
c2tarunanyone looked at #bug 68571103:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 685711 in openjdk-6 (Ubuntu) "jvm exit (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68571103:08
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^arky^hi jcastro03:41
c2tarunare there any defined coding standards for source codes (except proper indentation) that one has to follow before uploading a package??03:54
greg-gc2tarun: I don't know the answer to that question, but #ubuntu-motu would03:55
c2tarungreg-g: so i should repost this question in #ubuntu-motu??03:56
c2tarungreg-g: ok thanks :)03:57
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ralliasHas anyone else noticed the bug in gnash that when one applet crashes they all crash?08:35
TVTDid anyone succeed in connecting to Bluetooth PAN network in Ubuntu 10.10 ?11:47
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TVTAfter I've upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 I cannot do that:11:50
TVTtvt@ubuntu:~$ sudo pand -c '00:17:9A:3F:49:66' -n11:50
TVTpand[9065]: Bluetooth PAN daemon version 4.6911:50
TVTpand[9065]: Connecting to 00:17:9A:3F:49:6611:50
TVTpand[9065]: Connect to 00:17:9A:3F:49:66 failed. Permission denied(13)11:50
TVTI always have "Permission denied" message.11:51
c2tarunwhat is bitesize??12:24
nisshhc2tarun, small, tiny, miniscule, etc :)12:28
nisshhc2tarun, bitesize is a term from eating food, it means one mouthful :)12:28
c2tarunwhat is its reference to launchpad bugs??12:28
nisshhc2tarun, its a new bug program, so people find it easier to fix small bugs12:29
c2taruncan u please suggest me some small bugs to work on.12:30
nisshhc2tarun, do you have a mentor in the bugsquad?12:30
c2tarunnope. i requested but never assigned one. :(12:31
nisshhc2tarun, i see12:31
nisshhvish, ^^^^^12:31
nisshhc2tarun, how long ago did you request one?12:32
c2tarunmay be a week ago12:32
c2tarunhow can i have a mentor??12:33
nisshhc2tarun, well, you just need to request one really, but it may be the case that there are not any mentors able to take on new people at the moment12:34
* nisshh looks at the wiki12:34
nisshhc2tarun, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors <-- read the part about requesting a mentor, ensure you meet the requirements12:36
c2tarunnisshh: i m sorry to say but i signed the ubuntu code of conduct today only :(12:37
nisshhc2tarun, ah ok12:37
c2tarunshould i request again???12:39
nisshhc2tarun, hmmm, as long as you meet the requirements, yeah, although i pinged vish a minute ago, he is an admin for the mentorship program12:41
nisshhhe should be able to help you, but he doesnt appear to be around right now12:41
c2tarunok, i'll wait for wish12:42
c2tarunsorry vish12:42
c2tarunnisshh: i think i should apply for mentor again.  last time i did by some subscription. the page you gave me has some diff method for requesting + in list of students waiting i cant see my name. can u please tell me how to create my ubuntu wiki page12:54
c2tarunnisshh ....12:55
nisshhc2tarun, sure, i dont think that list of waiting students is used12:55
nisshhc2tarun, sorry if i take a minute to reply, im being pinged in 4 channels currenty :)12:55
c2tarunsure :) u are a busy guy. in step 2 i have to setup my ubuntu wiki page. how can i do that??12:56
nisshhc2tarun, to create your own wiki page, just go to say wiki.ubuntu.com/MyName and there is an option there to create the page if it doesnt exist12:58
c2tarunMyName should be my real name of my id12:58
nisshhc2tarun, for example, heres mine: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RyanMacnish12:58
nisshhc2tarun, it doesnt really matter, but most people use their real name12:58
nisshhsome use their launchpad id though12:58
nisshhor IRC nick12:59
c2tarunok i'll use my IRC nick as my launchpad id and irc nick are same12:59
nisshhsorry? that didnt make any sense :)13:00
c2tarunshould i use the BugSquad template??13:00
nigelbYou'd find that CamelCase wiki names are easier to link13:00
nisshh+1 nigelb13:00
nisshhc2tarun, just have a section about you, list your available hours and stuff, and maybe your irc nick and launchpad page13:01
nisshhc2tarun, it doesnt have to be flashy or anything13:01
nigelbc2tarun: here's an example wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Membership/BTWikiGuide13:05
c2tarunnigelb: thanks i was looking for it only13:06
nisshhnigelb, i was looking for the link that shows you how to create your own wiki page, but i cant find it :)13:06
nigelbnisshh: Yeah, I just look for the BT one which is generally pretty good :D13:10
nisshhnigelb, cool, ill remember that :)13:12
c2tarunnisshh: can u please take a look at this page... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/c2tarun13:31
nisshhc2tarun, sure13:35
nisshhc2tarun, yeah, thats good, just add the times in UTC time that you are available for the bugsquad and also which timezone you are in :)13:36
c2tarunwhat is UTC??13:37
reventon_has anybody been able to get unity working in virtual box on 11.04 alpha 1? i have 3d acceleration enabled, but when i try the normal desktop option at login it throws an error saying i don't have 3d support and just loads the normal desktop13:37
nisshhc2tarun, GMT time13:38
reventon_trying to figure out if i should report this13:38
c2tarunhow can i check my UTC13:41
nisshhc2tarun, UTC is a timezone, you will be in a timezone, just list on your wiki page what times you will be available13:43
charlie-tcareventon_, it will not work in Virtualbox13:45
charlie-tcaandol, no, it is not a valid bug13:45
reventon_so its a vbox issue. any idea if it works in vmware/parallels?13:46
charlie-tcaTo the best of my knowledge, it fails in all virtual machines13:47
c2tarunnisshh: can u please take a look again... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/c2tarun13:48
andolcharlie-tca: Think that as the second time recently you had an completion fail on my nickname :)13:48
charlie-tcaSorry, andol13:49
charlie-tcafixed that issue, I think13:50
nisshhc2tarun, sure13:55
nisshhc2tarun, yeah, that will do13:56
c2taruncan you please check that time i mentioned is correct.13:56
nisshhc2tarun, what do you mean by correct?13:57
c2taruncorrect means i mentioned the time i'll be free according to my local time.13:57
c2tarunis it correct or i should write something else too.13:58
nisshhc2tarun, well, you should say "ill be available from such and such UTC to such and such UTC"13:59
c2tarunthat is what i m not getting UTC means my local time of GMT time14:00
nisshhc2tarun, UTC is GMT time, they are just different names for the same thing, your local time is different14:01
hrwcan someone set importance: high for bug 684625? It is mine, I have a fix for it and it is scheduled for review14:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 684625 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "libc6 is compiled for armv5 instead of armv7a (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68462514:50
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vishpedro_: heya, so are we approving new members to the BS-mentor group or the new BS-mentor-alpha group?17:06
vishargh, that doesnt sound right. ok … no more shortening BugSquad17:06
vishnisshh: thanks, c2tarun seems to have applied only now for the mentor team. there is another new team for BugSquad mentoring which is not one-on-one , so once pedro_ gives the order, we'll approve c2tarun. :)17:10
nisshhvish, oh cool, i didnt know about a new mentoring team, whats different about it?17:10
vishnisshh: 5 mentors to mentee17:11
nisshhvish, 5 mentors _per_ mentee!?17:11
dakerhello devildante ツ17:12
vishnisshh: not _per_ , but can be at times , when there is only one mentee.. its more of a collective group being responsible for a mentee17:12
devildantehi daker :)17:12
nisshhvish, oh i see, sounds cool :)17:13
dakerhello nisshh vish ツ17:13
nisshhvish, so will this replace the existing mentor program? or compliment it?17:13
nisshhhey there daker17:13
vishhey daker :)17:13
vishnisshh: well, its still in trial phase , so not yet decided..17:14
nisshhdaker, im coding up a website :)17:14
nisshhvish, fair enough17:14
dakernisshh, for the ubuntu dev man ?17:14
nisshhdaker, no, actually, that will be in the ubuntu.com namespace17:15
nisshhdaker, but i have never done much web dev, so it will be interesting to see what i come up with :)17:15
dakernisshh, just tell me i you want some help ツ17:16
nisshhdaker, nah, i should be ok, i know html, css and javascript, its more a challenge for my lame design skills :)17:17
nisshhthanks for offering anyway :)17:17
dakernisshh, yw17:18
nisshhdaker, ill have to show you and see what you think once its done :)17:18
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dakernisshh, ok17:19
dakerdevildante, ubuntu-ma is about to die :s17:22
devildantedaker: I'm coming to the rescue :p17:22
nisshhdaker, ubuntu-ma being which loco?17:25
devildantenisshh: for morocco17:25
dakernisshh, slow death17:25
nisshhah, yes, ive heard about that one17:26
devildantedaker: don't you think we should attract more people?17:26
nisshhdaker, devildante, my loco, ubuntu-au is currently trying to get reapproved17:27
devildantenisshh: great :)17:27
dakerdevildante, i am doing all the necessary, starting from the wiki to animate the facebook group17:29
devildantedaker: super-great17:29
dakerdevildante, i guess you are not on facebook17:30
devildantedaker: nope17:30
Ynot_82Hi all, looking for advice17:33
Ynot_82I've filed a bug that deals with a generic packaging problem17:33
Ynot_82Bug affects an unknown number of upstream applications17:33
Ynot_82Currently there's only a single upstream associated with the bug17:33
Ynot_82Is there a generic "packaging" category that I can associate the bug with?17:34
Ynot_82(Just FYI - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hedgewars/+bug/685421)17:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 685421 in hedgewars (Ubuntu) "Packaging bug - Image file alteration causes issues (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:34
micahgYnot_82: scour and pkgbinarymangler are your 2 packages to file against17:41
micahgthat's for svgs17:41
micahgYnot_82: pkgbinarymangler is one, I forget what the png optmizer is, take a look at the changelog for pkgbinarymangler17:45
Ynot_82micahg: thanks17:45
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c2taruni dont know whether it is a bug or not, but before reporting i just wanted to discuss it here. whenever i run my laptop on battery and try to play a movie, it plays smoothly in window form. but when i switch my player to full screen the smoothness goes away. movie runs a bit slower and not that good quality.18:02
devildantec2tarun: only on battery?18:03
c2tarundevildante: yup only on battery. when i plug it to power movie plays fine in window and in full screen mode18:03
micahgc2tarun: cpu scaling?18:04
c2tarunnever heard of that, but my friend using lucid only with slower processor, less ram and no graphic card, never encounters such problem. is the problem with graphics driver or something??18:05
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c2taruni m using core i3 processor, with 4GB ram and 1GB ATI Radeon Graphic card18:06
micahgc2tarun: yeah,so you're probably having cpu scaling on batter power18:06
charlie-tcadifferent hardware results in different cpu power on battery18:06
micahggnome-power-manager might be able to fix that18:06
micahgor a panel applet18:06
c2tarunhow to fix this by gnome power manager??18:07
micahgc2tarun: that's a support question, I don't use it18:09
bdmurraymicahg: could you look at 684858?  It might be firefox / xubuntu specific18:39
micahgbdmurray: yeah, I can look into it later tonight18:41
bdmurraypedro_: where do I find the unity team / developers?  bug 68405218:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 684052 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) "live CD does not have reboot on the power menu (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68405218:44
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pedro_bdmurray, #ubuntu-desktop18:44
CarlFKsudo apt-get install atftp ... Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/universe atftp i386 0.7.dfsg-9.223:35
CarlFK  Something wicked happened resolving 'fe80::208:2ff:fea0:abcf:8000' (-9 - Address family for hostname not supported)23:35
CarlFKI am not trying to do ipv623:35
CarlFKit is a mostly vanilla natty install with squid-deb-proxy-client23:36
CarlFKwhich I am guessing is where the bug is, but would like someone to confirm23:37
CarlFKhttp://dpaste.de/Kxxr/  all of apt-get spew23:46

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