
=== xfaf is now known as zul
MikeS11Hello fellow Canadians!16:44
dscassel_Hi MikeS11. :)16:58
=== dscassel_ is now known as dscassel
MikeS11have a good weekend?16:58
dscasselYeah, actually.16:58
dscasselI'd been offline most of last week. Managed to get internets back on Sunday.16:59
dscasselDo anything exciting?16:59
MikeS11backcountry skiing, bought a truck. needless to say it was a good weekend.16:59
dscasselNice. :)16:59
dscasselWhere'd you ski?16:59
MikeS11southern BC. coast mountain range. very close to whistler.17:01
MikeS11dscassel: I started with shaw for my internet last week. I got a great deal and they hooked me up the next morning. Which provider are you with?17:13
dscasselMikeS11: I'm on Primus.  I got grandfathered in after they bought magma (which bought wiznet, which bought dsl.ca, which was the last ISP I actually signed up with).18:02
dscasselI'm thinking about switching to TechSavvy cable. Not that Primus is horrible, but they're ambiguous about whether they filter.18:03
MikeS11In BC the big ISPs are telus/shaw. shaw doesn't filter, they don't forward nastygrams(pirating) and they have a feature called speedboost (first little bit of a download is unmetered with no restrictions on your speed). telus does non of this.18:05
dscasselMy choices for big players in SW Ontario are Bell and Rogers. I'll take none of the above. :P18:06
MikeS11Noted, in case I move out east.18:06
dscasselI think Shaw is in Toronto, but not here.18:07
johanbrI don't think Shaw has any end-user networks in Toronto19:15
johanbrthey bought Mountain Cable in Hamilton a year or two ago, which apparently caused Rogers to throw a fit19:15
johanbrthey had some kind of agreement not to enter each other's territory19:16
dscasselHurray for collusion!19:16

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