
Kimmonothewrath: try #wikileaks01:17
capis there a way to get indiator to launch thunderbird and pidgin?01:42
aveilleuxcap: You mean to have them display in the indicator-applet?01:45
capyeah, pidgin shows up in there but not thunderbird.  It be nice to remove the things I don't use from there as well.01:46
aveilleuxcap: Thunderbird has a plugin called FireTray. Look for it in Tools > Add-Ons > Search01:47
aveilleuxcap: You can remove programs from the indicator applet by going to that program's prefs and disabling the tray icon.01:48
capthat's pretty neat.  Is there no way to have thunderbirds icon show up where the old mail one did?01:52
aveilleuxcap: Can you rephrase that question?01:53
aveilleuxcap: You mean remove the mail icon and put in Firetray?01:53
capyeah. sorry01:53
aveilleuxcap: You have to add Firetray, then remove the applet that contains the messaging icon02:13
capI don't think I understand fully.  Where can I add/remove applets.02:17
aveilleuxcap: Right-click, "Remove from Tray".02:18
aveilleuxcap: Removing that applet will also remove your volume control applet, but I can help you get it back.02:18
nit-witaveilleux, are you using the startup and gnome-volume-control-applet02:19
capi have a "Remove from Panel"option02:19
aveilleuxcap: That one02:21
aveilleuxnit-wit: Yes02:22
capok, done.02:22
aveilleuxcap: Did you install Firetray02:23
aveilleuxcap: It's showing up, yeah?02:24
capbut what I would like is for the thunderbird icon to have been in the panel I just removed.02:26
kristian-aalborgcan somebody help me get wireless working?02:27
kristian-aalborgI have a pcmcia card - MA401(RA) Rev.D02:27
kristian-aalborgit lists as eth1 for some reason02:27
nit-witaveilleux, cool I figured as such02:27
kristian-aalborgif I turn it on with ifconfig, I can see the available networks02:27
aveilleuxcap: You mean indicator-applet? The mail icon isn't in indicator-applet.02:28
aveilleuxThe Thunderbird icon doesn't appear in indicator-applet.02:28
aveilleuxIt appears in System Tray.02:28
capok that makes sense, so there's no way to get it to appear in the inicator-applet?02:29
aveilleuxcap: No, because that's not the way it's designed.02:29
capfair enough02:30
aveilleuxcap: Is there any particular reason you need it in there>02:31
paultagcap[asso] ?02:31
capi just liked the layout of it.  yeee paul02:31
paultagcap: <302:32
aveilleuxcap: The layout? The system tray performs the same function.02:33
capI just thought I'd be able to add and remove programs to the indicator app02:36
capno big deal though.02:36
paultagcap: rewrite it dide, that's what the CS degree is for, mang02:43
paultagdude *02:43
paultagman I'm lagging02:43
capgotta work on my C skills first02:45
paultagbbl, just a moment02:46
capspeaking of which, know of a good guide to setting up dev enviornments and what not?02:46
kristian-aalborglspci does not show the card, but lspcmcia does02:48
tux414I have a gateway NV79 with Intel core i3 processor and intel HD Graphics card. I am having trouble viewing the screen when I upgrade to 10.10. (The screen is completely dark until I do the system testing.) I can only view things on the laptop when i complete the system check. Plus my sound works on 10.10 but not on 10.0403:20
Silver_Fox_Good day10:11
Puck`hello Silver_Fox_ (:10:14
Silver_Fox_Hello Puck` . How are you?10:15
Puck`doing okay thank you, working on a new site again (:10:34
Silver_Fox_Sounds fun Puck`10:50
=== Axlin is now known as Axlin|AFK
hajourhai nlsthzn11:53
nlsthznhajour: how are you?11:53
hajouro alright thanks . and how are you nlsthzn11:54
nlsthznhajour: always good :p (lol@using support channels for idle chatting)11:55
hajoura ok.:)11:57
alvin1hi there12:06
alvin1does anybody know why the icon panel changes/removes programs on display12:08
Assemblerhas anyone got XPS L501x laptop ?12:44
AssemblerI am facing a USB live boot problem in ubuntu 10.10.12:44
Assemblerany suggestions ?12:45
Silver_Fox_Where does it fail Assembler  ?12:47
Silver_Fox_Is it even attempting to boot?12:47
Assembleryes, system is booting and itÅ› asking for the choices. But when i am trying to install the os it is showing some error msg.12:49
Assemblerit is showing some kind of live run file missing.12:50
AssemblerI tried is several times but again and again same message is displayed.12:52
hajourhai MichelleQ113:44
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
hajourpip just ask your question:)14:48
hajourif you dont say it then they dont know what your problem is14:50
pedro3005hajour, maybe all his keys are broken except for  .14:51
hajourno pedro little afraid14:52
hajourpedro3005,  i mean14:52
pedro3005I was kidding, haakoo14:52
pedro3005hajour *14:52
hajouri now pedro3005 but pip maybe not14:53
pedro3005hajour, he was probably testing his client or something14:54
hajourpip have say :sad, can't install 11.04 alpha :-(14:55
hajourpedro3005,  above this line14:57
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
br1_hi!! guess somebody could help me??17:31
hajourhai br1_17:33
br1_I just wanted to know how to delete a folder that has a lil lock on the up right corner17:33
hajoursometimes it takes a little bit of time for someone react.17:33
br1_guess those are locked for editing... everytime i try it says permission denied17:34
br1_or smth like that17:34
hajourbetter to asking your question right away.the one wo knows about it will respons17:35
br1_ok... so someone could please help me??17:35
karthick87br1_: what's the problem?17:37
hajouri have ask for you have a momeny ok?because i am not known very mutch from it17:37
karthick87br1_: if it is locked then try sudo rm -R /path/to/that/folder17:38
karthick87br1_: but what folder you are going to delete?17:38
capI want to learn php.  Any good articles you guys recommend?  I also need something to help get a dev environment setup17:39
br1_I used testdisk to recover a pictures folder, it saved in home/user but now that i retrieved the pics I can not delete it!!17:39
Geocosmsudo rm -R /home/user/FOLDERNAME17:40
Geocosmwhere FOLDERNAMe is the name of your pictures folder. :)17:40
Geocosmstlsaint_mobile St.L. like St. Louis?17:41
br1_oki'll try it rigt away17:42
br1_AWESOME!! you guys rock!!17:44
br1_now could you please tell me... what hapenned?17:44
geekosopherbr1_: may be had to run that program as a root?17:46
geekosopheri meant the testdisk program17:47
br1_yeah... i'm kinda new to Ubuntu so...17:48
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
br1_but thank you very much guys fior your help17:48
geekosopherbr1_: anytime... and its not difficult to learn ubuntu17:49
karthick87br1_: Glad it worked :)17:50
geekosopherI don't understand this... package 'gcc' installs gcc-4.4 when gcc-4.5 is already available! why?17:51
pleia2br1_: "root" is like the administrative user, they can do anything, so when you put "sudo" in front of a command it runs that command as the administrative "root" user17:52
pleia2geekosopher: gcc-4.5 isn't in ubuntu yet17:53
geekosopherapt-cache policy gcc-4.5 shows that 4.5.1 is there in main archives of maverick17:54
geekosopherpleia2: ^17:54
paultag!info gcc natty17:55
paultagdamn you, ubot217:55
ubot2paultag: gcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.97ubuntu3)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.5.1-1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB17:55
pleia2yeah, oops, I had a typo in my search17:55
pleia24.4 is still the default in maverick17:55
paultag!info gcc maverick17:55
geekosopherpaultag: didn't know you had to curse the bot to get the answer :D17:55
ubot2paultag: gcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.93ubuntu2)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.4-1ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB17:56
paultaggeekosopher: you have to hurt it's feelings for it to justify an answer to you17:56
paultag+1 pleia2 :)17:56
pleia2morning, paultag!17:56
paultagpleia2: morning! :)17:56
geekosopherso whats the reason, paultag, pleia2 ? Is there any house secret?17:58
tenachG'morning everyone.17:58
geekosophertenach: its time to say good night here :)17:59
pleia2geekosopher: versions only get into ubuntu once they are thoroughly tested and stable17:59
pleia24.5 doesn't seem to have made it in time17:59
pleia2now that maverick has been released, the version number won't change17:59
tenacho/ Silver_Fox_18:00
Silver_Fox_Hello tenach18:01
tenachgeekosopher: even if I wake up in the middle of the night, I consider "morning" to be when I first wake up for my day :D18:01
tenachLong time no see, Silver_Fox_ :D  How are you?18:01
geekosopheroh, I see, since I just started looking at this, may be it was 4.4 at the time when maverick was being developed18:01
pleia2geekosopher: yep :)18:01
geekosopherok, but now that 4.5 is there in main, I guess it is stable enough to be installed?18:02
pleia2yeah, you can install it18:02
geekosopherthanks for that18:03
pleia2it just won't be the default one that was used to compile everything else, so if you do something like compile a kernel module it won't build properly against the stock ubuntu kernel18:03
pleia2but for building you own stuff and other things from source, it should be fine :)18:03
geekosopheractually I am trying to teach myself C. Any pointers for online resources?18:03
paultagsee that could be taken two ways18:04
paultagthere you are18:04
paultagIt's funny because C uses pointers18:04
paultagget it? Ha!18:04
geekosopherpaultag: got it :)18:04
paultaggeekosopher: http://www.seas.gwu.edu/~simhaweb/C/lectures/module1/module1.html18:05
geekosopherone more thing, I just read somewhere that C++ is more recent than C and has more functions and all... so should I be learning C++ so that it will involve learning C "plus" as bit more? What is used more linux environment?18:09
paultaggeekosopher: no, C++ is more of a "fork"18:09
paultaggeekosopher: it's C with objects and a slightly changed syntax18:09
paultagbut valid C is valid C++18:09
geekosopherpaultag: ok, thanks!18:10
geekosopherjust asking for an opinion here... being a non-tech guy, how should I go about learning programming?18:12
pedro3005paultag, I would have laugh had you not explained it18:13
geekosophermany people say C is like the 'abc' of programming... and should be learnt first18:13
tenachgeekosopher: I disagree with that... haha.18:13
pedro3005geekosopher, my first language was python, I learned C after that18:13
paultagpedro3005: <3 :)18:14
tenachMy first language was Visual Basic 6, then PHP... I'm now learning myself C18:14
geekosopherok, so that breaks a myth18:14
pedro3005yeah, I bet paultag's first language was machine code18:15
tenachpedro3005: he *is* machine code, so I'd agree. Unless he doesn't know of/about himself, which I doubt.18:15
pleia2I find it's most useful to learn something that is useful to you at the time, my first programming was writing scripts for an IRC client, then web programming so I could make a site, etc etc18:15
pedro3005geekosopher, and tenach is giving php classes soon!18:16
pleia2I tried to learn java back in 2000, failed miserably because I didn't have a solid application for it18:16
geekosopherpedro3005: I would love to attend them18:16
pedro3005tenach, you should talk to pleia2 about the classes if you haven't already18:16
pleia2geekosopher: once they are scheduled, they'll pop up on http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/classroom.html18:17
tenachpedro3005: what are you talking about?18:17
pleia2that's the ubuntu classroom calendar, has all upcoming class events (none scheduled right now, sad!)18:17
geekosopherpleia2: bookmarked that18:17
pedro3005tenach, she is in the classroom team18:17
tenachpedro3005: ah, right.18:18
geekosopherI already have a 'ubuntu learning events' calendar added to my list of google cals... is that different?18:19
pleia2tenach: yeah, just give me a nudge when you decide upon a time :)18:19
pedro3005tenach, you made me doubt my own sanity there18:19
pleia2geekosopher: oh, it's the same calendar :)18:19
tenachpedro3005: <3 You're welcome.18:19
pedro3005geekosopher, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Development/Academy/IntroToPython might be interesting to you if you decided to give python a chance18:19
pedro3005I fail at typing today18:20
pleia2python certainly is one of the most popular languages in the ubuntu community, and it's a good one to learn in general18:20
geekosopherso if any one programming language is not a stepping stone to programming, is there anything like programming concepts or fundamentals that I need to learn first?18:21
tenachYou learn a lot about logic while programming, which carries across all languages (and even non-programming fields/daily life)18:21
tenachgeekosopher: I would just say go in to learning with an open mind. There aren't necessarily any prerequisites.18:22
pedro3005when you have a problem, stop and ask yourself18:22
pedro3005What would Guido do?18:22
tenachgeekosopher: Other than a willingness to learn and be challenged with problems :)18:22
pleia2pedro3005: haha18:22
asterismohi people18:23
asterismoi have a problema18:23
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:24
geekosopheryes, ubot2 answers that real fast18:24
pedro3005he's highly trained18:25
pedro3005studied for years in the buddhist schools of fast typing18:25
geekosopheroh, is it 'he'? be careful!18:26
pleia2I am pretty sure the ubot2s are female18:26
ubot2yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)18:26
pedro3005my uhh.... s key got stuck18:27
* pedro3005 hides18:27
asterismowith last updates on maverick, my keyboard lost the ability of type a character and keeping writing it when i hold the press in that character, i.e. for deleting an entire word, i have to press several times the backspace key, it stopped working the hold on and deleting...18:27
pleia2asterismo: can you look at your keyboard preferences? there is an option for changing that behavior18:29
pleia2should be: system > preferences > keyboard18:29
geekosopherok, gn guys (and gals) :)18:31
pleia2night geekosopher18:31
tenachNight geekosopher18:34
asterismoit was activated! but not working...18:34
asterismoi switched on/off again18:34
asterismoand it worls now18:34
asterismoworks now18:34
asterismothanks pleia218:35
ubot2You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)18:35
pleia2sounds like the update just did something a little funny, glad it's working now :)18:35
asterismodoes anybody uses PCSX2 for PlayStation 2 emulation?18:36
asterismomy 5 year old son wants to play with a cartoon network character Ben10 and the only game i could find is for nintendo DS and PS218:38
asterismothe nintendo DS is quite low resolution and tried to make PCSX2 run, but i have trouble for setting up the bios files18:39
asterismoi downloaded some bios files but don't know exactly what they mean, or how many files should i put in the /bios directory18:39
asterismoit keeps segfault, or freezing the app18:40
pedro3005hmm, sorry, I've never ran it18:44
=== compiledkernel is now known as kingbahamut
=== kingbahamut is now known as compiledkernel
kristian-aalborghi all19:17
kristian-aalborgI can't wrap my head around getting mpd to stream on my laptop19:17
kristian-aalborgI have it on the desktop already19:18
GeocosmWhat's MPD?19:50
bioterrormusic player daemon19:51
GeocosmAh never used it. I use PS3 Media Server to stream stuff to my PS3.19:57
stlsaint_mobilehey folks20:28
nlsthznhello :)20:30
=== Axlin|AFK is now known as Axlin
x77a1how to install x sensors on ubuntu 10.1022:44
geirhaBy installing the xsensors package I would assume. There's one in Ubuntu 10.04 at least, have you looked for it in Ubuntu 10.10?22:47
geirhaIn   Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center   that is22:47
x77a1its not downloadinf22:50
x77a1giving someerrors22:50
geirhaWhat errors?22:51
x77a1its saying could not find the package22:52
geirhaHm. Could be the downloaded package lists are out of date22:52
aveilleuxx77a1: Try running this command in Terminal: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lm-sensors xsensors22:53
x77a1ya got it ty22:55
aveilleuxx77a1: You're welcome. Sometimes packages in th--22:56
aveilleuxOh.... :c22:56
* paultag hugs aveilleux 23:01
paultagaveilleux: you rule.23:01
aveilleuxI know.23:01
aveilleuxI mean, thanks paultag :P23:01
paultagaveilleux: I can't count how many times that happens to me :)23:01
aveilleuxpaultag: It's depressing, but understandable,23:01
paultagsome people23:01
bodhizazenpaultag: poke23:32
tenachHe just bbl'd me23:33
tenachbodhizazen: ^23:33
bodhizazenAh thanks tenach23:35
firewall_03whats up everybody?23:35
tenachHello firewall_03 :)23:35
firewall_03this place was pretty dead over the weekend23:37
tenachIt happens sometimes.23:39
firewall_03I wasn't complaining just trollin around23:41
capis there a command like "xdg-open" that will allow a program to become active?23:57

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