
hrwsveinse: but current one are broken20:41
sveinsehrw: In what way? Do you have a reference to bug or similar?20:42
hrwnormal are armv7, cross are armv520:42
hrwbug 68462520:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 684625 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "libc6 is compiled for armv5 instead of armv7a (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68462520:42
GrueMasterrsalveti: I wonder if NetworkManager is having issues with the non-existent mac address that was fixed in 2.6.35-903.19?20:44
rsalvetiGrueMaster: don't know, what was fixed is the normal support of setting up the mac address20:45
rsalvetibut getting a segv is not that cool20:45
sveinsehrw: Does this affect the cross compiled apps in any way? I manually specify -march & friends, and I only rely on dynamic libc/libstc++20:45
rsalvetistill waiting the update =\20:45
hrwsveinse: should not for shared20:47
sveinsehrw: In regards of bug #683832, Does this mean that Qt uses some inline asm that triggers the failure?20:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 683832 in gcc-4.5-armel-cross (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "gcc fails to cross compile Qt (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68383220:52
GrueMasterrsalveti: I'm manually updating to 2.6.35-903.19 to see if the mac address fix helps.20:52
* hrw -> away20:52
rsalvetiGrueMaster: ok20:53
GrueMasterWould be nice if kernel/sru teams would get it released already.  I spent part of my holiday testing that.20:53
rsalvetithe sru released for kernel takes quite a while, I noticed20:54
GrueMasterOnly when it doesn't apply to security patches.  I went around this cycle several times during Lucid with network patches for both dove & babbage.20:54
rsalvetiGrueMaster: how can someone using an sd card update from one release to the other? it'll take hours!20:55
rsalvetia lot easier to backup and grab a new preinstalled image hehe20:55
GrueMaster~7 releases later, it was finally released into main.20:55
GrueMasterI find using a local mirror helps immensely.20:55
rsalvetisure, but the main problem is not getting the packages, but installing them20:56
rsalvetidpkg uses the disk a lot, and that is really slow20:56
GrueMasterGah!  Got distracted during reboot.  HDMI switch moved to a different system, then this system came up with garbled display.20:56
GrueMasterBut since these systems are mainly for development, it is easier to nuke & pave.20:57
GrueMasterInteresting.  Something in the panel (maybe the panel itself) is in a respawn loop.20:58
rsalvetiGrueMaster: yeah, with segv20:59
rsalvetianother weird segv issue20:59
rsalvetidoesn't happen all the time20:59
rsalvetiok, finished the update, time to reboot21:01
GrueMasterHmm.  Kernel -19 has no effect.  Still get the error about permanent mac in the log and the SEGV.21:01
rsalvetiok, good to confirm21:02
GrueMasterWow, this is new (for me).  I sometimes lose video in X.  Have to switch to text console & back.21:04
GrueMasternever saw that before.21:04
rsalvetiGrueMaster: underflow?21:04
rsalvetiGrueMaster: check dmesg21:05
GrueMasterYep.  GFX_FIFO_UNDERFLOW21:05
rsalvetiGrueMaster: known issue21:05
GrueMasterYea, I had heard about it.  Just never saw it before now.21:05
rsalvetihttp://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/maverick/kernel/es2/linux-image-2.6.35-903-omap4_2.6.35-903.18rsalveti2_armel.deb this kernel brings the changes needed to improve it21:06
GrueMasterIs it more pronounced on ES2.0?  That's what I'm currently testing on.21:06
rsalvetibut as the commits are not in the best shape, and it's just a workaround, we didn't move it further21:06
rsalvetiGrueMaster: yeah, probably because of a slower mem21:07
GrueMasterah.  figures.21:07
GrueMasterHey.  We have sunshine.  Haven't seen that much all year.21:07
GrueMasterKind of cool.21:07
GrueMasterWell, it is 1pm.  Need food.21:09
ogra_achmm, dmart is gone21:41
ogra_acNeko, usb-imagewriter needs porting to udisks first, i dont mind to add a line that calls zcat instead of dd if it finds a img.gz suffix indeed21:42
Nekozcat can write to a block file?21:42
ogra_acsee our installation instructions21:43
NekoI gotta get into GTK anyway21:43
Nekowe need to write some tools to properly control power management and all kinds on the Smartbook anyway21:43
Nekoturning off wireless/bluetooth etc. individually etc.21:43
Nekoseems there is no clever way to do that in GNOME or anything21:43
Nekoalso to control HDMI and audio on the Nettop21:44
ogra_acthere is no difference in "gunzip file.img | dd of=/device/foo" or zcat file.img >/device/foo21:44
ogra_acwhy would you write extra tools for any of that ?21:44
ogra_acjust fix integration with the existing tools21:44
Nekowell not so much write extra tools as extra panels in the existing tools :D21:45
Nekoas it stands though there is no existing tool for configuring HDMI settings21:45
ogra_acwell, for gnome-power.manager you just need to make the kernel DTRT21:45
Nekooh that21:45
ogra_acyeah, for HDMI you should add something to the display settings21:45
Nekowell sure there is a sysfs interface21:45
Nekoor will be21:46
ogra_acbut it should be generic enough that other machines with HDMI can use it21:46
Nekoyeah most of it is setting values that go into the AVI Infoframe and to select HDMI audio source (I2S or SPDIF)21:46
ogra_acafter all its just UI work and making sure your kernel sticks to existing standards21:46
Nekoright now we're rewriting battery and display drivers though21:46
ogra_acHDMI audio is trivially done by a pulse profile (as long as your ASoC devide works right)21:47
Nekobut you can run both21:47
ogra_acsure you can run both21:47
Nekothe idea is the hdmi chip is connected to both audio outputs. if you sink i2s to hdmi it converts it to hdmi. if you sink spdif to hdmi it spools it over hdmi21:48
ogra_acas long as alsa exposes them right to pulse21:48
Nekobut pulseaudio doesn't have any idea on how to switch between them, there is no way to add a setting users can poke21:48
Nekoit just makes sure it can use each device21:48
ogra_acwe use that on the pandaboard21:48
Nekothere just needs to be a switch somewhere to tell the chip which bus it's gotta move audio from21:48
ogra_acright, thats a matter of the driver21:49
Nekowe're taking the hint from the omap driver to add blocking notifier chains so they can all cooperate21:49
ogra_acjust expose all controls in alsa and have a switch inside the driver21:49
ogra_acyeah, thats what omap does21:50
Nekoehhh you can't have alsa controlling the hdmi audio switch it's freakish21:50
ogra_acworks fine on panda21:50
Nekowe'd have to hack the ASoc and SPDIF drivers to talk directly to the SII902221:50
ogra_acthats where that hack should happen21:50
Nekowell that's dumb it would not work on babbage21:50
Nekoor any other board on MX5121:50
ogra_acwhy would you lift it up to userspace and add latency21:50
Nekoor MX53.. it's board specific21:50
ogra_acbut well21:51
Nekowhat are you talking about21:51
ogra_acmake the kernel expose the right things and the userspace will behave right21:51
Nekoyou write a value to a sysfs file21:51
Nekoit changes whether i2s or spdif is going over hdmi21:51
ogra_acits all already there21:51
Nekoif it takes 5us or 5 seconds who cares21:51
ogra_acbut why dont you do it like everyone else and expose the switch in the asoc driver ?21:52
Nekothis isn't about somehow sending audio it's just a i2c register write21:52
ogra_acwhs does it need to be an additional sysfs control instead21:52
Nekoshow me where it bloody does this in another driver then21:52
ogra_acwhere all userspace tools can already handle it right21:52
ogra_aclook at the omap4 asoc driver in the omap4 kernel tree of ubuntu21:53
ogra_ac(and probably talk to liam)21:53
ogra_ac(ASoC upstream)21:53
Nekowe're not upstreaming shit. this is a hack so we can get it working.21:53
ogra_acalso known as lrg in here ;)21:53
ogra_acwell, if you dont want help, dont ask him then ;)21:53
ogra_acup to you21:53
Nekomaybe in 6 months we'll look for a fancy way of pushing it upstream but there's a good chance none of the drivers we're messing with now are even going into mainline, and the ones that are in mainline are broken as hell anyway21:54
ogra_acif you do a hack you will likely have to add more hacks to other areas (UI, userspace etc)21:54
Nekoit's a waste of time thinking about it21:54
ogra_acwhy ?21:54
ogra_acjust do it right and port that stuff forward later21:54
Nekobecause mainlining patches to one fucked up BSP driver and one broken mainline driver for this feature is a waste of time21:54
Nekowe're not thinking of mainline right now21:55
ogra_aci'm not talking about mainline21:55
Nekoupstream, mainline, whatever, it's the same thing21:55
Nekorivers, trains..21:55
ogra_aci'm just pointing you to the guy who knows most about SoC audio and can help you21:55
ogra_acanyway, i'm on vacation ...21:56
ogra_acjust took a quick look at mails21:56
Nekoeh there is no omap4 soc driver in the kernel tree for ubuntu21:56
ogra_acfeel free to send a patch for usb-imagewriter, I'll happily apply it if its sane21:56
Nekoomap-hdmi maybe?21:57
ogra_acmust be somewhere on the kernel teams git server21:57
Nekookay I see it, and you're talking crack. this is a specific driver to push audio over that bus. we don't need that21:57
Nekosome other driver pushes audio on the bus21:57
Nekothis is just a switch so we can tell the sii9022 which bus it is meant to be looking at21:57
Nekotechnically it'd be part of the framebuffer driver but we need the mxc_spdif and imx-ssi-3stack-sgtl5000 to report to it what the current audio playback settings are too,which is what the notifier is for.21:59
Nekonot framebuffer.. sii9022 i2c driver thingy. man this is too complicated. linux is so stuck in the early 90's :(22:00
Nekoanyway I figured it, coding it now22:01
=== robclark_ is now known as robclark

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