
head_victimcaryb: thanks for updating the wiki :D00:32
head_victimI've just added it to the loco directory as an event as well.00:32
=== Nozy1 is now known as Nozy
alvin1hey guys12:17
nisshhalvin1, yo :)12:17
nisshhalvin1, hows that for a quick reply? :)12:17
alvin1nisshh: much faster than me lol12:18
nisshhalvin1, can i help you with something?12:18
nisshhoh are you just here to hang out?12:18
alvin1nisshh: i have one question12:19
nisshhshoot :)12:19
alvin1nisshh: I'm trying to find a suitable antivirus, do you have any suggestions?12:19
nisshhalvin1, an antivirus for Ubuntu?12:20
alvin1nisshh: unusally request...I know12:20
nisshhalvin1, ok, you do know about the lack of viruses on linux, etc?12:20
head_victimalvin1: not sure exactly what you're after but I'd start with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security12:21
head_victimnisshh: if you're running shared drives with windows machines you should still cover yourself12:21
alvin1I transfer a lot stuff over from windows12:21
nisshhhead_victim, i know, im just making sure alvin1 knows, etc12:21
nisshhalvin1, google ClamAV :)12:22
alvin1has anybody tried clamav12:22
alvin1to quick12:22
nisshhalvin1, i tried it once, its very good :)12:22
alvin1I heard avg has launched linux edition12:22
alvin1there is also avant... but I don't have any experience with either12:23
nisshhhave they? meh, your better off with ClamAV anyway, no useless advertising and upgrade notifications that way :)12:23
nisshhalvin1, you mean avast?12:23
alvin1yes that's the one12:23
nisshhyeah, neither have i12:24
nisshhsupposedly its ok though12:24
alvin1I'll give clamav a try and let you know how i get on...cheers12:24
nisshhalvin1, no problem, good luck :)12:27
nisshhwhat a nice user :)12:27
head_victimOf course, you'd expect that from another bigpond user though.12:32
nisshhhead_victim, actually when he comes back i might let him know about the aarnet mirror12:33
nisshhspread the love! :)12:33
sagaciis he on bigpond12:34
sagaciforget that12:34
nisshhsagaci, yeah :)12:40
nisshhsagaci, us bigpond users are a dying breed :)12:40
nisshhthere is only a few of us left in the whole loco :)12:40
sagaciwhat do people use, iinet internode12:40
nisshhsagaci, yeah, a lot of people are switching from bigpond to internode and iinet, but they dont know that you can solve the uptime problems by not using bigponds DNS servers :)12:42
nisshhi have had no net problems since switching to opendns12:43
nisshhbigponds DNS servers made my dns requests time out all the time, so i was unable to access the net all the time (i had dropouts several times a day)12:43
nisshhevery day :)12:44
sagacii haven't had any trouble with my adsl2 connection in two years. I know we pay a bit more, the only thing i'd want is a bigger file server that's unmetered, in addition to aarnet12:44
nisshhsagaci, yeah, but your on internode :)12:45
sagaciat the moment i'm on mobile wireless but the majority of the time i use bigpond12:46
nisshhah ok12:46
nisshhsagaci, aarnet rocks :)12:47
nisshhthe file mirror i mean12:47
nisshhyou can get everything on there :)12:47
sagacithe old file mirror was sometimes better though12:47
sagacited talks and linux isos are good on aarnet12:47
sagacinot too much else for me so far12:47
sagacismall downloads like vlc firefox etc are non-issue12:48
sagaciand ubuntu updates12:48
nisshhheh, i get all my ubuntu iso's and linux kernel source code from aarnet, as well as using the ubuntu mirror12:48
sagaciwish they'd mirror the dev releases of ubuntu12:48
nisshhit saves me 5-7GB's a month :)12:48
nisshhsagaci, they do i thought12:49
sagacii'm on the 50gb plan and I used 75gb unmetered last month12:49
nisshhoh ok, only 10.1012:49
nisshhsagaci, holy crap, what do you download?12:49
sagacii think you have to ask them but they sometimes just say upgrade from 10.10 using dist-upgrade w/e12:49
sagaciwget -r'd the ted talks directory which was about 35gb and then linux isos, and openstreetmap i think12:50
sagacionly took a couple of hours12:50
nisshhah yeah12:50
nisshhsagaci, what is ted talks?12:51
sagacitechnology education design12:51
sagacilike presentations on topics12:51
sagacisome are good12:51
sagacibetween 9-25m usually12:51
nisshhah ok12:52
sagacifor example http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/TED-talks/JulianAssange_2010G_480.mp412:52
sagaciexplicit material in that one though12:53
sagaciI got into it after watching a richard dawkins and a ken robinson (education guy) presentation12:53
sagacianything else you use aarnet for?12:55
nisshhsagaci, not really, tbh12:59
sagacithe old file mirror of bigponds had podcasts, that's really the only thing I miaa13:02
sagacido you have a local ubuntu mirror13:03
nisshhno, i dontr13:03
nisshhi wasnt around when the old mirror was up13:03
nisshhwell, i just didnt know about it, tbh13:03
sagacii used to think it'd be a good idea but when my d/l speed is so good, i don't see the point13:03
nisshhsagaci, i have 8mbps, so its not really necessary for me either :)13:04
sagacido you rsync the isos or just get what you need when you need it13:04
nisshhjust occassionally13:04
nisshhwhen im upgrading/fresh installing really13:04
sagacii have around 20mbps13:04
nisshhi can get that speed here supposedly, but its fairly expensive13:05
sagaciannoys me that it now takes longer to install darn packages than to download them13:05
nisshhand 8mbps is fine for what i do tbh, i can download a cd image in like 10 minutes13:05
sagacii used to be on 8mbps, ~860kbps, but after switching up, I love 3m 30second iso download and post install download updates13:06
sagacii remember when I was on 256kbps and it took roughly 8hrs to download an ubuntu iso13:07
sagacieven sudo apt-get update was a big event13:08
nisshhsagaci, oh man yeah, i used to be on that speed (last year) then i get 1.5mbps and that was ok, but it doesnt compare to 8mbps :)13:09
nisshhi was on 1.5 for nearly a year13:09
sagaciyeah, i went dialup 28.8, 256, 1.5, 8, 2013:10
nisshhsagaci, i went dialup, 64, 256, 1.5, 8 :)13:13
sagacieach step felt like a breath of fresh air13:14
nisshhsagaci, my computer is so crap and old, my net connection loads the page and actually waits for my graphics chip to render the page :)13:14
nisshhyeah, hehe13:14
nisshhso my net connection is actually faster than my graphics card :)13:15
sagacii was so happy when I discovered wget13:17
sagacifirefox kept borking dvd iso files13:18
sagacilike 3.1gb into the download13:18
sagacianother tool i like is youtube-dl13:19
nisshhi love wget13:22
sagaciyeah and wget -c <313:26
sagacididn't ever think that kind of functionality existed13:26
nisshhsagaci, what does the -c option do?13:37
sagacicontinue mode13:38
nisshhah yeah13:38
Blank__very handy mode13:39
sagacioh, and i wish bp unmetered iview13:39
Blank__we don't watch enough stuff there for it to be an issue for us, but i agree13:40
Blank__i wish the abc didn't make it so difficult for shows to be downloaded from iview, either13:41
Blank__but that's a pipe dream really13:41
head_victimI just rsync the whole repo :D13:48
head_victimApparently no one even batted an eyelid at 450+gb of unmetered data in 2 days. No email complaining, nothing.13:49
sagacithen it just downloads the next updates as they come, yeah?13:50
Blank__oh wow13:50
head_victimsagaci: When it's where I want it properly on the home network I'll just set up scripts to auto update it like a "proper" mirror.14:06
head_victimNow I've got it it will only download the changes, not the whole lot again.14:06
sagaciyeah that's what i thought14:07
head_victimI have 3 Ubuntu PCs here and hopefully a 4th and if I really try my luck with the wife a 5th as well so it's almost worth it.14:08
=== chesty` is now known as chesty

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